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Professional Development
A Critical Analysis of the Multicultural Counseling Competencies: Implications for the Practice of Mental Health Counseling
Discusses the implications of adopting the Multicultural Counseling Competencies created by the Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development for members of the American Mental Health Counseling Association and other counseling practitioners. Suggests that more empirical data need to be collected before the Competencies are required of practicing counselors or implemented in counselor education programs.
A Developing Model of Teachers Educating Themselves for Multicultural Pedagogy
This paper reports on the individual student projects of 37 classroom teachers enrolled in a graduate class on multicultural arts education. Identifies points of initial resistance and relates these to patterns of change.
A mentoring program for beginning and veteran teachers of students with severe disabilities.
A graduate program component that assigned mentors to preservice special education teachers of students with severe disabilities is described. Characteristics of effective mentoring programs, the mentoring needs of preservice teachers of students with severe disabilities, and the mentorship program components are discussed.
A Study of the Gender Role Orientations of Beginning Counselors
Counseling literature and the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs' (1994) accreditation standards advocate gender-sensitive counseling practices. However, the effects of socialization processes on counselor education students concerning gender role orientation may interfere with that mandate.
A Study of the Gender Role Orientations of Beginning Counselors
Counseling literature and the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs' (1994) accreditation standards advocate gender-sensitive counseling practices. However, the effects of socialization processes on counselor education students concerning gender role orientation may interfere with that mandate.
Arteacher, 1995-96
The official publication of the Michigan Art Education Association (MAEA), this journal serves as a forum for its members to express and share ideas, for the promotion of art education at all levels and for all ages. Issues focus on specific themes, have reprints of conference keynote speeches, and feature regular departments, including: elementary, middle school, and high school divisions news; and the "MAEA Directory" of officers.
Asian, American, and Deaf: A Framework for Professionals
Presents a multicultural framework for thinking about, assessing, and working with people with deafness from Asian and Asian Deaf backgrounds. Emphasis is placed on cultural awareness and cultural competence for professionals and on building bridges across cultural networks.
Changing the way we do our business: One department's story of collaboration with public schools.
This article describes the efforts of the University of South Florida's Department of Special Education to change its approach to educating special education teachers, by making a total commitment to align its work with public schools in developing a network of Professional Development Schools to reflect a collaborative model of training and research.
Coming Together: Preparing for Rural Special Education in the 21st Century. Conference Proceedings of the American Council on Rural Special Education (18th, Charleston, South Carolina, March 25-28, 1998)
This proceedings contains 64 papers on rural special education. Papers present promising practices in rural special education, discussions of theory and research, research findings, program descriptions, and topics of current concern.
Complements or Conflicts: Conceptions of Discussion and Multicultural Literature in a Teachers-as-Readers Discussion Group
Examines effectiveness of a teachers-as-readers discussion group in (1) suggesting how teachers can use multicultural literature to foster an ethical respect for others and (2) engaging teachers in conversations about multicultural literature that challenge prevailing patterns of school literature discussions. Suggests success of the second aim may have come at the cost of the first aim.
Crisis in Mong Education: Urgent Needs for Professional Development
Information on the Hmong (Mong) people living in Wisconsin, their educational background, the reasons they came to the United States, and the problems they are facing is provided. The Hmong are a closely knit ethnic group from Laos who migrated there from China in the 18th century.
Crisis in the Heartland: Addressing Unexpected Challenges in Rural Education
Recent increases in cultural and linguistic diversity in Kansas have raised three challenges for educators, especially rural educators: geographic isolation, capacity building, and professional development. Describes innovative, nontraditional programs developed by Kansas State University to help educators meet these challenges, including distance education, collaborative site-specific adaptations of curriculum and instruction, and cross-cultural sensitivity training.
Cultural Diversity and the Structure and Practice of Art Education
This monograph presents a viewpoint of the nature of art education today. To provide more perspectives on past changes that help in grasping today's circumstances, the monograph offers lectures and papers that address the changing nature of the U.S.
Developing Practice, Developing Practitioners: Toward a Practice-Based Theory of Professional Education
The 13 papers in this collection, which served as the basis for policy recommendations in "What Matters Most," a major report of the National Commission on Teaching and America's Future, synthesize important research in the fields of teaching and teacher education. Emphasized throughout is the importance of a significant and sustained investment in well-educated professional teachers.
Diversity Within Unity: Essential Principles for Teaching and Learning in a Multicultural Society
Discusses 12 essential principles to help schools teach democratic values in a multicultural society. Derived from findings of the Multicultural Education Consensus Panel to review and synthesize research on diversity, principles are organized into five categories: Teacher learning; student learning; intergroup relations; school governance, organization, and equity; and assessment.
