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Literacy Education
Adult ESL: Politics, Pedagogy, and Participation in Classroom and Community Programs
The collection of essays on the politics of adult English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) instruction includes Adult Education,Community Programs
English (Second Language),Information Technology,Literacy Education.
Adult ESL: Politics, Pedagogy, and Participation in Classroom and Community Programs
The collection of essays on the politics of adult English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) instruction are onAdult Education
Community Programs,information Technology,Politics of Education etc.
Border Pedagogy: A Critical Framework for Service Learning
The general focus of a course on adult literacy and community service at a large state university was to increase students' understanding of adult literacy as a societal issue and to support their involvement as tutors in local adult literacy programs. To understand what students learned from their experience in the course, the instructors began collecting and analyzing various source material.
Building on Existing Strengths To Increase Family Literacy. ERIC Digest Number 145
This digest focuses on strategies for reaching families and increasing family literacy that reflect the strengths families already have. The Federal Even Start Family Literacy Program, authorized in 1988, is the catalyst for much of the family literacy activity nationally.
Building on Existing Strengths To Increase Family Literacy. ERIC Digest Number 145
This digest focuses on strategies for reaching families and increasing family literacy that reflect the strengths families already have. The Federal Even Start Family Literacy Program, authorized in 1988, is the catalyst for much of the family literacy activity nationally.
Celebrating Bidialectalism: Reconceptualizing the Role of Language and Culture in the Acquisition of Literacy and Literary Skills among African American and Other Ethnically Diverse Students
This paper addresses the issue of how to make school matter to historically disenfranchised, inner city African American youth, as well as youth from other struggling ethnic minority groups. It asserts that one way to do this is to reconceptualize approaches to the acquisition of literacy and literacy skills in teaching, engaging, and motivating African American and other ethnic minority students.
Connecting Preservice Teacher Education to Diverse Communities: A Focus on Family Literacy
Describes a teacher education program at the New College of California as an example of efforts to empower new teachers to meet the challenges of educating diverse students. Discusses the candidate intake process, the preprogram reading effort, community building, instructional strategies, and the family literacy program, which is integral to teacher education at the college.
Cooperative Learning in Israel's Jewish and Arab Schools: A Community Approach
Describes the creation of the cooperation, investigation, literacy, and community (CILC) model within a holistic educational project in Acre, a Jewish-Arab mixed city in northern Israel, focusing on the implementation of cooperative learning at the schools and the work of the dropout investigative task force which was created to build community in the city and prevent dropout. (SM).
Creating Florida's Multilingual Global Work Force: Educational Policies and Practices for Students Learning English as a New Language
A selection of essays address issues in the education of students of English as a Second Language in Florida, focusing on the development of the state's labor force among this multilingual, multicultural population.
Creating Reciprocal Learning Relationships across Socially-Constructed Borders
Evaluated a service learning course that matched preservice teachers and older adult literacy learners and aimed to address widespread attrition in adult education programs and the need for multicultural education for preservice teachers. Data revealed two essential elements of successful, reciprocal learning relationships: connecting across differences through caring relationships and ability to reflect in ways that transformed previous assumptions.
Expanding and Diversifying the Teaching Work Force. Building on Local Talent and Community Funds of Knowledge
This paper describes the Model Support System for Paraprofessionals (MSSP), which is designed to diversify and expand the teaching force in one California county by supporting promising bilingual paraprofessionals enrolled in college and university programs leading to bilingual credentials. All participants are currently non-certified staff members who have as their chief responsibility students from diverse linguistic and ethnic backgrounds.
Formal vs. Non-Formal Vernacular Education: The Education Reform in Papua New Guinea
Discusses a community-based nonformal education movement in Papua New Guinea to use hundreds of the country's languages to teach initial literacy in local preschool and adult education programs. The article describes this movement, the proposed government reform of the English-only formal education system and the ensuing conflicts.
Getting the Message Across: Language, Literacy and Numeracy in Tourism and Hospitality Industry Training. A Guide for Workplace Trainers
This kit of training strategies and case studies is designed to help trainers to become more successful with their communication and training in the tourism and hospitality industry and to train employees with low language, literacy, and numeracy skills more effectively and efficiently. It is intended for trainers who do some on-the-job skills training but for whom training is not the main part of their job.
Integrating Lifelong Learning Perspectives
This publication is comprised of 43 papers on the topic of promoting lifelong learning.
Lectura y Vida: Revista Latinoamericana de Lectura. (Reading and Life: Latin American Reading Magazine). 1998. Corp Author(s): International Reading Association, Newark, DE
The four 1998 issues of the journal on literacy education, entirely in Spanish, include these articles: "The Inevitable Radical Weakness of Language: Some Reflections about Forming Readers and Citizens" (Daniel Goldin); "Relationships among Reading and Writing, Thematic Units, Learning Through Research...In Search of Effective Instruction for Whole Language" (Timothy Shanahan); Comprehension and Textual.
Lectura y Vida: Revista Latinoamericana de Lectura. (Reading and Life: Latin American Reading Magazine). 1998. Corp Author(s): International Reading Association, Newark, DE
The four 1998 issues of the journal on literacy education, entirely in Spanish, include articles on:- Bilingual Education, Language Processing, Learning Processes, Literacy Education, Reading Instruction, Writing Instruction, Classroom Techniques.
Literacy & Libraries: Learning from Case Studies
This book presents 22 personal narratives in which library directors, program administrators, teachers, tutors, librarians, and adult learners explain firsthand how literacy programs at libraries across the United States have changed people's lives.
Literacy and Effective Teaching in Diverse Classrooms
This study explored the ways in which English educators could most effectively plan and implement their teaching to best serve the multi-literacies of the diverse student populations in today's schools.
