



part of the Education Reform Networks
Diversity Practices
Software Enhancements for a Diverse Family Unit. Curriculum Concerns
Discusses ways in which software (available at most school computing sites) can be used to create interesting visuals for lesson plans and activities. Describes a series of computer-generated graphics (created using Microsoft PowerPoint) designed to support a unit on families and diversity.
Communicating Appropriately with Asian and Pacific Islander Audiences. Technical Assistance Bulletin
Developing culturally appropriate prevention messages and materials for Asian and Pacific Islander audiences is challenging. It is important to recognize and respect their geographic, ethnic, racial, cultural, economic, social, and linguistic diversity.
Critical Multiculturalism in the Mature University
Explores how a critical multiculturalism, by encouraging greater cultural diversity in a widening participation in higher education, has the potential to change British universities. Showing how institutions discriminate against black people makes clear where power lies and how decisions are made.
Diversity Quilts: Promoting Multicultural Awareness
Summarizes and evaluates a project to promote multicultural awareness through the creation of a Diversity Quilt at Kansas State University. A survey of Counseling Center student participants reveals that 66% felt that their perception of other cultures had been changed through exposure to the Diversity Quilt.
Classroom Multiculturalism: A Closer Look
Uses field data gathered in two school districts to explore multicultural activity in social studies classrooms. The focus is on the source, treatment, and incorporation of multiculturalism into the lessons.
Increasing Preservice Teachers' Diversity Beliefs and Commitment
Explored the attitudes, beliefs, and commitments to diversity of a predominantly Anglo-American population of preservice teachers enrolled in a diversity course. Results described beginning ethnorelative attitudes, beliefs, and commitments after participation in the diversity course; some theoretical underpinnings for understanding change (or lack of change); and a framework for facilitating positive multicultural experiences.
Are the Culturally Diverse Needs of Children Being Met in Special Education?
A mail survey was conducted of 149 students (grades 4-8) with special needs in 19 school systems in inner city, suburban, and rural settings to determine their knowledge of cultural diversity and to identify their educational needs in this area.
Expanding Conceptions of Community and Civic Competence for a Multicultural Society
Connects the concept of diversity to the symbiotic relationship between individuality and community in the United States. Maintains that cultural awareness is a valid and realistic response to global interdependence and changing demographics.
Multicultural Education. Theory to Practice
Teachers from two urban elementary schools completed surveys about their multicultural education practices. The surveys examined demographics, content integration, instructional and grouping practices, and parent-community involvement practices.
A Confrontation with Diversity: Communication and Culture in the 21st Century
Explores the framework of "creolization" and its implications for the communication discipline. Examines social and cultural factors that could shape the nature and content of persuasion in the 21st century.
Teaching Asian American Students
Uses data from interviews with parents of Asian American students, observations, and literature reviews to identify cultural and language issues that must be considered in teaching this population. The paper discusses the history of Asian immigrants, attitudes toward education among Asians, the relationship between teaching styles and Asian culture, and suggestions for teachers working with Asian American students.
Race and Culture in the Classroom: Teaching and Learning through Multicultural Education. Multicultural Education Series
This book analyzes what happens when one teacher attempts to work with issues of race and culture in a classroom of diverse students in an urban high school.
Looking Back: Teachers' Reflections on an Innovative Teacher Preparation Program
Discusses an evaluation of the Comprehensive Teacher Institute, an innovative, multicultural, urban teacher preparation program. Reflections by teachers who completed the program indicated that one of the most important contributions to their professional development was fostering a network of colleagues and university faculty who continued to provide support and guidance.
Children of Mixed Race--No Longer Invisible
Schools often ignore the existence and special concerns of multiracial and multiethnic students, whose numbers are increasing faster than those of monoracial children. Serving these students requires changing teacher education, recording heritage sensitively, assessing formal and informal curricula, revising ethnic and racial celebrations, addressing harassment, and promoting anti-bias activities.
Preschoolers' Language during Use of Multiethnic Books in Daycare
One of the purposes for providing children with multiethnic books is to promote acceptance of diversity, yet the results of this exposure have rarely been empirically studied. The purpose of this study was to explore the story-related topics of discussion initiated by eleven 4- and 5-year-olds as they used multiethnic books during small group adult-initiated readings and one-on-one child-initiated emergent readings in one daycare classroom.
Are Our Preservice Teachers Ready To Teach in This Culturally Diverse Society? Examining Preservice Teachers' Self-Assessment on Their Multicultural Teaching Performance
This study examined preservice teachers' multicultural teaching performance and noted whether preservice teachers' demographic and educational backgrounds would predict their performance.
Cultural Diversity: Practising What We Preach in Higher Education
Argues for the need to put into practice policies of multicultural education using case studies of three individuals from three different cultural backgrounds. These individuals used their own cultural diversity as a model of successful intercultural teamwork in planning and implementing a multicultural education course for undergraduate teacher education students at the University of Canberra (Australia).
Saris & Skirts: Gender Equity and Multiculturalism
Staff members working in early childhood services have enormous potential to influence young children's developing attitudes toward cultural diversity and gender equity. This issue of the Australian Early Childhood Association Research in Practice Series focuses on how early childhood staff can work productively through the challenges of achieving gender equity in a culturally and ethnically diverse country such as Australia.
Effects of Language Arts Activities on Preservice Teachers' Opinions about Multiculturalism
Examined the effects of reading children's literature about diversity and participating in related interactive activities on student teachers' opinions about multiculturalism. Intervention and control-group students heard lectures on multiculturalism.
A Multicultural Approach for Empowerment in Language Arts Classrooms
It is argued that the increasing linguistic and cultural diversity in public schools requires teachers to be more sensitive to how children maintain effective cross-cultural communication, and be aware of barriers that affect interaction in culturally diverse classrooms. Sociocultural factors that shape the perspectives of all students should be considered in language arts programs.
Like Stone Soup: The Role of the Professional Development School in the Renewal of Urban Schools
This monograph critiques professional development schools (PDSs) and their role in the renewal of urban schools.
Teachers for Multicultural Schools: The Power of Selection
Proposes 12 teacher attributes that are important in multicultural schools, focusing on specific teacher qualities and ideology and explaining that selecting teachers who are predisposed to perform the sophisticated expectations of multicultural teaching is a necessary precondition. Training has important value after preselection, providing it emphasizes being mentored on the job as fully accountable teachers.
Cultural Reciprocity: Exploring the Impacts of Cross-Cultural Instruction on Professorial Self-Reflection
Cultural reciprocity refers to the dynamic and material exchange of knowledge, values, and perspectives between two or more individuals of different cultural (e.g., racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, religious) backgrounds. In this paper, cultural reciprocity is discussed as it pertains to professors of education and their students, based on the history of their interactions and diversity of experiences in cross-cultural settings.
Bilingual Education Policy and Practice in the Andes: Ideological Paradox and Intercultural Possibility
Discusses bilingual education policy and reform in the context of indigenous languages of Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia, exploring the ideological paradox inherent in transforming a standardizing education into a diversifying one and in constructing a multilingual, multicultural national identity. Data come from policy documents and practitioner narratives.
Language Magazine: The Journal of Communication & Education, 2002
These 12 issues of the journal include articles on such topics as the following: classical languages; early literacy; ancient languages; study abroad; teacher training; dialects; computer uses in education; classroom techniques; illustrated dictionaries for English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) students and others.
A Diversity Research Initiative: How Diverse Undergraduate Students Become Researchers, Change Agents, and Members of a Research Community
This report presents information on the University of Massachusetts Boston's Diversity Research Initiative (DRI).
Multiculturalism vs. Globalism
Addresses the error of treating multiculturalism and globalism as the same concept. Considers the boundaries and shared purposes of multiculturalism and globalism.
Diversity, Differences and Leisure Services. Research Update
Summarizes recent research on diversity, examining similarities and differences between diverse groups and noting the implications for recreation professionals. Presents several common principles that recreation professionals must consider in programming for diverse populations (training and education about diversity, cooperation and advocacy, social inclusion and choices, personal and psychological safety, and involving participants in planning).
Preservice Teachers Integrate Understandings of Diversity Into Literacy Instruction: An Adaptation of the ABC's Model
Investigated preservice teachers' understandings of their own and their students' cultural backgrounds, examining how they integrated those understandings into literacy instruction. The ABC model (autobiographies, biographies of students, cross-cultural analysis, analysis of cultural differences, and classroom practices) helped stimulate students to continue examining their lives, their cultural/linguistic backgrounds, and the impact of those factors on teaching diverse students.
Evaluating American Indian Textbooks & Other Materials for the Classroom
This guide contains information and suggestions to help teachers review and evaluate textbooks and other materials for stereotypes, inaccuracies, omissions, and bias about American Indians and other Native Americans. Guidelines are presented to raise the awareness of educators and publishers about Native heritage, culture, and contemporary issues.
A Call for Change in Multicultural Training at Graduate Schools of Education: Educating To End Oppression and for Social Justice
Graduate-level multicultural training is important for preparing future teachers to work effectively with diverse students. Professionals experienced in multiculturalism must revise and refine multicultural training to better address immigrants' diversity issues and issues around sexuality, disability, and spirituality.
From Policy to Action: Parkland College's Implementation of North Central's Statement on Access, Equity, and Diversity
Describes the measures taken by Parkland College to implement North Central's Statement on Access, Equity, and Diversity. Results include the creation of the Center for Multicultural Education, community-based diversity education, and organization of a statewide conference about gender-balanced, multicultural education.
Teachers of Gifted Students: Suggested Multicultural Characteristics and Competencies
This article discusses desired characteristics and competencies in teachers of gifted students who are culturally, ethnically, or linguistically diverse. These include: culturally relevant pedagogy, equity pedagogy, a holistic teaching philosophy, a communal philosophy, respect for students' primary language, culturally congruent instructional practices, culturally sensitive assessment, student-family-teacher relationships, and teacher diversity.
Making Connections between Multicultural and Global Education: Teacher Educators and Teacher Education Programs
This publication is the product of an ongoing study of how teacher educators in the United States and Canada are bridging the gap between multicultural and global education to prepare teachers for diversity, equity, and interconnectedness in the local community, the nation, and the world.
