



part of the Education Reform Networks
Multicultural Educators
"Bending the Future to Their Will": Civic Women, Social Education, and Democracy
This book examines the lives and work of women who forged a distinctive tradition of social education from the late 19th century to the late 20th century, one that offered an alternative set of ideas about its means and ends to those propounded by mainstream educational theorists. In the book, the term "social education" is used to suggest that education about democracy and citizenship has occurred in a variety of settings beyond the school.
"Critical Perspectives on Project Head Start: Revisioning the Hope and Challenge," edited by Jeanne Ellsworth and Lynda Ames. Book Review
Describes Ellsworth and Ames' edited book as an eclectic collection including historical, ethnographic, autobiographical, empirical, and self-reflective texts. Maintains that although the book is an important contribution to the literature by placing current practices into historical and social context, thereby leading to a more critical view of the revered program, the work omits an economic view.
"Dangerous Indians": Evaluating the Depiction of Native Americans in Selected Trade Books
A study examined 20 trade books (1964-1997) to evaluate their accuracy in depicting Native American peoples and cultures. The criteria embodied an authenticity guideline based upon the "Five Great Values": (1) generosity and sharing; (2) respect for elders and women; (3) getting along with nature; (4) individual freedom and leadership; and (5) courage.
"Letting Go": Rethinking Teaching World History at the Secondary Level. A Plan for a One-Year Thematic World History Course
This paper examines the shortcomings of the area studies approach and the comprehensive chronological world history survey approach to teaching world history courses. The study notes the increasing interdependence of the world and its people and advocates a thematic world history approach.
"Life Took Me Elsewhere." The Roma Tutoring Project in Romania
Describes the plight of the Roma (the preferred word for "Gypsy") in Romania, and the Roma Tutoring Project, intended to help Roma children succeed in school. Discusses the project's activities to sponsor the writing of children's books in Romania based on Roma children and culture, and with a tutor training project based on the language experience approach.
"Mama," Affection, and Migration: Recommended Books about Latinos for Children and Adolescents
Presents an annotated bibliography of books to teach children and adolescents about Latinos and the Latino culture. Topics of the books range from the spirit of the Latino folk arts to poetic expressions, migration stories, and insightful essays about Cuba under Castro.
"Once Upon a Time, a Very Long Time Ago Now, About Last Friday..." (Pooh Bear)
This article argues that all cultures, and thus all families, operate, possibly even evolve, from out of the stories we are told while we are young. Adding to this idea the realization that all stories evolve from out of our cultures, the article suggests societies are shaped by the circularity and interaction of this combination.
"Survival": A White Teacher's Conception of Drama with Inner-City Hispanic Youth
Profiles how and why a White, upper-middle-class teacher who was trained in aspects of play production and theater education changed her conception of educational drama as she worked in an inner-city magnet school with impoverished, inner-city Hispanic youth. Discusses culture shock, cross-cultural functioning, and survival in terms of ethos, gang subculture, language, and staff authority.
1996 Notable Books for a Global Society (Books Published in 1995)
Provides brief descriptions of 24 children's books identified as outstanding in that they are culturally authentic, rich in cultural details, and celebrates diversity in the common bonds of humanity. Groups the books in five categories: Stories from around the World; Heritage and Childhood Memories; the Immigrant Experience; the Struggle for Equal Opportunity and Cultural Identity; and Contemporary Issues.
1999 Notable Books for a Global Society: A K-12 list
Offers brief descriptions of 25 recent outstanding books (fiction, nonfiction, and poetry written for children in grades K-12 and published in 1998) chosen for the 1999 list of Notable Books for a Global Society. Notes that these books celebrate the diversity and common bonds of humanity.
[Collected Papers on International Aspects of Teacher Education and Technology.]
This document contains the papers on international issues in technology and teacher education.
A Career Odyssey. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Career and Technical Education/International Vocational Education and Training Association (74th, San Diego, California, December 7-10, 2000). Business Education Division
These six papers present sound research in business education. "Status of Full- and Part-Time Business Faculty at Two-Year College and Perceived Importance of Selected Professional Services" (Marcia A.
A Computerized Screening Instrument of Language Learnability
This article presents further analyses of a pilot study that examined the effectiveness of a computerized language screening instrument for 60 multicultural children (ages 7-8). Results suggest that because of its computerization and language learnability features, this innovative instrument may be an effective alternative to current screening procedures.
A Continuing Education Program on Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
This manual and accompanying videotape are intended to be used as a continuing education program to enhance the skills of special and general educators in serving children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The video can also be used alone to provide a general overview of issues related to children with attention deficit disorder.
A Critical Review of Ann Rinaldi's "My Heart Is on the Ground": The Diary of Nannie Little Rose, a Sioux Girl
This collaborative review finds much to criticize in this fictional portrayal of the experiences of a young girl at the Carlisle Indian School, including a lack of clarity about the fictional nature of the story. Stereotyping and historical inaccuracies make this book add to the great body of misinformation about Native-American life in the United States and Canada.
A Demand for Excellence in Books for Children
Children's books selected for schools and libraries are judged by criteria of literary and artistic excellence, and books featuring minority-group characters must be held to additional criteria. Such scrupulous selectivity is not censorship.
A Developmental Framework for Cultural Competence Training with Children
Presents a developmental framework for cultural competence training with children. Recommends that social workers synchronize training with children's developmental levels and cultural learning readiness in cognitive, affective, and behavioral areas.
A Faceless Bureaucrat Ponders Special Education, Disability, and White Privilege
The first part of this article critiques categorical approaches to special education, overrepresentation of minority children in special education, inclusion and exclusion, and white privilege. The second part of the article describes the potential of multicultural education, transformation, and participatory leadership approaches to address the issues raised in the critique.
A Framework for Examining School Leadership and Teaching in Varied Organizations and Social Contexts: A Synthesis
This research examined the overlap of four key domains of schools according to multiple perspectives.
A Framework for Identifying Consensus: Agreement and Disagreement among Teacher Education Reform Documents
This study offers a framework for identifying areas of agreement and disagreement across eight recent teacher education reform documents. Researchers analyzed each document in relation to the reform principles proposed by the National Commission on Teaching and America's Future (NCTAF).
A Global Perspective on Bilingualism and Bilingual Education. ERIC Digest
The number of languages spoken throughout the world is estimated to be 6,000. Although a small number of languages serve as important link languages or languages of wider communication around the world, these are very often spoken as second, third, fourth, or later-acquired languages.
A Learner Centered Education
This paper proposes a learner-centered educational system, focusing on aspects that are intrinsically associated with the modern educational system, such as the curriculum, school community, parents, learners, and educational support personnel.
A Lingering Miseducation: Confronting the Legacy of "Little Tree."
The popular book, "The Education of Little Tree," written by a Ku Klux Klansman, perpetuates popular stereotypes about American Indians and advances the author's ideology about segregation and staunch individualism. This type of fraud is especially damaging to children, both White and Indian, who internalize such stereotypes as more authentic than the realities of living American Indians.
A Mountain Cultural Curriculum: Telling Our Story
Studies the development and implementation of a six-week curriculum to expose denigrating Appalachian Mountain stereotypes and supplant them with images that children create after investigating their West Virginia mountain cultural history of oppression and rebellion. Bases the development of the curriculum on multiple conceptions of multicultural education.
A natural language teaching paradigm for nonverbal autistic children.
A Never Ending...Never Done...Bibliography of Multicultural Literature for Younger & Older Children. Second Edition
This bibliography of multicultural children's literature emphasizes a range of authentic voices, with respect for some realistic voices for African Americans, Asian Americans, Latina/o Americans, and Native Americans. The over 1,400 titles for younger and older children more than double the number of selections in the first edition.
A NEW ERA: Revitalizing Special Education for Children and their Families
A new era: Revitalizing Special Education for Children and their Families
A Rationale for Multicultural Art Education Focused on the Florida Model
Why focus on art instead of on some other discipline to approach intercultural understanding? This paper argues that because art is about the spirit, the self, the soul, the things that people think are important, it should be the key choice. To lay the foundation for this argument, the paper addresses art as communication of core values and ideas.
A Seat at the Table: Toward a National Agenda for Asian Pacific American Children. Proceedings from "Children in Need: Asian American and Pacific Islander Children" at the Children's Defense Fund National Conference (New York, NY, March 25-28, 2000).
These proceedings from a conference on the health needs of Asian and Pacific American (APA) children include discussions and recommendations from each breakout session. The breakout sessions focused on trends and services; K-12 education; health and mental health; child abuse and neglect services; bias crime and violence; and poverty and welfare reform.
A Spatial Study of the Mobility of Hispanics in Illinois and the Implications for Educational Institutions. Working Paper No. 43
This paper examines the growth and characteristics of the Hispanic population in Illinois and presents a case study of how a rural Illinois community and its schools are adapting to an influx of mostly Mexican immigrants.
A Validity Study of Scores on the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure Based on a Sample of Academically Talented Adolescents
Examined the validity of scores on the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (J. Phinney, 1992) on a group of 275 academically talented adolescents at an enrichment program.
AAHE Bulletin, 1998-99
The 10 issues of this organizational journal provide news columns, calls for proposals, conference information, and several major articles.
Academic Achievement, Race, and Reform: Six Essays on Understanding Assessment Policy, Standardized Achievement Tests, and Anti-Racist Alternatives
This set of six essays was written as a resource for those working in their schools and communities to promote social justice, combat racism, and encourage quality education for all youth.
Accent Discrimination: Implications for the Multicultural Educational Institution of the 21st Century
Based on litigation patterns, discrimination because of accent occurs most frequently in colleges and universities, particularly in the classroom. Accent discrimination cases are unlike other employment discrimination cases because successful claims generally do not depend on qualifications, but on accent's effect on job performance.
Achieving Despite the Odds: A Study of Resilience Among a Group of African American High School Seniors
This article reports on a study examining the phenomenon of resilience, or the manifestation of competence despite the presence of stressful life events or circumstance, as a factor leading to the academic success of 20 African American 12th graders (10 females, 10 males) from impoverished backgrounds.
Acquisition and Manifestation of Prejudice in Children
Identifies three major categories of prejudice: conscious/intentional, conscious/unintentional, and unconscious/unintentional. Asserts that prejudice plays a large role in the development of children and has its origins in the individual's group identity.
Add Salsa to Your Classroom with Young Adult Books about Latinos
Discusses the use of young adult and children's books about Hispanic Americans as a part of multicultural education in middle school classrooms. Considers interdisciplinary learning activities to explore the history of Hispanic experience in the Americas, and recommends works of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and anthologies for classroom use.
Adolescent Violent Behavior: An Analysis across and within Racial/Ethnic Groups
Analysis of data from a national longitudinal study of adolescent health found that adolescent involvement in four types of violent behaviors was related to race/ethnicity, gender, and family structure. Family cohesion was a protective factor against all types of violence.
Adult Education in Continental Europe: An Annotated Bibliography of English-Language Materials 1992-1994. Monographs on Comparative and Area Studies in Adult Education
This annotated bibliography contains 1,033 entries describing English-language materials regarding adult education (AE) in continental Europe that were identified through a systematic search of 188 periodicals.
Adult Learning and Development: Multicultural Stories
This book contains 28 personal stories and poems about growth and development in adulthood that were written by individuals who were purposely chosen to reflect the diversity of U.S. culture and sociocultural factors such as race and ethnicity, gender, class, sexual orientation, and able-bodiedness that affect development in adulthood.
Adult Learning, Generativity and "Successful" Aging in Multicultural Perspective: A Hmong American Educational Biography
This document examines the themes of adult learning, generativity, and successful aging against the backdrop of the biography of a Hmong refugee who immigrated to the United States in 1988 at the age of 35, began studying English as a second language (ESL), and continues to study ESL in adult education classes while six of his seven children attend public schools.
Altar-ing Family Communication: The Shrine/Altar Project in the Family Communication Course
This paper describes an assignment originally designed for a course in family communication now being taught at the upper undergraduate level at a state university in the southwestern United States. The shrine, the project/assignment described in the paper, combines locally relevant cultural traditions which are broadly applicable with course concepts such as defining families; family stories and meaning making; family themes; rituals and traditions; family rules and roles, and so forth.
Altered Destinies: Making Life Better for Schoolchildren in Need
Alternative Assessment of Language and Literacy in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Populations
This article explores some problems and recent solutions to the use of norm-referenced testing of children who are culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD). It describes two promising procedures to provide unbiased assessment of CLD children's language and literacy: the use of processing-dependent measures and of dynamic assessment measures.
Alternative Schools and Roma Education: A Review of Alternative Secondary School Models for the Education of Roma Children in Hungary. World Bank Regional Office Hungary NGO Studies
In recent years, a number of experiments have been undertaken in Hungary with alternative approaches to secondary school education for Roma children. This report examines six different institutions that have attempted to help Roma children make the transition from basic to secondary school, and to improve their performance and future opportunities in education and in the labor market.
American Educational History Journal, 2001
This 2001 annual publication contains 31 articles on topics germane to the history of education. Each year, this journal publishes papers presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest History of Education Society.
American Higher Education in the Twenty-First Century: Social, Political and Economic Challenges
This book presents 17 papers on higher education, organized into four parts, which address the higher education setting, external forces, the academic community, and central issues for the 21st century.
Americanization and the Schools
Argues that a common mainstream American culture (a system of common knowledge and root attitudes as well as the English language) should take precedence in the schools over attempts to enforce multiculturalism and bilingualism, which only deepen the disadvantage of the children of the unassimilated. (SR).
Amish Literature for Children
Presents an overview of children's literature about the Amish. Describes often-overlooked complexities within the Amish culture and discusses 11 books for children (and lists 14 others).
An Agenda for Research on Text Material in Primary Science for Second Language Learners of English in Developing Countries
Reviews evidence related to the readability and comprehensibility of material in primary school science textbooks, which shows that texts are often too difficult for children, particularly in developing countries where pupils are learning through English as the medium of instruction. (69 references) (Author/CK).
An Alternative Approach for Language Arts and Social Studies Assessment
This paper explores issues related to alternative assessment approaches in language arts and social studies classrooms. A rationale for a more comprehensive assessment approach within a democratic framework is developed, and ideas for constructing rubrics in language arts and social studies classrooms are presented.
An Emerging Methodology for Cultural-historical Perspectives on Literacy Learning: Synchronic and Diachronic Dimensions of Social Practice
This paper begins from the premise that, while there is much to be learned from research, it should also be recognized that there is a need for research methodologies and theoretical frames that provide the possibility of more local explanations for the dilemmas and problems facing urban education.
An Exploration of the Delivery of Mental Health Care by HMOs
This paper explores the thesis that a discrepancy exists in the treatment of physical disease over mental illness when care is provided by Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs). Inconsistencies exist in the form of narrowed and abbreviated treatment models coupled with outmoded views towards mental illness.
An Exploration of the Uses of Children's Books as an Approach for Enhancing Cultural Diversity
Offers strategies for using children's books as tools for teaching able-bodied children about the unique needs of children with disabilities and how disabilities are an important aspect of cultural diversity. Notes five genres for conducting bibliotherapy: fiction, nonfiction, self-help books, fairy tales, and picture books.
An Introduction to Multicultural Counseling
When client and counselor are from different cultural backgrounds, they tend to view things from disparate perspectives. Though a background in multiculturalism is required for program accreditation, most existing texts limit coverage to ethnicity, without the emphasis of broad concepts such as discrimination and acculturation, or coverage of gender, sexual orientation, or aging issues.
Analysis of environmental determinants of aggression and disruption in mentally retarded children.
Andragogy in Color
Malcolm Knowles' theory of andragogy asserts that adult learners learn differently from younger learners and hence require a different kind of education. According to Knowles, andragogy is characterized by the following hallmarks: adult learners are self-directed, have accumulated vast experiences that add to their knowledge, are at a stage in life where they are ready to learn, engage in problem-centered learning, and are internally motivated.
Annotated Bibliography of 100 Quality Books of Multicultural Literature for Children in Grades K-6 (1990-1996)
This annotated bibliography of contemporary multicultural books for children is divided into sections on: (1) non-fiction, biography (12 citations); (2) non-fiction, information (18 citations); (3) contemporary realistic fiction (14 citations); (4) folklore (11 citations); (5) historical fiction (11 citations); (6) modern fantasy (10 citations); (7) picture books (12 citations); and (8) poetry (12 citations). (NKA).
Annual Needs Assessment, 1998: Region V Head Start-Child Care Partnerships & Training and Technical Assistance Needs in the Area of Disabilities
The Great Lakes Quality Improvement Center for Disabilities (Region V QIC-D or GLQIC-D) serves Head Start Programs in Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin, and conducts an annual needs assessment of the Head Start Disability Services Coordinators. For 1998, 264 coordinators completed the survey, which gathered information regarding Head Start-Child Care partnerships and initiatives, training and technical assistance needs regarding parents with disabilities, and needs in library resources regarding disabilities.
Archaeology and Intercultural Education in the Elementary Grades: An Example from Minnesota
Advocates the use of archaeology and anthropology as tools for delivering multicultural education in the elementary setting. Argues that archaeology demonstrates to children the ways that various cultures have solved problems related to a common set of human needs.
Are special educators' career paths special? Results from a 13-yeear longitudinal study.
Art or Propaganda? Pedagogy and Politics in Illustrated African-American Children's Literature since the Harlem Renaissance
This paper explores assumptions about children's political thinking as reflected in African American children's literature, with particular attention to picture books and illustrated magazine stories. Framed in terms of the "art or propaganda" distinction that the Harlem Renaissance philosopher.
Art, Education, and Community: Arts Genesis, Inc
Arts Genesis, Inc. (AGI) forms partnerships with diverse communities to assist them in finding fulfillment through the arts by meeting their own self-defined needs; uses arts experiences to encourage discovery, creativity, and diversity; and continually strives for excellence in the arts and education.
Artistic Triumph or Multicultural Failure?: Multiple Perspectives on a "Multicultural" Award-Winning Book
Explores the responses of a range of adults (all five Pueblo Indians) to one children's book, "Arrow to the Sun," based on a Pueblo Indian tale and written by a non-Indian. Discusses concerns for accuracy, authenticity, and sensitivity.
Arts and Learning Research, 1996-1997. The Journal of the Arts and Learning Special Interest Group of the American Educational Research Association (New York, New York, April 1996)
The papers gathered in this volume were presented at the 1996 meeting of the American Educational Research Association, mostly at programs of the Arts and Learning Special Interest Group.
Asian, American, and Deaf: A Framework for Professionals
Presents a multicultural framework for thinking about, assessing, and working with people with deafness from Asian and Asian Deaf backgrounds. Emphasis is placed on cultural awareness and cultural competence for professionals and on building bridges across cultural networks.
Assessing the Effects of Reform in Teacher Education: An Evaluation of the MAT Program at Trinity University
This report describes the teacher education reforms at Trinity University (San Antonio, Texas), with special emphasis on the benefits and obstacles encountered along the journey toward the creation and maintenance of effective school-university partnerships. In 1987, Trinity University established the Alliance for Better Schools, a school-university partnership between four schools (two elementary, one middle, and one high school) in one urban and one suburban district and Trinity University.
Assessment of the natural environment.
Assessment-based interventions for children with emotional and behavioral disorders.
Avec les approches d'eveil au langage, l'interculturel est au centre de l'apprentissage scolaire (With the Language Awareness Approaches, the Intercultural Is at the Center of School Learning)
Language awareness activities appear to give new breath to intercultural approaches within Swiss schools. They allow children to be involved in language by comparing languages, sharing knowledge, and reflecting on language structures and functions.
Background Knowledge, Linguistic Complexity, and Second-Language Reading Comprehension
Examines the role of cultural background knowledge on the reading comprehension of third graders acquiring literacy in Dutch as a first and second language while reading noncontrived texts from the reading curricula. Finds a facilitating effect of cultural familiarity for both reading comprehension and reading efficiency.
Becoming Political: Comparative Perspectives on Citizenship Education. SUNY Series: Theory, Research, and Practice in Social Education
This study examines diversity in citizenship education within a set of boundaries where the ideals of citizenship, democracy, and education were somewhat similar. The five nations expected to be quite similar were the United States, the United Kingdom, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Netherlands, and Denmark.
Behavior disorders
Behavior-setting interactions of autistic children: A behavioral mapping approach to assessing classroom behaviors.
