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Racial Attitudes
A Multicultural Framework: Transforming Curriculum, Transforming Students
Discusses efforts to bring a multicultural perspective to a 200-level course on the sociology of health and aging as a means of addressing broader multicultural curriculum transformation issues. The course is constructed around students' examination of four basic questions concerning their own experiences with exclusion and entitlement.
Adult Role Models: Needed Voices for Adolescents, Multiculturalism, Diversity, and Race Relations
Examines parents', teachers', and administrators' beliefs about positive race relations and multiculturalism. Interview data indicate that parents and school role models are working to model acceptance of all cultures, and they understand that contacts and interactions with people of all races are necessary to make children better persons, lessening prejudice and biases not suitable in a diversified society.
Adult Role Models: Needed Voices for Adolescents, Multiculturalism, Diversity, and Race Relations
It examines parents', teachers', and administrators' beliefs about positive race relations and multiculturalism. Interview data indicate that parents and school role models are working to model acceptance of all cultures, and they understand that contacts and interactions with people of all races are necessary to make children better persons, lessening prejudice and biases not suitable in a diversified society.
Already Reading Texts and Contexts: Multicultural Literature in a Predominantly White Rural Community
Examines how the inclusion of multicultural texts played out in one predominantly white rural community, focusing on repercussions of a key event that set off conflict in the community and describing how various interpretations of this event haped teachers' and community members' beliefs about the selection, interpretation, and teaching of multicultural literature. (SM).
Anti-Bias Teaching To Address Cultural Diversity
Multiculturalism must be integrated into classrooms and the curriculum, and it must be all-encompassing, taught through formal lessons and modeled and demonstrated at all times. Describes how teachers can create an anti-bias curriculum and promote a multicultural or anti-bias classroom.
Appalachian College Students & a Multicultural Curriculum
A study explored the multicultural predispositions of Appalachian college students. Surveys addressing 23 variables related to demography, ideology, race perceptions, and university were returned by 437 students in 12 majors at Moorehead State University (Kentucky).
Asian Americans' and African Americans' Initial Perceptions of Hispanic Counselors
Study examines the effects of Hispanic counselors' race and speech accent on Asian American and African American students' initial perceptions. Results show that students' gender, race, and level of "universal-diverse" orientation, along with counselors' speech accent, predicted students' initial perceptions of the counselors and of the counseling relationship.
Assessing Preservice Teachers' Zones of Concern and Comfort with Multicultural Education
Examined preservice teachers' concerns and comfort with concepts and practices advocated as approaches to multicultural education. Data from surveys conducted at different points throughout a cultural-awareness course indicated that students believed in the need for multicultural education but differed greatly regarding choices for preferred approaches to multicultural education.
Beyond Race Awareness: White Racial Identity and Multicultural Teaching
Interviews examined whether white students' shifts in thinking about themselves as racial beings and about systems of oppression during a multicultural education course were evident in later teaching practice. Though students initially resisted learning about their own racism, they eventually became more willing to take some responsibility for racism.
Controversies in Race Relations: Theory and Practice
Examines controversial positions in the field of race relations that provide a context for multicultural interventions. Discusses issues of rejection of assimilation, the rise of multiculturalism, the acceptance of linguistic diversity, and the cultural critique posed by Afrocentrism.
Critical Multiculturalism and Racism in Children's Literature
Multicultural literature can help elementary students learn about cultural differences and racial bias and examine their prejudices and stereotypes. Critiques five children's books that emphasize the African American experience.
Diversity Initiatives in Higher Education: Intergroup Dialogue Program Student Outcomes and Implications for Campus Radical Climate. A Case Study
Explored the cognitive and affective outcomes of participating in the University of Maryland's Intergroup Dialogue Program to promote social justice among diverse students. Post-program interviews indicated that many students had changed perceptions of self and society after the program.
Effects of Client Race-Ethnicity on Perceptions of Counselor Trainees: Study 1 and Study 2
Investigates the impact that racial stereotypes have on counselor trainees' perceptions of the attributes and behaviors of ethnically diverse male clients. Results reveal that counselor perceptions of client attributes differed across race-ethnicity.
Exploring the Self-Perceived Multicultural Counseling Competence of Elementary School Counselors
Counselors (N=76) from an elementary school completed the Multicultural Counseling Competence and Training Survey to assess their perceptions of multicultural competence. The results suggest they perceived themselves to be largely multiculturally competent, except in areas of racial identity development.
How Reading and Writing Literacy Narratives Affect Preservice Teachers' Understandings of Literacy, Pedagogy, and Multiculturalism
Discusses how to prepare teachers to educate diverse learners engaged in multiple and new literacies, describing a graduate course that introduced language, literacy, and culture. Data from students' writings, reading logs, reading responses, and final papers on literacy and pedagogy indicated that reading and writing literacy narratives was a positive experience, fostering multicultural understanding and complex conceptions of literacy.
Infusing Multiculturalism into Educational Psychology: Influence on Preservice Teachers' Attitudes toward Teaching African American Students
The purpose of this pilot study was to investigate the influence that multicultural infusion would have on preservice teachers in an educational psychology course. Eight educational psychology classes at the same university participated in research to assess preservice teachers' attitudes toward teaching African American students.