Looking Over the Edge: Preparing Teachers for Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Middle Schools
The principles and practices of multicultural education became the heart of one middle school teacher education program. The five principles included fostering inter/intragroup harmony through learning communities, targeting social justice and affirmation of diversity, empowering students and teachers, seeing things from multiple perspectives, and preparing teachers explicitly for cultural and linguistic diversity.
Comparing Pre-Service Teachers' Attitudes toward Diversity: Internship and Student Teaching Experiences
This study used qualitative and quantitative methodology to ascertain preservice teachers' attitudes toward multiculturalism and diversity and determine how they viewed their student teaching and internship experiences with respect to issues of diversity. The 46 participating student teachers completed a cultural inventory in the spring of 1998 and then again in the fall of 1998 (after 3 months of student teaching).
Institutional Support for Diversity in Preservice Teacher Education
Examines how institutions can provide support for diversity in preservice teacher education, focusing on the institutional context in which teacher educators work as they craft multicultural teacher preparation programs. Support includes strong institutional leadership and a campuswide vision for change, recruitment and retention of diverse students and faculty, and curriculum transformation.
Ready-to-Use Multicultural Activities for the American History Classroom: Four Centuries of Diversity from the 1600s to the Present
This classroom resource guide provides U.S. history teachers in grades 7-12 with 130 ready-to-use activities that build understanding and appreciation of diverse peoples and points of view regarding historical events.
Reducing Resistance to Diversity through Cognitive Dissonance Instruction: Implications for Teacher Education
Applied the principals of cognitive dissonance theory to an instructional strategy used to reduce resistance to the idea of white privilege, comparing groups of college students in diversity education courses that did and did not receive supplemental instruction on cognitive dissonance. Incorporating cognitive dissonance theory created an awareness of dissonance and has the potential to reduce resistance to diversity issues.
Diversity and Multiculturalism: Institutional Leadership at the University of Michigan
Initiatives taken at University of Michigan to address complex nature of diversity and multiculturalism in higher education are described, including a 1988 administrative strategic plan to link academic excellence and social diversity among faculty and students, a plan to improve women's representation among faculty, a longitudinal study of impact of diversity on the class of 1994, and curriculum reform. (MSE).
Practice into Theory into Practice: Culturally Relevant Pedagogy for Students We Have Marginalized and Normalized
A synthesis of ethnographic studies of multicultural education in North American and Australian multiethnic classrooms is presented. Nine assertions about culturally relevant instruction and two outcomes useful for teachers working in cross-cultural and multiethnic classrooms are provided.
Meeting the Challenges of Multicultural Education. The Third Report from the Evaluation of Pittsburgh's Prospect Multicultural Education Center
This is the third report from the evaluation of the Multicultural Education Program in Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania), a major effort to address racial and ethnic diversity in a middle school. Section 1 of the report provides background on the multicultural education movement and the aims of the Pittsburgh program.
I, Too, Am an American: Preservice Teachers Reflect upon National Identity
Preservice teachers read poetry by Langston Hughes and an Arab American student about being American, then composed and discussed their own poems. Poems helped them reflect on their own cultures and attitudes, thus developing a caring community of learners who valued diversity and human rights.
The Rhetoric of Diversity and the Traditions of American Literary Study: Critical Multiculturalism in English. Critical Studies in Education and Culture Series
This book considers the concept and practices of a noncritical multiculturalism as it has functioned historically and as it is widely practiced in U.S. university English programs.
Literacy & Libraries: Learning from Case Studies
This book presents 22 personal narratives in which library directors, program administrators, teachers, tutors, librarians, and adult learners explain firsthand how literacy programs at libraries across the United States have changed people's lives.
States' Requirements for Teachers' Preparation for Diversity
Investigated the state teacher licensure requirements regarding diversity among the 50 states and District of Columbia. Overall, 67 percent of respondents required some level of diversity preparation in their teacher preparation programs, though specific requirements varied greatly from state to state.
Interactive Drama: A Method for Experiential Multicultural Training
The authors present interactive drama as a medium to create learning about multicultural and diversity issues in the basis of cognitive-experiential self-theory. Results of exploratory qualitative research suggest 2 interactive dramas had an impact on awareness, understanding, and skills.
Diversity and the Individual in Dewey's Philosophy of Democratic Education
Examines two interpretations of Dewey's philosophy of education, one that requires intolerance and one that requires tolerance of individual differences, arguing that there is much truth to the multicultural interpretation, but that multiculturalism must be qualified to properly capture Dewey's position. The essay emphasizes the consequences of Dewey's social and political concerns for his theory of education.
Secondary Schools in a New Millennium: Demographic Certainties, Social Realities
This report examines the demographic trends, social realities, and complexities that can potentially transform American secondary schools. It describes the nature of diversity in the world and nation and between and within states and school districts.
Honouring Diversity in the Classroom: Challenges and Reflections. Diversity in the Classroom Series, Number One
This document provides the framework for six other related documents in a series that focuses on diversity in the classroom. Section 1, "Introduction," explains that children in any Canadian classroom are not homogeneous, and such diversity presents teachers with challenges and obligations.
Teaching Mathematics from a Multicultural Perspective
Describes principles and instructional strategies for teaching mathematics to culturally diverse students, explaining: fundamental principles of multicultural mathematics; approaches to multicultural mathematics instruction (e.g., portrayal of cultural groups in instructional materials and historical roots of mathematics concepts); and instructional strategies for diverse students (e.g., high expectations, questioning, cooperative learning, and technology use). (SM).
Special education and inclusion
Research-based reform continues to strike a balance between the academic theories and classroom realities. This handbook provides a set of guidelines for the preparation of skilled instructors at all levels and career stages of teaching; establishes a curriculum for teacher education; and offers a forum for discussion in the field among teachers, teacher educators, and administrators.
Children, Culture and Education
Today, the majority of countries are characterized by multicultural diversity, a factor which has enormous implications for early childhood educators. As we begin to understand the long-term benefits of participation in high quality early childhood care and education, educators must also recognize that their own cultural heritage can and does influence their perspectives on what is considered the best interests of young children.
An Exploration of the Uses of Children's Books as an Approach for Enhancing Cultural Diversity
Offers strategies for using children's books as tools for teaching able-bodied children about the unique needs of children with disabilities and how disabilities are an important aspect of cultural diversity. Notes five genres for conducting bibliotherapy: fiction, nonfiction, self-help books, fairy tales, and picture books.
Education & Justice: A View from the Back of the Bus
This collection of essays reflects a lifetime commitment to education and democracy, bringing together views on race, justice, and equity for all students.
Teaching Diversity: Experiences and Recommendations of American Psychological Association Division 2 Members
Explores how psychology instructors address diversity issues in the classroom through a survey of American Psychology Association's Division 2 members. Reveals that respondents generally acknowledged the importance of discussing diversity topics; also finds that 27% reported that diversity is not relevant and only 15% had taught any of the listed multicultural classes.
Reflections on the "White Movement" in Multicultural Education
Responds to an essay that examined the role of whites in multicultural education and reviewed three books, critiquing five of the essay's assumptions (e.g., there is a white movement in multicultural education, attention to whites' role in multicultural education is very recent, and the focus on white identity development in multicultural education signals a shift away from equity pedagogy). (SM).
Final Report on the Multicultural/Diversity Assessment Project
The Emporia State University Multicultural/Diversity Project developed a set of assessment instruments and a model evaluation plan to assess multicultural/diversity (MCD) outcomes in teacher education and general education programs. Assessment instruments and techniques were constructed to evaluate the impact of coursework on student attitudes, knowledge, and performance skills.
Cultural Diversity, Families, and the Special Education System: Communication and Empowerment
This monograph addresses the way parents of minority students perceive the special education system, with specific attention to these parents' views of the process by which their children are designated as "handicapped.".
Through the Eyes of Preservice Teachers: Implications for the Multicultural Journey from Teacher Education
Investigated definitions and perceptions of multicultural education among 103 preservice early childhood education students. Found that students' definitions illustrated minimal understanding of multicultural education, limited to race and ethnicity.
Increasing Multicultural Awareness through Teaching the Works of Anzia Yezierska
Recommends incorporating the works of author Anzia Yezierska into high school and college courses in order to increase students' multicultural awareness and tolerance of diversity. Notes that in five novels and many short stories, she raises cultural, gender, and religious issues still relevant today.
But That's Just Good Teaching! The Case for Culturally Relevant Pedagogy
Describes the centrality of culturally relevant pedagogy to academic success for minority students who are poorly served in public schools, discussing linkages between school and culture, examining the theoretical grounding of culturally relevant teaching in the context of a study of successful teachers of black students. Provides examples of culturally relevant teaching practices.
Multicultural Citizenship
Great Britain's citizenship education helps prepare students for informed and responsible citizenship in a multicultural society. Social science teachers and researchers should consider factors that epitomize multiethnic Britain today as they teach.
Multicultural Reflection
This paper examines how people reflect, individually and collaboratively, in different cultural contexts, discussing the consequences for teacher education. The paper suggests that the ways in which people reflect individually are shared across cultures, but the ways in which people reflect together are structured differently by their varied cultures, and this may have important consequences for teacher education since student teachers come from diverse cultures.
Effects of Teacher Preparation Experiences and Students' Perceptions Related to Developmentally and Culturally Appropriate Practices
Case study of preservice early childhood teachers in a course on cultural diversity inquired how the course's structure prepared them for working with and understanding diverse students and families. Pre- and post-course surveys indicated that students perceived that they had made gains in their understanding of cultural diversity issues and were positively affected through their teacher preparation experiences.
The Comprehensive Support Model for Culturally Diverse Exceptional Learners: Intervention in an Age of Change
This article discusses how students, teachers, families, communities, and government can work together using the Comprehensive Support Model (CSM) as an intervention for culturally diverse learners with exceptionalities. Embedded in the discussion are cases that illustrate functions of CSM.
Monocultural Teachers and Ethnoculturally Diverse Students
Argues that a primarily monocultural, monolingual Canadian teaching force must be prepared to work with an increasingly ethnoculturally diverse student population. Addresses issues related to misusing the terms "multicultural," "cross-cultural," and "intercultural." Suggests the alternative term "ethnocultural," identifies three dimensions (cultural, pedagogical, and sociolinguistic) of ethnocultural knowledge integral to teacher preparation, and discusses implementation strategies.
