



part of the Education Reform Networks
Professional Development
Looking Back: Teachers' Reflections on an Innovative Teacher Preparation Program
Discusses an evaluation of the Comprehensive Teacher Institute, an innovative, multicultural, urban teacher preparation program. Reflections by teachers who completed the program indicated that one of the most important contributions to their professional development was fostering a network of colleagues and university faculty who continued to provide support and guidance.
Arab American Students in Public Schools. ERIC Digest, Number 142
This digest reviews ways to provide Arab Americans with a supportive school environment and all students with an accurate and unbiased education about the Middle East. The school climate will make Arab American students feel more welcome if Arab culture is included in multicultural courses and activities, and if the staff works to eliminate prejudice and discrimination.
Networking across Boundaries
This theme issue focuses on the challenges and opportunities of online technology as it is used by teachers and students in rural classrooms in Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Mississippi, New Mexico, South Carolina, and Vermont.
Cultural Reciprocity: Exploring the Impacts of Cross-Cultural Instruction on Professorial Self-Reflection
Cultural reciprocity refers to the dynamic and material exchange of knowledge, values, and perspectives between two or more individuals of different cultural (e.g., racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, religious) backgrounds. In this paper, cultural reciprocity is discussed as it pertains to professors of education and their students, based on the history of their interactions and diversity of experiences in cross-cultural settings.
Teacher learning and the acquisition of professional knowledge: An examination of research on contemporary professional development
Mentorships: Transferable Transactions among Teachers
As dispensers of information, mentors can support teachers through career stages from recruitment to retirement. This article explores mentorships as transferable transactions.
Shifting the Role of the Arts in Education
SUAVE (Socios Unidos para Artes Via Educacion--United Community for Arts in Education) is an arts-integrated approach to teaching in multicultural and multilingual settings. A unique professional development project for San Diego-area teachers, SUAVE helps teachers develop ways to integrate the arts into mathematics, science, language arts, and social sciences.
Patterns in prospective teachers: Guides for designing preservice programs
In this book, leading scholars address a range of issues, ideas, and research findings in the field of teacher education, examining specific disciplines, social foundations, and program structures, as well as school reform and diversity. Part Four: Program Structures and Design contains: "Patterns in Prospective Teachers: Guides for Designing Preservice Programs (K.
Making Connections between Multicultural and Global Education: Teacher Educators and Teacher Education Programs
This publication is the product of an ongoing study of how teacher educators in the United States and Canada are bridging the gap between multicultural and global education to prepare teachers for diversity, equity, and interconnectedness in the local community, the nation, and the world.
The Role of Empathy in Teaching Culturally Diverse Students: A Qualitative Study of Teachers' Beliefs
McAllister investigated teachers' beliefs about the role of empathy in their effectiveness with culturally diverse students. All respondents had participated in a multicultural professional development course geared to fostering culturally responsive practice.
Honouring Diversity in the Classroom: Challenges and Reflections. Diversity in the Classroom Series, Number One
This document provides the framework for six other related documents in a series that focuses on diversity in the classroom. Section 1, "Introduction," explains that children in any Canadian classroom are not homogeneous, and such diversity presents teachers with challenges and obligations.
Growing Partnerships for Rural Special Education. Conference Proceedings (San Diego, California, March 29-31, 2001).
The 2001 conference proceedings of the American Council on Rural Special Education (ACRES) contains 62 papers and summaries of presentations concerned with issues in rural special education. The papers are presented in 12 categories: impacting governmental policy, at risk, collaborative education models, early childhood, gifted, multicultural, parents and families, preservice and inservice teacher education, technology, transition, and other.
Special education and inclusion
Research-based reform continues to strike a balance between the academic theories and classroom realities. This handbook provides a set of guidelines for the preparation of skilled instructors at all levels and career stages of teaching; establishes a curriculum for teacher education; and offers a forum for discussion in the field among teachers, teacher educators, and administrators.
Developing an Electronic Infrastructure To Support Multimedia Telecomputing Resources
The Houston Consortium of Urban Professional Development and Technology Schools project, developed to prepare teachers for urban, multicultural classrooms is continuing its development of a telecommunications infrastructure for its members--faculty, teachers, staff and students from colleges, public schools, and regional educational service agencies. Discussion includes telecomputing goals, networking hardware, software, and links to additional sources.
Sharing Our Pathways: A Newsletter of the Alaska Rural Systemic Initiative, 2001
This document contains the five issues of "Sharing Our Pathways" published in 2001. This newsletter of the Alaska Rural Systemic Initiative (AKRSI) documents efforts to make Alaska rural education--particularly science education--more culturally relevant to Alaska Native students.
The Journal for the Professional Counselor, 1998
An official refereed branch journal of the American Counseling Association, this journal covers current professional issues, theory, research, and innovative practices or programs in all branches of counseling.
The Comprehensive Support Model for Culturally Diverse Exceptional Learners: Intervention in an Age of Change
This article discusses how students, teachers, families, communities, and government can work together using the Comprehensive Support Model (CSM) as an intervention for culturally diverse learners with exceptionalities. Embedded in the discussion are cases that illustrate functions of CSM.
Monocultural versus Multicultural Teaching: How To Practice What We Preach
Although counseling and counseling psychology have experienced a rapid growth of professional preparation courses and have seen a proliferation of literature on multicultural counseling, few changes have been reported on how to teach from a multicultural perspective. Provides personal account of how one professor structures a multicultural counseling course.
Journal of the Pennsylvania Counseling Association, 1999-2000
This document consists of the two issues making up volume 2 of "The Journal of the Pennsylvania Counseling Association." The articles attempt to meet the interests and needs of those in various counseling fields such as counselor education, mental health, career, rehabilitation, and community or school counseling.
Why invest in professional development schools?
Professional development schools bridge the gap between university and school- between theory and practice- to promote student and teacher learning.
Literacy and Effective Teaching in Diverse Classrooms
This study explored the ways in which English educators could most effectively plan and implement their teaching to best serve the multi-literacies of the diverse student populations in today's schools.
What Keeps Teachers Going?
This book examines what can be learned from veteran teachers who not only continue to teach but also manage to remain enthusiastic about it despite deprivation and challenges.
Pre-Kindergarten to Eighth Grade Teachers Become Change Agents through Active Participation in School Reform
This practicum project used organized professional development to increase involvement of teachers at a preK-8 school in the school's reform process. All members of the school community actively participated in planning, data collecting, and sharing of pertinent reform information.
The Unity Project: Creating a Circle of Awareness
Research on school restructuring reveals the commitments and competencies that lead to improved outcomes for children, including careful attention to students' emotional development, professional development that emphasizing the reflective study of teaching, culturally responsive and inclusive teaching, and a focus on early language and literacy instruction.
Trends and Issues in English Instruction, 1998 Summaries of Informal Annual Discussions of the Commissions
Information on current trends and issues informally discussed and then delineated by the directors of six National Council of Teachers of English commissions, is presented in this 15th annual report.
Small-Town College to Big-City School: Preparing Urban Teachers from Liberal Arts Colleges
Describes a model program to prepare teachers from midwestern liberal arts colleges for urban teaching careers. Student teachers come to Chicago and live together, student teaching in local urban schools and completing regular professional development and cultural diversity activities.
Professional development schools provide effective theory and practice
A description of an innovative Professional Development School program initiated by a midwestern university is described. Successful components of this model are explained.
Unraveling the professional development school equity agenda
Examines major critiques from the literature on the Professional Development School (PDS) equity agenda and accomplishments, referencing works from literature on PDSs, diversity, urban education, and multicultural education. The paper focuses on issues related to poor or working-class learners in PDS settings and learners from non-European racial, ethnic, and linguistic groups.
Language Magazine: The Journal of Communication & Education, 2002
These 12 issues of the journal include articles on such topics as the following: classical languages; early literacy; ancient languages; study abroad; teacher training; dialects; computer uses in education; classroom techniques etc.
