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Graduate Students
A Crisis in Graduate Studies
Argues that Aboriginal graduate students are creating a crisis for faculties of education. The knowledge needed to supervise them as they produce theses is not available.
Altering White Racial Identity and Interracial Comfort through Multicultural Training
The impact of an integrative multicultural training program on the development of white racial identity and interracial comfort was examined. Counseling graduate students participated in the training.
Beyond Multicultural Training: Mentoring Stories from Two White American Doctoral Students
Using a personal self-disclosing format, relates two graduate students' experiences with multicultural training. Narrates each student's story and then offers three points that expand on an article that examines multicultural training for White students in counseling psychology, such as the trainer's need to balance support and confrontation.
Counsellor Education for Developing Multicultural Counselling Competencies
The purpose of this study was to conduct an exploratory investigation of a new course initiative in counselor education for working with culturally diverse populations. The study investigated: (1) outcomes of curriculum targeting multicultural competencies; (2) whether prior training experience in multicultural counseling would have an impact on learning outcomes of students in graduate level courses; and (3) students' meaningful experiences during acquisition of multicultural counseling competencies.
Culture Specific Knowledge and the Ability To Empathize: Applications for Cross-Cultural Counseling Training
The acquisition of culture-specific knowledge through reading and/or experience is an important component of cross-cultural counseling education. This study explores the relationship between counselor trainees' culture specific knowledge and their ability to empathize in general.
Development and Initial Score Validation of the Teacher Multicultural Attitude Survey
Two coordinated studies involving 429 teachers and preservice teachers and 227 education graduate students were designed to develop and validate scores on an efficient self-report measure of multicultural awareness for teachers working in kindergarten through grade 12. The construct and criterion validity and reliability of the developed Teacher Multicultural Attitude Survey are supported.
General and Multicultural Counseling Competency: Apples and Oranges?
This investigation tests the hypothesis that perceptions of general and multicultural counseling competence are distinct constructs. The findings question the validity of the assumption that general and multicultural counseling competence are separate constructs, particularly for certain clients.
Genograms and Family Sculpting: An Aid to Cross-Cultural Understanding in the Training of Psychology Students in South Africa
Describes a specific training method developed in a family therapy course at the University of Pretoria in South Africa, where genograms and family sculpting were used to improve cross-cultural understanding among psychology masters students. Discusses the theoretical implications of the group training process for the training of psychologists in multicultural contexts.
Helping Counselor Trainees Get Along: An Issue for Professional Development
This paper presents a programmatic strategy to address unresolved student-student disagreements. The paper examines cultural norms--within training programs in academic settings--that contribute to interpersonal problems among students.
Helping Counselor Trainees Get Along: An Issue for Professional Development
This paper presents a programmatic strategy to address unresolved student-student disagreements. The paper examines cultural norms--within training programs in academic settings--that contribute to interpersonal problems among students.
Mentoring in the Preparation of Graduate Researchers of Color
Makes the case that effective mentoring can improve the graduate school experience of multicultural students to position them better for postdoctoral success. Discusses the ways faculty members can enhance their multicultural competence in mentoring.
Multicultural Issues in Predoctoral Internship Programs: A National Survey
Examines the extent to which internship-training directors (ITDs) addressed multicultural issues in their predoctoral training programs. ITDs reported varied levels of attention to specific multicultural issues; ITDs at university counseling centers reported significantly greater attention to multicultural issues than did ITDs at community mental-health centers, state hospitals, medical schools, and private psychiatric hospitals.
Overcoming Silences: Comment on "Teaching as an Encounter with the Self: Unraveling the Mix of Personal Beliefs, Education Ideologies, and Pedagogical Practices."
Explores ways teacher educators can create learning spaces in their classrooms that may initiate explorations of self, beliefs, ideologies, and practice that embrace the diversity of all students. (SLD).
Perceptions versus Preferences: Adult International Students' Teaching-Learning Experiences in an American University
International students' perceptions of and preferences for the teaching-learning process in a U.S. university was assessed.
Personal Experience as a Guide To Teaching
Analyzes teacher educators' experiences using storytelling about teaching to prepare second-career teacher candidates to critically reflect on their practice and teach for diversity. Using stories, prospective teachers developed retrospective explanations and justifications for their teaching practices, constructing platforms from which to launch future actions.
Pluralism and Science Education
Examined how British preservice science teachers responded to an independent study pack designed to stimulate their understanding of race and culture. The pack provided information on cultural diversity and pluralism in Britain and educational responses to cultural pluralism.
Poll Confirms That Americans Want Diversity on Campuses
A recent Ford Foundation national survey found that 71% of Americans think diversity education does more to bring Americans together than drive them apart. Two-thirds felt colleges and universities should take explicit steps to ensure student body diversity; three-fourths want to ensure faculty diversity.