ETS Study Links Effective Teaching Methods to Test-Score Gains.
Reports on the study conducted by Educational Testing Service associate research scientist Harold Wenglinsky on the relationship between indicators of teacher quality on the performance of eighth-grade students in the 1996 National Assessment of Education Progress in the United States. Teachers' classroom practices, professional development experiences and educational backgrounds that affect student performance.
Extending the Possibilities of Multicultural Professional Development in Public Schools
A 3-year qualitative study documented and critiqued a city school system's efforts to enlighten faculty and staff through multicultural professional development. Examples from the study show how the district attempted to introduce a more inclusive schooling approach and extend the virtues of multicultural professional development.
From Co-Cultures to Community: Diversity at Miami-Dade Community College
Presents findings from extensive interviews with faculty, administrators, and staff describing how Miami-Dade Community College serves its multiracial and multicultural district through curriculum design, professional development, and hiring policies. Argues that diversity is a characteristic of quality education.
Helping Counselor Trainees Get Along: An Issue for Professional Development
This paper presents a programmatic strategy to address unresolved student-student disagreements. The paper examines cultural norms--within training programs in academic settings--that contribute to interpersonal problems among students.
I Always Wanted To Live in an Exclusive Neighborhood until I Realized That Who They Were Trying To Exclude Was Me!
The article examines how schools replicate(or interrupt) exclusionary or discriminatory practices based on a study of Latino school administrators in San Diego County (California); presents a model of the interaction between Latino educational administrators and the sentiment within the educational community that places educator identity and professional development within four quadrants. (SLD).
I Always Wanted To Live in an Exclusive Neighborhood until I Realized That Who They Were Trying To Exclude Was Me!
Examines how schools replicate or interrupt exclusionary or discriminatory practices based on a study of Latino school administrators in San Diego County (California). Presents a model of the interaction between Latino educational administrators and the sentiment within the educational community that places educator identity and professional development within four quadrants.
Implementing Standards with English Language Learners: Initial Findings from Four Middle Schools
This document aims to help teachers make the transition to standards-based teaching and learning. It describes the first phase of a 3-year applied research project on professional development for teaching to high standards in culturally and linguistically diverse middle schools.
Infusing a Multicultural Perspective into Higher Education Curricula
The Multicultural Infusion Project at Colorado State University provides professional development for faculty in making curriculum and teaching more inclusive. In retreats and bimonthly meetings, faculty explores race, ethnicity, culture, socioeconomic class differences, U.S.
Issues in Science Education
This publication addresses the issues and practical approaches needed to lay the foundation upon which science educators can work together to build effective science programs. It shares the ideas, insights, and experiences of individuals ranging from science supervisors to university personnel to agencies representing science education.
Journal of the Pennsylvania Counseling Association, 1999-2000
This document consists of the two issues making up volume 2 of "The Journal of the Pennsylvania Counseling Association." The articles attempt to meet the interests and needs of those in various counseling fields such as counselor education, mental health, career, rehabilitation, and community or school counseling.
Leadership Abstracts, 1996
The abstracts in this series provide two-page discussions of issues related to leadership, administration, professional development, technology, and education in community colleges.
Learning To Teach Science in Contemporary and Equitable Ways: The Successes and Struggles of First-Year Science Teachers
Examines views and practices of first-year science teachers, graduates of a teacher education program in California, focusing on gender equity and multicultural education. Explores teachers' attempts at the nature of science and implementing equitable instruction in classrooms.
Lessons from Laboratories in School Restructuring and Site-Based Decision-Making: Oregon's '2020' Schools Take Control of Their Own Reform
In 1987, the Oregon Legislature passed House Bill 2020, the School Improvement and Professional Development Program. Designed to encourage innovation and professional development in a select number of Oregon schools, this act was intended to upgrade educational quality and create models for other state schools.
Literacy and Community. The Twentieth Yearbook: A Peer Reviewed Publication of the College Reading Association, 1998. [Papers from the College Reading Association Conference, 1997]
This 20th Yearbook of the College Reading Association reflects the theme of "community" again and again, in diverse ways.
Mathematics, teaching, and multimedia: Investigations of real practice
This book describes efforts to develop an approach to teaching and teacher education that is deeply rooted in the study of practice. Drawing on video, graphic, and textual records of a year's worth of mathematics lessons in two elementary classrooms, research was conducted on curriculum and instruction, children's learning, and the culture of the classroom across the school year.
Mentoring: Creating Connected, Empowered Relationships
This book is an effort to explore the ways in which mentoring and counseling are related and can be applied to one another. To meet the needs of a diverse audience, the authors present the advantages of initiating mentoring relationships with people of different genders, age groups, and cultural backgrounds.
