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"E Pluribus Unum": What Does it Mean? How Should We Respond?
Charts the intellectual history of competing conceptions of national unity, diversity, and ethnic identity. Explicates three models: monolithic integration (monocultural assimilation of diversity), pluralistic preservation (diversity and unity as equal values), and pluralistic integration (stressing consensus about core civic values while acknowledging the compatibilities and tensions regarding unity and diversity).
"Our Own Voice": The Necessity of Chicano Literature in Mainstream Curriculum
Discusses the importance of Chicano literature in mainstream curriculum for higher educational attainment and personal fulfillment, providing historical background on the education of Chicanos, describing Chicano literature, and making recommendations for implementing Chicano literature at the elementary, middle, and high school levels. Notes the importance of teaching Chicano students how their culture differs from other Hispanic cultures.
A Dialogue About Race and Ethnicity in Education: Struggling To Understand Issues in Cross-Cultural Leadership
A dialogic approach explores some of the complex issues related to race and ethnicity to identify implications for more effective cross-cultural leadership in diverse schools. Revisited field notes, as well as data from interviews and surveys from various research projects, provide the background about the difficulties of understanding race and ethnicity across different school settings and among educators with different perspectives.
A Multicultural Study of University Students' Knowledge of and Attitudes Toward Homosexuality
This study investigated whether or not a relationship exists between university students' knowledge of and attitudes toward homosexuality. Reports significant results and discusses the implications of findings for educational and counseling practice.
A Validity Study of Scores on the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure Based on a Sample of Academically Talented Adolescents
Examined the validity of scores on the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (J. Phinney, 1992) on a group of 275 academically talented adolescents at an enrichment program.
Applying Banks' Typology of Ethnic Identity Development and Curriculum Goals to Story Content, Classroom Discussion, and the Ecology of Classroom and Community: Phase One. Instructional Resource No. 24
This instructional resource describes ways in which J. A.
Arab American Students in Public Schools. ERIC Digest, Number 142
This digest reviews ways to provide Arab Americans with a supportive school environment and all students with an accurate and unbiased education about the Middle East. The school climate will make Arab American students feel more welcome if Arab culture is included in multicultural courses and activities, and if the staff works to eliminate prejudice and discrimination.
Arab American Students in Public Schools. ERIC Digest, Number 142
This digest reviews ways to provide Arab Americans with a supportive school environment and all students with an accurate and unbiased education about the Middle East. The school climate will make Arab American students feel more welcome if Arab culture is included in multicultural courses and activities, and if the staff works to eliminate prejudice and discrimination.
Commission on the Future of Multi-ethnic Britain: A Personal Perspective on the Progress Report
Comments on the progress report of the Commission on the Future of Multi-Ethnic Britain and asserts that the obsession of the British state with "multiculturalism," "ethnicity," and "ethnic minorities" has been a distraction from the core issue of "racial oppression." Reviews the work of the Commission from a perspective of color consciousness. (SLD).
Communicating Diversity: A Study of the Multicultural Climate in a Summer Academic Program
A study examined multiculturalism and diversity through accommodations for minority and international students in LEAP (Learning Edge Academic Program), a six-week summer program for freshmen at a major Eastern university. Subjects included administrators, mentors, instructors, and students, who were interviewed regarding their perceptions on the issues.
Conceptualizing a Case of Indirect Racism Using the White Racial Identity Development Model
Describes how counselors might use a model of White racial identity development to conceptualize and treat a White client who has experienced racism directed toward his ethnic minority friend. Specific attention is paid to both the client's and the counselor's White racial statuses and how these interact within the counseling process.
Counseling Multiracial/Multiethnic Children
There are two central issues that must be addressed when counseling multiracial and multiethnic children in the United States. The first is that, although the United States is fixated on race, only single-race group membership is recognized.
