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Cultural Awareness
"Leyendas" (Legends): Connecting Reading Cross-Culturally
Describes how using the Hispanic tale "La Llorona" can help teachers connect cross-culturally with their students for enhanced literacy instruction. Describes ways "La Llorona" may be used in courses for preservice education majors and in elementary and middle-grade classes.
"Mama," Affection, and Migration: Recommended Books about Latinos for Children and Adolescents
Presents an annotated bibliography of books to teach children and adolescents about Latinos and the Latino culture. Topics of the books range from the spirit of the Latino folk arts to poetic expressions, migration stories, and insightful essays about Cuba under Castro.
"More than I Bargained For": Confronting Biases in Teacher Preparation
This paper presents the cases of four preservice teachers enrolled in a critical multicultural education course during Spring 2000, showing how the readings, cross-racial dialogues, and journal reflections that were part of the course helped students, for the first time and irrespective of race and gender, discuss their experiences and question personal views on race, class, gender, and sexuality.
1999 Notable Books for a Global Society: A K-12 list
Offers brief descriptions of 25 recent outstanding books (fiction, nonfiction, and poetry written for children in grades K-12 and published in 1998) chosen for the 1999 list of Notable Books for a Global Society. Notes that these books celebrate the diversity and common bonds of humanity.
A Call for Multicultural Counseling in Middle Schools
Defines multicultural middle school counseling and outlines three main reasons for offering multicultural counseling designed specifically for young adolescents. Outlines problems faced by non-native students and presents guidelines for middle school counselors who work in multicultural settings.
A Crisis in Graduate Studies
Argues that Aboriginal graduate students are creating a crisis for faculties of education. The knowledge needed to supervise them as they produce theses is not available.
A Cultural Mosaic
The diversity program initiated in a Philadelphia high school is based on the following principles: teachers should educate themselves about diversity, spread and reinforce the word, think outside the box, lead by example, and use multiple strategies to prepare students to succeed in a multicultural world. (JOW).
A Developmental Framework for Cultural Competence Training with Children
Presents a developmental framework for cultural competence training with children. Recommends that social workers synchronize training with children's developmental levels and cultural learning readiness in cognitive, affective, and behavioral areas.
A Faceless Bureaucrat Ponders Special Education, Disability, and White Privilege
The first part of this article critiques categorical approaches to special education, overrepresentation of minority children in special education, inclusion and exclusion, and white privilege. The second part of the article describes the potential of multicultural education, transformation, and participatory leadership approaches to address the issues raised in the critique.
A Mean Wink at Authenticity: Chinese Images in Disney's "Mulan."
Offers a critique from two Chinese educators with regard to the historical, cultural, linguistic, and artistic authenticity of Disney's animated film "Mulan." Argues that the filmmakers robbed the original story of its soul and "ran over Chinese culture with the Disney bulldozer," imposing mainstream cultural beliefs and values. (SR).
A Study of the Mismatch Between Native Students' Counseling Needs and Available Services
Examined the counseling needs of First Nations youth (n=54), living in five major First Nations communities of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Identified five types of needs based on survey and interview data.
A Successful Program for Struggling Readers
Notes that a "staggering number" of struggling readers in the United States are African American children and other students of color. Outlines characteristics of successful schools for struggling readers, and details effective teaching techniques.
Achieving Congruence between Learning and Teaching Styles in Linguistically Diverse Environments
While several studies focus on how students learn, very few focus on how teachers teach. It has been assumed that successful learning is judged by effective teaching.
Addressing Diversity through a Field-Based Center for Professional Development and Technology
To meet the challenges of student diversity, the Southwest Texas Center for Professional Development and Technology offers school-family-community partnerships with urban schools. Preservice teacher interns participate in field-based experiences where they interact with diverse students in various settings over a semester.
Aiming High 2: Straight A's
This book explores the key themes of raising achievement and the various strategies in both teaching and learning which will lead to students achieving their potential. Experienced A-level teachers reflect on issues including: the link between cultural awareness and developing linguistic skills; teaching study skills and learning strategies as an integral part of all aspects of teaching and learning a modern foreign language.
Already Reading Texts and Contexts: Multicultural Literature in a Predominantly White Rural Community
Examines how the inclusion of multicultural texts played out in one predominantly white rural community, focusing on repercussions of a key event that set off conflict in the community and describing how various interpretations of this event haped teachers' and community members' beliefs about the selection, interpretation, and teaching of multicultural literature. (SM).
Americanization and the Schools
Argues that a common mainstream American culture (a system of common knowledge and root attitudes as well as the English language) should take precedence in the schools over attempts to enforce multiculturalism and bilingualism, which only deepen the disadvantage of the children of the unassimilated. (SR).
Amish Literature for Children
Presents an overview of children's literature about the Amish. Describes often-overlooked complexities within the Amish culture and discusses 11 books for children (and lists 14 others).
An Exploratory Study of Counselor Judgments in Multicultural Research
Archival data were used to explore intake judgments made by 45 counselors about 344 African American and white clients seen at a counseling center during a 2-year period. Counselor gender was significantly associated with ratings of client severity of current condition.
An Urban Field Experience for Rural Preservice Teachers: "I'm Not Afraid--Should I Be?"
Investigated the impact of an urban field experience on rural/suburban preservice teachers, examining what they learned and how they applied their learning. Data from observations and student self-reports indicated that the experience was very positive for the participants, and it raised their consciousness about urban education.
Anti-Racist Education Project: A Summary Report on the Extent of Implementation and Changes Found in Wards 11/12 Schools: 1991-92 to 1994-95. No. 223
This report documents how a family of elementary schools in Wards 11 and 12 of the Toronto Board of Education (Ontario, Canada) have carried out their plans for the antiracist education (ARE) mandated by the school board between 1991-92 and 1994-95. Results, based on a variety of data collection methods, reveal areas of accomplishment and challenges still to be met.
Anti-Racist Education Project: A Summary Report on the Extent of Implementation and Changes Found in Wards 11/12 Schools: 1991-92 to 1994-95. No. 223
This report documents how a family of elementary schools in Wards 11 and 12 of the Toronto Board of Education (Ontario, Canada) have carried out their plans for the antiracist education (ARE) mandated by the school board between 1991-92 and 1994-95.
Applications of "Multiculturalism" Demonstrated by Elementary Preservice Science Teachers
This study examined 38 thematic units prepared by preservice elementary teachers at the end of their science methods class and their second semester in an urban, field-based program, investigating how they addressed principles of diversity and multiculturalism. The units had either a science theme or science integrated with themes from other disciplines.
Art or Propaganda? Pedagogy and Politics in Illustrated African-American Children's Literature since the Harlem Renaissance
This paper explores assumptions about children's political thinking as reflected in African American children's literature, with particular attention to picture books and illustrated magazine stories. Framed in terms of the "art or propaganda" distinction that the Harlem Renaissance philosopher.
Asian Americans: From Racial Category to Multiple Identities. Critical Perspectives on Asian Pacific Americans Series
The experience of Asian Americans as a racial category and as a multiplicity of identities in the United States is examined. Demographically, Asian Americans are the fastest growing racial and ethnic group in the United States.
Asian, American, and Deaf: A Framework for Professionals
Presents a multicultural framework for thinking about, assessing, and working with people with deafness from Asian and Asian Deaf backgrounds. Emphasis is placed on cultural awareness and cultural competence for professionals and on building bridges across cultural networks.
Bearing the Image of Model Minority: An Inside Look behind the Classroom Door
The diversity that actually exists among Asian-Pacific American students is explored, and the most common stereotypes that mainstream teachers have of them are described. Teachers often express a preference for working with Asian-Pacific American students, but judging students on stereotypes, even positive ones, neglects individual differences and may limit students' opportunities to develop their potential.
Beyond Classroom-Based Early Field Experiences: Understanding an "Educative Practicum" in an Urban School and Community
Examined the experiences of preservice teachers in an urban school and community-based early field experience (integrated with foundations of education and general methods courses). Data from observations, interviews, reflective writings, and focus groups highlighted five categories of student experience: deepening multicultural, eye-opening and transformational, masked multicultural, partially miseducative, and escaping experiences.
Beyond Heroes and Holidays: A Practical Guide to K-12 Anti-Racist, Multicultural Education and Staff Development
Multicultural education must encourage academic excellence that embraces critical skills for progressive social change. This book is guided by the philosophy of critical pedagogy, pioneered by Brazilian educator, Paulo Freire.
Beyond Mulan: Rediscovering the Heroines of Chinese Folklore
Notes how sadly the Disney treatment of the story of Mulan reduced both the character Mulan and the story's broad appeal. Presents and critiques four picture book versions of the Mulan legend.
Beyond Race Awareness: White Racial Identity and Multicultural Teaching
Interviews examined whether white students' shifts in thinking about themselves as racial beings and about systems of oppression during a multicultural education course were evident in later teaching practice. Though students initially resisted learning about their own racism, they eventually became more willing to take some responsibility for racism.
Beyond the Boundaries of Tradition: Cultural Treasures in a High School Theatre Arts Program
Argues that canonical plays must be critically engaged rather than "handed down," with students discovering much about themselves and each other through their own engagement. Describes how a high-school acting class examined the dramatic work of Latino/a playwrights for their in-class scene work, and used student experiences to create their own scenes about experiences with prejudice.
Bibliography of Race Equity/Multicultural Library Materials. 1996 Spring/Summer Edition.
This annotated bibliography includes all of the race equity and multicultural materials available from the Nebraska Department of Education's Equal Educational Opportunity Project. A table listing works by author's last name provides quick access to the topic and grade level.
Black English in a Place Called Waterloo
For many black students, the school language differs significantly from the home language, but preservice education rarely examines this issue. This article examines implications for teaching children who use two different forms of language to navigate the demands of their contrasting sociolinguistic speech communities, discussing: how teacher attitudes and knowledge affect practice; dual language demands; ebonics; and language as power.
Books Can Spark Multicultural Awareness
Asserts that children are naturally curious about differences around them, and it is important to introduce children early to multicultural awareness. Provides a book list and some tips for using literature as a tool to teach children about differences, similarities, acceptance, and the benefits of living in a varied society.
Boys Will Be Men: Raising Our Sons for Courage, Caring and Community
This book offers practical advice on how to rear sons to become the kind of men needed for a multicultural and democratic society. Suggestions are given for dealing with racism, homophobia, pornography, drugs, social class problems, consumerism, sex, and violence.
Bridging Differences of Time, Place, and Culture Using Children's and Young Adult Literature
Focuses on the use of children's and young adult literature in the social studies classroom, addressing the New York state standards at the third- to sixth-grade levels. Provides an annotated bibliography of books that can be utilized in areas, such as U.S.
Bridging Multicultural Theory and Practice
Gaps between multicultural theory and practice present some serious challenges and opportunities for future directions in the field. Instead of arguing about the best way to do multicultural education, it is more useful and empowering to legitimize multiple-levels appropriateness in working toward systemic reform.