Mentoring: Creating Connected, Empowered Relationships
This book is an effort to explore the ways in which mentoring and counseling are related and can be applied to one another. To meet the needs of a diverse audience, the authors present the advantages of initiating mentoring relationships with people of different genders, age groups, and cultural backgrounds.
Monocultural versus Multicultural Teaching: How To Practice What We Preach
Although counseling and counseling psychology have experienced a rapid growth of professional preparation courses and have seen a proliferation of literature on multicultural counseling, few changes have been reported on how to teach from a multicultural perspective. Provides personal account of how one professor structures a multicultural counseling course.
Multicultural Education Program Evaluation, 1995-96. Assessment/Accountability Report
In 1993-94, the Board of Education of the City of New York distributed more than $1 million to augment existing multicultural initiatives in professional or curriculum development. Districts and superintendencies in the city also designed a 3-year program to facilitate the planning and scope of these initiatives.
Multicultural Education: Implications for Science Education and Supervision
Describes general development of multiculturalism and multicultural education. Emphasizes multicultural education as a valuable resource for science education, which should be acknowledged, respected, and implemented into the existing science curriculum.
Multicultural Training in Art Therapy: Past, Present, and Future
Describes the past and current state of multicultural education within the art therapy profession. Models for curriculum and educational delivery are offered along with suggestions for the future development of multiculturalism within the profession.
On Knowing the Place: Reflections on Understanding Quality Child Care
Reflects upon experiences with the First Nations' Partnerships and the European Commission Child Care Network to argue that efforts to understand quality care have been insufficiently sensitive to socioecological and cultural factors related to defining and assessing quality. Argues for a reconceptualization of early childhood care, and presents reactions of professionals, academics, First Nations communities, and Africa Institute participants.
Organizational Culture and Its Impact on African American Teachers
Studied how the organizational culture of schools and the cultural values of African American teachers affect the professional experience of these teachers in schools where they are in the minority. Results for seven teachers show that the majority established the work norms, resulting in a uniformity of rules and regulations with which people of color were expected to comply.
Organizational Structures to Promote Teacher Engagement in Urban Schools
This monograph considers the prospects for improving teacher engagement in urban schools through professional and organizational reform.
Organizational Structures to Promote Teacher Engagement in Urban Schools
This monograph considers the prospects for improving teacher engagement in urban schools through professional and organizational reform…. This paper does not focus on the characteristics of urban schools that may make them less effective, but on those that affect motivation and ability to teach all students who appear at the classroom door….
Organizing Schools for Teacher Learning
The 13 papers in this collection, which served as the basis for policy recommendations in "What Matters Most," a major report of the National Commission on Teaching and America's Future, synthesize important research in the fields of teaching and teacher education.
PDS Partnerships Come of Age
Describes professional-development schools, partnerships between university teacher-education programs and schools, involving professors, teachers, and teacher interns. Tells how mutual respect and collaborative innovation developed in one such professional-development school in Camden, New Jersey.
Pedagogic Discourse and Equity in Mathematics: When Teachers' Talk Matters
Discusses the role and nature of pedagogic discourse. Suggests that teacher talk plays an important role in the learning of radically, ethnically, and linguistically diverse students.
Pioneers of Multicultural Counseling: An Interview with Paul B. Pedersen
This interview with Dr. Pedersen highlights his contributions to the field of counseling and psychology in general and to the field of multicultural counseling in particular.
Pre-Kindergarten to Eighth Grade Teachers Become Change Agents through Active Participation in School Reform
This practicum project used organized professional development to increase involvement of teachers at a preK-8 school in the school's reform process. All members of the school community actively participated in planning, data collecting, and sharing of pertinent reform information.
Preparing Science Teachers for Diversity through Service Learning
Discusses challenges teachers face with learners from different backgrounds. Presents service learning as an alternative framework for teacher education with the potential for engaging teachers in an active construction of knowledge and development of connections between community and multicultural teaching practices.
Professional Development for University Scientists around Issues of Equity and Diversity: Investigating Dissent within Community
Investigates the role of dissent in a community of university scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and social scientists engaged in a two-year professional development project on issues of equity and diversity. Focuses on professional development sessions devoted to a contentious yet integral topic in science education, the gendered and multicultural nature of science.
Professional development schools: Schools for developing a profession
This book describes a recent trend in the school restructuring movement--the professional-development school. These schools are committed to the acquisition and sharing of knowledge among all members of the educational community and depend on research-practitioner collaboration.