Preserving Home Languages and Cultures in the Classroom: Challenges and Opportunities
Decades of research document the powerful academic and socio-affective benefits of a strong home language base and affirmation of home language and culture as a valuable resource. This article explores the implicit challenges, daily realities, opportunities, and practical implications of incorporating language and culture into classrooms as they relate to culturally and linguistically diverse language learners.
Multicultural Environmental Education
Discusses multicultural education and some of the confusion surrounding the philosophy, and explains how multicultural education fits into environmental education. Multicultural education respects diversity of ideas and experiences.
From Our Readers: Preparing Preservice Teacher Candidates for Leadership in Equity
Describes the importance of moving beyond identity labels like Black, Hispanic, or female to examine how gender intersects with other social memberships like race and class. By considering more inclusive, individualized ways of viewing multiculturalism, educators can forge more meaningful conversations with students about diversity and equity.
A Crisis in Graduate Studies
Argues that Aboriginal graduate students are creating a crisis for faculties of education. The knowledge needed to supervise them as they produce theses is not available.
A Diversity Curriculum: Integrating Attitudes, Issues, and Applications
Describes a graduate-level public administration course on valuing diversity, which provided opportunities to examine in detail the ethical dilemmas, public attitudes and values, and social consequences of compelling diversity issues. Reports on a content analysis of students' final papers, identifying common themes in students' development of competencies related to valuing diversity.
Assembling Pieces in the Diversity Puzzle: A Field Model
Offers a model of social-work education that infuses multicultural content into the field curriculum and enhances faculty diversity. One school's field-practice seminars integrate diversity training by pairing community facilitators with faculty facilitators to increase instructors' awareness of diversity; offering ongoing workshops to train facilitators to address diversity issues; and conscious inclusion of diversity content into seminar curriculum.
Dreams of Woken Souls: The Relationship between Culture and Curriculum
This paper examines the relationship between culture and curriculum, combining academic discourse relating to the construction of identity, policy, and curriculum and conversations with 42 members of a New Zealand intermediate school community about the nature of culture. Interviewers' comments and stories illuminate their views of Maori and White culture, cultural differences and interrelationships, intergroup relations in school and community, and cross-cultural communication and learning.
Citizenship Education and Diversity
The goals of citizenship education can conflict with values of cultural pluralism. The Canadian government's policy is one of official neutrality and tolerance with respect to cultural differences.
Identifying the Prospective Multicultural Educator: Three Signposts, Three Portraits
Investigates how prospective teachers respond to social differences they encounter in educational discourse and public schools, identifying three signposts indicative of prospective multicultural educators (desiring change because of identifying with educational inequality, valuing critical pedagogy and multicultural social reconstructivist education, and wanting to understand educational inequality and its causes). Presents data from observations and interviews with three teacher candidates.
Multicultural Student Statistics, Fall 1998-99. The University of Wisconsin System.
This report presents 20 tables of data on the ethnic and racial status of students at the 13 degree-granting institutions which comprise the University of Wisconsin system.
Development of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Commitment To Teach Diverse Student Populations
Assessed Oakland University's elementary-teacher-preparation program to determine aspects of the program that most affected students' preparation to teach in diverse classrooms. Pre- and post-semester surveys of student teachers placed in urban/suburban schools indicated that students learned adequate skills for teaching diverse students, but their attitudes or beliefs about teaching in such settings were not adequately affected.
Strategies for Counterresistance: Toward Sociotransformative Constructivism and Learning To Teach Science for Diversity and for Understanding
Reports on two types of resistance by preservice science teachers--resistance to ideological change and resistance to pedagogical change. Suggests a sociotransformative constructivist orientation as a vehicle to link multicultural and socioconstructivist theoretical frameworks.
Cultural Connections: Promoting Self-Esteem, Achievement, and Multicultural Understanding through Distance Learning
This case study focused on the effects of collaborative activities between two teachers and their students. The authors explored the effectiveness of distance learning for adolescents in promoting self-esteem, achievement, and multicultural understanding.
Surveying the Landscape: Perceptions of Multicultural Support Services and Racial Climate at a Predominantly White University
Examined how white and minority students at a predominantly white college perceived racial climate, student support services, multicultural courses, and attitudes toward cultural diversity on campus. Surveys indicated that white and minority students' perceptions varied, and campus support services were inadequate for creating an environment where minority students could have as positive an experience as white students.
Multicultural Counseling Training: A Preliminary Study
Given the increasingly diverse makeup of the United States, the probability is high that counselors in all settings will work with clients of differing cultural backgrounds. Accrediting associations, including the Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP), have recently included cultural and/or diversity content in their training standards.
Faculty and Multicultural Education: An Analysis of the Levels of Curricular Integration within a Community College System
The United States population is projected to increase from 249 million in 1990 to 355 million by 2040, with minorities constituting more than half of the total population and a disproportionately large segment of the workforce. With changing demographics and increasing economic globalization, educational institutions will be confronted with reforming their curricula to meet new societal needs by promoting knowledge and understanding of different cultures.
Teachers' Views of the Nature of Multicultural Literacy
A study used focus groups to determine what teachers from a variety of settings think should be the multicultural content of literacy courses for preservice teachers. The three focus groups consisted of a total of 22 preschool through high-school teachers, all of whom taught, or had taught, in culturally and/or linguistically diverse settings.
America Reads Challenge: Tutors to Teachers
Investigated how the America Reads Challenge might help recruit tutors to the teaching profession. Focus groups and surveys of college tutors in urban settings indicated that they enjoyed the experience and believed it increased and confirmed their desire to teach.
Student Diversity, Choice, and School Improvement
This book examines research about trends affecting public school diversity, improvement, and choice. It finds that schools with socioeconomically and racially diversified student bodies are more effective learning communities than schools that are poverty-concentrated and racially homogenous.
Diversity Initiatives in Higher Education: A Case Study of Multicultural Organizational Development through the Lens of Religion, Spirituality, Faith, and Secular Inclusion
Presents a case study of the University of Maryland Office of Human Relations Programs' (OHRP) efforts to confront Christian privilege and build a religiously, spiritually, faith-based, and secularly inclusive community campus-wide. Highlights four stages: rifts and tensions, reconnecting, reconceptualization, and realization.
Assessing the Attitudes of Student Teachers toward Issues of Diversity: A Dilemma for Teacher Educators
Explores attitudes and perceptions of 120 student teachers with regard to their ability to implement multicultural education in the student teaching classroom. Results suggest that confusion and ambiguity are present throughout the student teacher education experience.
The Violence That Creates School Dropouts
Examines the impact of violence on high school dropouts in their relationships with peers, family, teachers, and school structure. The resistance to school and violence in schools are seen as the result of schools' and society's resistance to dealing with diversity and the impact of various types of violence inherent in this resistance.
Promoting Bilingualism in the Era of Unz: Making Sense of the Gap between Research, Policy, and Practice in Teacher Education
Examined efforts to promote bilingualism in a course for prospective teachers, Education of Bilingual Children: Theory and Practice, focusing on how student teachers grappled with the complex relationship between research, policy, and practice within bilingual education. Analysis of five types of literacy events indicated that students experienced a process of transformation in developing more positive attitudes toward bilingualism.
Effective Teacher Training for Multicultural Teaching
Effective teachers must be able to competently address issues related to student diversity. However, many teachers are not prepared for multicultural teaching.
The African Mosaic: New Lessons from Humanity's Homeland
Explores the wealth of learning opportunities arising from the study of Africa and its peoples. Students must learn about the history, traditions, and diversity of Africa, rather than focusing narrowly on the problems of recent years.
Multicultural Concerns: A Foundations Perspective and Discussion for Teacher Educators
Old educational paradigms may not be the best approach to reconfiguring educational programs for the 21st century. Demographic projections for school-age children for the 21st century reveal an ethnically and linguistically rich population of students.
Greening School Grounds: Creating Habitats for Learning
Schoolyard greening is an excellent way to promote hands-on, interdisciplinary learning about the environment through projects that benefit schools and increase green space and biodiversity in communities. This book features step-by-step instructions for numerous schoolyard projects from tree nurseries to school composting to native plant gardens, along with ideas for enhancing learning by addressing diverse student needs.
Teaching about Diversity Issues
Describes a course designed to help preservice teachers get in touch with their own attitudes and beliefs during an assignment that involves individuals from different backgrounds. Students' and teachers' perspectives on this learning experience are presented, focusing on such issues as religion, culture, social class, race, and teenage mothers.
A Cultural Mosaic
The diversity program initiated in a Philadelphia high school is based on the following principles: teachers should educate themselves about diversity, spread and reinforce the word, think outside the box, lead by example, and use multiple strategies to prepare students to succeed in a multicultural world. (JOW).
Countering Prejudice against American Indians and Alaska Natives through Antibias Curriculum and Instruction. ERIC Digest
Teaching from an antibias perspective means going beyond conventional multicultural education and introducing students to a working concept of diversity that challenges social stereotypes and discrimination. This digest describes current inadequacies in teaching about Native Americans, suggests ways to avoid common pitfalls, and provides guidelines for detecting anti-Indian bias in instructional materials.
Shameful Admissions. The Losing Battle To Serve Everyone in Our Universities
This book uses an examination of admissions policies, especially affirmative action, at the University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley), to explore higher education and its role in public debates about access, equality, and social change.
Teaching and Learning in Multicultural Schools: An Integrated Approach. Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 13
The book outlines approaches and strategies that schools and teachers can adopt to provide educational experiences meeting the needs of all learners in culturally diverse schools and classrooms, especially those in areas in which new immigrants settle. Chapter one provides an overview of the sources of cultural diversity and describes some public policies that directly affect many classrooms' cultural composition.
Cultural Pluralism: Implications for Educational Practices and Comprehensive School Reform
To circumvent isolationism, ethnocentrism, and intolerance experienced by culturally diverse students and their parents in U.S. schools, education policies must be effectively documented with methodological endorsement of multicultural education as policy for all students to be personally meaningful, socially relevant, culturally accurate, and educationally sound.