Bridging the Cultural Divide: Reflective Dialogue about Multicultural Children's Books
Reflects candidly upon the author's commitment to multicultural education and the resistance she initially encountered from white, female preservice teachers. Relates how the author and her undergraduate students found ways to break the silence and bridge their cultural divide through the use of multicultural children's and adolescent literature, reader response journals, and dialogue.
Building Bridges: A Peace Corps Classroom Guide to Cross-Cultural Understanding.
Understanding the concept of culture helps people live with others of different backgrounds within the classroom, the local community, and the worldwide scale of political, social, and economic interaction. The lessons presented in this book help students begin to more fully understand their own culture and how it has shaped them; to understand the perspectives of other cultures; and to provide an increased awareness of the value and practicality of social service within and beyond the bounds of schools.
Building Citizenship Skills in Students
An action research project implemented a program for the development of citizenship, cultural awareness, and positive character attributes. Targeted population consisted of middle and high school students in several growing, middle class communities located in northern Illinois.
Building Citizenship Skills in Students
An action research project implemented a program for the development of citizenship, cultural awareness, and positive character attributes. Targeted population consisted of middle and high school students in several growing, middle class communities located in northern Illinois.
But That's Just Good Teaching! The Case for Culturally Relevant Pedagogy
Describes the centrality of culturally relevant pedagogy to academic success for minority students who are poorly served in public schools, discussing linkages between school and culture, examining the theoretical grounding of culturally relevant teaching in the context of a study of successful teachers of black students. Provides examples of culturally relevant teaching practices.
Care, Community, and Context in a Teacher Education Classroom
Highlights growth that occurs when attention is paid to what teacher candidates should learn and how they should learn it, describing a class that combined attention to knowing students in a learning community, to constructivist pedagogy, and to core questions about educational equity, which led students to ask very different questions about themselves, their students, and being critical, transformative teachers. (SM).
Career and Academic Guidance for American Indian and Alaska Native Youth. ERIC Digest
American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) students strive to maintain their heritage while learning to be successful in the dominant culture. Although academic and career success are worthy goals, AI/AN students can pay a heavy price to achieve them.
Celebrating Cultural Diversity: We Are the Children of the World
Describes a series of activities presented at the 1996 Annual Cultural Diversity Celebration. The activities are designed to provide teachers with ideas that focus on family values, traditions, and homes.
Celebrations of Diversity: A Supplementary Unit for Secondary Art Foundation
This resource unit is designed to be integrated into a secondary school art foundation course. The unit is aimed at providing connections between the views and purposes of art and the students' environment.
CES--Cultural, Experiential, Skill Building: The Cognitive Foundation
Critiques the assimilation strategy and the hero-heroine-ritual approach to multicultural education, and offers a third model, the Cultural, Experiential, Skill Building (CES) approach, as an alternative for teacher training. Effects of the CES model on potential teachers and the implications for teacher training are addressed.
Challenging Old Assumptions: Preparing Teachers for Inner City Schools
Researchers analyzed journals and essays from an elementary teacher education course, examining white prospective teachers' changing views about inner-city schools with minority children as they completed fieldwork and relevant readings. The experiences helped them question old assumptions about urban students and teaching and about the value of multicultural education.
Challenging Students to Respond to Multicultural Issues: The Case-Study Approach
Presents two case studies that challenge business communication and technical writing students to respond to problems that reflect a multicultural dimension and involve business people whose perspectives, values, and traditions are not Western. Includes discussion questions.
Children with Special Health Care Needs and Their Families: Building on Cultural Strengths. CYDLINE Reviews.
This annotated bibliography focuses on materials published after 1991 about cultural competence and children with special health care needs.
Citizenship, Democracy and Political Literacy
Draws on the Crick Report, Education for Citizenship and the Teaching of Democracy in Schools, to examine citizenship, democracy, and political literacy, considering the report's potential as a framework for promoting racial equality in European schools. Discusses the following issues: racism and the education system; racism, democracy, and citizenship education; and human rights and political literacy.
Cognitive Changes in the Course of Culture Contacts: Young Teachers Meet Migrant Youth
Handling of acculturation problems in multicultural classrooms requires the analysis of individual cognitive models of the process of cultural contacts. Culture contact is defined as individually oriented persons meeting socially oriented persons.
Coming to Terms with "Diversity" and "Multiculturalism" in Teacher Education: Learning about Our Students, Changing Our Practice
Teacher educators addressed negative student responses to a multicultural foundations course by designing an action research study to investigate students' identities, experiences, and beliefs. Analysis of written assignments and focus group discussions uncovered three categories of beliefs about the purposes of schools in relation to cultural diversity.
Commission on the Future of Multi-ethnic Britain: A Personal Perspective on the Progress Report
Comments on the progress report of the Commission on the Future of Multi-Ethnic Britain and asserts that the obsession of the British state with "multiculturalism," "ethnicity," and "ethnic minorities" has been a distraction from the core issue of "racial oppression." Reviews the work of the Commission from a perspective of color consciousness. (SLD).
Communicating Appropriately with Asian and Pacific Islander Audiences. Technical Assistance Bulletin
Developing culturally appropriate prevention messages and materials for Asian and Pacific Islander audiences is challenging. It is important to recognize and respect their geographic, ethnic, racial, cultural, economic, social, and linguistic diversity.
Community Choices Public Policy Education Program: Exploring the Human Resources/Economic Development Connection
The Community Choices program is designed to engage communities in a systematic assessment of the linkages between their human resource attributes and their economic development opportunities. This document contains seven modules.
Complex Instruction in The Netherlands: A Case Study
"Learning Together in Multicultural Groups" (Dutch acronym, SLIM) is a Dutch version of the Complex Instruction project at Stanford University (California). An evaluation was conducted of the implementation of classroom processes and teacher guidance as specified in the Complex Instruction Method, using a case study approach where processes in the classrooms and interaction processes during teacher guidance were studied through direct observation and audiotaping.
Considering Culture in the Selection of Teaching Approaches for Adults. ERIC Digest
Cultural differences, including the personal cultures of learners and educators and the culture of the larger social-political environment, are relevant to adult learning. Culture includes those values, beliefs, and practices shared by a group of people.
Contemporary Art and Multicultural Education
As a curriculum guide for high school teachers and students, this volume is a natural outgrowth of the philosophy of the New Museum of Contemporary Art. It provides thought-provoking and innovative materials that challenge the normative practice of art education and art history.
Continuing Diversity: A Column of Periodical Reviews
Reviews four periodicals with multicultural emphases: (1) "Theater," which contains articles about multicultural theater; (2) "The Diversity Factor," which considers institutional exclusion of some groups; (3) "Native Wind: Good News for Native People," a newspaper providing information about Native American populations; and (4) "The Latino Voice: Reaching Out to Hispanic America," a newspaper. (SLD).
Cooperative Learning in Israel's Jewish and Arab Schools: A Community Approach
Describes the creation of the cooperation, investigation, literacy, and community (CILC) model within a holistic educational project in Acre, a Jewish-Arab mixed city in northern Israel, focusing on the implementation of cooperative learning at the schools and the work of the dropout investigative task force which was created to build community in the city and prevent dropout. (SM).
Creating a Campus Climate in Which Diversity Is Truly Valued
Highlights the development and implementation of a multifaceted program at Middlesex Community College in Massachusetts. The program, which includes curriculum changes, new student organizations, international student fellowships, and orientation activities, was designed to create a more inclusive campus environment.
Creating Cross-Cultural Connections
Describes a project partnership aimed at helping college students and urban high school students better understand each other's worlds, highlighting the massive miscommunication that often occurs in such environments. Through e-mailing, letter writing, face-to-face experiences, literary experiences with multicultural themes, idea walks, reflections, webbing, and quilt making, this project coaxed participants to break institutional and social barriers in their personal systems.
Creating Culturally Responsive, Inclusive Classrooms
This article provides the following guidelines for creating culturally responsive, inclusive classrooms: use a range of culturally sensitive methods and materials, create a classroom atmosphere that respects individuals and their cultures, foster an interactive classroom learning environment, employ ongoing and culturally aware assessments, and collaborate with other professionals and families. (Contains references.) (CR).
Critical Citizens for an Intercultural World: Foreign Language Education as Cultural Politics. Languages for Intercultural Communication and Education
This book explores the development of critical cultural awareness through the process of teaching and learning about foreign cultures. It draws upon theoretical foundations relating to inter- and intra-cultural communication from contemporary philosophical movements, namely critical theory and postmodernism.
Critical Multiculturalism and Racism in Children's Literature
Multicultural literature can help elementary students learn about cultural differences and racial bias and examine their prejudices and stereotypes. Critiques five children's books that emphasize the African American experience.
Critical Multiculturalism in the Mature University
Explores how a critical multiculturalism, by encouraging greater cultural diversity in a widening participation in higher education, has the potential to change British universities. Showing how institutions discriminate against black people makes clear where power lies and how decisions are made.
Cross-Cultural Partnerships: Acknowledging the "Equal Other" in the Rural/Urban American Indian Teacher Education Program
Describes the Rural/Urban American Indian Teacher Education Program, based on Baber's (1970) notion of the equal other. It featured cross-cultural partnerships at every possible level.
Cross-Cultural Partnerships: Acknowledging the "Equal Other" in the Rural/Urban American Indian Teacher Education Program
Describes the Rural/Urban American Indian Teacher Education Program, based on Baber's (1970) notion of the equal other. It featured cross-cultural partnerships at every possible level.
Crossing the Lines: Toward a Curriculum of Comparative Design
Explores multiculturalism in art and design education, considering whether the tenets of design education are biased in favor of Western cultural traditions. Moving beyond traditional teaching to the reflexive study of non-Western design asks students not to assume that principles of design exist unless they can prove such principles to themselves.
Cultural Awareness Education in Early Childhood Education
A cultural awareness curriculum was implemented in one multicultural kindergarten class in a Los Angeles suburb school. The project, intended to foster ethnic pride and reduce ethnic prejudice, began the first week of school and extended for 2 months.
Cultural Awareness through Biographies
One teacher educator's approach to developing cultural awareness among future teachers was to have them read biographies and autobiographies about teachers in a variety of situations. Student responses to the personal stories are discussed.
Cultural Competence for Transracial Adoptive Parents
Provides a clear conceptual definition of cultural competence for transracial-cultural adoptive (TRA) parents based on an extensive review of the literature and feedback from experts and parents. A three part definition of cultural competence for TRA parents includes: racial awareness, multicultural planning, and survival skills.
Cultural Connections: Promoting Self-Esteem, Achievement, and Multicultural Understanding through Distance Learning
This case study focused on the effects of collaborative activities between two teachers and their students. The authors explored the effectiveness of distance learning for adolescents in promoting self-esteem, achievement, and multicultural understanding.
Cultural Connections: Promoting Self-Esteem, Achievement, and Multicultural Understanding through Distance Learning
This case study focused on the effects of collaborative activities between two teachers and their students. The authors explored the effectiveness of distance learning for adolescents in promoting self-esteem, achievement, and multicultural understanding.