Bernard van Leer Foundation Newsletter, 1996.
This document consists of the four issues of the Bernard van Leer Foundation's "Newsletter" published during 1996. The newsletter covers topics related to, or about efforts to foster, the education and welfare of children around the world, and includes descriptions of programs around the world, lists of resources and publications, and early childhood news.
Beyond Fairy Godmothers and Glass Slippers: A Look at Multicultural Variants of Cinderella
This annotated bibliography presents a collection of multicultural Cinderella variants, all of which allow children to experience the culture within an easily identifiable framework. Variants include African/African American/American South, Asian, Jewish, Latino/Latin American/Caribbean, Middle Eastern, Native American, and other European American.
Beyond Heroes and Holidays: A Practical Guide to K-12 Anti-Racist, Multicultural Education and Staff Development
Multicultural education must encourage academic excellence that embraces critical skills for progressive social change. This book is guided by the philosophy of critical pedagogy, pioneered by Brazilian educator, Paulo Freire.
Beyond Mulan: Rediscovering the Heroines of Chinese Folklore
Notes how sadly the Disney treatment of the story of Mulan reduced both the character Mulan and the story's broad appeal. Presents and critiques four picture book versions of the Mulan legend.
Bibliography of Race Equity/Multicultural Library Materials. 1996 Spring/Summer Edition.
This annotated bibliography includes all of the race equity and multicultural materials available from the Nebraska Department of Education's Equal Educational Opportunity Project. A table listing works by author's last name provides quick access to the topic and grade level.
Booktalking Across the Curriculum: The Middle Years
This book contains booktalks for 170 titles that appeal to middle school readers and relate to middle school curriculum. Approximately 90% of the books are fiction.
Breaking the Silence: The Stories of Gay and Lesbian People in Children's Literature
Discusses how for gay or lesbian youth, the issues of identity and acceptance that are ignored both in life and in literature are not only profound but also dangerous. Notes that books that include gay or lesbian characters usually elicit a strong negative reaction to their content by vocal conservative groups.
Bridges on the I-Way: Multicultural Resources Online. HAPI Online: Hispanic American Periodicals Index
Reviews the Hispanic American Periodicals Index (HAPI Online), which covers information about Central and South America, Mexico, the Caribbean Basin, the U.S. Mexican border, and Hispanics in the United States.
Bridging Differences of Time, Place, and Culture Using Children's and Young Adult Literature
Focuses on the use of children's and young adult literature in the social studies classroom, addressing the New York state standards at the third- to sixth-grade levels. Provides an annotated bibliography of books that can be utilized in areas, such as U.S.
Bright Lights: Stories of Success and Excellence from BC Secondary Schools.
This document highlights the exciting and creative learning opportunities offered in 16 British Columbia secondary schools.
Bringing Stories into the Classroom
This annotated bibliography was prepared to supplement a discussion of "low tech," low cost alternatives to use in teaching. It lists 63 children's books and folktales that present messages about human nature and that can be used to add a multicultural element to the classroom.
Brooks Global Studies Extended-Year Magnet School. Profiles of Excellence
Extending the school year and incorporating global education into the curriculum are two educational innovations that have developed in response to demand for improved educational quality. This handbook profiles how educators and parents in Greensboro, North Carolina, planned Brooks Magnet School and implemented its 210-day, year-round calendar, and global curriculum supported by emerging technologies.
Building Collaborative Cultures: Seeking Ways To Reshape Urban Schools
This monograph concentrates on the components of collaborative cultures and how schools develop such collaborative cultures. Urban schools face unique challenges in the frequent lack of resources and the special needs of their often disadvantaged populations.
Building social behavior in autistic children by use of electric shock.
Building Stronger School Counseling Programs: Bringing Futuristic Approaches into the Present
This publication brings together authors from a variety of fields to speculate about the future of counseling. Some believe that change in the future will be incremental and of a short-term nature, resolving problems as they arise.
Business Education Index, 2000: Index of Business Education Articles and Research Studies Compiled from a Selected List of Periodicals Published during the Year 2000. Volume 61
This document (which is to be the last in its series) indexes business education articles and research studies compiled from a selected list of 38 periodicals published in 2000. Priority is given to journals essential to research and teaching across the broad business education spectrum.
CACD Journal, 1996-1997
This issue of the California Association for Counseling and Development Journal reflects counseling at the crossroads: changes and challenges as its theme.
CACD Journal, 1998-1999
This publication of the California Association for Counseling and Development for 1998-1999 supports the organizational goals of leadership, inquiry, discovery, excellence, and innovation. It attempts to identify the current issues of concern in the counseling field and to share research to help improve the professional learning community.
Call of the North, NECC '96. Proceedings of the Annual National Educational Computing Conference (17th, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 11-13, 1996)
These conference proceedings address the current trends, practices, and research in the field of educational technology.
Campus Trends 1996. Adjusting to New Realities. Higher Education Panel Report, Number 86
For the 13th year, a national survey of changes in the academic and administrative practices of American colleges and universities was undertaken. Senior administrators at 403 colleges and universities completed and returned survey questionnaires (80 percent of a sample of 506).
Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group = Groupe Canadien d'Etude en Didactique des Mathematiques. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting (25th, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, May 25-29, 2001)
This document contains the proceedings of the 2001 annual meeting of the Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group (CMESG) held at the University of Alberta, May 25-39, 2000.
Capitalizing on Leadership in Rural Special Education: Making a Difference for Children and Families. Conference Proceedings (Alexandria, Virginia, March 16-18, 2000)
This proceedings contains 57 presentations and presentation summaries concerned with rural special education. The papers are arranged in 11 sections: impacting governmental policy, at risk, collaborative education models, early childhood education, gifted, multicultural, parents and families, preservice and inservice teacher education, technology, transition, and other.
Career as Story: An Introduction to the Haldane Idiographic Method of Career Assessment for Multicultural Populations
In order to take into consideration the unique experiences, background and language differences inherent among multicultural populations for the purposes of career assessment, the process must allow for the counselee to construct their own story. This paper suggests the use of Haldanes Dependable Strengths Articulation Process (DSAP) for these purposes.
Carter G. Woodson Book Awards
Presents the recipients of the 1999 Carter G. Woodson book awards that honor books focusing on ethnic minorities and race relations in a manner appropriate for young readers; the books cover topics that include the lives of Langston Hughes, Rosa Parks, and Ida B.
Carter v. Florence County School District No. 4
CEC launches initiative on special education teaching conditions
Censoring by Omission: Has the United States Progressed in Promoting Diversity through Children's Books?
Examines the promotion of cultural diversity in the United States through children's books. Discusses the scarcity of multicultural literature for children, ethnic folklore, racial bias in older books for children, new stereotypes in children's literature, political correctness, and ways to enhance access to quality multicultural literature.
Ceremonial Access
Explores the use of elements of the cultural practices of native peoples in the elementary school classroom as a way of introducing children to other cultures. Discusses the appropriate use of native-like experiences in contextualized mimesis to bring life to curricula.
Changing Faces of Reform. Proceedings of the Annual Rural & Small Schools Conference (18th, Manhattan, Kansas, October 27-28, 1996).
This proceedings contains abstracts of 21 presentations.
Changing middle schools: how to make schools work for young adolescents
This book tells the stories of four urban middle schools that have undergone deep transformation while participating in the Middle Grades Improvement Program (MGIP), an initiative that has nurtured fundamental change in school climate, structure and classroom practice in 16 urban districts and 65 schools in Indiana. .
Changing Views about International Activities in American Teacher Education Programs
This paper provides a historical overview of international education trends in U.S. colleges, including teacher education programs, comparing current research with data from the 1970s.
Characteristics of children's behavior disorders.
Charting a Course for Research in Multicultural Counseling Training
Presents an integrative reaction to three articles on multicultural training. Follows the narrative path set by these pieces, offers a theme analysis, and uses personal experiences to delineate 31 characteristics of positive training environments.
Child Development in the Context of Multicultural Pre-School Education
This study examined the impact of a multicultural preschool curriculum in Slovenia on preschool children's sensitization to cultural differences and understanding of themselves, others, and different cultures. The curriculum was implemented for a 1-month period for 6.6- to 7-year-olds.
Child Rearing in African American Families: A Study of the Disciplinary Practices of African American Parents
Examines the disciplinary patterns and practices of African-American parents (N=121). Results indicate that the context of the disciplinary episode influenced how African-American parents disciplined their children.
Children with Communication Disorders: Update 2001. ERIC Digest
This digest discusses various types of communication disorders, their incidence, the learning difficulties associated with them, the special case of English language learners, and the educational significance of communication disorders. Communication disorders may result from many different conditions such as oral-motor difficulties or language-based learning disabilities.
Children with Special Health Care Needs and Their Families: Building on Cultural Strengths. CYDLINE Reviews.
This annotated bibliography focuses on materials published after 1991 about cultural competence and children with special health care needs.
Children's Books on India and the Indian-American Experience
Lists recommended books that focus on Indians and the Indian-American experience in the United States. Includes folktales, myths, legends, nonfiction, fiction and titles published in India.
Children's Literature about Disabilities Enhancing Multicultural Education in Elementary Schools
This paper describes the use of unbiased stories featuring children with disabilities as a part of presenting a multicultural perspective in elementary schools. It emphasizes that the inclusion of a multicultural perspective will help teach social acceptance rather than separation, and laments that current children's books about disabilities tell little about true experiences of people with disabilities and have had the ultimate effect of dehumanizing the people.
Children's Literature at the Turn of the Century: Toward a Political Economy of the Publishing Industry
Outlines the beginnings of a political economy of the children's literature publishing industry. Focuses on the ways that changes in the ownership and structure of the industry are altering the underlying culture of the book publishing industry and concomitantly, the ways that books are conceived, commissioned, and marketed.
Children's Literature in Adult Education
Investigates the possible role of children's literature in the education of adult learners of English. Shows that children's literature can be effective in teaching linguistic skills such as pronunciation practice and improving language acquisition.
Children's Literature Web Sites
Presents annotations of approximately 80 web sites that range in coverage from idiosyncratic and focused to diverse and comprehensive metasites. Notes categories of sites include: children's literature web guides; trade book publisher web sites; author/illustrator sites (metasites and individual); book review sources and teaching ideas; web sites with a multicultural focus; and children's literature discussion groups on the web.
Children's Understanding and Attitudes about People from Other Countries
This study compared the impact of an international educational program with that of a multicultural educational kindergarten program. A convenience sample of 13 children participated in a university-based full day international education kindergarten program.
Children, Culture and Education
Today, the majority of countries are characterized by multicultural diversity, a factor which has enormous implications for early childhood educators. As we begin to understand the long-term benefits of participation in high quality early childhood care and education, educators must also recognize that their own cultural heritage can and does influence their perspectives on what is considered the best interests of young children.
Christianity in Public Schools: Perspective of a Non-Christian Immigrant Parent
Presents the dilemma of infusion of Christian ideology in public education faced by ethnic-immigrant families. Explores three factors challenging the validity of non-Christian beliefs and disfavoring bicultural and bilingual socialization of ethnic children: family structure and religiosity, community orthodoxy, and Christian education in public schools.
Citizenship Education and Diversity
The goals of citizenship education can conflict with values of cultural pluralism. The Canadian government's policy is one of official neutrality and tolerance with respect to cultural differences.
Cityscapes: Eight Views from the Urban Classroom
The Urban Sites Network of the National Writing Project was conceived, designed, and implemented as a national teacher inquiry network for urban sites of the National Writing Project. The goal of the Urban Sites Network has been to develop, articulate, and implement a new agenda for National Writing Project sites serving larger cities.
Close to the classroom is close to the bone: Coaching as a means to translate research into classroom practice.
COERC 2002: Appreciating Scholarship. Proceedings of the Annual College of Education Research Conference (1st, Miami, Florida, April 27, 2002)
This conference was designed to offer a view to novice scholars of what scholarship is and provide insights on how to share knowledge with others. T.
Comer Schools: Are They Recognizable Through Direct Observation?
"The Comer School Development Program is a school reform model that, in full implementation, creates positive school climate. The research has confirmed that this can be observed.
Commitment to Change: The Council on Interracial Books for Children and the World of Children's Books
The Council on Interracial Books for Children (CIBC), founded in 1965, was formed to promote and develop children's literature that adequately reflects a multiracial society and to effect change in media portrayal of minorities. Past critiques by CIBC of "The Cay" (Theodore Taylor) and "To Kill a Mockingbird" (Harper Lee) are highlighted.
Communication skills training for parents: Experimental and social validation.
Community Elders: The Roles of Parents in a School of ”Choice”
"This paper critiques the common argument that schools will become more responsive to parents and more equitable when ”chosen” by the clients they serve. Based on a qualitative study of an urban Catholic high school that is ”chosen” by an increasingly diverse clientele, the paper demonstrates that, even in schools that are outwardly characterized by values cohesion, shared goals, and voluntary affiliation, interaction between a school and its environment is likely to be a process of ongoing negotiations and unarticulated struggles for voice among unequals.
Community Service in a Multicultural Nation
Examines human qualities that undergird citizens' commitment to the common good in diverse societies, suggesting that community service fosters such qualities. Planned interactions across social barriers are necessary to develop qualities of citizenship for pluralistic nations.
Comparing psychodynamic and behavioristic approaches in the managment of aggression in children.
Compendium: Writings on Effective Practices for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Exceptional Learners
Derived from two national multicultural symposia, this compendium focuses on an array of topics that combine research and educational practices for youth from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds with disabilities and/or gifts.
Compliance and correlated problem behavior in children: Effects of contingent and noncontigent reinforcement.
Confessions of a Latina Author
Draws from the author's personal experiences to critique the myths and stereotypes which surround the publication of children's books by Latinos. Challenges educators, authors, and publishers to cross borders through literature, and to become effective advocates for Latino children's literature in order to enrich the literary experiences and traditions available to all children.
Confluent Education, Multicultural Education, and New Standards for the 21st Century
This paper describes elements of the "New Standards" program that have been set for selected school districts across the United States and challenges people to assess how conceptions of "confluent education" and "multicultural education" may contribute to reaching the proposed new standards.
Confronting Prejudice and Racism during Multicultural Training
This book examines multicultural training program components to assess how trainees adopt, digest, or resist multicultural principles and practices.
Considerations for the Development of a Higher Education Agenda for the '90s and Beyond
This discussion paper examines major issues that institutions of higher education must face in their long-range planning light of such factors as changes in economic conditions, major demographic shifts, emergence of multimedia/distance education, increased acknowledgement of diversity, and the transition to information age.
Contemporary American Success Stories: Famous People of Hispanic Heritage. Volume I. A Mitchell Lane Multicultural Biography Series
This series presents biographical sketches of famous Americans of Hispanic descent. The biographies in the projected eight volume series for elementary school children represent the diversity of Hispanic heritage in the United States.
Context for learning: socio-cultural dynamics in children's development.
This provocative work on children's development in context presents recent theoretical developments and research findings that have been generated by sociocultural theory. Three main themes are explored in detail: discourse and learning in classroom practice, interpersonal relations in formal and informal education, and the institutional context of learning.
Controversies in Race Relations: Theory and Practice
Examines controversial positions in the field of race relations that provide a context for multicultural interventions. Discusses issues of rejection of assimilation, the rise of multiculturalism, the acceptance of linguistic diversity, and the cultural critique posed by Afrocentrism.
Cortes' Multicultural Empowerment Model and Generative Teaching and Learning in Science
Adapts Cortes' Multicultural Empowerment Model to science teaching and to Wittrock's Model of Generative Learning and Teaching in Science. Encourages all children to learn science and learn about science.
Counseling Multiracial/Multiethnic Children
There are two central issues that must be addressed when counseling multiracial and multiethnic children in the United States. The first is that, although the United States is fixated on race, only single-race group membership is recognized.
Country Roads, Hollers, Coal Towns, and Much More: A Teacher's Guide To Teaching about Appalachia
Describes the geographic and economic aspects of Appalachia. Asserts that Appalachia is an appropriate topic within multicultural education.
Creating Culturally Relevant Holiday Curriculum: A Negotiation
Describes the holiday celebration of Dia de los Muertos at Pacific Oaks Children's School in Los Angeles. Considers the decision to celebrate the holiday, preparation for the celebration, its place in the curriculum, its relationship to Halloween, adult conflicts related to personal religious values, children's misunderstanding of the rituals, and conflict maintenance.
Creating Culturally Responsive, Inclusive Classrooms
This article provides the following guidelines for creating culturally responsive, inclusive classrooms: use a range of culturally sensitive methods and materials, create a classroom atmosphere that respects individuals and their cultures, foster an interactive classroom learning environment, employ ongoing and culturally aware assessments, and collaborate with other professionals and families. (Contains references.) (CR).
Creating the will; Hispanics achieving eductional excellence: A report to the President of the United States, the Secretary of Education and the nation
This report provides data on the current educational condition of Hispanics from early childhood through graduate and professional education. It also offers strategies for multiple sectors, parents, schools, communities, the private sector, and the government, to improve Hispanic educational achievement.
Critical Citizens for an Intercultural World: Foreign Language Education as Cultural Politics. Languages for Intercultural Communication and Education
This book explores the development of critical cultural awareness through the process of teaching and learning about foreign cultures. It draws upon theoretical foundations relating to inter- and intra-cultural communication from contemporary philosophical movements, namely critical theory and postmodernism.
Critical Multiculturalism, Pedagogy, and Rhetorical Theory: A Negotiation of Recognition
This paper aims to locate multiculturalisms rhetorically, using contemporary rhetorical theorists with which to do so, and using this theorized location to then discuss the implications of a critical multiculturalist pedagogy within the writing classroom in shaping new discursive space in the Academy.
Critical Multiculturalism: Rethinking Multicultural and Antiracist Education
This collection brings together the traditions of commitment to antiracist education and identity-based education. Selections from academic commentators on multicultural education link educational theory and practice in the discussion of culturally pluralist schooling.
Critical Perspectives on Project Head Start: Revisioning the Hope and Challenge. SUNY Series, Youth Social Services, Schooling, and Public Policy
This book offers critical perspective on the complex dynamics of politics, class, gender, power, race, and ethnicity in Project Head Start. Moving beyond the literature on Head Start's effects on children's achievement, the volume considers how the program has operated with families, in communities, and with other institutions.
Cultivating the Natural Linguist. Spotlight: Montessori--Multilingual, Multicultural
Describes Montessori's vision of young children as natural linguists and how home and school can support children's natural abilities in one or more languages. Presents five basic principles of second-language acquisition--related to educational environment, the acquisition process, components of proficiency, and cultural context and time--and describes how they can be successfully met in a Montessori environment.
Cultural Awareness Education in Early Childhood Education
A cultural awareness curriculum was implemented in one multicultural kindergarten class in a Los Angeles suburb school. The project, intended to foster ethnic pride and reduce ethnic prejudice, began the first week of school and extended for 2 months.
Cultural Competence for Transracial Adoptive Parents
Provides a clear conceptual definition of cultural competence for transracial-cultural adoptive (TRA) parents based on an extensive review of the literature and feedback from experts and parents. A three part definition of cultural competence for TRA parents includes: racial awareness, multicultural planning, and survival skills.
Cultural Complexity That Affects Young Children's Contemporary Growth, Change, and Learning
Based on the view that the group orientation to multicultural education reinforces group stereotyping and seldom allows acknowledgement of diverse children's unique capabilities and differences or helps children build self-identity while learning to appreciate others, this paper presents and discusses contemporary cultures of young children's lives relative to a notion of "lived" early childhood curriculum that is developmentally and culturally conscious.
Cultural Diversity + Supportive Text = Perfect Books for Beginning Readers
Offers brief annotations of 21 picture books that address cultural diversity while offering language that supports beginning readers. Includes a chart noting which language features that support beginning readers are part of each book.
Culturally Competent Services: Bibliography of Materials from the NCEMCH Library.
Culled from the National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health reference collection, this list contains 186 materials which focus on assessing current services for cultural sensitivity, developing culturally competent services, or providing services in a multicultural health care context.
Culturally Diverse Videos, Audios, and CD-ROMs for Children and Young Adults
The purpose of this book is to help librarians develop high quality video, audio, and CD-ROM collections for preschool through high school learning with titles that reflect the ethnic heritage and experience of the diverse North American population, primarily African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Native Americans.