Literacy and Effective Teaching in Diverse Classrooms
This study explored the ways in which English educators could most effectively plan and implement their teaching to best serve the multi-literacies of the diverse student populations in today's schools. The researcher conducted interviews with classroom English teachers and teacher educators in north Alabama to gain the participants' perceptions of their effectiveness in teaching diverse literacies, opportunities for practicing effective strategies and pedagogical skills, and opportunities for improving teaching and learning and professional development.
Literacy in Multilingual/Intercultural Settings. Ensuring Universal Rights to Literacy and Basic Education. A Series of 29 Booklets Documenting Workshops Held at the Fifth International Conference on Adult Education (Hamburg, Germany, July 14-18, 1997).
Because of the significant political implications of first and second language policy, many decision-makers have been reluctant to review language policy in the context of literacy work. Issues that must be considered include the following: whether mother tongue literacy should be a precondition for introduction of a second language in school-based and nonformal settings; conditions under which mother tongue literacy should precede second language literacy; and effects of policies regarding language of instruction on literacy after schooling.
Literacy, Power and Social Justice
This book examines how in a multicultural, multilingual society, schools must involve parents and community members in literacy teaching and learning. By building on existing literacy, schools can become catalysts in empowering children, families, and teachers.
Making Space: Merging Theory and Practice in Adult Education
This book represents the beginning dialogue and critique of social, political, economic, and historical forms of hegemony operating in the adult education field.
Multicultural Education for Literacy in the Year 2000: Traversing Comfort Zones and Transforming Knowledge and Action
Addresses multicultural issues surrounding literacy for the future (demographics and cultural histories and philosophical movements), discussing societal forces that impact multicultural education in homogeneous and diverse enclaves of U.S. society; analyzing current U.S.
Multiliteracies and Life Transitions: Language, Literacy and Numeracy Issues in Aboriginal Health Worker Training--An Investigation
The issues of language, literacy, and numeracy (LL&N) in Aboriginal health worker (AHW) training in Australia were explored to determine how these issues interrelate, overlap, and influence the types of literacy practices required in indigenous contexts. Data were collected through two workshops and formal and informal discussions with a sample of nine AHW trainers from four organizations.
Preparing Limited English Proficient Persons for the Workplace. ERIC Digest No. 215
This digest describes cultural considerations and effective approaches for limited English proficient (LEP) individuals' workforce development, including the impact of recent training legislation. LEP persons often come from both a different language background and a very different cultural background; so English-language instruction must provide cultural and linguistic orientation.
Preservice Teachers Integrate Understandings of Diversity Into Literacy Instruction: An Adaptation of the ABC's Model
Investigated preservice teachers' understandings of their own and their students' cultural backgrounds, examining how they integrated those understandings into literacy instruction. The ABC model (autobiographies, biographies of students, cross-cultural analysis, analysis of cultural differences, and classroom practices) helped stimulate students to continue examining their lives, their cultural/linguistic backgrounds, and the impact of those factors on teaching diverse students.
Reconceptualizing Literacy in the New Age of Multiculturalism and Pluralism. A Volume in Language, Literacy, and Learning
The 17 chapters in this collection of papers are on cultural literacy, cultural pluralism, and diversity.
Reconceptualizing Literacy in the New Age of Multiculturalism and Pluralism. A Volume in Language, Literacy, and Learning
The 17 chapters in this collection of papers are on Cultural Literacy,Cultural Pluralism, Black Culture,Elementary Secondary Education,English (Second Language),Higher Education,Hispanic American Students,Preservice Teacher Education.
Reconceptualizing Literacy in the New Age of Multiculturalism and Pluralism. A Volume in Language, Literacy, and Learning
These papers are collection of 17 chapters on cultural literacy and diversity.
Service-Learning in Teacher Education: Enhancing the Growth of New Teachers, Their Students, and Communities
This book provides teacher educators, administrators, practicing teachers who work with preservice teachers, policymakers, and researchers with information on the conceptual, research, and application areas of service-learning in preservice teacher education.
Teachers' Views of the Nature of Multicultural Literacy and Implications for Preservice Teacher Preparation
Describes a study to investigate teachers' views of multicultural literacy and how it relates to teacher preparation. Analyzes data from three focus groups.
Teaching Short-Term and Long-Term Goal-Setting to ESL Students for Educational, Personal, and Career Application. Action Research Monograph
Because an English-as-a-second-language (ESL) teacher in Pennsylvania observed from the intake questionnaires completed by her students that many ESL students lack short- and long-term goal-setting skills, she undertook an action research project to help ESL students develop the short- and long-term goal-setting skills needed for educational, personal, and career application.
The Role of Adult Literacy & Numeracy in Lifelong Learning and Socio-Economic Well-Being: ALNARC National Research Program, June 2001-June 2002. Feature
An Adult Literacy and Numeracy Australian Research Consortium (ALNARC) program comprised four projects designed to integrate new research with analysis of past practices and provision. Preliminary themes were the perception of a "policy void" in regard to literacy and numeracy skills; professional development's tie to workplace practice and understanding of and compliance with reporting mechanisms; and problems when literacy and numeracy are collapsed as one.
The World in a Tomato: Revisiting the Use of "Codes" in Freire's Problem-Posing Education
Gives examples of the use of Freire's notion of codes or generative themes in problem-posing literacy education. Describes how these applications expand Freire's conceptions by involving students in code production, including multicultural perspectives, and rethinking codes as representations.
This Issue: already Reading (Children, Texts, and Contexts)
This theme issue examines various definitions and practices in reading education; highlighting children, their teachers, and the texts and contexts that shape reading. The articles examine the sociopolitical terrain shaping classroom practices, the inclusion of multicultural texts, classroom reading contexts and how they are shaped by social policies, and the construction of reading outside of school settings.