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Equal Education
A Future for Multi-Ethnic Scotland: Evaluating the Parekh Report
Analyzes propaganda methods used by radical opponents of the Parekh report, The Future of Multi-Ethnic Britain, connecting the forms of challenge developed to the Macpherson report on the findings of the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry. Results suggest that the ideological and intellectual struggle between antiracists and radical conservatives is sharpening, especially around the concept of institutional racism.
A Response to Rose Hernandez Sheets
Responds to an essay that examined the role of whites in multicultural education and reviewed three books on the subject, agreeing with the essay's assertion that having a positive white racial identity does not an antiracist educator make; questioning the essay's interpretation of the term marginalization regarding diverse students; and agreeing that whites must take the responsibility for educating themselves about people of color. (SM).
A School Called "Inclusive": Pio Pico Elementary School
Pio Pico Elementary School, Santa Ana (California), is a public school that provides a rigorous academic program for every one of its low income Latino students by embracing the multifaceted offerings of the community in a spirit of equity for all, inside and outside the classroom.
A Solitary Struggle
Reports on a discussion among seven teacher activists about the challenges they face in standing up for social justice in their schools. Promoting equity in education can be a lonely task for teachers who must struggle to find a balance between being activists and being accepted.
Academic Achievement, Race, and Reform: Six Essays on Understanding Assessment Policy, Standardized Achievement Tests, and Anti-Racist Alternatives
This set of six essays was written as a resource for those working in their schools and communities to promote social justice, combat racism, and encourage quality education for all youth.
Advocating Social Justice and Cultural Affirmation: Ethnically Diverse Preservice Teachers' Perspectives on Multicultural Education
Investigated the attitudes of culturally diverse student teachers regarding multicultural education, social justice, and cultural affirmation. Surveys of preservice teachers before they were exposed to theories of multicultural education indicated that most were committed to teaching students of color and prioritized tasks addressing issues of social justice and curriculum that affirmed the cultures represented in the classroom.
Affirmative Action Defended: Case Studies in Engineering Education
The affirmative action efforts of the College of Engineering at the University of California Davis campus demonstrate affirmative action at its best. Eight programs are described that represent positive and constructive affirmative action that gives women and minorities the opportunity to advance through hard work.
Assessing Dispositions toward Cultural Diversity among Preservice Teachers
Assessed preservice teachers' attitudes toward cultural diversity prior to entering into multicultural education courses at an urban university. Respondents indicated strong support for implementing diversity issues in the classroom and high levels of agreement with equity beliefs and the social value of diversity.
Assessing Preservice Teachers' Zones of Concern and Comfort with Multicultural Education
Examined preservice teachers' concerns and comfort with concepts and practices advocated as approaches to multicultural education. Data from surveys conducted at different points throughout a cultural-awareness course indicated that students believed in the need for multicultural education but differed greatly regarding choices for preferred approaches to multicultural education.
At Last! The Early Years Are Creeping up the Agenda, and Equality too
The importance of racial, economic, and gender equality in early education has recently received increased attention in British public policy. The Early Years Trainers Anti Racist Network and other organizations have played a role in increasing awareness of early-childhood-education inequality and will continue to address future equity opportunities and obstacles.
Beyond the Rhetoric: Moving from Exclusion, Reaching for Inclusion in Canadian Schools
A 3-year study in Toronto (Ontario) schools examined educational practices that engender exclusion or inclusion, especially of racially marginalized groups. Findings suggest that an inclusive learning environment introduces topics of race, critically examines cultural stereotypes, has high expectations for minority students, encourages cultural-identity groups, and has equitable school hiring practices.
Bibliography of Race Equity/Multicultural Library Materials. 1996 Spring/Summer Edition.
This annotated bibliography includes all of the race equity and multicultural materials available from the Nebraska Department of Education's Equal Educational Opportunity Project. A table listing works by author's last name provides quick access to the topic and grade level.
Bilingual Education: Beyond Linguistic Instrumentalization
Examines potential ways to view bilingual education in a more liberatory perspective. Summarizes the global, historical context of bilingual education, and outlines principles and features of six models of formal bilingual education.
Brown v. Board of Education: The Challenge for Today's Schools
The 1954 Supreme Court decision in the case of "Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas" provided the legal basis for equal educational opportunity.
Care, Community, and Context in a Teacher Education Classroom
Highlights growth that occurs when attention is paid to what teacher candidates should learn and how they should learn it, describing a class that combined attention to knowing students in a learning community, to constructivist pedagogy, and to core questions about educational equity, which led students to ask very different questions about themselves, their students, and being critical, transformative teachers. (SM).