Early Childhood Special Education for Children with Disabilities, Ages Three through Five: An Introduction. Revised
This introduction to a reference guide for early childhood special education personnel in North Dakota discusses the purpose of the guidelines, the North Dakota philosophy on the importance of early intervention programs, and quality indicators of early intervention programs.
Teachers' Perceptions of working conditions: Impact of job design on stress, commitment, and intent to leave
This report summarizes results of a survey of special educators regarding first, their working conditions related to central office support and, second, the impact of administrative support on their job satisfaction, commitment, and intent to leave.
Multiliteracies and Life Transitions: Language, Literacy and Numeracy Issues in Aboriginal Health Worker Training--An Investigation
The issues of language, literacy, and numeracy (LL&N) in Aboriginal health worker (AHW) training in Australia were explored to determine how these issues interrelate, overlap, and influence the types of literacy practices required in indigenous contexts. Data were collected through two workshops and formal and informal discussions with a sample of nine AHW trainers from four organizations.
Professional Development Guide for Educators. The Multicultural Resource Series, Volume 1
This guide presents a collection of personal essays written by educators who describe how multicultural education has transformed their teaching. It also includes resources such as multicultural organizations, publications, videos, and Web sites.
Addressing Diversity through a Field-Based Center for Professional Development and Technology
To meet the challenges of student diversity, the Southwest Texas Center for Professional Development and Technology offers school-family-community partnerships with urban schools. Preservice teacher interns participate in field-based experiences where they interact with diverse students in various settings over a semester.
Partnership for Change: The NALSAS Strategy. Interim Progress Report of the First Quadrennium of the NALSAS Strategy, 1995-1998. Corp Author(s): Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs, Carlton South (Australia)
The basic tasks of the National Asian Languages and Studies in Australian Schools (NALSAS) strategy has been to resource and promote the teaching and learning of Asian languages and studies of Asia in Australian schools. NALSAS focuses on four Asian languages: Chinese (Mandarin), Indonesian, Japanese, and Korean.
A Critical Analysis of the Multicultural Counseling Competencies: Implications for the Practice of Mental Health Counseling
Discusses the implications of adopting the Multicultural Counseling Competencies created by the Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development for members of the American Mental Health Counseling Association and other counseling practitioners. Suggests that more empirical data need to be collected before the Competencies are required of practicing counselors or implemented in counselor education programs.
Chartering Urban School Reform. Reflections on public high schools in the midst of change.
This book presents essays written by school reformers that discuss the reform movement and examine the partnership that inspired the creation of small, intimate school communities known as charters. They also reflect on the comprehensive changes that inform each charter and the personal and collective struggles to institutionalize these new communities.
Developing Strategies and Practices for Culturally Diverse Classrooms. The Bill Harp Professional Teachers Library Series
Designed to teach educators how to consciously develop strategies and practices for cultural groups that are at risk for education failure, this book defines and describes diversity; offers a unique process for developing strategies to serve diverse populations; and provides opportunities to practice the approach through questions, exercises, and scenarios.
Teacher Education in Urban School-Based, Multi-Agency Collaboratives
Content Abstract:
This article suggests that students in teacher education programs can benefit from the experience of working with an urban school-based multi-agency collaborative if presented early in the learning process. This is particularly important because constructing new learning about issues of race and poverty may affect students’ ability to successfully teach in an urban school.
Arteacher, 1995-96
The official publication of the Michigan Art Education Association (MAEA), this journal serves as a forum for its members to express and share ideas, for the promotion of art education at all levels and for all ages. Issues focus on specific themes, have reprints of conference keynote speeches, and feature regular departments, including: elementary, middle school, and high school divisions news; and the "MAEA Directory" of officers.
Using Effective Teaching Strategies To Improve the Academic Performance of Culturally Diverse Students in a Public Elementary School
This report describes a practicum project designed to help first- through fourth-grade teachers acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and strategies necessary to work effectively with a diverse student population; improve the social and academic performance of culturally diverse students; and increase parent involvement at school.
Discomfort Zones: Learning about Teaching with Care and Discipline in Urban Schools
Multicultural principles, discipline, and curriculum theory should be integrated and revisited across the teacher-education program via case studies, portfolio assessment, and field experiences. Authors deplore prescriptive, procedural approaches to teaching and value ongoing faculty/student conversations, university alliances with "best" teachers and principals, and trust in children's power.
Organizational Structures to Promote Teacher Engagement in Urban Schools
This monograph considers the prospects for improving teacher engagement in urban schools through professional and organizational reform.
Teacher Learning
Science now offers new conceptions of the learning process and the development of competent performance. This book presents a contemporary account of principles of learning, and calls into question concepts and practices commonly used in schools.
A Framework for Identifying Consensus: Agreement and Disagreement among Teacher Education Reform Documents
This study offers a framework for identifying areas of agreement and disagreement across eight recent teacher education reform documents. Researchers analyzed each document in relation to the reform principles proposed by the National Commission on Teaching and America's Future (NCTAF).
Improving the retention of special education teachers. Final report. RTI project 5168
A 3-year research and development project examined ways to improve the retention of special education teachers in the Memphis (Tennessee) City Schools. Several individual studies identified sources of dissatisfaction with teaching and the conditions that would encourage career longevity among teachers.
The Impact of a professional development school on preservice teacher preparation, inservice teachers' professionalism, and children's achievement: perceptions of inservice teachers
An assessment framework for professional development schools: Going beyond the leap of faith
Discusses the challenges in assessing Professional Development School (PDS) impacts, noting examples of assessments from the literature. The paper outlines a conceptual framework for assessment and explains how it may help organize more systematic thinking about PDS evaluation.
CAIS/ACSI 2001: Beyond the Web: Technologies, Knowledge and People
Presents abstracts of papers presented at the 29th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Information Science (CAIS) held in Quebec on May 27-29, 2001. Topics include: professional development; librarian/library roles; information technology uses; virtual libraries; information seeking behavior; literacy; information retrieval; multicultural education; information science; and knowledge management.
Becoming a teacher in a professional development school
Interviewed graduates from two Professional Development Schools to determine the impact of that experience on subsequent teaching practices. Graduates reported that student teaching had the greatest impact because of the extended time and depth of experience in the classroom, the quality of mentoring they received, the connections they drew between theory and practice, and the emphasis on collaboration and reflection.
PDS Partnerships Come of Age
Describes professional-development schools, partnerships between university teacher-education programs and schools, involving professors, teachers, and teacher interns. Tells how mutual respect and collaborative innovation developed in one such professional-development school in Camden, New Jersey.
Learning To Teach Science in Contemporary and Equitable Ways: The Successes and Struggles of First-Year Science Teachers
Examines views and practices of first-year science teachers, graduates of a teacher education program in California, focusing on gender equity and multicultural education. Explores teachers' attempts at the nature of science and implementing equitable instruction in classrooms.
Making professional development schools work:
This book has 11 chapters organized into 3 parts. The chapters are based on following key ideas:College School Cooperation, Partnerships in Education, Professional Development Schools,Teacher Education Programs, Professional Education and Development.
Changing Teacher Education through Professional Development School Partnerships: A Five-Year Follow-up Study
Investigates the impact of involvement with professional development schools (PDS's) on how colleges prepare teachers, following several partnerships longitudinally. The paper examines how changes in teacher education have resulted from PDS involvement, discusses the question of institutionalization of PDSs, and describes the potential for PDSs to provide for the simultaneous renewal of schools and colleges.
Collaborative reform and other improbable dreams: The challenges of professional development schools
This book discusses a 10-year process of teacher education reform at a major public research university (The Ohio State University) and the challenges that ensued.
Multicultural Education Program Evaluation, 1995-96. Assessment/Accountability Report
In 1993-94, the Board of Education of the City of New York distributed more than $1 million to augment existing multicultural initiatives in professional or curriculum development. Districts and superintendencies in the city also designed a 3-year program to facilitate the planning and scope of these initiatives.