Small-Town College to Big-City School: Preparing Urban Teachers from Liberal Arts Colleges
Describes a model program to prepare teachers from midwestern liberal arts colleges for urban teaching careers. Student teachers come to Chicago and live together, student teaching in local urban schools and completing regular professional development and cultural diversity activities.
Tomorrow's schools of education: A report of the Holmes Group
This report contains nine chapters: "A New Beginning"; "The Heart of the Matter: Three Kinds of Development"; "Special Knowledge for Educators"; "Participating in Policy Development"; "Commitment to Diversity"; "Human Resources: Making People Matter"; "The Core of Learning: What All Educators Must Know"; "The Professional Development School: Integral to Tomorrow's School of Education"; and "New Commitments and New Kinds of Accountability for the TSE." To correct the problem of uneven quality in the education and screening of educators for U.S. schools, the report proposes an altered mission for schools of education.
Student Equity Plan, 1996-1998.
Presenting an update to the first Student Equity Plan (SEP) prepared by California's College of the Canyons in December 1993, this plan reviews research on the participation of underrepresented groups at the college and presents goals and activities for the period from 1996-98.
The Challenge of Affirmative Action
Explores the challenges of using affirmative action programs when competing groups of underrepresented people vie for limited school resources. The case study of a San Francisco (California) high school illustrates the difficulties of balancing competing goals when affirming diversity and addressing patterns of discrimination conflict with equal treatment of each individual.
Cultural Diversity and the NCATE Standards: A Case Study
Examines the ethnic distribution between college of education faculty and public school teachers. Describes one comprehensive program designed to help reduce this type of ethnic discrepancy.
Objectives Related to Multicultural Education: Bias Awareness, Cultural Fluency, Diversity Appreciation, Empathy, Equality Attitudes, Intercultural Communicative Competence, Tolerance, and Transcultural Identities. Examples of Publications. Peace Education Miniprints No. 98
This bibliography lists examples of books, dissertations, reports, and articles dealing with the broad field of multicultural education. The bibliography's major focus is on materials in English from recent years, especially materials that deal with educational objectives implicitly related to peace education, such as bias awareness, empathy, and tolerance.
Enhancing the Reading Engagement of African-American and Hispanic Learners in Inner-City Schools: A Curriculum Guide for Teacher Training. Instructional Resource No. 21
There is a mandate for teachers who are trained to meet the needs of the increasingly more culturally diverse populations, particularly in urban schools. General competencies which all teachers of urban learners should develop include respect for cultural differences and a belief in the abilities of culturally different learners.
Scaling Up School Restructuring in Multicultural, Multilingual Contexts: Early Observations from Sunland County. Research Report No. 2
Early observations of 13 culturally and linguistically diverse elementary schools, each of which is implementing one of six internally-developed school restructuring designs, are reported here. The schools are all located in one demographically diverse county, and the restructuring process occurred over a 4-year period.
Immigration, Ethnic Cultures, and Achievement: Working with Communities, Parents, and Teachers
Addresses immigrant advocates who work both inside and outside of schools, calling on them to use comprehensive language; foster U.S. loyalty and citizenship; be proud of individual ethnicity; seek leaders among immigrants themselves; promote parents' roles; and guide the children of immigrants to consider teaching as a career in order to become mediators among cultures and leaders and role models for future generations.
Promising Practices
Examines selected programs and methodologies in multicultural education designed to foster greater understanding of diverse cultures and lessen racial, class, and gender biases. Highlighted programs include a doctoral program in multicultural education and a staff development program for dealing with workplace diversity.
Everybody's Story
Describes Happy Medium School, Seattle (Washington), a school in which diversity is respected and exploring diversity is an essential part of the curriculum. Teachers at this school regard school as a part of each student's extended family and consider things that happen at home to be a legitimate topic for classroom discussion.
Salad Bars & Smorgasbords: The Management of Culture in Sweden & the United States
Investigates multiculturalism and education in Sweden through historical accounts, national course plans and guidelines, current theory, discussions with scholars, classroom observations, and 23 interviews of late-secondary/early postsecondary teachers of civics and Swedish language arts. (EMS).
Adult Role Models: Needed Voices for Adolescents, Multiculturalism, Diversity, and Race Relations
Examines parents', teachers', and administrators' beliefs about positive race relations and multiculturalism. Interview data indicate that parents and school role models are working to model acceptance of all cultures, and they understand that contacts and interactions with people of all races are necessary to make children better persons, lessening prejudice and biases not suitable in a diversified society.
Meeting the Needs of All Children
Encourages Head Start programs to use parental involvement and communication to support multiracial and multiethnic children by listening to parents, providing information, and welcoming the family. Lists specific areas to address in supporting diversity and dealing with common problems.
Diversity Consciousness: Opening Our Minds to People, Cultures, and Opportunities
This book examines the relationship between a person's success and his or her ability to understand, respect, and value diversity. It also explores how people can develop diversity consciousness.
Decentering Whiteness: In Search of a Revolutionary Multiculturalism
The present focus on diversity in multicultural education is often misguided because the struggle for ethnic diversity makes progressive political sense only if it can be accompanied by a sustained analysis of the cultural logics of white supremacy. A real revolutionary multiculturalism must consider the construction of subjectivities within relations of power and privilege linked to capitalism.
Multicultural Education. Responding to a Mandate for Equitable Educational Outcomes
Recent statistics suggest that equal educational opportunities for many students (e.g., students who are poor, disabled, or minorities) remain elusive. To handle the growing student diversity, educators must infuse multicultural education, instruction, evaluation, and support services into the school setting.
Becoming Successful Readers: A Volunteer Tutoring Program for Culturally Diverse Students
A study examined how culturally diverse students increased their reading/writing performance through a structured volunteer tutoring program. Two university professors developed volunteer tutoring programs at six elementary schools in southeastern Michigan.
Taking It Personally: Racism in the Classroom from Kindergarten to College. Teaching and Learning Social Justice Series
This book chronicles two teachers and their own educational progress in antiracist education. When one, a female African American elementary school teacher, accepted an invitation from the other, a White college professor, to speak to her graduate preservice teacher education class (a required multicultural education course), an explosive classroom incident occurred.
Unraveling the professional development school equity agenda
Examines major critiques from the literature on the Professional Development School (PDS) equity agenda and accomplishments, referencing works from literature on PDSs, diversity, urban education, and multicultural education. The paper focuses on issues related to poor or working-class learners in PDS settings and learners from non-European racial, ethnic, and linguistic groups.
From exclusion to inclusion in urban schools: A new case for teacher education reform
Argues that special and segregating programs for students having difficulty learning focus on within-child deficits, keep students apart from their peers, and lower teacher expectations. The authors make a case for urban schools and teacher preparation that enhance skills in dealing with diverse learners and encourage inclusion.
African American and White Adolescents' Strategies for Managing Cultural Diversity in Predominantly White High Schools
Examined 3 strategies used by 77 African American and 138 White high school students to manage cultural diversity: multicultural, separation, and assimilation strategies. Discusses results in relation to forces supporting adolescents' strategy development and the implications of strategy use for adjustment in predominantly white schools.
Embracing Diversity
Illustrates integration of multiculturalism into science curriculum and instruction and outlines the principles that should be reflected in multicultural science classrooms. Offers strategies for science teachers in developing science programs, shaping classroom climate, and using learning styles.
Exploring Indigenous Pedagogies: Why Is This Knowledge Important to Today's Educators?
Recent educational literature reveals a growing interest in understanding the educational needs of learners from other cultures and a growing awareness that instructional methods to help learners from nonwhite cultures should be anchored to indigenous ethnographic research. Western educators must holistically and comparatively understand not only indigenous cultural psychologies, but also how other cultures view the self.
African Studies in Canada: Problems and Challenges
Examines the marginalization of African studies in the Canadian public school system and how educators might promote these studies to allow blacks to have a greater knowledge of themselves and increase their self-worth. Various challenges facing curriculum reform and future directions for African studies in Canada are discussed.
Immigrant Children in Our Classrooms: Beyond ESL
Strategies for supporting immigrant students include providing opportunities for self-expression, ensuring that all students see themselves reflected in the curriculum, providing translation for key events and documents, having teachers and staff that reflect student cultures, maintaining first-language skills, making special efforts to communicate with parents, and training students to support new peers. (TD).
We Teach Them All. Teachers Writing about Diversity
This anthology of 30 stories, poems, and personal essays on diversity grew out of a writers' retreat for teachers. It features: reflections on diversity--how it can be a positive, strengthening force in teaching and learning; effective strategies for teaching and learning within a diverse population; and practical information about running a writer s retreat for teachers, including a sample writing workshop plan.
Reinvented inclusive schools: A framework to guide fundamental change
This report presents a systemic change framework for creating inclusive urban schools. It explains that if a key feature of reform focuses on multicultural education as a fundamental social and educational transformation, then opportunities for all students to achieve educational equity will be realized in U.S.
Editorial: Multicultural Education--Solution or Problem for American Schools?
Discusses the role of multicultural education in American education, examining Geneva Gay's book on culturally responsive teaching (which argues for culturally responsive teaching, with teaching having the moral courage to help make education more multiculturally responsive) and Sandra Stotsky's book (which argues that multicultural education is a problem for American schools and is anti-white, anti-capitalistic, and anti-intellectual). (SM).
Staying the Course in Times of Change: Preparing Teachers for Language Minority Education
Describes how passage of Proposition 227, California's initiative restricting bilingual education, has influenced teacher preparation to authorize specialized instruction for limited English proficient students. The response to Proposition 227 by San Diego State University's College of Education is explored to illustrate the reaffirmation of a commitment to educational equity and ongoing program development to support multicultural teaching.
Promoting Cultural Awareness and the Acceptance of Diversity through the Implementation of Cross-Cultural Activities
An action research project implemented a program for developing tolerance through increased cultural awareness. Targeted population consisted of third grade and high school students in a rural, middle class community in western Illinois.
Preparing Teachers for Diversity: Lessons Learned from the U.S. and South Africa
Analyzed U.S. and South African teachers' discourses, investigating differences in development of commitment among teachers who engaged in talk-related activities within teacher education versus those who engaged in talk-related activities plus theory-enacting activities within diverse classrooms.
