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A Teacher-Researcher Perspective on Designing Multicultural Mathematics Experiences for Preservice Teachers
Discusses the appropriateness and impact of some multicultural mathematics-education assignments for future elementary-school teachers, assignments designed to combat the myth that mathematics is pure abstraction. Discusses a teacher-researcher's effort to use the stage theory of J.
Community Service Learning for Multicultural Teacher Education
Teacher preparation for multicultural education centers around learning about cultural diversity, examining relations of power and inequality, and responding affirmatively to sociocultural differences in schools and classrooms. This paper suggests that community-based service learning is an important part of this process.
Constructing the Other through Community Service Learning
This is an exploratory study of the reactions that 65 European American preservice teachers had to the community service learning (CSL) component of a multicultural education course. The CSL project was intended to facilitate the development of intercultural competence and to foster the idea of teachers as agents of social justice.
Constructing the Other through Community Service Learning
This is an exploratory study of the reactions that 65 European American preservice teachers had to the community service learning (CSL) component of a multicultural education course. The CSL project was intended to facilitate the development of intercultural competence and to foster the idea of teachers as agents of social justice.
Creating Multicultural Understanding and Community in Preservice Education Classes via Email
Examines e-mail as a viable instructional tool to enable preservice teachers to bridge multicultural-education theory and practice. Explores students' construction of knowledge about diversity, and considers the development of community, professional and personal links between Saginaw Valley State University and Purdue University students resulting from e-mail conversations.
Curriculum, Identity, and Experience in Multicultural Teacher Education
Reports on the initial stages of an ongoing action-research project in multicultural teacher education. Viewing curriculum as the creation of culturally significant domains for conversation, the project inquired into how a secondary English-methods course centered on issues of cultural diversity and emerging professional identities was taken up by predominantly white, middle-class students.
Development and Initial Score Validation of the Teacher Multicultural Attitude Survey
Two coordinated studies involving 429 teachers and preservice teachers and 227 education graduate students were designed to develop and validate scores on an efficient self-report measure of multicultural awareness for teachers working in kindergarten through grade 12. The construct and criterion validity and reliability of the developed Teacher Multicultural Attitude Survey are supported.
Discovering Diversity
Introduces a preservice teacher field trip to the rain forests and coastal areas. This experience develops an awareness for different cultures among preservice teachers by experiencing biological and cultural diversity in Costa Rica.
Effect of Multicultural Music Experience on Preservice Elementary Teachers' Attitudes
Explores the effects of multicultural music-lesson planning on preservice elementary teachers' attitudes toward teaching from a multicultural perspective. Reveals a significant relationship between exposure to multicultural music and attitudes of willingness to teach it; no effect was observed on attitudes of willingness to teach in culturally diverse environments.
Preparing Teachers for Diversity in Rural America
A survey of 532 preservice teachers from six state colleges and University of Nebraska campuses examined the extent and perceived adequacy of multicultural education training in Nebraska teacher-preparation programs. About 39% of respondents felt that their overall multicultural preparation was inadequate.
Preservice Teachers' Discussion of a Multicultural Young Adult Novel
Explores preservice elementary teachers' literature-circle discussion of a multicultural young-adult novel with a focus on two research questions: how preservice teachers discuss a multicultural young-adult novel, and what are the views and theories that informed their understanding of literature response discussion. Participants in the discussion adopted either a literary analysis stance or a personal association stance.
Prospective Teachers' Attitudes toward Urban Schools: Can They Be Changed?
Studied the impact of urban-based field experience on the attitudes of 75 elementary-education majors. The effects of the field experience were generally positive, with 55% of the urban placement group indicating that they were inclined to pursue inner-city teaching, compared to 20% of the suburban placement group of 101 students.
Rethinking Culture in the Pedagogy and Practices of Preservice Teachers
Examines questions about culture and cultural identity that surfaced as student teachers in their elementary practicum attempted to learn about their students' communities and use culture in the classroom, illustrating how culture can be used in classrooms to frame and limit children and suggesting how to reframe classroom practices and multicultural goals in light of potential problems. (SM).
Strategies for Preparing Culturally Responsive Teachers
Describes the efforts of a teacher-preparation program to improve the multicultural awareness of preservice teachers. Focuses on efforts toward curricular change to infuse academic knowledge about best teaching practices for diversity throughout the curriculum.
Teacher quality: A report on the preparation and qualifications of public school teachers
Focuses on teachers' preservice qualifications, continued learning, and workplace support. Examines and provides a context for teachers' feelings of preparedness to meet new challenges posed by education reforms, technological changes, and increased student diversity.
The Construction of Meaning: Learning from Service Learning
Preservice teachers' constructions of meaning within a multicultural education course are explored in this study. The study considers whether prior expectations have an impact on service learning, what meanings preservice teachers make from service learning, and whether reflection has an influence on meaning making.
Through the Eyes of Preservice Teachers: Implications for the Multicultural Journey from Teacher Education
Investigated definitions and perceptions of multicultural education among 103 preservice early childhood education students. Found that students' definitions illustrated minimal understanding of multicultural education, limited to race and ethnicity.
Understanding Diversity: How Do Early Childhood Preservice Educators Construct Their Definitions of Diversity
Because of the increasing diversity of ethnic, cultural, religious, and socioeconomic groups in public schools, the preparation of teachers for multiethnic, multicultural settings is a critical issue facing teacher educators.
What Really Happens? Community Service Learning for Multicultural Teacher Education
A qualitative, interpretive case study utilized ethnographic techniques to discover what happens, and what preservice teachers think about what happens, within a credited community service learning component for a multicultural education course. Subjects were 24 preservice teachers studied as one case.