Charting the Development of Multi-Ethnic Britain
Provides a broad history of the contribution of people of Asian origin, particularly Indian origin, to the development of the United Kingdom, discussing the racial bias they have historically faced in the country's educational, social, and employment systems. A timeline of the Indian presence in Great Britain from 1688-1999 is presented.
Citizenship, Democracy and Political Literacy
Draws on the Crick Report, Education for Citizenship and the Teaching of Democracy in Schools, to examine citizenship, democracy, and political literacy, considering the report's potential as a framework for promoting racial equality in European schools. Discusses the following issues: racism and the education system; racism, democracy, and citizenship education; and human rights and political literacy.
Comparing Pre-Service Teachers' Attitudes toward Diversity: Internship and Student Teaching Experiences
This study used qualitative and quantitative methodology to ascertain preservice teachers' attitudes toward multiculturalism and diversity and determine how they viewed their student teaching and internship experiences with respect to issues of diversity. The 46 participating student teachers completed a cultural inventory in the spring of 1998 and then again in the fall of 1998 (after 3 months of student teaching).
Confronting White Privilege and the "Color Blind" Paradigm in a Teacher Education Program
Reports on an effort developed in 1997 to expose elementary education majors to issues of social inequality through immersion in a 2-day symposium. Responses of 527 participants suggest that the impact of the symposium on student attitudes was significant.
Culturally Responsive Performance-based Assessment: Conceptual and Psychometric Considerations
Provides a rationale for advocating the development of culturally responsive performance-based assessments as a means of achieving equity for students of color. Notes arguments for and against these assessments and explores psychometric concerns.
Culture and Educational Policy in Hawai'i: The Silencing of Native Voices. Sociocultural, Political, and Historical Studies in Education
This book provides a critical assessment of Native Hawaiian education. It focuses on the historical, political, and cultural contexts producing institutionalized structures that kept Hawaiians marginalized in the schools and wider society.
Dismantling the Digital Divide: A Multicultural Education Framework
Describes inequities in access to computers by gender and race, drawing connections between the two and discussing the use of a multicultural education approach to understanding and eliminating the digital divide. This involves such actions as critiquing technology-related inequities in the context of larger educational and social inequities, broadening the significance of access, and confronting capitalist propaganda.
Diversity and Multiculturalism: Institutional Leadership at the University of Michigan
Initiatives taken at University of Michigan to address complex nature of diversity and multiculturalism in higher education are described, including a 1988 administrative strategic plan to link academic excellence and social diversity among faculty and students, a plan to improve women's representation among faculty, a longitudinal study of impact of diversity on the class of 1994, and curriculum reform. (MSE).
Diversity and the Individual in Dewey's Philosophy of Democratic Education
Examines two interpretations of Dewey's philosophy of education, one that requires intolerance and one that requires tolerance of individual differences, arguing that there is much truth to the multicultural interpretation, but that multiculturalism must be qualified to properly capture Dewey's position. The essay emphasizes the consequences of Dewey's social and political concerns for his theory of education.
Diversity Within Unity: Essential Principles for Teaching and Learning in a Multicultural Society
Discusses 12 essential principles to help schools teach democratic values in a multicultural society. Derived from findings of the Multicultural Education Consensus Panel to review and synthesize research on diversity, principles are organized into five categories: Teacher learning; student learning; intergroup relations; school governance, organization, and equity; and assessment.
Diversity, Equity and Community in Educational Reform
Educational equity demands are progressively being framed in terms of multiculturalism and diversity within the educational process. This change of focus means that strategies aiming to secure rights should make room for others that emphasize the building of relationships, mutual knowledge, and community.
Diversity/Equity. [SITE 2002 Section]
This document contains the papers on diversity/equity from the SITE (Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education) 2002 conference.
Diversity/Equity. [SITE 2002 Section]
This document contains the papers on diversity/equity from the SITE (Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education) 2002 conference.
Diversity/Equity. [SITE 2002 Section]
This document contains papers on diversity/equity from the SITE (Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education) 2002 conference. Most papers contain references.
Education & Justice: A View from the Back of the Bus
This collection of essays reflects a lifetime commitment to education and democracy, bringing together views on race, justice, and equity for all students.
Educational Reform, Students of Color, and Potential Outcomes
Based on middle-class, white values and assumptions, school restructuring proposed in "first wave reform" will increase inequity and stratification and hamper social mobility for minorities. School choice, outcomes-based education, and secondary track systems are critiqued.
Equity for Black Americans in Precollege Science
Explores many of the experiences that Black Americans have in science education in the United States and proposes changes so that Black Americans have an equitable opportunity to engage in and learn quality science. Suggestions include preparing multicultural science teachers, eliminating tracking in schools, equipping classes with science curriculum materials and technology, and supplying financial resources.