Cultural Diversity and Conflict Resolution: An Interdisciplinary Unit for the California Fourth-Grade Classroom
Proposes an interdisciplinary, fourth-grade conflict resolution curriculum that integrates content area activities that take into consideration the cognitive and moral development of fourth graders. The curriculum focuses on conflict resolution skills, diversity and conflict, and mediation.
Culturally Competent Services: Bibliography of Materials from the NCEMCH Library.
Culled from the National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health reference collection, this list contains 186 materials which focus on assessing current services for cultural sensitivity, developing culturally competent services, or providing services in a multicultural health care context.
Culture and Family-Centered Practice. FRC Report, 1995-1996
This double issue of the "Family Resource Coalition Report" contains 13 articles focusing on culture and family-centered practice, along with a resource section listing organizations, trainers, consultants, and publications.
Culture Kits for the Elementary Classroom
Outlines an instructional unit where students construct culture kits illustrating a specific culture. Culture kits are constructed out of realia and other material including maps, travel brochures, photographs, newspapers, souvenirs, and other items.
Culture Specific Knowledge and the Ability To Empathize: Applications for Cross-Cultural Counseling Training
The acquisition of culture-specific knowledge through reading and/or experience is an important component of cross-cultural counseling education. This study explores the relationship between counselor trainees' culture specific knowledge and their ability to empathize in general.
Culture-Centered Counseling Skills as a Preventive Strategy for College Health Services
Successful counseling is possible if health care providers learn to interpret behaviors within cultural context. The paper describes a culture-centered approach, using a grid that matches same/different behaviors and expectations.
Daring To Change: The Potential of Intercultural Education in Aymara Communities in Chile
Describes and evaluates a teacher training project in Chile that was meant to change attitudes toward native culture among rural teachers in one Aymara school district serving approximately 200 children. Findings suggest that hegemonic barriers stand in the way of broadening the scope of intercultural education in plural, democratic societies.
De Que Colores: A Critical Examination of Multicultural Children's Books
Examines children's books which highlighted multicultural issues, with the understanding that what is said about multiculturalism is as important, if not more so, than the simple fact that multiculuralism is discussed. Uses an adaptation of Mulvey's (1975) "gaze," to examine whiteness in seven multicultural children's books.
Democratic Dispositions and Cultural Competency: Ingredients for School Renewal
This article argues that the current school reform movement of high-stakes testing is misguided. It advocates that democratic dispositions and cultural competency be included in the major goals of schooling and proposes that the purpose of schooling should be determined through public deliberation within diverse communities.
Developing and Using Black Cultural Knowledge: Challenges and Opportunities in Teacher Development
This study investigated teachers' multicultural knowledge and multicultural professional development; teachers' cultural knowledge and/or professional development specific to children of African descent; professional development that teachers have had which increased their effectiveness in teaching children of African descent; and whether teachers' multicultural knowledge affected their performance/effectiveness in the classroom.
Development and Initial Score Validation of the Teacher Multicultural Attitude Survey
Two coordinated studies involving 429 teachers and preservice teachers and 227 education graduate students were designed to develop and validate scores on an efficient self-report measure of multicultural awareness for teachers working in kindergarten through grade 12. The construct and criterion validity and reliability of the developed Teacher Multicultural Attitude Survey are supported.
Developmentally Responsive Multicultural Education for Young Adolescents
Discusses ways middle school educators can promote harmony among young adolescents and within the community by providing multicultural educational experiences that address three developmental characteristics: forming cultural identities; establishing close friendships with and positive opinions of others; and developing a sense of justice and fairness. (JPB).
Diversity Initiatives in Higher Education
Describes university intergroup dialogue programs, which bring together diverse students to discuss issues related to their diversity and develop comfort with and skills for discourse on difficult topics. Examines their basic tenets, themes, and variations.
Dreams of Woken Souls: The Relationship between Culture and Curriculum
This paper examines the relationship between culture and curriculum, combining academic discourse relating to the construction of identity, policy, and curriculum and conversations with 42 members of a New Zealand intermediate school community about the nature of culture. Interviewers' comments and stories illuminate their views of Maori and White culture, cultural differences and interrelationships, intergroup relations in school and community, and cross-cultural communication and learning.
Dreams of Woken Souls: The Relationship between Culture and Curriculum
This paper examines the relationship between culture and curriculum, combining academic discourse relating to the construction of identity, policy, and curriculum and conversations with 42 members of a New Zealand intermediate school community about the nature of culture.
Dreamseekers. Creative Approaches to the African American Heritage. Dimensions of Drama Series
This book shows how children and teachers from diverse backgrounds can become, through powerful imaginings, informed participants in the fight for social justice. It addresses significant African American themes, introducing models of excellence in multicultural teaching and presenting creative teachers at work in authentic classrooms.
East Meets West: Using Multi-Cultural Groupwork to Develop the Cross-Cultural Capability of Tomorrow's International Managers
Increasing globalization of business means that those educating tomorrow's managers must prioritize the development of cross-cultural capability. Presents a case study of a British international business program at one university that successfully used multicultural groupwork for this purpose.
Educating Latino Students: A Guide to Successful Practice
This book attempts to assist readers in expanding their knowledge base in the area of quality practices for Latino students. The chapters contain many practices that can be implemented in educational settings from preschool to secondary school.
Educating the Arab American Child: Implications for Teachers
This article presents relevant information about Arab American children as a guide for multicultural teachers. Given the alarming impact of cultural conditioning in American society, the previously invisible Arab Americans and their children have become visible in a negative way.
Educational Resources on Traditional African Music: An Annotated Bibliography of Contemporary Offerings and Suggestions for Their Use in the Classroom
This annotated bibliography examines 29 significant works on traditional African music published between 1960 and 1991 that provide information and perspectives that supersede those of instructional resources published earlier. (SLD).
Effects of Language Arts Activities on Preservice Teachers' Opinions about Multiculturalism
Examined the effects of reading children's literature about diversity and participating in related interactive activities on student teachers' opinions about multiculturalism. Intervention and control-group students heard lectures on multiculturalism.
Effects of Teacher Preparation Experiences and Students' Perceptions Related to Developmentally and Culturally Appropriate Practices
Case study of preservice early childhood teachers in a course on cultural diversity inquired how the course's structure prepared them for working with and understanding diverse students and families. Pre- and post-course surveys indicated that students perceived that they had made gains in their understanding of cultural diversity issues and were positively affected through their teacher preparation experiences.
Embracing a Democratic Vision of the Community College: A Critical Multicultural Response to Recent Debates
Discusses "Strengthening Collegiate Education in Community Colleges" (J. S.
Encouraging Students To Analyze/Articulate Their Beliefs about Cultural Diversity
This paper offers suggestions for teaching high school and college students about cultural diversity and for providing them with multicultural educational experiences. After presenting a background and rationale for such teaching, the paper gives a list of classroom activities, including student reactions to statements regarding racism and affirmative action and a video analysis exercise.
Engaging Effectively with Culturally Diverse Families and Children
Describes a practice model that school social workers can use when helping culturally diverse families. Model emphasizes the importance of building a perspective for understanding culture and presents a framework for cross-cultural practice that includes some basic skills for effective transactions.
Enhancing Intercultural Competence: Begin with the Family
To increase intercultural competence, early childhood educators must think globally and act locally, providing their young students with an awareness of different cultures. Teachers can begin and continue the process of teaching intercultural competence by focusing on the family unit.
Enhancing Monocultural Education Students' Multicultural Awareness through Art Experiences and Art Appreciation
Explains how both experiential art processes and art appreciation can lead monocultural students in general education teacher training courses to a sense of their own cultural richness and that of others. By combining image making with art appreciation, education students are able to discover meaning in their own visual languages.
Enhancing the Communication Skills of Newly-Arrived Asian American Students. ERIC/CUE Digest No. 136
This digest focuses on meeting the educational needs of recent Asian Pacific American (APA) immigrants. Newcomers usually have various levels of English proficiency, and many find school rules incomprehensible because they differ so widely from their previous experiences.
Equity and Diversity in Classroom Computer Use: A Case Study
A case study explored how an effective teacher in an urban multicultural classroom uses computers. Identified effective management and instructional strategies.
Equity Pedagogy: An Essential Component of Multicultural Education
Equity pedagogy involves teaching strategies and environments that help diverse students attain necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes for functioning effectively within a just, democratic society. The article examines how equity pedagogy interacts with other dimensions of multicultural education (content integration, knowledge construction process, prejudice reduction, and social structure).
Examining Children's Historical and Multicultural Understandings: The Dialectical Nature of Collaborative Research
Describes the research process engaged in by a group of teacher researchers as they examined students' historical and multicultural understanding. Explores the complex and messy nature of the relationship of teaching and researching.
Examining Multicultural Picture Books for the Early Childhood Classroom: Possibilities and Pitfalls
Picture books that depict the variety of ethnic, racial, and cultural groups within U.S. society (known generally as multicultural picture books) allow young children opportunities to develop their understanding of others, while affirming children of diverse backgrounds.
Examining the Relationship among Opportunity, Inclusion, and Choice
Describes the multicultural language practices used at Western Hills Elementary School in Denver, Colorado. Discusses social and cultural dimensions of learning and their relationships to second language acquisition.
Experiential Exercises for Increasing Self-Awareness and an Appreciation of Racially and Ethnically Diverse Populations
Describes experiential exercises used by the author to facilitate both self-awareness and an appreciation of the impact of race and culture in the United States in a group of students consisting mainly of undergraduate social work majors. These exercises generate deep reflection and personal insights on race and ethnicity.
Expert and novice teachers' beliefs about culturally responsive pedagogy.
This study examined experienced and novice teachers' views on teaching in multicultural classrooms, asking 40 elementary student teachers and 26 cooperating teachers how they viewed the needs of students from diverse cultural backgrounds. Participants rated 23 statements about multicultural education on a Likert scale of agreement, and completed two open-ended questions as well.
Exploring America in Computer Simulation Games
Describes and evaluates seven computer simulation games that help students learn about United States history, geography, and other cultural groups living in the United States. These simulations help students learn by having them experience life as an explorer of an unknown land that is now part of the United States.
Exploring Culture through Children's Connections
Shares one teacher's attempts to highlight diversity and children's cultures in authentic ways. Examines three children's connections to culture and their own cultural identities by looking at issues they explored across the school year (family, family and religion, and ethnicity).
Exploring Diversity: Literature Themes and Activities for Grades 4-8
This resource provides a variety of instructional models for using books to give students an awareness of and respect for their own and other people's cultures. The book is designed to help teachers develop various ways of integrating diversity into the curriculum.
Exploring Multicultural Themes through Picture Books
Advocates inclusion of multicultural picture books in social studies instruction to offer different outlooks and visions in a short format. Describes selection of picture books with multicultural themes and those that represent various cultures, gender equity, and religious themes.
Exploring Values through Literature, Multimedia, and Literacy Events: Making Connections
The essays collected in this book highlight the important links among home, school, and global society that will help students understand one another and contribute to a cohesive community. They describe the work of educators and children, and the materials and strategies they use to explore values such as compassion, caring, sharing, respect, and appreciation of cultural differences.
