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"Other" Encounters: Dances with Whiteness in Multicultural Education
Reviews four books in order to examine the contradictory and ambivalent spaces occupied and co-occupied with multicultural education, locating multicultural education within the Eurocentric regimes of truth (democracy, pluralism, and equality) and addressing how the books rectify or contest the regimes of truth moving within and against the parameters of the white studies configuration of higher education. (SM).
A Longitudinal Measure of the Perceptual Impact of a Cultural Diversity Teaching Practicum on the Interpersonal Competency of Student Teachers
Student teachers in agricultural education (n=18) and family and consumer sciences (n=6) completed a multicultural attitudes survey before, immediately after, and 1 year after a practicum in a diverse setting. Their greatest gain was in teacher-student relationships.
A Research Informed Vision of Good Practice in Multicultural Teacher Education: Design Principles
Presents 14 design principles that explain good practice in multicultural preservice teacher education. The principles fall under the three main categories of (1) institutional and programmatic principles, (2) personnel principles, and (3) curriculum and instruction principles.
Advocating Social Justice and Cultural Affirmation: Ethnically Diverse Preservice Teachers' Perspectives on Multicultural Education
Investigated the attitudes of culturally diverse student teachers regarding multicultural education, social justice, and cultural affirmation. Surveys of preservice teachers before they were exposed to theories of multicultural education indicated that most were committed to teaching students of color and prioritized tasks addressing issues of social justice and curriculum that affirmed the cultures represented in the classroom.
Assessing Preservice Teachers' Zones of Concern and Comfort with Multicultural Education
Examined preservice teachers' concerns and comfort with concepts and practices advocated as approaches to multicultural education. Data from surveys conducted at different points throughout a cultural-awareness course indicated that students believed in the need for multicultural education but differed greatly regarding choices for preferred approaches to multicultural education.
Assessing the Attitudes of Student Teachers toward Issues of Diversity: A Dilemma for Teacher Educators
Explores attitudes and perceptions of 120 student teachers with regard to their ability to implement multicultural education in the student teaching classroom. Results suggest that confusion and ambiguity are present throughout the student teacher education experience.
Becoming a teacher in a professional development school
Interviewed graduates from two Professional Development Schools to determine the impact of that experience on subsequent teaching practices. Graduates reported that student teaching had the greatest impact because of the extended time and depth of experience in the classroom, the quality of mentoring they received, the connections they drew between theory and practice, and the emphasis on collaboration and reflection.
Beyond Race Awareness: White Racial Identity and Multicultural Teaching
Interviews examined whether white students' shifts in thinking about themselves as racial beings and about systems of oppression during a multicultural education course were evident in later teaching practice. Though students initially resisted learning about their own racism, they eventually became more willing to take some responsibility for racism.
Building an International Student Teaching Program: A California/Mexico Experience
This paper describes the first year of an international student teaching project conducted in Mexicali, Mexico, which was successful in helping U.S. participants develop cultural understanding and critical teaching skills needed to work with English learners.
Coming to Terms with "Diversity" and "Multiculturalism" in Teacher Education: Learning about Our Students, Changing Our Practice
Teacher educators addressed negative student responses to a multicultural foundations course by designing an action research study to investigate students' identities, experiences, and beliefs. Analysis of written assignments and focus group discussions uncovered three categories of beliefs about the purposes of schools in relation to cultural diversity.
Connecting Preservice Teacher Education to Diverse Communities: A Focus on Family Literacy
Describes a teacher education program at the New College of California as an example of efforts to empower new teachers to meet the challenges of educating diverse students. Discusses the candidate intake process, the preprogram reading effort, community building, instructional strategies, and the family literacy program, which is integral to teacher education at the college.
Cross-Cultural Field Placements: Student Teachers Learning from Schools and Communities
Presents two cultural immersion projects where student teaching and community involvement interact synergistically. Also discusses learning outcomes of the projects, examines the importance of service learning, and explains how traditional student teaching assignments can incorporate many of the design principles that characterize cultural learning and preparation for diversity.