Equity Pedagogy: An Essential Component of Multicultural Education
Equity pedagogy involves teaching strategies and environments that help diverse students attain necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes for functioning effectively within a just, democratic society. The article examines how equity pedagogy interacts with other dimensions of multicultural education (content integration, knowledge construction process, prejudice reduction, and social structure).
Excellence in Schools and Racial Equality: A Collage of Responses to the White Paper by Gillian Klein Centred on the Critique by Robin Richardson
Presents extracts from critical responses to the 1996 White Paper entitled "Excellence in Schools" which pointed out educational deficiencies, racism, and overall poorer education for minorities and ethnic groups within the U.K. educational system.
Expanding Conceptions of Community and Civic Competence for a Multicultural Society
Connects the concept of diversity to the symbiotic relationship between individuality and community in the United States. Maintains that cultural awareness is a valid and realistic response to global interdependence and changing demographics.
Expectations Great and Small: The Mental Maps of Teachers and Systems
Discusses how high and low expectations are communicated to British students both directly by what teachers say and indirectly through the systems and processes through which teachers work. Examines racial and social biases and notes that expectations can be self-fulfilling prophesies.
Forty Years After Brown: The Impact of Immigration Policy on Desegregation
Examines how current legal trends and policies shape the efforts of educators in urban schools serving the multicultural communities where immigrant families reside. Relevant laws and policies are reviewed, as well as the strategies educators use to meet the needs of immigrant children, including access to schools and programs, assessment and placement, and engineered school climates.
From Boarding Schools to the Multicultural Classroom: The Intercultural Politics of Education, Assimilation, and American Indians
Examines American Indian perspectives about public education in the United States, discussing practices that still work to eradicate all traces of their resident cultures. Focuses on the politics of intercultural communication in the academy via a historical and contemporary analysis of American Indians as subjects, objects, and practitioners in the U.S.
From Cradle to School: A Practical Guide to Racial Equality in Early Childhood Education and Care. Revised.
This guide shows how the Race Relations Act of 1976 and the Children Act of 1989 apply to young children in the United Kingdom and to those who have responsibility for their care and education. The 1989 Children Act, a comprehensive piece of legislation that addresses religion, racial origin, and cultural and linguistic background, adds to the specific requirements of the Race Relations Act.
From La Belle Sauvage to the Noble Savage: The Deculturalization of Indian Mascots in American Culture
Discusses the exploitation of Indian (Native-American) mascots as an issue of educational equity, outlining for the United States educator the ways in which the use of mascots is racist and ways in which education can be a tool for liberation. The use of Indian mascots teaches that racism is acceptable.
From Our Readers: Preparing Preservice Teacher Candidates for Leadership in Equity
Describes the importance of moving beyond identity labels like Black, Hispanic, or female to examine how gender intersects with other social memberships like race and class. By considering more inclusive, individualized ways of viewing multiculturalism, educators can forge more meaningful conversations with students about diversity and equity.
From Policy to Action: Parkland College's Implementation of North Central's Statement on Access, Equity, and Diversity
Describes the measures taken by Parkland College to implement North Central's Statement on Access, Equity, and Diversity. Results include the creation of the Center for Multicultural Education, community-based diversity education, and organization of a statewide conference about gender-balanced, multicultural education.
From Rhetoric to Reality: Opportunity-to-Learn Standards and the Integrity of American Public School Reform
Focusing on national policy and practice, this paper suggests key recommendations for consideration in the context of standards-based reform, including: produce teachers who are multiculturally literate; re-assess ability grouping and tracking practices; reduce K-3 class size and elementary and secondary school size; expand and improve federal compensatory education programs; and incorporate school reform into broader social reform. (SM).
Futures Thinking: Consideration of the Impact of Educational Change on Black and Minority Ethnic Achievement
Discusses the potential of information and communications technology (ICT) and the World Wide Web to offer positive alternatives in contemporary British schools that are failing their black and minority group students. Describes the advantages of ICT and looks at future changes in the teaching profession and changes in the curriculum that will require knowledge of ICT.
Gender Equity. IDRA Focus.
This newsletter includes five articles on gender equity and related issues in education, with particular reference to the education of Hispanic girls. "IDRA's MIJA Program Expands" (Aurora Yanez-Perez) describes a program for sixth-grade Hispanic girls that promotes awareness of science- and math-related careers, provides training in science and mathematics skills and test-taking techniques, and fosters involvement of parents and local businesses.
Government Policy and School Effects: Racism and Social Justice in Policy and Practice
Criticizes social justice policies of the Labour government in the United Kingdom because they promote formal equality in the schools without working for substantive equity in outcomes of education. Naive multiculturalism is an inadequate policy response to the institutionalized racism that pervades the contemporary education system.