Cultural Malpractice: The Growing Obsolescence of Psychology with the Changing U.S. Population
Without substantial revisions to curricula, training, research, and practice, psychology risks professional, ethical, and economic problems because it will no longer be a feasible resource for the majority of the U.S. population.
Decentering Whiteness: In Search of a Revolutionary Multiculturalism
The present focus on diversity in multicultural education is often misguided because the struggle for ethnic diversity makes progressive political sense only if it can be accompanied by a sustained analysis of the cultural logics of white supremacy. A real revolutionary multiculturalism must consider the construction of subjectivities within relations of power and privilege linked to capitalism.
Different "Chinese" Playing Together: The Intra-Group Relationships and Interactions in a Multilingual Preschool Classroom
This study describes and analyzes the peer social world within the Chinese group in a multilingual preschool classroom, focusing on the ways Chinese children organize their interactions with each other and with other ethnic groups and how subcultural group differences are related to peer relationships. Most of the children in this class had peers with whom they could converse in their home languages.
Diversity: Gender, Color, and Culture
This book serves as an introduction to issues of diversity. Each chapter addresses an issue relevant to life and work in gender-conscious and ethnically diverse environments.
Education. CUNY Panel: Rethinking the Disciplines. Women in the Curriculum Series
This collection of four essays examines the ways in which education, as a discipline, currently reflects ongoing scholarship on gender, race, ethnicity, social class, and sexual orientation. In "Teacher Education and Multicultural Education: Research, Students, and Teaching" Carl A.
Ethnicity and Comparative Youth Disaffection in Multicultural Contexts: Some Multiracial Experiences of Education in Thanet and Lille
Explored youth disaffection, focusing on K-12 schools in England and France. Data from student interviews, staff interviews, and classroom observations indicated that educational inclusion in the two countries was not meeting the educational needs of disaffected youth.
Ethnicity and Culture in Russian Schools
This paper presents a brief overview of education in the Soviet Union during the Marxist era and states that one result of the Communist system collapse in 1991 was that it became imperative to democratize Russian society and schooling.
Ethnicity and Ethnically "Mixed" Identity in Belize: A Study of Primary School-Age Children
Nationalism, as taught in Belize schools, is panethnic and multiethnic, but because the increasingly widespread practice of ethnic mixing is not acknowledged, there is a discrepancy between what is taught and the daily life of students. Research results from 161 elementary school children show that the ethnic self-identification of children is often ignored.
Ethnicity, Aging, and Health: An Interdisciplinary Experience
An interdisciplinary team developed an undergraduate course to teach geriatrics students about ethnicity, health, and aging. Two important aspects of such a course were identified: the dynamics of team learning and multicultural education.
Ethnicity, Race, and Nationality in Education: A Global Perspective. The Rutgers Invitational Symposium on Education Series
This volume contains 12 papers originally presented at the 14th Rutgers Invitational Symposium on Education in 1999. The symposium explored contemporary issues of ethnic, cultural, and national identities and their influence on the social construction of identity.
Experiential Exercises for Increasing Self-Awareness and an Appreciation of Racially and Ethnically Diverse Populations
Describes experiential exercises used by the author to facilitate both self-awareness and an appreciation of the impact of race and culture in the United States in a group of students consisting mainly of undergraduate social work majors. These exercises generate deep reflection and personal insights on race and ethnicity.
Immigration, Ethnic Cultures, and Achievement: Working with Communities, Parents, and Teachers
Addresses immigrant advocates who work both inside and outside of schools, calling on them to use comprehensive language; foster U.S. loyalty and citizenship; be proud of individual ethnicity; seek leaders among immigrants themselves; promote parents' roles; and guide the children of immigrants to consider teaching as a career in order to become mediators among cultures and leaders and role models for future generations.
Implementation Strategies for Creating an Environment of Achievement
Convinced of the educational benefits of campus diversity, Mt. Holyoke College (Massachusetts) developed policies and practices to foster the academic and social skills needed for success in a diverse society.