Finding Common Ground: Multicultural YA Literature
Argues that multicultural young adult literature can help to break down prejudices and broaden narrow minds. Notes that good books about people from various ethnic groups engage readers in the compounded conflicts of adolescence while helping teenagers discover that they have much in common with their fellow human beings.
From "Stranger" to "Arrived": The Citizens' Library in England
Discusses studies of public library multicultural services in England. Describes multicultural programs in Birmingham and Brent that involve the citizens in planning and implementing these services.
From Cradleboard to Motherboard: Buffy Sainte-Marie's Interactive Multimedia Curriculum Transforms Native American Studies
Describes "Science: Through Native American Eyes," an interactive multimedia CD-ROM for middle school that is part of the Cradleboard Teaching Project developed by musician and teacher Buffy Sainte-Marie. The Cradleboard joins Native American tradition and high-tech innovation to explore the core curriculum of the National Content Standards.
From La Belle Sauvage to the Noble Savage: The Deculturalization of Indian Mascots in American Culture
Discusses the exploitation of Indian (Native-American) mascots as an issue of educational equity, outlining for the United States educator the ways in which the use of mascots is racist and ways in which education can be a tool for liberation. The use of Indian mascots teaches that racism is acceptable.
From Rhetoric to Reality: Opportunity-to-Learn Standards and the Integrity of American Public School Reform
Focusing on national policy and practice, this paper suggests key recommendations for consideration in the context of standards-based reform, including: produce teachers who are multiculturally literate; re-assess ability grouping and tracking practices; reduce K-3 class size and elementary and secondary school size; expand and improve federal compensatory education programs; and incorporate school reform into broader social reform. (SM).
Genres of Research in Multicultural Education
Develops a conceptual framework of research genres that illustrates the complex multidisciplinary roots of multicultural education. Includes examples of research to clarify the nature of the genres and the interactive connections across genres within the framework as a whole.
Getting from the Outside In: Teaching Mexican Americans When You Are an "Anglo."
A midwestern university provides cross-cultural student teaching experiences in a southwestern city with a large Mexican-American population. Features include two classroom placements, a course in multicultural education, and bicultural mentors.
Harold Bloom's Charge that Multiculturalism in American Poetry Is a Mask for Mediocrity
Yale professor Harold Bloom has concluded that cultural guilt has resulted in a 30-year intellectual decline in which politics has come to dominate U.S. poetry.
Having Arrived: Dimensions of Educational Success in a Transitional Newcomer School
Examines a program for newly arrived, non-English-speaking immigrant children in a California city. Findings from a fourth-grade class demonstrate how a nurturing setting, culturally flexible teaching approach, linguistic and cultural validation, and a valued spatial environment contribute to newcomer students' success.
How Reading and Writing Literacy Narratives Affect Preservice Teachers' Understandings of Literacy, Pedagogy, and Multiculturalism
Discusses how to prepare teachers to educate diverse learners engaged in multiple and new literacies, describing a graduate course that introduced language, literacy, and culture. Data from students' writings, reading logs, reading responses, and final papers on literacy and pedagogy indicated that reading and writing literacy narratives was a positive experience, fostering multicultural understanding and complex conceptions of literacy.
How to Choose the Best Multicultural Books
This article presents information on 50 books recommended for teaching elementary students about various cultures, offering interviews with some of the most well-respected children's book authors and illustrators, pointers for choosing appropriate and accurate children's books, and lists of notable authors. (SM).
How to Choose the Best Multicultural Books
This article presents information on 50 books recommended for teaching elementary students about various cultures, offering interviews with some of the well-respected children's book authors and illustrators, pointers for choosing appropriate and accurate children's books, and lists of notable authors. (SM).
Imaging Difference: The Politics of Representation in Multicultural Art Education
Examines the notion of "accurate" and "authentic" representations of culture in multicultural art education discourses focusing on two specific areas, museums and aesthetics. Questions the view that by replacing stereotypic representations with purported accurate and authentic representations will fix misunderstandings regarding non-white people and their cultures.
Including Jews in Multiculturalism
Discusses reasons for the lack of attention to Jews as an ethnic minority within multiculturalism both by Jews and non-Jews; why Jews and Jewish issues need to be included; and addresses some of the issues involved in the ethical treatment of Jewish clients. (Author).
Inclusive Leadership for Ethnically Diverse Schools: Initiating and Sustaining Dialogue
This article explores the measures that administrators take, and can take, to promote inclusive practice in racially/ethnically diverse schools. It describes a study that examined how administrators initiate and sustain dialogue with their various school constituencies.
Increasing Cultural Awareness of Sixth Grade Geography Students through the Usage of Integrated Units, Literature Based Instruction, and Cooperative Learning Strategies
This research focused on increasing cultural awareness and cultural literacy among 17 world geography students in a Florida sixth-grade. Pre- and post-tests, surveys, cultural notebook evaluation sheets, a speaker's bureau directory log, accountability notebook log, and a cultural resource materials log were used to gather data.
Increasing Cultural Understanding between Mexican-Americans and Whites in a Multiethnic School
A program was developed to create a positive school climate in a multiethnic school to reduce conflict among students. The targeted population consisted of students in kindergarten through grade six in a school in a low socioeconomic environment in a rural community in northern Illinois.
Increasing Multicultural Awareness through Correspondence: A University-School Partnership Project
This paper describes an e-mail-based correspondence project between 56 pairs of university-school partners: pre-service teachers enrolled in a multicultural education course, and middle school students enrolled in language arts classes in a culturally diverse, economically depressed community.
Increasing Multicultural Awareness through Teaching the Works of Anzia Yezierska
Recommends incorporating the works of author Anzia Yezierska into high school and college courses in order to increase students' multicultural awareness and tolerance of diversity. Notes that in five novels and many short stories, she raises cultural, gender, and religious issues still relevant today.
Infusing Multiculturalism into Educational Psychology: Influence on Preservice Teachers' Attitudes toward Teaching African American Students
The purpose of this pilot study was to investigate the influence that multicultural infusion would have on preservice teachers in an educational psychology course. Eight educational psychology classes at the same university participated in research to assess preservice teachers' attitudes toward teaching African American students.
Instilling Civic and Democratic Values in ALL Students: A Multicultural Perspective
The key elements of promoting human traits such as building trust through proactive communication, empowering individuals, affirming civic values through diversity, serving as a symbol, and increasing accountability and responsibility as they relate to teachers and students are the focus of this article, which provides educators with useful guidelines to instill these virtues in themselves and their students in U.S. schools.
International Culture and Management Education: A Synopsis of the Literature
This paper reviews the literature on the effects of international culture on management education. Morden (1995) notes that what works well in one country may be entirely inappropriate in another.
International Education, Citizenship, and National Standards
Maintains that if students are to make informed and prudent judgments about the international role of the United States and its foreign policy they need to understand the major elements of international relations and how world affairs affect them. Connects this goal to the National Standards for Civics and Government.
Internationally-Minded Schools
States that international education is not necessarily exclusive to international institutions. Describes a number of national and government-funded schools that offer "internationally minded" programs.
Intersections: A Professional Development Project in Multicultural and Global Education, Asian and Asian American Studies
This publication presents a sampling of the writings of participants in the Intersections Project, a professional development program to bridge gap between multicultural and global education for urban schools that involved four participating entities, each with a local project that focused on Asia and Asian Americans.
Issues of Culture in Mathematics Teaching and Learning
Demonstrates through theory and application that educators can teach mathematics to include more of the often excluded students, especially African Americans. Educators must consider the culture of students as they adopt an accommodating cultural pedagogy to enable students to become part of a mathematics culture.
Justice in the Publishing Field: A Look at Multicultural Awards for Children's Literature
Reviews awards given for multicultural children's literature and discusses the importance of such awards, which serve a guides to teachers and librarians. Book awards recognize and nurture culturally diverse writers and encourage publishers to produce more multicultural books.
Keepers of the Word
Describes the work of three bilingual story tellers, one Navajo and two Hispanic Americans, who communicate about their own language and culture while increasing the respect for other cultures of those who hear them. Storytelling is an excellent way to introduce children to other languages and cultures.
Kindern das Wort geben: Ein interkulturell-kreativer Arbeitsansatz, aufgezeigt an der Arbeit mit tibetischen Migrantenkindern. (Tell the Children: A Beginning for Intercultural-Creative Work, Focusing on the Children of Tibetan Families.)
Explains the pedagogical and psychological concepts behind the approach developed by UNESCO that encourages children to express themselves freely on the subject of international understanding and peace in writing and art. Describes a project in which these concepts were applied focusing on a minority dispersed over many parts of the world: children of Tibetan families.
Language Learners as Ethnographers. Modern Languages in Practice 16
This book describes a new approach to teaching and learning cultural studies. Borrowing the idea of ethnography from anthropologists, it argues that language students can be taught methods for investigating the cultural and social patterns of interaction and the values and beliefs that account for them.
Latino Voices in Children's Literature: Instructional Approaches for Developing Cultural Understanding in the Classroom. Chapter 15
As Mexican Americans are the largest language-minority population in U.S. public schools, an investigation of literature that authentically reflects Mexican American students' cultural experience is necessary for any teacher.
Latino Youth at Home, in Their Communities and in School: The Language Link
In this article, the author focuses on the role that language plays in determining why, what and how Latino youth learn in their communities. She highlights the fundamental and often overlooked resource that Latino English-Spanish bilingualism represents for building bridges between communities, homes and schools.
Latino Youth at Home, in Their Communities and in School: The Language Link
In this article, the author focuses on the role that language plays in determining why, what and how Latino youth learn in their communities. She highlights the fundamental and often overlooked resource that Latino English-Spanish bilingualism represents for building bridges between communities, homes and schools.
Learning Interdependence: A Case Study of the International/Intercultural Education of First-Year College Students
This volume asserts that international and intercultural experiences are powerful vehicles for first-year college students to learn the perspectives and skills necessary to function interdependently in a rapidly changing and complex world. This thesis is developed through an in-depth case study of efforts to provide such learning opportunities in a project called the First-Year Intercultural Experience at Hartwick College, a 4-year liberal arts and sciences institution in Oneonta, New York.
Learning To Be a Citizen in the Global Age
Discusses how to teach students to be citizens in today's diverse world, examining current key issues and explaining the varying forms of citizenship and variables associated with access to them. Stresses the need to integrate education for the diverse range of citizen learning models in order to abolish social discrimination forever.
Learning to Create Ad Strategies for "Different" Target Audiences
Describes a focus group exercise used with advertising creative- and strategy-development students that was designed to cultivate awareness of the ethnic consumers' purchase-decision process. Offers an overview of the project's stages, describes the assignment, and notes that members of the original-product focus group also reviewed students' creative solutions and provided feedback.
Lessons from Turtle Island: Native Curriculum in Early Childhood Classrooms
Responding to the current level of bias with regard to Native peoples in preschool education and providing opportunities for preschool children to better understand issues of cultural diversity, this curriculum guide explores Native American issues.
