



part of the Education Reform Networks
Teacher Education
Transforming Curriculum for a Culturally Diverse Society
This book is primarily designed for graduate courses in curriculum development and theory, and aims to assist practitioners in facilitating the shift in public school curriculum to accommodate large-scale trends toward a more culturally diverse society.
Who's New in Multicultural Literature, Part One (Rainbow Teachers/Rainbow Students)
Describes how a multicultural unit was added to a high school American literature course, noting that this necessitated selecting a large number of new books for the school library. Discusses goals of the multicultural project and its main interpretive assignment.
Reflections on the "White Movement" in Multicultural Education
Responds to an essay that examined the role of whites in multicultural education and reviewed three books, critiquing five of the essay's assumptions (e.g., there is a white movement in multicultural education, attention to whites' role in multicultural education is very recent, and the focus on white identity development in multicultural education signals a shift away from equity pedagogy). (SM).
Cultural Diversity, Families, and the Special Education System: Communication and Empowerment
This monograph addresses the way parents of minority students perceive the special education system, with specific attention to these parents' views of the process by which their children are designated as "handicapped.".
What Makes a Teacher Education Program Relevant Preparation for Teaching Diverse Students in Urban Poverty Schools? (The Milwaukee Teacher Education Center Model)
Urban teachers need a set of attributes that enable them to connect with children and youth in poverty and to function in dysfunctional school districts. The Milwaukee Teacher Education Center's (MTEC's) urban mission is to prepare educators to teach in the real world classroom of urban schools.
Japan and Georgia: Economic Partners. For Students in Grade Eight. Instructional Materials about Japan (IMAJ)
This manual provides suggestions and materials for teaching about Japan. Designed as a supplement to typical textbook treatments, the lessons provide a range of readings, visuals, and activities to enrich and deepen student learning about Japan.
The Impact of a Standards Guided Equity and Problem Solving Institute on Participating Science Teachers and Their Students
This study examined the effect of a teacher enhancement project combining training on the National Science Education Standards, problem solving and equity education on middle school science teachers' attitudes and practices and, in turn, the attitudes of their students.
Cultural Awareness through Biographies
One teacher educator's approach to developing cultural awareness among future teachers was to have them read biographies and autobiographies about teachers in a variety of situations. Student responses to the personal stories are discussed.
Multicultural Teacher Preparation: Establishing Safe Environments for Discussion of Diversity Issues
Describes a project within an early childhood multicultural teacher education program that examined what makes educational environments conducive to discussing culturally sensitive issues. Diverse students participated in two discussions, created guidelines, and completed interviews and questionnaires.
What Helps Students of Color Succeed? Resiliency Factors for Students Enrolled in Multicultural Educators Programs
This study investigated factors that helped students of color enrolled in multicultural educator programs succeed academically, focusing on resiliency factors that supported their academic success (defined as college graduation or current enrollment at the sophomore level or higher). First an initial focus group with several minority students verified whether resilience factors from prior research were sufficient.
American Art Appreciation Activities Kit: Ready-To-Use Lessons, Slides, and Projects for Grades 7-12
This resource kit, for secondary teachers of art, social studies, and the humanities, presents an art appreciation activities program that spans the visual art history of the United States.
Teaching Every Child Every Day: Learning in Diverse Schools and Classrooms. Advances in Teaching and Learning Series
Chapters in this book address the problems faced in today's diverse neighborhoods, schools, and classrooms, as well as the opportunities diversity provides. The schools, teachers, administrators, families, and communities drawn on in these selections provide examples of the effective integration of what is known about achieving success for all students as they illustrate what can be and is being done.
Kaleidoscope: A Multicultural Booklist for Grades K-8. Fourth Edition. NCTE Bibliography Series
The fourth edition of this annotated bibliography collection offers students, teachers, and librarians a helpful guide to the best multicultural literature (published from 1999 to 2001) for elementary and middle school readers. The book continues a tradition of promoting unity through diversity by highlighting fiction and nonfiction published by and about people of color.
Multicultural Issues: Training of Preservice Teachers of Deaf Children
A survey of 50 students majoring in deaf education found that most participants considered multicultural issues to be important factors in deaf education. Differences in perceptions were found between those respondents who had participated in a residential bicultural and bilingual experience and those who did not have such an experience.
