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Diversity (Student)
"If There Is a Better Intercultural Plan in Any School System in America, I Do Not Know Where It Is": The San Diego City Schools' Intercultural Education Program, 1946-1949
Explores the history of the San Diego City Schools' attempts at intercultural reform after World War II, noting educators' response to specific student and community needs in the wake of racial, ethnic, and religious tensions. The 3-year intercultural program was one of the first of its kind in California and became a model for other cities to follow.
"Making Democracy Real": Teacher Union and Community Activism To Promote Diversity in the New York City Public Schools, 1935-1950
Examines how an interracial coalition of radical teachers from the Teachers Union of New York City and community activists from Harlem promoted black history and intercultural curriculum and collaborated with parents for school reform during the 1930s-40s. Their efforts to develop more culturally responsive schools were derailed in the late 1940s by the red-baiting of progressive scholars and teacher union activists during the cold war.
"Other" Encounters: Dances with Whiteness in Multicultural Education
Reviews four books in order to examine the contradictory and ambivalent spaces occupied and co-occupied with multicultural education, locating multicultural education within the Eurocentric regimes of truth (democracy, pluralism, and equality) and addressing how the books rectify or contest the regimes of truth moving within and against the parameters of the white studies configuration of higher education. (SM).
"Our Own Voice": The Necessity of Chicano Literature in Mainstream Curriculum
Discusses the importance of Chicano literature in mainstream curriculum for higher educational attainment and personal fulfillment, providing historical background on the education of Chicanos, describing Chicano literature, and making recommendations for implementing Chicano literature at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. Notes the importance of teaching Chicano students how their culture differs from other Hispanic cultures.
"The Light in Her Eyes." An Interview with Sonia Nieto
Presents an interview with educators' educator Sonia Nieto--an author of two important books ("The Light in Their Eyes: Creating Multicultural Learning Communities," and "Affirming Diversity: The Sociopolitical Context of Multicultural Education"). Discusses her books, avoiding stereotypes, current issues in multicultural education, how and what is taught, exploring unconscious attitudes, and linguistic diversities.
"Water as Rough as an Elephant's Foot..." Learning Geography through Poetry Writing at KS2
Describes how bilingual fourth and fifth graders at one London elementary school learned geography by writing poetry. This effort involved: engaging with the topic, consolidating knowledge and understanding, and extending knowledge and understanding.
(Dis)Integrating Multiculturalism with Technology
Examines whether K-12 teachers are prepared to use technology in innovative and effective ways to authentically present multicultural education, examining the potential inability of teachers to provide an authentic version of multicultural education in the presence of technology as both an individual decision and as the result of generally underconceptualized teacher preparation in the instruction of multicultural education. (SM).
A Cultural Mosaic
The diversity program initiated in a Philadelphia high school is based on the following principles: teachers should educate themselves about diversity, spread and reinforce the word, think outside the box, lead by example, and use multiple strategies to prepare students to succeed in a multicultural world. (JOW).
A Diversity Grab Bag
Suggests 15 strategies for introducing the concept of diversity to children including: (1) promoting conversation; (2) making the familiar different; (3) exploring music; (4) learning about celebrations; (5) showing objects; (6) taking field trips; (7) introducing foods; (8) encouraging empathy; (9) collaborating with different people; and (10) communicating with parents. (SD).
A Diversity Research Initiative: How Diverse Undergraduate Students Become Researchers, Change Agents, and Members of a Research Community
This report presents information on the University of Massachusetts Boston's Diversity Research Initiative (DRI).
A Few Words about Diversity and Rigidity: One Director's Perspective. Food for Thought
Discusses implementing multicultural curricula in early childhood settings. Maintains that early childhood educators need to accept and learn to: live with their personal biases while identifying and confronting them to teach tolerance and acceptance; customize work to staff and children in the program, and be aware of the danger of putting theories ahead of serving individual children and families.
A Program for Change: Educating for Racial Diversity
The six stages of the concerns-based adoption model (CBAM) (G. Hall, R.
A Student Programmer's Guide to Developing Multicultural Activities at Community Colleges
Ten steps to success in multicultural campus-activities programming are outlined: seek new perspectives; learn issues and terminology; learn how the three stages of diversity apply to programming; build alliances with other student groups; co-sponsor events; build bridges with faculty; include educational components in programs; be creative; reach out to the community; and seek help from professionals. (MSE).
A World of Difference: Readings on Teaching Young Children in a Diverse Society
As teachers encounter a wider variety of children and families than ever before, dealing with all the differences can be demanding. This book provides a collection of 45 readings reflecting the strong, continuing current of thoughtful work on teaching young children in a diverse society to help teachers and prospective teachers respond to the challenges and opportunities posed by classroom diversity.
Action Research and Practical Inquiry: Multicultural Content Integration in Gifted Education: Lessons from the Field
An informal survey of 71 teachers of the gifted participating in an in-service course on gifted education suggested that many teachers had goals and experiences related to multicultural curricula for gifted children. Through the survey, teachers also identified obstacles they encountered in implementing multicultural activities and benefits they perceived.
Addressing Diversity through a Field-Based Center for Professional Development and Technology
To meet the challenges of student diversity, the Southwest Texas Center for Professional Development and Technology offers school-family-community partnerships with urban schools. Preservice teacher interns participate in field-based experiences where they interact with diverse students in various settings over a semester.
Adult Role Models: Needed Voices for Adolescents, Multiculturalism, Diversity, and Race Relations
Examines parents', teachers', and administrators' beliefs about positive race relations and multiculturalism. Interview data indicate that parents and school role models are working to model acceptance of all cultures, and they understand that contacts and interactions with people of all races are necessary to make children better persons, lessening prejudice and biases not suitable in a diversified society.
Adult Role Models: Needed Voices for Adolescents, Multiculturalism, Diversity, and Race Relations
It examines parents', teachers', and administrators' beliefs about positive race relations and multiculturalism. Interview data indicate that parents and school role models are working to model acceptance of all cultures, and they understand that contacts and interactions with people of all races are necessary to make children better persons, lessening prejudice and biases not suitable in a diversified society.
Advocating Social Justice and Cultural Affirmation: Ethnically Diverse Preservice Teachers' Perspectives on Multicultural Education
Investigated the attitudes of culturally diverse student teachers regarding multicultural education, social justice, and cultural affirmation. Surveys of preservice teachers before they were exposed to theories of multicultural education indicated that most were committed to teaching students of color and prioritized tasks addressing issues of social justice and curriculum that affirmed the cultures represented in the classroom.
Affirming Diversity: The Sociopolitical Context of Multicultural Education. Third Edition
This book examines the meaning, necessity for, and benefits of multicultural education for students of all backgrounds, providing a conceptual framework and suggestions for implementing multicultural education in today's classrooms. It presents case studies, in the words of students from a variety of backgrounds, about home, school, and community experiences and how they influence school achievement.
Affirming Diversity: The Sociopolitical Context of Multicultural Education. Third Edition
This book examines the meaning, necessity for, and benefits of multicultural education for students of all backgrounds, providing a conceptual framework and suggestions for implementing multicultural education in today's classrooms. It presents case studies, in the words of students from a variety of backgrounds, about home, school, and community experiences and how they influence school achievement.
African American and White Adolescents' Strategies for Managing Cultural Diversity in Predominantly White High Schools
Examined 3 strategies used by 77 African American and 138 White high school students to manage cultural diversity: multicultural, separation, and assimilation strategies. Discusses results in relation to forces supporting adolescents' strategy development and the implications of strategy use for adjustment in predominantly white schools.
Already Reading Texts and Contexts: Multicultural Literature in a Predominantly White Rural Community
Examines how the inclusion of multicultural texts played out in one predominantly white rural community, focusing on repercussions of a key event that set off conflict in the community and describing how various interpretations of this event haped teachers' and community members' beliefs about the selection, interpretation, and teaching of multicultural literature. (SM).
America Reads Challenge: Tutors to Teachers
Investigated how the America Reads Challenge might help recruit tutors to the teaching profession. Focus groups and surveys of college tutors in urban settings indicated that they enjoyed the experience and believed it increased and confirmed their desire to teach.
American Mixed Race. The Culture of Microdiversity
This book presents a collection of papers on microdiversity that underscore the reality and scholarship of racial difference within single individuals and groups. The book includes 22 papers in 5 parts.
An Alien among Us: A Diversity Game
The game described in this booklet is designed to broaden the players' perspectives on human diversity and to help them appreciate and value people of different backgrounds. In the game, players are asked to select the best candidates for an interplanetary mission on the basis of certain characteristics.
An America Curriculum?
Using data from a one-year field study of elementary and secondary social studies classes, the paper examines images of America actually being conveyed in elementary and secondary school classrooms, considering how schools are serving the purposes of Americanization and assimilation while the traditional study of America is being renegotiated and discussing what is influencing the provision of certain messages. (SM).
An Observational Study of Multicultural Education in Urban Elementary Schools
Presents an observational study of multicultural educational practices within 12 elementary schools in a major metropolitan area of the south central region of the United States. Reveals the use of the Multicultural Teaching Observation Instrument in measuring teacher support of students, classroom equity, and integration of students' culture within a multicultural education setting.
An Urban Field Experience for Rural Preservice Teachers: "I'm Not Afraid--Should I Be?"
Investigated the impact of an urban field experience on rural/suburban preservice teachers, examining what they learned and how they applied their learning. Data from observations and student self-reports indicated that the experience was very positive for the participants, and it raised their consciousness about urban education.
Angela: A Pedagogical Story and Conversation
Presents a fictional account of one teacher's experience with an Aboriginal student, focusing on the details in each section of the story to highlight the many preconceived notions teachers may have when dealing with Aboriginal students. A sidebar offers guidelines for establishing a safe environment for discussing and learning about culturally sensitive issues.
Anti-Bias Teaching To Address Cultural Diversity
Multiculturalism must be integrated into classrooms and the curriculum, and it must be all-encompassing, taught through formal lessons and modeled and demonstrated at all times. Describes how teachers can create an anti-bias curriculum and promote a multicultural or anti-bias classroom.
Art Education: Does Multiculturalism Equal Diversity?
In U.S. schools, art education at many levels focuses predominantly on Western European art.
Art-Centered Approach to Diversity Education in Teaching and Learning
Describes the advantages of an art-centered approach to diversity education in teaching and learning, which provides students with both a window into others' reality and a mirror that reflects their own cultural identity and community. Explains how to craft an art-centered approach to diversity education, offering examples of instructional activities and strategies and sample ethnographic research projects.
Assessing Dispositions toward Cultural Diversity among Preservice Teachers
Assessed preservice teachers' attitudes toward cultural diversity prior to entering into multicultural education courses at an urban university. Respondents indicated strong support for implementing diversity issues in the classroom and high levels of agreement with equity beliefs and the social value of diversity.
Assessing the Issues of Multiracial Students on College Campuses
This preliminary study focuses on multiracial college students' attitudes regarding the challenges they experience on campus. Results highlight counseling issues that affect multiracial college students and how college counselors' perceptions of diversity need to be broadened to accommodate the rapidly growing multiracial and multiethnic student population.
Beautiful Me! Celebrating Diversity through Literature and Art
Describes the "Beautiful Me!" kindergarten unit, which uses children's literature to help children develop a rich vocabulary to describe themselves, their friends, and family, and to avoid words placing people into categories and stereotypes. Activities include providing various skin-tone crayons for drawing and using craft materials to depict hair with different textures, colors, and thickness.
Beyond Access: Methods and Models for Increasing Retention and Learning among Minority Students. New Directions for Community Colleges, Issue 112. The Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education Series
This edition of New Directions for Community Colleges offers community college educators alternative models, approaches, and perspectives to consider in working with ethnic minority students. The volume addresses issues of assessment, career and educational goals, learning enhancement, success courses, mentoring programs, campus climate, educational technology, and the integration of nonminority instructors into the minority environment.
Beyond Classroom-Based Early Field Experiences: Understanding an "Educative Practicum" in an Urban School and Community
Examined the experiences of preservice teachers in an urban school and community-based early field experience (integrated with foundations of education and general methods courses). Data from observations, interviews, reflective writings, and focus groups highlighted five categories of student experience: deepening multicultural, eye-opening and transformational, masked multicultural, partially miseducative, and escaping experiences.
Beyond Dualism: Towards a Dialogic Negotiation of Difference
Explores the development of a critical pedagogy that interrogates commonly held assumptions about identity and culture in social, political, and historical perceptions of cultural difference. Attempts to deconstruct dichotomizing tendencies of thinking about differences by conceptualizing a "third space" in which to live critically.
Beyond Multiple Intelligences: Implications for Multicultural Teachers
Since intelligence is a highly respected universal value, education must build on sociocultural and educational expectations of diverse learners. Multicultural education is useful in tapping diverse learners' multiple intelligences.
Bilingual Education and Social Change. Bilingual Education and Bilingualism: 14
A case study is provided of dual-language planning and implementation at the Oyster Bilingual School, a successful Spanish-English public elementary school program in the District of Columbia. The first three chapters offer background information for understanding how the program interacts with the larger sociopolitical context of minority education in the United States.
Bilingual Education Policy and Practice in the Andes: Ideological Paradox and Intercultural Possibility
Discusses bilingual education policy and reform in the context of indigenous languages of Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia, exploring the ideological paradox inherent in transforming a standardizing education into a diversifying one and in constructing a multilingual, multicultural national identity. Data come from policy documents and practitioner narratives.
Black English in a Place Called Waterloo
For many black students, the school language differs significantly from the home language, but preservice education rarely examines this issue. This article examines implications for teaching children who use two different forms of language to navigate the demands of their contrasting sociolinguistic speech communities, discussing: how teacher attitudes and knowledge affect practice; dual language demands; ebonics; and language as power.
Blending Cultural Anthropology and Multicultural Education: Team Teaching in a Teacher Education Program
Describes how a large urban university and K-6 classroom teachers collaborated to design an undergraduate teacher education program in elementary and special education, creatively combining subject matter curriculum with educational issues and pedagogy to better prepare teachers to succeed in diverse urban schools. The result was the team-taught Liberal Studies Seminar in Anthropology.
Book Browse: A Creative Approach to Meaningful Language Learning
Describes one elementary teacher's use of the Book Browse literacy activity, which allows Spanish-speaking students to examine books informally in pairs or small groups. Book Browse provides a highly social situation where multiple conversations can occur among these children who need exposure to expressive language as they develop skills in both Spanish and English.
Books Can Spark Multicultural Awareness
Asserts that children are naturally curious about differences around them, and it is important to introduce children early to multicultural awareness. Provides a book list and some tips for using literature as a tool to teach children about differences, similarities, acceptance, and the benefits of living in a varied society.
Breaking Down the Walls: Camp/School Program Brings Diverse Communities Together
The Discovery Center (Ashford, Connecticut) is a camp/university/school program that provides a positive diversity experience to preadolescents through experiential education in an outdoor, residential setting. Students from at least four cultural groups are mixed for all cabin and lab groups, and all camp activities are retooled to pursue the goal of comprehensive diversity education.
