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"Reverse Racism": Students' Response to Equity Programs
With reference to class discussions of racism and equity, this article explores how white college and university students conceptualize racism and perceive equity programs as affecting their career opportunities. It concludes that through class discussions, educators can help students understand equity programs as a benefit to all students.
"Survival": A White Teacher's Conception of Drama with Inner-City Hispanic Youth
Profiles how and why a White, upper-middle-class teacher who was trained in aspects of play production and theater education changed her conception of educational drama as she worked in an inner-city magnet school with impoverished, inner-city Hispanic youth. Discusses culture shock, cross-cultural functioning, and survival in terms of ethos, gang subculture, language, and staff authority.
African American and White Adolescents' Strategies for Managing Cultural Diversity in Predominantly White High Schools
Examined 3 strategies used by 77 African American and 138 White high school students to manage cultural diversity: multicultural, separation, and assimilation strategies. Discusses results in relation to forces supporting adolescents' strategy development and the implications of strategy use for adjustment in predominantly white schools.
An Exploratory Study of Counselor Judgments in Multicultural Research
Archival data were used to explore intake judgments made by 45 counselors about 344 African American and white clients seen at a counseling center during a 2-year period. Counselor gender was significantly associated with ratings of client severity of current condition.
Combating Racism and Hate in Canada Today: Lessons of the Holocaust
Maintains that the Holocaust was the catalyst for Canadian antihate legislation. Maintains that, to combat racism and bigotry, it is necessary to use three important tools: (1) the law; (2) community action; and (3) education.
Conceptualizing a Case of Indirect Racism Using the White Racial Identity Development Model
Describes how counselors might use a model of White racial identity development to conceptualize and treat a White client who has experienced racism directed toward his ethnic minority friend. Specific attention is paid to both the client's and the counselor's White racial statuses and how these interact within the counseling process.
Confronting White Privilege and the "Color Blind" Paradigm in a Teacher Education Program
Reports on an effort developed in 1997 to expose elementary education majors to issues of social inequality through immersion in a 2-day symposium. Responses of 527 participants suggest that the impact of the symposium on student attitudes was significant.
Culture Specific Knowledge and the Ability To Empathize: Applications for Cross-Cultural Counseling Training
The acquisition of culture-specific knowledge through reading and/or experience is an important component of cross-cultural counseling education. This study explores the relationship between counselor trainees' culture specific knowledge and their ability to empathize in general.
Decentering Whiteness: In Search of a Revolutionary Multiculturalism
The present focus on diversity in multicultural education is often misguided because the struggle for ethnic diversity makes progressive political sense only if it can be accompanied by a sustained analysis of the cultural logics of white supremacy. A real revolutionary multiculturalism must consider the construction of subjectivities within relations of power and privilege linked to capitalism.
Depoliticizing Multicultural Education: The Return to Normalcy in a Predominantly White High School
Examines how teachers at a predominantly white, middle-class high school enacted multicultural education into the course, "Cultural Issues." Explores course examples which suggest that micro-political contexts of school and community-shaped curriculum and instruction are important, but in unacknowledged ways. Argues that attention must be paid to the influence of contextual norms.
Identity Formation and the Processes of "Othering": Unraveling Sexual Threads
Discusses the extent to which the processes of "othering" (marking and naming those considered different from oneself) fall into the physical and sexual realm. The paper examines three studies, highlighting the extent to which othering is sexual, naming and exploring what it means for current school practice in multicultural environments.
Integrating Nonminority Instructors into the Minority Environment
Examines the factors facilitating the effectiveness of nonminority faculty members at institutions with a predominantly minority student body. Concludes that self-awareness of one's racial identity and how it informs one's expectations about learning styles and appropriate classroom behavior is vital.
Integrating Nonminority Instructors into the Minority Environment
Examines the factors facilitating the effectiveness of nonminority faculty members at institutions with a predominantly minority student body. Concludes that self-awareness of one's racial identity and how it informs one's expectations about learning styles and appropriate classroom behavior is vital.
Learning Style Preferences of Asian American (Chinese, Filipino, Korean, and Vietnamese) Students in Secondary Schools
Investigates for perceptual learning style preferences (auditory, visual, kinesthetic, and tactile) and preferences for group and individual leaning of Chinese, Filipino, Korean, and Vietnamese secondary education students. Comparison analysis reveals diverse learning style preferences between Anglo and Asian American students and also between diverse Asian American groups.