Literacies of Inclusion: Feminism, Multiculturalism, and Youth
Feminist and multicultural practices in public education can help achieve cultural inclusiveness. The paper examines multiple literacies and literacy learning in culturally diverse and gender fair schools, suggesting whole language programs, reader-response criticism, and feminism to expand the educational canon and ensure a public education representing the politics of inclusion.
Literature Discussion in the Elementary School Classroom: Developing Cultural Understanding
One effective instructional technique for promoting cultural awareness and understanding among elementary school students is literature discussion. Literature discussions help children explore multicultural ideas and issues, reading works of culturally relevant literature, then coming together to discuss their personal responses.
Looking at Ourselves and Others.
This book introduces students to the concept of culture, cultural perspective,and cross-cultural relations. The personal experiences of Peace Corps Volunteers are included in the introduction to each section of the guide and can be used in a variety of ways.
Making Connections: A Cultural Experience for Preservice Teachers in a Predominately Single-Culture Environment
The University of Idaho (UI) faculty and Lapwai School District (Idaho) personnel engaged in a joint effort to help teacher education students to experience working with students of diverse cultures. The project consisted of two parts: a formal introduction to teaching course and a multicultural field experience.
Making Diversity Awareness Part of Your Teaching
This paper presents a series of interactive activities designed to help educators make diversity awareness part of their teaching.
Making Peace: A Narrative Study of a Bilingual Liaison, a School and a Community
Explores the role of bilingual liaisons in resolving conflicts and building bridges of understanding between schools and diverse communities, discussing the representation of individuals' voices and narrative forms that engage readers aesthetically and critically; addressing multiple conflicts affecting the lives of minority language students, their families, and schools; and noting the need to move to a paradigm of making peace. (SM).
Making the Most of the Classroom Mosaic: A Constructivist Perspective
Teachers today are required to be sensitive to a wider range of multicultural differences than ever before. Explores whether they can combine teaching content into a single package for all children, or whether they must continuously repackage the content for each of the diverse groups they teach.
Managing Diversity: A Cooperative Course in Foreign Languages and Business
This very brief paper is a description of a business course, "Business 350 Managing Diversity," at Elmhurst College in Illinois. The course is taught in an intensive 6-day, 42-hour format.
Measuring the Impact of Project IMPACT as a Curriculum Transformation Initiative
Summarizes findings from a study of the Project for the Infusion of Multicultural Perspectives and Approaches in College Teaching (Project IMPACT), a project designed to support selected faculty as they developed a multicultural curriculum. Experience with participants from four Connecticut state universities over four years indicated a long-term beneficial impact on multicultural instruction from the project.
Mediating Boundaries of Race, Class, and Professorial Authority as a Critical Multiculturalist
Presents one college professor's reflections on the challenges of mediating the boundaries of race, class, and professorial authority in an undergraduate multicultural education course. After discussing current debates about multicultural education, the paper examines assumptions underlying a multicultural discourse, poses questions about pedagogy, and discusses the usefulness of theories of critical pedagogy in addressing the questions.
Meeting the Needs of All Children
Encourages Head Start programs to use parental involvement and communication to support multiracial and multiethnic children by listening to parents, providing information, and welcoming the family. Lists specific areas to address in supporting diversity and dealing with common problems.
Mentoring: Sea Change or Athene's Deceit
Four case studies of mentor/student relationships show an organic model of mentoring among black educators in the United Kingdom that is an alternate to common conceptions of mentoring. This self-selecting and race-specific type of mentoring is not generally acknowledged or studied, but is related to classical types of mentoring in antiquity.
Mexico: Challenges and Opportunities in Education in the 21st Century. Fulbright-Hays Summer Seminar Abroad 1997 (Mexico)
This paper introduces students to lesser known and traveled parts of Mexico. The text is intended to accompany a Power Point presentation that traces the trip a Fulbright-Hays group took through Mexico, highlighting places of cultural and historical interest.
Minneapolis and Brittany: Children Bridge Geographical and Social Differences through Technology
Presents examples of how computer-mediated communication (CMC) affects language learning, describing a successful CMC project involving a Minnesota middle school and a school in France. Students exchanged electronic mail over two years and eventually produced a student-written, bilingual, multicultural play.
Mixed Media: A Roundup of CD-ROM and Electronic Products
Highlights multicultural materials that are useful for teaching students of all ages (elementary through college level). These include such CD-ROM products as "The Ellis Island Experience" and "The Civil Rights Movement in the United States" and such World Wide Web-based products as "Diversify Your World," "American Slavery: A Complete Autobiography," and "International Index to Black Periodicals Full Text." (SM).
Mixed Media: A Roundup of Electronic Products
Presents multicultural materials that are useful for elementary, secondary, and college audiences. The selections represent quality electronic and microfilm products that can help educators, librarians, and researchers better understand ethnic and racial diversity nationally and internationally.
Mixing It Up: Multicultural Support and the Learning Center
Reports on Macalester College's (Minnesota) Learning Center peer-mentoring, speaker, and workshop programs, which were designed to focus on anti-racism activism and reorganization of multicultural affairs. Analyzes ambiguity of terms "racism" and "multiculturalism" and argues that a systematic approach is necessary to move toward realizing the vision of a vibrant multicultural and multiracial learning community.
Multicultural Activities throughout the Year
Describes how early childhood teachers and caregivers can provide experiences that implement meaningful multicultural understandings into their curriculum, focusing on: where to begin; diversity within the classroom; celebrating birthdays in different countries; classroom displays that positively represent different cultures; evaluating learning centers; and providing dramatic play, art, language arts/library, science/discovery, music, math/manipulative, and block centers. (SM).
Multicultural Awareness, Knowledge and Skills: Directions for Adult Education Training Programs
Licensed professional counselors (n=207) completed the Multicultural Awareness, Knowledge, and Skills Survey, revealing insufficient competence in defining culture, understanding pluralism, analyzing culture, and assessing diverse clients. Comparison of those trained before and after 1990 showed the earlier group had additional insufficiencies.
Multicultural Citizenship
Great Britain's citizenship education helps prepare students for informed and responsible citizenship in a multicultural society. Social science teachers and researchers should consider factors that epitomize multiethnic Britain today as they teach.
Multicultural Concerns: A Foundations Perspective and Discussion for Teacher Educators
Old educational paradigms may not be the best approach to reconfiguring educational programs for the 21st century. Demographic projections for school-age children for the 21st century reveal an ethnically and linguistically rich population of students.
Multicultural Counseling Training and Ratings of "Culturally Sensitive" and "Culturally Insensitive" White Counselors by White Counselor-trainees
This research in multicultural literature addresses the dynamics among Whites that have primarily addressed counselor-client dyads. This study examines how training in multicultural awareness, knowledge, and skills influences the evaluation of White counselors' multicultural counseling competence.
Multicultural Education and Curriculum Transformation
Describes five dimensions of multicultural education, focusing on the knowledge construction process in order to show how the cultural assumptions, frames of reference, and perspectives of mainstream scholars and researchers influence the ways in which academic knowledge is constructed to legitimize institutionalized inequity. (Author/SLD).
Multicultural Education and Technology: Perfect Pair or Odd Couple? ERIC Digest
This digest examines how technology can support multicultural education. Multicultural education represents an approach to education and the teaching-learning process that is grounded in the democratic ideals of justice and equality.
Multicultural Education for Learners with Exceptionalities. Advances in Special Education Series, Volume 12
This volume contains a collection of chapters written by individuals in the fields of general and special education on multicultural education and students with exceptionalities.
Multicultural Education: The Key to Global Unity
This paper describes multiculturalism courses in teacher education at Bethany College (California) and at the University of Southern Mississippi and argues that an increasingly global society creates the need for unity that can be achieved through multicultural education, which if effectively designed and implemented enlightens individuals to the importance of multiple perspectives.
Multicultural Education: Ways To Utilize the Historically Black Land-Grant Agricultural Programs
The historically black land-grant institutions, sometimes referred to as "1890" institutions, have achieved many agricultural successes that can be used effectively in the multicultural education movement. These institutions have recently celebrated over 100 years of progress and productivity through teaching, research, and service to a culturally diverse world, and they have many lessons to offer multicultural education.
Multicultural Identity Development: Preparing To Work with Diverse Populations
Working effectively within a multicultural society requires that counselors and educators become multicultural in context. This study was designed to determine whether a three-part cultural training diversity program would enable participants to become multicultural in context through structured learning experiences.
Multicultural Identity Development: Preparing To Work with Diverse Populations
Working effectively within a multicultural society requires that counselors and educators become multicultural in context. This study was designed to determine whether a three-part cultural training diversity program would enable participants to become multicultural in context through structured learning experiences.
Multicultural Infusion in the Counselor Education Curriculum: A Preliminary Analysis
Counselor educators agree on the necessity of preparing counselors in training to work in a diverse society. Traditional training programs have no special accommodations and are characterized by unawareness of the impact of cultural factors in counseling.
Multicultural Is Who We Are: Literature as a Reflection of Ourselves
This article discusses multicultural children's literature, the need for teachers to include multicultural children's literature in their teaching, how teachers can encourage pluralism, and evaluating and selecting multicultural literature titles. A selection of 17 multicultural books for use in the classroom is provided.
Multicultural Literature: Mirror and Window on Experience
Believes that multicultural literature should focus on the diverse groups within society while also stressing the common similarities between human experiences in order to encourage students to connect with the characters, situations, and contexts presented in the books. Offers five areas of exploration and accompanying literature that identify common experiences.
Multicultural Matters: An Interview with Philip Lee of Lee and Low Books
Presents an interview with Philip Lee of Lee and Low Books about his experience in the specialized field committed solely to publishing books about Asian Americans and other diverse cultures in the United States. Discusses how the future of multicultural literature depends upon the concern and advocacy of interested individuals.
Multicultural Self-Development in the Preservice Classroom: Equity Education for the Dominant Culture
European American educators can no longer ignore or presume to "serve" other sociocultural groups simply by changing those groups. Within a democratic and pluralistic society, individuals must be equally willing to modify their own beliefs and actions in light of the experiences and concerns of others.
Multicultural Teacher Education for the 21st Century
Discusses multicultural preservice teacher education, recommending that preservice programs be more deliberate about preparing white Americans for teaching diverse students because of the increasing division between white teachers and minority students. The paper examines preservice teachers' fear of diversity and resistance to dealing with race and racism, proposing a two-part program for preparing teachers to work with diverse students.
Multicultural Teacher Education in Special and Bilingual Education
This introductory article to the special issue summarizes following articles, which describe the status of research on multicultural education and special education, the development, implementation, and evolution of multicultural education courses at two major research universities, and findings about the impact of coursework on the thinking and actions of preservice and novice teachers.
Multicultural Training Needs for Counselors of Gifted African American Children
Identifies problems related to a counselor's lack of training to assist gifted African American children and proposes steps toward appropriate counselor training. A good multicultural training program has components of consciousness raising, antiracism, and knowledge and skill development.
Multicultural/Intercultural Teacher Education in Two Contexts: Lessons from the United States and Spain
Describes the situation in the United States and Spain regarding multicultural/intercultural teacher education. In both countries, educational systems grapple with questions of difference and social justice.
