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Faculty Development
From Policy to Action: Parkland College's Implementation of North Central's Statement on Access, Equity, and Diversity
Describes the measures taken by Parkland College to implement North Central's Statement on Access, Equity, and Diversity. Results include the creation of the Center for Multicultural Education, community-based diversity education, and organization of a statewide conference about gender-balanced, multicultural education.
Critical Issue Bibliography (CRIB) Sheet: Multiculturalism and Faculty Development.
One of the key areas in the creation of a multicultural environment on college campuses is faculty development. This CRitical Issue Bibliography (CRIB) Sheet focuses on faculty development as a key component of the multicultural campus environment.
The Culturally Diverse Classroom: A Guide for ESL and Mainstream Teachers
This handbook is for teachers and administrators involved with international students in English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) and mainstream settings. It is intended to raise awareness of the new American classroom.
Dramatized Experience, Civil Discourse, Sensitive Issues
Describes the author's experience when the director and teacher-trainers of a writing program persuaded him that the oral interpretation he wished them to perform was too troubling and explosive to use. Outlines his questions and anguish about the incident, and the urgency of dealing with the dilemmas of multiculturalism, racial intolerance, and the teaching of writing.
Preparations and Reflections: Teaching in a Widening World
This paper discusses research on teacher preparation and teaching in diverse settings, using data from questionnaires about various courses and components of one teacher education program. Student teachers completed questionnaires before and after student teaching, and cooperating teachers completed them at the end of student teaching.
Professional development school trade-offs in teacher preparation and renewal
Examined the preparation of student teachers at four Professional Development Schools (PDSs) longitudinally, comparing their experiences with those of traditional student teachers. Data from meetings with administrators; site visits; document analysis; graduation and professional status information; student teacher surveys; and graduate surveys indicated that students appreciated PDSs' camaraderie, support, collaboration, and effectiveness.
Appropriating conceptual and pedagogical tools for teaching English: A conceptual framework for studying professional development
This paper proposes that activity theory provides a useful framework for studying the conceptual development of teachers, particularly English/language arts teachers. Activity theory shifts attention to the social and cultural factors that mediate development in particular contexts, thus allowing an understanding of how particular preservice and inservice environments guide early-career teachers toward particular beliefs and practices about teaching and learning.
Diversity and the Quality Process: Curriculum Reform in the School and the University
A brief history and description of Total Quality Management introduces a discussion of a teacher education improvement project at Northeastern Illinois University. The project grew out of a conference (1991) hosted by the university titled "Developing University/Business Partnerships for.
Tomorrow's schools of education: A report of the Holmes Group
Among the challenges are the following: the education school's curriculum should focus on the learning needs of the young and development of educators at various stages of their careers; university faculties should include teachers, practitioners, and other individuals who are at home working in public schools; programs that prepare school personnel and teacher educators need to actively recruit, retain, and graduate a more ethnically diverse student body; faculty and students in schools of education should work predominantly in professional development schools rather than on college campuses; education schools should join together to form an interconnecting set of networks at local, state, regional, and national levels to ensure better work and accountability.
Overcoming Resistance to Multicultural Discourse through the Use of Classroom Simulations
Describes how simulations, role plays, and other experiential exercises can be used in educational settings to reduce resistance and encourage discourse on equity issues. These techniques can bring new insights into professional development in multicultural education, raising awareness of hidden biases so teachers feel more comfortable in the classroom and do not reinforce stereotypes and negative patterns.
The Challenge of Effectively Preparing Teachers of Limited-English-Proficient Students
Discusses the effect of inservice and preservice education emphasizing the educational needs of limited-English- proficient students, examining a study of the effects of English language proficiency on teachers' assessment of students' understanding. Results indicated that despite inservice education, teachers did not accommodate students' needs and maintained their teaching biases.
Professional Development Schools: Weighing the Evidence
This book examines U.S. progress in revitalizing teacher education and reforming K-12 education via Professional Development Schools (PDS's).
An Analysis of a School District's Multicultural/Non-Sexist Policy: Implications for Classroom Practices and Pedagogy
This study investigated the success of the Dubuque Community School District (Iowa) in meeting its policy goal for equity and diversity through related policies and practices for staff development, curriculum development, and site-based school initiatives. A survey instrument was developed and pilot tested in collaboration with teachers, administrators, community members, and college researchers and was correlated to measure the intervention of 32 hours of staff development through workshops in diversity and student achievement.
Supporting Teachers To Bridge Cultures for Immigrant Latino Students. A Model for Professional Development
This publication describes a model for faculty development in the area of immigrant Latino students. The Bridging Cultures Project was developed to address: how teacher professional development would affect teachers' understanding of how differing values could lead to conflict between home and school; how teachers could translate such understanding into improved practices bridging home and school cultures; and what effects this faculty development would have on students, teachers, and parents.
Diversity and the Quality Process: Curriculum Reform in the School and the University
A brief history and description of Total Quality Management introduces a discussion of a teacher education improvement project at Northeastern Illinois University. The project grew out of a conference (1991) hosted by the university titled "Developing University/Business Partnerships for Restructuring Teacher Education." The Coalition of Universities and Businesses for Education (CUBE) resulted from this conference.
Breaking Racial Stereotypes by Reconstructing Multicultural Education
Racial stereotypes and discrimination have destroyed many bright futures by limiting the possibilities of people of color in America. Describes two initiatives that can be implemented in schools in order to help destroy negative images of race and reconstruct a more healthy foundation to build on: multiculturalism across the curriculum and multicultural awareness inservices for teachers.