Professional development school trade-offs in teacher preparation and renewal
Examined the preparation of student teachers at four Professional Development Schools (PDSs) longitudinally, comparing their experiences with those of traditional student teachers. Data from meetings with administrators; site visits; document analysis; graduation and professional status information; student teacher surveys; and graduate surveys indicated that students appreciated PDSs' camaraderie, support, collaboration, and effectiveness.
Appropriating conceptual and pedagogical tools for teaching English: A conceptual framework for studying professional development
This paper proposes that activity theory provides a useful framework for studying the conceptual development of teachers, particularly English/language arts teachers. Activity theory shifts attention to the social and cultural factors that mediate development in particular contexts, thus allowing an understanding of how particular preservice and inservice environments guide early-career teachers toward particular beliefs and practices about teaching and learning.
Organizing Schools for Teacher Learning
The 13 papers in this collection, which served as the basis for policy recommendations in "What Matters Most," a major report of the National Commission on Teaching and America's Future, synthesize important research in the fields of teaching and teacher education.
Complements or Conflicts: Conceptions of Discussion and Multicultural Literature in a Teachers-as-Readers Discussion Group
Examines effectiveness of a teachers-as-readers discussion group in (1) suggesting how teachers can use multicultural literature to foster an ethical respect for others and (2) engaging teachers in conversations about multicultural literature that challenge prevailing patterns of school literature discussions. Suggests success of the second aim may have come at the cost of the first aim.
Crisis in the Heartland: Addressing Unexpected Challenges in Rural Education
Recent increases in cultural and linguistic diversity in Kansas have raised three challenges for educators, especially rural educators: geographic isolation, capacity building, and professional development. Describes innovative, nontraditional programs developed by Kansas State University to help educators meet these challenges, including distance education, collaborative site-specific adaptations of curriculum and instruction, and cross-cultural sensitivity training.
Enabling school-university collaborative research: Lessons learned in professional development schools
Examines events that facilitated collaborative school-university research within a Professional Development School (PDS). Analysis of observation notes from school visits, records of schools' work with university liaisons, and surveys of PDS and school faculty indicated that PDS teachers highly valued sharing knowledge with colleagues.
Ten Points of Debate in Teacher Education: Looking for Answers to Guide Our Future
Introduces a theme issue by examining 10 dichotomies that describe concerns marking contemporary teacher education in the U.S.: quality versus quantity, majority versus minority, preservice versus inservice, campus versus school site, time versus money, specialization versus generalization, theory versus practice, professional versus public, information versus myth, and long-range versus short-range. (SM).
Predictive Characteristics of Multicultural Counselling Competence
This paper looks at multicultural counseling competencies from a national sample of Canadian Guidance and Counseling Association members.
Literacy and Community. The Twentieth Yearbook: A Peer Reviewed Publication of the College Reading Association, 1998. [Papers from the College Reading Association Conference, 1997]
This 20th Yearbook of the College Reading Association reflects the theme of "community" again and again, in diverse ways.
The collaboration process in professional development schools: Results of a meta-ethnography, 1990-1998.
Examined the characteristics of the college-school collaboration process in Professional Development Schools (PDSs), using meta-ethnography to analyze 20 case studies about the PDS collaboration process. Results yielded 12 themes about the collaboration process (e.g., unwillingness to work with others, prior relationships, sustained funding, miscommunication, strains in intra-organizational relations, and conflicting organizational goals).
Effective Professional Development Schools. Agenda for Education in a Democracy Series. Volume 3
This book presents a theoretical basis for Professional Development Schools (PDSs) as well as practical guidance for establishing, funding, and evaluating them. It offers a comprehensive view of the role that PDSs play in today's educational renewal efforts and insights about the potential that a quality PDS can bring to learning at many levels.
The Role of Adult Literacy & Numeracy in Lifelong Learning and Socio-Economic Well-Being: ALNARC National Research Program, June 2001-June 2002. Feature
An Adult Literacy and Numeracy Australian Research Consortium (ALNARC) program comprised four projects designed to integrate new research with analysis of past practices and provision. Preliminary themes were the perception of a "policy void" in regard to literacy and numeracy skills; professional development's tie to workplace practice and understanding of and compliance with reporting mechanisms; and problems when literacy and numeracy are collapsed as one.
Gathering Strength: Canada's Aboriginal Action Plan. A Progress Report = Rassembler nos forces: Le plan d'action du Canada pour les questions autochtones. Rapport d'etape.
Gathering Strength is an integrated government-wide plan to address the key challenges facing Canada's Aboriginal people.
Multicultural Connections: Exploring Strategies and Issues. Diversity in the Classroom Series, Number Two
This document, the second in a series on diversity in the classroom, explores relationships, addresses issues, and provides a framework for examining multicultural education. It also offers practical ideas for bringing multicultural education to the classroom and school, touching on underlying assumptions and beliefs about cultural diversity, learning, language, and schools.
Tomorrow's schools of education: A report of the Holmes Group
Among the challenges are the following: the education school's curriculum should focus on the learning needs of the young and development of educators at various stages of their careers; university faculties should include teachers, practitioners, and other individuals who are at home working in public schools; programs that prepare school personnel and teacher educators need to actively recruit, retain, and graduate a more ethnically diverse student body; faculty and students in schools of education should work predominantly in professional development schools rather than on college campuses; education schools should join together to form an interconnecting set of networks at local, state, regional, and national levels to ensure better work and accountability.
Organizational Culture and Its Impact on African American Teachers
Studied how the organizational culture of schools and the cultural values of African American teachers affect the professional experience of these teachers in schools where they are in the minority. Results for seven teachers show that the majority established the work norms, resulting in a uniformity of rules and regulations with which people of color were expected to comply.
Early Childhood Research & Practice: An Internet Journal on the Development, Care, and Education of Young Children, Fall 2001
Early Childhood Research and Practice (ECRP), a peer-reviewed, Internet-only journal sponsored by the ERIC Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early Childhood Education (ERIC/EECE), covers topics related to the development, care, and education of children from birth to approximately age 8.
The Culturally Diverse Classroom: A Guide for ESL and Mainstream Teachers
This handbook is for teachers and administrators involved with international students in English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) and mainstream settings. It is intended to raise awareness of the new American classroom.
A professional development school partnership: Conflict and collaboration
The Professional Development School (PDS) is one of the most prominent, compelling, and recent models of teacher education reform. For decades efforts have been made to reform the U.S.
Using content analysis to evaluate the success of a professional development school
Interviews with participants in a professional development school identified expectations of the partnership (student focus, better trained teachers), positive outcomes (real-world experience for student teachers, extra attention for students, professional growth for participating teachers), and problems (communication between school and university and within the school).
The Preliterate Student: A Framework for Developing an Effective Instructional Program. ERIC/AE Digest
A special subgroup of Limited English Speaking students is often referred to as students with limited formal schooling (LFS) or "preliterates" because they have not yet had the opportunity to learn to read. This digest explores important aspects of the LFS student population, defining LFS students and discussing their impact on schools, individualized language development plans, classroom instruction, and the assessment of the LFS student.
Overcoming Resistance to Multicultural Discourse through the Use of Classroom Simulations
Describes how simulations, role plays, and other experiential exercises can be used in educational settings to reduce resistance and encourage discourse on equity issues. These techniques can bring new insights into professional development in multicultural education, raising awareness of hidden biases so teachers feel more comfortable in the classroom and do not reinforce stereotypes and negative patterns.
Symposium on Early Childhood Education (Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, November 9-10, 1997). Abstracts.
This book compiles abstracts of presentations from a symposium held in honor of Dr. Bernard Spodek, a leading scholar in early childhood education, on the occasion of his retirement.
Professional development school partnerships: Reflections and perspectives
Reflects on the roles and responsibilities of four key educators involved in a Professional Development School (PDS): a university faculty member, a middle school principal, a middle school teacher who is also an adjunct professor, and another middle school teacher. The paper reflects on the Holmes Group concept at work.
Infusing a Multicultural Perspective into Higher Education Curricula
The Multicultural Infusion Project at Colorado State University provides professional development for faculty in making curriculum and teaching more inclusive. In retreats and bimonthly meetings, faculty explores race, ethnicity, culture, socioeconomic class differences, U.S.