Cross-Cultural Partnerships: Acknowledging the "Equal Other" in the Rural/Urban American Indian Teacher Education Program
Describes the Rural/Urban American Indian Teacher Education Program, based on Baber's (1970) notion of the equal other. It featured cross-cultural partnerships at every possible level.
Delta Pi Epsilon National Research Conference Proceedings (Indianapolis, Indiana, November 14-16, 1996)
It is a collectio of 34 papers.The papers contains articles related to attitude and motivation;teacher student;government university collaboration relationship etc.
Diversity Education for Preservice Teachers: Strategies and Attitude Outcomes
Analyzed the impact of emphasizing diversity in a foundations of education course. Various instructional strategies addressed issues of intolerance and promoted understanding of the importance of multicultural education for teachers.
Effects of Language Arts Activities on Preservice Teachers' Opinions about Multiculturalism
Examined the effects of reading children's literature about diversity and participating in related interactive activities on student teachers' opinions about multiculturalism. Intervention and control-group students heard lectures on multiculturalism.
Effects of Teacher Preparation Experiences and Students' Perceptions Related to Developmentally and Culturally Appropriate Practices
Case study of preservice early childhood teachers in a course on cultural diversity inquired how the course's structure prepared them for working with and understanding diverse students and families. Pre- and post-course surveys indicated that students perceived that they had made gains in their understanding of cultural diversity issues and were positively affected through their teacher preparation experiences.
From Our Readers: Preparing Preservice Teacher Candidates for Leadership in Equity
Describes the importance of moving beyond identity labels like Black, Hispanic, or female to examine how gender intersects with other social memberships like race and class. By considering more inclusive, individualized ways of viewing multiculturalism, educators can forge more meaningful conversations with students about diversity and equity.
How Reading and Writing Literacy Narratives Affect Preservice Teachers' Understandings of Literacy, Pedagogy, and Multiculturalism
Discusses how to prepare teachers to educate diverse learners engaged in multiple and new literacies, describing a graduate course that introduced language, literacy, and culture. Data from students' writings, reading logs, reading responses, and final papers on literacy and pedagogy indicated that reading and writing literacy narratives was a positive experience, fostering multicultural understanding and complex conceptions of literacy.
Learning to Teach in a Diverse Setting: A Case Study of a Multicultural Science Education Enthusiast
Explores the student-teaching experience of a multicultural-science-education enthusiast who taught in a school whose predominant culture was different from her own. Describes thematically the student's teaching experience and examines how encountered constraints were negotiated.
Moving Teacher Education in/to the Community
Describes a set of structured experiences within a preservice teacher education program that helped construct, with the students, a critical perspective toward better understanding pupils' home, community, and school lives. The structured experiences occurred within a New Mexico school community research project combined with a course on families, schools, and communities.
Multicultural Service Learning: Educating Teachers in Diverse Communities
This book explains the complex interplay of service learning, multicultural education, and teacher preparation. It shows how the author collaborated with community partners and preservice teachers to jointly construct the service learning supplement to a multicultural education course, from the bottom up.
Preparing English Teachers To Teach Diverse Student Populations: Beliefs, Challenges, Proposals for Change
Argues a need for in-depth consideration of principles and practices to prepare teachers for classrooms they will face in the future. Notes problems created by the disparity between increasing student diversity and their overwhelmingly white, female English/language arts teachers.
Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers: The Field Experience. Teacher Education Yearbook IV
This yearbook provides educators with current research and practical guidelines for improving the education of teacher candidates and beginning teachers. The book has four sections, each on a particular topic and containing an overview and a response (reflections and implications).
Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers: The Field Experience. Teacher Education Yearbook IV
This yearbook provides educators with current research and practical guidelines for improving the education of teacher candidates and beginning teachers. The book has four sections, each on a particular topic and containing an overview and a response (reflections and implications).
