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"Making Sense of Developmentally and Culturally Appropriate Practice (DCAP) in Early Childhood Education," by Eunsook Hyun. Book Review
Discusses Hyun's examination of developmentally appropriate multicultural education in early childhood education, noting applications of the theory and techniques to the Canadian education system. Considers the book a timely, informed, and challenging contribution to the process of developing multicultural education.
Beyond Race Awareness: White Racial Identity and Multicultural Teaching
Interviews examined whether white students' shifts in thinking about themselves as racial beings and about systems of oppression during a multicultural education course were evident in later teaching practice. Though students initially resisted learning about their own racism, they eventually became more willing to take some responsibility for racism.
Bridging Multicultural Theory and Practice
Gaps between multicultural theory and practice present some serious challenges and opportunities for future directions in the field. Instead of arguing about the best way to do multicultural education, it is more useful and empowering to legitimize multiple-levels appropriateness in working toward systemic reform.
CCCC's Role in the Struggle for Language Rights
Recounts the activist history of the Conference on College Composition and Communication in working toward a more democratic valuing of language diversity by both teachers and the public. Focuses on two organizational policies of CCCC, the "Students' Right" resolution of 1974 and the "National Language Policy" of 1988, incorporating articles and commentaries on language from this journal.
Creating Multicultural Understanding and Community in Preservice Education Classes via Email
Examines e-mail as a viable instructional tool to enable preservice teachers to bridge multicultural-education theory and practice. Explores students' construction of knowledge about diversity, and considers the development of community, professional and personal links between Saginaw Valley State University and Purdue University students resulting from e-mail conversations.
Cultural Diversity and the Structure and Practice of Art Education
This monograph presents a viewpoint of the nature of art education today. To provide more perspectives on past changes that help in grasping today's circumstances, the monograph offers lectures and papers that address the changing nature of the U.S.
Culture in school learning: Revealing the deep meaning.
From book:ā€¯Introduces pre- and in-service teachers to the centrality of culture in school learning.The book clearly targets teachers as its audience. The book emphasizes multicultural approaches to curriculum development and instructional techniques.
DBAE: The Next Generation
Examines the development and evolution of discipline-based art education (DBAE) from its inception in the early 1980s to its current practice. Maintains that the movement's success comes from the support and acceptance of educators in the field.
Deconstructing Whiteness as Part of a Multicultural Educational Framework: From Theory to Practice
Based on emerging theoretical work on White racial identity, argues that a central problem of multicultural education involves challenging the universalization of Whiteness. Proposes a theoretical framework to advance a multicultural perspective in which the exploration and deconstruction of Whiteness is key.
Developing Multicultural Counseling Competencies through Experiential Learning
This article focuses on experiential learning as a teaching and learning methodology to increase students' multicultural counseling competencies. Outlines ethical and practical suggestions for using experiential learning in multicultural counseling curriculum.
Dine College Struggles to Synthesize Navajo and Western Knowledge
Discusses the 30-year struggle Navajo Community College leaders faced in developing a Navajo philosophy and education model that combines Navajo principles and values with a Western-based curriculum. Describes the 1995 implementation of Dine College's Philosophy of Education model at the Tsaile campus.
Diverse Teacher Candidates' Critiques of Multicultural/Bilingual Teacher Preparation: Insights and Implications
This study examined California's new system of bilingual and cross cultural teacher preparation, its implementation, and teacher candidates' reception of it. The new system, referred to as (B)CLAD, consists of two credentials for preservice teachers and two certificates for inservice teachers: the Cross Cultural Language and Academic Development, and the Bilingual Crosscultural Language and Academic Development.
Euclid Assesses the California BTSA and Finds the Whole Greater than the Sum. Pathwise(TM)-the Educational Testing Service Component
This report describes the Educational Testing Service professional development/assessment system for student and beginning teachers, "Pathwise," a classroom observation instrument, as used in the California Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment Program (BTSA) for teacher education.
Examining Children's Historical and Multicultural Understandings: The Dialectical Nature of Collaborative Research
Describes the research process engaged in by a group of teacher researchers as they examined students' historical and multicultural understanding. Explores the complex and messy nature of the relationship of teaching and researching.