Incorporating Components of American Pluralism into a Course on the Geography of the USA
Outlines some of the pedagogical and organizational concerns encountered in transforming a traditional college-level U.S. geography course into a course emphasizing pluralism and diversity issues.
Increasing Preservice Teachers' Diversity Beliefs and Commitment
Explored the attitudes, beliefs, and commitments to diversity of a predominantly Anglo-American population of preservice teachers enrolled in a diversity course. Results described beginning ethnorelative attitudes, beliefs, and commitments after participation in the diversity course; some theoretical underpinnings for understanding change (or lack of change); and a framework for facilitating positive multicultural experiences.
Influences of Ethnicity, Interracial Climate, and Racial Majority in School on Adolescent Ethnic Identity
Study examines the ethnic identity development of 252 adolescents. Analyses reveal that being a member of an ethnic minority group and interracial climate accounted for the greatest variance in ethnic identity development.
Interethnic Relations on Campus: Can't We All Get Along?
Examines ethnic climate and relationships among ethnic groups at five colleges. Data indicate that White and Latino students were the most comfortable interacting with other ethnic groups, whereas Asian students were the least comfortable.
Issues for Citizenship in the Post-14 Curriculum: What Needs To Be Done To Contribute To Raising the Achievement of Ethnic Minority Pupils
Discusses the new National Curriculum in England in relation to the government's policies aimed at raising academic standards. The new Unified Framework does have the potential to raise the achievement of all students if it is implemented carefully.
Learning Disabilities Emperical Research on Ethnic Minority Students: An Analysis of 22 Years of Studies Published in Selected Refereed Journals
CEC-DR’s Diversity Committee supports a broad view of scientific research in education that emphasizes the importance of using a broad range of methodological approaches and studying context as a way to increase our understandings of complex phenomena.
Learning Together
Describes a teaching assignment at a Department of Defense (DoD) high school in Puerto Rico with bilingual Latin students influenced by island cultures. Discusses classroom cultural awareness and the importance of understanding and appreciating students' backgrounds when cultural or ethnic differences exist in the science classroom.
Mexican American Children's Ethnic Pride and Internalized Racism. JSRI Occasional Paper No. 41. Latino Studies Series
Nearly 100 Mexican American children and adolescents in grades 2-12 were interviewed in central Texas to determine their understanding of ethnicity and their attitudes toward their own ethnicity. Their responses were interpreted in relation to a developmental model with five stages or "perspectives" in reasoning about ethnicity.
Multicultural Education in Geography in the USA: An Introduction
Briefly reviews the development of the diversity movement and the arguments for and against multicultural education. Follows this with a discussion of the representation of minorities within geographic institutions in the United States.
Multicultural Social Reconstructionist Education in Urban Geography: A Model Whose Time Has Come
Briefly describes several approaches to multicultural education including highlighting minority achievements and emphasizing human relations and social reconstruction. Argues that social reconstruction is the most productive approach for teaching urban geography.
Multiethnic Education: Theory and Practice (Third ed.)
This book is designed to help preservice and inservice educators clarify the philosophical and definitional issues related to pluralistic education, and design and implement effective teaching strategies that reflect ethnic diversity, and prepare sound guidelines for multiethnic programs and practices. It describes actions that educators can take to institutionalize educational programs and practices related to ethnic and cultural diversity.
Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure with Art Therapy Students: Assessing Preservice Students after One Multicultural Self-Reflection Course
Graduate art therapy students enrolled in a multicultural art therapy course were given the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure as a pretest and posttest to assess their own cultural identity. Results indicate that stronger cultural identification is possible following the completion of one multicultural art therapy course.
Multiracial Asians: Models of Ethnic Identity
Expanding the definition of "Asian" to include Amerasians of Latino, African, and Native American origins challenges the Asian American community to deconstruct race and examine the racism inherent even in Asian communities. The multiracial experience continues to expand the dynamic construction of Asian identity.