Multicultural Self-Development in the Preservice Classroom: Equity Education for the Dominant Culture
European American educators can no longer ignore or presume to "serve" other sociocultural groups simply by changing those groups. Within a democratic and pluralistic society, individuals must be equally willing to modify their own beliefs and actions in light of the experiences and concerns of others.
Restructuring Urban Schools: A Chicago Perspective
The Chicago (Illinois) School Reform Act of 1988 set in motion a chain of reform efforts that have been the subject of considerable study. The plan emphasizes returning control of the schools to parents and the community through school-based management and local school councils.
Multiculturalism: Similarities and Differences
In U.S. schools the teachers are predominantly white, and most have little or no experience with cross-cultural issues.
Assessment in the Context of Culture and Pedagogy: A Collaborative Effort, a Meaningful Goal. Introduction and Overview
The articles in this special theme issue discuss the relevance and effectiveness of strategies for developing assessments with students and teachers of color as the focal point. They contribute to a critical discourse on the potential of culturally responsive performance-based assessments.
Arteacher, 1995-96
The official publication of the Michigan Art Education Association (MAEA), this journal serves as a forum for its members to express and share ideas, for the promotion of art education at all levels and for all ages. Issues focus on specific themes, have reprints of conference keynote speeches, and feature regular departments, including: elementary, middle school, and high school divisions news; and the "MAEA Directory" of officers.
Multicultural Education and School Leadership
Report of a study of principals' and teachers' perceptions of implementing multicultural education.
Teaching More about Korea: Lessons for Students in Grades K-12
The lessons in this book may be used as a unit of study on Korea or as supplemental lessons to ongoing social studies programs. The book is divided into seven parts with lesson plans in each area.
South Africa: A Place for English Teaching Pioneers
Discusses the importance of English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) education in the multicultural country of South Africa, where for the majority of residents, English is the second language. Examines the variety of languages of South Africa, the language-education crisis in South Africa, and the country's need for language teachers.
The Color of School Reform: Race, Politics, and the Challenge of Urban Education
This study traced the relationships among demographic change, political change, and education in: Atlanta, Georgia; Baltimore, Maryland; Detroit, Michigan; and the District of Columbia. Although each city is different and has experienced periods of enthusiasms for school reform, all four cities are dealing with objective indicators of educational failure, such as high dropout rates, poor performance on standardized tests, and employer dissatisfaction with graduates' basic skills.
Understanding the Relationship between Learning Style and Multiculturalism for School Counselors
A major concern of educators, counselors, and parents in the United States and throughout the world has been the costs and consequences of the high number of at-risk and dropout minority students. The intent of this paper is to explore the hypothesis that school counselors must know the implications of multicultural students' varied learning styles for both counseling and teaching.
What Diverse, Rural Communities Need and Want from Their Teachers
Two community meetings in a rural multicultural New Mexico school district examined community expectations of teachers. Awareness and sensitivity to cultural differences were identified as the most important qualities.
Teachers' Attitudes toward Multiculturalism and Their Perceptions of the School Organizational Culture
Examined Israeli teachers' attitudes toward multiculturalism and the relationship of attitudes to perceptions of school organizational culture. Overall, pluralistic attitudes were higher with regard to integrating immigrants into the general society, while assimilationist attitudes predominated when referring to integrating immigrants into education.
Doctoral Dissertations on Catholic Schools in the United States, 1988-1997
This booklet provides synopses of 302 dissertations, all written in the period from 1988 to 1997, that focus on Catholic schooling. Of the total, 156 of the dissertations originated at non-Catholic universities, with 106 of these authored at state-supported, public institutions.
Character Education through Story: K-6 Lessons To Build Character through Multi-Cultural Literature
This resource manual integrates literature and social studies with an emphasis on character development. Using children's literature as a catalyst for investigating representative cultures, the manual's curriculum writers crafted multicultural, integrated, thematic lessons for the K-6 classroom that can be used throughout the year.
Beyond Affirmative Action: Reframing the Context of Higher Education
Based on extensive interviews with Latino and Latina students and faculty, this book introduces a theory of "multicontextuality" that proposes that many people learn better when teachers emphasize whole systems of knowledge and that education can create its greatest successes by offering and accepting many approaches to teaching and learning.