Breaking Racial Stereotypes by Reconstructing Multicultural Education
Racial stereotypes and discrimination have destroyed many bright futures by limiting the possibilities of people of color in America. Describes two initiatives that can be implemented in schools in order to help destroy negative images of race and reconstruct a more healthy foundation to build on: multiculturalism across the curriculum and multicultural awareness inservices for teachers.
Bridging Cultures between Home and School: A Guide for Teachers--With a Special Focus on Immigrant Latino Families
This book focuses on how to meet the challenges of education in a pluralistic society, presenting the Bridging Cultures framework, which is designed for understanding differences and conflicts that arise in situations where school culture is more individualistic than the home value system.
Bridging Cultures in Our Schools: New Approaches That Work. Knowledge Brief
This publication describes how teachers can begin to gain understanding of diverse students and families and their cultural values, behavioral standards, and social ideals. It presents specific examples of cross-cultural conflicts and illustrates strategies for resolving them.
Building an International Student Teaching Program: A California/Mexico Experience
This paper describes the first year of an international student teaching project conducted in Mexicali, Mexico, which was successful in helping U.S. participants develop cultural understanding and critical teaching skills needed to work with English learners.
Building an International Student Teaching Program: A California/Mexico Experience
This paper describes the first year of an international student teaching project conducted in Mexicali, Mexico, which was successful in helping U.S. participants develop cultural understanding and critical teaching skills needed to work with English learners.
Celebrating Bidialectalism: Reconceptualizing the Role of Language and Culture in the Acquisition of Literacy and Literary Skills among African American and Other Ethnically Diverse Students
This paper addresses the issue of how to make school matter to historically disenfranchised, inner city African American youth, as well as youth from other struggling ethnic minority groups. It asserts that one way to do this is to reconceptualize approaches to the acquisition of literacy and literacy skills in teaching, engaging, and motivating African American and other ethnic minority students.
Celebrating Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Head Start
Noting that the dramatic demographic changes in the United States in the last 30 years require that Head Start programs learn how to access new populations, encourage their participation, and tailor programs to meet their unique needs, this study was commissioned to better understand the diversity in language and culture of the Head Start population.
Changes in Preservice Teachers' Knowledge and Beliefs about Language Issues
Examined how predominantly female, white preservice teachers' knowledge and beliefs about language issues changed after an intensive multicultural education course. Data from surveys and course assignments indicated that students made significant gains in three areas: personal beliefs about diversity; professional beliefs about diversity; and multicultural education knowledge.
Changing Teacher Candidates' Beliefs About Diversity
This study investigated how preservice teacher education program experiences and student life experiences related to positive changes in teacher candidates' attitudes toward student diversity. Five preservice teachers at the University of Utah completed interviews during their final term in the program.
Chinese New Year Dragons
Presents an art project, used in a culturally diverse curriculum, in which second grade students create Chinese New Year dragons. Describes the process of creating the dragons, from the two-week construction of the head to the accordion-folded bodies.
Citizenship, Democracy and Political Literacy
Draws on the Crick Report, Education for Citizenship and the Teaching of Democracy in Schools, to examine citizenship, democracy, and political literacy, considering the report's potential as a framework for promoting racial equality in European schools. Discusses the following issues: racism and the education system; racism, democracy, and citizenship education; and human rights and political literacy.
Class, Cultism, and Multiculturalism
Globalization has hurt both developed and developing countries. Capitalism's relations of exploitation can hurt people of color in disabling ways.
Classrooms for Learners, Not Winners and Losers
Differentiated instruction is an umbrella concept that allows teachers to pull together many disparate messages about multicultural education, alternative teaching and learning strategies, alternative assessments, learning styles, and standards. Developing a range of instructional strategies represents a fine tuning, not a new instrument.
Cognitive Appraisal Theory: A Psychoeducational Model for Connecting Thoughts and Feelings in Multicultural Group Work
A cognitively oriented psychoeducational model based on appraisal theory is introduced in this paper for helping participants understand each other's subjective experiences in multicultural group work. Psychoeducational groups, originally developed for use in educational settings, stress growth through knowledge.
Collaborative and Experiential Learning in a Human Diversity Course
A series of collaborative and experiential activities was designed to provide learning opportunities for students enrolled in an interdisciplinary human diversity course. Students were required to participate in a group project and were given class time to work with the group designing the presentations.
Colloquium on Student Achievement in Multicultural School Districts: Keynote Address
In educating diverse students, the emphasis should be on what teachers do to make children succeed. Poverty and culture are not impediments to learning, but the quality of service children receive can be an impediment.
Coming to Terms with "Diversity" and "Multiculturalism" in Teacher Education: Learning about Our Students, Changing Our Practice
Teacher educators addressed negative student responses to a multicultural foundations course by designing an action research study to investigate students' identities, experiences, and beliefs. Analysis of written assignments and focus group discussions uncovered three categories of beliefs about the purposes of schools in relation to cultural diversity.
Common Sense about Uncommon Knowledge: The Knowledge Bases for Diversity
This book explains knowledge bases for teaching diverse student populations. An introduction displays one first-year teacher's experiences with diverse students in a high school classroom in San Angelo, Texas in 1961.
Community Leadership in a Pluralistic Society
Describes the characteristics of effective leadership and leaders, observing that good leadership entails the judicious balancing of stability and change, the incorporation of diverse opinions including those of subordinate as well as dominant individuals and groups, and the ability to learn from school discord and failure. Asserts that good leaders are people who live in, between, and beyond their indigenous groups.
Confessions of a Canon-Loving Multiculturalist. School Reform and the Language Arts Curriculum
Bitter ideological battles exist over hegemonic control of classroom exchange in high school language arts classes. Discusses the debate over the selection of literature that students will read, noting the influence of the dominant culture, the resistance to inclusion of multicultural literature in these classrooms, and the importance of promoting a multicultural emphasis.
Confronting the Challenge of Diversity
Framing diversity as a problem sets the stage for how communities will react to the change. Unfortunately, American schools have historically seen cultural assimilation of immigrants and nonwhites as central to their mission.
Cooperative Learning in Israel's Jewish and Arab Schools: A Community Approach
Describes the creation of the cooperation, investigation, literacy, and community (CILC) model within a holistic educational project in Acre, a Jewish-Arab mixed city in northern Israel, focusing on the implementation of cooperative learning at the schools and the work of the dropout investigative task force which was created to build community in the city and prevent dropout. (SM).
Cooperative Learning: Effective Approach to a Multicultural Society
Tension and anxiety are prevalent among students from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. With the rapidly changing population demographics of the United States and the significant growth of diverse multicultural groups, schools and professionals are being challenged as to how to provide the best comprehensive education to their increasingly diverse student populations.
Counseling Muslim Children in School Settings
Describes basic issues regarding the education and counseling of Muslims. Several issues emerged for concern including home/school relations, family values, peer relations and dating, and curriculum problems.
Counselors, Students of Color, and College: Student-Centered and Systemic Multicultural Interventions
Student demographics on campuses increasingly reflect diversity. A counselor's ability to help this emerging campus population requires the use of multicultural interventions that affect the student and the system.
Creating a Campus Climate in Which Diversity Is Truly Valued
Highlights the development and implementation of a multifaceted program at Middlesex Community College in Massachusetts. The program, which includes curriculum changes, new student organizations, international student fellowships, and orientation activities, was designed to create a more inclusive campus environment.
Creating Highly Motivating Classrooms for All Students: A Schoolwide Approach to Powerful Teaching with Diverse Learners. The Jossey-Bass Education Series
This book focuses on teaching diverse students, providing a pedagogical framework and concrete strategies that school staff and educators can use in the context of: professional development related to school renewal; professional development related to K-12 teaching; and teaching strategies for K-12 classrooms.
Creating Highly Motivating Classrooms for All Students: A Schoolwide Approach to Powerful Teaching with Diverse Learners. The Jossey-Bass Education Series
This book focuses on teaching diverse students, providing a pedagogical framework and concrete strategies that school staff and educators can use in the context of: professional development related to school renewal; professional development related to K-12 teaching; and teaching strategies for K-12 classrooms. The book also describes how school-based teams can be prepared to serve as staff developers, school renewal facilitators, and instructional leaders.
Creating Multicultural School Climate for Deaf Children and Their Families. Sharing Ideas
This monograph offers a variety of suggestions for creating a supportive multicultural climate for deaf children and their families. A section on responding to changing needs notes the special needs of deaf children from diverse backgrounds and suggests 7 strategies for developing cultural competence and 11 suggestions for improving outreach services.
Creating Safety To Address Controversial Issues: Strategies for the Classroom
Presents seven elements of a safe classroom in controversy-driven courses, where students can exchange ideas rather than emotions as they learn and discuss. The elements are: collegiality, empowerment, role modeling, preparation, shared purpose, reflection, and commitment.
Creating World Peace, One Classroom at a Time
Recounts activities from a kindergarten classroom to illustrate how a multicultural approach cultivates a school environment embracing diversity and educating students about responsibilities associated with freedom. Stories include those related to students viewing each other in terms of individual characteristics rather than their ethnic group, creating a mind map for Earth Day, and cooperating with older students to write class letters against child labor.
Creativity and Collaborative Learning: The Practical Guide to Empowering Students, Teachers, and Families. Second Edition
These 24 papers explain how using the collaborative learning model can help teachers address classroom challenges. Section 1, "Toward Creativity and Collaborative Learning in the 21st Century," begins with "Toward Whole Schools: Building a Movement for Creativity and Collaborative Learning in the 21st Century" (J.
Creativity and Giftedness in Culturally Diverse Students. Perspectives on Creativity
The 11 chapters in this text address issues concerned with identification and educational intervention with gifted students who are from culturally diverse backgrounds.
Crisis in the Heartland: Addressing Unexpected Challenges in Rural Education
Recent increases in cultural and linguistic diversity in Kansas have raised three challenges for educators, especially rural educators: geographic isolation, capacity building, and professional development. Describes innovative, nontraditional programs developed by Kansas State University to help educators meet these challenges, including distance education, collaborative site-specific adaptations of curriculum and instruction, and cross-cultural sensitivity training.
Critical Issue Bibliography (CRIB) Sheet: Multiculturalism and the Curriculum.
This Critical Issue Bibliography (CRIB) Sheet focuses on resources that help infuse the college curriculum with a multicultural perspective. Creating a multicultural environment depends on many factors, but curriculum is an essential aspect of multiculturalism.
Critical Pedagogy: Translation for Education that Is Multicultural
Examined the translation of multicultural learning activities in a college classroom into critical pedagogy in public school classrooms. Practicing teachers enrolled in the course completed interviews and surveys.
Cross-Cultural Field Placements: Student Teachers Learning from Schools and Communities
Presents two cultural immersion projects where student teaching and community involvement interact synergistically. Also discusses learning outcomes of the projects, examines the importance of service learning, and explains how traditional student teaching assignments can incorporate many of the design principles that characterize cultural learning and preparation for diversity.
Cross-Cultural Field Placements: Student Teachers Learning from Schools and Communities
Presents two cultural immersion projects where student teaching and community involvement interact synergistically. Also discusses learning outcomes of the projects, examines the importance of service learning, and explains how traditional student teaching assignments can incorporate many of the design principles that characterize cultural learning and preparation for diversity.
Cross-Cultural Partnerships: Acknowledging the "Equal Other" in the Rural/Urban American Indian Teacher Education Program
Describes the Rural/Urban American Indian Teacher Education Program, based on Baber's (1970) notion of the equal other. It featured cross-cultural partnerships at every possible level.
Crossing Borders with Literature of Diversity. The Bill Harp Professional Teachers Series
The purpose of this book is to be a practical tool for those who work with children in grades 4-6 and who wish to make an equitable literature curriculum part of the school-centered reading experiences of the children with whom they work, as well as introduce literature of diversity into their own reading. It is especially meant to provide a user-friendly resource for teachers that will help them increase their knowledge and expand their use of culturally diverse literature in their classrooms.
Cultural Diversity and Conflict Resolution: An Interdisciplinary Unit for the California Fourth-Grade Classroom
Proposes an interdisciplinary, fourth-grade conflict resolution curriculum that integrates content area activities that take into consideration the cognitive and moral development of fourth graders. The curriculum focuses on conflict resolution skills, diversity and conflict, and mediation.
Cultural Pluralism: Implications for Educational Practices and Comprehensive School Reform
To circumvent isolationism, ethnocentrism, and intolerance experienced by culturally diverse students and their parents in U.S. schools, education policies must be effectively documented with methodological endorsement of multicultural education as policy for all students to be personally meaningful, socially relevant, culturally accurate, and educationally sound.
Cultural Pluralism: The Search for a Theoretical Framework
This paper addresses the need for teachers to begin with a theoretical framework that prepares them to handle the realities of working with cultural, economic, and language minority students. Two perspectives of cultural pluralism (multicultural education and critical pedagogy) provide such a framework.
Cultural Proficiency: A Manual for School Leaders
Developed for work in mental health agencies, cultural proficiency is a relatively new approach to diversity that can be applied in educational and community settings. Cultural proficiency refers to the policies and practices of a school or the behaviors of a person that enable the school or person to interact effectively in a culturally diverse environment.
Culturally Sensitive Strategies for Violence Prevention
Discusses cultural influences on behavior, theoretical assumptions about culturally diverse students, and culturally sensitive behavior management strategies that educators might consider in their efforts to curtail school violence. The strategies are intended to be culture-specific and culture-fair, to humanize school environments, and to encourage a sense of community and collective responsibility.
Culture and Power in the Classroom: A Critical Foundation for Bicultural Education. Critical Studies in Education and Culture
This book articulates theoretical principles from which to develop a critical practice of bicultural education. It confronts the dominant cultural values and practices that function in the schooling process to marginalize and silence the voices of African American, Hispanic American, Asian American, Native American, and other bicultural students in the United States.
Culture, Identity, and Curriculum
Describes a curriculum transformation project at Ohio's Mount Union College (a predominantly white school) designed to help faculty members restructure their courses to reflect a multicultural approach and provide information to help students work in diverse settings. A yearlong workshop teaches educators to make multicultural issues central, rather than superficial add-ons.
Curricular Approaches To Developing Positive Interethnic Relations
Examines how curricular approaches have helped build positive interethnic relations in a large, ethnically diverse high school, documenting four curricular approaches teacher leaders used to address issues of race and ethnicity and exploring the impact of those approaches on student learning. Illuminates how teacher leaders and administrators created the conditions for these curricular reforms to be sustainable.
Cyber Diversity
A Central Michigan University course in African-American literature, attended mostly by whites, is joined by black students and their professor at the University of Arkansas, Pine Bluff, for lectures and discussions by teleconference. Technology is the tool used for increasing diversity in the teaching/learning experience.
Decentering Whiteness: In Search of a Revolutionary Multiculturalism
The present focus on diversity in multicultural education is often misguided because the struggle for ethnic diversity makes progressive political sense only if it can be accompanied by a sustained analysis of the cultural logics of white supremacy. A real revolutionary multiculturalism must consider the construction of subjectivities within relations of power and privilege linked to capitalism.