Culturally sensitive instructional practices for African-American learners with disabilities
This article discusses the cultural and educational needs of African-American learners with disabilities. Six theoretical assumptions establish some basic suppositions about culturally and linguistically diverse learners and effective instructional practices.
Culturally Sensitive Parent Education: A Critical Review of Quantitative Research
The article discusses ”issues of research methodology and program efficacy in producing change among ethnic-minority parents and their children. Culturally sensitive programs for African American and Hispanic families are described in detail.
Culture and Educational Policy in Hawai'i: The Silencing of Native Voices. Sociocultural, Political, and Historical Studies in Education
This book provides a critical assessment of Native Hawaiian education. It focuses on the historical, political, and cultural contexts producing institutionalized structures that kept Hawaiians marginalized in the schools and wider society.
Culture-Centered Counseling Skills as a Preventive Strategy for College Health Services
Successful counseling is possible if health care providers learn to interpret behaviors within cultural context. The paper describes a culture-centered approach, using a grid that matches same/different behaviors and expectations.
Current Challenges of International Education. ERIC Digest
The tragedies of September 11, 2001 have focused new attention on international education offered by U.S. postsecondary institutions.
Current Research in Multilingualism and Education in Lebanon: A Report
Examines 11 research projects on multilingualism and education in Lebanon, many of which focus on multilingualism and language learning. The research emphasizes three areas: different multicultural aspects of life and communication; specific patterns of multilingual communication (e.g., emphasizing home communication and children's language preference); and various language-related issues in multilingual elementary, secondary, and higher education.
Curricular Approaches To Developing Positive Interethnic Relations
Examines how curricular approaches have helped build positive interethnic relations in a large, ethnically diverse high school, documenting four curricular approaches teacher leaders used to address issues of race and ethnicity and exploring the impact of those approaches on student learning. Illuminates how teacher leaders and administrators created the conditions for these curricular reforms to be sustainable.
Curriculum Reform To Address Multicultural Issues in Special Education
This paper focuses on the outcomes of the social forces that operate against African American males in school and society and their all too frequent placement in special education programs, with the core of the problem remaining in the Institutions of Higher Education (IHE). Reasons for the overrepresentation of African American children and youth in special education program are discussed, including placement and testing procedures, cultural differences, parent and teacher training programs, economic factors, and the inability of schools to educate diverse populations adequately.
Daniel R.R. v. State Board of Education
When a parent is examining the educational opportunities available for his handicapped child, he may be expected to focus primarily on his own child's best interest. Likewise, when state and local officials are examining the alternatives for educating a handicapped child, the child's needs are a principle concern.
De Que Colores: A Critical Examination of Multicultural Children's Books
Examines children's books which highlighted multicultural issues, with the understanding that what is said about multiculturalism is as important, if not more so, than the simple fact that multiculuralism is discussed. Uses an adaptation of Mulvey's (1975) "gaze," to examine whiteness in seven multicultural children's books.
Deconstructing the Myths: A Research Agenda for American Indian Education (Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 14-15, 2000)
This report outlines a comprehensive research agenda for Indian education from the Native perspective. It resulted from a meeting held in Albuquerque, New Mexico in April 2000, planned by a national steering committee of Indian education researchers, administrators, and association executives.
Delta Pi Epsilon National Research Conference Proceedings (Indianapolis, Indiana, November 14-16, 1996)
National Research Conference Proceedings contains 34 papers which includes topics like business education,research methodology, office occupations education and others.
Deriving Multicultural Themes from Bibliotherapeutic Literature: A Neglected Resource
Analyzes the content of 24 fictional bibliotherapeutic children's books (12 German and 12 U.S.) for divorce themes. G.
Designing Your Intercultural Communication Course
This paper presents suggestions for a 60-hour course in intercultural communication that develops cognition skills needed to understand life in foreign countries. The initial part of the course is intended to heighten the participant's awareness of his or her own "home-culture"; the latter part concentrates on assumptions, values, and behaviors of the "target-culture.".
Developing an Inclusive Approach to Preschool Education: A Discussion of Issues and Strategies, with Implications Focussing on Quebec
Examines cultural conditions necessary for children's development in day care settings, using Bronfenbrenner's Ecology of Human Development. Considers the parental role in this context; also the relationship between educators and parents, with a view to creating culturally appropriate conditions for the developing child.
Developing Health Education for Hispanic Migrant Preschool Youth
Children of Hispanic migrant farmworkers are more susceptible to health problems than children in the general population. This paper discusses the common health problems seen in these children, highlighting special health needs of preschoolers pertinent to this multicultural population.
Developing self-regulated learners.
Dialogue of Cultures: The Israeli Experience
The future of the Israeli society, like the future of all democratic, multicultural societies, will be determined by the ability to maintain a meaningful dialogue among its diverse groups: Jews and Arabs, immigrants from diverse cultures and socio-economic strata.
Didn't Someone Invite Patty? How Patty Smith Hill's Vision of International Education Has Crossed the Border in a Most Unusual Place!
This paper distills the history of early childhood education in Russia as a backdrop to a discussion of Patty Smith Hills visit to the nursery schools and kindergartens of the Soviet Union in the 1930s. The paper begins with a discussion of the introduction of early childhood education in the late 1800s, the lack of educational advances during the hardships of the period surrounding the revolution, and Russian educator Vera Fediaevskys work and the development of an educational plan emphasizing communistic ideals.
Dine College Struggles to Synthesize Navajo and Western Knowledge
Discusses the 30-year struggle Navajo Community College leaders faced in developing a Navajo philosophy and education model that combines Navajo principles and values with a Western-based curriculum. Describes the 1995 implementation of Dine College's Philosophy of Education model at the Tsaile campus.
Dismantling White Privilege: Pedagogy, Politics, and Whiteness. Counterpoints: Studies in the Postmodern Theory of Education, Vol. 73
Challenging the assumption that the study of race focuses only on "people of color," many scholars are investigating the historical and social construction of "Whiteness." This book critically interrogates whiteness across contexts; contends that "marking" Whiteness--illuminating veiled cultural assumptions of Whiteness as the norm--is an important step toward social justice; and links analyses of Whiteness to the discourse of critical pedagogy.
Dissolving Borders and Broadening Perspectives through Latino Traditional Literature
Offers a brief historical perspective on Latino folk literature. Discusses 26 recently published books for children and adolescents in both English and Spanish, organized into origin tales, tales based on historical facts, trickster tales, and cumulative tales.
Diverse Learners in the Classroom: Innovative Literacy Practices for ESL Learners
Discusses briefly issues related to bilingual education and making English the official United States language. Describes an innovative and successful bilingual education program in a public school district in Oregon.
Diversity and Development: Futures in the Education of Adults. Proceedings of the Annual Conference (26th, Leeds, England, July 2-4, 1996)
Fifty-three papers are included in this proceedings. They include: "Power, Peers and Professional Development" (Armstrong, Zukas); "Invent Your Future, Reinvent Your Past" (Armstrong); "Managing Learning Organisations" (Barron); "Adult Learning, Cultural Diversity and Ethnoknowledge" (Benn) and many others.
Diversity and Distrust: Civic Education in a Multicultural Democracy
This book contends that diversity is often to be highly valued, but not always. It should be remembered that many forms of social and religious diversity are at odds with basic commitments to liberty, equality, and civic ideals.
Diversity and the Quality Process: Curriculum Reform in the School and the University
A brief history and description of Total Quality Management introduces a discussion of a teacher education improvement project at Northeastern Illinois University.
Diversity Consciousness: Opening Our Minds to People, Cultures, and Opportunities
This book examines the relationship between a person's success and his or her ability to understand, respect, and value diversity. It also explores how people can develop diversity consciousness.
Diversity/Equity. [SITE 2002 Section]
This document contains the papers on diversity/equity from the SITE (Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education) 2002 conference.
Do Social Skills Programs Accommodate Cultural Diversity? A Review of Secondary Curricula
This review examined the extent to which commercially available social skills curricula designed for adolescent populations (including those with learning and behavior problems) accommodate cultural diversity. Introductory material discusses the need for culturally responsive teaching in social skills training.
Doctoral Dissertations on Catholic Schools in the United States, 1988-1997
This booklet provides synopses of 302 dissertations, all written in the period from 1988 to 1997, that focus on Catholic schooling. Of the total, 156 of the dissertations originated at non-Catholic universities, with 106 of these authored at state-supported, public institutions.
Early Childhood Bilingualism in the Montessori Children's House: Guessable Context and the Planned Environment. Spotlight: Montessori--Multilingual, Multicultural
Describes the InterCultura Montessori School language immersion program in Oak Park, Illinois. Profiles the work of several children to illustrate important language learning strategies.
Early Childhood Education in Azerbaijan
Describes the Early Learning Childhood Center in Azerbaijan's capital city. Focuses on the goals of the program; its initial development; staff ratios, compensation, and teacher training; curriculum; cultural challenges and compromise; and relationships with parents.
Early Childhood Education Program Expectations: Standards of Quality.
In 1999, a task force was appointed to develop early childhood education (ECE) program expectations or standards for New Jersey's ECE programs. The standards were based on the task force's review of research, curricula, standards, and guidelines developed by local boards of education, other states, and professional organizations; feedback on draft standards from various professionals; and three regional focus groups.
Early Childhood Literacy: Programs & Strategies To Develop Cultural, Linguistic, Scientific and Healthcare Literacy for Very Young Children & their Families, 2001 Yearbook
This yearbook recounts the work in 2001 at the Early Childhood Development Center (ECDC) at Texas A & M University-Corpus Christi. Rather than an "elitist" laboratory school for the children of university faculty, the ECDC is a collaboration between the Corpus Christi Independent.
Early Childhood Special Education for Children with Disabilities, Ages Three through Five: An Introduction. Revised
This introduction to a reference guide for early childhood special education personnel in North Dakota discusses the purpose of the guidelines, the North Dakota philosophy on the importance of early intervention programs, and quality indicators of early intervention programs.
Ecobehavioral analysis
Ecological Education: A System Rooted in Diversity
Argues that educating children is a means of planting the seeds of learning. Compares intelligence, its development, and diversity to characteristics and processes in the natural environment.
Educating for the 21st Century: Beyond Racist, Sexist, and Ecologically Violent Futures
Discusses resources of hope in educating for the 21st century, arguing the importance of active listening to children's voices and resistance to fatalistic fallacies regarding negative trends. The discussion examines principles from critical futurism and contemporary movements of educational innovation (including peace, multicultural, nonsexist, and environmental education) and discusses how schools are sites of possibility for encouraging alternatives to violence.
Education in Micronesia: A Multicultural Perspective
Traditional education in Micronesia has been informal and experiential, with a communal orientation. Certain knowledge is secret, and much folklore and mythology is sacred.
Education Issues in Rural Schools of America
To have an impact on rural schools and communities, education researchers and reformers must stop approaching rural issues from an urban perspective, adopt a perspective that values rurality, and address issues specific to the rural context. Rural schools have contributed to the depletion of rural communities by focusing on individual mobility and prosperity rather than the public good.
EE Reference Collection
The goal of this reference collection is to make environmental education (EE) literature more accessible to practitioners in the field. The readings provide a context of theory and example to complement the suggestions and activities in the Toolbox Workshop Resource Manual.
Effective Education Social Work with Travellers Living in Houses
Describes and analyzes education social work with Travellers (nomads), highlighting how both practical support and skilled emotional help are required. Neither practical nor emotional assistance can effectively be offered without an understanding of societal, ethnic, and cultural context.
Effective special education in regular classes
Effective teaching: Applied behavior analysis with exceptional children.
A systematic instructional procedure such as time-delay or systems-of-prompts typically yields positive results. In a System-of-Least Prompts procedure, the teacher provides a task direction and waits a specified amount of time before providing the next level prompt in a systematicorder.
Effects of systematic formative education: A meta-analysis.
Elastic Geometry and Storyknifing: A Yup'ik Eskimo Example
Introduces elastic geometry, or topology, into the elementary classroom through the study of connecting the intuitive, visual, and spatial components of storyknifing as well as other everyday and ethnomathematical activities. (ASK).
Electronic Resources for Selecting and Using Children's Literature
This annotated list of electronic resources suggests materials for selecting and using children's literature. Highlights include children's classics, beginning reader lists, lists by genre and/or grade level, multicultural booklists, annual lists of noted children's literature, children's book awards, extending children's literature, book publishers, and additional sites.
Employing electric shock with autistic children: A review of the side effects.
Empowering the Poor through Early Childhood Education
Meeting children's needs for early childhood education is one of eight strategies identified by the Food and Agricultural Organization as necessary for the eradication of poverty. Explores how early childhood education might be funded in developing nations.
Energizing Teacher Education and Professional Development with Problem-Based Learning
This collection of papers presents a variety of field-tested examples that use problem-based learning (PBL) for teacher education in many professional development settings. It describes PBL activities for preservice, novice, and experienced educators at all levels.
Engaging Effectively with Culturally Diverse Families and Children
Describes a practice model that school social workers can use when helping culturally diverse families. Model emphasizes the importance of building a perspective for understanding culture and presents a framework for cross-cultural practice that includes some basic skills for effective transactions.
Enhancing Learning Environments Through Solution-based Knowledge Discovery Tools: Forecasting for Self-perpetuating Systemic Reform
The rapid growth of databases in many disciplines has overwhelmed the traditional, interactive approaches to data analysis and created a new generation of tools critical to intelligent and automated data discovery. Education researchers are beginning to investigate using these data mining techniques for applying knowledge-discovery principles and data mining in the field of special education.
Enrich Your Kindergarten Program with a Cross-Cultural Connection
Describes a pen pal connection between a New Jersey kindergarten class and an Alaskan Eskimo first-grade class. Details how they used monthly e-mail and regular mail, and exchanged class projects to heighten respect and understanding about others' cultures.
Epilogue: Toward an Understanding of Literacy Issues in Multicultural School-Age Populations
This epilogue to a forum on literacy issues in school-age children from culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) backgrounds highlights research findings that address: the importance of home environment in influencing literacy; the relationship between socioeconomic status and literacy; and the use of dynamic assessment and process-dependent measures as alternative assessments.
ERIC/EECE Report: Character Education
Summarizes recent ERIC documents in early childhood education and related areas. Topics include the integrated character education model, conflicts and prospects of character education in multicultural education, and the role of the schools in character education.
Escape as a factor in the aggressive behavior of two retarded children.
This study sought to identify some of the variables controlling the severely aggressive behavior of two retarded children. The results suggested that: (1) aggression can sometimes function as an escape response; and (2) escape-motivated aggression can be controlled by: (a) introducing strongly preferred reinforcers to attenuate the aversiveness of the demand situation; (b) strengthening an alternative, nonaggressive escape response; or (c) using an escape-extinction procedure.
Escaping Education: Living as Learning within Grassroots Cultures. Counterpoints: Studies in the Postmodern Theory of Education, Vol. 36
This book challenges the modern certainty that education is a universal good and a human right and celebrates the well-being still enjoyed in the commons and cultures of people living at the grassroots. The first section describes how education is an instrument of acculturation.
Establishment of social reinforces in two schizophrenic children on the basis of food.
Ethnicity and Culture in Russian Schools
This paper presents a brief overview of education in the Soviet Union during the Marxist era and states that one result of the Communist system collapse in 1991 was that it became imperative to democratize Russian society and schooling.
Ethnicity, Race, and Nationality in Education: A Global Perspective. The Rutgers Invitational Symposium on Education Series
This volume contains 12 papers originally presented at the 14th Rutgers Invitational Symposium on Education in 1999. The symposium explored contemporary issues of ethnic, cultural, and national identities and their influence on the social construction of identity.
European Schools: Languages for All?
Challenges the established view that European schools are elitist institutions. The article argues that through their reported success in language teaching and the Europeanising effect of their structure, a new model has been created for the education of linguistic minorities in Europe in the late 20th century.
Evaluation Report: SALSA Educational Programming
SALSA is a 30-episode video series for early elementary school children produced by Georgia Public Broadcasting. It is intended to do three things: (1) introduce non-Spanish speaking children to the Spanish language and Hispanic cultures; (2) promote appreciation for the Spanish language and Hispanic cultures; and (3) promote cultural pride and self-esteem among Hispanic children.
Examining Multicultural Picture Books for the Early Childhood Classroom: Possibilities and Pitfalls
Picture books that depict the variety of ethnic, racial, and cultural groups within U.S. society (known generally as multicultural picture books) allow young children opportunities to develop their understanding of others, while affirming children of diverse backgrounds.
Experiential Activities for Intercultural Learning. Volume 1
The need for new approaches, methods, and techniques in cross-cultural training and intercultural education is paramount. This collection of more than 30 exercises and activities aims to help begin a regular flow of materials into the stream of resources available to professionals in the intercultural field.
Exploring Multiculturalism through Children's Literature: The Batchelder Award Winners
Argues that international translated literature, seldom available in U.S. classrooms and libraries, fosters tolerance and cultural understanding.
Exploring Relationships between Inappropriate and Ineffective Speical Education Services for African American Children and Youth and their Overrepresentation in the Juvenile Justice System
Exploring the Game of "Julirde": A Mathematical-Educational Game Played by Fulbe Children in Cameroon
Presents an educational mathematical activity from Africa. Shows how one child explored the game of Julirde, a game of the mosque emphasizing problem solving and symmetry.
Facing the Past: A Conversation with Jerry Stanley
Presents an interview with Jerry Stanley in which he talks frankly about his view of history, his writing process, the creation of his historical works, and his personal past. (SG).
Fact Book, 1996-97.
This report contains a series of tables and charts that provide answers to frequently asked questions about the university, as well as historical data for the previous ten years.
Faculty and Multicultural Education: An Analysis of the Levels of Curricular Integration within a Community College System
The United States population is projected to increase from 249 million in 1990 to 355 million by 2040, with minorities constituting more than half of the total population and a disproportionately large segment of the workforce. With changing demographics and increasing economic globalization, educational institutions will be confronted with reforming their curricula to meet new societal needs by promoting knowledge and understanding of different cultures.
Faculty's Perceptions of Pluralism: A Lakeland Community College Study
As part of a project to develop an instructional model that integrates ideas, readings, and discussion about pluralism and identity across disciplines, Lakeland Community College (LCC), in Ohio, undertook a survey of college faculty to determine their perceptions of multiculturalism and diversity, as well as the methods that they used to incorporate those elements into the classroom.
First Nations Studies: The Malaspina Success
The articles in this issue of Learning Quarterly, published by the Centre for Curriculum, Transfer and Technology (British Columbia), discuss First Nations Studies (indigenous populations), a partnership between Malaspina University-College and First Nations of Vancouver Island and coastal British Columbia.
Forces Motivating Institutional Reform. ERIC Digest
This digest provides an overview of forces, both internal and external, driving change on community college campuses.
Forty Years After Brown: The Impact of Immigration Policy on Desegregation
Examines how current legal trends and policies shape the efforts of educators in urban schools serving the multicultural communities where immigrant families reside. Relevant laws and policies are reviewed, as well as the strategies educators use to meet the needs of immigrant children, including access to schools and programs, assessment and placement, and engineered school climates.
From "Stranger" to "Arrived": The Citizens' Library in England
Discusses studies of public library multicultural services in England. Describes multicultural programs in Birmingham and Brent that involve the citizens in planning and implementing these services.
From "Teo" to "Harry Potter": Books in Spanish for Children and Adolescents
Presents a listing of Spanish-language books for children and adolescents recently published in Mexico, Venezuela, Spain, Colombia, and Argentina. The books are categorized as biography, history, historical fiction, folklore, poetry, religion, fiction, and literature for the very young.
From Cradle to School: A Practical Guide to Racial Equality in Early Childhood Education and Care. Revised.
This guide shows how the Race Relations Act of 1976 and the Children Act of 1989 apply to young children in the United Kingdom and to those who have responsibility for their care and education. The 1989 Children Act, a comprehensive piece of legislation that addresses religion, racial origin, and cultural and linguistic background, adds to the specific requirements of the Race Relations Act.