Overcoming Resistance to Multicultural Discourse through the Use of Classroom Simulations
Describes how simulations, role plays, and other experiential exercises can be used in educational settings to reduce resistance and encourage discourse on equity issues. These techniques can bring new insights into professional development in multicultural education, raising awareness of hidden biases so teachers feel more comfortable in the classroom and do not reinforce stereotypes and negative patterns.
Promoting Multicultural Awareness through Dramatic Play Centers
Although many teachers acknowledge that language and culture are critical components of children's development, actually incorporating materials representative of children's cultures remains a problem. This article explains how the dramatic play center is a natural place to promote multicultural awareness in the classroom and offers suggestions for materials and activities.
Education Issues in Rural Schools of America
To have an impact on rural schools and communities, education researchers and reformers must stop approaching rural issues from an urban perspective, adopt a perspective that values rurality, and address issues specific to the rural context. Rural schools have contributed to the depletion of rural communities by focusing on individual mobility and prosperity rather than the public good.
Questionnaire Surveys: Four Survey Instruments in Educational Research
This paper presents four questionnaire surveys administered in educational research. Each of the questionnaires is followed by a brief research report with an abstract and summary statistics.
Teaching 4- to 8-Year-Olds: Literacy, Math, Multiculturalism, and Classroom Community
The next decade will see a dramatic increase in public finding for programs serving young children. Prekindergarten and early elementary programs will received more scrutiny in line with a growing awareness that school success is heavily influenced by the skills and attitudes children have when they enter school and quality of initial school experiences.
Strength through Cultural Diversity: Developing and Teaching a Diversity Course
Describes the design of an interdisciplinary course intended to develop college students' skills in functioning both personally and professionally in a multicultural society. Concepts addressed include the systems and characteristics of culture; individual, familial, community, and cross-cultural dimensions of diversity; differences and similarities between cultures; and conflict and negotiation.
Patterns in prospective teachers: Guides for designing preservice programs
In this book, leading scholars address a range of issues, ideas, and research findings in the field of teacher education, examining specific disciplines, social foundations, and program structures, as well as school reform and diversity.
The Power of Love? Global Science on a Shoestring
Describes the Globally Oriented Approach to Local Science (GOALS) project which aims at encouraging children to look at their local community and identifying and discussing issues and problems, indicating to children and teachers that science does not necessarily require sophisticated and expensive equipment to be successful, and complementing some recent attempts to produce differentiated multicultural resources. (JRH).
"Back Home, Nobody'd Do That": Immigrant Students and Cultural Models of Schooling
Asks what teachers must know about ethnic backgrounds to facilitate instruction for immigrant students, how cultural values in the United States and values of specific ethnic groups diverge, and how teachers can improve their understanding of other cultures. Answers through firsthand accounts from research interviews with students who are recent immigrants.
Career Counseling in Schools: Multicultural and Developmental Perspectives
This handbook is a resource for counselor educators, school counselors, and other helping professionals who have not discovered an appropriate multicultural approach to career development. It is designed to enhance the school counselor's knowledge about cultural diversity and to provide appropriate career development interventions with special population students.
"The Place I Will Always Remember": Drawing on Experiences through the Quilt Project
Discusses a quilt project in which ninth-grade English-as-a-Second-Language students wrote, drew, and talked about what they knew, remembered, and felt on the topic "Where I Came From," creating an anthology and a quilt. Describes how students' speaking practice, written language abilities, and self-confidence improved.
Where in the World Do You Want to Go? Professional Development through International Fellowships
Discusses benefits and conditions of international travel fellowships for educators, particularly their ability to expand knowledge of other cultures, and the requirement to share travel experiences with local communities. Offers information about five sponsoring organizations that provide international fellowships for teachers.
Culture in school learning: Revealing the deep meaning.
From book:”Introduces pre- and in-service teachers to the centrality of culture in school learning.The book clearly targets teachers as its audience. The book emphasizes multicultural approaches to curriculum development and instructional techniques.
"Old-fashioned, good teachers": African American parents' views of effective early instruction
Mount St. Mary's College. Policy Perspectives. Exemplars
This report describes the efforts of Mount St. Mary's College (California) to extend the benefits of a strong, traditional baccalaureate program to an underserved population of women in an urban region, including substantial numbers of minority and first-generation college students.