The purpose of this bibliography is to aid teachers and librarians, particularly school librarians, in their endeavors to create multicultural classroom experiences for the children with whom they work. The resources listed are tools to be used for selecting materials that allow integration of multicultural education across the curriculum.
Multiculturalism and the Community College
Provides an annotated bibliography of nine recent ERIC documents related to multiculturalism in the community college. Presents documents related to multicultural instructional and program strategies in place at colleges and the role of multicultural education.
Multiethnic Children's Literature: Its Need for a Permanent Place in the Children's Literary Canon
This literature review emphasizes teaching from a multicultural perspective with a focus on integrating multiethnic literature into the core curriculum. Multiethnic literature has been defined as literature dealing with peoples of diverse backgrounds within the United States, including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Native Americans.
Multiple Cultures, Multiple Literacies
Describes the author's work in his fifth-grade class as he helps his students understand the importance that culture plays in their representations of meaning. Shows how opportunities to transcend language by using other sign systems allow multiculturalism to flourish.
Of Kwanzaa, Cinco de Mayo, and Whispering: The Need for Intercultural Education
Multicultural education can improve understandings among students of different ethnic groups only if it is implemented systematically. Research with 75 adolescent mothers in an inner-city California high school shows how the celebration of Kwanzaa leads to exclusion and isolation and the speaking of Spanish results in conflict and resentments.
Off White: Readings on Race, Power, and Society
The contributions in this volume analyze the white racialization process in the context of multiculturalism and examine how racism is established in institutional structures.
Our Education, Our Future: Look to the Lower Grades
In order for local Native American cultures to be included in the curricula of the lower grades of public schools, Indian parents and community members must represent their community to the school board and establish a presence in the wider school community. Presents assertive, persistent, and well-informed strategies to build positive relationships with teachers and schools.
Our Souls To Keep: From Surface to Deep in Literary Representations Regarding Race
Presents literary reviews that reveal deeper issues to consider when exploring beyond the surface and reflecting on the racial schisms pervading the United States. The literature examines: a conference on the relationship of education and African American self-concept; the role of black mothers in raising their sons; slave novels; a critical review of speaking; and the Ebonics debate in education.
Overcoming Silences: Comment on "Teaching as an Encounter with the Self: Unraveling the Mix of Personal Beliefs, Education Ideologies, and Pedagogical Practices."
Explores ways teacher educators can create learning spaces in their classrooms that may initiate explorations of self, beliefs, ideologies, and practice that embrace the diversity of all students. (SLD).
Personal Transformations from the Inside Out: Nurturing Monocultural Teachers' Growth toward Multicultural Competence
Contends that the transformation of incoming preservice teachers into multiculturally competent, committed advocates for all students can be achieved through a combination of sound multicultural research and best practice, discussing mediated cultural immersions, the role of attending faculty in student growth, and the three phases of mediated cultural immersion. The origins of mediated cultural immersion programs are described.
Perspectives on the Mexican Education System: Prejudices, Problems, Possibilities. Fulbright-Hays Summer Seminar Abroad 1997 (Mexico)
This paper examines the complex Mexican educational system and how numerous factors influence its success, depending on one's point of reference. Many ideological and subjective judgments are made in this evaluation.
Photo Essays of American Indian Children
Provides an annotated bibliography of photo essays about Native American children, including some examples from the indigenous populations of Latin America. Most have been written by "outsiders," and most are intended to show non-Native children about native cultures.
Playing Korean Ethnic Games To Promote Multicultural Awareness
Provides information to help early childhood teachers recognize the diverse ethnic groups within the Asian community and shows how to use Korean traditional games to promote children's multicultural awareness. Describes four traditional games.
Pluralism and Science Education
Examined how British preservice science teachers responded to an independent study pack designed to stimulate their understanding of race and culture. The pack provided information on cultural diversity and pluralism in Britain and educational responses to cultural pluralism.
Preparing Teachers for Diversity in Rural America
A survey of 532 preservice teachers from six state colleges and University of Nebraska campuses examined the extent and perceived adequacy of multicultural education training in Nebraska teacher-preparation programs. About 39% of respondents felt that their overall multicultural preparation was inadequate.
Preparing Teachers for Diversity: Lessons Learned from the U.S. and South Africa
Analyzed U.S. and South African teachers' discourses, investigating differences in development of commitment among teachers who engaged in talk-related activities within teacher education versus those who engaged in talk-related activities plus theory-enacting activities within diverse classrooms.
Preparing Teachers of Color at a Predominantly White University: A Case Study of Project TEAM
Examined the experiences of preservice teacher participants in Project TEAM, an initiative at a predominantly white university to increase the number of minority students who completed teacher education and became teachers. Case study data highlight three themes: developing a sense of community with minority student peers, developing a stronger ethnic identity, and working for social justice through multicultural education.
Preservice Field Experience as a Multicultural Component of a Teacher Education Program
This study examined the effect of pre-student-teaching field experience in a multicultural setting on preservice teachers' cultural sensitivity. Preservice teachers took the Cultural Awareness Inventory before and after a field experience with minority students.
Preservice Teachers Integrate Understandings of Diversity Into Literacy Instruction: An Adaptation of the ABC's Model
Investigated preservice teachers' understandings of their own and their students' cultural backgrounds, examining how they integrated those understandings into literacy instruction. The ABC model (autobiographies, biographies of students, cross-cultural analysis, analysis of cultural differences, and classroom practices) helped stimulate students to continue examining their lives, their cultural/linguistic backgrounds, and the impact of those factors on teaching diverse students.
Promoting Additive Acculturation in Schools
A study focusing on 113 ninth graders of Mexican descent indicates that most students and their parents adhere to a strategy of additive acculturation (incorporating skills of the new culture and language), but that the school curriculum and general school climate devalue Mexican culture. (SLD).
Promoting Cultural Awareness and the Acceptance of Diversity through the Implementation of Cross-Cultural Activities
An action research project implemented a program for developing tolerance through increased cultural awareness. Targeted population consisted of third grade and high school students in a rural, middle class community in western Illinois.
Promoting Cultural Awareness and the Acceptance of Diversity through the Implementation of Cross-Cultural Activities
An action research project implemented a program for developing tolerance through increased cultural awareness. Targeted population consisted of third grade and high school students in a rural, middle class community in western Illinois.
Promoting Multicultural Awareness through Dramatic Play Centers
Although many teachers acknowledge that language and culture are critical components of children's development, actually incorporating materials representative of children's cultures remains a problem. This article explains how the dramatic play center is a natural place to promote multicultural awareness in the classroom and offers suggestions for materials and activities.
Promoting Multiculturalism in Developmental Education
Asserts that the teaching profession needs to recognize the natural connections between multicultural and developmental education. Presents eight steps developmental educators can take to promote pluralism, including (1) establishing a clear link between cultural pluralism and institutional and programmatic mission and goals; (2) striving for diversity at all levels; and (3) embedding multiculturalism in the curriculum.
Promoting Tolerance through Multicultural Education
This paper describes a program designed to increase student awareness and appreciation of their culture and the cultures of others. The study was conducted in a northern Illinois junior high among 30 eighth grade language arts students.
Promoting Tolerance through Multicultural Education
This paper describes a program designed to increase student awareness and appreciation of their own culture and the cultures of others. The study was conducted in a northern Illinois junior high among 30 eighth grade language arts students.
Provocative and Powerful Children's Literature--Developing Teacher Knowledge and Acceptance of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity
A study examined personal written responses of novice white teachers to address methods, patterns, and implications of teachers' responses to powerful and provocative multicultural children's literature. Ten children's books were read orally and 150 responses from 15 graduate students in an elementary education course were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively.
Race, Pluralism, and Afrocentricity
A biologically rooted conception of race is both dangerous in practice and misleading in theory. African-American unity and African-American identity need foundations that are more secure than that of race.
Racism. IDRA Focus.
This theme issue includes four articles on racism in colleges and public schools and on strategies to build ethnic and racial tolerance.
Racism. IDRA Focus.
This theme issue includes four articles on racism in colleges and public schools and on strategies to build ethnic and racial tolerance. "Affirmative Action: Not a Thing of the Past" (Linda Cantu) reviews the history of affirmative action and its positive effects on Hispanic and Black enrollment in higher education, discusses current efforts to dismantle affirmative action, and counters claims of reverse discrimination against White males.
Recommended Books for Young Readers about Latinos/as
Reviews 15 recently published books that deal with the joys and struggles of Latino people. These fiction and nonfiction books deal with a variety of topics and are sure to hold the interest of young readers.
Reducing Education Students' Ethnocentrism: Difficulties and Possible Solutions
Many universities promote cultural awareness by directly teaching sensitivity toward cultural diversity. Because students tend to be somewhat ethnocentric, which is not consonant with the display of culturally tolerant attitudes, multicultural education can help them acquire more tolerant attitudes.
Reflections on Multicultural Education: A Teacher's Experience
Describes a high school-level multicultural course designed to challenge the predominantly white students to reflect upon system power inequities that benefitted many of them directly. Students engaged in social action projects, working with people unlike themselves in organizations that had social justice orientations.
Reform in Teacher Education through the CLAD/BCLAD Policy
Analyzes obstacles facing multicultural/bilingual teacher education reform in the context of California's Crosscultural Language and Academic Development (CLAD) or Bilingual Crosscultural Language and Academic Development (BCLAD) programs, which try to translate theoretical frameworks concerned with cultural difference into credentialing policy. This reform effort champions linguistic and cultural diversity but faces formidable obstacles.
Reforzando a los Alumnos Diversos Culturalmente y Linguisticamente con Aprendizaje. Traduccion de ERIC EC Digest #E500. (Empowering Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students with Learning Problems). Translation of ERIC EC Digest #E500
This digest describes ways in which professionals who work with students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds can create an educational climate that accepts and respects the language and culture of its students and empowers them to feel confident enough to risk getting involved in the learning process.
Representing the Inuit in Contemporary British and Canadian Juvenile Non-Fiction
Examines text and pictorial representations of the Inuit in juvenile reference books and in geographical and historical juvenile non-fiction works. Finds continuing prevalence of a wide range of stereotypes.
Responding to Religious Diversity in Classrooms
Faculty discussions, staff-development meetings, parent workshops, and direct classroom instruction are places to raise awareness about needs of nonmainstream students and parents, to support students belonging to diverse religious and cultural groups, and to enhance sensitivity to cultural differences in the curriculum. Sample scenarios and solutions are provided.
Rethinking Multicultural Counseling: Implications for Counselor Education
Urges a broader definition of the term "multicultural counseling," and explores the potential contribution of multiculturalism to the theory and practice of counseling. Briefly reviews the current status of training in cross-cultural and multicultural counseling, and offers suggestions for upgrading the preparation of multicultural counselors.
Rethinking Preservice Preparation for Teachers in the Learning Disabilities Field: Workable Multicultural Strategies
Discusses problems and controversies associated with preservice teacher education curricular reform, teacher preparation programs and the learning disabilities field, and restructuring teacher preparation programs to prepare teachers to work with culturally diverse students with learning disabilities. Recruitment and retention of culturally diverse students and personnel is emphasized.