Proceedings of Selected Research and Development Presentations at the National Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Sponsored by the Research and Theory Division (20th, St. Louis, Missouri, February 18-22, 1998)
Subjects addressed by the 55 papers in this proceeding describes about Computer Uses in Education,Educational Technology,
Instructional Design, Cooperative Learning, Distance Education; Educational Innovation;Educational Strategies; Elementary Secondary Education Higher Education; hypermedia; Instructional Material Evaluation; Multimedia Materials; Telecommunications; World Wide Web.
Helping Counselor Trainees Get Along: An Issue for Professional Development
This paper presents a programmatic strategy to address unresolved student-student disagreements. The paper examines cultural norms--within training programs in academic settings--that contribute to interpersonal problems among students.
Restructuring Kindergarten in an Urban School District: The Case of Newark, New Jersey
A collaborative project of Bank Street College and the Newark Public Schools, the New Beginnings initiative was designed to bring about progressive restructuring of kindergarten classrooms. This study used a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods to examine the impact of the initiative on curriculum, professional development, and student outcomes in its first year.
On Knowing the Place: Reflections on Understanding Quality Child Care
Reflects upon experiences with the First Nations' Partnerships and the European Commission Child Care Network to argue that efforts to understand quality care have been insufficiently sensitive to socioecological and cultural factors related to defining and assessing quality. Argues for a reconceptualization of early childhood care, and presents reactions of professionals, academics, First Nations communities, and Africa Institute participants.
Rural School Reform: Creating a Community of Learners
This paper examines an effort to support "bottom-up" change that responds to larger school reform initiatives. The intervention strategy involved a collaboration in which a cluster of rural schools designed and implemented site-based projects related to multicultural reform, and a regional college and the state department of education provided professional development and technical assistance tailored to specific projects.
Breaking Ranks: Changing an American Institution. A "Bulletin" Special
Summarizes a report published by the NASSP Study of the Restructuring of the American High School. Outlines nine educational goals and recommendations on renewal priorities for curriculum, instructional strategies, school environment, technology, organization and time, assessment and accountability, professional development, diversity, governance, resources, ties to higher education, and leadership.
Leadership Abstracts, 1996
The abstracts in this series provide two-page discussions of issues related to leadership, administration, professional development, technology, and education in community colleges.
Cultural Diversity and the Structure and Practice of Art Education
This monograph presents a viewpoint of the nature of art education today. To provide more perspectives on past changes that help in grasping today's circumstances, the monograph offers lectures and papers that address the changing nature of the U.S.
Where in the World Do You Want to Go? Professional Development through International Fellowships
Discusses benefits and conditions of international travel fellowships for educators, particularly their ability to expand knowledge of other cultures, and the requirement to share travel experiences with local communities. Offers information about five sponsoring organizations that provide international fellowships for teachers.
Lessons from Laboratories in School Restructuring and Site-Based Decision-Making: Oregon's '2020' Schools Take Control of Their Own Reform
In 1987, the Oregon Legislature passed House Bill 2020, the School Improvement and Professional Development Program. Designed to encourage innovation and professional development in a select number of Oregon schools, this act was intended to upgrade educational quality and create models for other state schools.
Engineering Curriculum Transformation Project (ECTP): An Evaluation of First-Year Initiatives
This report summarizes the Engineering Curriculum Transformation Project (ECTP) instituted at the University of Maryland during the 1995-1996 academic year. This initiative focused on facilitating the development of engineering course curricula based on diverse learning styles, more inclusive examples, and the incorporation of diversity and societal issues into the classroom.
Mentoring: Creating Connected, Empowered Relationships
This book is an effort to explore the ways in which mentoring and counseling are related and can be applied to one another. To meet the needs of a diverse audience, the authors present the advantages of initiating mentoring relationships with people of different genders, age groups, and cultural backgrounds.
Report on the Binational Conference: In Search of a Border Pedagogy (4th, El Paso, Texas and Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, January 1999).
This report contains a synopsis of the binational conference and features brief summaries of all the papers presented at the conference. Over 350 educators, community leaders, and researchers were brought together to discuss the educational extremes found along the border between the United States and Mexico and to investigate instructional approaches that address the unique characteristics of this region.
Mexican-American Preservice Teachers and the Intransigency of the Elementary School Curriculum
Investigated how Mexican-American student teachers expressed their cultural knowledge in lesson planning and implementation. Semistructured interviews with Mexican-American student teachers working in elementary Professional Development Schools revealed little ethnic expression, even when teaching Mexican-American children.
Collaborative Teaching: Many Joys, Some Surprises, and a Few Worms
Discusses a professional-development course for educators, team-taught by three faculty members that combined the content of courses in multicultural education, special education, and human development. Each teacher describes his or her experiences and the issues addressed; student comments are examined; and the requirements for and benefits of effective team teaching are explored.
The next generation of teachers: Changing conceptions of a career in teaching
Based on information from interviews with 50 first- and second-year teachers in Massachusetts, proposes a mixed model for the teaching career: one that would be responsive to the needs of both teachers who envision long-term careers and those who envision short-term stays in teaching. Draws implications for teacher recruitment and retention strategies.
Multicultural Education: Implications for Science Education and Supervision
Describes general development of multiculturalism and multicultural education. Emphasizes multicultural education as a valuable resource for science education, which should be acknowledged, respected, and implemented into the existing science curriculum.
Diversity Within Unity: Essential Principles for Teaching and Learning in a Multicultural Society
Discusses 12 essential principles to help schools teach democratic values in a multicultural society. Derived from findings of the Multicultural Education Consensus Panel to review and synthesize research on diversity, principles are organized into five categories: Teacher learning; student learning; intergroup relations; school governance, organization, and equity; and assessment.
Educating Culturally Responsive Teachers: An Introduction to Process-Oriented or Developmental Approaches
This paper shares research from two professional development initiatives that focused on changes in teacher educators' and teachers' multicultural thinking, discussing the use of a developmental perspective to structure and evaluate such initiatives. The first study involved an action research project that examined six teacher educators' experiences during committee work designed to enhance multiculturalism during teacher preparation.
Pedagogic Discourse and Equity in Mathematics: When Teachers' Talk Matters
Discusses the role and nature of pedagogic discourse. Suggests that teacher talk plays an important role in the learning of radically, ethnically, and linguistically diverse students.
Perceptions of Teachers, Administrators, and Community Members about Returning to a Neighborhood School Structure
This study investigated the perceptions of selected stakeholders about the impact of returning to a district-wide neighborhood school structure after having been under a federal desegregation mandate (involving busing) since the 1970s. It focuses on data from interviews with African American and white elementary school teachers.
Diversity and the Quality Process: Curriculum Reform in the School and the University
A brief history and description of Total Quality Management introduces a discussion of a teacher education improvement project at Northeastern Illinois University. The project grew out of a conference (1991) hosted by the university titled "Developing University/Business Partnerships for Restructuring Teacher Education." The Coalition of Universities and Businesses for Education (CUBE) resulted from this conference.
Rural Special Education for the New Millennium. Conference Proceedings of the American Council on Rural Special Education (ACRES) (19th, Albuquerque, New Mexico, March 25-27, 1999)
This proceeding, containing 69 paper and poster presentations, focuses on innovation and hope with a glance to the future.
PEPNet 2000 Innovation in Education. Conference Proceedings (Denver, Colorado, April 5-8, 2000)
This proceedings focus on the best practices and most effective strategies for meeting the needs of postsecondary students who are deaf and hard of hearing.
A Developing Model of Teachers Educating Themselves for Multicultural Pedagogy
This paper reports on the individual student projects of 37 classroom teachers enrolled in a graduate class on multicultural arts education. Identifies points of initial resistance and relates these to patterns of change.