Multicultural Instructional Materials: How To Choose?
This article provides six criteria to help teachers decide which multiculturally-focused instructional materials might most appropriately meet their needs.
A Sound Education
Although band, chorus, and orchestra are still mainstays of most school music programs, many schools are incorporating technology, multicultural music, composition, and improvisation into the course offerings. Music teachers must balance tradition and innovation.
Teaching about Africa. ERIC Digest
This digest offers practical suggestions for inclusion of teaching about Africa in the curriculum.
Blending Cultural Anthropology and Multicultural Education: Team Teaching in a Teacher Education Program
Describes how a large urban university and K-6 classroom teachers collaborated to design an undergraduate teacher education program in elementary and special education, creatively combining subject matter curriculum with educational issues and pedagogy to better prepare teachers to succeed in diverse urban schools. The result was the team-taught Liberal Studies Seminar in Anthropology.
Multicultural Approaches in Math and Science
The Eisenhower National Clearinghouse for Mathematics and Science Education (ENC) helps teachers by offering a broad assortment of services that enable them to quickly locate educational resources. This document is one in a series of print catalogs designed to give educators information about curriculum resources available for teaching math and science in K-12 classrooms.
Making Peace: A Narrative Study of a Bilingual Liaison, a School and a Community
Explores the role of bilingual liaisons in resolving conflicts and building bridges of understanding between schools and diverse communities, discussing the representation of individuals' voices and narrative forms that engage readers aesthetically and critically; addressing multiple conflicts affecting the lives of minority language students, their families, and schools; and noting the need to move to a paradigm of making peace. (SM).
Project Bridge: Preparing African-American Teachers To Work with Young Children with Disabilities and Their Families. Final Report
This final report describes the activities and outcomes of a federally funded project that was designed to prepare African-American students at the graduate level as teachers in Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE), who would be capable of meeting the special education needs of young children with disabilities, ages birth through five, and their families.
The Case of Columbus, New Mexico: Educational Life on the Border. Multicultural Videocase Series
This guide accompanies one of a pair of videocases depicting educational life in Columbus, New Mexico. The videocase includes 23 minutes of unstaged but edited videotape footage of teaching and learning in and around an elementary school.
Colloquium on Student Achievement in Multicultural School Districts: Keynote Address
In educating diverse students, the emphasis should be on what teachers do to make children succeed. Poverty and culture are not impediments to learning, but the quality of service children receive can be an impediment.
Developing a Rationale for Multicultural Education in Rural Appalachia
Because of their ethnic/racial homogeneity, Appalachian schools often see multicultural education as irrelevant. Teacher education must link the oppression of Appalachia with that of more visible minority groups; show how knowledge is subjective; and emphasize that true national unity results from honoring diversity.
Native Americans Today: Resources and Activities for Educators, Grades 4-8
This activity guide seeks to dispel misrepresentations of Native Americans and build understanding among cultures by offering a hands-on approach to dissecting the whys and hows of institutionalized racism and by painting a realistic and diverse picture of modern American Indians.
What Makes a Teacher Education Program Relevant Preparation for Teaching Diverse Students in Urban Poverty Schools? (The Milwaukee Teacher Education Center Model)
Urban teachers need a set of attributes that enable them to connect with children and youth in poverty and to function in dysfunctional school districts. The Milwaukee Teacher Education Center's (MTEC's) urban mission is to prepare educators to teach in the real world classroom of urban schools.
Curricular Approaches To Developing Positive Interethnic Relations
Examines how curricular approaches have helped build positive interethnic relations in a large, ethnically diverse high school, documenting four curricular approaches teacher leaders used to address issues of race and ethnicity and exploring the impact of those approaches on student learning. Illuminates how teacher leaders and administrators created the conditions for these curricular reforms to be sustainable.
Telling Their Side of the Story: African-American Students' Perceptions of Culturally Relevant Teaching
Examined African American elementary school students' interpretations of culturally relevant teachers within urban contexts. Student responses indicated that culturally relevant teaching strategies had a positive effect on student effort and engagement in class content.
Teachers for Multicultural Schools: The Power of Selection
Proposes 12 teacher attributes that are important in multicultural schools, focusing on specific teacher qualities and ideology and explaining that selecting teachers who are predisposed to perform the sophisticated expectations of multicultural teaching is a necessary precondition. Training has important value after preselection, providing it emphasizes being mentored on the job as fully accountable teachers.
