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Minority Groups
"White Privilege": Discrimination and Miscommunication--How It Affects/Effects Underrepresented Minority [Groups] on College Campuses
Thirty years after the enactment of civil rights legislation, the meaning of race has become a problem in the United States, largely because the legacy of centuries of white supremacy lives on. Monolithic white supremacy is over, but in a more concealed way, white power and privilege linger.
"White Privilege": Discrimination and Miscommunication--How It Affects/Effects Underrepresented Minority [Groups] on College Campuses
Thirty years after the enactment of civil rights legislation, the meaning of race has become a problem in the United States, largely because the legacy of centuries of white supremacy lives on. Monolithic white supremacy is over, but in a more concealed way, white power and privilege linger.
A Community Approach to Learning Calculus: Fostering Success for Underrepresented Ethnic Minorities in an Emerging Scholars Program
The failure to successfully complete gateway calculus courses often prevents ethnic minority students from pursuing science and engineering majors. Research suggests that this failure to succeed is caused more by social factors than by attributes related to ability.
A Community Approach to Learning Calculus: Fostering Success for Underrepresented Ethnic Minorities in an Emerging Scholars Program
The Wisconsin Emerging Scholars Program (WESP) is a nonremedial, multicultural workshop approach to learning calculus that emphasizes community and collaboration. This approach is designed to foster substantial participation of underrepresented ethnic minority students and alleviate the problems of isolation and lack of support in a large, predominantly white university.
A Preliminary Analysis of Counseling Students' Attitudes toward Counseling Women and Women of Color: Implication for Cultural Competency Training
Counseling students (N=56) responded to peer-generated presentations on counseling women and counseling women of color. Qualitative methodology was used to identify students' racial, ethnic, and gender attitudes in counseling contexts.
A Successful Program for Struggling Readers
Notes that a "staggering number" of struggling readers in the United States are African American children and other students of color. Outlines characteristics of successful schools for struggling readers, and details effective teaching techniques.
Action Research Teams: A Means to Transform Teaching and Empower Underrepresented Students in the University Classroom
This paper describes the Action Research (AR) Team model for joining classroom observations with collegial interaction among university faculty, teaching assistants, and university students to improve pedagogy and the retention of diverse students in higher education. The paper includes a progress report of efforts to develop the model and apply it on a pilot basis at New Mexico State University.
An Alien among Us: A Diversity Game
The game described in this booklet is designed to broaden the players' perspectives on human diversity and to help them appreciate and value people of different backgrounds. In the game, players are asked to select the best candidates for an interplanetary mission on the basis of certain characteristics.
An Introduction to Multicultural Counseling
When client and counselor are from different cultural backgrounds, they tend to view things from disparate perspectives. Though a background in multiculturalism is required for program accreditation, most existing texts limit coverage to ethnicity, without the emphasis of broad concepts such as discrimination and acculturation, or coverage of gender, sexual orientation, or aging issues.
Asian Americans: From Racial Category to Multiple Identities. Critical Perspectives on Asian Pacific Americans Series
The experience of Asian Americans as a racial category and as a multiplicity of identities in the United States is examined. Demographically, Asian Americans are the fastest growing racial and ethnic group in the United States.
Assessment in the Context of Culture and Pedagogy: A Collaborative Effort, a Meaningful Goal. Introduction and Overview
The articles in this special theme issue discuss the relevance and effectiveness of strategies for developing assessments with students and teachers of color as the focal point. They contribute to a critical discourse on the potential of culturally responsive performance-based assessments.
Beyond Access: Methods and Models for Increasing Retention and Learning among Minority Students. New Directions for Community Colleges, Issue 112. The Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education Series
This edition of New Directions for Community Colleges offers community college educators alternative models, approaches, and perspectives to consider in working with ethnic minority students. The volume addresses issues of assessment, career and educational goals, learning enhancement, success courses, mentoring programs, campus climate, educational technology, and the integration of nonminority instructors into the minority environment.
Beyond the methods fetish: Toward a humanizing pedagogy
Academic achievement of historically oppressed groups is affected by the societal power relations reproduced in schools and by the "deficit" perspective. Culturally responsive education and strategic teaching are humanistic approaches that respect and use the culture, history, and perspectives of the students in educational practice.
Bibliography of Race Equity/Multicultural Library Materials. 1996 Spring/Summer Edition.
This annotated bibliography includes all of the race equity and multicultural materials available from the Nebraska Department of Education's Equal Educational Opportunity Project. A table listing works by author's last name provides quick access to the topic and grade level.
Borders and Identity: A Resource Guide for Teachers = Identidad y Fronteras: Una Guia para Maestros
The materials in this resource guide include a four-part video, a poster-size cultural map with additional exercises, and the five sections of this guide. The unit, presented in English and Spanish, intends to introduce students to the peoples and cultures of the U.S.-Mexico border, to explore the concept of borders in their own communities, to use ethnographic investigation methods, and to foster critical thought through the use of oral interviews and other primary source materials.