Fugitive Cultures: Race, Violence, and Youth
This book examines the racist and sexist assault on today's youth which is being played out in the realms of popular and children's culture. The book interrogates the aesthetic of violence in a number of public arenas--talk radio, Disney animation, and in such films as "Pulp Fiction," "Kids," "Slackers," and "Juice,"--and challenges cultural workers and other progressives to help reverse the attack on those who are most powerless in American society, children and adolescents.
Future Directions with Troubled Children
A leader in the education of troubled children identifies issues for the future. They include: (1) recognizing emotional and behavior disorders as a disability; (2) enhancing multicultural education with knowledge about commonalties; and (3) basing practices on scientific knowledge.
Gathered Around the Fire of the Heart
Examines the sacredness of language from the early history of language, and how poetry from all times and cultures connects and heals. Describes the author's work in a poets-in-the-schools program and how the children's poems healed the heart of a Chumash Indian elder.
Gathering Strength: Canada's Aboriginal Action Plan. A Progress Report = Rassembler nos forces: Le plan d'action du Canada pour les questions autochtones. Rapport d'etape.
Gathering Strength is an integrated government-wide plan to address the key challenges facing Canada's Aboriginal people.
Gender and Attainment: A Review
This report covers studies and statistics that provide information about the attainment of Scottish boys and girls by the time they leave school. The report considers their performance in public examinations, differences in attainment between boys and girls in primary and earlier secondary school, and differential staying on rates and uptake of opportunities in further and higher education with particular reference to Scotland from 1985-95.
Gender Equity. IDRA Focus.
This newsletter includes five articles on gender equity and related issues in education, with particular reference to the education of Hispanic girls. "IDRA's MIJA Program Expands" (Aurora Yanez-Perez) describes a program for sixth-grade Hispanic girls that promotes awareness of science- and math-related careers, provides training in science and mathematics skills and test-taking techniques, and fosters involvement of parents and local businesses.
Gender Stereotypes in Children's Picture Books
Research has examined how gender stereotypes and sexism in picture books affect the development of gender identity in young children, how children's books in the last decade have portrayed gender, and how researchers evaluate picture books for misrepresentations of gender. A review of the research indicated that gender development is a critical part of the earliest and most important learning experiences of a young child.
General and Multicultural Counseling Competency: Apples and Oranges?
This investigation tests the hypothesis that perceptions of general and multicultural counseling competence are distinct constructs. The findings question the validity of the assumption that general and multicultural counseling competence are separate constructs, particularly for certain clients.
Geometry through Beadwork Designs
Presents a lesson on geometry and beadwork with five phases of learning as described by Pierre van Hiele to tell the stories of different cultures and study isometry principles. (ASK).
Getting to scale with good educational practices
"School organization and incentive structures help thwart large-scale adoption of innovative educational practices. Evidence from the progressive movement and past curriculum reform efforts suggest that wide-scale reforms are ineffective under current conditions.
Giving Thanks: Observing Thanksgiving, Kwanzaa, and Day of the Dead
Describes a primary-grade curriculum unit organized around the theme of "giving thanks" and encompassing the holidays of Thanksgiving, Kwanzaa, and Day of the Dead. Provides historical background and cultural context for each holiday, engagement activities, investigation activities, sharing activities, and a short list of related children's literature.
Global Education for Ocean County College
This paper presents a rationale for establishing a global education curriculum at Ocean County College (OCC) (New Jersey) and proposes a workable curriculum, along with suggestions for implementation.
Global Perspectives for Young Readers: Easy Readers and Picture Book Read-Alouds from around the World
Discusses how early childhood educators can use reading lessons as part of a global curriculum and help children develop an understanding of other peoples and their customs. Includes criteria for choosing international books as early reader selections, and annotated lists of picture books for beginning readers, chapter books for young readers, and translated books for read-aloud sessions.
Globalisation, Effectiveness and Improvement
This paper reports principally on two studies, prompted by research on school effectiveness in the United States and England, which indicate globalization is beginning to affect school improvement. The first study cites case studies of two schools--from working-class, multi-ethnic, poorly educated areas of Singapore and London--to determine if these schools can be validly compared, and if so, to point out how these schools can learn from each other.
Group evaluation: A collaborative peer-mediated behavior managment system
Growing Partnerships for Rural Special Education. Conference Proceedings (San Diego, California, March 29-31, 2001).
The 2001 conference proceedings of the American Council on Rural Special Education (ACRES) contains 62 papers and summaries of presentations concerned with issues in rural special education.
Guide to Books on Literacy Published during 1996
This 173-item annotated bibliography contains books on literacy primarily published in 1996 in the United Kingdom, although some books are included which were omitted from the guide for the previous year. In addition to an annotation, each entry provides author's name, full title, number of pages, place of publication and publisher, and ISBN number and price for both hardback and paperback editions when applicable.
Handbook of Children and the Media
This handbook analyzes effects on children of traditional media, such as television, film, and advertising; and new media, such as the Internet and video games.
Handbook of Multicultural Assessment: Clinical, Psychological and Educational Applications. First Edition. Jossey-Bass Social and Behavioral Science Series
This handbook brings together contributions by scholars in the areas of psychometrics, assessment, and evaluation who have expertise in the application of testing and assessment in multicultural environments. The book provides a comprehensive view of various cultural issues and offers updated information pertaining to the usage of major psychological instruments.
Handbook of Reading Research. Volume III
A comprehensive overview of important contemporary issues in the field of reading research, this book presents 47 essays that examine literacy through a variety of lenses--some permitting microscopic views and others panoramic views. Essays in the book cover current methodology as well as cumulative research-based knowledge.
Harriet Rohmer on New Voices and Visions in Multicultural Literature
Presents an interview with Harriet Rohmer, founder of Children's Book Press, an independent publishing house founded in 1975 dedicated to publishing bilingual children's books authored and illustrated by writers and artists of American minority communities. Discusses how she selects books for publication, books to be published soon, and the importance of all children seeing reflections of themselves in books.
Hartmann v. Loudoun County Board of Education
Loudoun County contends that the Hartmanns do not present a valid case or controversy because Mark is currently in an educational placement which the Hartmanns find appropriate. Under the unusual circumstances of this case, this conclusion is not correct.
Head start children at risk: relationship of parental drug exposure to identification of special needs and subsequent special education kindergarten placement.
A study investigated the relationship between prenatal drug exposure, the identification of emotional and behavioral disorders (E/BD) in U.S. Project Head Start children, and subsequent special education kindergarten placement.
Help A Child Learn To Read
Intended for people who are willing to expend the effort to help children become independent readers and writers, this book presents professionally accepted approaches and techniques with step-by-step instructions for tutoring on a one-on-one basis in the language of the lay person.
Help or Hindrance? Staff Perspectives on Developmental Assessment in Multicultural Early Childhood Settings
Thirty-five staff members' views on developmental assessment in a multicultural early childhood setting are described and used to initiate a critique of current practice in assessment of young children. Staff expressed a range of opinions from endorsement to frank rejection of the utility, validity, and ethics of developmental assessment.
Here Comes the Storyteller
This booklet integrates 9 stories from the multicultural southwestern United States, 90 photographs of a storyteller telling the stories, and running sidebars where the storyteller gives hints and secrets to parents, educators, and would-be storytellers. The photographs in the booklet capture the storyteller in the remarkable poses that make him any child's favorite storyteller.
Higher Education Trends (1997-1999): Instruction. ERIC-HE Trends
The literature on college instruction reached a peak in 1996, one reason being that this topic relates to the larger discussion about the changing role of higher education and to faculty members' changing priorities. Trends identified include the integration of technology into instruction; an emphasis on interdisciplinary teaching and learning; active learning; and the outcomes and "quality" of learning.
Hispanics and Higher Education: Multicultural Myopia
Hispanic Americans are underrepresented in higher education and in business faculty. Their career development is often hindered by discrimination and they are often channeled into two-year colleges where attrition is higher.
Historical Facts and Fictions: Representing and Reading Diverse Perspectives on the Past
Presents brief descriptions of 22 recently published books for children and adolescents that present untold stories that begin to fill in the gaps of mainstream versions of the past. Includes categories of historical fiction, historical nonfiction, biography/memoir, and poetry and verse.
Historical Perspectives on Biographies for Children as Content for Multicultural Education
Booker T. Washington and W.
Hockey Night in Canada and Waltzing Matilda: Examining Culture in a Global Classroom
This paper, the result of a collaboration between professors at the University of Calgary in Canada and Ararat Community College in Victoria (Australia), was presented at the 2001 Teaching the in Community Colleges Conference, "Teaching and Learning: What Have We Discovered and Where Are We Headed?".
Home Support for Bilingual Development of Turkish 4-6-Year-Old Immigrant Children in the Netherlands: Efficacy of a Home-Based Educational Programme
Reports the results of an intensive 2-year home-based educational program for 4-6 year old Turkish minority children in the Netherlands. Mothers who worked with their children at home carried out the structured program in Turkish.
Homeless children in emergency shelters: need for preferral intervention and potential eligibility for special education.
A study investigated the level of need for special education services for probable behavioral disorders (BD), learning disabilities (LD), and mental retardation (MR) among school-age children living in shelters for the homeless. From a countywide sample of 18 out of 22 emergency homeless shelters in Los Angeles, 118 homeless parents were interviewed and 169 children were tested for BD, LD, and MR.
Honoring Our Roots and Branches...Our History and Future. Proceedings of the Annual Midwest Research to Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education (19th, Madison, Wisconsin, September 27-29, 2000)
These proceedings consist of 44 presentations in these categories: distance education and evaluation; community issues and research; multicultural issues and research; teaching and learning; research methods; and organizational development.
How We Prevent the Prevention of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders.
Human Services and the Full Service School: The Need for Collaboration
A full service school is one that meets the most basic needs of children and their families. This book discusses how these needs can be met within the school setting in order to produce the key desired outcomes of increased learning and easier teaching.
Humour and Cultural Perspectives
Approximately 5,000 works by Native artists across North America were examined to identify images that appeared to contain elements of humor.
IFTE 1995: Some Notes from a Subgroup
Within the paradigm of cultural pluralism, four areas seem worth exploring in depth: (1) language and power; (2) multiculturalism vs/as cultural pluralism; (3) English itself--the discipline, course, and class; and (4) individual vs/as the collective.
Images of Black Females in Children's/Adolescent Contemporary Realistic Fiction
Examines the messages transmitted to black girls through books for children and adolescents commonly introduced in school. Concludes that children's and adolescents' books do reflect a trickle-down effect of images of black females and poor white females that appear in adult books and films.
Imagine...Opportunities and Resources for Academically Talented Youth, 1994-1995
This document consists of the five consecutive issues of the journal "Imagine..." published during volume year 2.
Immigrant Mothers Redefine Access to ESL Classes: Contradiction and Ambivalence
Argues that access to English-as-a-Second-Language classes is a complex issue, perhaps more personal and less amenable to solution than previously assumed. Examples are drawn from five individual life-history interviews with 19 non-English-speaking immigrant mothers of school children.
Implementing a preferral intervention system: Part II. The data.
Implementing NOVA's Group Crisis Intervention Model in Multicultural School Settings
With the increasing diversity of the United States population, there is a growing awareness of the need for culturally specific responses to help survivors of disasters and violence. When school psychologists are called upon to intervene, they need to be able to link survivors to support systems.
In Search of Empathy within Multicultural Counseling Process
Empathy has been defined as the single most important dimension in establishing a counseling relationship. This paper describes a study that compares counselor trainees' and a general population of African American males' empathy ratings of racially mixed videotaped counseling sessions.
Including Jews in Multiculturalism
Discusses reasons for the lack of attention to Jews as an ethnic minority within multiculturalism both by Jews and non-Jews; why Jews and Jewish issues need to be included; and addresses some of the issues involved in the ethical treatment of Jewish clients. (Author).
Indigenous Education: Survival for Our Children
Article explores definitions of indigenous peoples and the meaning of indigenous education. Education has often been a political tool to deny the identities of indigenous people, but it can become a way for indigenous people to reclaim their rights and cultural identities.
Influence of Culture and Home Environment on Science Learning
This paper has the potential for identifying and codifying the home learning environment and parental factors in a unique multicultural setting within Australian schools, and for the establishment of research-based initiatives for more effective collaboration between schools and parents.
Influences on Children's Sharing in a Multicultural Setting
Examined various potential contributors to sharing (parenting styles, context of identified versus anonymous sharing, and gender) among Caucasian and Asian second graders at an international school, also noting variables known to relate to sharing in young children (moral reasoning and empathy). Parenting styles, gender, and context all influenced children's sharing behavior, as did culture and moral reasoning.
Informational Memorandum: Degrees Conferred, 1998-99 Update.
This publication presents data on academic degrees conferred by the University of Wisconsin System.
Integrated classrooms versus resource model: Academic viability and effectiveness
Inclusion remains a controversial concept in education because it relates to educational and social values, as well as to our sense of individual worth. Any discussion about inclusion should address several important questions: Do we value all children equally? Is anyone more or less valuable? What do we mean by "inclusion?" Are there some children for whom "inclusion" is inappropriate?.
Integrating Irish Children's Literature into a Multicultural Curriculum
Examines ways in which children's literature reflecting the Irish can be effectively integrated into a multicultural curriculum. Uses J.
Integration of Technology into the Classroom: Case Studies
This book contains the case studies on the integration of technology in education.
Intercultural Education and Literacy: An Ethnographic Study of Indigenous Knowledge and Learning in the Peruvian Amazon. Studies in Written Language and Literacy, Volume 7
This book examines indigenous education in South America, focusing on the development of intercultural education and on an ethnographic study of educational processes and change among the Arakmbut people of the Peruvian Amazon. The Arakmbut are one of seven Harakmbut-speaking peoples who live in the Department of Madre de Dios in southeastern Peru.
International Early Childhood Resources from ERIC
Presents annotated bibliography of recent ERIC documents/journal articles providing international early-childhood resources. Topics of documents include day care and infant attachment, multicultural child care, drug-use prevention, and early language learning.
International Perspectives on Early Childhood Education: Lessons from My Travels
Working with early childhood colleagues in other countries can be enlightening and enriching. This paper offers seven insights gained from the international experience.
International Programs at Community Colleges. AACC Research Brief
The American Association of Community Colleges conducted a year 2000 survey that was designed to determine the involvement of U.S. community colleges in international programs and services.
Interpersonal antecedents of self-injurious behavior in retarded children
Interpreting and Translating in Australia: Current Issues and International Comparisons
This report describes the role and status of interpreting and translation (I/T) training and services in Australia and examines a number of issues that relate to policy formation and service provision. It first describes the context for I/T service needs in Australia, then outlines the history and structure of the field in that country, including the relationship between I/T and Australian language policy, federal, state, and private provision of I/T services, and establishment of national standards and a national certification system.
Introducing Canada: Content Backgrounders, Strategies, and Resources for Educators. NCSS Bulletin 94
Canada's present role in the new world order and its trade and economic dimensions are clarified in this book. Furthermore, the book explains the intricacies of Canada's history and multicultural heritage.
Issues in Curriculum and Instruction: Effects of Multiculturalism on the Community College Curriculum
Multicultural education relates to the infusion of all cultures into the current standard curriculum. Culture consists of ways of thinking, values, reactions to problems and situations, and many other things.
Issues in Psychology Licensure: Requirements, Applicant Rights, Future Trends, and Epilogue
This paper provides an analysis of the effects of licensure for psychologists. Common requirements are reviewed.
Issues of Discrimination in European Education Systems
Examines difficulties and complexities in researching issues of discrimination in education across European countries as a first step in devising intercultural curricula. Discusses cross-national differences in terminology, in the ways in which research issues related to racism and interculturalism are formulated, and in the educational experience of children of immigrant and ex-colonial groups.
Japan Studies Association Journal, 1998
This journal presents new perspectives and materials on Japan that are engaging, relatively jargon-free, and shaped so that their usefulness in a college classroom is readily apparent. The journal represents an example of the potential for genuine scholarship that lies within interdisciplinary studies.
Japan Studies through the Lenses of Different Disciplines: First Yearbook of the Japan Studies Association. [Papers from the Japan Studies Association Annual Conference (San Diego, California, 1995)]
This yearbook presents new perspectives and materials on Japan that are engaging, relatively jargon-free, and shaped so that their usefulness in a college classroom is readily apparent. The yearbook represents an example of the potential for genuine scholarship that lies within interdisciplinary studies.
Journal of the Pennsylvania Counseling Association, 2000-2001
These two journal issues are dedicated to the study and development of the counseling profession. The journal's emphasis on multiculturalism is evident in the article selected for this volume.
JSK By and Through JK v. Hendry County School Board
Keepers of the Word
Describes the work of three bilingual story tellers, one Navajo and two Hispanic Americans, who communicate about their own language and culture while increasing the respect for other cultures of those who hear them. Storytelling is an excellent way to introduce children to other languages and cultures.
Kenta, Kilts, and Kimonos: Exploring Cultures and Mathematics through Fabrics
Describes uses of mathematics in fabric design to examine various cultural and mathematical concepts including patterns, geometric shapes, and spatial reasoning. (ASK).
Kindergartens and Cultures: The Global Diffusion of an Idea
This book is a study of the diffusion and transformation of the kindergarten around the turn of the twentieth century, concentrating most centrally on the power of local cultures to respond to and reformulate borrowed ideas. Eleven case studies represent western and nonwestern national histories, various religious traditions, and a range of political systems, all of which embraced the kindergarten as a desirable educational form.
Kindern das Wort geben: Ein interkulturell-kreativer Arbeitsansatz, aufgezeigt an der Arbeit mit tibetischen Migrantenkindern. (Tell the Children: A Beginning for Intercultural-Creative Work, Focusing on the Children of Tibetan Families.)
Explains the pedagogical and psychological concepts behind the approach developed by UNESCO that encourages children to express themselves freely on the subject of international understanding and peace in writing and art. Describes a project in which these concepts were applied focusing on a minority dispersed over many parts of the world: children of Tibetan families.
Language Learners as Ethnographers. Modern Languages in Practice 16
This book describes a new approach to teaching and learning cultural studies. Borrowing the idea of ethnography from anthropologists, it argues that language students can be taught methods for investigating the cultural and social patterns of interaction and the values and beliefs that account for them.
Language Learning in Social and Cultural Contexts. ERIC Digest
This Digest considers language learning as a socio-cultural process, contending that to fully function in a particular language, one not only needs to understand the mechanics, such as the grammar, but also to apply that language across various contexts, audiences, and purposes. The Digest discusses language learning at home, language learning in communities, and language learning among linguistic minority children.
Language Policy and Ideological Paradox: A Comparative Look at Bilingual Intercultural Education Policy and Practice in Three Andean Countries
Recent developments in language policy and educational reform in Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia have opened new possibilities for indigenous languages and their speakers through bilingual intercultural education. Use of the term "intercultural" is examined in official policy documents and in short narratives about intercultural practice by indigenous and non-indigenous educators.
Language Policy and Pedagogy: Essays in Honor of A. Ronald Walton
This edited volume brings together 14 diverse articles dealing with various aspects of language policy and pedagogy.
Language Use of Mauritian Adolescents in Education
Reports on a research project conducted in Mauritius that aimed to investigate patterns of language use, language choice, and language attitudes of Mauritian adolescents in full-time education. Data was collected by means of a questionnaire and interviews from a sample of the secondary school population.
Latino Youth at Home, in Their Communities and in School: The Language Link
In this article, the author focuses on the role that language plays in determining why, what and how Latino youth learn in their communities. She highlights the fundamental and often overlooked resource that Latino English-Spanish bilingualism represents for building bridges between communities, homes and schools.
Learning Communities, First Year Programs and Their Effectiveness: The Role of the IR Office. AIR 2002 Forum Paper
Several learning communities and first-year programs have been developed at Bowling Green State University, a public doctoral-research intensive university in the midwest, over the last few years.
Learning disabled children's peer interactions during a small group problem-solving task.
Lectura y Vida: Revista Latinoamericana de Lectura. (Reading and Life: Latin American Reading Magazine). 1998. Corp Author(s): International Reading Association, Newark, DE
The four 1998 issues of the journal on literacy education, entirely in Spanish, include these articles: "The Inevitable Radical Weakness of Language: Some Reflections about Forming Readers and Citizens" (Daniel Goldin); "Relationships among Reading and Writing, Thematic Units, Learning Through Research...In Search of Effective Instruction for Whole Language" (Timothy Shanahan); Comprehension and Textual.