A Developing Model of Teachers Educating Themselves for Multicultural Pedagogy
This paper reports on the individual student projects of 37 classroom teachers enrolled in a graduate class on multicultural arts education. Identifies points of initial resistance and relates these to patterns of change.
The Elementary School Library Collection: A Guide to Books and Other Media, Phases 1-2-3. 20th Edition
This collection development aid lists more than 10,000 titles of children's materials available in a variety of formats (in addition to print materials, the guide also includes sound recordings, video cassettes, microcomputer software programs, CD-ROM products, and videodiscs).
Foundations of Education, Volume I: History and Theory of Teaching Children and Youths with Visual Impairments. Second Edition
This text, one of two volumes on the instruction of students with visual impairments, focuses on the history and theory of teaching such students.
Images of the Third World: Teaching a Geography of the Third World
Profiles an undergraduate college class that critically examines newspaper, map, and poster representations of the developing nations. Beginning exercises reveal how a person's gender, race, and background influence his or her construction and interpretation of cultural images.
A Guide to Curriculum Planning in Social Studies
Social studies is concerned with developing reflective, democratic citizenship within a global context, and includes the disciplines typically classified as belonging to the social and behavioral sciences as well as history, geography, and content selected from law, philosophy, and the humanities. It also includes those topics that focus on social problems, issues, and controversies.
The Future Is Now: Latino Education in Georgia
Georgia's Latino student population has risen from less than 2,000 in 1976 to more than 28,000 in 1996. In 1995-96, Latinos were less likely than their peers to finish school, more likely to struggle in the classroom, and less likely to have instructors from their ethnic background.
The Political Correctness Controversy Revisited
Maintains that the inclusion of diverse views to enhance understanding is one of the central tenets of education. Briefly summarizes the arguments for and against multicultural education and calls for a more tolerant and open dialog between conservative and liberal factions.
Rings: Five Passions in World Art. Multicultural Curriculum Handbook.
This curriculum handbook uses a discipline based art education (DBAE) approach, and includes lessons appropriate for use with students in grades 3-12. Five units address themes of universally experienced emotions: love, anguish, awe, triumph, and joy.
Measuring Outcomes and Setting Standards: A Brief Overview
This paper presents an overview of a plenary panel entitled "Measuring Outcomes and Setting Standards in Languages Education." "Outcomes" implies what learners take away from their course, while the term "standards" seems commonly to have at least two senses: first it may imply some yardstick or framework against which learner performance, the content of tests and examinations, or the goals of the courses may be measured; second, it implies a "framework of reference.".
Whites Trashing Whites: Multiculturalism's Liberal Guilt Trip
Presents the opinions of a white, male literature professor who attended a conference of college writing teachers and was distressed because the overwhelmingly white audience listened quietly as speakers used the platform to identify whites as oppressors of minorities and linguistic imperialists. The paper questions the view that Standard English usage oppresses minorities.
The Case of Deming, New Mexico: International Public Education. Multicultural Videocase Series
This guide accompanies one of a pair of videocases depicting educational life in Deming, New Mexico. The videocase includes 28 minutes of unstaged but edited videotape footage of teaching and learning in and around junior high and mid-high schools in Deming.
Urban Educators’ Perceptions of Successful Teaching
This study was undertaken as part of a national school reform initiative supported by the AT&T Education Foundation’s Teachers for Tomorrow initiative, the major goal of which was to improve the preparation of urban teachers through school-university partnerships. In Detroit, one of the first steps toward improving the preparation of urban teachers was to describe factors contributing to successful teaching in urban schools.
Strength through diversity: Houston Consortium for professional development and technology centers
The challenges of burgeoning enrollment and the high concentration of lower-income and ethnic minority students, a climate of low expectations, teacher and student mobility, and increasing drop-out rates, led to the formation of the Houston (Texas) Consortium of Urban Professional Development Centers.
IFTE 1995: Some Notes from a Subgroup
Within the paradigm of cultural pluralism, four areas seem worth exploring in depth: (1) language and power; (2) multiculturalism vs/as cultural pluralism; (3) English itself--the discipline, course, and class; and (4) individual vs/as the collective.
Viva Mexico!