Breaking Racial Stereotypes by Reconstructing Multicultural Education
Racial stereotypes and discrimination have destroyed many bright futures by limiting the possibilities of people of color in America. Describes two initiatives that can be implemented in schools in order to help destroy negative images of race and reconstruct a more healthy foundation to build on: multiculturalism across the curriculum and multicultural awareness inservices for teachers.
Bridges on the I-Way: Multi-cultural Resources Online. Multi-cultural Portals
Describes vertical portals (niche Web sites with content geared to specialty group) targeting ethnic minority groups in the United States. Reviews sites that serve as vertical portals for Latinos, Asian Americans, Black/African Americans, and Native Americans.
Changing What Is Taught: Hearing the Voices of the Underrepresented
In 1991, policy makers at Florida State University made the decision to require all students to take multicultural courses to fulfill general education requirements. This article provides insights into the challenges that institutional policy makers face as they seek to change the curriculum to include the voices of those previously underrepresented.
Children of Mixed Race--No Longer Invisible
Schools often ignore the existence and special concerns of multiracial and multiethnic students, whose numbers are increasing faster than those of monoracial children. Serving these students requires changing teacher education, recording heritage sensitively, assessing formal and informal curricula, revising ethnic and racial celebrations, addressing harassment, and promoting anti-bias activities.
Children's Ways with Words in Science and Mathematics: A Conversation across Disciplines (Durham, New Hampshire, December 4-7, 1999). Special Report
At a time when children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds represent the fastest growing school-age population in the United States, too many of these children are failing in school science and mathematics. This report discusses the events and recommendations of the Children's Ways with Words in Science and Mathematics conference which brought together educators and researchers from diverse backgrounds and disciplines to explore issues related to learning and achievement in science and mathematics for poor and minority students.
Classroom and Curriculum Accommodations for Native American Students
This article explores culture-specific approaches to enhance the classroom and curriculum of Native American students and to improve their academic performance, social understanding, and acceptance by peers. It considers educational goals for these students, characteristics of Native American learners, and teaching strategies.
Connecting Employers and Multicultural Student Organizations
Describes how the University of Virginia's Student Career Services built on the successes of a Minority Career Day by incorporating a networking opportunity for student groups into the event. (GCP).
Critical Issue Bibliography (CRIB) Sheet: Retention and Recruitment of Underrepresented Faculty and Students.
This Critical Issue Bibliography (CRIB) Sheet focuses on approaches to recruitment and retention of faculty from underrepresented groups as part of the creation of a multicultural college environment. The 31 annotated citations, all of which are in the ERIC database, are grouped into: (1) Overall Strategies; (2) Faculty; and (3) Student.
Critical Perspectives on Project Head Start: Revisioning the Hope and Challenge. SUNY Series, Youth Social Services, Schooling, and Public Policy
This book offers critical perspective on the complex dynamics of politics, class, gender, power, race, and ethnicity in Project Head Start. Moving beyond the literature on Head Start's effects on children's achievement, the volume considers how the program has operated with families, in communities, and with other institutions.
Cultural Diversity and the Professions in Technology
Examines diversity from several perspectives: economics, corporations, education, and technology. Advocates assessment of what is taught and how it is taught and suggests a more inclusive curriculum.
Cultural Diversity, Families, and the Special Education System: Communication and Empowerment
This monograph addresses the way parents of minority students perceive the special education system, with specific attention to these parents' views of the process by which their children are designated as "handicapped.".
Cultural Diversity, Families, and the Special Education System: Communication and Empowerment
This monograph addresses the way parents of minority students perceive the special education system, with specific attention to these parents' views of the process by which their children are designated as "handicapped.
Culturally Responsive Performance-based Assessment: Conceptual and Psychometric Considerations
Provides a rationale for advocating the development of culturally responsive performance-based assessments as a means of achieving equity for students of color. Notes arguments for and against these assessments and explores psychometric concerns.
Defining Culture in a Multicultural Environment: An Ethnography of Heritage High School
Examines how multicultural education can alter the learning environment of a school and thereby influence student relations, attitudes, and behaviors. The author discusses study findings that show the need for educational theory and practice to pay more attention to minority group interrelationships rather than the interaction between the traditionally dominant and subordinate groups.
Discomfort Zones: Learning about Teaching with Care and Discipline in Urban Schools
Multicultural principles, discipline, and curriculum theory should be integrated and revisited across the teacher-education program via case studies, portfolio assessment, and field experiences. Authors deplore prescriptive, procedural approaches to teaching and value ongoing faculty/student conversations, university alliances with "best" teachers and principals, and trust in children's power.
Disproportionate Representation: A Critique of State and Local Strategies. Policy Forum Report (Washington, D.C., September 14-15, 1995). Final Report
This document reports on the purpose, implementation, and outcomes of a policy forum on strategies used to address the disproportionate number of students from minority ethnic/racial groups receiving special education. Participants included representatives of state education agencies, local education agencies, the university/research community, general education, the Office for Civil Rights, and advocacy groups.