Lenn v. Portland School Committee
"The IDEA does not promise perfect solutions to the vexing problems posed by the existence of learning disabilities in children and adolescents. The Act sets more modest goals; it emphasizes an appropriate rather than ideal, education; it requires an adequate rather than optimal, IEP..
Let's Add R.I.C.E. (Relevant, Intercultural, Childhood Experiences) to Our Curriculum Menu!
In the United States and other countries experiencing large influxes of immigrants, how to acknowledge and address the increased diversity has been a challenge for early childhood education. This article explores the use of children's literature in this process, and includes a brief description and evaluation of five culturally diverse children's books.
Library Facilities and Books for Palestinian Arab Children
Presents an overview of libraries and related services for Palestinian Arab Children in the Haifa and Galilee regions of Israel and on the West Bank based on interviews with librarians and educators between 1993 and 1996. Covers funding, organization, collection development, censorship, staffing, and programming.
Life space intervention: Talking with children and youth in crisis.
This important book offers a significant breakthrough in teaching professionals the unique skills of interviewing children and youth during interpersonal crises.
Linguistic Diversity
Discusses 14 books for young readers, chosen for the diversity of their languages, cultures, and uniqueness. (SR).
Listening to Their Voices Connect Literary and Cultural Understandings: Responses to Small Group Read-Alouds of "Malcolm X: A Fire Burning Brightly."
Explores the kinds of literary understandings that become evident in African American second graders' unprompted oral and physical responses to "Malcolm X" and the cultural resources that children draw as they demonstrate these literary understandings. Concludes that discussion of multicultural literature can prompt the construction of complex literary understandings.
Literacy and Community. The Twentieth Yearbook: A Peer Reviewed Publication of the College Reading Association, 1998. [Papers from the College Reading Association Conference, 1997]
This 20th Yearbook of the College Reading Association reflects the theme of "community" again and again, in diverse ways.
Literacy Learning from a Multicultural Perspective (Literacy Learning Outside the Classroom)
The article finds that many immigrant parents (from China, Iran, and India) and their children oppose diametrically many aspects of emergent literacy. The article discusses major differences in beliefs about teaching and learning related to accuracy/precision, focus of control, assessment/accountability, expectations, and rote memorization.
Literary Collections (Children's Books)
Presents brief annotations of 43 children's books first published in countries other the United States and Canada or in languages other than English. Presents them in three groups: British children's books; books first published in countries other the United States and translated into English; and books that are completely or partially bilingual.
Looking for Leverage: Issues of Classroom Research on "Algebra for All."
In the United States, African Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans have lower success rates and higher drop-out rates in mathematics than other racial or ethnic groups. Given that quantitative competency serves increasingly as a vehicle for economic enfranchisement, these differential success rates make mathematics achievement a civil rights issue.
Los Ninos y el Mundo: Children's Books in Spanish from around the World
Offers brief descriptions of 32 children's books (or book series) in Spanish that introduce children to numerous countries around the world. Notes a web site address listing high-quality books in Spanish for children and adolescents.
Losing Our Language: How Multiculturalism Undermines Our Children's Ability To Read, Write & Reason
This book argues that it is the incorporation of a multicultural agenda into basal readers, the primary tool for teaching reading in elementary schools, that has stunted American children's ability to read.
Making Connections: Literature as a Basis for Multiple Perspectives and Interdisciplinary Education. Revised Edition.
This booklet presents a description of Making Connections, a multicultural core curriculum program, and a list of recommended literature for interdisciplinary units. The first section discusses materials, using the Making Connections program, integrating relevant content areas, the stages of the research process, assessment, and making connections using the historical novel "Friedrich.".
Making Positive Multicultural Early Childhood Education Happen
Describes the process of implementing a positive multicultural educational plan in the early-childhood classroom. Explores techniques in expanding teacher knowledge, changing teacher attitudes, and implementing new ideas; also covers skills necessary to making multicultural education effective, what the plan should teach children, opportunities for mentoring, and parental inclusion in the process.
Making Space: Merging Theory and Practice in Adult Education
This book represents the beginning dialogue and critique of social, political, economic, and historical forms of hegemony operating in the adult education field. Twenty-three chapters are grouped into five sections.
Managing Diversity: A Cooperative Course in Foreign Languages and Business
This very brief paper is a description of a business course, "Business 350 Managing Diversity," at Elmhurst College in Illinois. The course is taught in an intensive 6-day, 42-hour format.
Many People, Many Places, Other Times: An Annotated Bibliography of Multicultural Books for 3- to 8-Year-Olds
Cites 99 recently published fiction, folklore, and nonfiction books for 3- to 8-year olds that illustrate a broad interpretation of multiculturalism and include positive and accurate portrayals of various ethnic or religious groups. A brief synopsis is given for each book, along with publication information.
Many Peoples, One Land: A Guide to New Multicultural Literature for Children and Young Adults
This book covers works of fiction, oral tradition, and poetry published from 1994 through 1999, and is deemed suitable for young people from preschool through high school. The book deals with four major ethnic groups within the United States: African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Native-American Indians.
Markers of Multicultural/Antibias Education
Contends that creating a program that reflects diversity and equity is an evolving process. Presents common markers whereby programs can judge individual levels on the multicultural and antibias education journey.
Meeting the Challenge of Educating for Unity: Multicultural Teacher Education at East Carolina University
East Carolina University's school of education has embraced multicultural education challenges through preparing educational leaders, conducting research, and delivering relevant services. The college's underlying commitments include supporting research into development of ethnocentric awareness in young children, developing inservice outreach programs and curricular revisions, and constructing a democratic rationale for universal multicultural education.
Meeting the Needs of Multiracial and Multiethnic Children in Early Childhood Settings
Addresses the needs of preschool children whose biological parents come from two or more traditional racial/ethnic groups. Advocates the extension of multiracial curriculum in early childhood programs to support and embrace these multiracial and multiethnic children.
Metropolitan Board of Public Education v. Guest
Parents of a first-grader with autism challenged the district's proposal to change his placement from a regular kindergarten with supplementary aids and services to a special education classroom for two-thirds of the school day.
Mexican American Children's Ethnic Pride and Internalized Racism. JSRI Occasional Paper No. 41. Latino Studies Series
Nearly 100 Mexican American children and adolescents in grades 2-12 were interviewed in central Texas to determine their understanding of ethnicity and their attitudes toward their own ethnicity. Their responses were interpreted in relation to a developmental model with five stages or "perspectives" in reasoning about ethnicity.
Milagros in the Mid-Columbia: An Integrated Lesson Plan. Sixth Grade Social Studies Unit on Mexican Migrant Workers
Since the early 1950s, several programs have enticed thousands of rural Mexicans to migrate to California and the Northwest to be agricultural workers. The resultant demographic and cultural impacts have been immense.
Minorities and Adult Learning: Communication among Majorities and Minorities. Adult Learning and the Challenges of the 21st Century. A Series of 29 Booklets Documenting Workshops Held at the Fifth International Conference on Adult Education (Hamburg, Germany, July 14-18, 1997).
This booklet, which was produced as a follow-up to the Fifth International Conference on Adult Education, examines communication among minorities and nonminorities in adult education programs. The booklet begins with a sketch of the situation of minority group members around the world and a list of 10 ways education policy and legislation can advance minority rights.
Minority Language Education in Malaysia: Four Ethnic Communities' Experiences
Discusses minority language education in Malaysia, a multilingual and multicultural country. Looks at four language minority groups and what they have done to to provide beginning education programs for their children that use the children's native languages.
Models To Improve Service Delivery. Chapter 8
This collection of papers presented at a 1996 conference on children's mental health focuses on models to improve service delivery.
Mosaics (Children's Books)
Presents brief annotations of 49 illustrated children's books, categorized into the following groupings: multicultures, odds and ends, solutions, animals, individuals, celebrations, and settings. (SR).
Mount St. Mary's College. Policy Perspectives. Exemplars
This report describes the efforts of Mount St. Mary's College (California) to extend the benefits of a strong, traditional baccalaureate program to an underserved population of women in an urban region, including substantial numbers of minority and first-generation college students.
Multicultural Aspects in the Education of Children and Youth with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities: Introduction to the Special Issue
This introductory article discusses cultural considerations in the design and delivery of services to families whose children have a moderate to severe disability. It calls attention to the lack of consideration of culturally and linguistically diverse families in the current research and summarizes the following articles.
Multicultural Central Asia
This article addresses the multicultural aspect of Central Asia in response to the discussion on diversity in U.S. classrooms.
Multicultural Child Care. Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 9
In child care centers, parental involvement as well as staff sensitivity toward children and parents are essential for managing cultural diversity in a way that is beneficial for both migrant and indigenous families. Defining and improving the quality of center education from a multicultural perspective require discussions between staff and parents about educational goals and the means to achieve them.
Multicultural Competencies: A Guidebook of Practices
Intended to benefit the entire counseling community, this guidebook demonstrates current multicultural competencies and successful delivery of services across the various professional counseling disciplines. Leading authorities offer concrete direction for effective multicultural counseling and reflect on what they have found to be the best practices in their specialty area.
Multicultural Counseling Competencies as Tools to Address Oppression and Racism
The background, rationale, and framework of the multicultural competencies documents are discussed. Central concepts include development of awareness of personal assumptions, values, and biases; understanding the worldview of the culturally different client; and developing appropriate intervention strategies and techniques.
Multicultural Counseling Training: A Preliminary Study
Given the increasingly diverse makeup of the United States, the probability is high that counselors in all settings will work with clients of differing cultural backgrounds. Accrediting associations, including the Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP), have recently included cultural and/or diversity content in their training standards.
Multicultural Education in the Everyday: A Renaissance for the Recommitted
This primer on multicultural education pedagogy reports on the knowledge base for multicultural education, and challenges and critiques teacher educators. An introduction describes the demographic and intellectual context for multicultural education, outlines the composition of the primer, and argues that the primer is primarily an exercise in "imaging" to develop an intellectual, emotional, and ethical force for teacher educators.
Multicultural Education in the New Century
Democratic societies require citizens committed to realizing democratic ideals. Multicultural education helps unify a nation deeply divided along racial, ethnic, and class lines.
Multicultural Education in the U.S.: A Guide to Policies and Programs in the 50 States
This book compiles information to investigate the presence and structure of multicultural education programs throughout the United States. The book begins by discussing the need for multicultural education programs, and the goal of which is to provide more accurate descriptions of America's microcultural populations and to guarantee a better education for all American school children, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, or language background.
Multicultural Education in the United States and Japan
This paper compares multicultural education in U.S. and Japanese schools, analyzing multicultural education from the ethnic perspective.
Multicultural Education Program Evaluation, 1995-96. Assessment/Accountability Report
In 1993-94, the Board of Education of the City of New York distributed more than $1 million to augment existing multicultural initiatives in professional or curriculum development. Districts and superintendencies in the city also designed a 3-year program to facilitate the planning and scope of these initiatives.
Multicultural Education: Minorities in the Athletic and Academic Arenas
The academic accomplishments of minorities are not as well known as their athletic accomplishments. In the new millennium, the barriers that limit the expression of true academic acumen of women, African Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans must be minimized.
Multicultural Education: Reflection on Theory and Practice
The 21 papers review the most recent research approaches to multicultural education and discuss initiatives for new methods of teaching and learning.
Multicultural Education: The Key to Global Unity
This paper describes multiculturalism courses in teacher education at Bethany College (California) and at the University of Southern Mississippi and argues that an increasingly global society creates the need for unity that can be achieved through multicultural education, which if effectively designed and implemented enlightens individuals to the importance of multiple perspectives.
Multicultural Education: Ways To Utilize the Historically Black Land-Grant Agricultural Programs
The historically black land-grant institutions, sometimes referred to as "1890" institutions, have achieved many agricultural successes that can be used effectively in the multicultural education movement. These institutions have recently celebrated over 100 years of progress and productivity through teaching, research, and service to a culturally diverse world, and they have many lessons to offer multicultural education.
Multicultural Infusion in the Counselor Education Curriculum: A Preliminary Analysis
Counselor educators agree on the necessity of preparing counselors in training to work in a diverse society. Traditional training programs have no special accommodations and are characterized by unawareness of the impact of cultural factors in counseling.
Multicultural Literature: Broadening Young Children's Experiences
This chapter is part of a book that recounts the year's work at the Early Childhood Development Center (ECDC) at Texas A & M University-Corpus Christi. Rather than an "elitist" laboratory school for the children of university faculty, the dual-language ECDC is a collaboration between the Corpus Christi Independent School District and the university, with an enrollment representative of Corpus Christi's population.
Multicultural Materials in the Learning Resources Lab
This bibliography presents annotations of 50 books; 6 kits, games, and software; and 8 videos that deal with multiculturalism. Many of the items in the annotated bibliography present class activities, offer selections of multicultural literature, or discuss other cultures.
Multicultural Picture Books: Art for Understanding Others, Volume II. Professional Growth Series
This book presents annotations of approximately 600 multicultural picture books published between 1993 and 1997. Annotations (and accompanying grade levels) in the book are arranged alphabetically within geographic sections.
Multicultural Science: Who Benefits?
Comments on three articles in this issue on universalists versus multiculturalists. Supports teaching culturally relevant science.
Multicultural Self-Development in the Preservice Classroom: Equity Education for the Dominant Culture
European American educators can no longer ignore or presume to "serve" other sociocultural groups simply by changing those groups. Within a democratic and pluralistic society, individuals must be equally willing to modify their own beliefs and actions in light of the experiences and concerns of others.
Multiculturalism and the Mission of Liberal Education
This paper examines attempts at four prototypical undergraduate liberal arts colleges to build community based on liberal educational principles and values, and investigates liberal education's ability to meet the challenges of multiculturalism. Data for the study was derived from a content analysis of archival materials from the four colleges, including mission statements, college catalogues, admissions viewbooks and videos, capital campaign videos, admissions CD-ROMS, and institution Web sites.
Multiethnic Children's Literature: Its Need for a Permanent Place in the Children's Literary Canon
This literature review emphasizes teaching from a multicultural perspective with a focus on integrating multiethnic literature into the core curriculum. Multiethnic literature has been defined as literature dealing with peoples of diverse backgrounds within the United States, including African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Native Americans.
Multiethnic Education: Theory and Practice (Third ed.)
This book is designed to help preservice and inservice educators clarify the philosophical and definitional issues related to pluralistic education, and design and implement effective teaching strategies that reflect ethnic diversity, and prepare sound guidelines for multiethnic programs and practices. It describes actions that educators can take to institutionalize educational programs and practices related to ethnic and cultural diversity.
Multilingual Proficiency in Fiji Primary Schools
Determined language proficiency among multilingual Indo-Fijian primary school children who have the languages, Fiji-Hindi, Standard Hindi, Urdu, English, Fijian, and Fijian English in their speech repertoire. Identifies the variables that affect multilingual proficiency in this group and determines whether classroom practice reflects educational policy.
Multiple intelligences in the classroom
This book (second edition) is an adaptation of Howard Gardener's theory on multiple intelligences (MI). The model in this book provides a language for talking about the inner gifts of so-called learning-disabled children.
Multiracial Children and Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Brazil: Some Preliminary Observations
This paper focuses on differences in Brazil and the United States in attitudes toward multiracial and multiethnic children and developmentally appropriate practice in education and child rearing. Child rearing in Brazil is characterized by a generally permissive approach with a high degree of patience, although parent-child relationships among the very poor are more direct and more punitive.
Music Training in Germany
This special-issue volume examines music education in the two Germanies and how music has had a great influence in the culture of the nations. The presentation is a professional and objective portrayal of music training and cultivation in Germany in the last decade of the present century.
Muslims and Sex Education
Examines objections to sex education practices and calls by British Muslim leaders to withdraw Muslim children from sex education classes. Discusses policy makers' dilemmas as they try to reconcile the public interest with diverse beliefs.
National Diffusion Network: Project Enrichment Exemplary Program
The United States Department of Education recognizes and supports exemplary programs through the National Diffusion Network (NDN). Established in 1974, NDN is based on the belief that there are few problems encountered by schools that have not been solved successfully in some other location.
National TEEM Outreach: Transition into the Elementary Education Mainstream. Final Report
This final report describes activities of a 3-year federally supported program designed to enable school systems to establish and implement systematic transition planning to meet the multicultural needs of preschool-aged children with disabilities and their families moving into kindergarten and other general education settings.
Nations Within. American Indian Scholar Karen Gayton Swisher Envisions Effective Education for All Indian Children
An interview with American Indian educator Karen Gayton Swisher explores the learning styles of American Indian children and the application of ideas about these learning styles in the programs at Haskell Indian Nations University. Native American children should be taught from a constructivist, rather than a deficit, point of view.
Native American Stories Enhancing Multicultural Education in Elementary Schools
This paper describes the use of unbiased Native American stories as part of a multicultural perspective in elementary schools. The inclusion of a multicultural perspective will help teach social acceptance rather than separation.
Need for funding and role of bias downplayed in new study on the over-identification of children from diverse backgrounds for special education. Press Release.
No Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow
By 1993, New York City's multicultural and innovative Children of the Rainbow curriculum had been discontinued and the education chancellor fired. This article examines the curriculum's development and implementation and the controversies surrounding it.
Noteworthy Books in Spanish for Children and Adolescents
Lists Spanish language books for children ranging from wordless picture books to adolescent love stories and translated popular novels. This year's list includes publishers from Latin America, in particular Mexico's Fondo de Cultura Economica.
Now You See It; Now You Don't: A District's Short-Lived Commitment to an Alternative High School for Newly Arrived Immigrants
Describes the response of an urban school district to the unexpected enrollment of large numbers of newly arrived immigrants. Focuses on the processes that resulted in the implementation of an alternative high school and its abrupt closure a year later, and explores the implications of these decisions for policy and practice.
Number and type of personnel employed and needed to provide special education and related services to children and youth with disabilities.
Oberti by Oberti v. Board of Education of Borough of Clementon School District
The school district bears the burden of proving compliance with LRE regardless of which party brought the claim. The reason for imposing the burden of proof on the school system was explained by the Court: "the Act's strong presumption in favor of mainstreaming ..
Of Labels, Skills and Concepts
This paper describes the current debate over developmentally appropriate teaching practice. The paper presents the perspective of multicultural educators, who argue that developmentally appropriate practice is biased toward white, middle-class values, and the perspective of special educators, who argue that modification of developmentally appropriate practice is necessary for their populations.
Off White: Readings on Race, Power, and Society
The contributions in this volume analyze the white racialization process in the context of multiculturalism and examine how racism is established in institutional structures.
Once is not enough: Former special educators who return to teaching
Oppressor: The Educational System
In this critique of elementary and secondary education in the United States, the first section discusses the history of the U.S. educational system and how the development of the schools' curricula and assessment programs have been adapted to the white, male, Eurocentric style of learning.
Our Nation on the Fault Line: Hispanic American Education.
This report responds to an Executive Order that charges the President's Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans with improving the education of Hispanic Americans through the study of current educational conditions. The study includes an analysis of the current state of Hispanic American educational attainment and points out the serious work that must be done to promote high quality education for Hispanics.
Our Souls To Keep: From Surface to Deep in Literary Representations Regarding Race
Presents literary reviews that reveal deeper issues to consider when exploring beyond the surface and reflecting on the racial schisms pervading the United States. The literature examines: a conference on the relationship of education and African American self-concept; the role of black mothers in raising their sons; slave novels; a critical review of speaking; and the Ebonics debate in education.
Pacific Resources for Education and Learning Fact Sheet.
Pacific Resources for Education and Learning (PREL) is a nonprofit corporation that serves schools in 10 Pacific island political entities, whose affiliation with the United States ranges from statehood to free association. PREL's main office is in Honolulu, Hawaii, with service centers in American Samoa; the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands; the Federated States of Micronesia (Chuuk, Kosrae, Pohnpei, and Yap); Guam; the Republic of the Marshall Islands; and the Republic of Palau.
Parenting and Children’s School Achievement: A Multiethnic Perspective
This study is an examination of the relations between parenting and the school performance of fourth- and fifth-grade children in Asian-American, Latino, and European-American families. Five aspects of parenting were studied: (a) expectations for children’s educational attainment, (b) grade expectations, (c) basic childrearing beliefs (i.e., development of autonomy, development of conformity to external standards, and importance of monitoring children’s activities), (d) self-reported behaviors (i.e., creating an academically enriching environment and helping with homework), and (e) perceptions of parental efficacy.