Desegregation and Diversity: The Paradox of a Historically Black University's Successful Mission Refinement. ASHE Annual Meeting Paper
This paper explores the effects and implications of mission refinement and desegregation efforts at a historically black university by analyzing 15-year student enrollment trend data. Lincoln University, founded in 1866, is an 1890 land-grant comprehensive institution that is part of the Missouri state system of higher education.
Developing a Commitment to Multicultural Education
Investigated the kinds of lived experiences contributing to teachers' commitment to multicultural education and processes by which teachers became committed. Interviews and surveys involving K-12 and college teachers indicated that teachers developed commitment through various developmental life experiences.
Developing Culturally Consonant Curriculum Using the Technology of the New Millennium
This paper explains how educational technology and multimedia materials can enhance teaching and learning for today's diverse students. The United States still carries the Puritan influence in education (attempting to build a single culture), with little recognition of the need to address diversity in California's K-12 classrooms.
Developing Culturally Consonant Curriculum Using the Technology of the New Millennium
This paper explains how educational technology and multimedia materials can enhance teaching and learning for today's diverse students. The United States still carries the Puritan influence in education (attempting to build a single culture), with little recognition of the need to address diversity in California's K-12 classrooms.
Development and Implementation of a Program of Study To Prepare Teachers for Diversity
Examines the development and implementation of a multicultural education workshop designed to help future elementary school teachers prepare for classroom student diversity. Student journals and faculty perceptions are used in an outcome analysis that reveals an increase in participant knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for the multicultural classroom.
Dewey, Freire, and a Pedagogy for the Oppressor
Asserts that cultural diversity and democracy will always be in conflict with each other, examining oppression in a democratic society; an oppressor's view of the world; a pervasive dualism in perspectives; the inadequacy of current efforts to overcome the conflict between the oppressors and the oppressed; traits of oppressors that must be changed; a three-pronged approach to consciousness raising; common themes within this approach; and underlying assumptions. (SM).
Different "Chinese" Playing Together: The Intra-Group Relationships and Interactions in a Multilingual Preschool Classroom
This study describes and analyzes the peer social world within the Chinese group in a multilingual preschool classroom, focusing on the ways Chinese children organize their interactions with each other and with other ethnic groups and how subcultural group differences are related to peer relationships. Most of the children in this class had peers with whom they could converse in their home languages.
Discomfort Zones: Learning about Teaching with Care and Discipline in Urban Schools
Multicultural principles, discipline, and curriculum theory should be integrated and revisited across the teacher-education program via case studies, portfolio assessment, and field experiences. Authors deplore prescriptive, procedural approaches to teaching and value ongoing faculty/student conversations, university alliances with "best" teachers and principals, and trust in children's power.
Discovering Diversity
Introduces a preservice teacher field trip to the rain forests and coastal areas. This experience develops an awareness for different cultures among preservice teachers by experiencing biological and cultural diversity in Costa Rica.
Dismantling the Digital Divide: A Multicultural Education Framework
Describes inequities in access to computers by gender and race, drawing connections between the two and discussing the use of a multicultural education approach to understanding and eliminating the digital divide. This involves such actions as critiquing technology-related inequities in the context of larger educational and social inequities, broadening the significance of access, and confronting capitalist propaganda.
Diverse Learners, Diverse Texts: Exploring Identity and Difference through Literary Encounters
Examines two urban 10th-grade English classes of ethnically diverse students in which the teachers diversified literature selections for newly designed ethnic literature curricula. Reports the texts students found most memorable and meaningful, and analyzes the values students found in their encounters with these literary works.
Diversity and International. [SITE 2001 Section]
This document contains papers on diversity and international issues from the SITE (Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education) 2001 conference.
Diversity and International. [SITE 2001 Section]
This document contains the papers on diversity and international issues from the SITE (Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education) 2001 conference.
Diversity and Multiculturalism in Higher Education
This paper explored the attitudes of college faculty toward diversity and multiculturalism at the University of Guam, which is characterized by the Department of Education as a minority institution; the faculty, on the other hand, is less diverse (60 percent Caucasian).
Diversity and the Individual in Dewey's Philosophy of Democratic Education
Examines two interpretations of Dewey's philosophy of education, one that requires intolerance and one that requires tolerance of individual differences, arguing that there is much truth to the multicultural interpretation, but that multiculturalism must be qualified to properly capture Dewey's position. The essay emphasizes the consequences of Dewey's social and political concerns for his theory of education.
Diversity as a Value in Undergraduate Nursing Education
An associate degree nursing program restructured the curriculum using transcultural nursing theory, including cultural value and cultural care accommodation. Objectives include acknowledging the relevance of diversity to health care, addressing diversity in interventions, and learning how to accommodate diversity in providing care.
Diversity Education for Preservice Teachers: Strategies and Attitude Outcomes
Analyzed the impact of emphasizing diversity in a foundations of education course. Various instructional strategies addressed issues of intolerance and promoted understanding of the importance of multicultural education for teachers.
Diversity in Practice: Perspectives on Concept, Context, and Policy
Diversity is an idea that merits closer critical analysis. Many efforts to support diversity are framed by discourses grounded in conceptualizations of culture, difference, and identity that further the status quo, not multicultural understanding.
Diversity in the English Curriculum: Challenges and Successes
Shares some perspectives of a professor of English education, from work with English teachers, related to diversifying the high school English curriculum . Reports on responses of 240 teachers to a survey about works taught.
Diversity Initiatives in Higher Education
Describes university intergroup dialogue programs, which bring together diverse students to discuss issues related to their diversity and develop comfort with and skills for discourse on difficult topics. Examines their basic tenets, themes, and variations.
Diversity Initiatives in Higher Education: A Case Study of Multicultural Organizational Development through the Lens of Religion, Spirituality, Faith, and Secular Inclusion
Presents a case study of the University of Maryland Office of Human Relations Programs' (OHRP) efforts to confront Christian privilege and build a religiously, spiritually, faith-based, and secularly inclusive community campus-wide. Highlights four stages: rifts and tensions, reconnecting, reconceptualization, and realization.
Diversity on Campus: Northern Virginia Community College Faces the Challenge
Describes a survey of Northern Virginia Community College (NVCC) administrators, staff, faculty, and students on how college leaders address the challenge of multiculturalism on NVCC's campuses. Finds that special events, ethnically and racially based organizations, hiring of minorities, and specialized curricula are pursued to varying degrees.
Diversity, Pedagogy and Higher Education: Challenges, Lessons and Accomplishments. Trotter Review, 1998
This publication presents a collection of articles on diversity, pedagogy, and higher education.(SM).
Do Multicultural Education and Diversity Appreciation Training Reduce Prejudice among Counseling Trainees?
A review of the research literature evaluating the effectiveness of multicultural education and diversity appreciation training (ME/DAT) was conducted to determine if there was support for the notion that ME/DAT effects reductions in prejudice among mental health counselor trainees. Results of the review produced four major conclusions.
Do We Need a Multicultural Curriculum?
Today's U.S. communities include European Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Native Americans among their many diverse cultural groups.
Do We Need a Multicultural Curriculum?
Today's U.S. communities include European Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Native Americans among their many diverse cultural groups.
Does Diversity Make a Difference? Three Research Studies on Diversity in College Classrooms
This report contains three studies on diversity in college classrooms.
Dreamseekers. Creative Approaches to the African American Heritage. Dimensions of Drama Series
This book shows how children and teachers from diverse backgrounds can become, through powerful imaginings, informed participants in the fight for social justice. It addresses significant African American themes, introducing models of excellence in multicultural teaching and presenting creative teachers at work in authentic classrooms.
Early Years and Race Equality: Possibilities and Limits for Race Equality Work
Notes the importance of moving to an antiracist approach in education, identifying early learning goals and exploring possible antiracist activities (taking seriously all forms of name-calling, using Persona Dolls to help children confront racism, and taking a strategic approach to addressing racism). Stresses the need for creating policies for equality that include policy statements, implementation programs, and monitoring mechanisms.
Editorial. Immigration and Urban Education in the New Millennium: The Diversity and the Challenges
Introduces a special issue that explores new immigration trends and major issues related to K-12 schooling in urban areas. The seven articles fall into three categories: a national and historical overview; examples of two types of educational change; and the acculturation and schooling experiences of various racial/ethnic immigrant groups.
Editorial: Multicultural Education--Solution or Problem for American Schools?
Discusses the role of multicultural education in American education, examining Geneva Gay's book on culturally responsive teaching (which argues for culturally responsive teaching, with teaching having the moral courage to help make education more multiculturally responsive) and Sandra Stotsky's book (which argues that multicultural education is a problem for American schools and is anti-white, anti-capitalistic, and anti-intellectual). (SM).
Educating Culturally Responsive Teachers: An Introduction to Process-Oriented or Developmental Approaches
This paper shares research from two professional development initiatives that focused on changes in teacher educators' and teachers' multicultural thinking, discussing the use of a developmental perspective to structure and evaluate such initiatives. The first study involved an action research project that examined six teacher educators' experiences during committee work designed to enhance multiculturalism during teacher preparation.
Education in Multi-Ethnic Societies of Central and Eastern Europe. A Skills Exchange Workshop (Bulgaria, November 7-10, 1997). Workshop Report. Corp Author(s): Minority Rights Group, London (England)
To address problems in public education for majority and minority ethnic groups in Central and Eastern Europe, Minority Rights Group International and the Inter Ethnic Initiative for Human Rights Foundation organized a skills exchange workshop in Sofia, Bulgaria in November 1997.
Educational Technology and the Diverse Classroom
Describes how thoughtful, creative technology use in the classroom can encourage development in diverse students, explaining that the key to effective computer use within culturally diverse classrooms remains with the teacher. The paper discusses how to understand diversity and reach out to all students; describes how technology can enhance minority students' learning; and explains cultural responsiveness in using technology.
Effective Teacher Training for Multicultural Teaching
Effective teachers must be able to competently address issues related to student diversity. However, many teachers are not prepared for multicultural teaching.
Effects of Language Arts Activities on Preservice Teachers' Opinions about Multiculturalism
Examined the effects of reading children's literature about diversity and participating in related interactive activities on student teachers' opinions about multiculturalism. Intervention and control-group students heard lectures on multiculturalism.
Effects of Teacher Preparation Experiences and Students' Perceptions Related to Developmentally and Culturally Appropriate Practices
Case study of preservice early childhood teachers in a course on cultural diversity inquired how the course's structure prepared them for working with and understanding diverse students and families. Pre- and post-course surveys indicated that students perceived that they had made gains in their understanding of cultural diversity issues and were positively affected through their teacher preparation experiences.
Embedded Preservice Teacher Education: Sophomore Multicultural Internship
This paper describes the Sophomore Multicultural Internship for preservice teachers at Moorhead State University, Minnesota. From 1990-95, the program immersed preservice teachers in cross-cultural encounters and K-12 clinical experiences intended to: engender enlightened tolerance; provide an embedded context for making moral choices to pursue careers in teaching; prepare beginning teachers to address increasingly diverse groups of learners in contemporary classrooms; and affirm the connective tissue between professional education coursework and the kinds of decisions that confront teachers in diverse contexts.
Embracing Diversity
Illustrates integration of multiculturalism into science curriculum and instruction and outlines the principles that should be reflected in multicultural science classrooms. Offers strategies for science teachers in developing science programs, shaping classroom climate, and using learning styles.
Encouraging and Recruiting Students of Color To Teach
Examined the impact of the Teaching as a Career Workshop, which stressed the need for minority teachers, on high school students' perceptions about teaching. Participants considered it important for people of color to become teachers and believed the workshop influenced them to select teaching careers.
Encyclopedia of Multicultural Education
This encyclopedia contains over 400 terms, phrases, concepts, U.S. Supreme Court decisions, significant contributors to the American macroculture from the country's various racial and/or ethnic backgrounds, key events, and court cases related to multicultural education.
Essentializing Dilemma and Multiculturalist Pedagogy: An Ethnographic Study of Japanese Children in a U.S. School
Examined Japanese children's experiences at a U.S. elementary school, noting their teachers' pedagogical responses.
Evaluation of Supplemental Instruction at the College Level
Describes a new method of evaluating the Supplemental Instruction (SI) model as implemented in a high-risk biology course at an urban multicultural university campus. Examination grades indicated that the average grade of participants in classes that had SI sessions was significantly higher than that of participants in classes where SI sessions were not offered.
Evaluation of the Information, Communication and Technology Capabilities and E-Learning
This study from the University of North London examines diversified support and relevance to improve instruction and reduce dropout rates for multicultural students. Discusses the use of information and communication technology to provide online student support; virtual integration of the curriculum; individual learning styles; and Web sites.
Everybody's Story
Describes Happy Medium School, Seattle (Washington), a school in which diversity is respected and exploring diversity is an essential part of the curriculum. Teachers at this school regard school as a part of each student's extended family and consider things that happen at home to be a legitimate topic for classroom discussion.
Exploring Indigenous Pedagogies: Why Is This Knowledge Important to Today's Educators?
Recent educational literature reveals a growing interest in understanding the educational needs of learners from other cultures and a growing awareness that instructional methods to help learners from nonwhite cultures should be anchored to indigenous ethnographic research. Western educators must holistically and comparatively understand not only indigenous cultural psychologies, but also how other cultures view the self.
Eyes on Education: A Proposal for East Side Union High Schools.
This paper presents information from surveys of 1,028 diverse high school students in one California district about inequalities they experienced and their thoughts regarding such issues. While 83 percent of students are students of color, 38 percent of teachers are teachers of color.
Faculty Perspectives on Building a Diverse, Inclusive School Psychology Program
This paper examines the increased emphasis placed on multicultural diversity in the School Psychology Program at Indiana State University. Two assumptions were made about the prominent role diversity is assuming at the university.
Final Report on the Multicultural/Diversity Assessment Project
The Emporia State University Multicultural/Diversity Project developed a set of assessment instruments and a model evaluation plan to assess multicultural/diversity (MCD) outcomes in teacher education and general education programs. Assessment instruments and techniques were constructed to evaluate the impact of coursework on student attitudes, knowledge, and performance skills.
Finding a Voice for the Victimized
Examines writers' growing awareness of the voices if the victims, exploring the representation of characters who resist subjugating colonial powers and tracing how various past and present authors have represented colonized peoples. By refocusing postmodern readers' consciousness on the violation of rights, authors reeducate and sensitize them to the contrasting voices that speak out against the persecution of those who are different.
Fostering Multicultural Awareness among Teachers: A Tripartite Model
Describes a group session involving 12 teachers of various ethnicities designed to encourage participants to foster a multicultural environment in their classrooms by increasing their awareness, knowledge, and skills in working with ethnic minority students. Participants' responded positively to the sessions.
Fostering the Exchange of Ideas about Diversity in the Higher Education Classroom
A solution to the problem of preparing teacher education students to develop curricula that focus on multiculturalism is to help them develop the ability to infuse multicultural children's literature and young adult literature into the elementary and secondary school curriculum. Teacher educators must do more than expose their pre-service and in-service teachers to multicultural literature: they must structure their classes so that students see their own and other cultures present in the classroom.