Educational Reform, Students of Color, and Potential Outcomes
Based on middle-class, white values and assumptions, school restructuring proposed in "first wave reform" will increase inequity and stratification and hamper social mobility for minorities. School choice, outcomes-based education, and secondary track systems are critiqued.
Educational Reform, Students of Color, and Potential Outcomes
Based on middle-class, white values and assumptions, school restructuring proposed in "first wave reform" will increase inequity and stratification and hamper social mobility for minorities. School choice, outcomes-based education, and secondary track systems are critiqued.
Educational Research Workshop on "Minority Education" (Bautzen (Saxony), October 11-14, 1994). Corp Author(s): Council of Europe, Strasbourg (France). Directorate of Education, Culture and Sport, Documentation Section
This report provides the agenda and research from the workshop on Minority Education in Saxony in October 1994.
Extracurricular Participation and Academic Achievement in Minority Students in Urban Schools
Restructured extracurricular activities are a component in many of the proposed solutions for the educational problems of minority students in urban schools. This study investigates the relationships between participation in traditional extracurricular activities and the academic achievement levels of minority male and female students in poor urban schools.
Faculty and Multicultural Education: An Analysis of the Levels of Curricular Integration within a Community College System
The United States population is projected to increase from 249 million in 1990 to 355 million by 2040, with minorities constituting more than half of the total population and a disproportionately large segment of the workforce. With changing demographics and increasing economic globalization, educational institutions will be confronted with reforming their curricula to meet new societal needs by promoting knowledge and understanding of different cultures.
Feeling, Experiencing and Consciousing: Diversity in the College Classroom
Recent reports identify minority college students' tendency to segregate themselves and opt out of mainstream campus activities. This article describes a redesigned cultural diversity teaching model that sensitizes instructors to their own ethnic/racial preconceptions and helps students acknowledge their own racial biases, identify stereotypical reactions, engage in honest discussion about differences, and appreciate other groups' societal contributions.
From Cradle to School: A Practical Guide to Racial Equality in Early Childhood Education and Care. Revised.
This guide shows how the Race Relations Act of 1976 and the Children Act of 1989 apply to young children in the United Kingdom and to those who have responsibility for their care and education. The 1989 Children Act, a comprehensive piece of legislation that addresses religion, racial origin, and cultural and linguistic background, adds to the specific requirements of the Race Relations Act.
From Moral Duty to Cultural Rights: A Case Study of Political Framing in Education
Addresses questions about how old social causes get revived, and how small, politically insignificant interest groups mount viable campaigns against dominant political views. Examines the strategies of two multifaith religious coalitions in Ontario, Canada, that are gaining political ground by reframing traditional arguments for religious schooling as multicultural issues.
From Section 11 to Ethnic Minority Achievement--Reports from around the Country
Participants in the Association of LEA (Local Education Agency) Advisory Officers in Multicultural Education in the United Kingdom present their views about the difficulties in moving from the previous funding provision for ethnic minority students, (Section 11), to the Ethnic Minority Achievement Grant funding provisions. (SLD).
Government Policy and School Effects: Racism and Social Justice in Policy and Practice
Criticizes social justice policies of the Labour government in the United Kingdom because they promote formal equality in the schools without working for substantive equity in outcomes of education. Naive multiculturalism is an inadequate policy response to the institutionalized racism that pervades the contemporary education system.
Harriet Rohmer on New Voices and Visions in Multicultural Literature
Presents an interview with Harriet Rohmer, founder of Children's Book Press, an independent publishing house founded in 1975 dedicated to publishing bilingual children's books authored and illustrated by writers and artists of American minority communities. Discusses how she selects books for publication, books to be published soon, and the importance of all children seeing reflections of themselves in books.
Home-School Liaison. Learning To Live in a Multi-Cultural Society. Final Report of a Series of Workshops Sponsored by the European Commission in 1994. Corp Author(s): National Inst. of Adult Continuing Education, Leicester (England). ; German Adult Education Association, Bonn (Germany). Inst. for International Cooperation
This report addresses the interface between school and home and how this relationship needs to be addressed sensitively and effectively.
Impediments to Minority Student Learning
Describes a two-part study involving 125 minority female students, 14 faculty members and 35 textbooks that explored the kinds of images minority students found in their textbooks. Results indicated that the exclusion, omission, or misrepresentation through images directly impacted student learning as well as student career choices.
Impediments to Minority Student Learning
Describes a two-part study involving 125 minority female students, 14 faculty members and 35 textbooks that explored the kinds of images minority students found in their textbooks. Results indicated that the exclusion, omission, or misrepresentation through images directly impacted student learning as well as student career choices.
Improving Educational Preparation for Transcultural Health Care
Nurses and health care professionals must be prepared for transcultural health care because society is becoming increasingly multicultural and current health services are not meeting the needs of minority ethnic groups in Britain. (SK).