This curriculum presentation outlines how to celebrate five Mexican holidays in the classroom: Cinco de Mayo, Dia de los Muertos, Fiesta, Las Posados, and Three Kings Day. The goal is to help children learn through hands-on activities and real-life experiences.
Melting Pot to Tossed Salad
Encourages teachers to interact with students and students to interact with each other to facilitate cultural awareness and respect for differences. Proposes a number of classroom activities, such as "how to" presentations, studies of cultural folklore, and a puppet show.
Student Voices across the Spectrum: The Educational Integration Initiatives Project
The Educational Integration Initiatives Project (EIIP) was a multidisciplinary study designed to explore the complexities of the interaction of race and education. The EIIP also evaluated how the environment in which students are educated affects their educational performance and personal development.
Multicultural Self-Development in the Preservice Classroom: Equity Education for the Dominant Culture
Examines an approach used to promote multicultural self-development for preservice teachers. The authors describe the developmental process and the teaching and research settings and approaches.
Trends in the Scholarship on Teachers of Color for Diverse Populations: Implications for Multicultural Education
Reviews patterns from literature on teachers of color and teacher preparation, including: recruitment and retention; role models; assessment; alternative programs for particular populations; and perceptions of programs and teaching. Analyzes 90 records that appeared when combining the descriptors multicultural education and teachers of color.
Philosophical and structural perspectives in teacher education
In this book, leading scholars address a range of issues, ideas, and research findings in the field of teacher education, examining specific disciplines, social foundations, and program structures, as well as school reform and diversity.
Cognitive Changes in the Course of Culture Contacts: Young Teachers Meet Migrant Youth
Handling of acculturation problems in multicultural classrooms requires the analysis of individual cognitive models of the process of cultural contacts. Culture contact is defined as individually oriented persons meeting socially oriented persons.
We Can't Teach What We Don't Know: White Teachers, Multiracial Schools. Multicultural Education Series
This book explores what it means to be a culturally competent white teacher in racially diverse schools. Twenty-five years of a multi- cultural educator's experience is presented to show the changes and growth that must take place.
Effective Elementary Social Studies
This book advocates providing high-quality K-6 social studies instruction. The text provides practical information on how teachers can conduct high-quality social studies programs in their classrooms.
The purpose of this bibliography is to aid teachers and librarians, particularly school librarians, in their endeavors to create multicultural classroom experiences for the children with whom they work. The resources listed are tools to be used for selecting materials that allow integration of multicultural education across the curriculum.
Enacting Diverse Learning Environments: Improving the Climate for Racial/Ethnic Diversity in Higher Education. ERIC Digest
This digest examines ways in which learning and educational objectives can be maximized to achieve diversity while improving social and learning environments for students from different racial/ethnic backgrounds. The digest examines the literature on campus climate for racial/ethnic diversity, looks at the impact on student diversity of the campus climate, and examines institutional changes necessary to improve the racial/ethnic diversity and enhance the learning environment.
Restructuring Urban Schools: A Chicago Perspective
The Chicago (Illinois) School Reform Act of 1988 set in motion a chain of reform efforts that have been the subject of considerable study. The plan emphasizes returning control of the schools to parents and the community through school-based management and local school councils.
Culture in School Learning: Revealing the Deep Meaning
This publication presents a process for developing a teaching perspective that embraces the centrality of culture in school learning. The six-part process presented in the book involves objectifying culture, personalizing culture, inquiring about students' cultures and communities, applying knowledge about culture to teaching, formulating theory linking culture and school learning, and transforming professional practice to better meet the needs of students from different cultural and experiential backgrounds.
Oppressor: The Educational System
In this critique of elementary and secondary education in the United States, the first section discusses the history of the U.S. educational system and how the development of the schools' curricula and assessment programs have been adapted to the white, male, Eurocentric style of learning.
Technology Connections for Grades 3-5. Research Projects and Activities
This book provides guidance and instruction for nine in-depth projects that integrate information literacy skills and technology skills with the elementary curriculum while promoting small-group learning and interpersonal skills. These projects use the talents of both the teacher and the librarian and emphasize small group learning.
Introducing the Music of East Africa
Explains and characterizes some of the basic concepts of East African music. Fundamentally an enhanced way of storytelling, East African music techniques are rooted in the play and rhythm of spoken language.