Four Approaches to Cultural Diversity: Implications for Teaching at Institutions of Higher Education
Identifies four approaches to cultural diversity that professors at institutions of higher education may take. These are neutrality, similarity, diversity, and diversimilarity.
From Rhetoric to Reality: Opportunity-to-Learn Standards and the Integrity of American Public School Reform
Focusing on national policy and practice, this paper suggests key recommendations for consideration in the context of standards-based reform, including: produce teachers who are multiculturally literate; re-assess ability grouping and tracking practices; reduce K-3 class size and elementary and secondary school size; expand and improve federal compensatory education programs; and incorporate school reform into broader social reform. (SM).
Futures Thinking: Consideration of the Impact of Educational Change on Black and Minority Ethnic Achievement
Discusses the potential of information and communications technology (ICT) and the World Wide Web to offer positive alternatives in contemporary British schools that are failing their black and minority group students. Describes the advantages of ICT and looks at future changes in the teaching profession and changes in the curriculum that will require knowledge of ICT.
Give Us a Taste of Your Quality! A Report from the Heartland on the Role of the Arts in Multicultural Settings
Discusses the role of the arts in multicultural education, explaining how diverse students react to and need support in the arts in order to succeed. Focuses on the efforts of urban elementary and secondary schools in Madison, Wisconsin.
Good News and Bad News: A Comparison of Teacher Educators' and Preservice Teachers' Beliefs about Diversity Issues
This study examined teacher educators' and student teachers' beliefs about, attitudes toward, and sensitivity regarding cultural diversity and other diversity issues. The Beliefs about Diversity Scale was used to assess respondents' beliefs about race, gender, social class, ability, language/immigration, sexual orientation, and multicultural education.
Helping Counselor Trainees Get Along: An Issue for Professional Development
This paper presents a programmatic strategy to address unresolved student-student disagreements. The paper examines cultural norms--within training programs in academic settings--that contribute to interpersonal problems among students.
Higher Education, Race & Diversity: Views from the Field
The four papers in this document address issues of higher education, race, and diversity.
Honouring Diversity in the Classroom: Challenges and Reflections. Diversity in the Classroom Series, Number One
This document provides the framework for six other related documents in a series that focuses on diversity in the classroom. Section 1, "Introduction," explains that children in any Canadian classroom are not homogeneous, and such diversity presents teachers with challenges and obligations.
Honouring Diversity in the Classroom: Challenges and Reflections. Diversity in the Classroom Series, Number One
This document provides the framework for six other related documents in a series that focuses on diversity in the classroom. Section 1, "Introduction," explains that children in any Canadian classroom are not homogeneous, and such diversity presents teachers with challenges and obligations.
Hosts and Newcomers: A Narrative Account of a Course Designed To Sensitize Public Educators to the Needs and Experiences of Refugee and Immigrant Families
A research project, originally focused on collecting stories from educators about their experiences of standing up against racism, produced so few examples that a course was designed to sensitize educators to the needs of refugee and immigrant families and to examine their own positions.
Housing on College Campuses: Self-Segregation, Integration, and Other Alternatives. A Communitarian Report
This report discusses policies that guide housing for students on college and university campuses in matters that concern relations among status groups based on ethnic, religious, racial, and sexual backgrounds and orientations. The issue of self-segregation has emerged as a crucial one to many colleges as enrollment of minorities has increased.
How Reading and Writing Literacy Narratives Affect Preservice Teachers' Understandings of Literacy, Pedagogy, and Multiculturalism
Discusses how to prepare teachers to educate diverse learners engaged in multiple and new literacies, describing a graduate course that introduced language, literacy, and culture. Data from students' writings, reading logs, reading responses, and final papers on literacy and pedagogy indicated that reading and writing literacy narratives was a positive experience, fostering multicultural understanding and complex conceptions of literacy.
How Will Diversity Affect Literacy in the Next Millennium?
Presents four brief essays discussing how diversity will affect literacy in the next millennium. Notes competing goals and practices in education that will shape what happens in the next 25 years; discusses tensions in teaching and learning that accompany diversity and literacy; discusses the role of literacy researchers; and offers anecdotes highlighting critical questions regarding diversity and literacy.
I'm Okay, You're Okay
Asserts that a culturally relevant curriculum that discards stereotypes, celebrates diversity, and is inclusive of all children is both necessary and appropriate in the Head Start classroom. Advises that helping children to appreciate the similarities and differences within their own group and community is the place to begin.
I, Too, Am an American: Preservice Teachers Reflect upon National Identity
Preservice teachers read poetry by Langston Hughes and an Arab American student about being American, then composed and discussed their own poems. Poems helped them reflect on their own cultures and attitudes, thus developing a caring community of learners who valued diversity and human rights.
Ideals for Citizenship Education
Discusses the importance of citizenship education in the United Kingdom and throughout Europe, explaining that citizenship education in schools provides an opportunity for young people to see justice as everyone's business and to learn how to ask questions, think critically, and see that injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. (SM).
Immigration and Pluralism in Urban Catholic Schools
Investigates how Catholic schools are making the transformation from national to multicultural schools as they meet the needs of new immigrants in the inner city. Focuses on the concept of mediating institutions, investigating urban Catholic school principals' willingness to experience diversity.
Immigration, Ethnic Cultures, and Achievement: Working with Communities, Parents, and Teachers
Addresses immigrant advocates who work both inside and outside of schools, calling on them to use comprehensive language; foster U.S. loyalty and citizenship; be proud of individual ethnicity; seek leaders among immigrants themselves; promote parents' roles; and guide the children of immigrants to consider teaching as a career in order to become mediators among cultures and leaders and role models for future generations.
Immigration, Ethnic Cultures, and Achievement: Working with Communities, Parents, and Teachers
Addresses immigrant advocates who work both inside and outside of schools, calling on them to use comprehensive language; foster U.S. loyalty and citizenship; be proud of individual ethnicity; seek leaders among immigrants themselves; promote parents' roles; and guide the children of immigrants to consider teaching as a career in order to become mediators among cultures and leaders and role models for future generations.
Improving Pupil Attendance: Inclusive and Sensitive Approaches
Describes a British secondary school's efforts to improve student attendance by promoting social inclusion. The project involved a first day absence monitor, school counselor, Education Welfare Officer, and specialist teacher.
Improving Student Perceptions and Academic Performance in the Multiethnic Classroom
Describes a study that examined the effects of collaborative group learning within a multiethnic classroom at the community college level. Confirms that when community college teachers utilize collaborative learning skills in conjunction with traditional learning skills, academic performance increases and student ethnic perceptions improve.
In Pursuit of the Multicultural Curriculum: Preparing Students for a Diverse Society
Recognizing and celebrating diversity while building an inclusive sense of classroom or school community is a challenging endeavor. A successful model encompasses four basic principles: cultural validation and acceptance are inseparable; each school needs its own plan; sophisticated skills are essential; and curriculum sources and communication methods matter.
Included in Sociology: Learning Climates That Cultivate Racial and Ethnic Diversity
This collection of essays is designed for the faculty member and others who care about the retention and success of students of color in gateway courses in Sociology. The book examines assumptions about diversity and teaching and learning and provides strategies for enacting learning environments that are more inclusive and conducive to the success of all students.
Inclusive Schooling Practices: Pedagogical and Research Foundations: A Synthesis of the Literature that Informs Best Practice About Inclusive Schools
This monograph summarizes the literature base that informs current understanding of the best approaches to support students with disabilities in inclusive settings.
Incorporating Popular Literature into the Curriculum for Diverse Learners
Discusses how teachers can use magazines written for culturally and linguistically diverse groups to increase their own knowledge base and to use as a resource for multicultural-education lesson planning in order to provide students with an opportunity to learn about high achieving individuals who come from backgrounds similar to their own. (Author/CR).
Increasing Preservice Teachers' Diversity Beliefs and Commitment
Explored the attitudes, beliefs, and commitments to diversity of a predominantly Anglo-American population of preservice teachers enrolled in a diversity course. Results described beginning ethnorelative attitudes, beliefs, and commitments after participation in the diversity course; some theoretical underpinnings for understanding change (or lack of change); and a framework for facilitating positive multicultural experiences.
Information-Seeking Behavior of Multicultural Students: A Case Study at San Jose State University
Discusses the growing diversity of college students; considers how academic libraries can meet their needs; and describes a study conducted at San Jose State University. This study investigated how students from diverse ethnic groups discover, select, and use information and the impact their cultural and educational backgrounds have on information-seeking behavior.
Innovative Programs To Insure Diversity in Public Education
At Armstrong Atlantic State University a number of programs have been developed in collaboration with the University System of Georgia and the Savannah-Chatham County Public School District to increase cultural diversity in the classroom and to focus on creating a diverse population of successful learners that mirrors the cultural diversity of the community.
Institutional Support for Diversity in Preservice Teacher Education
Examines how institutions can provide support for diversity in preservice teacher education, focusing on the institutional context in which teacher educators work as they craft multicultural teacher preparation programs. Support includes strong institutional leadership and a campuswide vision for change, recruitment and retention of diverse students and faculty, and curriculum transformation.
Integrating the Arts through a Multicultural Theme into the Second Grade Curriculum
This report describes a program for advancing the appreciation, acceptance, and understanding of diverse cultures. The targeted population consists of students in a self-contained second-grade classroom in a large urban industrial city located in the Midwest.
Intercultural Education and Teacher Education in Sweden
Examines multicultural and intercultural education in Sweden's teacher education and K-12 educational systems, discussing pedagogical strategies in multicultural classrooms and highlighting: Islam in the Swedish classroom; masking differences; focusing on differences; attitudes toward diversity; teachers in multicultural classrooms; and who is included in intercultural education. The paper concludes with an intercultural perspective on teacher education.
Involving Parents in Children's Learning: A Strategy To Raise Standards in an Inner-City Primary School
Describes a strategy to raise standards in a British inner-city school through parent involvement in learning and decision making and the recognition of religious and cultural diversity. Communication, particularly with language minority parents, is vital to the program's success.
Joining the Canadian Tribe: Building a Pluralistic Community in a B.C. School
Immigrants often comprise most of the student body in urban Canadian schools. An elementary school in suburban Vancouver (British Columbia) provides sheltered classes and bilingual student partners for beginning English language learners.
Kultura a multikulturna vychova = Culture and Multicultural Education
This book seeks to introduce readers to the concept of multicultural education. The book explains the inevitability of multicultural education in today's world, looks for its possibilities, and shows its advantages and limitations.
La Dicha de Los Libros--Children's Books in Spanish
Reviews a collection of high-quality books in Spanish which can help encourage Spanish-speaking children and adolescents to read. From creative books for the very young to the lives of famous women, to fantasies and animated traditional tales, these recently published books are designed to appeal to Spanish speakers and those wishing to learn Spanish.
Learning and Living Difference That Makes a Difference: Postmodern Theory and Multicultural Education
Multiculturalism that both transforms and informs is important. Recommends applying postmodern theory to transformative understanding of multiculturalism.
Learning To Be a Citizen in the Global Age
Discusses how to teach students to be citizens in today's diverse world, examining current key issues and explaining the varying forms of citizenship and variables associated with access to them. Stresses the need to integrate education for the diverse range of citizen learning models in order to abolish social discrimination forever.
Learning to Lead from the Middle: An Apprenticeship in Diversity
An adult educator working with marginalized multicultural groups describes how the community defined the following core values for working with diversity: living the respect for diversity, climate of extended family, shared grassroots ownership, blend of creativity and practicality, organizational effectiveness, work for the common good, and leadership and advocacy within the larger community. (SK).
Learning to Teach in a Diverse Setting: A Case Study of a Multicultural Science Education Enthusiast
Explores the student-teaching experience of a multicultural-science-education enthusiast who taught in a school whose predominant culture was different from her own. Describes thematically the student's teaching experience and examines how encountered constraints were negotiated.
Leaving Authority at the Door: Equal-Status Community-Based Experiences and the Preparation of Teachers for Diverse Classrooms
Describes a cross-cultural, equal status internship designed to prepare teachers for diverse classrooms, examining its influence on prospective teachers' emerging sociocultural perspectives and raced identities and exploring successes and challenges of this experience and what has been learned about supporting more mature anti-racist identities in the 3 years that students have been engaged in this internship.(SM).
Leaving Authority at the Door: Equal-Status Community-Based Experiences and the Preparation of Teachers for Diverse Classrooms
Describes a cross-cultural, equal status internship designed to prepare teachers for diverse classrooms, examining its influence on prospective teachers' emerging sociocultural perspectives and raced identities and exploring successes and challenges of this experience and what has been learned about supporting more mature anti-racist identities in the 3 years that students have been engaged in this internship.(SM).
Lessons Learned: Exploring Past Cultural Experiences of the Chicano/Mexican American Ambience To Strengthen Contemporary Multicultural Education
Explored the use of phenomenology research to explore lessons learned and their potential for inclusion in multicultural education, focusing on the Chicano/Mexicano experience as farmworkers in northern Colorado. Interview data indicated that respondents maintained a high context and connection with their primary culture.
Library and Information Science Education: Preparing Librarians for a Multicultural Society
Discusses issues of diversity in library and information science-education programs and how these efforts can be addressed positively to better serve students and their future users. Topics include a historical background, attracting people of diversity for doctoral programs and faculty positions, curriculum issues, and recruiting.
Like Stone Soup: The Role of the Professional Development School in the Renewal of Urban Schools
This monograph critiques professional development schools (PDSs) and their role in the renewal of urban schools.
Like Stone Soup: The Role of the Professional Development School in the Renewal of Urban Schools
This monograph critiques professional development schools (PDSs) and their role in the renewal of urban schools.College School Cooperation
Diversity, Professional Development Schools,Urban Education, Elementary Secondary Education, Equal Education, Higher Education
Multicultural Education, Politics of Education, Preservice Teacher Education, Teacher Attitudes, Teachers.
Linking Diversity and Educational Purpose: How Diversity Affects the Classroom Environment and Student Development
This study examined the impact of diversity on students' self-perceived improvement in the abilities necessary to contribute positively to a pluralistic democracy. It noted how such diversity-related campus activities as exposure to multicultural curricula and opportunities to study and interact with diverse peers affected student development.
Literacy Instruction for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students: A Collection of Articles and Commentaries
Addressing issues arising from increasing student diversity, this book brings together articles from "The Reading Teacher," "Journal of Reading," and "Language Arts" which offer teaching strategies, ways to capitalize on differences, and ways to use multicultural literature.
Literature Discussion in the Elementary School Classroom: Developing Cultural Understanding
One effective instructional technique for promoting cultural awareness and understanding among elementary school students is literature discussion. Literature discussions help children explore multicultural ideas and issues, reading works of culturally relevant literature, then coming together to discuss their personal responses.
Living and Learning in a World of Diversities. An EDC Report Series.
This new report series grows out of internal discussions at the Education Development Center (EDC) about the meaning of equity in education, student diversity, and reflective practice.