Reinventing Early Care and Education: A Vision for a Quality System
Although early care and education have gained some momentum in recent years, shortfalls in quality are still pervasive. This book defines the elements of a high-quality system and suggests strategies for improvement.
Restructuring Kindergarten in an Urban School District: The Case of Newark, New Jersey
A collaborative project of Bank Street College and the Newark Public Schools, the New Beginnings initiative was designed to bring about progressive restructuring of kindergarten classrooms. This study used a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods to examine the impact of the initiative on curriculum, professional development, and student outcomes in its first year.
Shifting the Role of the Arts in Education
SUAVE (Socios Unidos para Artes Via Educacion--United Community for Arts in Education) is an arts-integrated approach to teaching in multicultural and multilingual settings. A unique professional development project for San Diego-area teachers, SUAVE helps teachers develop ways to integrate the arts into mathematics, science, language arts, and social sciences.
Special education and inclusion
Research-based reform continues to strike a balance between the academic theories and classroom realities. This handbook provides a set of guidelines for the preparation of skilled instructors at all levels and career stages of teaching; establishes a curriculum for teacher education; and offers a forum for discussion in the field among teachers, teacher educators, and administrators.
Supporting Teachers in Becoming Multicultural Educators: A Model Staff Development Program
Describes a model of implementing multicultural education that uses a four-step process of awareness, knowledge, skills development, and action. Professional education is a key component of this program, which was evaluated in 1995 and 1996.
Teacher Education in Urban School-Based, Multi-Agency Collaboratives
Content Abstract:
This article suggests that students in teacher education programs can benefit from the experience of working with an urban school-based multi-agency collaborative if presented early in the learning process. This is particularly important because constructing new learning about issues of race and poverty may affect students’ ability to successfully teach in an urban school.
Teacher Learning
Science now offers new conceptions of the learning process and the development of competent performance. This book presents a contemporary account of principles of learning, and calls into question concepts and practices commonly used in schools.
Teacher learning and the acquisition of professional knowledge: An examination of research on contemporary professional development
The Chicago Handbook for Teachers: A Practical Guide to the College Classroom
This book is designed to offer practical advice to beginning, as well as experienced, teachers of college courses on navigating many of the common challenges faced both in and outside the classroom.
The Comprehensive Support Model for Culturally Diverse Exceptional Learners: Intervention in an Age of Change
This article discusses how students, teachers, families, communities, and government can work together using the Comprehensive Support Model (CSM) as an intervention for culturally diverse learners with exceptionalities. Embedded in the discussion are cases that illustrate functions of CSM.
The National Conversation on Youth Development in the 21st Century. Final Report.
To commemorate 2002 as the centennial year of America's 4-H Movement, the National 4-H Council held a national conversation to identify ways of improving youth development programs. The conversation process included the following activities: 1,577 local conversations that yielded more than 10,000 specific action items; a review of those items at 63 state conversations; and a national conversation at which 1,200 youths and adults representing 600 organizations developed specific national strategies and action steps based on the findings of the local and state conversations.
The Training and Supervisory Needs of Racial and Ethnic Minority Students
Despite increasing attention given to multicultural training issues in counseling programs, there is a dearth of information on unique training needs of racial and ethnic minority trainees. Reviews literature relevant to training needs, offers examples of training and supervisory issues, and makes recommendations for future research and training.
To Improve the Academy. Resources for Faculty, Instructional and Organizational Development. Volume 18
The year 2000 volume of this annual publication contains 18 articles on issues relating to organizational change, collaboration and partnerships, and teaching and faculty development in higher education.
Training Teachers of Language and Culture. Language Australia Research Policy and Practice Papers
This booklet posits that language teacher education is an important component of nation building in a multilingual community. Communication is a crucial component of nation building, and teachers play a key role in the creation, renewal, and re-negotiation of the nation and its bonds, the state and its resources.
Trends and Issues in English Instruction, 1998 Summaries of Informal Annual Discussions of the Commissions
Information on current trends and issues informally discussed and then delineated by the directors of six National Council of Teachers of English commissions, is presented in this 15th annual report.
Urban Bilingual Teachers and Mentoring for the Future
Reviews the literature on mentoring teachers, focusing on bilingual and bicultural education and emphasizing issues relevant in urban settings. An interactive model of mentoring is proposed in which bilingual teachers, whether mentors or new teachers, can share perspectives sorely needed in this age of increasing cultural diversity.
Where in the World Do You Want to Go? Professional Development through International Fellowships
Discusses benefits and conditions of international travel fellowships for educators, particularly their ability to expand knowledge of other cultures, and the requirement to share travel experiences with local communities. Offers information about five sponsoring organizations that provide international fellowships for teachers.