Teachers Leading Teachers: Enhancing Multicultural Education through Field-based Partnerships
Argues that partnerships between early childhood teacher preparation programs and public school teachers will strengthen the discourse on multicultural education and its institutionalization. Presents strategies for gaining a personal connection to multicultural education ideals, including developing cultural biographies, examining stereotypes and prejudices, examining the construction of a personal identity, and critically examining the media.
A New Instrument to Measure Diversity in the Curriculum
Gauges inclusion of diversity issues and discussion within journalism and mass communication classes from students' perspectives. Finds instructors at nonaccredited programs scored better on every diversity variable; women instructors were far more likely to bring diversity issues into the classroom; part-time instructors did best on the diversity index; and instructors included more diversity issues in classes with minority enrollment.
Editorial. Immigration and Urban Education in the New Millennium: The Diversity and the Challenges
Introduces a special issue that explores new immigration trends and major issues related to K-12 schooling in urban areas. The seven articles fall into three categories: a national and historical overview; examples of two types of educational change; and the acculturation and schooling experiences of various racial/ethnic immigrant groups.
Preparing Teachers for Diverse Classrooms: A Report on an Action Research Project
This paper reports on a collaborative effort to achieve the following objectives: (1) identify attitudes, knowledge, and skills teachers need to educate effectively all students in a culturally diverse classroom; (2) develop models of preservice and inservice education that will provide education and socialization necessary for effective education of multicultural student populations; and (3) identify the systemic issues that must be addressed to implement the models successfully.
Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Academic Library Collections: Ownership and Access of African American and U.S. Latino Periodical Literature
Measures ownership of and access to African American and Latino periodical literature, illustrating the successes and failures in promoting racial and ethnic diversity in research libraries belonging to the ARL (Association of Research Libraries). Discusses desirability of multicultural collections; bibliographic control and access issues; and correlations between indexing and ownership.
Action Research and Practical Inquiry: Multicultural Content Integration in Gifted Education: Lessons from the Field
An informal survey of 71 teachers of the gifted participating in an in-service course on gifted education suggested that many teachers had goals and experiences related to multicultural curricula for gifted children. Through the survey, teachers also identified obstacles they encountered in implementing multicultural activities and benefits they perceived.
Suburban Bigotry: A Descent into Racism & Struggle for Redemption
One New Jersey school district responded to racism and educational bias by implementing prejudice reduction initiatives. The community had been all white until the mid-1990s, when it became one-third minority.
The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of: The Latino Detective Novel
Explores the body of detective fiction written by Latino authors in English, a relatively new genre. These novels contribute to the understanding of cultural diversity and present Latino attitudes in the guise of entertainment (SLD).
A Few Words about Diversity and Rigidity: One Director's Perspective. Food for Thought
Discusses implementing multicultural curricula in early childhood settings. Maintains that early childhood educators need to accept and learn to: live with their personal biases while identifying and confronting them to teach tolerance and acceptance; customize work to staff and children in the program, and be aware of the danger of putting theories ahead of serving individual children and families.
Cultural Diversity + Supportive Text = Perfect Books for Beginning Readers
Offers brief annotations of 21 picture books that address cultural diversity while offering language that supports beginning readers. Includes a chart noting which language features that support beginning readers are part of each book.
Already Reading Texts and Contexts: Multicultural Literature in a Predominantly White Rural Community
Examines how the inclusion of multicultural texts played out in one predominantly white rural community, focusing on repercussions of a key event that set off conflict in the community and describing how various interpretations of this event haped teachers' and community members' beliefs about the selection, interpretation, and teaching of multicultural literature. (SM).
Literacy and Language Diversity in the United States. Language in Education: Theory and Practice 87
This book was written for scholars, policymakers, and educators and provides both an introduction to issues in literacy and language diversity and compelling questions for those who work in the field. Based on national data, the extent of language diversity in the United States is explored; what is known about English literacy, native language literacy, and biliteracy is considered; and what is needed to make informed national policy decisions about this subject is discussed.
Empowering Student Teachers To Teach from a Multicultural Perspective
This paper presents case studies of four middle school preservice teachers' experiences with multicultural education during their approximately 16-week student teaching practicum in the southeastern United States. Student teachers were male and female, aged 21 to 42 years; one was African-American and three were European-American.
Information-Seeking Behavior of Multicultural Students: A Case Study at San Jose State University
Discusses the growing diversity of college students; considers how academic libraries can meet their needs; and describes a study conducted at San Jose State University. This study investigated how students from diverse ethnic groups discover, select, and use information and the impact their cultural and educational backgrounds have on information-seeking behavior.
Celebrating Bidialectalism: Reconceptualizing the Role of Language and Culture in the Acquisition of Literacy and Literary Skills among African American and Other Ethnically Diverse Students
This paper addresses the issue of how to make school matter to historically disenfranchised, inner city African American youth, as well as youth from other struggling ethnic minority groups. It asserts that one way to do this is to reconceptualize approaches to the acquisition of literacy and literacy skills in teaching, engaging, and motivating African American and other ethnic minority students.
Diverse Learners, Diverse Texts: Exploring Identity and Difference through Literary Encounters
Examines two urban 10th-grade English classes of ethnically diverse students in which the teachers diversified literature selections for newly designed ethnic literature curricula. Reports the texts students found most memorable and meaningful, and analyzes the values students found in their encounters with these literary works.
Our Educational Melting Pot: Have We Reached the Boiling Point?
The articles and excerpts in this collection illustrate the complexity of the melting pot concept. Multiculturalism has become a watchword in American life and education, but it may be that in trying to atone for past transgressions educators and others are simply going too far.
Mental Health Counselors as Consultants for Diversity Training
Argues that mental health counselors need to devote more attention to minority group issues. In light of a society that is rapidly becoming even more diverse in its make-up, a rationale and specific techniques enabling a mental health counselor to serve in the capacity of a consultant are presented.
Incorporating Popular Literature into the Curriculum for Diverse Learners
Discusses how teachers can use magazines written for culturally and linguistically diverse groups to increase their own knowledge base and to use as a resource for multicultural-education lesson planning in order to provide students with an opportunity to learn about high achieving individuals who come from backgrounds similar to their own. (Author/CR).
The Children Are Watching: How the Media Teach about Diversity. Multicultural Education Series
This book is intended to provide insights into the role that the mass media play in the broad educational process, especially in the ways that young people develop their beliefs and feelings about human diversity. The book also offers insights and ideas for grappling with the media teaching-learning process and for understanding its implications for diversity-related education.
Critical Perspectives on Project Head Start: Revisioning the Hope and Challenge. SUNY Series, Youth Social Services, Schooling, and Public Policy
This book offers critical perspective on the complex dynamics of politics, class, gender, power, race, and ethnicity in Project Head Start. Moving beyond the literature on Head Start's effects on children's achievement, the volume considers how the program has operated with families, in communities, and with other institutions.
Professional Development Guide for Educators. The Multicultural Resource Series, Volume 1
This guide presents a collection of personal essays written by educators who describe how multicultural education has transformed their teaching. It also includes resources such as multicultural organizations, publications, videos, and Web sites.
Implementing Holocaust Education Curriculum To Comply with Florida Legislation 233.061 at the Middle School Level
This program was developed and implemented to correct noncompliance with Florida Education Legislation 233.061, to increase knowledge of basic facts surrounding the Holocaust and to increase positive tolerance attitudes of diversity.
Wanted: Minority Educators for U.S. Schools
Although necessary for a diversified student body, minority teachers are underrepresented due to a lingering resistance to integration efforts, unappealing classroom conditions, salary issues, and culturally biased professional exams. Equitable placement procedures, incentives, competitive salaries, mentoring programs, subject-area recruitment, and multicultural training are partial remedies.
Getting Started in Cultural Diversity: Dramatizing a Story
States that in 1992, a "Think Tank on Multicultural Theater Literacy" was held and found that "theater has the potential to transcend cultural differences." Discusses why more has not been done to achieve the goal of achieving a truly multicultural theater curriculum. Concludes with a Cherokee myth and a lesson plan to develop its use in class.
Addressing Diversity through a Field-Based Center for Professional Development and Technology
To meet the challenges of student diversity, the Southwest Texas Center for Professional Development and Technology offers school-family-community partnerships with urban schools. Preservice teacher interns participate in field-based experiences where they interact with diverse students in various settings over a semester.
Multicultural Teacher Preparation: Establishing Safe Environments for Discussion of Diversity Issues
Describes a project within an early childhood multicultural teacher education program that examined what makes educational environments conducive to discussing culturally sensitive issues. Diverse students participated in two discussions, created guidelines, and completed interviews and questionnaires.
The Inclusive Classroom: Mathematics and Science Instruction for Students with Learning Disabilities. It's Just Good Teaching
The first in a series of guides on the inclusive classroom that offers teachers research-based instructional strategies with real-life examples from Northwest classrooms, this publication focuses on the educational needs of students with learning disabilities in inclusive classrooms. It highlights methods for teaching mathematics and science, and suggests ways to foster collaborative relationships with special education teachers and families of students with learning disabilities.
Serving a Diverse Population: The Role of Speech-Language Pathology Professional Preparation Programs
Program directors (91 of 228) provided information on efforts to increase diversity in speech language pathology preparation. Minority enrollment has grown slowly, and there are active efforts to recruit and retain diverse students.
Breaking Down the Walls: Camp/School Program Brings Diverse Communities Together
The Discovery Center (Ashford, Connecticut) is a camp/university/school program that provides a positive diversity experience to preadolescents through experiential education in an outdoor, residential setting. Students from at least four cultural groups are mixed for all cabin and lab groups, and all camp activities are retooled to pursue the goal of comprehensive diversity education.
What Helps Students of Color Succeed? Resiliency Factors for Students Enrolled in Multicultural Educators Programs
This study investigated factors that helped students of color enrolled in multicultural educator programs succeed academically, focusing on resiliency factors that supported their academic success (defined as college graduation or current enrollment at the sophomore level or higher). First an initial focus group with several minority students verified whether resilience factors from prior research were sufficient.