Looking Over the Edge: Preparing Teachers for Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Middle Schools
The principles and practices of multicultural education became the heart of one middle school teacher education program. The five principles included fostering inter/intragroup harmony through learning communities, targeting social justice and affirmation of diversity, empowering students and teachers, seeing things from multiple perspectives, and preparing teachers explicitly for cultural and linguistic diversity.
Making Diversity Awareness Part of Your Teaching
This paper presents a series of interactive activities designed to help educators make diversity awareness part of their teaching.
Making Invisible Latino Adolescents Visible: A Critical Approach to Latino Diversity. Michigan State University Series on Children, Youth, and Families, Volume 7
The papers in this collection explore a variety of economic and social issues facing Latino adolescents, including those of Latino diversity or unity, sexuality, and family values. The authors discuss ways to respond to these issues, suggesting approaches that can contribute to the healthy development of Latino adolescents.
Making Space: Merging Theory and Practice in Adult Education
This book represents the beginning dialogue and critique of social, political, economic, and historical forms of hegemony operating in the adult education field.
Making the Most of the Classroom Mosaic: A Constructivist Perspective
Teachers today are required to be sensitive to a wider range of multicultural differences than ever before. Explores whether they can combine teaching content into a single package for all children, or whether they must continuously repackage the content for each of the diverse groups they teach.
Mentors in Medicine
Introduces the Health Sciences and Technology Academy (HSTA) which was created by West Virginia University for secondary school students to address the shortage of minorities pursuing science careers. Aims to improve science and mathematics education and increase the college attendance rate among underrepresented students.
Messing with Mr. In-Between: Multiculturalism and Hybridization
Outlines characterizations of discussions of "raced media representations," based on a review of 40 interviews with classroom media teachers, classroom visits, and a provincewide (Ontario) survey. Finds that teachers either become cautious and very politically correct; adopt a liberal multiculturalist position; or take up an actively antiracist view, attempting to confront the hard issues head on.
Mexican-American Preservice Teachers and the Intransigency of the Elementary School Curriculum
Investigated how Mexican-American student teachers expressed their cultural knowledge in lesson planning and implementation. Semistructured interviews with Mexican-American student teachers working in elementary Professional Development Schools revealed little ethnic expression, even when teaching Mexican-American children.
Monocultural Teachers and Ethnoculturally Diverse Students
Argues that a primarily monocultural, monolingual Canadian teaching force must be prepared to work with an increasingly ethnoculturally diverse student population. Addresses issues related to misusing the terms "multicultural," "cross-cultural," and "intercultural." Suggests the alternative term "ethnocultural," identifies three dimensions (cultural, pedagogical, and sociolinguistic) of ethnocultural knowledge integral to teacher preparation, and discusses implementation strategies.
Mrs. Boyd's Fifth-Grade Inclusive Classroom: A Study of Multicultural Teaching Strategies
Examined strategies used by one multicultural fifth grade teacher to nurture academic excellence in an inclusive classroom environment. Observation and interview data highlighted accommodation activities that supported and encouraged all students without limiting or impeding their academic or social development.
Multi-Tasking in Science: Meeting the Challenge of Change
Explains the multitasking approach to instruction and how it fits to a diverse student population. Focuses on one such program for high school science students in North Carolina.
Multicultural Activities throughout the Year
Describes how early childhood teachers and caregivers can provide experiences that implement meaningful multicultural understandings into their curriculum, focusing on: where to begin; diversity within the classroom; celebrating birthdays in different countries; classroom displays that positively represent different cultures; evaluating learning centers; and providing dramatic play, art, language arts/library, science/discovery, music, math/manipulative, and block centers. (SM).
Multicultural and Disability Agendas in Teacher Education: Preparing Teachers for Diversity
Examines multicultural and introductory special-education textbooks to assess how each set of texts treats the other's issues. Analyzes conversations with teacher-education leaders addressing how their programs treat both issues.
Multicultural Connections: Exploring Strategies and Issues. Diversity in the Classroom Series, Number Two
This document, the second in a series on diversity in the classroom, explores relationships, addresses issues, and provides a framework for examining multicultural education. It also offers practical ideas for bringing multicultural education to the classroom and school, touching on underlying assumptions and beliefs about cultural diversity, learning, language, and schools.
Multicultural Education and Technology: Perfect Pair or Odd Couple? ERIC Digest
This digest examines how technology can support multicultural education. Multicultural education represents an approach to education and the teaching-learning process that is grounded in the democratic ideals of justice and equality.
Multicultural Education for Learners with Exceptionalities. Advances in Special Education Series, Volume 12
This volume contains a collection of chapters written by individuals in the fields of general and special education on multicultural education and students with exceptionalities.
Multicultural Education in Geography in the USA: An Introduction
Briefly reviews the development of the diversity movement and the arguments for and against multicultural education. Follows this with a discussion of the representation of minorities within geographic institutions in the United States.
Multicultural Education outside the Classroom: Building the Capacity of HIV Prevention Peer Educators
Describes the Wisconsin Youth HIV Prevention Institution, a program to enhance HIV prevention peer education for reaching youth at high risk, focusing on its intensive multicultural education and empowerment approach. Summarizes evaluation findings related to participation in the program and discusses implications of the program for HIV prevention peer education and other forms of multicultural education.
Multicultural Education Requirements in Teacher Certification: A National Survey
Investigated multicultural education requirements by various State Departments of Education for issuance of teaching credentials or teacher certification. Responses from 51 questionnaires indicate 25 states had requirements for multicultural education.
Multicultural Education. Theory to Practice
Teachers from two urban elementary schools completed surveys about their multicultural education practices. The surveys examined demographics, content integration, instructional and grouping practices, and parent-community involvement practices.
Multicultural Education: A Caring-Centered, Reflective Approach
This book for teachers presents stories and real-life examples that illustrate key concepts of culture, discrimination, and social justice and how they can affect diverse classrooms. It is written in a conversational style within a caring-centered framework, and it discusses culture's role in the learning process and in students' identity development.
Multicultural Education: Common Problems Experienced by Various Cultures
The United States today is a pluralistic society, and a multicultural curriculum is a necessary component of the overall school curriculum. Multicultural education should address the culturally and the linguistically diverse student.
Multicultural Education: Strategies for Implementation in Colleges and Universities. Volume 4
The 21 essays of this book discuss strategies for implementing multicultural education at the higher education level, especially in Illinois.
Multicultural Picture Books: Perspectives from Canada
Conveys that multicultural children's literature can support and encourage tolerance and understanding among children. Presents information about multiculturalism in Canada and gives criteria to help teachers select multicultural literature.
Multicultural Prism: Voices from the Field. Volume 2
This book presents descriptions of 17 courses in education, the humanities, social sciences, business, and the arts that acknowledge cultural diversity and invite students to understand and respect that diversity. Many of the courses focus on student-centered approaches to instruction.
Multicultural Student Statistics, Fall 1998-99. The University of Wisconsin System.
This report presents 20 tables of data on the ethnic and racial status of students at the 13 degree-granting institutions which comprise the University of Wisconsin system.
Multicultural Teacher Preparation: Establishing Safe Environments for Discussion of Diversity Issues
Describes a project within an early childhood multicultural teacher education program that examined what makes educational environments conducive to discussing culturally sensitive issues. Diverse students participated in two discussions, created guidelines, and completed interviews and questionnaires.
Multicultural Transformations through LATTICE: An Evaluation of a Model of Professional Development for Teachers
This paper describes a 5-year inservice teacher professional development project to improve teachers' abilities to work in diverse settings, Linking All Types of Teachers with Intercultural Education (LATTICE). LATTICE involved K-12 public school teachers in Michigan and international graduate students and internationally oriented faculty at a large state university.
Multicultural/Intercultural Teacher Education in Two Contexts: Lessons from the United States and Spain
Describes the situation in the United States and Spain regarding multicultural/intercultural teacher education. In both countries, educational systems grapple with questions of difference and social justice.
Multiculturalism, Diversity, and African American College Students: Receptive, Yet Skeptical?
Hypothesized that African American college students with higher racial self-esteem would be more open to diversity and multiculturalism than students with lower racial self-esteem. Surveys indicated that most students valued diversity-oriented courses, though most also believed that diversity courses were biased against African Americans.
Multiculturalism, Diversity, and the Impact Parents and Schools Have on Societal Race Relations
Multicultural research shows that students' attitudes and friendships within a multiracial/ethnic context involve complicated sets of behavioral and attitudinal dimensions. Parents' and teachers' influence can cause children to develop positive and/or negative attitudes about an entire group.
Multiculturalism: Similarities and Differences
In U.S. schools the teachers are predominantly white, and most have little or no experience with cross-cultural issues.
Multilingualism Is Basic
Demographic, economic, and social realities make linguistic and cross-cultural competence essential skills for today's students. This article discusses three innovative program types that build on basic education while enriching it through second languages: second-language immersion for native English-speaking students; developmental bilingual programs for language-minority students and two-way bilingual immersion programs for all students.
Multiple Literacies and Critical Pedagogy in a Multicultural Society
Multiple literacies are needed to meet the challenges of today's new technologies and multicultural society. Media literacy is necessary because media culture strongly influences people's world view.
Multiple Voices for Ethnically Diverse Exceptional Learners. 1997
This collection of articles focuses on the paradigms, research, policies, and daily school practices that tend either to reduce or perpetuate inequities in educational opportunities for culturally and linguistically diverse individuals with disabilities and/or gifts and talents.
On...Transformed, Inclusive Schools: A Framework To Guide Fundamental Change in Urban Schools
This report presents a systemic change framework for creating inclusive urban schools. It explains that if a key feature of reform focuses on multicultural education as a fundamental social and educational transformation, then opportunities for all students to achieve educational equity will be realized in U.S.
On...Transformed, Inclusive Schools: A Framework To Guide Fundamental Change in Urban Schools
This report presents a systemic change framework for creating inclusive urban schools. It explains that if a key feature of reform focuses on multicultural education as a fundamental social and educational transformation, then opportunities for all students to achieve educational equity will be realized in U.S.
Our Educational Melting Pot: Have We Reached the Boiling Point?
The articles and excerpts in this collection illustrate the complexity of the melting pot concept. Multiculturalism has become a watchword in American life and education, but it may be that in trying to atone for past transgressions educators and others are simply going too far.
Overcoming Resistance to Multicultural Discourse through the Use of Classroom Simulations
Describes how simulations, role plays, and other experiential exercises can be used in educational settings to reduce resistance and encourage discourse on equity issues. These techniques can bring new insights into professional development in multicultural education, raising awareness of hidden biases so teachers feel more comfortable in the classroom and do not reinforce stereotypes and negative patterns.
Overcoming Silences: Comment on "Teaching as an Encounter with the Self: Unraveling the Mix of Personal Beliefs, Education Ideologies, and Pedagogical Practices."
Explores ways teacher educators can create learning spaces in their classrooms that may initiate explorations of self, beliefs, ideologies, and practice that embrace the diversity of all students. (SLD).
Paths to Equity: Cultural, Linguistic and Racial Diversity in Canadian Early Childhood Education
Childcare centers in Canada's largest cities frequently have children with family languages other than English or French and who are of diverse racial and cultural backgrounds. This three-part study focused on cultural diversity in early childhood education (ECE) settings in Toronto (Ontario), Vancouver (British Columbia), and Montreal (Quebec).
Pathways to Tolerance: Student Diversity
Ideas for schools to support tolerance and celebrate student diversity are presented in this volume of reprinted articles.
Personal Transformations from the Inside Out: Nurturing Monocultural Teachers' Growth toward Multicultural Competence
Contends that the transformation of incoming preservice teachers into multiculturally competent, committed advocates for all students can be achieved through a combination of sound multicultural research and best practice, discussing mediated cultural immersions, the role of attending faculty in student growth, and the three phases of mediated cultural immersion. The origins of mediated cultural immersion programs are described.
Pluralism and Science Education
Examined how British preservice science teachers responded to an independent study pack designed to stimulate their understanding of race and culture. The pack provided information on cultural diversity and pluralism in Britain and educational responses to cultural pluralism.
Poll Confirms That Americans Want Diversity on Campuses
A recent Ford Foundation national survey found that 71% of Americans think diversity education does more to bring Americans together than drive them apart. Two-thirds felt colleges and universities should take explicit steps to ensure student body diversity; three-fourths want to ensure faculty diversity.
Practice into Theory into Practice: Culturally Relevant Pedagogy for Students We Have Marginalized and Normalized
A synthesis of ethnographic studies of multicultural education in North American and Australian multiethnic classrooms is presented. Nine assertions about culturally relevant instruction and two outcomes useful for teachers working in cross-cultural and multiethnic classrooms are provided.
Preparations and Reflections: Teaching in a Widening World
This paper discusses research on teacher preparation and teaching in diverse settings, using data from questionnaires about various courses and components of one teacher education program. Student teachers completed questionnaires before and after student teaching, and cooperating teachers completed them at the end of student teaching.
Preparing Chinese American Teachers: Implications for Multicultural Education
This study explored 48 Chinese-American teachers' and preservice teachers' perceptions of the multicultural course requirement in their teacher preparation program. Respondents had participated in one of four multicultural seminars between fall 1998 and fall 1999.
Preparing K-12 Teachers To Teach for Social Justice: An Experimental Exercise with a Focus on Inequality and Life-Chances Based on Sico-Economic Status
Describes a preservice multicultural education and social foundations course designed to expand awareness of and encourage an appreciation and respect for diversity, highlighting an experiential exercise that focuses on institutional inequities of socioeconomic status and that promotes critical thinking, cooperative group work, and making use of multiple intelligences. (SM).
Preparing Teachers for Culturally Diverse Schools: Research and the Overwhelming Presence of Whiteness
Reviewed research studies on preservice teacher preparation for multicultural schools, particularly schools serving historically underserved communities, examining the effects of such strategies as recruiting and selecting students, cross-cultural immersion experiences, multicultural coursework, and program restructuring. Very little research actually examined which strategies prepared strong teachers.
Preparing Teachers for Diversity: A Dilemma of Quality and Quantity. Teaching and California's Future
This report explores the absence in educational reform of attention to preparing teachers to work with culturally and linguistically diverse students.
Preparing Teachers for Diversity: Lessons Learned from the U.S. and South Africa
Analyzed U.S. and South African teachers' discourses, investigating differences in development of commitment among teachers who engaged in talk-related activities within teacher education versus those who engaged in talk-related activities plus theory-enacting activities within diverse classrooms.
Preparing the Way for Student Cognitive Development
Discusses challenges teachers face with the growing diversity in student populations, examining how teachers can help facilitate diverse students' cognitive development. Examines: stages of cognitive development, multiculturalism, helping students move from one developmental level to another, cultural socialization, field dependence and independence, the Toulmin Model for fostering student cognitive development, cognitive flexibility theory, and knowing students' skill levels.
Preschool Children's Classification Skills and a Multicultural Education Intervention To Promote Acceptance of Ethnic Diversity
Examined the impact of an 8-week intervention program designed to reduce racial/ethnic stereotyping among preschoolers varying in classification skill. Found that children in the experimental group had increased in classification skills at posttest and were less likely to sort photo cards by race/ethnicity and more likely to sort them by gender and age than were control group children.