Improving Minority Student Success: Crossing Boundaries and Making Connections between Theory, Research, and Academic Planning
In an effort to cross boundaries and make connections between theory, research, and academic planning, Prince George's Community College in Maryland (PGCC) and the University of Maryland University College's Institute for Research on Adults in Higher Education (IRAHE) developed a partnership using national and institutional research to link theory and academic planning.
Improving Minority Student Success: Crossing Boundaries and Making Connections between Theory, Research, and Academic Planning
In an effort to cross boundaries and make connections between theory, research, and academic planning, Prince George's Community College in Maryland (PGCC) and the University of Maryland University College's Institute for Research on Adults in Higher Education (IRAHE) developed a partnership using national and institutional research to link theory and academic planning. In doing so, both institutions developed new programs responsive to the needs of a diverse population of adult learners.
Included in Sociology: Learning Climates That Cultivate Racial and Ethnic Diversity
This collection of essays is designed for the faculty member and others who care about the retention and success of students of color in gateway courses in Sociology. The book examines assumptions about diversity and teaching and learning and provides strategies for enacting learning environments that are more inclusive and conducive to the success of all students.
Influences of Ethnicity, Interracial Climate, and Racial Majority in School on Adolescent Ethnic Identity
Study examines the ethnic identity development of 252 adolescents. Analyses reveal that being a member of an ethnic minority group and interracial climate accounted for the greatest variance in ethnic identity development.
Intake Concerns of Racial and Ethnic Minority Students at a University Counseling Center: Implications for Developmental Programming and Outreach
Examined the presenting concerns of racial and ethnic minority students (N=157) at a university counseling center. Results indicate that family and romantic relationship issues, academic concerns, and depression were among their primary concerns.
Issues for Citizenship in the Post-14 Curriculum: What Needs To Be Done To Contribute To Raising the Achievement of Ethnic Minority Pupils
Discusses the new National Curriculum in England in relation to the government's policies aimed at raising academic standards. The new Unified Framework does have the potential to raise the achievement of all students if it is implemented carefully.
Issues of Discrimination in European Education Systems
Examines difficulties and complexities in researching issues of discrimination in education across European countries as a first step in devising intercultural curricula. Discusses cross-national differences in terminology, in the ways in which research issues related to racism and interculturalism are formulated, and in the educational experience of children of immigrant and ex-colonial groups.
Language Strategies To Raise Achievement in Business Education
Describes the difficulties low achieving students, many of whom are from ethnic minorities, have in dealing with the language of Business Studies in the British curriculum and suggests some strategies to raise language awareness within the discipline and increase the business vocabularies of students. (SLD).
Links between Family Life and Minority Student Achievement: Removing the Blinders
Contends that a range of theories exists in the social science literature about the effects of family processes on the social and academic success of a family's offspring. Identifies major theoretical perspectives that have dominated the literature on families and minority student achievement.
Links between Family Life and Minority Student Achievement: Removing the Blinders
The article contends that a range of theories exists in the social science literature about the effects of family processes on the social and academic success of a family's offspring.
Mapping Multiculturalism
Multiculturalism has become a major framework for analyzing intergroup relations in the United States, but the meanings of the term have become less and less clear. The 26 essays in this collection map the terrain of multiculturalism in its varied dimensions and discuss its future.
Maybe a Colony: And Still Another Critique of the Comp Community
Argues that a simple celebration of cultural multiplicity while retaining the literacy practices that have maintained the subjugation of too many of America's people of color is insufficient. Points to the connections between colonialism and histories of rhetoric, hoping to start a conversation about "the combat zones as well as the kinder contact zones" of multiculturalism.
Meeting the Needs of Multiracial and Multiethnic Children in Early Childhood Settings
Addresses the needs of preschool children whose biological parents come from two or more traditional racial/ethnic groups. Advocates the extension of multiracial curriculum in early childhood programs to support and embrace these multiracial and multiethnic children.
Mentoring in the Preparation of Graduate Researchers of Color
Makes the case that effective mentoring can improve the graduate school experience of multicultural students to position them better for postdoctoral success. Discusses the ways faculty members can enhance their multicultural competence in mentoring.
Mentors in Medicine
Introduces the Health Sciences and Technology Academy (HSTA) which was created by West Virginia University for secondary school students to address the shortage of minorities pursuing science careers. Aims to improve science and mathematics education and increase the college attendance rate among underrepresented students.
Minorities and Adult Learning: Communication among Majorities and Minorities. Adult Learning and the Challenges of the 21st Century. A Series of 29 Booklets Documenting Workshops Held at the Fifth International Conference on Adult Education (Hamburg, Germany, July 14-18, 1997).
This booklet, which was produced as a follow-up to the Fifth International Conference on Adult Education, examines communication among minorities and nonminorities in adult education programs. The booklet begins with a sketch of the situation of minority group members around the world and a list of 10 ways education policy and legislation can advance minority rights.