School Counselors' Universal-Diverse Orientation and Aspects of Their Multicultural Counseling Competence
Explores the relationship between school counselors' universal-diverse orientation (UDO) and their self-reported multicultural counseling knowledge and awareness. It was hypothesized that after accounting for the number of previous multicultural counseling courses taken, school counselors' UDO would contribute significant amounts of the variance to their self-perceived multicultural counseling knowledge and awareness.
School Health Education in a Multicultural Society. ERIC Digest
School health education needs to build a broad base of awareness, tolerance, and sensitivity to different expressions of healthy behavior while maintaining scientific accuracy. This can only be accomplished through exposing children to the various types of health knowledge found in different cultures.
Searching for Patterns: A Conversation with Carlos Cortes
Reports results of a telephone interview with history professor and social analyst Carlos Cortes, whose current main area of interest is the multicultural education that occurs outside the classroom, with special interest in the role of the media. Explores the concept of the societal curriculum.
Shaping Teachers' Minds: Reflections on Cultural Discourse
This paper highlights certain cultural models that have been effective in swaying culturally inexperienced teachers to reflect upon their attitudes and biases toward culture and literacy. It presents the actual reflections of student teachers as they respond to learning about cultural models of learning and discourse that may differ from their own.
Shifting Identities in Private Education: Reconstructing Race at/in the Cultural Center
Examines social constructs of white racial identity among adolescent girls attending a largely white, elite, private, single-sex high school. Students' voices illustrate how liberal discourses position youth and how white youth actively remake themselves in relation to prevailing meanings and practices institutionalized in private schools.
Social Constructs of Validity and Value in a Multi-Layered Action Research Investigation of the Global Perspectives Calendar Project for Teacher Education
An action research study addresses validity and value in teacher education by discussing thematic constructs and making specific normative underpinnings explicit. Concerned with developing teachers' abilities to create democratic classrooms and dispositions toward social justice, this study is a multi-layered, longitudinal inquiry into classroom processes and preservice teachers' constructions of meaning.
Steps in the Plantain Project: The Ideas, Activities, and Experiences of the Plantain Project, a Scheme To Safeguard Children and their Environment
The Plantain Project focuses on the vulnerable aspects of children's local environments. The project is designed to safeguard children in their own communities in Kristiansand, Norway through the participation of local elementary schools.
Strength in Diversity: How Well-Managed Cultural Training Programs Can Turn Conflict into Profits
The number of Hispanics entering the workforce between 1992 and 2005 will increase by 64 percent. Cultural diversity training can help companies produce and market products more effectively.
Strength through Cultural Diversity: Developing and Teaching a Diversity Course
Describes the design of an interdisciplinary course intended to develop college students' skills in functioning both personally and professionally in a multicultural society. Concepts addressed include the systems and characteristics of culture; individual, familial, community, and cross-cultural dimensions of diversity; differences and similarities between cultures; and conflict and negotiation.
Struggling To Be Heard: The Unmet Needs of Asian Pacific American Children
Essays in this volume address the neglect of Asian Pacific Americans in the United States, of their struggles for liberation, hopes, troubles, and personal identities. This collection reviews Asian Pacific American history and explores attitudes about the welfare of Asian Pacific American families.
Struggling To Be Heard: The Unmet Needs of Asian Pacific American Children
Essays in this volume address the neglect of Asian Pacific Americans in the United States, of their struggles for liberation, hopes, troubles, and personal identities. This collection reviews Asian Pacific American history and explores attitudes about the welfare of Asian Pacific American families.
Student Affairs Core Competencies: Integrating Multicultural Awareness, Knowledge, and Skills
Reports on selected aspects of the multicultural awareness, knowledge, and skills necessary for effective student affairs practice. Focuses on student affairs core competencies, multicultural competencies in student affairs, and implications of multicultural competencies in student affairs.
Supporting and Questioning Representation
Takes up issues of representation, identity, and authenticity while sharing a list of Asian, Asian American, and Polynesian children's books. Encourages readers to use this list in constructing their multicultural classrooms while simultaneously reflecting on the issues complicating their own review processes.
Supporting Multicultural Awareness at Learning Centers
Suggests that through the integration of positive multicultural experiences and materials into common classroom activities, teachers can help ensure an understanding of these concepts and enrich children's experiences with diverse populations and subjects. (SW).
Swimming Against the Tide: A Study of Prospective Teachers' Attitudes Regarding Cultural Diversity and Urban Teaching
Assessed 300 prospective teachers to determine their attitudes and beliefs concerning cultural diversity. Results show additional emphasis on multicultural education is needed in teacher education, and a variety of experiences are needed to bring preservice teachers into contact with cultural groups different from their own.
Teacher Education's Responsibility to Address Diversity Issues: Enhancing Institutional Capacity
Preservice teachers must be prepared to address substantial student diversity and to educate all students to higher levels of understanding and competence. Many teacher educators are not competent to prepare new teachers in this area.
Teacher Education: Preparing Teachers for Diversity
This qualitative case study documents how one student teacher was able to enrich her understanding of what it means to work in a multicultural environment. The study examined what the student teacher considered to be culturally responsive teaching and how she described culturally responsive teaching.
Teacher Practices and Student Motivation in a Middle School Program for African American Males
Examined an instructional program emphasizing African American history and culture to determine classroom experiences and the program's impact on academic motivation for the 18 African American male middle school students. Data provide mixed support for the relationships among autonomy, control, perceived competence, and intrinsic motivation postulated by cognitive evaluation theory.
Teachers' Responses to Policy Implementation: Interactions of New Accountability Policies and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy in Urban School Reform
This paper explores how new accountability policies interact with culturally relevant teaching at the classroom level. When teachers are under the constraints of accountability and student testing policies, are they able to adopt and practice culturally relevant pedagogy in their classrooms? Previous research indicates that high-stakes accountability systems connected with standardized testing are viewed as having negative effects on teachers, the teaching profession, and curriculum and instruction.
Teaching about Diversity Issues
Describes a course designed to help preservice teachers get in touch with their own attitudes and beliefs during an assignment that involves individuals from different backgrounds. Students' and teachers' perspectives on this learning experience are presented, focusing on such issues as religion, culture, social class, race, and teenage mothers.
Teaching as an Encounter with the Self: Unraveling the Mix of Personal Beliefs, Education Ideologies, and Pedagogical Practices
By audiotaping and analyzing class discussions with graduate students in education, the teacher confronted her own personal beliefs in the context of cross-cultural perspectives on child rearing and traditional educational ideologies. Examining the intersection of belief and practice resulted in more culturally aware teaching.
Teaching Community Psychology: A Problem-Solving Approach
Describes a psychology course that implemented a problem-solving approach to provide students with a hands-on experience of community psychology in a multicultural South Africa. Traces the students' reactions to the course from their initial enthusiasm and emergence of frustration to their eventual understanding of other cultures.
Teaching Diverse Students: Preparing with Cases. Fastback 429
The use of short cases (or case scenarios) and a case method of instruction can help teachers and other educators in both preservice and inservice contexts learn ways of implementing curriculum and providing effective instruction for diverse students. This "Fastback" from the Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation illustrates such use of the case method.
Teaching Diversity Skills in Law School: One School's Experience
The evolution of a diversity education program at McGeorge School of Law (University of the Pacific, California) is chronicled and response to it is discussed. The program involved a lecture on cultural sensitivity and follow-up small-group discussion sessions involving faculty and students.
Teaching Native American Music with Story for Multicultural Ends
States that the alliance between story and music within Native American culture can be carried over into the curriculum. Provides a rationale for utilizing story while teaching Native American music, specifically related to the multicultural curriculum.
Teaching Post-Colonial Studies to Gifted High School Students
Describes a multicultural English course for gifted high school students in Canada. A tone of understanding and acceptance is set through appealing to students' own experiences in an interdisciplinary approach to world literature.
Teaching Preservice Teachers To Incorporate the World Wide Web To Promote Respect of Cultural Diversity
This paper describes how preservice teachers at one university are introduced to computer technology in a nonthreatening manner and how they learn to use the World Wide Web to promote cultural pluralism. Students are introduced to computer technology (e.g., word processing, e-mail, and database searching); then they learn how to harness the power of the World Wide Web (WWW) in order to gather information about any topic and actively engage their students with current resources.
Teaming for Learning Success
Describes how team teaching benefited two first-grade classrooms, one a bilingual instruction classroom and the other an English instruction classroom, by expanding opportunities for language use and transforming the two classrooms into a more inclusive community of learners as these young children used first and second languages to build bridges to each other and their curriculum. (SR).
Technology for Tolerance
Reviews teenager-tested and educator-recommended software packages for teaching tolerance in elementary (primarily upper elementary) and secondary grades. The 12 products cover aspects of American and African American history, multicultural awareness, and values education in tolerance and cultural awareness.
The ABC's Model: Teachers Connect Home and School
Examines how seven European-American teachers implemented a model called the ABC's of Cultural Understanding and Communication (a literacy process to help develop cultural understanding and communication). Describes how teachers and students investigated cultural and ethnic differences through literacy activities that promoted classroom community and home/school connections, an appreciation of diversity, and reading, writing, listening, and speaking across the curriculum.
The African Mosaic: New Lessons from Humanity's Homeland
Explores the wealth of learning opportunities arising from the study of Africa and its peoples. Students must learn about the history, traditions, and diversity of Africa, rather than focusing narrowly on the problems of recent years.
The Blackboard Jungle: Critically Interrogating Hollywood's Vision of the Urban Classroom
Investigated graduate preservice teachers' perceptions of urban students and schools, exploring how they arrived at these perceptions through personal experiences/contacts and other means. Students completed surveys about their image of urban schools and students and examined commercial Hollywood films, discussing their role in shaping perceptions.
The Candle and the Mirror: One Author's Journey as an Outsider
Chronicles the author's journey as an outsider who authored a book for children about the harvest traditions of the Tohono O'odham people. Describes how her concern about the lack of literature to serve as a mirror and a candle to reflect and illuminate the lives of Tohono O'odham children led her on a journey that was both painful and affirming.
The Children Are Watching: How the Media Teach about Diversity. Multicultural Education Series
This book is intended to provide insights into the role that the mass media play in the broad educational process, especially in the ways that young people develop their beliefs and feelings about human diversity. The book also offers insights and ideas for grappling with the media teaching-learning process and for understanding its implications for diversity-related education.
The Comprehensive Support Model for Culturally Diverse Exceptional Learners: Intervention in an Age of Change
This article discusses how students, teachers, families, communities, and government can work together using the Comprehensive Support Model (CSM) as an intervention for culturally diverse learners with exceptionalities. Embedded in the discussion are cases that illustrate functions of CSM.
The Court of Public Opinion: The Ford Foundation Campus Diversity Initiative Survey of Voters on Diversity in Education and an Interview with Edgar Beckham
Reports on a study of attitudes of U.S. voters regarding diversity and diversity education in higher education based on telephone interviews with 2,011 voters.