Preservice Teachers and Teacher Educators: Are They Sensitive about Cultural Diversity Issues
This study assessed the beliefs about and sensitivity toward cultural diversity issues of teacher educators and preservice teachers. A group of 78 predominantly white preservice teachers and 45 predominantly white teacher educators completed the Beliefs About Diversity Scale, which assessed beliefs about race, gender, social class, ability, language/immigration, sexual orientation, and multicultural education.
Preservice Teachers Integrate Understandings of Diversity Into Literacy Instruction: An Adaptation of the ABC's Model
Investigated preservice teachers' understandings of their own and their students' cultural backgrounds, examining how they integrated those understandings into literacy instruction. The ABC model (autobiographies, biographies of students, cross-cultural analysis, analysis of cultural differences, and classroom practices) helped stimulate students to continue examining their lives, their cultural/linguistic backgrounds, and the impact of those factors on teaching diverse students.
Principles of Pedagogy in Teaching in a Diverse Medical School: The University of Capetown South Africa Medical School
This paper describes a 2-month project developed by the Sage Colleges (New York) and the University of Capetown Medical School in South Africa to help the medical faculty at the Capetown Medical School teach its newly diverse student body. The program is intended to improve student retention and it emphasizes the need for faculty to assure students coming from nonacademic backgrounds of their competence and to celebrate multicultural diversity in higher education.
Proceedings of the Annual International Congress on Challenges to Education: Balancing Unity and Diversity in a Changing World, 1995-1998
This collection of Proceedings of the Annual International Congress on Challenges to Education consists of four separate issues: 1995, 1996, 1997, and 1998. The 1995 Proceedings contains abstracts for 69 papers grouped under Literacy; Correctional Education; Multicultural and Issues of Diversity; Tolerance; Technology; Higher Education; Environmental Education; School Reform; and Special Education.
Professional Control and Lay Governance in Schools: Implications for Addressing Student Diversity
Author explores the tension between professional control of schools through educational administrators and lay governance as provided by a board of education as this tension relates to issues of student diversity. New models of school governance are considered for their effects of teacher professionalism with respect to student diversity.
Professional Control and Lay Governance in Schools: Implications for Addressing Student Diversity
Explores the tension between professional control of schools through educational administrators and lay governance as provided by a board of education as this tension relates to issues of student diversity. New models of school governance are considered for their effects of teacher professionalism with respect to student diversity.
Promoting Bilingualism in the Era of Unz: Making Sense of the Gap between Research, Policy, and Practice in Teacher Education
Examined efforts to promote bilingualism in a course for prospective teachers, Education of Bilingual Children: Theory and Practice, focusing on how student teachers grappled with the complex relationship between research, policy, and practice within bilingual education. Analysis of five types of literacy events indicated that students experienced a process of transformation in developing more positive attitudes toward bilingualism.
Providing a Culturally Relevant Curriculum for Hispanic Children
A culturally relevant curriculum lets Hispanic students learn from a familiar cultural base and connect new knowledge to their own experiences, thus empowering them to build on personal knowledge. Teachers must understand Hispanic culture to help students embrace the authentic information they receive.
Quinta da Princesa: A School "Reaching Out."
Describes how positive interventionist strategies improved the experiences and educational opportunities of the African-Portuguese and Romany children in Portuguese schools. The background of linguistic diversity in Portugal and the ethnic diversity in Portuguese schools are discussed.
Race and Culture in the Classroom: Teaching and Learning through Multicultural Education. Multicultural Education Series
This book analyzes what happens when one teacher attempts to work with issues of race and culture in a classroom of diverse students in an urban high school.
Race and Ethnicity in Multi-Ethnic Schools: A Critical Case Study. The Language and Education Library 15
This book explores the representation of race and ethnicity in a multiethnic school. Using a critical case study approach, it appeals to the wider social context to explain the unequal struggle over the meaning of race and ethnicity in the school.
Race Equality Policies and Practice: Resources on the Internet, Summer 2002
Presents resources available on the Internet that deal with racial equality policies and practice. Topics include legal requirements in education; institutional racism; community cohesion; diversity; curriculum; national identity; citizenship education; race and identity; suppliers, booksellers, and publishers; links with schools in other countries; refugee education; dealing with bullying and conflict; and language and bilingualism.
Race, Pluralism, and Afrocentricity
A biologically rooted conception of race is both dangerous in practice and misleading in theory. African-American unity and African-American identity need foundations that are more secure than that of race.
Racial & Ethnic Diversity in Higher Education. ASHE Reader Series
This text is a resource on racial and ethnic diversity for faculty and students in higher education. It is organized in sections related to the history of racial and ethnic diversity in higher education, curriculum and teaching, students, faculty, administration, leadership and governance, and research issues.
Reconceptualizing Literacy in the New Age of Multiculturalism and Pluralism. A Volume in Language, Literacy, and Learning
The 17 chapters in this collection of papers are on cultural literacy, cultural pluralism, and diversity.
Reconceptualizing Literacy in the New Age of Multiculturalism and Pluralism. A Volume in Language, Literacy, and Learning
The 17 chapters in this collection of papers are on Cultural Literacy,Cultural Pluralism, Black Culture,Elementary Secondary Education,English (Second Language),Higher Education,Hispanic American Students,Preservice Teacher Education.
Reconceptualizing Literacy in the New Age of Multiculturalism and Pluralism. A Volume in Language, Literacy, and Learning
These papers are collection of 17 chapters on cultural literacy and diversity.
Reducing Resistance to Diversity through Cognitive Dissonance Instruction: Implications for Teacher Education
Applied the principals of cognitive dissonance theory to an instructional strategy used to reduce resistance to the idea of white privilege, comparing groups of college students in diversity education courses that did and did not receive supplemental instruction on cognitive dissonance. Incorporating cognitive dissonance theory created an awareness of dissonance and has the potential to reduce resistance to diversity issues.
Reflections on Multicultural Curriculum. Building Community through Global Problem Solving
Describes the importance of teaching students empathy for and understanding of cultural differences, explaining how to build community through shared responsibility in global problem solving. Three examples of this type of curricular exercise, which focus on nutrition, economic structures, and ecology, are presented.
Reflections on the American Cultures Requirement
Examines the development and alterations in the American Cultures curriculum at the University of California (Berkeley) designed to accommodate emerging student diversity. The following course topics are highlighted: English, Anthropology, and History.
Refocusing the Lens: A Closer Look at Universities in the New Millennium
Discusses the need to modify higher education's European-oriented curriculum and culture to become more inclusive of other cultures and languages and to refuse to comply with the status quo, noting that in the coming years, present-day minorities will become the majority. Higher education institutions must regard diversity as an asset and multicultural/multilingual universities as centers of opportunity.
Reforming Schools in a Democratic Pluralistic Society
Issues related to race, class, and gender diversity have been silenced in most school reform efforts. To meet future national and global needs, reforms must incorporate diversity issues, promote democratic ideas, and help students acquire the knowledge, attitudes, and skills to construct civic, moral, and just communities.
Reimagining Race in Education: A New Paradigm from Psychology
Discusses paradigms underlying current approaches to multicultural education, introducing a typology of philosophical assumptions that has been used to classify approaches to multiculturalism in the field of psychology; discussing racial identity theory as an important psychological component of a race-based perspective for understanding race and culture in education; and examining how racial identity affects educational thought and practice. (SM).
Reinvented inclusive schools: A framework to guide fundamental change
This report presents a systemic change framework for creating inclusive urban schools. It explains that if a key feature of reform focuses on multicultural education as a fundamental social and educational transformation, then opportunities for all students to achieve educational equity will be realized in U.S.
Reinvented inclusive schools: A framework to guide fundamental change
This report presents a systemic change framework for creating inclusive urban schools. It explains that if a key feature of reform focuses on multicultural education as a fundamental social and educational transformation, then opportunities for all students to achieve educational equity will be realized in U.S.
Reinvented inclusive schools: A framework to guide fundamental change
This report presents a systemic change framework for creating inclusive urban schools. It explains that if a key feature of reform focuses on multicultural education as a fundamental social and educational transformation, then opportunities for all students to achieve educational equity will be realized in U.S.
Research Methods and Methodologies for Multicultural and Cross-Cultural Issues in Art Education. Crossing Cultural, Artistic, and Cyber Borders: Issues and Examples in Art Education Conference (Tempe, Arizona, January 7-8, 2000)
This monograph is the outgrowth of a conference that explored research concerns related to multi-cultural and cross-cultural contexts in art education.
Research Update. Multicultural Training in Parks and Recreation Programs
Parks and recreation professionals need training in multicultural education to handle an increasingly diverse public. Research indicates that most graduate parks-and-recreation education programs do not have multicultural education or gender issues infused into the curriculum.
Resources for a Multicultural Classroom. The Multicultural Resource Series, Volume 2
This second volume in the series "Resources for a Multicultural Classroom" helps teachers develop creative ways to integrate multiculturalism into every curriculum, from science to literature. This annotated resource guide presents K-12 teachers with an extensive listing of print (biography, poetry, anthology, essay, fiction, research, and history), film and video, and electronic resources.
Responding to Religious Diversity in Classrooms
Faculty discussions, staff-development meetings, parent workshops, and direct classroom instruction are places to raise awareness about needs of nonmainstream students and parents, to support students belonging to diverse religious and cultural groups, and to enhance sensitivity to cultural differences in the curriculum. Sample scenarios and solutions are provided.
Rethinking Culture in the Pedagogy and Practices of Preservice Teachers
Examines questions about culture and cultural identity that surfaced as student teachers in their elementary practicum attempted to learn about their students' communities and use culture in the classroom, illustrating how culture can be used in classrooms to frame and limit children and suggesting how to reframe classroom practices and multicultural goals in light of potential problems. (SM).
Rethinking Our Classrooms: Teaching for Equity and Justice. Volume 2
This companion volume to the first "Rethinking Our Classrooms" presents a collection of articles, curriculum ideas, lesson plans, poetry, and resources designed for educators seeking to pair concerns for social justice with student academic achievement.
Rethinking Preservice Preparation for Teachers in the Learning Disabilities Field: Workable Multicultural Strategies
Discusses problems and controversies associated with preservice teacher education curricular reform, teacher preparation programs and the learning disabilities field, and restructuring teacher preparation programs to prepare teachers to work with culturally diverse students with learning disabilities. Recruitment and retention of culturally diverse students and personnel is emphasized.
Rethinking Preservice Preparation for Teachers in the Learning Disabilities Field: Workable Multicultural Strategies
Discusses problems and controversies associated with preservice teacher education curricular reform, teacher preparation programs and the learning disabilities field, and restructuring teacher preparation programs to prepare teachers to work with culturally diverse students with learning disabilities. Recruitment and retention of culturally diverse students and personnel is emphasized.
Revisiting Intercultural Education: Goals, Methods, and Obstacles
Discusses multicultural education, explaining that it was developed in response to concerns about Americans' anxiety over mass immigration into the country during the early 1900s. Describes five goals of multicultural education, notes methods of and obstacles to multicultural education over the years, and presents implications for contemporary efforts in multicultural education.
Scaling Up School Restructuring in Multicultural, Multilingual Contexts: Early Observations from Sunland County. Research Report No. 2
Early observations of 13 culturally and linguistically diverse elementary schools, each of which is implementing one of six internally-developed school restructuring designs, are reported here. The schools are all located in one demographically diverse county, and the restructuring process occurred over a 4-year period.
School Health Education in a Multicultural Society. ERIC Digest
School health education needs to build a broad base of awareness, tolerance, and sensitivity to different expressions of healthy behavior while maintaining scientific accuracy. This can only be accomplished through exposing children to the various types of health knowledge found in different cultures.
Schools Fit for All
In teacher-education programs, discussions of multiculturalism have been largely separate from those about inclusion of students with disabilities. Classrooms have always been heterogeneous.
Selecting Computer Programs and Interactive Multimedia for Culturally Diverse Students: Promising Practices
Discusses issues in selecting computer programs and interactive multimedia for culturally diverse students, including the necessity of including diverse cultural referents and acknowledging the cognitive style of students who will be using the programs. (SLD).
Service-Learning for Multicultural Teaching Competency: Insights from the Literature for Teacher Educators
Examined the literature to answer: (1) "What outcomes have resulted from preservice teachers' involvement in service-learning activities in diverse community settings?" and (2) "What challenges exist to enhance their multicultural teaching competencies through service-learning?" Summarizes three challenges (e.g., the resiliency of preservice teachers' negative attitudes toward children and families of color; service-learning activities that emphasize charity, not social change); and offers recommendations for addressing them. (EV).
Service-Learning in Teacher Education: Enhancing the Growth of New Teachers, Their Students, and Communities
This book provides teacher educators, administrators, practicing teachers who work with preservice teachers, policymakers, and researchers with information on the conceptual, research, and application areas of service-learning in preservice teacher education.
Serving Children in Biracial/Bi-Ethnic Families: A Supplementary Diversity Curriculum for the Training of Child Care Providers.
Because of increasing numbers of children from biracial/bi-ethnic families attending childcare programs and increasing awareness of cultural diversity, and in recognition of the connection between a child's success and his or her racial/ethnic self-esteem, this curriculum is intended to help childcare providers integrate activities and materials that focus specifically on biracial/bi-ethnic children into existing multicultural or other curricula. Facilitated discussions that promote the sharing of ideas and experiences are core elements of this curriculum.
Sharing the Wisdom of Practice: Schools That Optimize Literacy Learning for All Students
The No Child Left Behind Act leaves no doubt about the importance of effective reading instruction, setting a national goal for every child to become a proficient reader by the third grade. With 70% of fourth graders from low income families currently unable to read at even a basic level, teachers face a daunting challenge.
Small-Town College to Big-City School: Preparing Urban Teachers from Liberal Arts Colleges
Describes a model program to prepare teachers from midwestern liberal arts colleges for urban teaching careers. Student teachers come to Chicago and live together, student teaching in local urban schools and completing regular professional development and cultural diversity activities.
Social Constructivism and the School Literacy Learning of Students of Diverse Backgrounds
Suggests social constructivism offers implications for reshaping schooling to correct the gap between the literacy achievement of students of diverse backgrounds and that of mainstream students. Proposes a conceptual framework.
Sociocultural Issues in Education: Implications for Teachers
Exclusion, hatred, and injustice have caused much pain in U.S. society.
Sociopedagogy: A Move beyond Multiculturalism toward Stronger Community
Examines how teacher educators can confront diversity while addressing preservice teachers' individual uniquenesses, describing one university's required course on pluralism. By critically examining their histories, educators learned the importance of going beyond issues of race and ethnicity.
Sources and Information Regarding Effective Retention Strategies for Students of Color
Reporting literature from the ERIC system, highlights issues and concerns regarding minority student retention and learning success within community colleges. Discusses factors contributing to declining retention rates and effective programming strategies designed to address continued participation of students of color.