Minority Religious Practices: The Need for Awareness and Knowledge
Study was conducted to investigate whether educators have knowledge regarding various religious groups. Results indicated few educators possess knowledge of minority religious holidays, religious prohibitions and restrictions, and identities of prophets and founders of these religions.
Multi-Tasking in Science: Meeting the Challenge of Change
Explains the multitasking approach to instruction and how it fits to a diverse student population. Focuses on one such program for high school science students in North Carolina.
Multicultural Education: Minorities in the Athletic and Academic Arenas
The academic accomplishments of minorities are not as well known as their athletic accomplishments. In the new millennium, the barriers that limit the expression of true academic acumen of women, African Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans must be minimized.
Multicultural Gifted Education. Education and Psychology of the Gifted Series
This book provides a comprehensive and practical resource for raising the expectations and level of instruction for gifted minority students. The volume contains case studies of multicultural gifted education in practice, suggests methods for "best practice" for classroom teachers, supplies sample activities, and provides guidelines and a checklist to evaluate multicultural education programs.
Multicultural Resources on the Internet: The United States and Canada
Designed as a research aid for educators and students in high school or college, this guide gathers and organizes information about Internet and World Wide Web sources that deal with multicultural issues that are likely to be of interest to an English-speaking audience in the United States and Canada.
Multicultural Technology Integration: The Winds of Change Amid the Sands of Time
This case study describes how a high school language arts teacher in a poor border community in southern New Mexico combined technology-based teaching strategies with multicultural elements to ensure learning and equitable access to technology for her minority students. Discusses bilingual and bicultural students, constructivist classrooms, and instructional flexibility.
New Approaches to Multiculturalism Reviewed
Provides capsule reviews of a number of publications related to multicultural education and minority students in the United Kingdom. Focuses on five treatments of multicultural education and antiracist education and comments briefly on 14 other books related to issues of minority education.
New Statewide Regional Initiative on Creating Inclusive Educational Communities for Minority Students
Despite the existence of a college-wide Committee on Access, Equity, and Cultural Diversity and other efforts, minority retention rates at Illinois' Parkland College remained disproportionately low. In 1996, the college received a grant through the Higher Education Cooperation Act to develop an approach to recruit and retain minority students.
Opening Doors with Informal Science: Exposure and Access for Our Underserved Students
The Young Scholars Program at The Ohio State University is a 6-year pre-collegiate intervention program designed to prepare academically talented, economically disadvantaged minority students for college education. This study describes the success of this effort to reshape the traditional presentation of agriculture.
Oppressor: The Educational System
In this critique of elementary and secondary education in the United States, the first section discusses the history of the U.S. educational system and how the development of the schools' curricula and assessment programs have been adapted to the white, male, Eurocentric style of learning.
Organizational Culture and Its Impact on African American Teachers
Studied how the organizational culture of schools and the cultural values of African American teachers affect the professional experience of these teachers in schools where they are in the minority. Results for seven teachers show that the majority established the work norms, resulting in a uniformity of rules and regulations with which people of color were expected to comply.
Other people's children: Cultural conflict in the classroom.
This collection of nine essays suggests that many academic problems attributed to children of color actually stem from a power structure in which the worldviews of those with privilege are taken as the only reality, while the worldviews and culture of those less powerful are dismissed as inconsequential or deficient.
Pharmacy Students' Perceptions About the Need for Multicultural Education
A study assessed pharmacy students' perceptions about the importance of learning about health beliefs and behaviors of ethnic minority groups, views on the mechanisms by which such cultural information should be conveyed, and differences in perceptions related to student demography. Students believed this information was important but did not make the connection between having knowledge and impacting patient outcomes.
Preparing Teachers To Recognize Multiple Perspectives
This paper describes several practices designed to challenge preservice teachers to question their assumptions regarding multiculturalism and to explore other points of view. The "Culture Walk" at Susquehanna University (Pennsylvania) increases awareness and sensitivity to interpersonal and personal identities.
Promoting the Development of Graduate Students of Color
Argues that multicultural coursework, pedagogy, and support services, which honor diverse needs and voices, can enhance the environment for graduate students of color. Examines problems faced by students of color; ways to bolster recruitment, retention, and support programs; faculty-student interaction; classroom interaction; professional development opportunities; and curriculum.
Racism. IDRA Focus.
This theme issue includes four articles on racism in colleges and public schools and on strategies to build ethnic and racial tolerance.
Racism. IDRA Focus.
This theme issue includes four articles on racism in colleges and public schools and on strategies to build ethnic and racial tolerance. "Affirmative Action: Not a Thing of the Past" (Linda Cantu) reviews the history of affirmative action and its positive effects on Hispanic and Black enrollment in higher education, discusses current efforts to dismantle affirmative action, and counters claims of reverse discrimination against White males.