Diversity and Development: Futures in the Education of Adults. Proceedings of the Annual Conference (26th, Leeds, England, July 2-4, 1996)
Fifty-three papers are included in this proceeding. The papers are on the following topics: Adult Education, Community Education
Objectives, Practices,Trends'Computer Uses in Education, Cultural Differences, Foreign Countries,Futures (of Society), Higher Education
Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the Association for the Education of Teachers in Science (Minneapolis, MN, January 8-11, 1998)
The 40 papers from this international conference addressed the major theme of facilitating science literacy for all teachers and students.
Reinvented inclusive schools: A framework to guide fundamental change
This report presents a systemic change framework for creating inclusive urban schools. It explains that if a key feature of reform focuses on multicultural education as a fundamental social and educational transformation, then opportunities for all students to achieve educational equity will be realized in U.S.
Breaking Ranks: Changing an American Institution. A "Bulletin" Special
Summarizes a report published by the NASSP Study of the Restructuring of the American High School. Outlines nine educational goals and recommendations on renewal priorities for curriculum, instructional strategies, school environment, technology, organization and time, assessment and accountability, professional development, diversity, governance, resources, ties to higher education, and leadership.
On...Transformed, Inclusive Schools: A Framework To Guide Fundamental Change in Urban Schools
This report presents a systemic change framework for creating inclusive urban schools. It explains that if a key feature of reform focuses on multicultural education as a fundamental social and educational transformation, then opportunities for all students to achieve educational equity will be realized in U.S.
Partner schools: Centers for educational renewal
This book addresses three questions: Is the partner school concept a passing fad? What do educators need to know in order to initiate a partnership and a partner school? What can we anticipate, with regard to costs and benefits, from partner schools in the future?.
Crisis in Mong Education: Urgent Needs for Professional Development
Information on the Hmong (Mong) people living in Wisconsin, their educational background, the reasons they came to the United States, and the problems they are facing is provided. The Hmong are a closely knit ethnic group from Laos who migrated there from China in the 18th century.
A Guide to Faculty Development: Practical Advice, Examples, and Resources
Chapters in this guide provide practical guidance and useful information and resources relating to important aspects of faculty development, from setting up a faculty development program to assessing teaching practices.
Collaborative action research projects: Enhancing teacher development in professional developmnet schools
Investigated how collaborative action research projects affected five pre-service teachers' professional development while working with on-site teacher educators within a Professional Development School.
Creating Highly Motivating Classrooms for All Students: A Schoolwide Approach to Powerful Teaching with Diverse Learners. The Jossey-Bass Education Series
This book focuses on teaching diverse students, providing a pedagogical framework and concrete strategies that school staff and educators can use in the context of: professional development related to school renewal; professional development related to K-12 teaching; and teaching strategies for K-12 classrooms.
Supporting Teachers To Bridge Cultures for Immigrant Latino Students. A Model for Professional Development
This publication describes a model for faculty development in the area of immigrant Latino students.
Business Education Index, 2000: Index of Business Education Articles and Research Studies Compiled from a Selected List of Periodicals Published during the Year 2000. Volume 61
This document (which is to be the last in its series) indexes business education articles and research studies compiled from a selected list of 38 periodicals published in 2000. Priority is given to journals essential to research and teaching across the broad business education spectrum.
Implementing Standards with English Language Learners: Initial Findings from Four Middle Schools
This document aims to help teachers make the transition to standards-based teaching and learning. It describes the first phase of a 3-year applied research project on professional development for teaching to high standards in culturally and linguistically diverse middle schools.
Contradictions in Collaboration: New Thinking on School/University Partnerships
This book is based on a 6-year longitudinal study of collaboration in a professional development school (PDS) project involving 45 educators. Teachers and principals from the schools and faculty and doctoral students from the university work together to plan, implement, and evaluate a Master's of Education program.
The High-Quality Learning Conditions Needed To Support Students of Color and Immigrants at California Community Colleges. Policy Report.
California Tomorrow, a non-profit research organization that supports the development of a fair and inclusive multicultural society, conducted this study.
The effects of professional development schools: A literature review
This paper reviews research on the impact of Professional Development Schools (PDSs) on K-12 students, preservice teachers, inservice teachers, university faculty, school reform, and research. Section 1 examines what the research says about the impact of PDSs on these groups, using data from the ERIC database, and it discusses external support for PDSs.
The Training and Supervisory Needs of Racial and Ethnic Minority Students
Despite increasing attention given to multicultural training issues in counseling programs, there is a dearth of information on unique training needs of racial and ethnic minority trainees. Reviews literature relevant to training needs, offers examples of training and supervisory issues, and makes recommendations for future research and training.
Training Teachers of Language and Culture. Language Australia Research Policy and Practice Papers
This booklet posits that language teacher education is an important component of nation building in a multilingual community. Communication is a crucial component of nation building, and teachers play a key role in the creation, renewal, and re-negotiation of the nation and its bonds, the state and its resources.
Compendium: Writings on Effective Practices for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Exceptional Learners
Derived from two national multicultural symposia, this compendium focuses on an array of topics that combine research and educational practices for youth from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds with disabilities and/or gifts.
Promoting Cultural Awareness and the Acceptance of Diversity through the Implementation of Cross-Cultural Activities
An action research project implemented a program for developing tolerance through increased cultural awareness. Targeted population consisted of third grade and high school students in a rural, middle class community in western Illinois.
Cultural Diversity in Catholic Schools: Challenges and Opportunities for Catholic Educators
This book examines sociocultural factors that affect teaching and learning in today's Catholic elementary and secondary schools. The first chapter, "Cultural Diversity: An Important but Problematic Issue," discusses how demographic and societal changes have created a greater need for cultural diversity in education, and stresses the ambiguities inherent in addressing this diversity.
Multicultural Teacher Education: Problems and Possibilities in Small College Settings
This study examined how small private colleges addressed multicultural issues within teacher education. Data came from colleges and universities belonging to the Coalition for Christian Colleges and Universities.
What Makes Professional Development Effective? Results From a National Sample of Teachers
This study uses a national probability sample of 1,027 mathematics and science teachers to provide the first large-scale empirical comparison of effects of different characteristics of professional development on teachers' learning.
The impact of professional development schools on the education of urban students
Professional development schools (PDSs) were originated a decade ago to provide a new model for teacher education that enables graduate students to have meaningful classroom experiences while they earn their degree. Over 1,000 PDSs exist in nearly every state, operating as partnerships between universities and public schools; most belong to one of many national or regional networks.
A Review of the Pipeline: The Value of Diversity in Staffing Teaching and Learning Centers in the New Millennium
Surveys the national context of recruiting and hiring faculty developers, examines faculty development center staffing, and discusses the advantages and challenges of hiring a diverse staff. Offers suggestions for the future of educational development associations as multicultural organizations and how educational development professionals can lead the effort toward creating a diverse pipeline of professionals.
Variable definitions of professional development schools: A desire or dilemma?
Discusses when a school-university partnership is mature or collegial enough to be called a Professional Development School (PDS) partnership, challenging those who call what they have always done a PDS. The article defines a PDS, reviews the literature on PDSs, and clarifies the many models that exist across the country.
Professional Development Leadership and the Diverse Learner. Issues in Science Education
This book focuses on the professional development of teachers and discusses issues related to science education reform. The content of the book is divided into two parts.
Mathematics, teaching, and multimedia: Investigations of real practice
This book describes efforts to develop an approach to teaching and teacher education that is deeply rooted in the study of practice. Drawing on video, graphic, and textual records of a year's worth of mathematics lessons in two elementary classrooms, research was conducted on curriculum and instruction, children's learning, and the culture of the classroom across the school year.
Graduates of professional development school programs: Perceptions of the teacher as change agent
Investigated whether graduates of Professional Development Schools perceived themselves as change agents, implemented practices supporting change, and chose schools supportive of change. Teacher surveys indicated that most respondents believed they were change agents, that they were viewed as change agents, and that they practiced behaviors indicative of change.
The Internet Resource Directory for K-12 Teachers and Librarians. 97/98 Edition
This directory is the fourth in an annual series of Internet guides for educators, librarians, and school administrators, and provides tips on access to, as well as addresses for, online resources that support and enrich the K-12 curriculum and supplement the school library core collection. Sites that help educators develop professionally are also covered.