Sources and Information Regarding Effective Retention Strategies for Students of Color
Reporting literature from the ERIC system, highlights issues and concerns regarding minority student retention and learning success within community colleges. Discusses factors contributing to declining retention rates and effective programming strategies designed to address continued participation of students of color.
Speaking the Unpleasant. The Politics of (non)Engagement in the Multicultural Education Terrain. SUNY Series, The Social Context of Education
This book addresses the clashing, controversial ideological and ontological postures that emanate when multicultural education issues are the sum and substance for engagement by learners in various educational settings.
Spear Fishing in Wisconsin: Multicultural Education as Symbolic Violence
Describes how multicultural teacher education can preserve familiar institutional and ideological mechanisms that validate social inequalities, analyzing student discourse collected during activities concerning recent conflict between Native American groups and groups opposed to the exercise of their treaty rights to fish on nonreservation lakes. Discusses differences between positions taken by state university students and liberal arts college students.
Staying the Course in Times of Change: Preparing Teachers for Language Minority Education
Describes how passage of Proposition 227, California's initiative restricting bilingual education, has influenced teacher preparation to authorize specialized instruction for limited English proficient students. The response to Proposition 227 by San Diego State University's College of Education is explored to illustrate the reaffirmation of a commitment to educational equity and ongoing program development to support multicultural teaching.
Student Diversity, Choice, and School Improvement
This book examines research about trends affecting public school diversity, improvement, and choice. It finds that schools with socioeconomically and racially diversified student bodies are more effective learning communities than schools that are poverty-concentrated and racially homogenous.
Student Protest and Multicultural Reform: Making Sense of Campus Unrest in the 1990s
Examines college student activism of the 1990s organized around multicultural issues using case studies of protests at five institutions--Mills College (California), University of California at Los Angeles, Pennsylvania State University, Rutgers University (New Jersey), Michigan State University. Identity politics is highlighted as a key student strategy.
Student Self-Empowerment: A Dimension of Multicultural Education
Examined ways in which 27 urban ninth graders from diverse backgrounds displayed empowering behaviors and attitudes. Students clearly voiced that they were in control of their actions.
Superintendents' Multicultural Competencies
Examines the competencies required by superintendents to lead schools in diverse cultural settings. Methodology included interviews with 12 multicultural education experts, participation of 14 "expert" superintendents, and written responses.
Supporting Teachers To Bridge Cultures for Immigrant Latino Students. A Model for Professional Development
This publication describes a model for faculty development in the area of immigrant Latino students. The Bridging Cultures Project was developed to address: how teacher professional development would affect teachers' understanding of how differing values could lead to conflict between home and school; how teachers could translate such understanding into improved practices bridging home and school cultures; and what effects this faculty development would have on students, teachers, and parents.
Supporting Teachers To Bridge Cultures for Immigrant Latino Students. A Model for Professional Development
This publication describes a model for faculty development in the area of immigrant Latino students.
Teacher Education and the Cultural Imagination: Autobiography, Conversation, and Narrative
This book argues for the importance of addressing the role of culture in the lives of student teachers. It explains how passionate dialogue in small groups about multicultural literature and autobiography can transform teachers' lives and practice, arguing for a broad and intellectual, yet practical and concrete, vision of teacher development in which teachers not only begin to explore issues of race and class, gender and culture, but also themselves as thinkers and articulate voices.
Teacher Education: Preparing Teachers for Diversity
This qualitative case study documents how one student teacher was able to enrich her understanding of what it means to work in a multicultural environment. The study examined what the student teacher considered to be culturally responsive teaching and how she described culturally responsive teaching.
Teachers for Multicultural Schools: The Power of Selection
Proposes 12 teacher attributes that are important in multicultural schools, focusing on specific teacher qualities and ideology and explaining that selecting teachers who are predisposed to perform the sophisticated expectations of multicultural teaching is a necessary precondition. Training has important value after preselection, providing it emphasizes being mentored on the job as fully accountable teachers.
Teachers Leading Teachers: Enhancing Multicultural Education through Field-based Partnerships
Argues that partnerships between early childhood teacher preparation programs and public school teachers will strengthen the discourse on multicultural education and its institutionalization. Presents strategies for gaining a personal connection to multicultural education ideals, including developing cultural biographies, examining stereotypes and prejudices, examining the construction of a personal identity, and critically examining the media.
Teachers of Gifted Students: Suggested Multicultural Characteristics and Competencies
This article discusses desired characteristics and competencies in teachers of gifted students who are culturally, ethnically, or linguistically diverse. These include: culturally relevant pedagogy, equity pedagogy, a holistic teaching philosophy, a communal philosophy, respect for students' primary language, culturally congruent instructional practices, culturally sensitive assessment, student-family-teacher relationships, and teacher diversity.
Teaching about Diversity Issues
Describes a course designed to help preservice teachers get in touch with their own attitudes and beliefs during an assignment that involves individuals from different backgrounds. Students' and teachers' perspectives on this learning experience are presented, focusing on such issues as religion, culture, social class, race, and teenage mothers.
Teaching about Multicultural and Diversity Issues from an Humanistic Perspective
This paper describes how one Educational Psychology professor prepares predominantly white, female, middle-class student teachers for experiences with diverse learners by providing a learning task or activity that engages them in new experiences with someone different from themselves.
Teaching Asian America: Diversity and the Problem of Community
This collection of essays examines the wide range of approaches and emphases within the teaching of Asian American Studies (AAS), offering constructive insights into the tensions between diversity and community and into the different dimensions of AAS. After an introduction by L.
Teaching Asian American Students
Uses data from interviews with parents of Asian American students, observations, and literature reviews to identify cultural and language issues that must be considered in teaching this population. The paper discusses the history of Asian immigrants, attitudes toward education among Asians, the relationship between teaching styles and Asian culture, and suggestions for teachers working with Asian American students.
Teaching for Diversity
This book focuses on how to teach students from diverse cultures and how to teach students to live in a diverse society.
Teaching for Inclusion: A Resource Book for NU Faculty
This teaching manual helps college faculty understand how to work with diverse students in the classroom. An introductory section defines diversity, discusses teacher attitudes, and suggests where to begin.
Teaching Mathematics from a Multicultural Perspective
Describes principles and instructional strategies for teaching mathematics to culturally diverse students, explaining: fundamental principles of multicultural mathematics; approaches to multicultural mathematics instruction (e.g., portrayal of cultural groups in instructional materials and historical roots of mathematics concepts); and instructional strategies for diverse students (e.g., high expectations, questioning, cooperative learning, and technology use). (SM).
Teaching Other People's Ideas to Other People's Children: Integrating Messages from Education, Psychology, and Critical Pedagogy
Educational endeavors are enriched by diverse forms of knowledge and experience, and, particularly in urban schools,by diverse children and teachers. An important educational task is teaching other people's ideas to other people's children.
Teaching through Diversity
Argues that one of the richest vehicles for enhancing students' classroom learning is the diversity of the student body itself. Integrating diversity into the classroom process also increases motivation and facilitates development of social, cognitive, and communication skills necessary for today's multicultural workforce.
Teaching Tolerance and Appreciation for Diversity: Applying the Research on Prejudice Reduction
Teaching tolerance and appreciation for diversity becomes more important as changing demographics require schools to prepare students for increasing diversity. Teachers can help students develop more positive racial attitudes through instructional interventions.
Text and Context: Using Multicultural Literature To Help Teacher Education Students Develop Understanding of Self and World
This study compares the responses of black and white preservice teachers as they engaged about a young adult novel which addressed racial and sexual diversity. Student teachers used young adult literature with protagonists from diverse backgrounds as one means of coming to understand and value children of all backgrounds.
The 21st-Century College Student: Implications for Athletic Training Education Programs
Discusses impending demographic changes in the 21st-century college-student population, addressing implications for athletic training education programs and the profession. The paper discusses multicultural diversification and nontraditional student status, noting that 21st century higher education must offer multicultural training, flexible scheduling, accelerated programs, and practical learning experiences.
The Accelerating Change of American Diversity
Discusses three aspects of changes underlying the "New Multiculturalism": intermarriage, "tipping" of racial and ethnic balances (due to differential birthrates and immigration patterns), and transnational cultures. Educational ramifications include changes in administrative record keeping, evolving student identities, acculturation, intergroup relations, and curriculum.
The American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education: A History
On the 50th anniversary of the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE), this book examines the history of AACTE's work.
The Asset of Cultural Pluralism: An Account of Cross-Cultural Learning in Pre-Service Teacher Education
Highlights a Canadian preservice educator in a cross- cultural course who worked with student teachers to understand how they encountered one another's diverse attitudes and values, promoting a theory of cross-cultural education that validated experiential interactions as moments of learning. This led to a vision of pluralism where diversity helped create interpretive competence through encounters of difference and self-study.
The Barriers of Diversity; Multicultural Education & Rural Schools
Addresses issues and problems related to multicultural education in rural schools. Suggests seven propositions to assist educators in bringing cultural awareness to rural education, including understanding that the rural environment has cultural aspects of its own.
The Color of Bureaucracy: The Politics of Equity in Multicultural School Communities
This book is for administrators, teachers, policymakers, educational reformers, and community leaders who are concerned with achieving greater social justice in education. It provides an in-depth understanding of the challenges to schools brought about by lingering views of race, gender, ethnicity, and class, showing how the inequalities of the country's past are unconsciously maintained through inherited systems of bureaucratic control.
The Commission on the Future of Multi-Ethnic Britain: A Summary of Some of the Main Principles and Recommendations
Discusses the main principles and recommendations of the Commission on the Future of Multi-Ethnic Britain, an independent think-tank devoted to promoting racial justice in Britain. Some of the tasks identified for Great Britain are: rethinking the national story and national identity; addressing and removing all forms of racism; reducing economic inequalities; and building a pluralistic human rights culture.
The Comprehensive Support Model for Culturally Diverse Exceptional Learners: Intervention in an Age of Change
This article discusses how students, teachers, families, communities, and government can work together using the Comprehensive Support Model (CSM) as an intervention for culturally diverse learners with exceptionalities. Embedded in the discussion are cases that illustrate functions of CSM.
The Concept of Academic Politeness in a Multicultural University Classroom
This study explored a context-embedded concept of politeness in a discussion-type, multicultural university classroom. The graduate-level class, Language Planning, had 33 students from a variety of cultural backgrounds.
The Concept of Culture in Multicultural Education: Views of Teacher Educators in the USA
This study is a qualitative analysis and critique of the way culture is conceptualized in a collection of teacher educators' stories of their personal experiences with cultural differences and their characterizations of multicultural education. The interpretive practices revealed in their writings suggest that they hold the concept of culture that predominates in the United States, that of a bounded entity belonging to groups and individuals.
The Contradictions of Diversity
Issues of race, language, ethnicity, and sexual orientation are fundamentally issues of fear and trust. People are simply uncomfortable with those who strike them as different.
The Court of Public Opinion: The Ford Foundation Campus Diversity Initiative Survey of Voters on Diversity in Education and an Interview with Edgar Beckham
Reports on a study of attitudes of U.S. voters regarding diversity and diversity education in higher education based on telephone interviews with 2,011 voters.
The Culturally Diverse Classroom: A Guide for ESL and Mainstream Teachers
This handbook is for teachers and administrators involved with international students in English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) and mainstream settings. It is intended to raise awareness of the new American classroom.
The Culturally Diverse Classroom: A Guide for ESL and Mainstream Teachers
This handbook is for teachers and administrators involved with international students in English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) and mainstream settings. It is intended to raise awareness of the new American classroom.
The Development of a Cultural Assessment Tool: Paving the Way to a Culturally Comfortable Classroom
In a multicultural classroom it is the seemingly small issues, such as classroom informality or interpersonal relationships between male and female students, that can cause misunderstandings and problems. This paper delineates a simple assessment tool to determine what behaviors might be a source of potential discomfort in the classroom.
The Development, Testing, and Evaluation of an In-Service Multicultural Training Program in Adult Education
Participants in a two-day inservice multicultural training program (n=51) were compared with 30 controls. Participants showed modest increases in cultural awareness and skills and significant improvement in responses to the Critical Incident Quality Index.
The Diversity Project: Institutionalizing Multiculturalism or Managing Differences?
Institutions embrace diversity in theory, but they do not do much to implement it. Their inadequate support for ethnic studies is a case in point.
The Effectiveness of Minority Teachers on Minority Student Success
This paper examines the shortage of minority teachers and explores the high priority that exists among parents, teachers, and the business community to work toward a diversified teaching force, focusing on the U.S. Hispanic population and investigating whether minority teachers in the classroom can result in minority student success in school.
The Enhanced Citizenship Curriculum for Schools in the Bradford District
Describes efforts to improve Britain's QCA (Qualifications and Curriculum Authority) citizenship curriculum to reflect anti-racism issues, highlighting the Enhanced Citizenship Curriculum for schools in the Bradford District. Presents principles underpinning this effort and looks at six major changes to make the National Curriculum for Citizenship more relevant to Bradford schools.
The Fight Free Classroom
Describes implementation of the Fight Free Classroom intervention (designed to decrease fighting and aggressiveness by helping students take ownership of their behavior) in an urban elementary school that included students with emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD). Overall, aggressive acts among students with and without EBD decreased immediately after participation in the intervention.
The First Twenty-Five Years: LaGuardia Community College CUNY. LaGuardia Works. Corp Author(s): La Guardia Community Coll., Long Island City, NY
This document chronicles the 25 year history of La Guardia Community College. Chapter 1, "A Sign of Its Times," describes the beginnings of La Guardia Community College, including the first buildings, departments, faculty, and staff members.
The Inclusive School: Integrating Diversity and Solidarity through Community-Based Management
Confronts possibilities and problems associated with creating diverse, multicultural, inclusive schools. Illustrates how schools can better serve students by fostering a sense of community while advancing both solidarity and diversity.
The Influence of Teacher Background on the Inclusion of Multicultural Education: A Case Study of Two Contrasts
Examined the impact of preservice teachers' backgrounds on their multicultural perspectives in teaching secondary social studies, highlighting two student teachers with widely different backgrounds and beliefs. Data from papers, interviews, and observations showed significant differences in perspectives.
The Invisible Minority: Preparing Teachers to Meet the Needs of Gay and Lesbian Youth
Teacher educators can help prepare future educators to teach homosexual students by creating safe environments for homosexual students, providing positive role models, selecting relevant curriculum and activities, providing information and training for faculty, securing relevant library holdings, and conducting research on homosexual students. Commitment to all students must include commitment to homosexual students.
The Language of Disability Diagnosises: Writing and Talking Back in Multicultural Settings
Fiction, journal, and creative writing can help highlight the positive qualities of diverse minority children. Educational psychology often diagnoses difference as disability.
The Light in Their Eyes: Creating Multicultural Learning Communities. Multicultural Education Series
This book focuses on ways teachers can modify their teaching in order to increase the academic achievement of students from the racial and ethnic groups that are experiencing massive failure in U.S. schools, and consequently in society.
The Limits of Cross-Cultural Dialogue: Pedagogy, Desire, and Absolution in the Classroom
Discusses the limits of cross-cultural dialog in the classroom, asking what happens if this togetherness and dialog-across-difference fails to hold a compellingly positive meaning for subordinate ethnic groups. Presents a true story about a classroom in a New Zealand university and a controversial pedagogical strategy employed there.