Raising Ethnic Minority Attainment: The Role of Curriculum 2000
Describes the revision of the National Curriculum in England and discusses the potential of the revised curriculum for raising the achievement of ethnic minority students. The curriculum demonstrates a clear commitment to the education of minorities and includes provisions for citizenship and health education.
Reading Enhancement for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Children through Multicultural Empowerment
Considers how learning to read can be difficult for Deaf students, but the task is even harder for Deaf minority students. Explores strategies to inspire an interest in reading and multicultural acceptance for Deaf and hearing students alike.
Reducing the Disproportionate Representation of Minority Students in Special Education. ERIC/OSEP Digest #E566
This digest summarizes the problem of over-representation of minority students in special education and offers suggestions to reduce this disproportionate representation. It notes concerns of the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) and the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) that minority students are being misclassified and receiving inappropriate services and/or discriminatory placement in special education.
Report on the International Training Course for Roma/Gypsy Youth Leaders. European Youth Center of Europe, Strasbourg, France, 2-14 March 1999.
Activities on behalf of Roma/Gypsies have always been an important part of the Council of Europe's minority protection policy. The topics discussed are how more training opportunities can be provided for young Roma people and other ways to support and promote their participation in society.
Representations of Indigenous Knowledges in Secondary School Science Textbooks in Australia and Canada
Employs discourse analysis techniques to examine the approach taken in addressing minority group knowledges in two recently-published sets of junior secondary science texts, with a specific focus on the incorporation of indigenous knowledge into the texts. (Contains 44 references.) (Author/WRM).
Responding to Religious Diversity in Classrooms
Faculty discussions, staff-development meetings, parent workshops, and direct classroom instruction are places to raise awareness about needs of nonmainstream students and parents, to support students belonging to diverse religious and cultural groups, and to enhance sensitivity to cultural differences in the curriculum. Sample scenarios and solutions are provided.
Revisiting the Lau Decision: 20 Years After. Proceedings of a National Commemorative Symposium (San Francisco, California, November 3-4, 1994).
The "Lau" decision of 1974, which was related to the education of Chinese-speaking students in San Francisco (California), ushered in new programs, teaching approaches, frameworks, legislation, and government agencies designed to redress fundamental inequities in the educational opportunities available to language minority students.
School-Based Management: Involving Minority Parents in Shared Decision Making
In the past decade, systemic school reform has taken hold in America in the form of ”school-based management” (SBM) or shared decision making as a mechanism for improving schooling. Despite the lack of positive findings from research on the ability of this innovation to improve schooling, the reform innovation continues to grow.
School-Based Management: Involving Minority Parents in Shared Decision Making
In the past decade, systemic school reform has taken hold in America in the form of ”school-based management” (SBM) or shared decision making as a mechanism for improving schooling. Despite the lack of positive findings from research on the ability of this innovation to improve schooling, the reform innovation continues to grow.
Schooling and The Silenced "Others": Race and Class in Schools
In education, it is necessary to look at students who are marginalized, and excluded, who is centered or privileged, and how, through academic discourse, silences are created, sustained, and legitimized. The three papers in this collection explore the politics of silencing and voice in education.
Secondary Transition of Multicultural Learners: Lessons from the Navajo Native American Experience
This discussion of the impact of culture and cultural differences on school and work and the importance of enhancing multicultural awareness also reports on a study that evaluated the experience of 22 Navajo Native Americans high school graduates in transition. Findings stress the importance of students' significant relationships, limited educational and vocational perceptions, and connection to homeland and culture.
Service-Learning and Multicultural/Multiethnic Perspectives: From Diversity to Equity
The "missionary ideology" underlying much of the service- learning movement results from decisions to "do good things" for others. However, this movement sometimes ignores recipients' voices and what they, particularly communities of color, might have to offer.
Service-Learning and Multicultural/Multiethnic Perspectives: From Diversity to Equity
The "missionary ideology" underlies much of the service- learning movement results from decisions to "do good things" for others. However, this movement sometimes ignores recipients' voices and what they, particularly communities of color, might have to offer.
Should We Become More International or More Regional? Aspects of Minority Higher Education in Europe
Addresses the problem of educating minorities when the political borders of European nation-states fail to coincide with ethno-linguistic realities. Suggests two solutions to problems of higher education for ethno-linguistic minorities: (1) multilingual universities, and (2) regional cooperation in higher education in border areas.
Social Inclusion: Would Dickens Approve?
Discusses exclusion of ethnic minority students from school in Britain as it reflects the operation of complex differential expectations and assumptions. Data from several studies show that exclusions have been racialized and that black boys are often excluded or disciplined for showing culturally specific behaviors.
Sources and Information Regarding Effective Retention Strategies for Students of Color
Reporting literature from the ERIC system, highlights issues and concerns regarding minority student retention and learning success within community colleges. Discusses factors contributing to declining retention rates and effective programming strategies designed to address continued participation of students of color.
Student Equity Plan, 1996-1998.