Preservice Teachers and Teacher Educators: Are They Sensitive about Cultural Diversity Issues
This study assessed the beliefs about and sensitivity toward cultural diversity issues of teacher educators and preservice teachers. A group of 78 predominantly white preservice teachers and 45 predominantly white teacher educators completed the Beliefs About Diversity Scale, which assessed beliefs about race, gender, social class, ability, language/immigration, sexual orientation, and multicultural education.
Preservice Teachers Integrate Understandings of Diversity Into Literacy Instruction: An Adaptation of the ABC's Model
Investigated preservice teachers' understandings of their own and their students' cultural backgrounds, examining how they integrated those understandings into literacy instruction. The ABC model (autobiographies, biographies of students, cross-cultural analysis, analysis of cultural differences, and classroom practices) helped stimulate students to continue examining their lives, their cultural/linguistic backgrounds, and the impact of those factors on teaching diverse students.
Professional Development School Trade-Offs in Teacher Preparation and Renewal
Examined the preparation of student teachers at four Professional Development Schools (PDSs) longitudinally, comparing their experiences with those of traditional student teachers. Data from meetings with administrators; site visits; document analysis; graduation and professional status information; student teacher surveys; and graduate surveys indicated that students appreciated PDSs' camaraderie, support, collaboration, and effectiveness.
Promoting Bilingualism in the Era of Unz: Making Sense of the Gap between Research, Policy, and Practice in Teacher Education
Examined efforts to promote bilingualism in a course for prospective teachers, Education of Bilingual Children: Theory and Practice, focusing on how student teachers grappled with the complex relationship between research, policy, and practice within bilingual education. Analysis of five types of literacy events indicated that students experienced a process of transformation in developing more positive attitudes toward bilingualism.
Service-Learning in Teacher Education: Enhancing the Growth of New Teachers, Their Students, and Communities
This book provides teacher educators, administrators, practicing teachers who work with preservice teachers, policymakers, and researchers with information on the conceptual, research, and application areas of service-learning in preservice teacher education.
Teacher Education's Responsibility to Address Diversity Issues: Enhancing Institutional Capacity
Preservice teachers must be prepared to address substantial student diversity and to educate all students to higher levels of understanding and competence. Many teacher educators are not competent to prepare new teachers in this area.
The Asset of Cultural Pluralism: An Account of Cross-Cultural Learning in Pre-Service Teacher Education
Highlights a Canadian preservice educator in a cross- cultural course who worked with student teachers to understand how they encountered one another's diverse attitudes and values, promoting a theory of cross-cultural education that validated experiential interactions as moments of learning. This led to a vision of pluralism where diversity helped create interpretive competence through encounters of difference and self-study.
The Influence of Teacher Background on the Inclusion of Multicultural Education: A Case Study of Two Contrasts
Examined the impact of preservice teachers' backgrounds on their multicultural perspectives in teaching secondary social studies, highlighting two student teachers with widely different backgrounds and beliefs. Data from papers, interviews, and observations showed significant differences in perspectives.
The Role of Mentorship in a Saskatchewan Cross-Cultural Teacher Education Project
Describes a cross-cultural teacher-education project in Saskatchewan, Canada, in which a teacher team mentors a group of upper-level education students working in multicultural classrooms. Observes that the evolving participant structures of the research move beyond those in the initially proposed mentorship model.
The Use of Case Studies in Preparing Teachers for Cultural Diversity
Cases offer prospective teachers vicarious experience in culturally different settings. This paper uses examples of cases from the Teachers for Alaska Program, which successfully altered the way teachers educated culturally diverse students.
Using content analysis to evaluate the success of a professional development school
Interviews with participants in a professional development school identified expectations of the partnership (student focus, better trained teachers), positive outcomes (real-world experience for student teachers, extra attention for students, professional growth for participating teachers), and problems (communication between school and university and within the school).