Lafayette Geography Institute, 2000.
This document contains 7 geography lesson plans: (1) "Can You Give Me Directions to the Game?" by Tim Robison (uses Geographic Information Systems to establish directions to a place; grades 6-8); (2) "Crossing China by Sampan" by Marcie Ritchie (examines the role of geography in communication throughout China; grade 6); (3) "Indiana Tornado Project" by Carole Mayrose (researches tornadoes in Indiana; grades 9-12); (4) "A Multicultural Study: Chinese New Year" by Gloria Massey (examines the differences between Chinese New Year customs and beliefs and those of the U.S. New Year; grades K-3); (5) "Postcards across America" by Tami Hicks (uses a postcard exchange among schools throughout the United States to learn about individual states; grade 5); (6) "Where in the World Is Mr.
Culture in school learning: Revealing the deep meaning.
From book:”Introduces pre- and in-service teachers to the centrality of culture in school learning. Readers are engaged in a process of constructing an operational definition of culture that reveals what the author calls a ’reflective-interpretive-inquiry’ approach to making linkages between students’ cultural and experiential backgrounds and classroom instruction.”.
Professional development schools: Looking ahead
Speculates on the future of Professional Development Schools (PDSs), examining: the Holmes Group's beginning vision of PDSs; PDS progress; persistent problems; the vision of learning and learning to teach; the role of the university at large; the structures of schools and PDSs; teachers' roles; recent enabling trends; and a primary purpose for PDSs.
Who's New in Multicultural Literature Part Two (Rainbow Teachers/Rainbow Students)
Describes the Multicultural Project at a high school in Colorado that uses literature by people of color in the 11th-grade curriculum. Presents brief descriptions of four Latino/a and five Native American writers and their works.
Improving Student Perceptions and Academic Performance in the Multiethnic Classroom
Describes a study that examined the effects of collaborative group learning within a multiethnic classroom at the community college level. Confirms that when community college teachers utilize collaborative learning skills in conjunction with traditional learning skills, academic performance increases and student ethnic perceptions improve.
Beyond an Epcot Nation: Reinventing the Multicultural for Transformative Pedagogy
This paper critiques multiculturalism from a range of fronts and asks what underlying influence ties together its widespread criticisms. In naming this principal influence, the paper considers what new paths are possible for reinventing the multicultural in composition studies.
Curriculum Reform To Address Multicultural Issues in Special Education
This paper focuses on the outcomes of the social forces that operate against African American males in school and society and their all too frequent placement in special education programs, with the core of the problem remaining in the Institutions of Higher Education (IHE).
School Counselors, Teachers, and the Culturally Compatible Classroom: Partnerships in Multicultural Education
School counselors need to advise their teaching colleagues on incorporating diversity within classrooms. Includes various ways counselors can advise and introduce strategies to teachers that will avoid inappropriate pedagogical habits regarding ethnicity, class, gender, and disabling challenges.
Teaching Other People's Ideas to Other People's Children: Integrating Messages from Education, Psychology, and Critical Pedagogy
Educational endeavors are enriched by diverse forms of knowledge and experience, and, particularly in urban schools,by diverse children and teachers. An important educational task is teaching other people's ideas to other people's children.
Teachers and Self-Esteem for Minorities
Describes the results of a survey of 32 teachers of children with hearing impairments that found teachers wanted to know ways to help minority students develop self-esteem. A list of multicultural resources is provided, along with a recommending elementary reading list of multicultural readings.
The Contemporary World History Project for Culturally Diverse Students
Describes the Contemporary World History Project (CWHP), a year-long, two-part program that integrates the study of world problems within a traditional world history curriculum. Outlines the two parts, historical background and a simulation, and the objectives fulfilled by CWHP.
Leading Young Children to Music. Fifth Edition
This manual is designed for music and classroom teachers of children from infancy to age eight. All musical experiences lead to learning, from the simplest rhythmic experiences of being rocked to sleep to the more sophisticated challenge of playing one rhythmic pattern while singing another.
Models of Multiculturalism: Enhancing Immediacy and Relevance When Teaching Cultural Diversity
Considers today's students the "postguilt generation." Proposes that teachers reconsider the way that students are exposed to issues of race, gender, class, and sexuality, creating class activities that allow students to experience the boundaries and definitions of identity. Presents three models of classroom activities.