Promoting Multicultural Competence: A Cross-Cultural Mentorship Project
Describes the Cross-Cultural Mentorship Project (CCMP), designed to increase the multicultural competency of Euro-American graduate counseling students and to serve the needs of Native American students as defined by Native American educators in an urban school district. The CCMP model supports mentors in their multicultural development through cultural consultants, academic coursework, and faculty supervision.
Relationships among Multicultural Training, Moral Development, and Racial Identity Development of White Counseling Students
Surveys counselor education students (N=68) using Defining Issues Test and White Racial Identity Scale to determine relationships among multicultural training and moral racial identity development. Results indicated that training could help change modes of information processing about racial attitudes, but may not promote cognitive complexity needed for moral development.
Teaching as an Encounter with the Self: Unraveling the Mix of Personal Beliefs, Education Ideologies, and Pedagogical Practices
By audiotaping and analyzing class discussions with graduate students in education, the teacher confronted her own personal beliefs in the context of cross-cultural perspectives on child rearing and traditional educational ideologies. Examining the intersection of belief and practice resulted in more culturally aware teaching.
Teaching Multicultural Counseling Prepracticum
Focuses on the value of a multicultural counseling prepracticum course for counselors in training at Virginia Commonwealth University (Richmond). States that the course helps students develop their skills in multicultural counseling.
The Concept of Academic Politeness in a Multicultural University Classroom
This study explored a context-embedded concept of politeness in a discussion-type, multicultural university classroom. The graduate-level class, Language Planning, had 33 students from a variety of cultural backgrounds.
The Future Direction of Multicultural Counseling: An Assessment of Preservice School Counselors' Thoughts
Reviews issues with regard to multicultural training for counselors. An open-ended questionnaire designed to assess conceptions of multicultural counseling was administered to 85 master's level students in the internship phase of school counseling programs.
The Multiculturally Responsive Versus the Multiculturally Reactive: A Study of Perceptions of Counselor Trainees
Examines the responses of graduate students (N=39) in a counseling psychology program, to required coursework in multicultural counseling, and their perceptions of others' responses. Results indicate that embracing or rejecting the concepts of multiculturalism appears unrelated to demonstrated competence in the curriculum, which raises questions for the profession in regard to achieving its stated goals.
The Relationship between Racial Identity Development and Multicultural Counseling Competency
Incoming doctoral students (n=65 European Americans; n=22 People of Color) completed a battery of tests considering the relationship between racial identity development and multicultural counseling competency. Analysis determined that more advanced levels of racial identity development generally correlated with higher levels of multicultural counseling competency, greater amounts of prior multicultural training, and higher self-reported ratings of overall counseling competency.
The Relationships among Counselor-Trainees' Gender, Cognitive Development, and White Racial Identity: Implications for Counselor Training
Gender and lowest stage of cognitive development were found to significantly contribute to the variance in lower levels of white racial identity in a study of white counselor trainees (N=82). Significant relationships were not found between the higher stages of cognitive development and higher levels of white racial identity.
The Status of Multicultural Counseling Training at Counseling Center Internship Sites
The current status of multicultural-counseling training at university counseling-center predoctoral internship sites was evaluated. Fifty training directors completed a mailed survey, and the results contribute to an understanding of graduate training programs.
Tipi Technology: Student Teachers in Washington State Experiment with Multicultural Science
Describes a project for graduate students in teaching that asked them to see from another cultural viewpoint by working out a way to erect a tipi. The success of the lesson with graduate students resulted in its adaptation for elementary school students as a multicultural science lesson.
Training Counselors To Relate in a Global Community Using the Structured Interview Process
This paper discusses a program designed to assist counseling students to improve cross cultural communication skills that will enable them to use interviewing techniques with individuals from diverse cultures. Research suggests that such a program is needed since many students have not had significant experiences in interacting and communicating with people from different backgrounds.
Transformative Training: A Year-Long Multicultural Counseling Seminar for Graduate Students
Describes a year-long multicultural training seminar for psychology and social work interns in a university counseling center. Discusses the experiential, cross-disciplinary, peer-based multiformat structure of the group.
Using Counselor Training and Collaborative Programming Strategies in Working with International Students
Provides an overview of the adjustment concerns of international students and explores venues for inclusion of this population in multicultural training and counselor competency development opportunities for graduate students. Highlights a model of programming implemented at a private university that provides training opportunities for counselors-in-training.
Voices of Varied Racial Ethnicities Enrolled in Multicultural/Antiracist Education Computer and Telecommunication Courses: Protocols for Multicultural Technology Education Reform
Two case studies involving graduate education majors illustrate how multicultural/antiracist education and computer-mediated communication can interact successfully and further broaden cultural sensitivity in technology through diverse perceptions and contributions. Facilitating factors included theory-to-practice concepts, Internet dialogue, and student/teacher interactions.