The Culturally Competent Art Educator
Focuses on the importance of preparing teachers to be culturally competent art educators, addresses the qualities of a culturally competent teacher, delineates Mazrui's seven functions of culture, and explores how to comprehend multicultural practice. Discusses how teachers can acquire cultural knowledge through literature, films and videos, and museums and galleries.
The Development, Testing, and Evaluation of an In-Service Multicultural Training Program in Adult Education
Participants in a two-day inservice multicultural training program (n=51) were compared with 30 controls. Participants showed modest increases in cultural awareness and skills and significant improvement in responses to the Critical Incident Quality Index.
The Educational Systems of Schools in Bulgaria, Romania, and Delgado Community College. Fulbright-Hays Summer Seminar Abroad 1996 (Bulgaria and Romania)
This paper examines the educational systems of Bulgaria and Romania, as compared to the educational environment in an English as a Second Language (ESL) department at Delgado Community College (Louisiana). The document interweaves vignettes of personal experiences gained while in those two countries with those as an instructor in the United States.
The Light in Their Eyes: Creating Multicultural Learning Communities. Multicultural Education Series
This book focuses on ways teachers can modify their teaching in order to increase the academic achievement of students from the racial and ethnic groups that are experiencing massive failure in U.S. schools, and consequently in society.
The Lives and Values of Researchers: Implications for Educating Citizens in a Multicultural Society
Discusses why it is necessary to uncover the values that underlie social science research and reviews reasons objectivity should be a goal of social science research. Presents a typology of cross-cultural researchers and describes the lives and work of some social scientists who exemplify these categories.
The Multicultural Science Framework: Research on Innovative Two-Way Immersion Science Classrooms
Reviews the different approaches to multicultural science teaching that have emerged in the past decade, focusing on the Spanish-English two-way immersion classroom, which meets the needs of Spanish speakers learning English and introduces students to the idea of collaboration across languages and cultures. Two urban two-way immersion classrooms in Texas and New York are described.
The Multiculturally Responsive Versus the Multiculturally Reactive: A Study of Perceptions of Counselor Trainees
Examines the responses of graduate students (N=39) in a counseling psychology program, to required coursework in multicultural counseling, and their perceptions of others' responses. Results indicate that embracing or rejecting the concepts of multiculturalism appears unrelated to demonstrated competence in the curriculum, which raises questions for the profession in regard to achieving its stated goals.
The Multiracial Experience: Racial Borders as the New Frontier
The essays in this collection conduct a dialogue about race from a multiracial perspective. The biracial baby boom that began in the 1960s practically guarantees that anyone living in a large American city knows someone who is racially mixed.
The Perceived Influence of Culture and Ethnicity on the Communicative Dynamics of the United Nations Secretariat
Investigates managerial perceptions in the United Nations Secretariat with regard to communicative dynamics in an organization founded on the precepts of cultural and ethnic diversity. Finds several pillars of deep diversity at the Secretariat, including multicultural and multiethnic understanding; an inclusive charter or mission; managers' commitment to that charter or mission; linguistic diversity; and respect and appreciation of similarities and differences.
The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of: The Latino Detective Novel
Explores the body of detective fiction written by Latino authors in English, a relatively new genre. These novels contribute to the understanding of cultural diversity and present Latino attitudes in the guise of entertainment (SLD).
The Training and Supervisory Needs of Racial and Ethnic Minority Students
Despite increasing attention given to multicultural training issues in counseling programs, there is a dearth of information on unique training needs of racial and ethnic minority trainees. Reviews literature relevant to training needs, offers examples of training and supervisory issues, and makes recommendations for future research and training.
The Use of Case Studies in Preparing Teachers for Cultural Diversity
Cases offer prospective teachers vicarious experience in culturally different settings. This paper uses examples of cases from the Teachers for Alaska Program, which successfully altered the way teachers educated culturally diverse students.
The Use of Hypermedia in Effective Diversity Training
A qualitative study examined the effects of a hypermedia program on diversity training completed by 65 undergraduate students. Results showed that when different types of implementation groups were utilized, discussion (considered vital to diversity training) only occurred on a regular basis in facilitated groups, and to a lesser degree in pair groupings, when mixed by gender and ethnicity.
Then the Beauty Emerges: A Longitudinal Case Study of Culturally Relevant Teaching
Explores the classroom curriculum and instructional strategies of a white, second career teacher who created a culturally relevant teaching practice. Longitudinal data chronicled the development of her beliefs, values, and dispositions for meeting diverse student needs.
Tostada Preparation Provides Educational Feast: Preschoolers Learn Language, Explore Culture
Describes a multicultural inclusive preschool program in which children with and without disabilities communicate by using English, Spanish, and sign language. How students were taught a cross-cultural language lesson by making tostadas during International Foods Week is reviewed.
Toward a Literature of Difference
Contributes the first steps in the establishment of literary standards produced from readings of children's texts that are culturally different in form and context. Discusses instances in which the role of the literary critic comes into conflict with the responsibilities of the multicultural educator.
Tradition and Story: Intergenerational Ties of Past to Present
This 32-item annotated bibliography details picture books, realistic fiction, poetry, and biographies (most of which were published in 1994) that deal with intergenerational relationships. Each entry in the bibliography indicates the literary genre and recommended age level of the book.
Transforming Elementary Social Studies: The Emergence of a Curriculum Focused on Diverse, Caring Communities
Examines six elementary social studies textbook series for the absence or presence of multicultural perspectives. Identifies Houghton Mifflin and Macmillan as opposite ends of the spectrum.
Un-Separate and Still Unequal? Three Books about American Education and Race at the End of the Liberal Century [Book Review]
Three recent books from different contexts bring new attention to the issues of race and education in the United States. These books are helpful to those considering the reasons for the underachievement of African-American students in the United States at the end of the 20th century.
Understanding Puerto Rican Culture Using Puerto Rican Children's Literature
Presents examples of Puerto Rican children's literature, explaining how these books facilitate understanding of Puerto Rican culture. Describes criteria used to evaluate Puerto Rican children's literature and how to acquire the books using Puerto Rican bookstores, publishers, and distributors.
Understanding the Functions and Forms of Racism: Toward the Development of Promising Practices
The public looks to schools to address prejudice and discrimination. Several models of and approaches to multicultural education are described.
Understanding the School Community: A Field-Based Experience in Teacher Education
Canadian preservice teachers were sent to volunteer in an inner-city Native American elementary school in order to gain some understanding of other cultures and thus examine their own attitudes toward race and culture. The program helped students understand the role of communication in communities and in teaching.
Urban Bilingual Teachers and Mentoring for the Future
Reviews the literature on mentoring teachers, focusing on bilingual and bicultural education and emphasizing issues relevant in urban settings. An interactive model of mentoring is proposed in which bilingual teachers, whether mentors or new teachers, can share perspectives sorely needed in this age of increasing cultural diversity.
Using All the Crayons. Educator Patricia Ramsey Says the Lessons of Tolerance Begin in Early Childhood
Interviews a professor of psychology and education who discusses the implicit messages about differences and power relationships that children receive from the adults around them. Teachers should assess their own biases and work to ensure that multicultural education is more than superficial window dressing.
Using Art To Teach Multicultural Issues
Art education can be used to stimulate diverse ways of seeing and thinking. Through bringing about an awareness of diversity and various perspectives, art can lead students to enter into a dialog on different cultures and participate in a world where all experiences offer a richness of diversity.
Using Intercollegiate Response Groups To Help Teacher Education Students Bridge Differences of Race, Class, Ethnicity
To provide preservice teachers with opportunities for contact with people from racially and ethnically different backgrounds, one university initiated intercollegiate reader response groups using the WebCT format, which allowed students to converse with one another over distances, both within and across universities.
Using Stories To Introduce and Teach Multicultural Literature
Discusses the importance of stories in introducing migrants to the new societies they enter. Stories allow people to reach out to past generations and provide examples of successful coping in new lives.
Visualizing the Vision
Presents a lesson plan that is designed to engage school staff in thinking about, developing, and sharing their conception of what it means to be a "global school." Staff is divided into small groups with an emphasis on diversity. These groups then discuss and draw illustrations of global school models.
Waging Peace in Our Schools
The Resolving Conflicts Creatively Program (RCCP) described in this book asserts that schools must educate the child's heart as well as the mind. RCCP began in 1985 as a joint initiative of Educators for Social Responsibility Metropolitan Area and the New York City Board of Education.
Waging Peace in Our Schools
The Resolving Conflicts Creatively Program (RCCP) described in this book asserts that schools must educate the child's heart as well as the mind. RCCP began in 1985 as a joint initiative of Educators for Social Responsibility Metropolitan Area and the New York City Board of Education.
What Diverse, Rural Communities Need and Want from Their Teachers
Two community meetings in a rural multicultural New Mexico school district examined community expectations of teachers. Awareness and sensitivity to cultural differences were identified as the most important qualities.
White Natives. "Braveheart" and "Rob Roy" as Colonial Victims
Two contemporary films, "Braveheart" and "Rob Roy," depict Scottish ethnicity from a rather narrow perspective. The positions that are sentimentally admired when attributed to white natives of Scotland are horrifying when expressed by contemporary peoples of color.
Who Belongs Here? Portraying American Identity in Children's Picture Books
Provides examples of children's literature that can be used to begin dialogs on issues of similarities, differences, prejudice, exclusion and inclusion, violence, and social justice. Picture books chosen for broad appeal and multiple uses, even with older students, are described.
Why Does the Buddha Have Long Ears? A North Carolina Museum Educator Invites Students To Explore Religious Diversity through Art
Describes the Five Faiths Project, a children's program of storytelling, photography workshops, museum exhibits, classroom projects, and community performances developed by the curator of education of the Ackland Art Museum at the University of North Carolina. Activities, which have focused on Hinduism and Judaism so far, will eventually explore diversity in Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam.
Windows to the World: Themes for Cross-Cultural Understanding. Grade 4-8
The purpose of this book is to help equip students with some of the concepts, attitudes and skills for successful cross-cultural understanding. The emphasis is on the exploration of cultural perspectives, both of themselves and others.
Within These Many Lies the American One: Multiculturalism, Citizenship Training, and the Construction of an American "Paideia."
The idea of an American "paideia" (an ideal national public culture) is implicit in U.S. civic education and citizenship training.
Without a Prayer
Ponders issue of schools, school prayer, and religion. Shows how a teachable moment can promote moral and societal values without imposing specific views of any particular religion.
Working with School Systems: Educational Outreach and Action Guide
This guide explains how individuals and American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) chapters can work with school systems to reduce discrimination against students of Arab background and to educate teachers and other students about the cultures of the Middle East. Arab Americans can make a difference in the school systems by personal involvement in the schools and by providing teachers with the many excellent teaching materials that have been developed in recent years.
World Rhythms: Students Make Cultural Connections through Music and Dance
Describes several programs in which music and dance are used to unlock doors that stereotypes of race, gender, language, religion, or ability have kept shut. Exposure to the music and dance of other cultures helps children's awareness of the diversity of the world and people's essential similarities.