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part of the Education Reform Networks

Multicultural Education in the Everyday: A Renaissance for the Recommitted

This primer on multicultural education pedagogy reports on the knowledge base for multicultural education, and challenges and critiques teacher educators. An introduction describes the demographic and intellectual context for multicultural education, outlines the composition of the primer, and argues that the primer is primarily an exercise in "imaging" to develop an intellectual, emotional, and ethical force for teacher educators.

  • Author/Creator: Chavez, Rudolfo Chavez Corp Author American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education Washington D. C.
  • Author's address: AACTE Publications, One Dupont Circle, N.W., Suite 610, Washington, DC 20036-1186; e-mail: ($15 to members, $18 to nonmembers, plus $5 handling and shipping).
  • Date Published: 01-00
  • Year: 1996

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