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Influencing Latino Education: Church-Based Community Programs
This article discusses a case study about the educational projects of two church-based community programs in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The author examines the understanding that five women community workers in these organizations have about community.
The Pocahontas Paradox: A Cautionary Tale for Educators
Contemporary media's racist, sexist representations of American Indians have devastating effects on Indian children and adolescents. Negative and self-serving stereotypes of the American Indian are deeply embedded in American life.
Interrupting "Truths," Engaging Perspectives, and Enlarging the Concept of "Human" in Classroom Drama
Summarizes the author's doctoral dissertation research--a longitudinal, multi-case study of drama practices at the tenth-grade level in a Catholic secondary school for girls. Examines the ways drama education engages girls' experiences and personal/cultural knowledge and expands the perspectives and discourses available to them.
Shifting Identities in Private Education: Reconstructing Race at/in the Cultural Center
Examines social constructs of white racial identity among adolescent girls attending a largely white, elite, private, single-sex high school. Students' voices illustrate how liberal discourses position youth and how white youth actively remake themselves in relation to prevailing meanings and practices institutionalized in private schools.
Education. CUNY Panel: Rethinking the Disciplines. Women in the Curriculum Series
This collection of four essays examines the ways in which education, as a discipline, currently reflects ongoing scholarship on gender, race, ethnicity, social class, and sexual orientation. In "Teacher Education and Multicultural Education: Research, Students, and Teaching" Carl A.
Constructing Conceptions of Multicultural Teaching: Preservice Teachers' Life Experiences and Teacher Education
Addresses the need for greater understanding of the complex, contradictory nature of preservice teachers' life experiences as they interact with a multicultural, social reconstructionist teacher education course. The paper describes a study of the course and portrays two students' prior experiences that influenced their motivations to teach multiculturally.
Focus on Human Rights
Maintains that educators have been at the forefront in the quest for equal opportunity. Asserts, however, that there is resistance to recognizing and removing bias from the curriculum and instructional materials.
Making Space: Merging Theory and Practice in Adult Education
This book represents the beginning dialogue and critique of social, political, economic, and historical forms of hegemony operating in the adult education field.
Coalescing for Change: The Coalition for Education That Is Multicultural
Describes the situational complexity of the "Coalition for Education That Is Multicultural," a teacher development group of continuous inquiry into practice by reflective practitioners interested in resistance and collective social action. Interviews with and observations of female members over six months provide information on vision, leadership, empowerment, transformation, and social action.
16 Extraordinary American Women
This student book presents short biographies of notable women from diverse economic, ethnic, racial, social, and geographic backgrounds.
Images of Black Females in Children's/Adolescent Contemporary Realistic Fiction
Examines the messages transmitted to black girls through books for children and adolescents commonly introduced in school. Concludes that children's and adolescents' books do reflect a trickle-down effect of images of black females and poor white females that appear in adult books and films.
Bridges on the I-Way: Multicultural Resources Online
Presents an annotated list of various multicultural education resources that are available free of charge on the World Wide Web. Topics include: multicultural and gender issues in mathematics education; barrier-free education for students with disabilities; women in education; gender and equity reform in math, science, and engineering; and a profile of equitable mathematics and science classroom teachers.
Racial Identity, African Self-Consciousness, and Career Decision Making in African American College Women
Examines racial identity, African self-consciousness, and career decidedness in 212 African-American college women. Comparisons were made between senior and first-year students at a historically Black and a predominantly White university.
Women and Gender Studies and Multicultural Education: Building the Agenda for 2000 and Beyond
Examines some of the tensions between women and gender studies and multicultural education, which include: understanding gender as a category of analysis; theoretical constructions of feminism; and building an educational agenda for social justice in an effort to further the agenda for 2000 and beyond. (SM).
Girls Can Succeed in Science! Antidotes for Science Phobia in Boys and Girls
This book provides teachers with effective strategies to help encourage all students but particularly young women who are apprehensive about science.
Pro-Claiming a Space: The Poetry of Sandra Cisneros and Judith Ortiz Cofer
Examines three principles of the poetry of two Latinas, Sandra Cisneros and Judith Ortiz Cofer: the expression of dual language heritage, the highlighting of women's issues as a means of self-affirmation, and the importance of creating time and space for writing.
Women of Color: Perspectives within the Profession
To effectively interact with their students, leaders and teachers in sport and physical activity must be familiar with their students' cultural backgrounds. This collection of articles discusses how women of color deal with and have been affected by their racial and ethnic identities in relationship to physical activity and sport.
Sexism Exposed: Films about Gender Identity, Discrimination, and Change
Reviews documentary and ethnographic films that examine gender-related issues, summarizing each film and analyzing its relevance to multicultural and social justice education. The films are: "The Fairer Sex?"; "Macho, 2000"; "The Pill"; "Step by Step: Building a Feminist Movement"; "I am a Man"; "The Body Beautiful"; and "Nobody Knows My Name." (SM).