Reflections on Multicultural Curriculum. Building Community through Global Problem Solving
Describes the importance of teaching students empathy for and understanding of cultural differences, explaining how to build community through shared responsibility in global problem solving. Three examples of this type of curricular exercise, which focus on nutrition, economic structures, and ecology, are presented.
Preparing Teachers for Diversity in Rural America
A survey of 532 preservice teachers from six state colleges and University of Nebraska campuses examined the extent and perceived adequacy of multicultural education training in Nebraska teacher-preparation programs. About 39% of respondents felt that their overall multicultural preparation was inadequate.
Reimagining Race in Education: A New Paradigm from Psychology
Discusses paradigms underlying current approaches to multicultural education, introducing a typology of philosophical assumptions that has been used to classify approaches to multiculturalism in the field of psychology; discussing racial identity theory as an important psychological component of a race-based perspective for understanding race and culture in education; and examining how racial identity affects educational thought and practice. (SM).
Pathways to Tolerance: Student Diversity
Ideas for schools to support tolerance and celebrate student diversity are presented in this volume of reprinted articles.
Multicultural Teacher Education for the 21st Century
Discusses multicultural preservice teacher education, recommending that preservice programs be more deliberate about preparing white Americans for teaching diverse students because of the increasing division between white teachers and minority students. The paper examines preservice teachers' fear of diversity and resistance to dealing with race and racism, proposing a two-part program for preparing teachers to work with diverse students.
Understanding Differences in Cultural Communication Styles
Administrators must integrate the strengths of diverse cultural styles into all parts of the system, including hiring practices, curriculum development, teaching and learning styles, discipline philosophy, and communication with parents. To reduce the potential for misunderstandings, this article explains differences in "mainstream" versus traditional ethnic communication and participation that govern student placement decisions, parent-teacher conferences, informal interactions, and treatment of "hot topics." (MLH).
Teaching Every Child Every Day: Learning in Diverse Schools and Classrooms. Advances in Teaching and Learning Series
Chapters in this book address the problems faced in today's diverse neighborhoods, schools, and classrooms, as well as the opportunities diversity provides. The schools, teachers, administrators, families, and communities drawn on in these selections provide examples of the effective integration of what is known about achieving success for all students as they illustrate what can be and is being done.
We Are All Multiculturalists Now
Multiculturalism in American education has been the subject of much debate and it has established a powerful position in both higher education and in earlier schooling. This book explores the conflict over multiculturalism, examines the social situation from which it has emerged, and considers implications for the future of American society.
Kaleidoscope: A Multicultural Booklist for Grades K-8. Fourth Edition. NCTE Bibliography Series
The fourth edition of this annotated bibliography collection offers students, teachers, and librarians a helpful guide to the best multicultural literature (published from 1999 to 2001) for elementary and middle school readers. The book continues a tradition of promoting unity through diversity by highlighting fiction and nonfiction published by and about people of color.
Sociocultural Issues in Education: Implications for Teachers
Exclusion, hatred, and injustice have caused much pain in U.S. society.
Preparing Teachers for Culturally Diverse Schools: Research and the Overwhelming Presence of Whiteness
Reviewed research studies on preservice teacher preparation for multicultural schools, particularly schools serving historically underserved communities, examining the effects of such strategies as recruiting and selecting students, cross-cultural immersion experiences, multicultural coursework, and program restructuring. Very little research actually examined which strategies prepared strong teachers.
Innovative Programs To Insure Diversity in Public Education
At Armstrong Atlantic State University a number of programs have been developed in collaboration with the University System of Georgia and the Savannah-Chatham County Public School District to increase cultural diversity in the classroom and to focus on creating a diverse population of successful learners that mirrors the cultural diversity of the community.
Where in the Oregon Trail Is Carmen Sandiego? A Commentary on Software and Its Sensitivity to Diversity
Addresses cultural biases, language biases, cultural sensitivity, and the authenticity of educational software for children, critiquing several popular educational programs and revealing the pitfalls of software design and the problem among software engineers (lack of training and lack of cultural knowledge). Proposes tips to help parents and educators choose culturally relevant, appropriate educational software packages for their children.
Community Service Learning for Multicultural Teacher Education
Teacher preparation for multicultural education centers around learning about cultural diversity, examining relations of power and inequality, and responding affirmatively to sociocultural differences in schools and classrooms. This paper suggests that community-based service learning is an important part of this process.
Do Social Skills Programs Accommodate Cultural Diversity? A Review of Secondary Curricula
This review examined the extent to which commercially available social skills curricula designed for adolescent populations (including those with learning and behavior problems) accommodate cultural diversity. Introductory material discusses the need for culturally responsive teaching in social skills training.
CCCC's Role in the Struggle for Language Rights
Recounts the activist history of the Conference on College Composition and Communication in working toward a more democratic valuing of language diversity by both teachers and the public. Focuses on two organizational policies of CCCC, the "Students' Right" resolution of 1974 and the "National Language Policy" of 1988, incorporating articles and commentaries on language from this journal.
Assessing the Issues of Multiracial Students on College Campuses
This preliminary study focuses on multiracial college students' attitudes regarding the challenges they experience on campus. Results highlight counseling issues that affect multiracial college students and how college counselors' perceptions of diversity need to be broadened to accommodate the rapidly growing multiracial and multiethnic student population.
Controversies in Race Relations: Theory and Practice
Examines controversial positions in the field of race relations that provide a context for multicultural interventions. Discusses issues of rejection of assimilation, the rise of multiculturalism, the acceptance of linguistic diversity, and the cultural critique posed by Afrocentrism.
The First Twenty-Five Years: LaGuardia Community College CUNY. LaGuardia Works. Corp Author(s): La Guardia Community Coll., Long Island City, NY
This document chronicles the 25 year history of La Guardia Community College. Chapter 1, "A Sign of Its Times," describes the beginnings of La Guardia Community College, including the first buildings, departments, faculty, and staff members.
Linking Diversity and Educational Purpose: How Diversity Affects the Classroom Environment and Student Development
This study examined the impact of diversity on students' self-perceived improvement in the abilities necessary to contribute positively to a pluralistic democracy. It noted how such diversity-related campus activities as exposure to multicultural curricula and opportunities to study and interact with diverse peers affected student development.
Sharing the Responsibility: A Study of a Comprehensive Approach to Teacher Preparation for Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Urban Middle Level Schools
Examined effectiveness of a teacher education program emphasizing skills and knowledge needed in multicultural, multilingual urban middle school settings. Found that candidates were already culturally/linguistically sensitive, and became more so during the program; felt prepared to meet student needs; and still had difficulty envisioning the "practice" of these new teaching methods.
Living (and Teaching) in an Unjust World: New Perspectives on Multicultural Education
This collection of essays is a response to educators who limit multicultural education to "culture of the quarter" or "country of the week." The essays examine the issues of multicultural education deeply, exploring the just and unjust issues of schooling, the need to move beyond teaching about culture to facilitating self discovery, and the way classrooms mirror larger society.
Taking the Common Ground: Beyond Cultural Identity
Discusses how, after 30 years of liberal education's focus on examining and celebrating diversity, the realities of contemporary social and civil life and global politics are prompting new interest in recognizing and affirming our genuine commonality. (EV).
Teaching Culture within the Nursing Curriculum Using the Giger-Davidhizar Model of Transcultural Nursing Assessment
Presents a method for integrating cultural competence throughout the nursing curriculum. The model contains six cultural phenomena: communication, space, social organization, time, environmental control, and biological variation.
Creating a Campus Climate in Which Diversity Is Truly Valued
Highlights the development and implementation of a multifaceted program at Middlesex Community College in Massachusetts. The program, which includes curriculum changes, new student organizations, international student fellowships, and orientation activities, was designed to create a more inclusive campus environment.
Learning Me Your...Science Language
Demonstrates how science instruction can only be effective when teachers are aware of differences in children's language and their culture. The author argues that it is important to recognize when linguistic or cultural understandings lead children to wrong answers that to them seem totally logical.
Dismantling the Digital Divide: A Multicultural Education Framework
Describes inequities in access to computers by gender and race, drawing connections between the two and discussing the use of a multicultural education approach to understanding and eliminating the digital divide. This involves such actions as critiquing technology-related inequities in the context of larger educational and social inequities, broadening the significance of access, and confronting capitalist propaganda.
Teaching Social Studies Multiculturally: Implications for Teachers
The changing demographics in U.S. institutions have contributed to the increasingly multicultural nature of classrooms.
Encouraging Students To Analyze/Articulate Their Beliefs about Cultural Diversity
This paper offers suggestions for teaching high school and college students about cultural diversity and for providing them with multicultural educational experiences. After presenting a background and rationale for such teaching, the paper gives a list of classroom activities, including student reactions to statements regarding racism and affirmative action and a video analysis exercise.
Art, Education, and Community: Arts Genesis, Inc
Arts Genesis, Inc. (AGI) forms partnerships with diverse communities to assist them in finding fulfillment through the arts by meeting their own self-defined needs; uses arts experiences to encourage discovery, creativity, and diversity; and continually strives for excellence in the arts and education.
Making the Most of the Classroom Mosaic: A Constructivist Perspective
Teachers today are required to be sensitive to a wider range of multicultural differences than ever before. Explores whether they can combine teaching content into a single package for all children, or whether they must continuously repackage the content for each of the diverse groups they teach.
Lessons from Turtle Island: Native Curriculum in Early Childhood Classrooms
Responding to the current level of bias with regard to Native peoples in preschool education and providing opportunities for preschool children to better understand issues of cultural diversity, this curriculum guide explores Native American issues.
Teacher Education in Urban School-Based, Multi-Agency Collaboratives
Content Abstract:
This article suggests that students in teacher education programs can benefit from the experience of working with an urban school-based multi-agency collaborative if presented early in the learning process. This is particularly important because constructing new learning about issues of race and poverty may affect students’ ability to successfully teach in an urban school.
Multiculturalism: Similarities and Differences
In U.S. schools the teachers are predominantly white, and most have little or no experience with cross-cultural issues.
American Mixed Race. The Culture of Microdiversity
This book presents a collection of papers on microdiversity that underscore the reality and scholarship of racial difference within single individuals and groups. The book includes 22 papers in 5 parts.