Presenting an update to the first Student Equity Plan (SEP) prepared by California's College of the Canyons in December 1993, this plan reviews research on the participation of underrepresented groups at the college and presents goals and activities for the period from 1996-98. Following an introduction, research conducted on student characteristics and outcomes from 1991 to 1995 is reviewed, indicating that in 1995, 69.4% of the college's students were White, while 18.5% were Latino, 7.4% were Asian, and 2.6% were Black.
Student Equity Plan, 1996-1998.
Presenting an update to the first Student Equity Plan (SEP) prepared by California's College of the Canyons in December 1993, this plan reviews research on the participation of underrepresented groups at the college and presents goals and activities for the period from 1996-98.
Student Voices across the Spectrum: The Educational Integration Initiatives Project
The Educational Integration Initiatives Project (EIIP) was a multidisciplinary study designed to explore the complexities of the interaction of race and education. The EIIP also evaluated how the environment in which students are educated affects their educational performance and personal development.
Surveying the Landscape: Perceptions of Multicultural Support Services and Racial Climate at a Predominantly White University
Examined how white and minority students at a predominantly white college perceived racial climate, student support services, multicultural courses, and attitudes toward cultural diversity on campus. Surveys indicated that white and minority students' perceptions varied, and campus support services were inadequate for creating an environment where minority students could have as positive an experience as white students.
Teaching and Learning about the Holocaust through Visiting an Exhibition
Evaluates a teaching initiative that aimed to teach about the Holocaust through a traveling exhibit on Anne Frank. Data from 10 case study schools show the success of the approach and some ways in which the teaching relevance might have been strengthened.
Teaching World War I from Multiple Perspectives
Outlines a multicultural approach to World War I that emphasizes the truly international character of the war, in which many soldiers and support workers from European colonies were compelled to participate. Discusses the fighting in East Africa and Asia, as well as, the contributions of the Indian Expeditionary Forces.
The Adventor Program: Advisement and Mentoring for Students of Color in Higher Education
To promote the academic success of and to retain students of color, the College of Education at Kutztown University, Kutztown, Pennsylvania, has designed and implemented the Adventor Program, an intervention initiative fusing academic advising and mentoring into a proactive model. The program's rationale and the pilot year's findings are presented.
The California Crucible: Towards a New Paradigm of Race and Ethnic Relations
Racial relations in California, projected to have parity between white and non-white populations by 2050, illustrates the challenges of an increasingly multiracial society in policy areas such as affirmative action, bilingual education, and immigration reform. A new paradigm is needed that goes beyond the current black-white model to encompass increasing cultural and linguistic diversity.
The Challenge of Affirmative Action
Explores the challenges of using affirmative action programs when competing groups of underrepresented people vie for limited school resources. The case study of a San Francisco (California) high school illustrates the difficulties of balancing competing goals when affirming diversity and addressing patterns of discrimination conflict with equal treatment of each individual.
The Color of Bureaucracy: The Politics of Equity in Multicultural School Communities
This book is for administrators, teachers, policymakers, educational reformers, and community leaders who are concerned with achieving greater social justice in education. It provides an in-depth understanding of the challenges to schools brought about by lingering views of race, gender, ethnicity, and class, showing how the inequalities of the country's past are unconsciously maintained through inherited systems of bureaucratic control.
The Disproportionate Representation of Minority Students in Special Education: Responding to the Problem
Identifies specific content that teacher trainers in special and general education should consider incorporating into preservice training programs in an effort to address the over- and underrepresentation of culturally and linguistically diverse students in special education programs. The fields of multicultural education and bilingual education are seen to offer effective practices and programs for diverse special-needs learners.
The Evolution of Deficit Thinking: Educational Thought and Practice
”Deficit thinking” refers to the notion that students (particularly those of low-income, racial/ethnic minority background) fail in school because such students and their families have internal defects (deficits) that thwart the learning process (for example: limited educability; unmotivated; inadequate family support). Deficit thinking, an endogenous theory, ”blames the victim” rather than examining how the schools are structured to prevent certain students from learning.
The Impact of Undergraduate Diversity Course Requirement on Students' Racial Views and Attitudes
Describes a study that found that students who were about to complete their undergraduate diversity requirement exhibited significantly less prejudice and made more favorable judgments about African Americans, compared with students who were just beginning this requirement. Emphasizes the educational value of diversity-related curricular initiatives.
The Impact of Undergraduate Diversity Course Requirement on Students' Racial Views and Attitudes
Describes a study that found that students who were about to complete their undergraduate diversity requirement exhibited significantly less prejudice and made more favorable judgements about African Americans, compared with students who were just beginning this requirement. Emphasizes the educational value of diversity-related curricular initiatives.
The Importance of Culture for Improving Assessment and Pedagogy
Introduces the articles of this special issue, which represent the thinking of a group of researchers and educators regarding assessment in the context of culture and pedagogy. The emphasis is on the development of assessments that engage the cultural strengths of children from minority groups.