Preparing Science Teachers for Diversity through Service Learning
Discusses challenges teachers face with learners from different backgrounds. Presents service learning as an alternative framework for teacher education with the potential for engaging teachers in an active construction of knowledge and development of connections between community and multicultural teaching practices.
Preparing Teachers of Color at a Predominantly White University: A Case Study of Project TEAM
Examined the experiences of preservice teacher participants in Project TEAM, an initiative at a predominantly white university to increase the number of minority students who completed teacher education and became teachers. Case study data highlight three themes: developing a sense of community with minority student peers, developing a stronger ethnic identity, and working for social justice through multicultural education.
Preservice Teachers' Discussion of a Multicultural Young Adult Novel
Explores preservice elementary teachers' literature-circle discussion of a multicultural young-adult novel with a focus on two research questions: how preservice teachers discuss a multicultural young-adult novel, and what are the views and theories that informed their understanding of literature response discussion. Participants in the discussion adopted either a literary analysis stance or a personal association stance.
Promoting Multicultural Education through Creative Writing: Crossing Cultures and Genders
A multicultural literature course at Loyola Marymount University (California) was designed to complicate ideas of culture with gender issues and explored a common but largely unexplored phenomenon--writers who write outside their own personal backgrounds and identities.
Race Equality Policies and Practice: Resources on the Internet, Summer 2002
Presents resources available on the Internet that deal with racial equality policies and practice. Topics include legal requirements in education; institutional racism; community cohesion; diversity; curriculum; national identity; citizenship education; race and identity; suppliers, booksellers, and publishers; links with schools in other countries; refugee education; dealing with bullying and conflict; and language and bilingualism.
Racial & Ethnic Diversity in Higher Education. ASHE Reader Series
This text is a resource on racial and ethnic diversity for faculty and students in higher education. It is organized in sections related to the history of racial and ethnic diversity in higher education, curriculum and teaching, students, faculty, administration, leadership and governance, and research issues.
Religion and Multiculturalism in Education
Provides a concise historical overview of theological thinking concerning fundamentalism, absolutism, and relativism. Considers corresponding responses to issues regarding multiculturalism.
Religious Music and Multicultural Education
Discusses religious music as an extraordinarily rich resource supplementing multicultural education. Considers the divisive and problematic nature of some religious music, exemplified by a trio of Jewish students refusal to sing "St.
Roots of the Future: An Education Pack for Exploring Ethnic Diversity in Britain
This pack challenges ignorance about racial diversity in England by encouraging activities that shed light on the recent past and the society in which young people in Britain live. The exercises in this book invite young people to explore ethnic and cultural diversity in Britain.
Roots of the Future: Ethnic Diversity in the Making of Britain
The aim of this book is to show that Britain has benefited enormously from immigration and ethnic diversity throughout history. The first part of the book, "Immigrants Past and Present," gives an account of the role played by a few of the migrant communities who came to Britain and settled before the end of World War II.
Science Motivation in the Multicultural Classroom
Discusses how to integrate into the curriculum the interests of children of all ethnic backgrounds. Includes a rubric for multicultural contributions to science.
Seeing Themselves through Borrowed Eyes: Asian Americans in Ethnic Ambivalence/Evasion
Focuses on the second stage of ethnic identity development, Ethnic Ambivalence/Evasion, experienced by Asian Americans through 39 personal narratives. Ethnic Ambivalence/Evasion, one of four identified stages that culminate with ethnic identity incorporation, typically occurs during the years of childhood and adolescence, and so is a stage particularly relevant for counselors and educators.
Seeing through Race, Gender and Socioeconomic Status
This paper discusses the history of discrimination in the United States and the length of time it took to abolish the legal support of racism. The paper then discusses the problems of diversity in the United States.
Self-Awareness, Cultural Identity and Connectedness: Three Terms To (Re)Define in Anti-Bias Work
Building a strong but flexible identity and learning to deal with diversity are two main educational goals for early childhood education. Because identity is replacing the older concept of race and is serving as the basis for a new form of segregation, it is necessary to redefine the terms "identity" and "cultural identity." Identity involves processes in continual flux, resulting in images of identity at a particular moment.