Educational Technology and the Diverse Classroom
Describes how thoughtful, creative technology use in the classroom can encourage development in diverse students, explaining that the key to effective computer use within culturally diverse classrooms remains with the teacher. The paper discusses how to understand diversity and reach out to all students; describes how technology can enhance minority students' learning; and explains cultural responsiveness in using technology.
Everyday Heroes
Designed for low-level adult learners, this book contains true stories of 20 men and women who have faced and overcome serious challenges in their lives. The book is intended to inspire and motivate developmental students in basic reading and writing classes.
Classrooms for Learners, Not Winners and Losers
Differentiated instruction is an umbrella concept that allows teachers to pull together many disparate messages about multicultural education, alternative teaching and learning strategies, alternative assessments, learning styles, and standards. Developing a range of instructional strategies represents a fine tuning, not a new instrument.
Multicultural Education: A Caring-Centered, Reflective Approach
This book for teachers presents stories and real-life examples that illustrate key concepts of culture, discrimination, and social justice and how they can affect diverse classrooms. It is written in a conversational style within a caring-centered framework, and it discusses culture's role in the learning process and in students' identity development.
The Relationships between Situated Cognition and Rural Preservice Teachers' Knowledge and Understanding of Diversity
A study examined the influence of situated knowledge embedded in 17 rural preservice teachers' autobiographies on their perspectives on diversity and future classroom practices. Four themes emerged in interviews: situative cognition in rural contexts; cultural groups being together but existing apart; understanding group similarities and differences; and desire to teach in a small rural school.
Multicultural Nursing Education
Multicultural nursing education should go beyond teaching respect for values and beliefs to integrate multiculturalism throughout the educational environment. Raising awareness, developing critical thinking, supporting diverse ways of learning, and using conflict creatively are some strategies that can be applied.
Increasing Awareness and Implementation of Cultural Competence Principles in Health Professions Education
Cultural competence is being recognized as an essential skill by allied health accrediting and professional organizations. However, more information is needed on the types and content of courses or other activities intended to explore cultural, ethnic, and racial diversity issues related to health care.
Bilingual Education and Social Change. Bilingual Education and Bilingualism: 14
A case study is provided of dual-language planning and implementation at the Oyster Bilingual School, a successful Spanish-English public elementary school program in the District of Columbia. The first three chapters offer background information for understanding how the program interacts with the larger sociopolitical context of minority education in the United States.
Good News and Bad News: A Comparison of Teacher Educators' and Preservice Teachers' Beliefs about Diversity Issues
This study examined teacher educators' and student teachers' beliefs about, attitudes toward, and sensitivity regarding cultural diversity and other diversity issues. The Beliefs about Diversity Scale was used to assess respondents' beliefs about race, gender, social class, ability, language/immigration, sexual orientation, and multicultural education.
Race and Ethnicity in Multi-Ethnic Schools: A Critical Case Study. The Language and Education Library 15
This book explores the representation of race and ethnicity in a multiethnic school. Using a critical case study approach, it appeals to the wider social context to explain the unequal struggle over the meaning of race and ethnicity in the school.
Serving Children in Biracial/Bi-Ethnic Families: A Supplementary Diversity Curriculum for the Training of Child Care Providers.
Because of increasing numbers of children from biracial/bi-ethnic families attending childcare programs and increasing awareness of cultural diversity, and in recognition of the connection between a child's success and his or her racial/ethnic self-esteem, this curriculum is intended to help childcare providers integrate activities and materials that focus specifically on biracial/bi-ethnic children into existing multicultural or other curricula. Facilitated discussions that promote the sharing of ideas and experiences are core elements of this curriculum.
Using Effective Teaching Strategies To Improve the Academic Performance of Culturally Diverse Students in a Public Elementary School
This report describes a practicum project designed to help first- through fourth-grade teachers acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and strategies necessary to work effectively with a diverse student population; improve the social and academic performance of culturally diverse students; and increase parent involvement at school.
Discomfort Zones: Learning about Teaching with Care and Discipline in Urban Schools
Multicultural principles, discipline, and curriculum theory should be integrated and revisited across the teacher-education program via case studies, portfolio assessment, and field experiences. Authors deplore prescriptive, procedural approaches to teaching and value ongoing faculty/student conversations, university alliances with "best" teachers and principals, and trust in children's power.
Exist-Culturalism: A Philosophical Framework
Article presents a philosophical framework that educators and student affairs professionals might use in their current practices to enhance multicultural and diversity programs and overall campus climate. The framework purports to create an intellectual discourse about the needs and the outcomes of services, programs, and courses beyond traditional multiculturalism and diversity perspectives.
Mrs. Boyd's Fifth-Grade Inclusive Classroom: A Study of Multicultural Teaching Strategies
Examined strategies used by one multicultural fifth grade teacher to nurture academic excellence in an inclusive classroom environment. Observation and interview data highlighted accommodation activities that supported and encouraged all students without limiting or impeding their academic or social development.
Integrating Multimedia Multicultural Materials into an Educational Psychology Course
Reports a case study of students' reactions to a multicultural unit that incorporated computer software, videodiscs, videotape, and print media in an undergraduate educational psychology course. Many students believed the multicultural unit increased their understanding of cultural differences and recognized the need to learn how to deal effectively with cultural diversity in their classrooms.
Intercultural Education and Teacher Education in Sweden
Examines multicultural and intercultural education in Sweden's teacher education and K-12 educational systems, discussing pedagogical strategies in multicultural classrooms and highlighting: Islam in the Swedish classroom; masking differences; focusing on differences; attitudes toward diversity; teachers in multicultural classrooms; and who is included in intercultural education. The paper concludes with an intercultural perspective on teacher education.
Voices from the Vineyard: Gifts of Diversity from Catholic Elementary School Educators
Studies elementary Catholic-school educators, with a focus on cultural diversity. Discusses key experiences in diverse settings, transforming the curriculum, staffing and hiring practices, and the role of parents in student education.
Let's Play Mancala and Sungka! Learning Math and Social Skills through Ancient Multicultural Games
This article describes how teachers can use two African and Asian games (Mancala and Sungka) to help students with learning disabilities succeed in school. It discusses the history of the games, how to play, the benefits of the games for children with disabilities, and choosing which game to use.
Carnegie Corporation's Youth Intergroup Relations Initiative. Report of a Meeting Convened by Carnegie Corporation of New York (New York, NY, October 15-17, 1997)
The Carnegie Corporation's initiative, established in 1996 to create a "new generation of tolerance," included grants to 16 institutions for cutting-edge research in various social science disciplines. Some themes are presented from the second meeting of project leaders for these research efforts.
Schools Fit for All
In teacher-education programs, discussions of multiculturalism have been largely separate from those about inclusion of students with disabilities. Classrooms have always been heterogeneous.
Preparations and Reflections: Teaching in a Widening World
This paper discusses research on teacher preparation and teaching in diverse settings, using data from questionnaires about various courses and components of one teacher education program. Student teachers completed questionnaires before and after student teaching, and cooperating teachers completed them at the end of student teaching.
Encyclopedia of Multicultural Education
This encyclopedia contains over 400 terms, phrases, concepts, U.S. Supreme Court decisions, significant contributors to the American macroculture from the country's various racial and/or ethnic backgrounds, key events, and court cases related to multicultural education.
Qualitative Research and Confluent Education: A Method for the Study of Differences and the Expression of Diversity
This paper examines the philosophical and methodological perspectives of qualitative research and the guiding principles of confluent education. The paper presents issues, concerns, and criticisms of both paradigms and discusses areas for their mutual support and improvement.
Evaluation of the Information, Communication and Technology Capabilities and E-Learning
This study from the University of North London examines diversified support and relevance to improve instruction and reduce dropout rates for multicultural students. Discusses the use of information and communication technology to provide online student support; virtual integration of the curriculum; individual learning styles; and Web sites.
Higher Education, Race & Diversity: Views from the Field
The four papers in this document address issues of higher education, race, and diversity.
Shattering the Denial: Protocols for the Classroom and Beyond
This book examines how to address and reduce racist practices in the schools, featuring an antiracist education teacher study that provided baseline figures on teacher perceptions of racism and demonstrated how teachers can successfully implement antiracist concepts in their classrooms.
Cultural Diversity and Social Skills Instruction: Understanding Ethnic and Gender Differences
This book affirms that the behaviors of young people from culturally diverse populations need to be viewed from a cultural perspective, and that instruction should affirm students and empower them to achieve maximally as well as to benefit others. A theme that underlies the entire book is the advocacy of direct instruction in social skills, followed by opportunities for practice and conditions for maintenance.
Assuring an Appreciation for Student Diversity: Alternatives to Teacher Education Field Experiences
This report provides an introduction to technology-based materials and mechanisms for ensuring student teachers' exposure to thought-provoking classroom diversity experiences. The paper discusses diversity in modern, multicultural, U.S.
From Rhetoric to Reality: Opportunity-to-Learn Standards and the Integrity of American Public School Reform
Focusing on national policy and practice, this paper suggests key recommendations for consideration in the context of standards-based reform, including: produce teachers who are multiculturally literate; re-assess ability grouping and tracking practices; reduce K-3 class size and elementary and secondary school size; expand and improve federal compensatory education programs; and incorporate school reform into broader social reform. (SM).
East Meets West: Using Multi-Cultural Groupwork to Develop the Cross-Cultural Capability of Tomorrow's International Managers
Increasing globalization of business means that those educating tomorrow's managers must prioritize the development of cross-cultural capability. Presents a case study of a British international business program at one university that successfully used multicultural groupwork for this purpose.
Teaching Preservice Teachers To Incorporate the World Wide Web To Promote Respect of Cultural Diversity
This paper describes how preservice teachers at one university are introduced to computer technology in a nonthreatening manner and how they learn to use the World Wide Web to promote cultural pluralism. Students are introduced to computer technology (e.g., word processing, e-mail, and database searching); then they learn how to harness the power of the World Wide Web (WWW) in order to gather information about any topic and actively engage their students with current resources.
Breaking the Silence (Teaching and Learning about Cultural Diversity)
Discusses the policy of silence (and its complex reasons) that often rules when it comes to teaching and learning about race, religion, ethnicity, and sexuality. Discusses briefly five books and articles that deal with breaking this silence, and offers observations about effective multiculturalism in the classroom.
