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Like Stone Soup: The Role of the Professional Development School in the Renewal of Urban Schools

This monograph critiques professional development schools (PDSs) and their role in the renewal of urban schools.College School Cooperation Diversity, Professional Development Schools,Urban Education, Elementary Secondary Education, Equal Education, Higher Education Multicultural Education, Politics of Education, Preservice Teacher Education, Teacher Attitudes, Teachers

  • Author/Creator: Murrell, Peter C. Jr Corp Author American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Washington D. C.
  • Author's address: AACTE Publications, 1307 New York Avenue, NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20005-4701; phone: 202-293-2450; fax: 202-457-8095 ($19.95, AACTE members; $24.95, nonmembers).
  • Date Published: 00-00
  • Year: 1998

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