Parents’ Thinking about Standardized Tests and Performance Assessments
Parental attitudes about standardized tests and performance assessments were studied through interviews with 60 parents or parent dyads in schools involved in a project to develop new assessments and through questionnaires completed by parents from control schools. Parent approval of standardized tests did not imply disapproval of performance assessment.
Partnership Teaching: Success for All Children Using Math as a Vehicle
Using a constructivist and multicultural approach, math skills were taught in urban elementary classrooms. Acceptance of self and others, teamwork, problem solving, and critical thinking were emphasized.
Peace Education and the Lives of Kuwaiti Children
Summarizes the impact of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait on Kuwaiti children and addresses the need for discussion of peace building and world awareness in children's classrooms. E.
Pedagogy of Possibilities: Teaching about Racism in Multicultural Counseling Courses
Teaching about diversity or multiculturalism in counselor education programs is a challenge. Racism as a topic is an emotionally charged subject.
Pedagogy, Politics, and Schools: Films about Social Justice in Education
Reviews six films about issues related to multicultural and social justice education in the United States: "It's Elementary: Talking about Gay Issues in School"; "Starting Small: Teaching Children Tolerance"; "In Whole Honor?"; "Children Talk about AIDS"; "Fear and Learning at Hoover Elementary"; and "'Good Morning Miss Toliver.'" (SM).
Peer Tutoring for Health and Safety
Peer-Mediated Instruction and Interventions
Perspectives of Social Studies over a Quarter of a Century: Reflections from Veteran Social Studies Leaders
A study focused on documenting historical events and personal histories of individuals active in social studies during the last half of the 20th century.
Perspectives on the Mexican Education System: Prejudices, Problems, Possibilities. Fulbright-Hays Summer Seminar Abroad 1997 (Mexico)
This paper examines the complex Mexican educational system and how numerous factors influence its success, depending on one's point of reference. Many ideological and subjective judgments are made in this evaluation.
Photo Essays of American Indian Children
Provides an annotated bibliography of photo essays about Native American children, including some examples from the indigenous populations of Latin America. Most have been written by "outsiders," and most are intended to show non-Native children about native cultures.
Picture Story Books that Teach Children about Appalachia: Problems, Perplexities, and Proposals (Part 3)
Synthesizes research presented in two previous "Southern Social Studies Journal"articles that reviewed picture books about the topic of Appalachia. Discusses the problems that were encountered and offers nine proposals as solutions to these problems.
Placing Children in Special Education: A Strategy for Equity
Politically Correct on Campus.
This digest reviews materials which discuss political correctness and its manifestations on college campuses. First presenting opposing definitions of the term (liberal and conservative), the digest then reports on the topic as seen in the research, and offers several suggestions about incorporating the conflicts themselves into the curriculum.
Polynesian Folklore: An Alternative to Plastic Toys
Argues that folklore goes beyond plastic toys and popular media symbols to share the humanness of a people. Suggest ways to use Polynesian folklore (nature fables, tales, and legends) to deepen children's understanding of Polynesian culture.
Predictive Characteristics of Multicultural Counselling Competence
This paper looks at multicultural counseling competencies from a national sample of Canadian Guidance and Counseling Association members.
Prejudice and Pride: Japanese Americans in the Young Adult Novels of Yoshiko Uchida
Discusses five books for young adults by author Yoshiko Uchida. Notes that these books, accessible to children in grades 5 and above, describe the prejudice against Japanese Americans, internment camps, and upheaval, sorrow, and anger spawned by the American government's racist actions.
Preschool Children's Classification Skills and a Multicultural Education Intervention To Promote Acceptance of Ethnic Diversity
Examined the impact of an 8-week intervention program designed to reduce racial/ethnic stereotyping among preschoolers varying in classification skill. Found that children in the experimental group had increased in classification skills at posttest and were less likely to sort photo cards by race/ethnicity and more likely to sort them by gender and age than were control group children.
Preschoolers' Language during Use of Multiethnic Books in Daycare
One of the purposes for providing children with multiethnic books is to promote acceptance of diversity, yet the results of this exposure have rarely been empirically studied. The purpose of this study was to explore the story-related topics of discussion initiated by eleven 4- and 5-year-olds as they used multiethnic books during small group adult-initiated readings and one-on-one child-initiated emergent readings in one daycare classroom.
Presenting the Wounded Knee Massacre in Books for Children: A Review Essay on Neil Waldman's "Wounded Knee."
Reviews a book on the 1890 massacre at Wounded Knee, suggesting that the author puts a white, European bias on the actual events, which encourages non-Indian young readers to think in limited ways about Indian people and keeps them from identifying with Indian people. (SM).
Preserving Home Languages and Cultures in the Classroom: Challenges and Opportunities
Decades of research document the powerful academic and socio-affective benefits of a strong home language base and affirmation of home language and culture as a valuable resource. This article explores the implicit challenges, daily realities, opportunities, and practical implications of incorporating language and culture into classrooms as they relate to culturally and linguistically diverse language learners.
President's Report on Strategic Action Areas and Initiatives, April, 2002.
This paper outlines the strategic action areas and initiatives of the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) for 2002. The six action areas outlined are: (1) national and international recognition and advocacy for community colleges; (2) learning and accountability; (3) leadership development; (4) economic and workforce development; (5) connectedness across AACC membership; and (6) international and intercultural education.
President's Report to the Board of Directors
This report details the current American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) projects, publications, and legislative activities.
Proactive strategies for managing social behavior problems: An instructional approach.
Proceedings of Selected Research and Development Presentations at the National Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Sponsored by the Research and Theory Division (20th, St. Louis, Missouri, February 18-22, 1998)
Subjects addressed by the 55 papers in this proceedings include: teaching literacy; hypermedia navigation and design; creating a community of thinkers; analysis-based message design; learner-instruction interactions; representation of time-based information in visual design; presentation interference; professional development through anecdotes and others.
Proceedings of the 2001 ASCUE Summer Conference (34th, North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, June 10-14, 2001)
This 2001 Association of Small Computer Users in Education (ASCUE) conference proceedings briefly describes ASCUE and its listserver, lists the 2000-2001 ASCUE Board Members, and provides abstracts of the pre-conference workshops.
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (81st, Baltimore, Maryland, August 5-8, 1998). Commission on the Status of Women.
The Commission on the Status of Women section of the Proceedings contains 12 papers on females,feminism,health,journalism and sexrole.
Proceedings of the Annual Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education (21st, DeKalb, Illinois, October 9-11, 2002)
This document contains 41 papers and 11 poster session presentations from a conference on research-to-practice in adult, continuing, and community education.
Proceedings of the Midwest Philosophy of Education Society, 1999-2000
This proceedings of the Midwest Philosophy of Education Society contain two presidential addresses: "Separating School and State: An Analytical Polemic" (D. G.
Profoundly Multicultural Questions
Argues that multicultural education practices in most schools today have not adequately addressed the larger issues of social justice and equal access to educational resources. Discusses four profoundly multicultural questions educators must address: Who's taking calculus? Which classes meet in the basement? Who's teaching the children? How much are children worth? (Contains 25 references.) (PKP).
Project BESTT: A Training Model for Rural, Multicultural, Bilingual Special Education
Rural schools along the New Mexico-Mexico border face unusual challenges in meeting the special education needs of a culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) population. This population includes Anglo Americans, Mexican Americans, Mexicans, and American Indians.
Project Kaleidoscope, 1996-2000. Final Report: Executive Summary. Corp Author(s): George Mason Univ., Fairfax, VA. Helen A. Kellar Inst. for Human disAbilities. Publication: U.S.; Virginia; 2001-01-18 Description: 14 p
This final report describes the activities and outcomes of Project Kaleidoscope, a grant funded project designed to develop, field test, and disseminate training materials and methods to prepare personnel to better serve culturally, linguistically and developmentally diverse young children and their families.
Prologue: Toward an Understanding of Literacy Issues in Multicultural School-Age Populations
This article introduces a forum that explores issues surrounding literacy in multicultural school-age populations. It discusses sociocultural factors that overshadow traditional literacy-learning objectives, the relationship between low socioeconomic status and low literacy, environmental influences that affect literacy, and culturally biased assessments that challenge educators to find reliable alternative assessments.
Promoting children's well-being
Promoting Excellence in Teacher Preparation: Undergraduate Reforms in Mathematics and Science
This monograph presents a collection of papers that focus on excellence in teacher education and examine questions which are critical to the reform of curriculum and pedagogy.
Promoting Multiculturalism in Developmental Education
Asserts that the teaching profession needs to recognize the natural connections between multicultural and developmental education. Presents eight steps developmental educators can take to promote pluralism, including (1) establishing a clear link between cultural pluralism and institutional and programmatic mission and goals; (2) striving for diversity at all levels; and (3) embedding multiculturalism in the curriculum.
Promoting Optimum Mental Health through Counseling: An Overview
A broad selection of topics representing important aspects of mental health counseling are presented in 56 brief articles.
Protection for clients undergoing aversive/restrictive interventions.
Psychogenic Dissociation in Childhood: The Role of the Counseling Psychologist
Reviews the literature on psychogenic dissociative disorders in children so as to highlight the unique characteristics and needs of this population. Discusses three central ideas, such as the role of the counseling psychologist in the research, assessment and treatment of dissociatively disordered children, and emphasizes contributions counseling psychologists can make.
Published Sources for Identifying Notable Materials
Lists 100 sources useful to school library media specialists to help identify important materials for children, including books, multicultural materials, nonprint materials, and special features; and for young adults in the areas of books, multicultural materials, nonprint materials, periodicals, reference books and electronic sources, and special features. (LRW).
Questionnaire Surveys: Four Survey Instruments in Educational Research
This paper presents four questionnaire surveys administered in educational research. Each of the questionnaires is followed by a brief research report with an abstract and summary statistics.
Race and the Public Intellectual: A Conversation with Michael Eric Dyson
Discusses language and race, multiculturalism, and the role of the public intellectual. Views the transition from the academic to the public as a self-conscious decision to intervene on debates and conversations that happen in public spheres and which have enormous consequence on everyday people's lives.
Race Equality and School Improvement: Some Aspects of the Birmingham Experience
Describes two initiatives--Education for Our Multicultural Society/Success for Everyone and KWESI--illustrating Birmingham Local Education Authority's (LEA's) efforts to enhance racial equity and improve schools. These initiatives demonstrate the LEA as policymaker, providing a clear sense of vision and purpose, and as an enabler and facilitator for change.
Race in the College Classroom: Pedagogy and Politics
This collection of essays by college instructors who teach in the humanities, social sciences, science, and education, addresses the challenges faced by professors who believe that teaching responsibly requires an honest examination of race.
Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Higher Education. ASHE Reader Series
This anthology contains 52 papers on racial and ethnic diversity in higher education and is designed to reflect the collective ideas of those who teach in this area. Generally the manuscripts present ways of observing and experiencing racial and ethnic difference in American higher education institutions.
Racial Equality and the Local Management of Schools. Warwick Papers on Education Policy No. 8
How the trend toward school-based management since the 1988 Education Reform Act has affected racial educational equality in England and Wales was studied through an examination of the policies and practices of a British Local Education Authority (LEA), identified as Woodshire. A review of the policies, practices, and events in the Woodshire district was supplemented by in-depth study of four Woodshire secondary schools.
Racism. IDRA Focus.
This theme issue includes four articles on racism in colleges and public schools and on strategies to build ethnic and racial tolerance. "Affirmative Action: Not a Thing of the Past" (Linda Cantu) reviews the history of affirmative action and its positive effects on Hispanic and Black enrollment in higher education, discusses current efforts to dismantle affirmative action, and counters claims of reverse discrimination against White males.
Reading Ability and the New Technology--Developments in Germany
This paper begins by examining various aspects of children's and young people's reading ability and the new media, including children's media use and ownership, as well as multicultural aspects. The way public libraries see their role in the teaching of media skills is then considered, including well-developed reading ability as a prerequisite of media skills competence, providing media access and teaching media skills, and library policy positions; the statistics on the library provision of new media with special reference to service for children and young people are also discussed.
Reading Researchers in Search of Common Ground
Investigating what 11 eminent literacy scholars with diverse philosophies could agree to regarding contexts and practices for teaching reading, this book presents comprehensive analyses of these findings, dubbed the "Expert Study," and their implications. It includes a reprint of the 1998 article "Points of Agreement:.
Reading the World: Redefining Literature and History Curriculum. A Report from the Multicultural Education Summit Convened by the San Francisco Unified School District. Proceedings (San Francisco, California, March 1998)
This report documents a 1998 summit that brought together academics and practitioners to discuss the challenges of multicultural education. Part 1, "Summit Proceedings," examines definitions, major topics, voices of the summit, recommendations, and the future.
Recommended Books for Young Readers about Latinos/as
Reviews 15 recently published books that deal with the joys and struggles of Latino people. These fiction and nonfiction books deal with a variety of topics and are sure to hold the interest of young readers.
Reducing inappropriate behavior of mentally retarded children through interpolated reinforcement.
Reducing Racism in Schools: Moving beyond Rhetoric
Addresses the problems of racism in schools and reviews the historical and contemporary context of the policies and programs to reduce it. Discusses obstacles and challenges to implementing effective antiracist policies and programs.
Reexamining the Issue of Authenticity in Picture Books
Examines picture books portraying Asian societies as a means to discuss the criteria of authenticity (not simply nonstereotypes) in both the literature and artwork of picture books. Discusses authenticity and cultural acceptance in terms of both story selection and adaptation, authenticity and cultural conventions (in terms of value implications), and authenticity in artwork.
Reflecting Visions. New Perspectives on Adult Education for Indigenous Peoples
This book contains 14 papers on Adult Education, Adult Learning, Educational Needs, Educational Strategies, Indigenous Populations,and
Popular Education.
Reflections on Leonard Covello: Teacher with a Heart
Leonard Covello was an Italian immigrant who taught in East Harlem (New York City) from 1911 to 1956. This article, composed of excerpts from other works about or by him, illustrates his dedication to reciprocal relationships between school and community that are relevant today for both urban and rural communities.
Reflections on resiliency: In America's inner cities, schools and families struggle to teach and protect their children
Reflections on the "White Movement" in Multicultural Education
Responds to an essay that examined the role of whites in multicultural education and reviewed three books, critiquing five of the essay's assumptions (e.g., there is a white movement in multicultural education, attention to whites' role in multicultural education is very recent, and the focus on white identity development in multicultural education signals a shift away from equity pedagogy). (SM).
Refugee Children in the Early Years
Describes the findings of a research study by the Refugee Council (United Kingdom) on the experiences of refugee children in "early years provision" (early childhood education). The major finding is that refugee children, of whom there are an estimated 65,000 in the United Kingdom, do not have equal access to early-years education.
Reggio Emilia: impulsor del dialogo y del cambio (Reggio Emilia: Catalyst for Change and Conversation). ERIC Digest
International perspectives on the care and education of preschool children that seem to be of greatest interest in the United States are those directly linked to prevailing concerns in American early childhood education. In this context, many early childhood specialists have explored the implications of Reggio Emilia's work for the theory, practice, and improvement of U.S.
Reinventing Early Care and Education: A Vision for a Quality System
Although early care and education have gained some momentum in recent years, shortfalls in quality are still pervasive. This book defines the elements of a high-quality system and suggests strategies for improvement.
Relaxation techniques for handicapped children: A review of the literature.
Relaxation: A comprehensive manual for adults, children, and children with special needs.
Repertoire, Authenticity, and Instruction: The Presentation of American Indian Music in Oklahoma's Elementary Schools. Native Americans: Interdisciplinary Perspectives--A Garland Series
This book examines the presentation of American Indian music by elementary music educators in Oklahoma, which has the largest American Indian population of any state. A literature review covers an historical profile of multicultural music education, ethnomusicological studies of American Indian music, dissertations pertaining to American Indian music in the classroom, analysis of American Indian content in general music textbooks, and surveys assessing inclusion of American Indian music in curricula.
Report on Hate Crimes & Discrimination against Arab Americans, 1996-97. Corp Author(s): American Arab Anti Discrimination Committee, Washington, DC
Examples of hate crimes against Arab Americans in this report are those that were reported to the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), but the actual number of hate crimes and incidents of discrimination far exceeds those reported.
Report on the International Training Course for Roma/Gypsy Youth Leaders. European Youth Center of Europe, Strasbourg, France, 2-14 March 1999.
Activities on behalf of Roma/Gypsies have always been an important part of the Council of Europe's minority protection policy. The topics discussed are how more training opportunities can be provided for young Roma people and other ways to support and promote their participation in society.
Representing the Inuit in Contemporary British and Canadian Juvenile Non-Fiction
Examines text and pictorial representations of the Inuit in juvenile reference books and in geographical and historical juvenile non-fiction works. Finds continuing prevalence of a wide range of stereotypes.
Resolution on disproportionate representation
Restructured teacher education for inclusiveness: A dream deferred for African American children.
Restructuring public schools: Strategies for organizational change and programs.
This collection of papers offers advice on restructuring education to create heterogeneous schools, with the goal of creating happy, comfortable, and successful learning environments for all the children and adults who learn and teach in them.
Rethinking the Role of Multicultural Literature in Literacy Instruction: Problems, Paradox, and Possibilities
Uses a cultural studies framework to demonstrate how multicultural literature is often trivialized and misused in literature-based classrooms. Critiques actual literature discussions and examines the content of several Asian American children's books to move toward a more complete understanding of critical literacy pedagogy and what it means to "read" in a pluralistic society.
Contains 130 reviews of works of interest to the multi-cultural educator or anyone interested in cultural awareness arranged under broad subject categories of humanities, biography, history, social sciences, reference, juvenile works, and nonprint materials. Includes fiction and nonfiction.
Revista de Investigacion Educativa, 1998 (Journal of Educational Research, 1998). Corp Author(s): Interuniversity Association for Experimental Pedagogical Investigation, Barcelona (Spain)
Articles in this volume focus on the following: specialized research; methodological challenges; establishment of a categorization system for sociometric analysis and its application in the multicultural classroom.
Roots of reform: Challenging the assumptions that control change in education
The education reform movement that began in the 1980s has produced disappointing and unsatisfactory results. This book asserts that the reform movement must be reformulated, and that this information is possible and even likely for a new and vigorous effort to save the children and the schools.
Rural Goals 2000: Building Programs That Work. Conference Proceedings of the American Council on Rural Special Education (ACRES) (Baltimore, Maryland, March 20-23, 1996)
This proceedings contains 67 conference papers on rural special education. Papers present the newest and most innovative promising practices for rural special education, current research, contemporary discussions of theory or theory development, and topics of timely concern.
Rural School Reform: Creating a Community of Learners
This paper examines an effort to support "bottom-up" change that responds to larger school reform initiatives. The intervention strategy involved a collaboration in which a cluster of rural schools designed and implemented site-based projects related to multicultural reform, and a regional college and the state department of education provided professional development and technical assistance tailored to specific projects.
Rural Special Education for the New Millennium. Conference Proceedings of the American Council on Rural Special Education (ACRES) (19th, Albuquerque, New Mexico, March 25-27, 1999)
This proceedings, containing 69 paper and poster presentations, focuses on innovation and hope with a glance to the future. The conference was planned to include theoretical discussions, current research findings, and promising practices based on sound evidence.
San Antonio School Choice Research Project. Final Report. Corp Author(s): North Texas Univ., Denton. Center for the Study of Education Reform
The findings of an investigation of both a private and a public school-choice program in San Antonio, Texas, between 1992 and 1996 are evaluated in this report.
Savage Inequalities: Children in America's Schools
Kozol has written searing expose of the extremes of wealth and poverty in America's school system and the blighting effect of poor children, especially those in cities.
School Choice and Social Justice
This book presents a view of what constitutes social justice in education, arguing that justice requires that all children have a real opportunity to become autonomous people, and that the state use a criterion of educational equality for deploying educational resources. Through systematic evaluation of empirical evidence, the book suggests that existing plans do not fare well against the criterion of social justice, yet this need not impugn school choice.