The Lives and Values of Researchers: Implications for Educating Citizens in a Multicultural Society
Discusses why it is necessary to uncover the values that underlie social science research and reviews reasons objectivity should be a goal of social science research. Presents a typology of cross-cultural researchers and describes the lives and work of some social scientists who exemplify these categories.
The Magic of Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: In Search of the Genie's Lamp in Multicultural Education
In recent years, there has been growing interest in helping teachers develop culturally responsive teaching strategies. This paper profiles crucial aspects of a culturally responsive pedagogy and proposes a holistic framework for integrating different levels of culture into culturally responsive teaching.
The Multicultural Movement and Its Euphemisms
Discusses educational implications of the multicultural movement, highlighting: relativism versus anti-relativism; consequences of institutionalizing differences; implications of confusing culture with identity; tensions involved in cultural identification; African Americans as an example of race, class, and education; the neglected variable of social class; black culture versus black identity; subjective culture, self-esteem, and community; and positive approaches to these debates. (SM).
The Need for Interracial Storybooks in Effective Multicultural Classrooms
Discusses the importance of including interracial storybooks in today's diverse classrooms, explaining the benefits of using such literature (e.g., building a sound personal identity for children with mixed ancestors, promoting knowledge and skills for a global society, and developing an appreciation for diversity). Reviews eight books with stories about interracial families for elementary school students.
The Normal School and Some of Its Abnormalities: Community Influences on Anti-Racist Multicultural Education Developments
Identifies external communities of interest, among other factors, affecting secondary-level anti-racist multicultural education, analyzing schools' representations of their cultural characteristics to different communities of interest for different purposes. Concludes that schools must adopt more principled, explicit, organizational learning strategies in order to gain support for anti-racist multicultural education school improvements from their communities of interest.
The Politics of Multiculturalism and Bilingual Education: Students and Teachers Caught in the Crossfire
This article contains essays on political issues in multicultural and bilingual education.
The Politics of Multiculturalism and Bilingual Education: Students and Teachers Caught in the Crossfire
Essays on political issues in multicultural and bilingual education include Bilingual Education,Diversity (Student),Language Role,Multicultural Education,Politics of Education, Asian Americans,Comparative Analysis,Culture Conflict,Foreign Countries,International Education.
The Politics of Multiculturalism and Bilingual Education: Students and Teachers Caught in the Crossfire
This book contains essays on political issues in multicultural and bilingual education.
The Practical Impact of Current Research and Issues in Intelligence Test Interpretation and Use for Multicultural Populations
Hostility towards intelligence tests is based on perception that such instruments are decisive in placing ethnic and linguistic minority students in ineffective educational placements. It is imperative that discussions about intelligence and cognition be guided by the presupposition that there are certain cross-cultural skills all students must achieve to be successful in school and in their vocations.
The Quiet Peacemakers. A Tribute to Teachers
This booklet, which is available in English, French, and Spanish, presents articles by eight individuals from around the world which demonstrate how teachers worldwide are finding ways to show children how to respect those who are different from themselves. The teachers' mission is to provide children with the means to overcome centuries-old tensions.
The Rhetoric of Diversity and the Traditions of American Literary Study: Critical Multiculturalism in English. Critical Studies in Education and Culture Series
This book considers the concept and practices of a noncritical multiculturalism as it has functioned historically and as it is widely practiced in U.S. university English programs.
The Role of Education in Preventing Ethnic Conflicts: The Case of Roma in the Czech Republic. GSFI Occasional Paper
This paper discusses conflicts between Romani minority people and the dominant majority in the Czech Republic, suggesting solutions based on improvements in teacher education.
The Role of Empathy in Teaching Culturally Diverse Students: A Qualitative Study of Teachers' Beliefs
McAllister investigated teachers' beliefs about the role of empathy in their effectiveness with culturally diverse students. All respondents had participated in a multicultural professional development course geared to fostering culturally responsive practice.
The Role of Empathy in Teaching Culturally Diverse Students: A Qualitative Study of Teachers' Beliefs
Investigated teachers' beliefs about the role of empathy in their effectiveness with culturally diverse students. All respondents had participated in a multicultural professional development course geared to fostering culturally responsive practice.
The Schoolyard as a Stage: Missing Cultural Clues in Symbolic Fighting
Investigates how social conflict was enacted at one racially diverse, urban middle school. Discusses symbolic fighting, the use of body language, the location of symbolic fighting, and symbolic fighting as a source of transformation, proposing to redefine the socializing role of social conflict in the lives of students and adults in schools.
The Search for the Great Community: The Multicultural Community and Its Problems. Draft
This paper addresses issues surrounding the ideal of community in American undergraduate education and the challenge of multiculturalism in the context of a feminist interpretation of the pragmatism of John Dewey. A contradictory relationship is seen to exist between higher education's definition of community and multiculturalism; and this paper's interpretation of Dewey is thought to resolve these contradictions.
The Use of Case Studies in Preparing Teachers for Cultural Diversity
Cases offer prospective teachers vicarious experience in culturally different settings. This paper uses examples of cases from the Teachers for Alaska Program, which successfully altered the way teachers educated culturally diverse students.
Then the Beauty Emerges: A Longitudinal Case Study of Culturally Relevant Teaching
Explores the classroom curriculum and instructional strategies of a white, second career teacher who created a culturally relevant teaching practice. Longitudinal data chronicled the development of her beliefs, values, and dispositions for meeting diverse student needs.
Three Ways To Achieve a More Equitable Representation of Culturally and Linguistically Different Students in GT Programs
This article posits that increasing minority teachers in gifted and talented (GT) programs will lead to an increase of minority students in GT programs. Ways to recruit and prepare minority teachers are discussed, as are multicultural and bilingual options for GT programs.
Toward an Empowering Multicultural Assessment Technique
Discusses the move toward teaching strategies designed to empower students, sharing one university professor's experiences with a cooperative learning method of student assessment in a teacher training multicultural education course that utilized an empowering model. (SM).
Training Urban School Counselors and Psychologists To Work with Culturally, Linguistically, Urban, and Ethnically Diverse Populations
Discusses the need to train urban school counselors and psychologists to address the needs of culturally, linguistically, urban, and ethnically diverse (CLUE) students, proposing a major CLUE philosophy training program to be incorporated into the existing degree sequence. Notes major competencies needed for multicultural training and presents key readings to help students and professionals familiarize themselves with the competencies.
Transforming the Multicultural Education of Teachers: Theory, Research, and Practice. Multicultural Education Series
This book recognizes the important role teacher education programs can play in providing culturally responsive teachers for 21st century public school classrooms. It provides a range of transformative perspectives on the multicultural education of teachers, emphasizing race, racism, anti-racism, and democracy .
Trends in the Scholarship on Teachers of Color for Diverse Populations: Implications for Multicultural Education
This paper reviews patterns in the literature on minority teachers and teacher preparation.
Trends in the Scholarship on Teachers of Color for Diverse Populations: Implications for Multicultural Education
Reviews patterns from literature on teachers of color and teacher preparation, including: recruitment and retention; role models; assessment; alternative programs for particular populations; and perceptions of programs and teaching. Analyzes 90 records that appeared when combining the descriptors multicultural education and teachers of color.
Two Important New Documents Reviewed: OFSTED and TTA
Reviews the OFSTED document, "Educational Inequality: Mapping Race, Class and Gender. A Synthesis of Research Evidence," (which examines the persistent inequality between the main ethnic populations within English schools) and the Teacher Training Agency document, "Raising the Attainment of Minority Ethnic Pupils: Guidance and Resource Materials for Providers of Initial Teacher Training" (which focuses on racial equality and teacher training).
Understanding Differences in Cultural Communication Styles
Administrators must integrate the strengths of diverse cultural styles into all parts of the system, including hiring practices, curriculum development, teaching and learning styles, discipline philosophy, and communication with parents. To reduce the potential for misunderstandings, this article explains differences in "mainstream" versus traditional ethnic communication and participation that govern student placement decisions, parent-teacher conferences, informal interactions, and treatment of "hot topics." (MLH).
Understanding Diversity: How Do Early Childhood Preservice Educators Construct Their Definitions of Diversity
Because of the increasing diversity of ethnic, cultural, religious, and socioeconomic groups in public schools, the preparation of teachers for multiethnic, multicultural settings is a critical issue facing teacher educators.
United by Justice: Multicultural Education and Liberation Theology
Compares the goals and premises of multicultural education and liberation theology, reviewing: the context in which they arose, subsequently developed goals, how the process of knowledge construction informs both fields, and the critical role it plays in developing participants' activities. Examines connections between the two fields and what aspects of multicultural education can incorporate from liberation theology.
United in Diversity: Using Multicultural Young Adult Literature in the Classroom. Classroom Practices in Teaching English, Volume 29
Addressing the complexity of the question of multicultural literature in the classroom, this anthology of 27 articles includes: contemplations by seven award-winning writers of young adult (YA) literature on the subject of diversity; a resource section that describes over 200 literary works and lists 50 reference tools to help teachers stay current on multicultural YA literature; and practical ideas from 16 educators who provide strategies proven to work in literature and language arts classes and across the curriculum.
Using Analogy To Develop an Understanding of Deaf Culture. A K-5 Curriculum
Presents a model for a multicultural curriculum in which aspects of deaf culture are introduced to hearing students, noting the rationale for developing it. Discusses using analogy and empathy as catalysts for change in multicultural settings, describes a conceptual model of culture, and explains what deaf culture is.
Using Immersion Experiences to Shake Up Preservice Teachers' Views about Cultural Differences
A cultural-immersion project helped preservice teachers at the University of Nevada gain knowledge about other cultures and insight into how it feels to be part of a minority culture. Data from students' writeups of the projects indicate that students gained much from the experience (e.g., new information about specific cultures, challenged beliefs, and enhanced personal and professional skills).
Using Intercollegiate Response Groups To Help Teacher Education Students Bridge Differences of Race, Class, Ethnicity
To provide preservice teachers with opportunities for contact with people from racially and ethnically different backgrounds, one university initiated intercollegiate reader response groups using the WebCT format, which allowed students to converse with one another over distances, both within and across universities.
Using Popular Films To Challenge Preservice Teachers' Beliefs about Teaching in Urban Schools
Discusses myths about urban education and education in general that are illustrated in three popular films about inner city schools, focusing on myths about learning, specifically about questions and answers, authenticity, and motivation; teaching, specifically about the center of the learning process; relationships with students, parents, and the institution; and culture. Proceeds from a constructivist approach to learning.
Waging Peace in Our Schools
The Resolving Conflicts Creatively Program (RCCP) described in this book asserts that schools must educate the child's heart as well as the mind. RCCP began in 1985 as a joint initiative of Educators for Social Responsibility Metropolitan Area and the New York City Board of Education.
Wanted: Minority Educators for U.S. Schools
Although necessary for a diversified student body, minority teachers are underrepresented due to a lingering resistance to integration efforts, unappealing classroom conditions, salary issues, and culturally biased professional exams. Equitable placement procedures, incentives, competitive salaries, mentoring programs, subject-area recruitment, and multicultural training are partial remedies.
We Are All Multiculturalists Now
Multiculturalism in American education has been the subject of much debate and it has established a powerful position in both higher education and in earlier schooling. This book explores the conflict over multiculturalism, examines the social situation from which it has emerged, and considers implications for the future of American society.
We Can't Teach What We Don't Know: White Teachers, Multiracial Schools. Multicultural Education Series
This book explores what it means to be a culturally competent white teacher in racially diverse schools. Twenty-five years of a multi- cultural educator's experience is presented to show the changes and growth that must take place.
We Can't Teach What We Don't Know: White Teachers, Multiracial Schools. Multicultural Education Series
This book explores what it means to be a culturally competent white teacher in racially diverse schools. Twenty-five years of a multi- cultural educator's experience is presented to show the changes and growth that must take place.
What Counts and How: Mathematics Teaching in Culturally, Linguistically, and Socioeconomically Diverse Urban Settings
Examined urban teachers' efforts to embrace mathematics reform with culturally, linguistically, and socioeconomically diverse student populations, noting teachers' roles in providing accessible and valuable mathematical learning opportunities to diverse students. Data from two third grade teachers indicate that such work is complex.
What Diverse, Rural Communities Need and Want from Their Teachers
Two community meetings in a rural multicultural New Mexico school district examined community expectations of teachers. Awareness and sensitivity to cultural differences were identified as the most important qualities.
What Does It Mean To Affirm Diversity?
Educators must recognize five realities before meaningful affirmative actions can occur. Affirming diversity is about social justice.
What Helps Students of Color Succeed? Resiliency Factors for Students Enrolled in Multicultural Educators Programs
This study investigated factors that helped students of color enrolled in multicultural educator programs succeed academically, focusing on resiliency factors that supported their academic success (defined as college graduation or current enrollment at the sophomore level or higher). First an initial focus group with several minority students verified whether resilience factors from prior research were sufficient.
Where in the Oregon Trail Is Carmen Sandiego? A Commentary on Software and Its Sensitivity to Diversity
Addresses cultural biases, language biases, cultural sensitivity, and the authenticity of educational software for children, critiquing several popular educational programs and revealing the pitfalls of software design and the problem among software engineers (lack of training and lack of cultural knowledge). Proposes tips to help parents and educators choose culturally relevant, appropriate educational software packages for their children.
White Noise: The Attack on Political Correctness and the Struggle for the Western Canon
Reviews debates about political correctness, multiculturalism, and the Western Canon in education, analyzing why the Canon needs defending and what it says about education. The paper describes flaws in the arguments of those attacking political correctness and defending the Canon, suggesting that the case for multiculturalism and diversified curriculum needs substantial strengthening to be feasible.
White Teachers at the Crossroads
Two multicultural educators discuss how white teachers can help dismantle a legacy of racial domination and injustice. One describes the role for white teachers in multicultural education and their need to address issues of white privilege.
Why Aren't Teachers Being Prepared To Teach for Diversity, Equity, and Global Interconnectedness? A Study of Lived Experiences in the Making of Multicultural and Global Educators
Investigated why and how teacher educators bridged the gap between multicultural and global education to prepare teachers for diversity and equity. Respondents wrote about lived experiences which shaped their world views.
Working with Asian Parents and Families
Discusses how teachers can enhance the experiences of their Asian American students, examining the importance of understanding Asian American parents and families. Suggestions for working with Asian American parents and families include: respect immediate and extended family members, understand diversity within Asian ethnic groups, consider parents' English proficiency, combat stereotypes, and encourage children to be bicultural and bilingual.
Write Me In: Inclusive Texts in the Primary Classroom
As much as any society of people, Australians represent themselves as equals. Yet few Australians are able to fit the widely circulated myths about what is normal, valuable, and desirable in their society.
Youth-Adult Partnerships: Unity in Diversity
This book offers practical principles and programs for establishing "youth-adult partnerships" to bridge the generation gap and prepare youth for a future free of unnecessary risk.