The Limits of Cross-Cultural Dialogue: Pedagogy, Desire, and Absolution in the Classroom
Discusses the limits of cross-cultural dialog in the classroom, asking what happens if this togetherness and dialog-across-difference fails to hold a compellingly positive meaning for subordinate ethnic groups. Presents a true story about a classroom in a New Zealand university and a controversial pedagogical strategy employed there.
The Limits of Educational Policy and Practice? The Case of Ethnic Minorities in The Netherlands
Describes four types of immigrants to The Netherlands since World War II and three phases of educational policies aimed at compensating for their educational disadvantages. Discusses the disappointing outcomes of compensatory education, bilingual education, intercultural education, and preschool and early school programs, and describes the government's radical new approach involving decentralization, deregulation, and local autonomy.
The Moccasin on the Other Foot Dilemma: Multicultural Strategies at a Historically Black College
This study used participant observation, student interviews, reflective journals, and discussions with faculty members and administrators to examine multicultural aspects at an historically black college.
The Role of Education in Preventing Ethnic Conflicts: The Case of Roma in the Czech Republic. GSFI Occasional Paper
This paper discusses conflicts between Romani minority people and the dominant majority in the Czech Republic, suggesting solutions based on improvements in teacher education.
To Teach Me Is To Know Me
Proposes three solutions to the continuing problem of disproportionate representation of multicultural students in special education programs: (1) training of culturally and linguistically diverse teachers in teacher preparation programs; (2) inclusion of multicultural education perspectives in special education; and (3) the implementation of culturally responsive instruction in classroom settings. (Author/DB).
Tracking/Monitoring Program To Enhance Multicultural Student Retention
The StudentPal program is a student tracking system developed jointly by the Multicultural Affairs program and High Technology Center at Glendale Community College, in Arizona. The program uses computer-assisted tracking to target students and various student characteristics and identify at-risk factors to improve the retention and success of multicultural/minority students.
Tracking/Monitoring Program To Enhance Multicultural Student Retention
The StudentPal program is a student tracking system developed jointly by the Multicultural Affairs program and High Technology Center at Glendale Community College, in Arizona. The program uses computer-assisted tracking to target students and various student characteristics and identify at-risk factors to improve the retention and success of multicultural/minority students.
Trends and Issues in Urban Education, 1998
This report examines several important trends and issues in urban education and minority education. It reviews major principles for rethinking urban schooling so that students from diverse racial, ethnic, linguistic, and gender groups will be able to receive a more equal education, and it considers specific issues in their education.
Trends and Issues in Urban Education, 1998
This report examines several important trends and issues in urban education and minority education. It reviews major principles for rethinking urban schooling so that students from diverse racial, ethnic, linguistic, and gender groups will be able to receive a more equal education, and it considers specific issues in their education.
Understanding Cultural Diversity and Learning
Two contrasting educational responses to cultural diversity are discussed. One is a core curriculum education movement and the other is a multicultural education movement.
University of New Orleans Millennial Multicultural Recruitment Plan: Case Studies/Model Programs
This paper discusses the Multicultural Recruitment Plan that was instituted at the University of New Orleans during the fall of 1999. The historical prospectus, which necessitated this plan, and some of the initial obstacles to success are reviewed extensively.
Unraveling Multicultural Education's Meanings: An Analysis of Core Assumptions Found in Academic Writings in Canada and the United States, 1981-1997
Analyzes conceptions of multicultural education found within academic literature from 1981 to 1997. Identifies five key social and educational beliefs that generally have not been subject to academic scrutiny, and suggests that contradictions within the literature may have a potentially destructive impact on efforts to improve intercultural relations.
Voices of Varied Racial Ethnicities Enrolled in Multicultural/Antiracist Education Computer and Telecommunication Courses: Protocols for Multicultural Technology Education Reform
Two case studies involving graduate education majors illustrate how multicultural/antiracist education and computer-mediated communication can interact successfully and further broaden cultural sensitivity in technology through diverse perceptions and contributions. Facilitating factors included theory-to-practice concepts, Internet dialogue, and student/teacher interactions.
What Helps Students of Color Succeed? Resiliency Factors for Students Enrolled in Multicultural Educators Programs
This study investigated factors that helped students of color enrolled in multicultural educator programs succeed academically, focusing on resiliency factors that supported their academic success (defined as college graduation or current enrollment at the sophomore level or higher). First an initial focus group with several minority students verified whether resilience factors from prior research were sufficient.
Will Privatizing Schools Really Help Inner-City Students of Color?
Although urban public school educators are not achieving optimal results, there is no evidence that for-profit educational companies will do any better or possess special expertise in educating poor students of color. Education Alternatives, Inc.
Women and Minorities in High-Tech Careers. ERIC Digest No. 226
Women and minorities are underrepresented in technology-related careers for many reasons, including lack of access, level of math and science achievement, and emotional and social attitudes about computer capabilities.
Women's History Curriculum Guide
This curriculum guide is designed to facilitate teachers' first efforts to introduce information about women in U.S. history.