Experiencing Things Not Seen: Educative Events Centered on a Study of "Shabanu."
Describes the theoretical foundations, classroom context, and activities of a multicultural literature study (based on S. F.
Extending the Possibilities of Multicultural Professional Development in Public Schools
A 3-year qualitative study documented and critiqued a city school system's efforts to enlighten faculty and staff through multicultural professional development. Examples from the study show how the district attempted to introduce a more inclusive schooling approach and extend the virtues of multicultural professional development.
Honoring Our Roots and Branches...Our History and Future. Proceedings of the Annual Midwest Research to Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education (19th, Madison, Wisconsin, September 27-29, 2000)
These proceedings consist of 44 presentations in these categories: distance education and evaluation; community issues and research; multicultural issues and research; teaching and learning; research methods; and organizational development.
Incorporating Global/Multicultural Perspectives in Public Relations Education: An Ethnographic Account
This paper points out that in public relations (PR) the global network approach is fast catching on along with the trend of opening subsidiary offices and entering joint ventures and affiliations with PR agencies in various parts of the world. The paper discusses the need to build theory in the area of international public relations so that educators can teach their students about practicing PR in a global sense and offers several models that hold potential for elucidating an epistemology.
Integrating the Arts: Renaissance and Reformation in Arts Education
Asserts that the general educational curriculum tends to be fragmented and compartmentalized and that this situation would be improved by curriculum integration. Argues that an interdisciplinary arts approach would require new teacher attitudes and instructional strategies.
Issues in Educating Students with Disabilities. The LEA Series on Special Education and Disability
This book is designed to reaffirm the value of special instruction and to provide information on current research and practice which shows productive and successful outcomes. It addresses the definition of disabilities, the assessment of disabilities, instruction, special populations, special education legislation and policy, and integration.
Issues in Social Studies: Voices from the Classroom
This collection of essays, from Houston area educators, investigates and analyzes the state of social education, offering a critical and transformative perspective.
Making Space: Merging Theory and Practice in Adult Education
This book represents the beginning dialogue and critique of social, political, economic, and historical forms of hegemony operating in the adult education field.
Monocultural versus Multicultural Teaching: How To Practice What We Preach
Although counseling and counseling psychology have experienced a rapid growth of professional preparation courses and have seen a proliferation of literature on multicultural counseling, few changes have been reported on how to teach from a multicultural perspective. Provides personal account of how one professor structures a multicultural counseling course.
Multicultural Competencies: A Guidebook of Practices
Intended to benefit the entire counseling community, this guidebook demonstrates current multicultural competencies and successful delivery of services across the various professional counseling disciplines. Leading authorities offer concrete direction for effective multicultural counseling and reflect on what they have found to be the best practices in their specialty area.
Multicultural Education. Theory to Practice
Teachers from two urban elementary schools completed surveys about their multicultural education practices. The surveys examined demographics, content integration, instructional and grouping practices, and parent-community involvement practices.
Multicultural Education: Reflection on Theory and Practice
The 21 papers review the most recent research approaches to multicultural education and discuss initiatives for new methods of teaching and learning.
Practice into Theory into Practice: Culturally Relevant Pedagogy for Students We Have Marginalized and Normalized
A synthesis of ethnographic studies of multicultural education in North American and Australian multiethnic classrooms is presented. Nine assertions about culturally relevant instruction and two outcomes useful for teachers working in cross-cultural and multiethnic classrooms are provided.
Presence of Mind: Education and the Politics of Deception: A Dialogue with Pepi Leistyna
Pepi Leistyna's book "Presence of Mind" discusses how schools of education deter teachers from understanding the world's complex political, historical, social, and economic realities. Educators must develop what C.
Proceedings of the Annual Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education (21st, DeKalb, Illinois, October 9-11, 2002)
This document contains 41 papers and 11 poster session presentations from a conference on research-to-practice in adult, continuing, and community education.
Promoting Multicultural Education: A Holistic Approach
Discusses the efforts by many of the major student affairs professional associations to develop training and teaching methods that will prepare practitioners for the changing student populations on university campuses. Article summarizes the critical multicultural objectives from the most recent student affairs philosophy statements and applies theory to practice from a holistic perspective.
