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Graduate Study
A Call for Change in Multicultural Training at Graduate Schools of Education: Educating To End Oppression and for Social Justice
Graduate-level multicultural training is important for preparing future teachers to work effectively with diverse students. Professionals experienced in multiculturalism must revise and refine multicultural training to better address immigrants' diversity issues and issues around sexuality, disability, and spirituality.
A Crisis in Graduate Studies
Argues that Aboriginal graduate students are creating a crisis for faculties of education. The knowledge needed to supervise them as they produce theses is not available.
A Developing Model of Teachers Educating Themselves for Multicultural Pedagogy
This paper reports on the individual student projects of 37 classroom teachers enrolled in a graduate class on multicultural arts education. Identifies points of initial resistance and relates these to patterns of change.
A Diversity Curriculum: Integrating Attitudes, Issues, and Applications
Describes a graduate-level public administration course on valuing diversity, which provided opportunities to examine in detail the ethical dilemmas, public attitudes and values, and social consequences of compelling diversity issues. Reports on a content analysis of students' final papers, identifying common themes in students' development of competencies related to valuing diversity.
Counsellor Education for Diversity: Where Do We Go from Here?
Examines current perspectives in counselor education for diversity. Addresses issues regarding ethnocentrism in counselor education programs, practice, research, and the evaluation of multicultural competencies.
Critical Pedagogy: Translation for Education that Is Multicultural
Examined the translation of multicultural learning activities in a college classroom into critical pedagogy in public school classrooms. Practicing teachers enrolled in the course completed interviews and surveys.
Development and Initial Score Validation of the Teacher Multicultural Attitude Survey
Two coordinated studies involving 429 teachers and preservice teachers and 227 education graduate students were designed to develop and validate scores on an efficient self-report measure of multicultural awareness for teachers working in kindergarten through grade 12. The construct and criterion validity and reliability of the developed Teacher Multicultural Attitude Survey are supported.
Honoring Our Roots and Branches...Our History and Future. Proceedings of the Annual Midwest Research to Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education (19th, Madison, Wisconsin, September 27-29, 2000)
These proceedings consist of 44 presentations in these categories: distance education and evaluation; community issues and research; multicultural issues and research; teaching and learning; research methods; and organizational development.
How Reading and Writing Literacy Narratives Affect Preservice Teachers' Understandings of Literacy, Pedagogy, and Multiculturalism
Discusses how to prepare teachers to educate diverse learners engaged in multiple and new literacies, describing a graduate course that introduced language, literacy, and culture. Data from students' writings, reading logs, reading responses, and final papers on literacy and pedagogy indicated that reading and writing literacy narratives was a positive experience, fostering multicultural understanding and complex conceptions of literacy.
Mentoring in the Preparation of Graduate Researchers of Color
Makes the case that effective mentoring can improve the graduate school experience of multicultural students to position them better for postdoctoral success. Discusses the ways faculty members can enhance their multicultural competence in mentoring.
Multicultural Career Counseling: Ten Essentials for Training
Critical areas in which career counselors need training are as follows: demographics, world of work, career and multicultural counseling competence, career counseling process, multicultural counseling theories, career development models, career assessment, barriers to career development, culturally sensitive career centers, and continuing professional development. (Contains 49 references.) (SK).
Personal Experience as a Guide To Teaching
Analyzes teacher educators' experiences using storytelling about teaching to prepare second-career teacher candidates to critically reflect on their practice and teach for diversity. Using stories, prospective teachers developed retrospective explanations and justifications for their teaching practices, constructing platforms from which to launch future actions.
Pluralism and Science Education
Examined how British preservice science teachers responded to an independent study pack designed to stimulate their understanding of race and culture. The pack provided information on cultural diversity and pluralism in Britain and educational responses to cultural pluralism.
Promising Practices
Examines selected programs and methodologies in multicultural education designed to foster greater understanding of diverse cultures and lessen racial, class, and gender biases. Highlighted programs include a doctoral program in multicultural education and a staff development program for dealing with workplace diversity.
Research Update. Multicultural Training in Parks and Recreation Programs
Parks and recreation professionals need training in multicultural education to handle an increasingly diverse public. Research indicates that most graduate parks-and-recreation education programs do not have multicultural education or gender issues infused into the curriculum.
Service-Learning in Teacher Education: Enhancing the Growth of New Teachers, Their Students, and Communities
This book provides teacher educators, administrators, practicing teachers who work with preservice teachers, policymakers, and researchers with information on the conceptual, research, and application areas of service-learning in preservice teacher education.
Serving a Diverse Population: The Role of Speech-Language Pathology Professional Preparation Programs
Program directors (91 of 228) provided information on efforts to increase diversity in speech language pathology preparation. Minority enrollment has grown slowly, and there are active efforts to recruit and retain diverse students.
Teacher Preparation in E/BD: A National Survey
A survey of 101 directors of teacher training programs for working with students with emotional and behavioral disorders (E/BD) found encouraging practices such as offering E/BD programming at the graduate level; however, there were some areas such as special education law and multicultural issues that received little attention. (Author/CR).
Teaching Multicultural Counseling Prepracticum
Focuses on the value of a multicultural counseling prepracticum course for counselors in training at Virginia Commonwealth University (Richmond). States that the course helps students develop their skills in multicultural counseling.
The Diversification of Psychology. A Multicultural Revolution
Presents trends and recommendations arising from the continuing diversification of psychology, highlighting five multicultural themes: diversification of the United States; facilitating difficult dialogues on race, gender, and sexual orientation; spirituality as a basic dimension of the human condition; the invisibility of monoculturalism and whiteness; and teaching multiculturalism and diversity. The challenge of developing a multicultural psychology is discussed.
Those People: You Know Who They Are
Describes the ways in which a group of graduate students in a theory of multilingual education class learned to identify groups they had been taught to regard as "those people," others to be distrusted or disliked. Dialogue about who represented "those people" for each student led to considerations of race, class, gender, and religion.
Using Media To Create Experiential Learning in Multicultural and Diversity Issues
Presents a framework for using media to create experiential learning in multicultural and diversity issues based on cognitive-experiential self-theory. Offers several lessons and a media resource list aimed at training counseling students in multicultural and diversity issues.