Honouring Diversity in the Classroom: Challenges and Reflections. Diversity in the Classroom Series, Number One
This document provides the framework for six other related documents in a series that focuses on diversity in the classroom. Section 1, "Introduction," explains that children in any Canadian classroom are not homogeneous, and such diversity presents teachers with challenges and obligations.
Honouring Diversity in the Classroom: Challenges and Reflections. Diversity in the Classroom Series, Number One
This document provides the framework for six other related documents in a series that focuses on diversity in the classroom. Section 1, "Introduction," explains that children in any Canadian classroom are not homogeneous, and such diversity presents teachers with challenges and obligations.
Identifying the Prospective Multicultural Educator: Three Signposts, Three Portraits
Investigates how prospective teachers respond to social differences they encounter in educational discourse and public schools, identifying three signposts indicative of prospective multicultural educators (desiring change because of identifying with educational inequality, valuing critical pedagogy and multicultural social reconstructivist education, and wanting to understand educational inequality and its causes). Presents data from observations and interviews with three teacher candidates.
Improving Education for Immigrant Students: A Guide for K-12 Educators in the Northwest and Alaska
This guide provides educators with information and resources for gaining a better understanding of immigration and the immigrant experience and suggests strategies and techniques to meet the educational needs of immigrant students within regular classrooms. The first section provides a brief overview of the history and current status of immigration in the United States, including current immigration law.
Improving Urban Schools in the Age of Restructuring
"Restructuring schools in urban settings requires a commitment to establishing and evaluating equity and excellence. Beliefs and values about schooling and the interests of all students should be made explicit and examined by educators in an attitude of critical inquiry.
Including Gypsy Travellers in Education
Examined the educational exclusion and inclusion of Gypsy Traveller students, exploring how some Scottish schools responded to Traveller student culture and how this led to exclusion. Interviews with school staff, Traveller students, and parents indicated that continuing prejudice and harassment promoted inappropriate school placement and persecution.
Inclusive Schooling in a Plural Society: Removing the Margins
A multi-centric model of education is proposed that actively works to de-center dominant Eurocentric knowledge and incorporate other worldviews throughout all aspects of teaching and learning. The model has four primary learning objectives: integrating multiple centers of knowledge, affecting social and educational change, recognizing and respecting difference, and teaching youth and community empowerment.
Indigenous Peoples, Globalization, and Education: Making Connections
Globalization pushes aside social, cultural, and ethical goals of education in favor of marketplace goals. Two stories of the indigenous Ju/'hoansi tribe in Botswana illustrate how even well-intentioned multicultural education programs can marginalize indigenous people, and how "globalization from below," fueled by communities of sentiment, can redirect globalization toward advancing social justice in a sustainable future.
Issues of Discrimination in European Education Systems
Examines difficulties and complexities in researching issues of discrimination in education across European countries as a first step in devising intercultural curricula. Discusses cross-national differences in terminology, in the ways in which research issues related to racism and interculturalism are formulated, and in the educational experience of children of immigrant and ex-colonial groups.
Leaders of Color as Catalysts for Community Building in a Multicultural Society
Presents a vision of multicultural education as a validating and inclusive process for non-European ways of knowing. Classifies multicultural education as inclusionary, emancipatory, liberatory, critical, and transformative.
Learning To Live Together
This quarterly journal offers information about diverse aspects of education in countries throughout the world.
Lies and Truths in the Future of Britain
Outlines three educational implications of the report, "The Future of Multi-Ethnic Britain": relevance of discussions regarding identity and belonging for citizenship education; stress on gathering and using sound data and suggestions that the education system's failure to collect such data is a prime example of institutional racism; and the argument that the OFSTED inspection system needs radical overhaul. (SM).
Literacies of Inclusion: Feminism, Multiculturalism, and Youth
Feminist and multicultural practices in public education can help achieve cultural inclusiveness. The paper examines multiple literacies and literacy learning in culturally diverse and gender fair schools, suggesting whole language programs, reader-response criticism, and feminism to expand the educational canon and ensure a public education representing the politics of inclusion.
Living and Learning in a World of Diversities. An EDC Report Series.
This new report series grows out of internal discussions at the Education Development Center (EDC) about the meaning of equity in education, student diversity, and reflective practice.
Looking for Leverage: Issues of Classroom Research on "Algebra for All."
In the United States, African Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans have lower success rates and higher drop-out rates in mathematics than other racial or ethnic groups. Given that quantitative competency serves increasingly as a vehicle for economic enfranchisement, these differential success rates make mathematics achievement a civil rights issue.
Minorities and Adult Learning: Communication among Majorities and Minorities. Adult Learning and the Challenges of the 21st Century. A Series of 29 Booklets Documenting Workshops Held at the Fifth International Conference on Adult Education (Hamburg, Germany, July 14-18, 1997).