Race, Pluralism, and Afrocentricity
A biologically rooted conception of race is both dangerous in practice and misleading in theory. African-American unity and African-American identity need foundations that are more secure than that of race.
Voicing Differences: Encouraging Multicultural Learning
Student-affairs graduate students (N=70) adopted a "voice," other than their own, for a semester. Journal entries reveal steps the students took in learning to see through the eyes of individuals different from themselves.
Globalizing Knowledge: Connecting International & Intercultural Studies. The Academy in Transition
This is the fourth in a series of occasional papers that analyze the changes taking place in U.S. undergraduate education.
Teaching about Multicultural and Diversity Issues from an Humanistic Perspective
This paper describes how one Educational Psychology professor prepares predominantly white, female, middle-class student teachers for experiences with diverse learners by providing a learning task or activity that engages them in new experiences with someone different from themselves.
Multicultural Issues in Outdoor Education. ERIC Digest
The 1990s saw the outdoor education community undergo a process of critical redefinition as it attempted to address multicultural issues. This digest defines multicultural education, reviews the current status of multicultural diversity in outdoor education, poses questions for researchers and practitioners, and offers suggestions for relevant change strategies.
Walking on Eggs: Mastering the Dreaded Diversity Discussion
Nine strategies for opening and sustaining discussion of cultural pluralism in the college classroom are offered, including use of powerful evocative quotations, evocative visuals, student self-identification in cultural terms, pictographic autobiographies, student personal narratives, metaphors for America, concentric identity circles exercise, models for interpreting cultural experience, and paired readings. Guidelines for discussion management are also given.
Teaching Young Children about Native Americans. ERIC Digest
Noting that the terms "Native American" and "American Indian" are both legitimately used to refer to the indigenous people of North America, this digest identifies stereotypes about Native Americans that children gain from media portrayals and classroom role playing, and suggests strategies for teachers to use to counter stereotyped portrayals and to reflect cultural diversity among Native Americans.
Educating Culturally Responsive Teachers: A Coherent Approach. SUNY Series, Teacher Preparation and Development
This book examines what is needed to accomplish the task of staffing U.S. schools with culturally responsive teachers, discussing the specific elements of teacher education programs needed for the country's diverse public schools.
The Influence of Teacher Background on the Inclusion of Multicultural Education: A Case Study of Two Contrasts
Examined the impact of preservice teachers' backgrounds on their multicultural perspectives in teaching secondary social studies, highlighting two student teachers with widely different backgrounds and beliefs. Data from papers, interviews, and observations showed significant differences in perspectives.
Incorporating Components of American Pluralism into a Course on the Geography of the USA
Outlines some of the pedagogical and organizational concerns encountered in transforming a traditional college-level U.S. geography course into a course emphasizing pluralism and diversity issues.
Addressing Issues of Cultural Diversity in Business Communication
Discusses several terms used to denote cultural diversity and their implications. Emphasizes the importance of intracultural variations to an understanding of multiculturalism.
International Education: Another View of Distance Learning
This paper argues that diversity and flexibility have been the cornerstones of the community college over the last three or four decades. Of recent interest has been the change in the student profile from that of the recent local high school graduate to the returning student, as well as a mix of international students.
A Deans' Grant Initiative for the Twenty-First Century?
This article poses three scenarios for national personnel preparation initiatives that would parallel the structure of the former Deans' Grants: a national initiative on the intersection of disability and diversity, a national initiative on school-university partnerships and disability, and a national initiative on service learning and disability. (Contains one reference.) (Author/CR).
Voices in English Classrooms: Honoring Diversity and Change. Classroom Practices in Teaching English, Vol. 28
This book presents a collection of classroom practices that view the personal experiences of diverse student populations as valuable resources for instruction. It offers teachers various responses to the challenges posed by students' cultural, linguistic, and social group affiliations.
A personal vision of a good school
The author envisions schools as communities of learners. A school's quality, character, and student accomplishments depend heavily on collegiality, or the nature of its adult relationships.
The Effectiveness of Minority Teachers on Minority Student Success
This paper examines the shortage of minority teachers and explores the high priority that exists among parents, teachers, and the business community to work toward a diversified teaching force, focusing on the U.S. Hispanic population and investigating whether minority teachers in the classroom can result in minority student success in school.
Democratic Understanding: Cross-National Perspectives
Compares goals, policies, and practices related to citizenship education in the United States and other countries, illustrating how social studies in the United States can give greater attention to democratic discourse, decision making, and civic education. To adequately prepare citizens for the future, social studies educators must pay greater attention to multicultural and global content and pedagogy.
The Use of Case Studies in Preparing Teachers for Cultural Diversity
Cases offer prospective teachers vicarious experience in culturally different settings. This paper uses examples of cases from the Teachers for Alaska Program, which successfully altered the way teachers educated culturally diverse students.
Personal Experience as a Guide To Teaching
Analyzes teacher educators' experiences using storytelling about teaching to prepare second-career teacher candidates to critically reflect on their practice and teach for diversity. Using stories, prospective teachers developed retrospective explanations and justifications for their teaching practices, constructing platforms from which to launch future actions.
The Geography of Germany: Lessons for Teaching the Five Themes of Geography. Social Studies, Grades 9-12. Update 1997/1998
This packet contains five lessons related to the five themes of geography: location; place; human-environment interaction; movement; and region. The lessons are designed to support the teaching of courses in world geography, U.S.
Desegregation in a Diverse and Competitive Environment: Admissions at Lowell High School
To comply with the district desegregation plan, the San Francisco Unified School District previously required higher scores for Chinese American applicants to its academic magnet high school than for more underrepresented groups. Examines the admissions debate, suggesting that exclusion of Asian and Latino concerns in district policymaking led to a lawsuit by several Chinese parents.
Multiculturalism and the Community College: A Case Study of an Immigrant Education Program
Analyzes the goals and effectiveness of the Nuevos Horizontes program at Chicago's Triton College, an outreach effort to provide educational opportunities to Triton's diverse communities. Cites the general success of the program, suggesting that the two-way exchange between the college and communities served provides a model for multiculturalism organizational change.
Canadian Multicultural Picture Books
Educators have a particular interest in multicultural education and the use of literature as an avenue for the exploration and celebration of diversity within Canada. There is a need to understand the interdependence of all people in a global culture and an urgent need for peace and understanding.
A Licensed Professional Counselor's Professional and Personal Insights and Changes Resulting from a University Course on Cultural Diversity
A personal account is given about counseling people of color in light of the fact that training and information about multicultural counseling was not part of counselor education programs 20 years ago. Recent attendance at a graduate level course on cultural diversity prompted this counselor to consider many issues.
Exploring Linguistic Diversity through World Englishes
Presents the rationale and basic concepts for teaching about World Englishes. Describes a sample instructional unit based on the pilot project the authors conducted in a public high school in North Carolina, in which they provided instruction in linguistic diversity once a week for seven weeks.
Teaching Diversity Skills in Law School: One School's Experience
The evolution of a diversity education program at McGeorge School of Law (University of the Pacific, California) is chronicled and response to it is discussed. The program involved a lecture on cultural sensitivity and follow-up small-group discussion sessions involving faculty and students.
Teens Working: Turning Earning into Learning. Facilitator Guide [and] Critical Workplace Issues [and] Student Guide.
These guides are part of a toolkit designed to help young people make connections between the jobs they now hold, the classes they are taking, and the goals they may have for the near and distant future. The guides contain a variety of materials and activities appropriate for all skill levels.
Involving Parents in Children's Learning: A Strategy To Raise Standards in an Inner-City Primary School
Describes a strategy to raise standards in a British inner-city school through parent involvement in learning and decision making and the recognition of religious and cultural diversity. Communication, particularly with language minority parents, is vital to the program's success.
Training Urban School Counselors and Psychologists To Work with Culturally, Linguistically, Urban, and Ethnically Diverse Populations
Discusses the need to train urban school counselors and psychologists to address the needs of culturally, linguistically, urban, and ethnically diverse (CLUE) students, proposing a major CLUE philosophy training program to be incorporated into the existing degree sequence. Notes major competencies needed for multicultural training and presents key readings to help students and professionals familiarize themselves with the competencies.
Children's Ways with Words in Science and Mathematics: A Conversation across Disciplines (Durham, New Hampshire, December 4-7, 1999). Special Report
At a time when children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds represent the fastest growing school-age population in the United States, too many of these children are failing in school science and mathematics. This report discusses the events and recommendations of the Children's Ways with Words in Science and Mathematics conference which brought together educators and researchers from diverse backgrounds and disciplines to explore issues related to learning and achievement in science and mathematics for poor and minority students.
Two Important New Documents Reviewed: OFSTED and TTA
Reviews the OFSTED document, "Educational Inequality: Mapping Race, Class and Gender. A Synthesis of Research Evidence," (which examines the persistent inequality between the main ethnic populations within English schools) and the Teacher Training Agency document, "Raising the Attainment of Minority Ethnic Pupils: Guidance and Resource Materials for Providers of Initial Teacher Training" (which focuses on racial equality and teacher training).
Laos and Laotians
This book introduces students to the people and country of Laos. The historic "Land of a Million Elephants" (Lan Xang) is filled with diversity and wonder.
Teacher Candidates' Conceptions of Teaching and Learning: A Review
The purpose of this paper is to provide a best-evidence synthesis of studies on preservice teachers' conceptions of teaching and learning and to describe their implications for teacher education.
Unity through Diversity: Fostering Cultural Awareness
Describes the program "Unity through Diversity" and outlines the planning procedure used in its implementation. Discusses major program aspects, including the four assembly programs and the supplementary curricular materials.
The Multicultural Debate and the K through 8 Curriculum Challenge
Examines the central issues in the debate over the importance of multicultural education in elementary and middle schools. Argues that maximum benefits for students will occur when multicultural content is infused throughout the K-8 curriculum levels.
An Alien among Us: A Diversity Game
The game described in this booklet is designed to broaden the players' perspectives on human diversity and to help them appreciate and value people of different backgrounds. In the game, players are aske | |