Making Multicultural Education Effective for Everyone
Responds and elaborates on an article on preparing Anglo graduate students for the journey toward a multicultural perspective. Affirms assertions for a balanced support-challenge model in multicultural training, for the usefulness of self-disclosure in these courses, and for articulation of the rewards of becoming a multiculturalist.
Making Space: Merging Theory and Practice in Adult Education
This book represents the beginning dialogue and critique of social, political, economic, and historical forms of hegemony operating in the adult education field.
Multicultural Counseling Training and Ratings of "Culturally Sensitive" and "Culturally Insensitive" White Counselors by White Counselor-trainees
This research in multicultural literature addresses the dynamics among Whites that have primarily addressed counselor-client dyads. This study examines how training in multicultural awareness, knowledge, and skills influences the evaluation of White counselors' multicultural counseling competence.
Multicultural Illiteracy
Schools' treatment of diversity categorizes students and applies ineffectual learning methods to resulting stereotypes. The author's study of basal readers showed that today's multiculturalism suppresses most white immigrant groups' stories, omits references to first discoveries and inventions, and substitutes foreign expressions for literate English vocabulary.
Multiculturalism, Race, and Education
Reports on a telephone survey that examined the extent of support given to multicultural education (MCE) by whites and blacks. Results from 348 respondents found strong support for the concept of MCE, but issues of implementation were more controversial with interracial differences being generally larger than intraracial differences.
Preparing Anglos for the Challenges and Joys of Multiculturalism
Discusses the multicultural training process with Anglo trainees as it relates to supportively assisting Anglos with the difficult task of confronting White racism, teaching Anglos to respond empathetically to challenges from ethnic-minority colleagues and clients, and introducing Anglos to the joys inherent in multicultural counseling. (RJM).
The Color of Teachers, the Color of Students: The Multicultural Classroom Experience
Examines the experiences of students taking a one-semester race and ethnic relations course taught in three sections, each with a different instructor, one African American, one Mexican American, and one white. Finds that approximately 25 to 40 percent of students expected instructor's race/ethnicity to influence everything but grading.
The Culturally Diverse Classroom: A Guide for ESL and Mainstream Teachers
This handbook is for teachers and administrators involved with international students in English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) and mainstream settings. It is intended to raise awareness of the new American classroom.
The Relationships among Counselor-Trainees' Gender, Cognitive Development, and White Racial Identity: Implications for Counselor Training
Gender and lowest stage of cognitive development were found to significantly contribute to the variance in lower levels of white racial identity in a study of white counselor trainees (N=82). Significant relationships were not found between the higher stages of cognitive development and higher levels of white racial identity.
The White Researcher in the Multicultural Community: Lessons in HIV Prevention Education Learned in the Field
Explores the experiences of white, middle class researchers in poor, inner-city multicultural neighborhoods as they research HIV interventions, noting how the differences affect their ability to study and meet community HIV health education needs. The paper discusses researcher roles, communication across cultures, undoing stereotypes, community involvement in research, and effective educational forums.
White Americans' Attitudes Toward Asian Americans in Social Situations: An Empirical Examination of Potential Stereotypes, Bias, and Prejudice
Investigates the stereotypical attitudes of college students toward a variety of social situations involving Asian Americans. Examines the effects of differential labeling of Asian Americans regarding the attitudes held toward them.
White Natives. "Braveheart" and "Rob Roy" as Colonial Victims
Two contemporary films, "Braveheart" and "Rob Roy," depict Scottish ethnicity from a rather narrow perspective. The positions that are sentimentally admired when attributed to white natives of Scotland are horrifying when expressed by contemporary peoples of color.
Whiteness and White Identity in Multicultural Education
Reviews two books on white identity in multicultural education, examining trends toward linking white race consciousness to effective multicultural pedagogy (which multicultural proponents either embrace or ignore) and discussing whether this discourse advances the field. Suggests that if these texts are designed for preparing white teachers for diverse students, they do not move multicultural education beyond hope and advocacy.
Whites Trashing Whites: Multiculturalism's Liberal Guilt Trip
Presents the opinions of a white, male literature professor who attended a conference of college writing teachers and was distressed because the overwhelmingly white audience listened quietly as speakers used the platform to identify whites as oppressors of minorities and linguistic imperialists. The paper questions the view that Standard English usage oppresses minorities.