This booklet, which was produced as a follow-up to the Fifth International Conference on Adult Education, examines communication among minorities and nonminorities in adult education programs. The booklet begins with a sketch of the situation of minority group members around the world and a list of 10 ways education policy and legislation can advance minority rights.
Moving from an Obsolete Lingo to a Vocabulary of Respect
In the postcolonial era, vocabulary must be developed that communicates a belief in equality through word choices that promote respect. Citizens of the global community have the right to name themselves, define their histories, and live according to their cultures.
Multicultural Education and Curriculum Transformation
Describes five dimensions of multicultural education, focusing on the knowledge construction process in order to show how the cultural assumptions, frames of reference, and perspectives of mainstream scholars and researchers influence the ways in which academic knowledge is constructed to legitimize institutionalized inequity. (Author/SLD).
Multicultural Education and Technology: Perspectives To Consider
This article discusses multicultural education and educational technology and the digital divide created by lack of access to and use of technology by members of various social identity groups. Educators are urged to re-think technology integration using a multicultural education framework.
Multicultural Education and the Standards Movement: A Report from the Field
The current obsession with standardizing curricula and measuring output may further reduce teacher agency and marginalize segments of our society that are already cheated by the system. Enormous discrepancies exist among public-school facilities, resources, and teachers.
Multicultural Education. Responding to a Mandate for Equitable Educational Outcomes
Recent statistics suggest that equal educational opportunities for many students (e.g., students who are poor, disabled, or minorities) remain elusive. To handle the growing student diversity, educators must infuse multicultural education, instruction, evaluation, and support services into the school setting.
Multicultural Education: An International Guide to Research, Policies, and Programs
This book is a reference work that examines a sample of the world's educational systems. The countries included are those that participated in an international study of multicultural education, along with other countries to provide a solid sampling of nations on all continents.
Multicultural Education: Implications for Science Education and Supervision
Describes general development of multiculturalism and multicultural education. Emphasizes multicultural education as a valuable resource for science education, which should be acknowledged, respected, and implemented into the existing science curriculum.
Multicultural Literature, Equity Education, and the Social Studies
Considers the value of multicultural literature as a means of promoting social development for the greater good of society. Multicultural literature can be used across grade levels and subject areas to promote substantive social development, and it can improve the social studies curriculum by supplementing traditional materials.
Multicultural Mathematics and Science: Effective K-12 Practices for Equity. ERIC Digest
Educational reform initiatives such as the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Standards, National Science Education Standards, and Project 2061 provide guidelines to reduce the diversity gap in science and mathematics literacy. Schools are applying these guidelines to classroom practices by posing questions about what changes are feasible given the multiple pressures of today's schools.
Nations Within. American Indian Scholar Karen Gayton Swisher Envisions Effective Education for All Indian Children
An interview with American Indian educator Karen Gayton Swisher explores the learning styles of American Indian children and the application of ideas about these learning styles in the programs at Haskell Indian Nations University. Native American children should be taught from a constructivist, rather than a deficit, point of view.
New Statewide Regional Initiative on Creating Inclusive Educational Communities for Minority Students
Despite the existence of a college-wide Committee on Access, Equity, and Cultural Diversity and other efforts, minority retention rates at Illinois' Parkland College remained disproportionately low. In 1996, the college received a grant through the Higher Education Cooperation Act to develop an approach to recruit and retain minority students.
On the Teaching and Personal Construction of Educational Equity
Introduces general ideas about educational equity and reviews levels used to analyze and conceptualize educational equity. Reviews the equity theorizing of several authors to highlight their insights and to help educators understand the social and personal construction of knowledge.
Oppressor: The Educational System
In this critique of elementary and secondary education in the United States, the first section discusses the history of the U.S. educational system and how the development of the schools' curricula and assessment programs have been adapted to the white, male, Eurocentric style of learning.
Our Educational Melting Pot: Have We Reached the Boiling Point?
The articles and excerpts in this collection illustrate the complexity of the melting pot concept. Multiculturalism has become a watchword in American life and education, but it may be that in trying to atone for past transgressions educators and others are simply going too far.
Our Nation on the Fault Line: Hispanic American Education.
This report responds to an Executive Order that charges the President's Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans with improving the education of Hispanic Americans through the study of current educational conditions. The study includes an analysis of the current state of Hispanic American educational attainment and points out the serious work that must be done to promote high quality education for Hispanics.
Our Nation on the Fault Line: Hispanic American Education.
This report responds to an Executive Order that charges the President's Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans with improving the education of Hispanic Americans through the study of current educational conditions. The study includes an analysis of the current state of Hispanic American educational attainment and points out the serious work that must be done to promote high quality education for Hispanics.