Making Our Mark: Defining "Self" in a Multicultural World
Suggests that the classroom is an ideal place to "struggle to be together in our differences," as students begin to formulate their definitions of self and others, and need to learn to deal with differing attitudes and opinions. Describes experiences in the author's class as discussion about immigration in the United States blazed into a discussion about race.
Mixing It Up: Multicultural Support and the Learning Center
Reports on Macalester College's (Minnesota) Learning Center peer-mentoring, speaker, and workshop programs, which were designed to focus on anti-racism activism and reorganization of multicultural affairs. Analyzes ambiguity of terms "racism" and "multiculturalism" and argues that a systematic approach is necessary to move toward realizing the vision of a vibrant multicultural and multiracial learning community.
Multicultural Citizenship
Great Britain's citizenship education helps prepare students for informed and responsible citizenship in a multicultural society. Social science teachers and researchers should consider factors that epitomize multiethnic Britain today as they teach.
Multicultural Counseling Competencies as Tools to Address Oppression and Racism
The background, rationale, and framework of the multicultural competencies documents are discussed. Central concepts include development of awareness of personal assumptions, values, and biases; understanding the worldview of the culturally different client; and developing appropriate intervention strategies and techniques.
Overcoming Resistance to Multicultural Discourse through the Use of Classroom Simulations
Describes how simulations, role plays, and other experiential exercises can be used in educational settings to reduce resistance and encourage discourse on equity issues. These techniques can bring new insights into professional development in multicultural education, raising awareness of hidden biases so teachers feel more comfortable in the classroom and do not reinforce stereotypes and negative patterns.
Pedagogy of Possibilities: Teaching about Racism in Multicultural Counseling Courses
Teaching about diversity or multiculturalism in counselor education programs is a challenge. Racism as a topic is an emotionally charged subject.
Preservice Teachers' Learning about Diversity: The Influence of Their Existing Racial Attitudes and Beliefs
This case study examined how three white preservice teachers were similar and dissimilar in terms of their racial attitudes and beliefs, their prior interracial experiences, and certain personal characteristics. Participants had taken a multicultural education course and had been part of a larger study of teacher candidates' attitudes about diversity and the effects of multicultural education courses on those attitudes.
Racial Attitudes on Campus: Can We Make a Difference?
Describes the Institutes for the Healing of Racism of the University of Louisville (Kentucky), a program designed to address racial intolerance and provide a forum for discussion of racial issues on a personal level. The institute brings racially different groups together to share beliefs and receive information about other groups.
Reimagining Race in Education: A New Paradigm from Psychology
Discusses paradigms underlying current approaches to multicultural education, introducing a typology of philosophical assumptions that has been used to classify approaches to multiculturalism in the field of psychology; discussing racial identity theory as an important psychological component of a race-based perspective for understanding race and culture in education; and examining how racial identity affects educational thought and practice. (SM).
Relationships among Multicultural Training, Moral Development, and Racial Identity Development of White Counseling Students
Surveys counselor education students (N=68) using Defining Issues Test and White Racial Identity Scale to determine relationships among multicultural training and moral racial identity development. Results indicated that training could help change modes of information processing about racial attitudes, but may not promote cognitive complexity needed for moral development.
Revisiting Intercultural Education: Goals, Methods, and Obstacles
Discusses multicultural education, explaining that it was developed in response to concerns about Americans' anxiety over mass immigration into the country during the early 1900s. Describes five goals of multicultural education, notes methods of and obstacles to multicultural education over the years, and presents implications for contemporary efforts in multicultural education.
Screening for Pervasive Intolerance in Admissions Candidates
This paper describes the Pre-Admission Workshop, which is designed as a screening procedure to achieve optimal selection outcomes for graduate study in counseling. The workshop not only assesses the academic potential of the applicants, but also allows for observation of multicultural competencies developed by Sue, Arredondo, and McDavis (1992).
Screening for Pervasive Intolerance in Admissions Candidates
This paper describes the Pre-Admission Workshop, which is designed as a screening procedure to achieve optimal selection outcomes for graduate study in counseling.
Structured Racism, Sexism, and Elitism: A Hound That "Sure Can Hunt" (The Chronicity of Oppression)
The author recounts personal experiences with socio-politically structured racism, especially in education and religion; and the growth gained in confronting this nemesis. A career ranging from pastor to counselor to counselor educator has brought understanding of the link between religion, education, and counseling and a commitment to multicultural counseling.
Teaching Tolerance and Appreciation for Diversity: Applying the Research on Prejudice Reduction
Teaching tolerance and appreciation for diversity becomes more important as changing demographics require schools to prepare students for increasing diversity. Teachers can help students develop more positive racial attitudes through instructional interventions.
The Multiracial Experience: Racial Borders as the New Frontier
The essays in this collection conduct a dialogue about race from a multiracial perspective. The biracial baby boom that began in the 1960s practically guarantees that anyone living in a large American city knows someone who is racially mixed.
The Power of Performance in Multicultural Curricula. "Screams of Tyranny, Cries of Hope," a Script and Workshop Project for High School Students
Describes a play written for performance by high school students entitled, "Screams of Tyranny, Cries of Hope," that is explicitly for use in encouraging multicultural acceptance. The play features performative, role playing and interpretation workshops that include both students and educators.