Projecting the Voices of Others: Issues of Representation in Teaching Race and Ethnicity
Discusses the practice of first-person accounts in curriculum examinations of race and ethnicity. Refutes the essentialist notion that only members of a particular group can address issues concerning that group.
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (81st, Baltimore, Maryland, August 5-8, 1998). Commission on the Status of Women.
The Commission on the Status of Women section of the Proceedings contains 12 papers on females,feminism,health,journalism and sexrole.
African American Women's Self Esteem Workshop: Yalom Meets Karenga
Yalom's group theory and Karenga's Afrocentric paradigm are integrated in a workshop for African American women via the topical themes of each workshop session, the developmental approach from a semistructured group to a process-oriented group, and the process of training a practicum student.
Prevalence of Disordered Eating Behaviors and Bulimia Nervosa in a Sample of Mexican American Female College Students
Disordered eating behaviors and bulimia nervosa were examined in a sample of female Mexican Americans. Results showed that 1.45% to 4.3% could be classified with bulimia.
Affirmative Action Defended: Case Studies in Engineering Education
The affirmative action efforts of the College of Engineering at the University of California Davis campus demonstrate affirmative action at its best. Eight programs are described that represent positive and constructive affirmative action that gives women and minorities the opportunity to advance through hard work.
Japanese Enough? A Korean's Journey to Japanese Identity
Describes one Japanese woman's reflections of the personal struggle fought by a Korean woman living in Japan. Other countries are thought of as being monocultural or monoethnic societies, in contrast to the United States' cultural melting pot.
Professional Development for University Scientists around Issues of Equity and Diversity: Investigating Dissent within Community
Investigates the role of dissent in a community of university scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and social scientists engaged in a two-year professional development project on issues of equity and diversity. Focuses on professional development sessions devoted to a contentious yet integral topic in science education, the gendered and multicultural nature of science.
Issues in Educating Students with Disabilities. The LEA Series on Special Education and Disability
This book is designed to reaffirm the value of special instruction and to provide information on current research and practice which shows productive and successful outcomes. It addresses the definition of disabilities, the assessment of disabilities, instruction, special populations, special education legislation and policy, and integration.
Estrategias para mejorar los resultados academicos para las latinas (Strategies for Improving the Educational Outcomes of Latinas). ERIC Digest
The educational experiences of Latinas are affected by the interaction of many factors, including poverty, racism, sexual harassment, and lack of English language proficiency. This Spanish-language digest presents a range of strategies that schools can employ to promote the academic achievement of Latinas.
African American Females' Voices in the Classroom: Young Sisters Making Connections through Literature
Examines the reading experiences of six African-American middle school girls. Finds that their book selection processes were different than those proposed by the professional multicultural education literature; they found affirmations, support, solutions, and decision-making skills in their reading; and that what mattered were the connections the girls were making to those characters.
Honoring Our Roots and Branches...Our History and Future. Proceedings of the Annual Midwest Research to Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education (19th, Madison, Wisconsin, September 27-29, 2000)
These proceedings consist of 44 presentations in these categories: distance education and evaluation; community issues and research; multicultural issues and research; teaching and learning; research methods; and organizational development.
Strategies for Improving the Educational Outcomes of Latinas. ERIC Digest
Latinas' educational experiences are affected by the interaction of many factors, including poverty, racism, sexual harassment, and lack of English language proficiency. With guidance from educators, Latina adolescents can make fulfilling educational choices.
"There Is No Way To Prepare for This:" Teaching in First Nations Schools in Northern Ontario--Issues and Concerns
A qualitative study examined the experiences of 10 mostly inexperienced, female teachers working in two isolated Native communities in northern Ontario. Findings focus on teachers' uncertainties about appropriate pedagogical goals, the relationship of teachers to First Nations communities, living in the North, cross-cultural and multicultural teaching, and teaching English as a second language.
A Preliminary Analysis of Counseling Students' Attitudes toward Counseling Women and Women of Color: Implication for Cultural Competency Training
Counseling students (N=56) responded to peer-generated presentations on counseling women and counseling women of color. Qualitative methodology was used to identify students' racial, ethnic, and gender attitudes in counseling contexts.
Gender Equity. IDRA Focus.
This newsletter includes five articles on gender equity and related issues in education, with particular reference to the education of Hispanic girls. "IDRA's MIJA Program Expands" (Aurora Yanez-Perez) describes a program for sixth-grade Hispanic girls that promotes awareness of science- and math-related careers, provides training in science and mathematics skills and test-taking techniques, and fosters involvement of parents and local businesses.
The Influence of Demographic Background, Ethnic Identity, and Attitudes toward Women on Empathic Thinking
This paper describes a study on how, and to what degree, students' demographic information, ethnic identity, and attitudes about women contribute to their ability to be empathic. The report defines an empathic person as one who is interpersonally sensitive and aware of one's self and impact in relationship to others and is responsible for the improvement of self and society in general.