Partnership in Achievement
Argues that proposals recently put forth by the government for the improvement of educational achievement in England will not solve the problem, and suggests a focus on teachers and students and real partnerships with communities, with equal contributions by stakeholder groups, including racial and ethnic minorities. (SLD).
Preparing Teachers for the Culturally Diverse Classrooms
The changing demographics in U.S. institutions have contributed to the increasingly multicultural nature of classroom participants.
Professional Development Schools: Weighing the Evidence
This book examines U.S. progress in revitalizing teacher education and reforming K-12 education via Professional Development Schools (PDS's).
Racial Equality and the Local Management of Schools. Warwick Papers on Education Policy No. 8
How the trend toward school-based management since the 1988 Education Reform Act has affected racial educational equality in England and Wales was studied through an examination of the policies and practices of a British Local Education Authority (LEA), identified as Woodshire. A review of the policies, practices, and events in the Woodshire district was supplemented by in-depth study of four Woodshire secondary schools.
Racial Inequality in Schools. Corp Author(s): Commission for Racial Equality, London (England). ; Association for Teachers and Lecturers, London (England)
In spite of considerable progress on racial equality issues and multicultural education made in the schools of the United Kingdom, many areas of disadvantage remain for ethnic minority students and some new ones have emerged. Quite apart from the moral and educational imperatives behind policies against racism, there are legal implications for schools that neglect these areas of concern.
Recent Changes in School Desegregation. ERIC/CUE Digest Number 133
This digest discusses some of the major trends and changes that are taking place in school desegregation in the 1990s. One of the most prominent current trends is the increasing number of court cases that release school districts from court supervision of their desegregation efforts (known as granting "unitary" status).
Reflections on the "White Movement" in Multicultural Education
Responds to an essay that examined the role of whites in multicultural education and reviewed three books, critiquing five of the essay's assumptions (e.g., there is a white movement in multicultural education, attention to whites' role in multicultural education is very recent, and the focus on white identity development in multicultural education signals a shift away from equity pedagogy). (SM).
Reflections on the Promise of Brown and Multicultural Education
Examines the dual meaning of promise (hope and vow) in relation to "Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas," discussing how the two conceptions are implemented in a desegregated school and explaining how multicultural education can help meet the dual expectations of "Brown" as promise/vow and promise/hope.
Refugee Children in the Early Years
Describes the findings of a research study by the Refugee Council (United Kingdom) on the experiences of refugee children in "early years provision" (early childhood education). The major finding is that refugee children, of whom there are an estimated 65,000 in the United Kingdom, do not have equal access to early-years education.
Response to Rosa Hernandez Sheets' Review of "Race and Culture."
Responds to an essay that examined the role of whites in multicultural education, reviewed three books, and discussed the role of racial/cultural identity in teaching and learning. Notes that the essay is sometimes at odds with facts found in one of the books it reviews, suggesting that the essay helps perpetuate the inadequacy of white teachers teaching diverse students.
Revisiting the Lau Decision: 20 Years After. Proceedings of a National Commemorative Symposium (San Francisco, California, November 3-4, 1994).
The "Lau" decision of 1974, which was related to the education of Chinese-speaking students in San Francisco (California), ushered in new programs, teaching approaches, frameworks, legislation, and government agencies designed to redress fundamental inequities in the educational opportunities available to language minority students.
Revisiting the Supreme Court's Opinion in Brown v. Board of Education from a Multiculturalist Perspective
Reexamines the Supreme Court's school desegregation opinions, including "Brown v. Board of Education," and concludes that a multicultural society was not part of the Supreme Court's vision of public schools.
School Inspection and Racial Justice: Challenges Facing OFSTED and Schools
Describes research that examined how Great Britain's Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED) was fulfilling its responsibilities to raise standards by preventing and addressing racism in schools and how inspection framework requirements were reflected in inspection reports. Results confirmed that racial equality was not a key concern within OFSTED.
Seeking Ethnocultural Equity through Teacher Education: Reforming University Preservice Programs
Argues that Canadian schools of education must address social justice issues of ethnicity, culture, and racism; model equitable practices in teacher education programs; and promote equity for all students in public schools. Reviews current debate on multicultural and antiracist education, challenges in pursuing equity in education, and promising preservice programs providing specific direction for reform.
Society and Education. Ninth Edition
This book provides new and updated material focusing on recent developments and long-range trends involving the relationships between education and other social institutions. Topics that receive expanded treatment include immigration, multicultural education, evolution of the inner city, and movement toward systematic reform and national standards.
Special and Gifted Education and the Legacy of "Plessy v. Ferguson."
Students enrolled in regular, special, or gifted education have much to offer society and should not be consigned to the quarantines of separate schooling, as in the case of "Plessy." Older tracking and assessment models have outlived their usefulness within the current context of a multicultural society. (Contains 20 references.) (MLH).