Professional Development Schools: Catalysts for Teacher and School Change
Using data from surveys of and interviews with teachers and principals, this study explored the impact of involvement in Professional Development Schools (PDS) on teacher professional growth and school change at seven elementary and secondary PDS sites. Results highlighted the importance of a range of context variables to program success.
Reflective Activities: Helping Students Connect with Texts. Classroom Practices in Teaching English, Volume 30
This book offers successful classroom practices that encourage students to learn purposefully and constructively by reflecting on their own learning processes and by making connections between what they read (whether verbal or visual texts) and the lives they lead.
Professional development schools
Research-based reform continues to strike a balance between the academic theories and classroom realities. This handbook provides a set of guidelines for the preparation of skilled instructors at all levels and career stages of teaching; establishes a curriculum for teacher education; and offers a forum for discussion in the field among teachers, teacher educators, and administrators.
Multicultural Career Counseling: Ten Essentials for Training
Critical areas in which career counselors need training are as follows: demographics, world of work, career and multicultural counseling competence, career counseling process, multicultural counseling theories, career development models, career assessment, barriers to career development, culturally sensitive career centers, and continuing professional development. (Contains 49 references.) (SK).
Adult ESL: Politics, Pedagogy, and Participation in Classroom and Community Programs
The collection of essays on the politics of adult English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) instruction are onAdult Education
Community Programs,information Technology,Politics of Education etc.
To Improve the Academy. Resources for Faculty, Instructional and Organizational Development. Volume 18
The year 2000 volume of this annual publication contains 18 articles on issues relating to organizational change, collaboration and partnerships, and teaching and faculty development in higher education.
Strength through diversity: Houston Consortium for professional development and technology centers
The challenges of burgeoning enrollment and the high concentration of lower-income and ethnic minority students, a climate of low expectations, teacher and student mobility, and increasing drop-out rates, led to the formation of the Houston (Texas) Consortium of Urban Professional Development Centers.
Developing and Using Black Cultural Knowledge: Challenges and Opportunities in Teacher Development
This study investigated teachers' multicultural knowledge and multicultural professional development; teachers' cultural knowledge and/or professional development specific to children of African descent; professional development that teachers have had which increased their effectiveness in teaching children of African descent; and whether teachers' multicultural knowledge affected their performance/effectiveness in the classroom.
Coming Together: Preparing for Rural Special Education in the 21st Century. Conference Proceedings of the American Council on Rural Special Education (18th, Charleston, South Carolina, March 25-28, 1998)
This proceeding contains 64 papers on rural special education. Papers present promising practices in rural special education, discussions of theory and research, research findings, program descriptions, and topics of current concern.
The Chicago Handbook for Teachers: A Practical Guide to the College Classroom
This book is designed to offer practical advice to beginning, as well as experienced, teachers of college courses on navigating many of the common challenges faced both in and outside the classroom.
Professional development schools: A balanced wheel makes it better for everyone
Discusses the collaborative efforts of a team of elementary school and university educators working within the context of a professional development school (PDS) to foster culturally responsible pedagogy, inspire reflective practice, and enhance student performance. Concludes that the PDS experience increases teacher effectiveness and accountability.
Multicultural Strategies for Community Colleges: Expanding Faculty Diversity. ERIC Digest
This digest explores the community college's mission to increase student attendance and performance by improving faculty diversity. Community colleges are filled with multicultural, diverse students who bring different knowledge and skills to educational institutions.
Middle Level Education: An Annotated Bibliography
Developed as a reference tool for teachers, administrators, researchers, parents, and others interested in middle level education, this annotated bibliography of 1,757 entries focuses on practical aspects of middle level education and on research related to adolescence and middle level practices.
Improving Upper Grade Math Achievement via the Integration of a Culturally Responsive Curriculum
This report describes an intervention program for increasing mathematical achievement of African American students. Within the targeted population, it was evident that the disparity in math achievement between African American and White students was increasing each year.
Assessing the Effects of Reform in Teacher Education: An Evaluation of the MAT Program at Trinity University
This report describes the teacher education reforms at Trinity University (San Antonio, Texas), with special emphasis on the benefits and obstacles encountered along the journey toward the creation and maintenance of effective school-university partnerships.
The Theoretical Foundations of Professional Development in Special Education: Is Sociocultural Theory Enough?
This article reviews sociocultural, multicultural, and critical pedagogical theories and suggests that an adequate and sufficient theoretical framework for professional development in special education must explicitly and directly address issues of power, discrimination, and relative status that underlie dilemmas of practice. It offers vignettes of such dilemmas, with reference to the 1998 Council for Exceptional Children's professional standards.
Intersections: A Professional Development Project in Multicultural and Global Education, Asian and Asian American Studies
This publication presents a sampling of the writings of participants in the Intersections Project, a professional development program to bridge gap between multicultural and global education for urban schools that involved four participating entities, each with a local project that focused on Asia and Asian Americans.
A Professional Development School Improves Teacher Preparation: Twain Meets Trinity in Texas
Describes the Alliance for Better Schools, a partnership established in 1987 between Trinity University and Mark Twain Middle School in San Antonio, Texas.
Teacher Educators' Role in Promoting the Tenets of Multicultural Education
Few preservice and beginning teachers are prepared for the diversity of today's classrooms. Educators must be aware of the many ways in which people are diverse and recognize that diversity is an enormous advantage.
Teaching about Japan: Lessons and Resources
This document is a revised and updated version of two publications: "Modern Japan: An Idea Book for K-12 Teachers" and "Resources for Teaching About Japan." These lesson plans were developed by teachers who participated in a summer institute on Japan, sponsored by the East Asia Resource Center at the Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington.
Multicultural Training in Art Therapy: Past, Present, and Future
Describes the past and current state of multicultural education within the art therapy profession. Models for curriculum and educational delivery are offered along with suggestions for the future development of multiculturalism within the profession.
Philosophical and structural perspectives in teacher education
In this book, leading scholars address a range of issues, ideas, and research findings in the field of teacher education, examining specific disciplines, social foundations, and program structures, as well as school reform and diversity.
Revista de Investigacion Educativa, 2000 (Journal of Educational Research, 2000)
Articles in this volume focus on the following: teacher evaluation and quality management in education.
Reconceptualizing Literacy in the New Age of Multiculturalism and Pluralism. A Volume in Language, Literacy, and Learning
The 17 chapters in this collection of papers are on Cultural Literacy,Cultural Pluralism, Black Culture,Elementary Secondary Education,English (Second Language),Higher Education,Hispanic American Students,Preservice Teacher Education.
The National Conversation on Youth Development in the 21st Century. Final Report.
To commemorate 2002 as the centennial year of America's 4-H Movement, the National 4-H Council held a national conversation to identify ways of improving youth development programs. The conversation process included the following activities: 1,577 local conversations that yielded more than 10,000 specific action items; a review of those items at 63 state conversations; and a national conversation at which 1,200 youths and adults representing 600 organizations developed specific national strategies and action steps based on the findings of the local and state conversations.
In Search of Wholeness: African American Teachers and Their Culturally Specific Classroom Practices
This collection of essays is a theoretical and practice-oriented treatment of how culture and race influence African American teachers.
Teacher Learning: New Policies, New Practices. The Series on School Reform
This collection of articles focuses on the practice and policy of staff development in terms of recent developments in teacher learning. Following an introduction by the editors, the book is divided into five parts.
The new meaning of educational change
This book has been greatly revised and expanded to make it a definitive up-to-date reference for educational innovators involved in educational reform.
Extending the Possibilities of Multicultural Professional Development in Public Schools
A 3-year qualitative study documented and critiqued a city school system's efforts to enlighten faculty and staff through multicultural professional development. Examples from the study show how the district attempted to introduce a more inclusive schooling approach and extend the virtues of multicultural professional development.
Major Trends and Issues in Early Childhood Education: Challenges, Controversies, and Insights. (Second Edition)
Noting that understanding the contexts, continuities, and controversies of early childhood education is especially challenging because of the diversity in the field, this book provides a critical examination of the issues and controversies surrounding early childhood practices, policies, and professional development.