School Counseling in the Twenty-First Century: A Systemic Multicultural Approach
School counseling educators and practitioners frequently find themselves so focused on the daily activities of serving their schools that rarely do they have the luxury of considering a long-term and large-scale vision for the profession. Yet a vision that anticipates the future needs of school counseling in a proactive manner is just what the profession must develop in order to survive, prosper, and be truly effective.
School-Based Management: Involving Minority Parents in Shared Decision Making
In the past decade, systemic school reform has taken hold in America in the form of ”school-based management” (SBM) or shared decision making as a mechanism for improving schooling. Despite the lack of positive findings from research on the ability of this innovation to improve schooling, the reform innovation continues to grow.
Schools in Estonia as Institutional Actors and as a Field of Socialisation
This paper provides a theoretical overview of education as an institution and as a field of socialization. It analyzes the relationships among multicultural education, integration, and civic society.
Science Motivation in the Multicultural Classroom
Discusses how to integrate into the curriculum the interests of children of all ethnic backgrounds. Includes a rubric for multicultural contributions to science.
Screening for Pervasive Intolerance in Admissions Candidates
This paper describes the Pre-Admission Workshop, which is designed as a screening procedure to achieve optimal selection outcomes for graduate study in counseling.
Secondary Education in Italy. Guide to Secondary Education in Europe Series
Italy's 1948 Constitution of the Republic reformed lower secondary education, making schooling compulsory for all citizens. This guide highlights the complex nature of the secondary education system in Italy.
Seeding Ethnomathematics with 'Oware': Sankofa
Explains the game of Oware, an African board game that provides rich opportunities for all children to build and extend arithmetical ideas and number sense, develop strategic thinking, and explore important social behaviors. (Contains 22 references.) (ASK).
Seeing a World in a Grain of Sand: Science Teaching in Multicultural Context
Describes the Imagining Nature Project at Deakin University in Australia, and the Native Eyes Project at the Institute of American Indian Art in New Mexico. Both projects entail the teaching of science and technology to non-science majors of highly diverse cultural origin.
Seeing Schools Through New Lenses: A Qualitative Approach to Observing in Schools
This paper reports the development and evaluation of an observation guide that draws on qualitative techniques of participant observation and semistructured interviewing to help anyone interested in visiting and understanding schools to develop a ”big picture” profile quickly and efficiently.
Seeing through Race, Gender and Socioeconomic Status
This paper discusses the history of discrimination in the United States and the length of time it took to abolish the legal support of racism. The paper then discusses the problems of diversity in the United States.
Selecting Books for the Elementary School Library Media Center: A Complete Guide
This book focuses on the selection of books in an elementary school and on the resources designed to help in that process. Resources that support other aspects of collection development are identified, along with a number of established surveys of children's literature that discuss specific titles.
Selecting Children's Picture Books with Strong Black Fathers and Father Figures
Presents the image of black fathers as portrayed in children's picture books. Explores themes, trends, and significant works, showing black fathers and father figures.
Selecting Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Materials: Suggestions for Service Providers. ERIC Digest
The population of the United States is growing more culturally diverse each year, and this diversity is clearly evident among families with young children; however, individuals who work in early childhood programs are not as diverse as those they serve. Moreover, many early childhood professionals have little preparation for working with families from a wide range of cultures and linguistic backgrounds.
Self-Awareness, Cultural Identity and Connectedness: Three Terms To (Re)Define in Anti-Bias Work
Building a strong but flexible identity and learning to deal with diversity are two main educational goals for early childhood education. Because identity is replacing the older concept of race and is serving as the basis for a new form of segregation, it is necessary to redefine the terms "identity" and "cultural identity." Identity involves processes in continual flux, resulting in images of identity at a particular moment.
Self-determination As An Educational Outcome. Why is it Important to Children, Youth, and Adults with Disabilities?
Serving Children in Biracial/Bi-Ethnic Families: A Supplementary Diversity Curriculum for the Training of Child Care Providers.
Because of increasing numbers of children from biracial/bi-ethnic families attending childcare programs and increasing awareness of cultural diversity, and in recognition of the connection between a child's success and his or her racial/ethnic self-esteem, this curriculum is intended to help childcare providers integrate activities and materials that focus specifically on biracial/bi-ethnic children into existing multicultural or other curricula. Facilitated discussions that promote the sharing of ideas and experiences are core elements of this curriculum.
Setting effects on the occurrence of autistic children's immediate echolalia
Shameful Admissions. The Losing Battle To Serve Everyone in Our Universities
This book uses an examination of admissions policies, especially affirmative action, at the University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley), to explore higher education and its role in public debates about access, equality, and social change.
Sharing Our Pathways: A Newsletter of the Alaska Rural Systemic Initiative, 2001
This document contains the five issues of "Sharing Our Pathways" published in 2001.
Sharing Stories and Conversation: Teaching Culture(s) in a College Literature Class
An overriding concern in the teaching of literature from cultures other than the instructor's own is how to go about selecting appropriate literature. When selecting course texts, the question should be whether literary scholars write respectfully about the work.
Singing the Long Song: Arab Culture in Books for Young Readers
Shares the author's perspective as an Arab-American who often encounters negative portrayals of her ethnic and cultural identity in the media. Argues that writing for children and telling stories is one important way to begin to counter injustice and inequity.
Small schools, big imaginations: A creative look at urban public schools
School reform leaders from Chicago (Illinois), Denver (Colorado), New York (New York), Seattle (Washington), Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), and Los Angeles (California) created the Cross City Campaign for Urban School Reform to work to improve urban education so that all urban youth are well-prepared for postsecondary education, work, and citizenship.
Social and Emotional Adjustment and Family Relations in Ethnic Minority Families
Taking its departure from a conference hosted by the National Center on Education in the Inner City (Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), this collection considers developing a research base for preventive and intervention-oriented efforts to foster resilience and educational success of disadvantaged backgrounds. Emphasized in these selections are the influences that mediate the negative impact of the environments of disadvantaged youth.
Social Studies Research and the Interests of Children
Explains that educational research in social studies must identify the practices contributing to children's well-being. Argues that research in social studies should be conducted within real school settings and must focus on the consequences of educational practice for children's development.
Social Workers’ Views of Parents of Children with Mental and Emotional Disabilities
In response to concerns expressed by parents of children with emotional and mental disabilities about professionals’ attitudes and beliefs, the authors surveyed the views of a sample of clinical social workers. The majority of respondents in a national random sample endorsed statements expressing validating attitudes toward parents, agreement with open information sharing, and agreement with providing specific guidance to parents about how to help their children.
Social, Political, Educational, Linguistic and Cultural (Dis-)Incentives for Languages Education in Australia
Examines the extent to which the shifting ideological discourse on multiculturalism in Australia affects the personal attitudes and perspectives of bilingual and bicultural Australian born and educated parents of Hellenic background with regard to the education of their children. (Author/VWL).
Society and Education. Ninth Edition
This book provides new and updated material focusing on recent developments and long-range trends involving the relationships between education and other social institutions. Topics that receive expanded treatment include immigration, multicultural education, evolution of the inner city, and movement toward systematic reform and national standards.
South Dakota's Resource List for Children, Youth, and Families.Pierre
This directory lists contact information for educational programs and human resource service in South Dakota.
Special education for the mildly retarded: Is much of it justifiable?
Special Services and Capeverdean Children: Establishing Culturally Relevant Connections
Although Capeverdean Americans have been a part of the long multicultural history of the United States, little has been written within the professional literature about the special services needs of this cultural group. This article presents some important features of the culture and history of Capeverdeans that are relevant for the provision of culturally sensitive special needs services.
Spiritual Issues in Counseling: A New Course
Describes a course designed to explore spiritual issues that occur in counseling. Using a multicultural framework, discusses topics such as understanding spirituality, assessing clients' spiritual needs, and identifying spiritual issues in counseling.
Standing Ovations and Profound Learning: Cultural Diversity in Theatre
Describes the profound learning that took place at the International Children's Theatre Festival in Toyama City, Japan in July 2000. Argues that participation by the Japanese-American Drama Ensemble, a youth group from the public schools in Lexington, Massachusetts, and more than 400 children from all over the planet, showcased the cultural diversity that should be taught in the theater.
Strategic Plan for International Education, Phase I. Exemplary International Programs.
The document presents the proceedings of a meeting convened to design a strategic plan for international education to be adopted by Pima Community College (PCC) (Arizona). The meeting's main objective was to position the college strategically in the international education marketplace and to define the term "international education" as it pertains to PCC.
Strength through diversity: Houston Consortium for professional development and technology centers
The challenges of burgeoning enrollment and the high concentration of lower-income and ethnic minority students, a climate of low expectations, teacher and student mobility, and increasing drop-out rates, led to the formation of the Houston (Texas) Consortium of Urban Professional Development Centers.
Structured Racism, Sexism, and Elitism: A Hound That "Sure Can Hunt" (The Chronicity of Oppression)
The author recounts personal experiences with socio-politically structured racism, especially in education and religion; and the growth gained in confronting this nemesis. A career ranging from pastor to counselor to counselor educator has brought understanding of the link between religion, education, and counseling and a commitment to multicultural counseling.
Struggling To Be Heard: The Unmet Needs of Asian Pacific American Children
Essays in this volume address the neglect of Asian Pacific Americans in the United States, of their struggles for liberation, hopes, troubles, and personal identities. This collection reviews Asian Pacific American history and explores attitudes about the welfare of Asian Pacific American families.
Student Voices across the Spectrum: The Educational Integration Initiatives Project
The Educational Integration Initiatives Project (EIIP) was a multidisciplinary study designed to explore the complexities of the interaction of race and education. The EIIP also evaluated how the environment in which students are educated affects their educational performance and personal development.
Supporting and Questioning Representation
Takes up issues of representation, identity, and authenticity while sharing a list of Asian, Asian American, and Polynesian children's books. Encourages readers to use this list in constructing their multicultural classrooms while simultaneously reflecting on the issues complicating their own review processes.
Symposium on Early Childhood Education (Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, November 9-10, 1997). Abstracts.
This book compiles abstracts of presentations from a symposium held in honor of Dr. Bernard Spodek, a leading scholar in early childhood education, on the occasion of his retirement.
Taking a Canoe to the Moon: Comprehensive Art Education for the Pacific. PREL Briefing Paper
This paper describes a comprehensive model for art education for the Pacific Islands that includes the study of the content of visual art, including production, history, criticism, and aesthetics. This comprehensive research-based approach can be an effective vehicle for teaching multicultural understanding.
Taking Children's Literature Seriously: Reading for Pleasure and Social Change
Investigates how multiple stances in reading can reveal new insights into texts. Demonstrates three ways that a single text can be read from the perspectives of a pleasurable reading, a postcolonial reading, and a critical multicultural reading.
Talking Race in Concrete: Leadership, Diversity, and Praxis
Traditional school administrator programs have neglected the democratic and moral dimensions of leadership preparation. In an increasingly diverse world, leadership theory needs to be reformed as critical, reflective, and concerned with social justice and praxis.
TASH Newsletter, 1997. Corp Author(s): TASH, Baltimore, MD
Ten issues of the 1997 newsletter of TASH comprise this document. An issue typically contains items, a column by the organization's executive director, reports from special interest groups, legislative testimony, conference information, and several major articles.
Teacher Expectations of Minority Exceptional Learners: Impact on "Accuracy" of Self-Concepts
Teacher Expectations of Multicultural Exceptional Learners: Impact on "Accuracy" of Self-Concepts
Teacher Thinking in Cultural Contexts. SUNY Series, The Social Context of Education
This collection sheds light on current research on teacher thinking in cultural contexts and identifies promising practices in teacher education that take the most salient contextual variables into account.
Teaching through Traditions: Incorporating Languages and Culture into Curricula
This chapter discusses challenges to the perpetuation of American Indian languages and cultures, as well as successful strategies and practices for developing culturally relevant curriculum. A review of the history of U.S.
Technology for Tolerance
Reviews teenager-tested and educator-recommended software packages for teaching tolerance in elementary (primarily upper elementary) and secondary grades. The 12 products cover aspects of American and African American history, multicultural awareness, and values education in tolerance and cultural awareness.
Television: A One-Way Bridge between Cultures? Objectives for a Curriculum on Television
Examines television as a means for providing multicultural education. Discusses the influence of television on children, the stereotypical message of television, how ethnic groups are portrayed, and objectives for a curriculum on television.
Temperament and behavior disorders in children
Ten Common Fallacies about Bilingual Education. ERIC Digest
Although a growing body of research points to the potential benefits of bilingual education, there are a number of commonly held beliefs that run counter to research findings. Based on current research, this digest clarifies some of the myths and misconceptions surrounding language use and bilingual education in the United States.
Tensions: Ten Great Books about Cultural Encounters
Offers brief descriptions of 10 books for children and adolescents in which characters attempt to sort out the cultural conflicts that result when cultures meet. (SR).
That Old Gang of Mine. Movies about Friendship, Loyalty, and the Culture of Violence
Reviews three contemporary movies, "Sleepers," "Girls Town," and "Slingblade" in which the common thread is abuse of helpless children by patriarchal authorities, adult white men who assert power over young people. In all three movies, the anger of the young people and their friends suggests respect for the righteousness of violence that raises many social questions.
The 21st-Century College Student: Implications for Athletic Training Education Programs
Discusses impending demographic changes in the 21st-century college-student population, addressing implications for athletic training education programs and the profession. The paper discusses multicultural diversification and nontraditional student status, noting that 21st century higher education must offer multicultural training, flexible scheduling, accelerated programs, and practical learning experiences.
The Admission and Induction of Refugee Children into School
Examines induction and admission practice for refugee school children into Britain's public schools, highlights the educational issues and concerns of newly-arrived refugee families, and discusses what schools can do to make their entry into the school system less problematic. The author explains how good admission and induction practices can build strong school/parent partnerships that benefit children.
The black schools.
Describes the relevance of the High School & Beyond data set for educational researchers in the United States. Similarities and differences between black schools and white schools on ethnic segregation, facilities, financing, teacher composition, teacher quality, curriculum, school discipline, and educational achievement.
The bulletin of the research and training center to improve services for seriously emotionally handicapped children and their families
The Business Education Index 1996. Index of Business Education Articles and Research Studies Compiled from a Selected List of Periodicals Published during the Year 1996. Volume 57
This index, which was compiled from a selected list of 45 periodicals published in 1996, lists more than 2,000 business education articles and research studies.
The Candle and the Mirror: One Author's Journey as an Outsider
Chronicles the author's journey as an outsider who authored a book for children about the harvest traditions of the Tohono O'odham people. Describes how her concern about the lack of literature to serve as a mirror and a candle to reflect and illuminate the lives of Tohono O'odham children led her on a journey that was both painful and affirming.
The Color of School Reform: Race, Politics, and the Challenge of Urban Education
This study traced the relationships among demographic change, political change, and education in: Atlanta, Georgia; Baltimore, Maryland; Detroit, Michigan; and the District of Columbia. Although each city is different and has experienced periods of enthusiasms for school reform, all four cities are dealing with objective indicators of educational failure, such as high dropout rates, poor performance on standardized tests, and employer dissatisfaction with graduates' basic skills.
The color of school reform: Race, politics, and the challenge of urban education.
Why is it so difficult to design and implement fundamental educational reform in large city schools in spite of broad popular support for change? How does the politics of race complicate the challenge of building and sustaining coalitions for improving urban schools? These questions have provoked a great deal of theorizing, but this is the first book to explore the issues on the basis of extensive, solid evidence.
The Compelling Need for Diversity in Higher Education
The Center for Individual Rights (CIR) represented three white applicants who brought the two lawsuits, "Gratz, et al., v Bollinger, et al., No. 97-75231 (E.D.Mich.)" and "Grutter, et al.
The concept of the life space interview.
The Construction of Children's Character. Ninety-Sixth Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education. Part II
This book presents a comprehensive and critical assessment of contemporary character education theory and practice from a variety of perspectives: historical, cultural, philosophical, psychological, empirical, political, and ethical. The essays in this book are divided into five sections intended to help develop a well-grounded understanding of the complex nature of character education in the United States.
The Counseling Primer
This volume seeks to answer the basic question "What does a counselor or therapist need to know in order to become a Licensed Professional Counselor?" Containing all the basic information that is taught in the counseling and therapy classes in major universities across the United States, this book places a special emphasis on those courses which, contain content found on the National Counselor Exam.
The Counselor as a Member of a Culturally Proficient School Leadership Team
The paradigm presented in this chapter is predicated on certain assumptions about the future of schools and schooling as well as the role of the school counselor.
The Development of a New Zealand Tertiary Qualification in Adventure Based Social Work
This paper describes the development of an adventure therapy qualification, the Certificate in Social Work (Activity Based), at Waiariki Polytechnic, New Zealand. New Zealand has an extensive range of outdoor opportunities, and a large percentage of the population is involved in outdoor activities.
The Development of Course Content: Teaching Child Development from a Multicultural Perspective. Focus on African American Children
This paper addresses the dominant view from which child development is currently taught, examining the impact of culture on the developing child and offering a rationale for shifting paradigms toward a more inclusive framework of instruction. The dominant framework presents child development from a middle class white, generally western, paradigm.
The Digital Divide and Its Implications for the Language Arts. ERIC Digest D153
In the early years of the Internet, there was an expectation that the availability and easy access to online resources of unparalleled abundance would increase educational equity throughout the socio-economic spectrum. In fact, research suggests that patterns of technology access often mirror existing inequalities rather than mitigate them, and if corrective steps are not taken, technology may worsen rather than solve equity disparities.
The Division of Libraries Serving the General Public--A Survey
This paper provides an overview of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) Division III, a forum for the IFLA sections and round tables comprising libraries serving the general public, as well as special library services directed to specific groups of the general public, such as children, linguistic minorities, people with disabilities, and people in hospitals or prisons.
The Dynamic Nature of Response: Children Reading and Responding to "Maniac Magee" and "The Friendship."
Analyzes the conversations and writings of 2 ethnically diverse populations of fifth-grade children (ages 10 and 11) in response to the powerful and difficult themes contained in two award-winning children's books. Discusses the child's voice; the teacher's role as cultural mediator; responses at the literal level; reading between the lines; responding to moral dilemmas; and personal responses to the books.
The Effects of Instructional Media and Ethnocultural Characteristics on Egalitarian and Utilitarian Learning: An Empirical Digest of Controlled Research Studies
Many educational researchers have harnessed various technologies of instruction to improve the reliability of their egalitarian and utilitarian interventions. Their experiments with adolescents and adults yield important post-course effects, yet, little is known about the effects of instructional media with adolescent or adult multicultural subjects.
The effects of proximity on socially oriented behaviors of severely multiply handicapped children.
The Eight Curricula of Multicultural Citizenship Education
Describes eight curricula that interact simultaneously in multicultural and citizenship education: the prescribed (or intended) curriculum, the taught curriculum, the tested curriculum, the reported curriculum, the hidden curriculum, the missing curriculum, the external curriculum, and the learned curriculum. Notes the importance of researchers in the field of multicultural and citizenship education paying attention to these curricula.
The Failure of Bilingual Education
This monograph is based on a conference on bilingual education held by the Center for Equal Opportunity (CEO) in September, 1995 in Washington, D.C. CEO made repeated attempts to secure speakers representing the pro-bilingual education viewpoint; the paper by Portes and Schauffler represents this view.
The Future Is Now: Latino Education in Georgia
Georgia's Latino student population has risen from less than 2,000 in 1976 to more than 28,000 in 1996. In 1995-96, Latinos were less likely than their peers to finish school, more likely to struggle in the classroom, and less likely to have instructors from their ethnic background.
The Future of Career
This book presents many views of the concept of "career," reviewing its past and considering its future in an international context including viewpoints from sociology, psychology, and human resources management.
The Harvard Education Letter, 1996
This document is comprised of volume 12 of the Harvard Education Letter, published bimonthly and addressing current issues in elementary-secondary education.
The Imagination of Early Childhood Education
This book examines historical features from antiquity through present times that are important to early childhood scholars. Chapter 1 presents the history of education, including discussions of educational practices from the seventeenth through the twentieth centuries in Europe and the United States, recent efforts to merge preschool and elementary curricula, and the impact of the civil rights movement.
The influence of child-preferred activities on autistic children's social behavior.