Staying the Course in Times of Change: Preparing Teachers for Language Minority Education
Describes how passage of Proposition 227, California's initiative restricting bilingual education, has influenced teacher preparation to authorize specialized instruction for limited English proficient students. The response to Proposition 227 by San Diego State University's College of Education is explored to illustrate the reaffirmation of a commitment to educational equity and ongoing program development to support multicultural teaching.
Target Practice: Some Equality Implications of Current Educational Reforms
Discusses the social and political contexts of proposed British educational reforms designed to address social justice and summarizes the discussion at the Association of Local Education Advisory Officers in Multicultual Education (ALAOME) March 1998 meeting. The ALAOME has drawn up a list of characteristics of effective schools in a multicultural context.
Teacher Education and Race Equality: A Focus on an Induction Course for Primary BEd Students
Evaluated a two-week induction course focusing on antiracist and antisexist practices in education for all first-year primary undergraduate education (BEd) students. Evaluations from 120 education students indicate that the course was seen as a positive way of preparing them for the challenge of teaching in the inner city.
Teacher Education's Responsibility to Address Diversity Issues: Enhancing Institutional Capacity
Preservice teachers must be prepared to address substantial student diversity and to educate all students to higher levels of understanding and competence. Many teacher educators are not competent to prepare new teachers in this area.
Teaching for Diversity
This book focuses on how to teach students from diverse cultures and how to teach students to live in a diverse society.
Teaching for Inclusion: A Resource Book for NU Faculty
This teaching manual helps college faculty understand how to work with diverse students in the classroom. An introductory section defines diversity, discusses teacher attitudes, and suggests where to begin.
Technology and Multicultural Education: The Question of Convergence
Examines the potential for convergence of technology and multicultural education, identifying strategies for and barriers to developing common ground. The paper explains differences and oppositions, examines parallels in the pedagogical work of the two groups, and discusses whether parallel beliefs and pedagogies might support collaborative, simultaneous efforts toward the achievement of both agendas.
The American Legacy of Ability Grouping: Tracking Reconsidered
Reviews current arguments posed by supporters of educational tracking and those who oppose it. Research results support the view that tracking as practiced today is detrimental to the U.S.
The Challenge of Affirmative Action
Explores the challenges of using affirmative action programs when competing groups of underrepresented people vie for limited school resources. The case study of a San Francisco (California) high school illustrates the difficulties of balancing competing goals when affirming diversity and addressing patterns of discrimination conflict with equal treatment of each individual.
The Color of Bureaucracy: The Politics of Equity in Multicultural School Communities
This book is for administrators, teachers, policymakers, educational reformers, and community leaders who are concerned with achieving greater social justice in education. It provides an in-depth understanding of the challenges to schools brought about by lingering views of race, gender, ethnicity, and class, showing how the inequalities of the country's past are unconsciously maintained through inherited systems of bureaucratic control.
The Commission on the Future of Multi-Ethnic Britain: A Summary of Some of the Main Principles and Recommendations
Discusses the main principles and recommendations of the Commission on the Future of Multi-Ethnic Britain, an independent think-tank devoted to promoting racial justice in Britain. Some of the tasks identified for Great Britain are: rethinking the national story and national identity; addressing and removing all forms of racism; reducing economic inequalities; and building a pluralistic human rights culture.
The Diversity Project: Institutionalizing Multiculturalism or Managing Differences?
Institutions embrace diversity in theory, but they do not do much to implement it. Their inadequate support for ethnic studies is a case in point.
The Identity Development of Multiracial Youth. ERIC/CUE Digest, Number 137
In the past several decades, individuals have been responding more actively to political and personal pressures to identify with a specific group that shares their background. For many people of mixed racial, ethnic, and cultural heritage, making such an identification is complicated.
The Limits of Cross-Cultural Dialogue: Pedagogy, Desire, and Absolution in the Classroom
Discusses the limits of cross-cultural dialog in the classroom, asking what happens if this togetherness and dialog-across-difference fails to hold a compellingly positive meaning for subordinate ethnic groups. Presents a true story about a classroom in a New Zealand university and a controversial pedagogical strategy employed there.
The Multicultural Mission of Developmental Education: A Starting Point
Asks a number of questions concerning the delivery of multicultural education, including, "How do we define multiculturalism?" and, "Whose responsibility is it to provide equity in higher education?" Articulates 10 guiding principles for achieving equity in institutions of higher learning, and offers a brief discussion of these principles. (Contains 11 references.) (NB).
The Progressive Development of Multicultural Education before and after the 1960s: A Theoretical Framework
Discusses how past human struggles have been funneled into multicultural education, offering an explanation for why it was inevitable that the term multicultural education would first appear in the United States, discussing the development of multicultural education since the 1960s, and presenting a theoretical perspective and framework for viewing the development of multicultural education. (SM).
