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part of the Education Reform Networks

Reading the World: Redefining Literature and History Curriculum. A Report from the Multicultural Education Summit Convened by the San Francisco Unified School District. Proceedings (San Francisco, California, March 1998)


This report documents a 1998 summit that brought together academics and practitioners to discuss the challenges of multicultural education. Part 1, "Summit Proceedings," examines definitions, major topics, voices of the summit, recommendations, and the future.

  • Author/Creator: Sandler, Susan, Maxton, Ashindi Corp Author Justice Matters Inst San Francisco C. A.
  • Author's address: Justice Matters Institute, 123 Townsend Street, Suite 345, San Francisco, CA 94107 ($10). Tel: 415-243-8113; Fax: 415-243-9918; e-mail: [email protected]
  • Date Published: 00-00
  • Notes: Search the catalog at the library of the University of Colorado at Boulder. English ISBN: 0-9675523-0-3 Edited by Amanda Kemp. Document (RIE) 021 Collected Works--Proceedings EDRS: EDRS Price MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available from EDRS.
  • Year: 1999

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