Social Inclusion: Would Dickens Approve?
Discusses exclusion of ethnic minority students from school in Britain as it reflects the operation of complex differential expectations and assumptions. Data from several studies show that exclusions have been racialized and that black boys are often excluded or disciplined for showing culturally specific behaviors.
Students' Perceptions of Racial and Ethnic Tensions in Pacific Region Schools
High school students from several Pacific region countries (including Canada and the Pacific United States) were asked to comment on racial and ethnic tensions in their schools. Student responses to the open-ended prompts give insights into the effects of racial tensions on their lives.
Teachers' Applications of Banks' Typology of Ethnic Identity Development and Curriculum Goals to Story Content and Classroom Discussion: Phase Two. Instructional Resource No. 35
This instructional resource presents ways in which teachers participating in a lesson bank exchange program for an ongoing research project have applied J. A.
The Critical Incident Interview and Ethnoracial Identity
Describes the critical-incident interview, a cross-cultural training technique that helps social work students assess clients' ethnic- and racial-identity development. Uses examples from student interviews to present the steps involved in teaching the technique.
The Influence of Demographic Background, Ethnic Identity, and Attitudes toward Women on Empathic Thinking
This paper describes a study on how, and to what degree, students' demographic information, ethnic identity, and attitudes about women contribute to their ability to be empathic. The report defines an empathic person as one who is interpersonally sensitive and aware of one's self and impact in relationship to others and is responsible for the improvement of self and society in general.
The Intersections of Response and Ethnicity: Elementary School Students Respond to Multicultural Children's Literature
This paper describes a study in which a group of young African-American children responded to literature in a multiage primary classroom setting.
The Perceived Influence of Culture and Ethnicity on the Communicative Dynamics of the United Nations Secretariat
Investigates managerial perceptions in the United Nations Secretariat with regard to communicative dynamics in an organization founded on the precepts of cultural and ethnic diversity. Finds several pillars of deep diversity at the Secretariat, including multicultural and multiethnic understanding; an inclusive charter or mission; managers' commitment to that charter or mission; linguistic diversity; and respect and appreciation of similarities and differences.
The Relationship between Cultural Identity and Academic Achievement of Asian American Students
A study investigated the relationship between students' level of interest in maintaining their cultural identity and their academic achievement. Subjects were 105 United States-born Chinese-American and Korean-American high school students attending two public high schools in Southern California.
Those People: You Know Who They Are
Describes the ways in which a group of graduate students in a theory of multilingual education class learned to identify groups they had been taught to regard as "those people," others to be distrusted or disliked. Dialogue about who represented "those people" for each student led to considerations of race, class, gender, and religion.
Toward a Multicultural Imagination: Infusing Ethnicity into the Teaching of Social Psychology
Explores the utility of a multicultural approach to teaching an undergraduate social psychology course. Discusses institutional context and the transformation of the course by infusing multicultural content.
Unscrambling the Semantics of Canadian Multiculturalism
This paper explores the evolution of multiculturalism in the Canadian context. Some opponents of multiculturalism in Canada detect in the ideology an undermining of a unique Canadian identity in favor of hyphenated Canadians, while proponents see the hyphenation as adding richness and color to the Canadian character.
Using Our National Diversity as an Educational Resource
Provides personal perspectives, both from a teacher and her students, on issues of multiculturalism and diversity. Recounts a number of incidents that illustrate some of the trickier aspects of multicultural education ("How do you feel about arranged marriages?").
White Natives. "Braveheart" and "Rob Roy" as Colonial Victims
Two contemporary films, "Braveheart" and "Rob Roy," depict Scottish ethnicity from a rather narrow perspective. The positions that are sentimentally admired when attributed to white natives of Scotland are horrifying when expressed by contemporary peoples of color.