Euclid Assesses the California BTSA and Finds the Whole Greater than the Sum. Pathwise(TM)-the Educational Testing Service Component
This report describes the Educational Testing Service professional development/assessment system for student and beginning teachers, "Pathwise," a classroom observation instrument, as used in the California Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment Program (BTSA) for teacher education.
Disproportionate Representation: A Critique of State and Local Strategies. Policy Forum Report (Washington, D.C., September 14-15, 1995). Final Report
This document reports on the purpose, implementation, and outcomes of a policy forum on strategies used to address the disproportionate number of students from minority ethnic/racial groups receiving special education. Participants included representatives of state education agencies, local education agencies, the university/research community, general education, the Office for Civil Rights, and advocacy groups.
Issues in Social Studies: Voices from the Classroom
This collection of essays, from Houston area educators, investigates and analyzes the state of social education, offering a critical and transformative perspective.
Teacher Self-Evaluation of Renewal Efforts of Their Teaching Practices To Improve Student Achievement
This study evaluated how teachers perceived their efforts to improve their teaching practices by participating in the Jacksonville Urban Educational Partnership (JUEP), a Professional Development School (PDS). The JUEP was designed to create sustained, high quality, professional development systems for inservice educators in three PDSs.
A Review of Research on the Kentucky Education Reform Act 1995 (KERA).
This review of research identifies, reviews, and summarizes studies that address the implementation of the Kentucky Education Reform Act of 1990 (KERA) and that focus on the effects of the reforms on students, teachers, and other stakeholders.
Multicultural Transformations through LATTICE: An Evaluation of a Model of Professional Development for Teachers
This paper describes a 5-year inservice teacher professional development project to improve teachers' abilities to work in diverse settings, Linking All Types of Teachers with Intercultural Education (LATTICE). LATTICE involved K-12 public school teachers in Michigan and international graduate students and internationally oriented faculty at a large state university.
Urban Bilingual Teachers and Mentoring for the Future
Reviews the literature on mentoring teachers, focusing on bilingual and bicultural education and emphasizing issues relevant in urban settings. An interactive model of mentoring is proposed in which bilingual teachers, whether mentors or new teachers, can share perspectives sorely needed in this age of increasing cultural diversity.
Journal of the Pennsylvania Counseling Association, 2000-2001
These two journal issues are dedicated to the study and development of the counseling profession. The journal's emphasis on multiculturalism is evident in the article selected for this volume.
Changing the way we do our business: One department's story of collaboration with public schools.
This article describes the efforts of the University of South Florida's Department of Special Education to change its approach to educating special education teachers, by making a total commitment to align its work with public schools in developing a network of Professional Development Schools to reflect a collaborative model of training and research.
The Schooling of Multiracial Students. ERIC/CUE Digest, Number 138
The purpose of this digest is to help educators develop a curriculum for multiracial students that fosters their ability to develop a positive identity and achieve academically. To this end, the digest briefly reviews identity formation in multiracial children and then presents schoolwide and classroom strategies that have been shown to be particularly effective with multiracial students and that also promote all children's understanding of racial issues.
Educational Research in Europe. Yearbook 2000
The first Yearbook of the European Educational Research Association (EERA) is based on a selection of texts presented at the EERA annual meeting in 1999, which took place in Lahti, Finland. It is intended to be part of the development of a European conversation about educational research.
Selected Strategies and Activities To Provide Challenging Instruction to ESOL Students in Content Area Courses
This paper describes how a large school district in suburban Atlanta, Georgia dealt with the challenges presented by the relatively sudden influx of a large number of highly heterogeneous limited-English-proficient (LEP) students. The eight most critical specific problems that underlay the assimilation of the new students included the following: a lack of proper assessment techniques; a largely negative categorization of the limited-.
Capitalizing on Leadership in Rural Special Education: Making a Difference for Children and Families. Conference Proceedings (Alexandria, Virginia, March 16-18, 2000)
This proceeding contains 57 presentations and presentation summaries concerned with rural special education. The papers are arranged in 11 sections: impacting governmental policy, at risk, collaborative education models, early childhood education, gifted, multicultural, parents and families, preservice and inservice teacher education, technology, transition, and other.
Professional Development for University Scientists around Issues of Equity and Diversity: Investigating Dissent within Community
Investigates the role of dissent in a community of university scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and social scientists engaged in a two-year professional development project on issues of equity and diversity. Focuses on professional development sessions devoted to a contentious yet integral topic in science education, the gendered and multicultural nature of science.
Mathematics, Multicultural Education, and Professional Development
Focuses on mathematics multicultural education as a mobilizing force for the development of theory and research which offers a countervision to the way that schooling is usually conducted. Reviews literature that connects multicultural education with mathematics and analyzes how teachers view multicultural education and the impact of multicultural education staff development on mathematics teaching.
Professional development schools: Looking ahead
Speculates on the future of Professional Development Schools (PDSs), examining: the Holmes Group's beginning vision of PDSs; PDS progress; persistent problems; the vision of learning and learning to teach; the role of the university at large; the structures of schools and PDSs; teachers' roles; recent enabling trends; and a primary purpose for PDSs.
Reinventing Early Care and Education: A Vision for a Quality System
Although early care and education have gained some momentum in recent years, shortfalls in quality are still pervasive. This book defines the elements of a high-quality system and suggests strategies for improvement.
Exploring the Landscape of Canadian Teacher Education
Reviews the context of Canadian teacher education, highlighting changes in the educational landscape, in the population (e.g., the multicultural nature of society and shifting urban/rural trends), and in how people think about professional education and discussing the professional development of in-service teachers. An overview of formal and informal professional development in Canada is included.
Developing Practice, Developing Practitioners: Toward a Practice-Based Theory of Professional Education
The 13 papers in this collection, which served as the basis for policy recommendations in "What Matters Most," a major report of the National Commission on Teaching and America's Future, synthesize important research in the fields of teaching and teacher education. Emphasized throughout is the importance of a significant and sustained investment in well-educated professional teachers.
Research from professional development schools: Can we live up to the potential?
Examines findings of Professional Development School (PDS) researchers on the potential of PDSs to change and improve the quality of education, discussing Holmes Group research, describing barriers that have limited the contribution from PDS research, and arguing for greater focus on professional development, leadership, and policy if the PDS movement is to fulfill its potential.
Building on the Best, Learning from What Works: Seven Promising Reading and English Language Arts Programs.
Part of a series about research-based programs that show promise for raising student achievement (especially in low-performing schools), this paper describes seven promising reading and language arts programs. Each program shows evidence of high standards, effectiveness, replicability, and support structures.
Developing practice, developing practioner: Toward a practice-based theory of professional development.
The vision of a better education is complex.Teachers are to help diverse learners become competent and skilled, understand what they are doing, and communicate effectively. Schools are to be connected with their communities, and all students are to succeed in ways they currently do not and never have before in the history ofAmerican public education.
A Study of the Gender Role Orientations of Beginning Counselors
Counseling literature and the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs' (1994) accreditation standards advocate gender-sensitive counseling practices. However, the effects of socialization processes on counselor education students concerning gender role orientation may interfere with that mandate.
Educating teachers for restructured schools
In this book, leading scholars address a range of issues, ideas, and research findings in the field of teacher education, examining specific disciplines, social foundations, and program structures, as well as school reform and diversity.
ETS Study Links Effective Teaching Methods to Test-Score Gains.
Reports on the study conducted by Educational Testing Service associate research scientist Harold Wenglinsky on the relationship between indicators of teacher quality on the performance of eighth-grade students in the 1996 National Assessment of Education Progress in the United States. Teachers' classroom practices, professional development experiences and educational backgrounds that affect student performance.
The Effect of Site-Based Preservice Experiences on Elementary Social Studies Teaching Self-Efficacy Beliefs
This study assessed the effectiveness of a site-based teacher education program for undergraduate seniors at the University of Houston. The program's final field-based year is divided into a professional development semester and student teaching.
Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group = Groupe Canadien d'Etude en Didactique des Mathematiques. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting (25th, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, May 25-29, 2001)
This document contains the proceedings of the 2001 annual meeting of the Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group (CMESG) held at the University of Alberta, May 25-39, 2000.
The Many Faces of Team Teaching and Learning: An Overview
Defines team teaching, a growing trend. Presents a typology of types differing in purpose: interdisciplinary/multicultural education, collaborate learning, community action, action learning, specialized delivery, professional development, research, and writing.
Professional development schools: Schools for developing a profession
This book describes a recent trend in the school restructuring movement--the professional-development school. These schools are committed to the acquisition and sharing of knowledge among all members of the educational community and depend on research-practitioner collaboration.
A mentoring program for beginning and veteran teachers of students with severe disabilities.
A graduate program component that assigned mentors to preservice special education teachers of students with severe disabilities is described. Characteristics of effective mentoring programs, the mentoring needs of preservice teachers of students with severe disabilities, and the mentorship program components are discussed.
Issues in Science Education
This publication addresses the issues and practical approaches needed to lay the foundation upon which science educators can work together to build effective science programs. It shares the ideas, insights, and experiences of individuals ranging from science supervisors to university personnel to agencies representing science education.
Supporting Teachers in Becoming Multicultural Educators: A Model Staff Development Program
Describes a model of implementing multicultural education that uses a four-step process of awareness, knowledge, skills development, and action. Professional education is a key component of this program, which was evaluated in 1995 and 1996.
Preparing Teachers for Diversity: A Dilemma of Quality and Quantity. Teaching and California's Future
This report explores the absence in educational reform of attention to preparing teachers to work with culturally and linguistically diverse students.
Promoting the Development of Graduate Students of Color
Argues that multicultural coursework, pedagogy, and support services, which honor diverse needs and voices, can enhance the environment for graduate students of color. Examines problems faced by students of color; ways to bolster recruitment, retention, and support programs; faculty-student interaction; classroom interaction; professional development opportunities; and curriculum.
A Two-Way Bilingual Program: Promise, Practice, and Precautions
In spite of political pressure, bilingualism is emerging as a strategy for improving the academic achievement of all students. Two-way bilingual or dual-language programs integrate language-minority and language-majority students for instruction in two languages.
Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers: The Field Experience. Teacher Education Yearbook IV
This yearbook provides educators with current research and practical guidelines for improving the education of teacher candidates and beginning teachers. The book has four sections, each on a particular topic and containing an overview and a response (reflections and implications).
The Business Education Index 1996. Index of Business Education Articles and Research Studies Compiled from a Selected List of Periodicals Published during the Year 1996. Volume 57
This index, which was compiled from a selected list of 45 periodicals published in 1996, lists more than 2,000 business education articles and research studies.
I Always Wanted To Live in an Exclusive Neighborhood until I Realized That Who They Were Trying To Exclude Was Me!
Examines how schools replicate or interrupt exclusionary or discriminatory practices based on a study of Latino school administrators in San Diego County (California). Presents a model of the interaction between Latino educational administrators and the sentiment within the educational community that places educator identity and professional development within four quadrants.
Asian, American, and Deaf: A Framework for Professionals
Presents a multicultural framework for thinking about, assessing, and working with people with deafness from Asian and Asian Deaf backgrounds. Emphasis is placed on cultural awareness and cultural competence for professionals and on building bridges across cultural networks.
Teachers' perceptions of administrative support.
This report summarizes results of a survey of special educators regarding first, their working conditions related to central office support and, second, the impact of administrative support on their job satisfaction, commitment, and intent to leave. Major findings regarding teacher attitudes toward central office administrators include a perceived administrative distance with a sense of being managed from a distance and a lack of proactive assistance and a perceived dissonance in priorities and values between teachers and central office administrators.
Preventing Substance Abuse from Undermining Permanency Planning: Competencies at the Intersection of Culture, Chemical Dependency, and Child Welfare
Understanding the overlap between culture, race, substance misuse, and maltreatment is central to implementing better permanent plans for children and their families. Examines the intersection of these areas and presents a typology of five competency areas for culturally relevant substance abuse knowledge, attitudes, and skills to strengthen permanency planning and family continuity for children of color.
Navigating through Uncharted Territory: The Tensions and Promise of PDS Partnerships
One of five articles in the section on the "Promise and Purpose of Professional Development Schools," this article examines challenges that arise when preservice teacher education occurs mainly within professional development schools (PDS). Suggests that for PDS to promote reform, partners must set aside preconceived notions and share in decision making regarding all aspects of PDS.
Preparing Science Teachers for Diversity through Service Learning
Discusses challenges teachers face with learners from different backgrounds. Presents service learning as an alternative framework for teacher education with the potential for engaging teachers in an active construction of knowledge and development of connections between community and multicultural teaching practices.
Oyster School Stands the Test of Time
Describes Oyster Elementary School's award-winning two-way bilingual (Spanish-English) program. The school's success has been maintained by strong parent- community support, high academic standards, and ongoing professional development efforts.
Teacher retention, teacher effectiveness, and professional preparation: A comparison of professional developmnet school and non-professional development school graduates
Compared Professional Development School (PDS) and non-PDS graduates regarding retention in teaching, teaching effectiveness, and perceptions of professional preparation.
Standards for professional development schools
This project involved field testing and revising the "Standards for Professional Development Schools" (PDSs) and developing an assessment process for their use. Eighteen PDS partnerships participated.
School-university partnerships
Examines the preservice teacher education role of professional development schools in the context of school-university partnerships. The necessary joining of K-12 and university cultures raises numerous problems, including dealing with cultural clash and schools of education, sustaining leadership and commitment, providing adequate resources, modeling authentic collaboration, and avoiding the quick-fix syndrome.
Trends and Issues in English Instruction, 1999--Six Summaries. Summaries of Informal Annual Discussions of the Commissions of the National Council of Teachers of English
This 16th annual report presents information on current trends and issues informally discussed by the directors of six National Council of Teachers of English commissions.
Pioneers of Multicultural Counseling: An Interview with Paul B. Pedersen
This interview with Dr. Pedersen highlights his contributions to the field of counseling and psychology in general and to the field of multicultural counseling in particular.
Urban Schools Rethink Themselves: Developing Instructional Skills in the Process of Change
Explores aspects of professional development within the Accelerated Schools model and suggests ways to realize teacher's potential for strengthening the mediational skills that are critical to quality education. Additionally, examines examples of the impact on teacher performance and of training that promotes research and inquiry.
Pacific Resources for Education and Learning Fact Sheet.
Pacific Resources for Education and Learning (PREL) is a nonprofit corporation that serves schools in 10 Pacific island political entities, whose affiliation with the United States ranges from statehood to free association. PREL's main office is in Honolulu, Hawaii, with service centers in American Samoa; the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands; the Federated States of Micronesia (Chuuk, Kosrae, Pohnpei, and Yap); Guam; the Republic of the Marshall Islands; and the Republic of Palau.
PT3. [SITE 2002 Section]
This document contains 142 papers on PT3 (Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers to use Technology) from the SITE (Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education) 2002 conference.
Professional Development Schools: Weighing the Evidence
This book examines U.S. progress in revitalizing teacher education and reforming K-12 education via Professional Development Schools (PDS's).
Like Stone Soup: The Role of the Professional Development School in the Renewal of Urban Schools
This monograph critiques professional development schools (PDSs) and their role in the renewal of urban schools.College School Cooperation
Diversity, Professional Development Schools,Urban Education, Elementary Secondary Education, Equal Education, Higher Education
Multicultural Education, Politics of Education, Preservice Teacher Education, Teacher Attitudes, Teachers.
From Co-Cultures to Community: Diversity at Miami-Dade Community College
Presents findings from extensive interviews with faculty, administrators, and staff describing how Miami-Dade Community College serves its multiracial and multicultural district through curriculum design, professional development, and hiring policies. Argues that diversity is a characteristic of quality education.