The Language and Literacy Spectrum, 1996. A Journal of the New York State Reading Association
Sharing concerns and interests of New York State educators in the improvement of literacy, this annual journal raises educational issues such as current thoughts about literacy instruction, educators' roles, literacy in its many forms, college-community literacy partnerships, and recommended reading materials.
The Multicultural Mission of Developmental Education: A Starting Point
Asks a number of questions concerning the delivery of multicultural education, including, "How do we define multiculturalism?" and, "Whose responsibility is it to provide equity in higher education?" Articulates 10 guiding principles for achieving equity in institutions of higher learning, and offers a brief discussion of these principles. (Contains 11 references.) (NB).
The Multicultural Worlds of Childhood in Postmodern America
The multicultural worlds of childhood in postmodern American present challenges and opportunities for the early childhood curriculum. This chapter explores the historical context of multicultural America and the possibility of an early childhood critical multicultural curriculum with "border crossings," or transversing subject-area disciplinary boundaries.
The Multiracial Experience: Racial Borders as the New Frontier
The essays in this collection conduct a dialogue about race from a multiracial perspective. The biracial baby boom that began in the 1960s practically guarantees that anyone living in a large American city knows someone who is racially mixed.
The National Literacy Trust's 1997 International Annotated Bibliography of Books on Literacy
This 132-item annotated bibliography contains books on literacy primarily published in 1997, in the United Kingdom, although some books are included which were omitted from the guide for the previous year. In addition to an annotation, each entry provides author's name, full title, number of pages, place of publication and publisher, and ISBN number and price for both hardback and paperback editions when applicable.
The National Literacy Trust's Guide to Books on Literacy Published during 1995
This 127-item annotated bibliography contains books on literacy primarily published in the United Kingdom in 1995. In addition to an annotation, each entry provides author's name, full title, number of pages, place of publication and publisher, and ISBN number and price for both hardback and paperback editions when applicable.
The Native American Learner and Bicultural Science Education
Explanations of natural phenomena within a traditional Native American context are often at odds with Western scientific philosophy and what is taught in school science. Herein lies a very real conflict between two distinctly different worldviews: the mutualistic/holistic-oriented worldview of Native American cultures and the rationalistic/dualistic worldview of Western science that divides, analyzes, and objectifies.
The occurrence of autistic children's self-stimulation as a function of familiar versus unfamiliar stimulus conditions.
The Off-Campus Library Services Conference Proceedings (7th, San Diego, California, October 25-27, 1995)
This conference proceedings of off-campus library services includes 37 papers covering the on topics: Academic Libraries, Distance Education
Electronic Libraries, Library Services, Outreach Programs.
The Pacific Lutheran University - Head Start Systemic Classroom Observation Tool
Head Start classroom observations are an integral part of providing high-quality services to families and children while supporting staff. All too often, however, this opportunity to enhance services and solve problems is viewed either as an evaluation of staff or as a "rubber stamp" to meet funding requirements.
The pitfalls and promises of special education practice
The Pocahontas Paradox: A Cautionary Tale for Educators
Contemporary media's racist, sexist representations of American Indians have devastating effects on Indian children and adolescents. Negative and self-serving stereotypes of the American Indian are deeply embedded in American life.
The Power of Poetry
Discusses poetry and the power it can have in elementary school classes. Considers why poetry is effective and the value of memorizing poems, and recommends multicultural titles for Blacks, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans that can help motivate children to read and write.
The Primary Program: Growing and Learning in the Heartland. Second Edition
This primary education curriculum guide was developed jointly by the Iowa and Nebraska Departments of Education to provide educators with a coherent framework to guide local planning for reform of educational programs for children at the kindergarten and primary level. In the belief that the field has moved beyond separate areas of service or curriculum, this second edition of the guide presents content related both to differences among learners and to emergent areas of curriculum throughout the text, reflecting the way children learn best--in an integrated and inclusive fashion.
The Promise of Adulthood
This chapter explores the status of adulthood and discusses how adulthood applies to people with severe disabilities. The point is not that people with severe disabilities who are over the age of 18 or 21 are somehow not adults, of course, they are adults.
The Reading Workshop: Creating Space for Readers
With so many different approaches to teaching reading, how can a teacher make sense of the best paths available? This book, by describing its author/educator's day-to-day schedule and giving an overview of how the workshop operates over time, provides a flexible framework a teacher can adapt and implement to suit his or her needs.
The Relationship between Ethnolingusitic Identity and English Language Achievement for Native Russian Speakers and Native Hebrew Speakers in Israel
Investigated the relationship among identity, affective variables, and achievement in English as a foreign language (EFL). Participants were 135 native Hebrew speakers and 53 native Russian speakers studying advanced EFL at an Israeli university.
The Rise and Fall of Diversity Training
The effectiveness of diversity training in eliminating racial stereotypes in the workplace and modifying employees' negative attitudes toward diversity was examined in a study conducted at a private nonprofit college in the San Francisco Bay area.
The silenced dialogue: Power and pedagogy in educating other people's children.
The Theoretical Foundations of Professional Development in Special Education: Is Sociocultural Theory Enough?
This article reviews sociocultural, multicultural, and critical pedagogical theories and suggests that an adequate and sufficient theoretical framework for professional development in special education must explicitly and directly address issues of power, discrimination, and relative status that underlie dilemmas of practice. It offers vignettes of such dilemmas, with reference to the 1998 Council for Exceptional Children's professional standards.
The Unz/Tuchman "English for Children" Initiative: A New Attack on Immigrant Children and the Schools
Criticizes the Unz/Tuchman "English for Children" initiative (R. Unz) a proposal that would place limited-English-speaking children in California together, regardless of age or academic abilities, for one year of intensive English instruction and no instruction in academic subjects before returning them to regular classes.
The View of the Yeti: Bringing up Children in the Spirit of Self-Awareness and Kindredship
Using the mythical creature of the Himalayas, the Yeti, as a symbol for the prejudices and assumptions that people prematurely make about each other, this book discusses bringing up children to accept and cherish diversity and helping them to thrive in an increasingly diverse world. Directed to educators and caregivers of toddlers and preschoolers, the book takes insights from Dutch-, French-, and English-language literature and provides practical examples based on European issues and context.
The Wonderful Diversity of American Indians
Presents strategies for teaching Head Start children about the diversity of American Indians. Addresses common misconceptions about American Indian language and cultural traditions.
The World She Dreamed, Generations She Shared, Visions She Wrote: A Tribute to Virginia Hamilton 1936-2002
Presents a tribute to Virginia Hamilton. Notes that at a time when Black people, especially girls, were seriously beginning to struggle with self-acceptance and self-worth, Hamilton's "bold and imaginative writing was nothing short of revolutionary." (SG).
Thematic Literature and Curriculum for English Language Learners in Early Childhood Education. ERIC Digest
The incorporation of age- and language-appropriate thematic literature into the early childhood curriculum can stimulate content-based academic learning for English language learners (ELLs). This systematic approach is particularly beneficial to young ELLs ages 3 through 8, because it provides background knowledge and cultural information along with opportunities to hear, speak, and interact with carefully crafted language in thematic and story contexts.
Theorizing Interracial Families and Hybrid Identity: An Australian Perspective
Uses narratives from research on interethnic Australian families to explore how interracial families are sites for development and articulation of hybrid identity, examining the significance of place, locality, and situated racial practice in constructing identity and arguing (using Hall's concepts of New Times and hybridity) that interracial subjects are of concern in postcolonial and postindustrial nation states and economics. (SM).
This Is Me: In Search of Your Own Story. Working Papers in Early Childhood Development No. 24
Consisting of both a theoretical and practical component, this paper describes the development of the educational kit, "This is Me," a Dutch program to prevent the development of prejudice in young children.
Time estimation abilities of emotionally disturbed elementary children
Timothy W. v. Rochester N.H. School District
Timothy W. is a child with complex developmental disabilities, spastic quadriplegia, cerebral palsy, weizure disorder, and cortical blindness.
To assure the free approprite public education of all children with disabilities: 18th annual report to congress in the implementation of The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 1997 Public Law 105-17, were signed by the President on June 4, 1997. The Final IDEA '97 Regulations were released on Friday, March 12, 1999.
To Integrate Your Language Web Tools--CALL WebCT
The benefits of Internet activities for teaching of foreign languages, for example the use of e-mail as a non-threatening environment for language output, and using the Web to integrate language and culture, have become apparent in the last few years. This paper describes WebCT as a user-friendly integrated Internet environment for the teaching of foreign languages.
Topics on Distance Learning: Proceedings 2000 (Hammond, Indiana, June 6-7, 2000). Corp Author(s): Purdue Univ., Hammond, IN. Calumet Campus. Publication: U.S.; Indiana; 2000-00-00 Description: 6 p
This is the proceedings of the 2000 Topics on Distance Learning conference contains summaries of the all presentations.
Toward a Literature of Difference
Contributes the first steps in the establishment of literary standards produced from readings of children's texts that are culturally different in form and context. Discusses instances in which the role of the literary critic comes into conflict with the responsibilities of the multicultural educator.
Tradition and Story: Intergenerational Ties of Past to Present
This 32-item annotated bibliography details picture books, realistic fiction, poetry, and biographies (most of which were published in 1994) that deal with intergenerational relationships. Each entry in the bibliography indicates the literary genre and recommended age level of the book.
Training Child Welfare Workers To Meet the Requirements of the Indian Child Welfare Act
Describes a culturally sensitive program developed by the University of Washington School of Social Work, the Washington Department of Social and Health Services, and 26 Indian tribes in Washington State that trained 34 child welfare personnel to better implement the intent of the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978. Contains program evaluation results and 14 references.
Training children with developmentally disabilities and severe behavior problems to use self-management procedures to sustain attention to preacademic/academic tasks.
Transforming Classroom Practice. The Best of ASCD's "Update" Newsletters
A consistent lesson from the literature on school change is that no single method exists for improving schools. In that spirit, this book presents a collection of short articles that address a wide sampling of ideas and trends in educational change.
Transforming Cultural Competence into Cross-cultural Efficacy in Women's Health Education
Discusses the importance of changing cross cultural competence to cross cultural efficacy in the context of addressing health care needs, including those of women. Explores why cross cultural education needs to expand the objectives of women's health education to go beyond traditional values and emphasizes the importance of training for real-world situations.
Tuning in to Young Viewers: Social Science Perspectives on Television
Research indicates that children are especially vulnerable to the effects of television viewing. Taking a psychological, social-science perspective, this book explores how television viewing affects children.
Uncertainty and decision making in teaching: Implications for managing line professionals
Most of this book's 22 chapters were written as background papers that were presented at a national conference on restructuring schooling held at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas, August 18-21, 1987. Framing the chapters of this book is the notion that if rational management systems and theoretical treatises about promoting school excellence do not take into account the realities of the workplace; they will not bring about sustained improvements in our nation's schools.
Understanding Cultural Diversity and Learning
Two contrasting educational responses to cultural diversity are discussed. One is a core curriculum education movement and the other is a multicultural education movement.
Understanding Puerto Rican Culture Using Puerto Rican Children's Literature
Presents examples of Puerto Rican children's literature, explaining how these books facilitate understanding of Puerto Rican culture. Describes criteria used to evaluate Puerto Rican children's literature and how to acquire the books using Puerto Rican bookstores, publishers, and distributors.
Understanding the Relationship between Learning Style and Multiculturalism for School Counselors
A major concern of educators, counselors, and parents in the United States and throughout the world has been the costs and consequences of the high number of at-risk and dropout minority students. The intent of this paper is to explore the hypothesis that school counselors must know the implications of multicultural students' varied learning styles for both counseling and teaching.
University of Rhode Island Fact Book, 1997-98. Corp Author(s): Rhode Island Univ., Kingston
This 10th edition of the University of Rhode Island Fact Book is part of a continuing effort to record and provide pertinent information about the university to its community. The Fact Book provides answers to frequently asked questions about the university and presents an historical perspective by including data that describe the university for the 10-year period 1987-97.
University of Rhode Island Fact Book, 1998-99.
This 11th edition of the University of Rhode Island Fact Book is part of a continuing effort to record and provide pertinent information about the university to its community. The Fact Book provides answers to frequently asked questions about the university and presents an historical perspective by including data that describe the university for the 10-year period 1988-98.
Use of punishment with behavior disordered children & youth: Analysis of issues & recommendations for professional practice.
Using Multicultural Children's Literature in Adult ESL Classes. ERIC Digest
This digest focuses on the use of children's literature in adult English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) instruction. Because high quality children's literature is characterized by an economy of words, stunning illustrations, captivating and quickly moving plots, and universal themes, carefully chosen books can offer educational benefits for adult ESL learners.
Using One of the "Standards for the English Language Arts" To Foster a Positive Relationship between Culture and Literacy
Argues that integrating the arts in culture and literacy can help children become proficient users of language and be accepting and empathetic toward others, as advocated in standard nine of the "Standards for the English Language Arts." Describes two ways the author integrated the arts into a language arts unit on Japan, dealing with storytelling/mask making and poetry/illustration. (SR).
Using Stories To Introduce and Teach Multicultural Literature
Discusses the importance of stories in introducing migrants to the new societies they enter. Stories allow people to reach out to past generations and provide examples of successful coping in new lives.
Validity of an Observation Screening Instrument in a Multicultural Population
This study found that the Davis Observation Checklist for Texas, an observational teacher checklist for screening preschool children for communication disorders, demonstrated adequate sensitivity and specificity. The concurrent validity of the checklist was assessed with 59 multicultural children (ages 4 through 5), including Mexican Americans, African Americans, and Anglos.
Visions and Revisions. Annual Alliance/ACE Conference (16th, St. Pete Beach, Florida, October 3-5, 1996).
These proceedings consist of 20 presentations made during 5 sessions at a conference dealing with alternative degree programs for adults. The papers are on subjects like Adult Education,Adult Learning,Cultural Pluralism,Distance Education,Higher Education,Racial Discrimination
and Teaching Methods.
Voices from Uganda. African Voices Series
This multi-language collection of autobiographical writing from Ugandan children and young adults who are living in Britain as refugees is illustrated with photographs and children's drawings and includes comprehensive country introductions. In the collection, young people give their accounts of migration and explore how their identities are changing in their new country.
Voices of change: A report of the clinical schools project
The Ford Foundation Clinical Schools Project was designed to assist higher education institutions, school systems, and teachers' professional organizations to collaborate in creating for teacher education the equivalent of the medical profession's teaching hospitals. Seven sites implemented experimental clinical training programs in six states: Florida, Kentucky, Maine, New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington.
Vulnerable Children, Vulnerable Families: The Social Construction of Child Abuse
Based on a study conducted in an intervention program for parents of maltreated children, this book examines the well intended but often ineffective efforts of the child welfare system to prevent maltreatment, as illustrated by the experiences of three parents targeted by the state’s child protection agency, and urges more far-reaching policy change to coordinate earlier and more diverse kinds of support for children and families.
Waging Peace in Our Schools
The Resolving Conflicts Creatively Program (RCCP) described in this book asserts that schools must educate the child's heart as well as the mind. RCCP began in 1985 as a joint initiative of Educators for Social Responsibility Metropolitan Area and the New York City Board of Education.
Walczak v. Florida Union Free School District
The IDEA does not require states to "...maximize the potential of handicapped children..." however the "door of public education must be opened in a 'meaningful' way..." "This is not done if an IEP affords only the opportunity for only 'trivial advancement'..." An appropriate education under the IDEA is one that is "likely to produce progress, not regression.".
What are schools for
Problems of schooling in the United States are explored in the monograph. Major educational problems are grouped in two categories--confusion over educational objectives and a rush to solve vaguely understood educational problems with ill-conceived action.
What Helps Students of Color Succeed? Resiliency Factors for Students Enrolled in Multicultural Educators Programs
This study investigated factors that helped students of color enrolled in multicultural educator programs succeed academically, focusing on resiliency factors that supported their academic success (defined as college graduation or current enrollment at the sophomore level or higher). First an initial focus group with several minority students verified whether resilience factors from prior research were sufficient.
What Is Good Teaching? Lessons from Maori Pedagogy
A postcolonial analysis suggests the need for a new theory of education that supports a model of genuinely bicultural education in New Zealand. Ways in which mainstream education might be enhanced by Maori pedagogies are explored through interviews with a preservice primary school teacher of Maori descent.
White Counselor Trainees: Is there Multicultural Counseling Competence without Formal Training?
Recent research has produced ambiguous results as to whether traditional training in multicultural development, awareness, knowledge, and skills is necessary to produce counseling competence. To explore this question, a study of multicultural counseling competence prior to multicultural counseling training is reported here.
White Mothers of Non-White Children
Results of nine qualitative interviews with White (Pakeha) mothers of non-White children in New Zealand are provided, as are excerpts from personal narratives of biracial persons. J.
Who Are My Sisters and Brothers? A Catholic Educational Guide for Understanding and Welcoming Immigrants and Refugees.
This educational guide, designed for use in Catholic elementary and secondary schools, religious education programs at all grades, youth retreats, teacher training, or parent and adult sessions, places issues related to immigrants and refugees in a Catholic perspective.
Who Owns History? (Teaching and Learning about Cultural Diversity)
Notes that history is always based on someone's vision of truth, expressed through a process of distillation, selection, inclusion, exclusion, reorganization, and prioritizing. Argues that the shorthand, watered-down, or warped history of mainstream textbooks regarding cultural diversity should be supplemented with original documents, fiction, and the voices of real people telling their own stories.
Why All the Counting? Feminist Social Science Research on Children's Literature
Addresses the question of why counting has figured so prominently in feminist social sciences studies of children's literature. Documents the quantitative approach to children's books used by both liberal and radical feminists; gives an account of why this approach has been so popular among feminist social scientists; and outlines some of the achievements and limitations of this approach.
Why Cooking in the Curriculum?
Discusses how food preparation activities in the early childhood classroom can facilitate parent participation. Explains how cooking activities can involve reading, math, science, reading, writing, multicultural components, and creativity.
Why is my child hurting? Positive approaches to dealing with difficult behaviors. A monograph for parents of children with disabilities.
With in group Diversity in minority disproportionate Representation: English Language Learners in Urban School Districts.
Within These Many Lies the American One: Multiculturalism, Citizenship Training, and the Construction of an American "Paideia."
The idea of an American "paideia" (an ideal national public culture) is implicit in U.S. civic education and citizenship training.
Without a Prayer
Ponders issue of schools, school prayer, and religion. Shows how a teachable moment can promote moral and societal values without imposing specific views of any particular religion.
Women and Minorities in High-Tech Careers. ERIC Digest No. 226
Women and minorities are underrepresented in technology-related careers for many reasons, including lack of access, level of math and science achievement, and emotional and social attitudes about computer capabilities.
Women Faculty of Color in the White Classroom: Narratives on the Pedagogical Implications of Teacher Diversity
This book compiles narratives by women professors of color who examine their classroom experiences in predominantly white U.S. campuses, focusing on the impact of their social positions upon their classroom practices and teaching-learning selves.
World Saver Center
Conservation is a concern for all cultures, and children are familiar with this concept because of recycling in their homes and home towns. The World Saver Center, an example of the thematic approach to learning, is designed to allow children to experiment with concepts of conservation in a familiar setting.
Writing for Their Lives: The Non-School Literacy of California’s Urban African American Youth.
This article reports on an investigation into the literacy practices of urban African American youth, many of whom were found to be unmotivated to engage in school-based literacy events because they do not see the relevance of the school curriculum to their lives or, based on prior experiences, they actually fear having to write in school.
Writing through Modeling: Using Various Scholarship Enhancement Programs and Activities To Build Writing Interest and Skill
This paper focuses on the efforts at Gardner-Webb University in North Carolina to extend the writing efforts of a writing across the curriculum (WAC) retreat into a greater matrix of scholarly activity, not only in the classroom but outside as well.
Written Testimony of Thomas J. Nussbaum, Chancellor of the California Community Colleges, [presented to the] Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Subcommittee No. 1: Overview of the California Community Colleges
This testimony presents an overview of the budgetary needs of the California Community College system for the fiscal year 2001-2002. Thomas J.
Your Children: Our Schools. A Guide for Korean Parents in New Zealand: Early Childhood Education Services and Primary Schools
This booklet presents information on New Zealand early childhood education services and primary schools specifically for Korean immigrants. The booklet is based on interviews with 30 Korean families who recently decided to settle in New Zealand.