The Role of Education in Preventing Ethnic Conflicts: The Case of Roma in the Czech Republic. GSFI Occasional Paper
This paper discusses conflicts between Romani minority people and the dominant majority in the Czech Republic, suggesting solutions based on improvements in teacher education.
The Schooling of Multiracial Students. ERIC/CUE Digest, Number 138
The purpose of this digest is to help educators develop a curriculum for multiracial students that fosters their ability to develop a positive identity and achieve academically. To this end, the digest briefly reviews identity formation in multiracial children and then presents schoolwide and classroom strategies that have been shown to be particularly effective with multiracial students and that also promote all children's understanding of racial issues.
The Universal Classroom
Education has long been the focal point for the debate over black claims to a special relationship with American society. Some recent works dealing with the situation of blacks in American society and education are reviewed in the context of current concerns with multiculturalism.
Three Ways To Achieve a More Equitable Representation of Culturally and Linguistically Different Students in GT Programs
This article posits that increasing minority teachers in gifted and talented (GT) programs will lead to an increase of minority students in GT programs. Ways to recruit and prepare minority teachers are discussed, as are multicultural and bilingual options for GT programs.
Through Students' Eyes. Combating Racism in United States Schools
Racism has not been eradicated in U.S. schools, even though many educators do not view it as a major deterrent to the learning of minority students.
Towards Equal Educational Opportunities for Asylum-Seekers
Interviewed and surveyed staff, asylum-seeking/refugee English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) students, and ESOL students who came for other reasons at one British college, examining why the college's ESOL provision featured separate programs for the two groups. Discusses: the consequences of this divide; teacher discourses; alternative pedagogies; labeling of students; integrated provision; and multicultural education.
Trends and Issues in Urban Education, 1998
This report examines several important trends and issues in urban education and minority education. It reviews major principles for rethinking urban schooling so that students from diverse racial, ethnic, linguistic, and gender groups will be able to receive a more equal education, and it considers specific issues in their education.
Trends and Issues in Urban Education, 1998
This report examines several important trends and issues in urban education and minority education. It reviews major principles for rethinking urban schooling so that students from diverse racial, ethnic, linguistic, and gender groups will be able to receive a more equal education, and it considers specific issues in their education.
Two Important New Documents Reviewed: OFSTED and TTA
Reviews the OFSTED document, "Educational Inequality: Mapping Race, Class and Gender. A Synthesis of Research Evidence," (which examines the persistent inequality between the main ethnic populations within English schools) and the Teacher Training Agency document, "Raising the Attainment of Minority Ethnic Pupils: Guidance and Resource Materials for Providers of Initial Teacher Training" (which focuses on racial equality and teacher training).
United by Justice: Multicultural Education and Liberation Theology
Compares the goals and premises of multicultural education and liberation theology, reviewing: the context in which they arose, subsequently developed goals, how the process of knowledge construction informs both fields, and the critical role it plays in developing participants' activities. Examines connections between the two fields and what aspects of multicultural education can incorporate from liberation theology.
Unraveling the professional development school equity agenda
Examines major critiques from the literature on the Professional Development School (PDS) equity agenda and accomplishments, referencing works from literature on PDSs, diversity, urban education, and multicultural education. The paper focuses on issues related to poor or working-class learners in PDS settings and learners from non-European racial, ethnic, and linguistic groups.
Unscrambling the Semantics of Canadian Multiculturalism
This paper explores the evolution of multiculturalism in the Canadian context. Some opponents of multiculturalism in Canada detect in the ideology an undermining of a unique Canadian identity in favor of hyphenated Canadians, while proponents see the hyphenation as adding richness and color to the Canadian character.
Uprooting and Replacing Positivism, the Melting Pot, Multiculturalism, and Other Impotent Notions in Educational Leadership through an African American Perspective
Examines traditional notions of positivism and rational-linear thinking that have guided public school practice, interrogating modernist concepts of the melting pot and multiculturalism through an African American and critical theoretical voice. Offers a postmodernist perspective grounded in spirituality that welcomes involving the whole self in school leadership and encourages constructing schools that celebrate democracy, equity, and social justice.
Whose World Is It, Anyway? Multicultural Science from Diverse Perspectives
Reviews three books that argue that science education should reflect global scientific contributions, use multicultural and feminist perspectives, and be grounded in everyday life experiences with science. Suggests questions of policy and practice in moving from theory to implementation of a more equitable, socially responsible science education.
Will Privatizing Schools Really Help Inner-City Students of Color?
Although urban public school educators are not achieving optimal results, there is no evidence that for-profit educational companies will do any better or possess special expertise in educating poor students of color. Education Alternatives, Inc.