Reflections on Multicultural Language Practices across a District and within a School
Describes the school climate, the building-level specifics, and some effective teaching strategies that make Western Hills Elementary School an appropriate and successful setting for the development of multicultural language practices. Discusses the partnership between the school district and the University of Colorado at Boulder, and the role this partnership plays in supporting the development of multicultural language practices.
Relationships among Multicultural Training, Moral Development, and Racial Identity Development of White Counseling Students
Surveys counselor education students (N=68) using Defining Issues Test and White Racial Identity Scale to determine relationships among multicultural training and moral racial identity development. Results indicated that training could help change modes of information processing about racial attitudes, but may not promote cognitive complexity needed for moral development.
Sharing the Responsibility: A Study of a Comprehensive Approach to Teacher Preparation for Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Urban Middle Level Schools
Examined effectiveness of a teacher education program emphasizing skills and knowledge needed in multicultural, multilingual urban middle school settings. Found that candidates were already culturally/linguistically sensitive, and became more so during the program; felt prepared to meet student needs; and still had difficulty envisioning the "practice" of these new teaching methods.
Strategies for Counterresistance: Toward Sociotransformative Constructivism and Learning To Teach Science for Diversity and for Understanding
Reports on two types of resistance by preservice science teachers--resistance to ideological change and resistance to pedagogical change. Suggests a sociotransformative constructivist orientation as a vehicle to link multicultural and socioconstructivist theoretical frameworks.
Talking Race in Concrete: Leadership, Diversity, and Praxis
Traditional school administrator programs have neglected the democratic and moral dimensions of leadership preparation. In an increasingly diverse world, leadership theory needs to be reformed as critical, reflective, and concerned with social justice and praxis.
Teachers and Pluralistic Education
Defines the concept of pluralistic education and discusses its goals. Interviews a number of teachers to investigate their conceptions of education and their response to the idea of pluralistic education.
Ten Points of Debate in Teacher Education: Looking for Answers to Guide Our Future
Introduces a theme issue by examining 10 dichotomies that describe concerns marking contemporary teacher education in the U.S.: quality versus quantity, majority versus minority, preservice versus inservice, campus versus school site, time versus money, specialization versus generalization, theory versus practice, professional versus public, information versus myth, and long-range versus short-range. (SM).
The Effects of Special Training and Field Experiences upon Preservice Teachers' Level of Comfort with Multicultural Music Teaching Situations
This paper reports on a study examining preservice teachers' level of comfort in working with students and colleagues of a different race, and exploring the effects of special training and field experience on their level of comfort with multicultural situations. The study involved 55 predominantly white preservice teachers enrolled in 2 different sections of an undergraduate music and related arts methods course at a large southeastern university.
The Harvard Education Letter, 1996
This document is comprised of volume 12 of the Harvard Education Letter, published bimonthly and addressing current issues in elementary-secondary education.
The Moccasin on the Other Foot Dilemma: Multicultural Strategies at a Historically Black College
This study used participant observation, student interviews, reflective journals, and discussions with faculty members and administrators to examine multicultural aspects at an historically black college.
The Theoretical Foundations of Professional Development in Special Education: Is Sociocultural Theory Enough?
This article reviews sociocultural, multicultural, and critical pedagogical theories and suggests that an adequate and sufficient theoretical framework for professional development in special education must explicitly and directly address issues of power, discrimination, and relative status that underlie dilemmas of practice. It offers vignettes of such dilemmas, with reference to the 1998 Council for Exceptional Children's professional standards.
Through the Eyes of Preservice Teachers: Implications for the Multicultural Journey from Teacher Education
Investigated definitions and perceptions of multicultural education among 103 preservice early childhood education students. Found that students' definitions illustrated minimal understanding of multicultural education, limited to race and ethnicity.
Whose World Is It, Anyway? Multicultural Science from Diverse Perspectives
Reviews three books that argue that science education should reflect global scientific contributions, use multicultural and feminist perspectives, and be grounded in everyday life experiences with science. Suggests questions of policy and practice in moving from theory to implementation of a more equitable, socially responsible science education.