In the Process of Becoming Multicultural: Reflections of a First Year Teacher
Discusses how although the author knew she only had meager training in teaching multicultural literature, she was committed to teaching it because she believes in its importance and influence on impressionable minds. Describes an incident where she was confronted with an anonymous note criticizing her teaching of African American Literature.
Professional careers and professional development- some intersections.
Notes from California: An Anthropological Approach to Urban Science Education for Language Minority Families
Describes a unique and ongoing collaboration involving a team of bilingual/multicultural teacher-educators, preservice teachers, teachers, students, and community members in an urban California elementary school. Uses critical ethnography as a framework and focuses on building an American garden house to show how, by drawing on participants' funds of knowledge, a new kind of multiscience can emerge.
Dream of Peace, To Dare To Stay the Violence, To Do the Work of the Peacemaker
This essay focuses on teachers as peacemakers. Peace education is discussed as multifaceted and cross-disciplinary, emphasizing the teaching of peace, nonviolence, conflict resolution, social justice, economic well-being, political participation, and environmental concern.
Going Beyond Cultural Pluralism: Science Education for Sociopolitical Action
Combines some guiding principles of antiracist education with Vygotskian notions of education as enculturation to produce a set of proposals for a radical form of multicultural science education for sociopolitical action. Outlines a radical form of curriculum development involving the politicization of teachers as the only effective way of implementing such a curriculum.
Surviving School Reform: A Year in the Life of One School
This book tells the story of one year in the life of Jefferson Elementary School (pseudonym for a real school), which was selected to participate in the state's "School for the Twenty-first Century" program. The faculty and principal proposed to build a developmental community school based on the following components: whole language, cooperative learning, multicultural education, an integrated curriculum, multiage grouping, technology, and mainstreaming of special-needs children.
Exploring Developmentally and Culturally Appropriate Practice (DCAP) through a Nationwide Collaborative Teacher Preparation Project
This paper describes the theoretical underpinnings of a nationwide collaborative research project to develop an early childhood teacher preparation model for developmentally and culturally appropriate practice (DCAP). It notes that this model allows prospective teachers to identify their own cultural and ethnic backgrounds and to understand cultural diversity while helping them learn to be sensitive to the cultural backgrounds and characteristics of their future students.
Culture Kits for the Elementary Classroom
Outlines an instructional unit where students construct culture kits illustrating a specific culture. Culture kits are constructed out of realia and other material including maps, travel brochures, photographs, newspapers, souvenirs, and other items.
Supporting Multicultural Awareness at Learning Centers
Suggests that through the integration of positive multicultural experiences and materials into common classroom activities, teachers can help ensure an understanding of these concepts and enrich children's experiences with diverse populations and subjects. (SW).
"There Is No Way To Prepare for This:" Teaching in First Nations Schools in Northern Ontario--Issues and Concerns
A qualitative study examined the experiences of 10 mostly inexperienced, female teachers working in two isolated Native communities in northern Ontario. Findings focus on teachers' uncertainties about appropriate pedagogical goals, the relationship of teachers to First Nations communities, living in the North, cross-cultural and multicultural teaching, and teaching English as a second language.
Many Peoples, One Land: A Guide to New Multicultural Literature for Children and Young Adults
This book covers works of fiction, oral tradition, and poetry published from 1994 through 1999, and is deemed suitable for young people from preschool through high school. The book deals with four major ethnic groups within the United States: African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Native-American Indians.
Cultural Diversity, Families, and the Special Education System: Communication and Empowerment
Billy's Story: Grammar in Context (Rainbow Teachers/Rainbow Students)
Shows how teaching grammar through writing can be a successful strategy. Points out the steps one teacher used in teaching a writing and grammar process with her sixth graders and illustrates its effectiveness, both with one high-risk student and also through a school disruption caused by fire.
Technology Meets Diversity
Describes the development of an electronic book that provides a forum on the history and culture of Native Americans in the Lakota Nation. Illustrates how such multimedia programs can help teachers with multicultural education.
Changing teachers, changing times: Teacher's work and culture in the postmodern age.
A Survival Kit for the Elementary/Middle School Art Teacher
This book is for art teachers looking for a new approach to the traditional lesson. The projects can be used at most grade levels.