Energizing Teacher Education and Professional Development with Problem-Based Learning
This collection of papers presents a variety of field-tested examples that use problem-based learning (PBL) for teacher education in many professional development settings. It describes PBL activities for preservice, novice, and experienced educators at all levels.
A Guide to Faculty Development: Practical Advice, Examples, and Resources
Chapters in this guide provide practical guidance and useful information and resources relating to important aspects of faculty development, from setting up a faculty development program to assessing teaching practices.
Professional Development School Trade-Offs in Teacher Preparation and Renewal
Examined the preparation of student teachers at four Professional Development Schools (PDSs) longitudinally, comparing their experiences with those of traditional student teachers. Data from meetings with administrators; site visits; document analysis; graduation and professional status information; student teacher surveys; and graduate surveys indicated that students appreciated PDSs' camaraderie, support, collaboration, and effectiveness.
Creating Highly Motivating Classrooms for All Students: A Schoolwide Approach to Powerful Teaching with Diverse Learners. The Jossey-Bass Education Series
This book focuses on teaching diverse students, providing a pedagogical framework and concrete strategies that school staff and educators can use in the context of: professional development related to school renewal; professional development related to K-12 teaching; and teaching strategies for K-12 classrooms.
Supporting Teachers To Bridge Cultures for Immigrant Latino Students. A Model for Professional Development
This publication describes a model for faculty development in the area of immigrant Latino students.
Revolutionizing Multicultural Education Staff Development: Factor Structure of a Teacher Survey
Investigated African American and white elementary teachers' beliefs about and knowledge of multicultural education and their interest in staff development, noting differences by race. Survey data indicated that teachers considered multicultural education beneficial to students, but they were not very motivated to participate in training sessions.
Culture, Identity, and Curriculum
Describes a curriculum transformation project at Ohio's Mount Union College (a predominantly white school) designed to help faculty members restructure their courses to reflect a multicultural approach and provide information to help students work in diverse settings. A yearlong workshop teaches educators to make multicultural issues central, rather than superficial add-ons.
The Role of Empathy in Teaching Culturally Diverse Students: A Qualitative Study of Teachers' Beliefs
Investigated teachers' beliefs about the role of empathy in their effectiveness with culturally diverse students. All respondents had participated in a multicultural professional development course geared to fostering culturally responsive practice.
Professional Development Leadership and the Diverse Learner. Issues in Science Education
This book focuses on the professional development of teachers and discusses issues related to science education reform. The content of the book is divided into two parts.
Professional Development Schools: Catalysts for Teacher and School Change
Using data from surveys of and interviews with teachers and principals, this study explored the impact of involvement in Professional Development Schools (PDS) on teacher professional growth and school change at seven elementary and secondary PDS sites. Results highlighted the importance of a range of context variables to program success.
To Improve the Academy. Resources for Faculty, Instructional and Organizational Development. Volume 18
The year 2000 volume of this annual publication contains 18 articles on issues relating to organizational change, collaboration and partnerships, and teaching and faculty development in higher education.
Intersections: A Professional Development Project in Multicultural and Global Education, Asian and Asian American Studies
This publication presents a sampling of the writings of participants in the Intersections Project, a professional development program to bridge gap between multicultural and global education for urban schools that involved four participating entities, each with a local project that focused on Asia and Asian Americans.
Creating Highly Motivating Classrooms for All Students: A Schoolwide Approach to Powerful Teaching with Diverse Learners. The Jossey-Bass Education Series
This book focuses on teaching diverse students, providing a pedagogical framework and concrete strategies that school staff and educators can use in the context of: professional development related to school renewal; professional development related to K-12 teaching; and teaching strategies for K-12 classrooms. The book also describes how school-based teams can be prepared to serve as staff developers, school renewal facilitators, and instructional leaders.
Teacher Learning: New Policies, New Practices. The Series on School Reform
This collection of articles focuses on the practice and policy of staff development in terms of recent developments in teacher learning. Following an introduction by the editors, the book is divided into five parts.
Teacher Self-Evaluation of Renewal Efforts of Their Teaching Practices To Improve Student Achievement
This study evaluated how teachers perceived their efforts to improve their teaching practices by participating in the Jacksonville Urban Educational Partnership (JUEP), a Professional Development School (PDS). The JUEP was designed to create sustained, high quality, professional development systems for inservice educators in three PDSs.
Multicultural Transformations through LATTICE: An Evaluation of a Model of Professional Development for Teachers
This paper describes a 5-year inservice teacher professional development project to improve teachers' abilities to work in diverse settings, Linking All Types of Teachers with Intercultural Education (LATTICE). LATTICE involved K-12 public school teachers in Michigan and international graduate students and internationally oriented faculty at a large state university.
Diversity and the Quality Process: Curriculum Reform in the School and the University
A brief history and description of Total Quality Management introduces a discussion of a teacher education improvement project at Northeastern Illinois University.
Professional Development Leadership and the Diverse Learner. Issues in Science Education
This book focuses on the professional development of teachers and discusses issues related to science education reform.
Professional development schools: Schools for developing a profession
This book describes a recent trend in the school restructuring movement--the professional-development school. These schools are committed to the acquisition and sharing of knowledge among all members of the educational community and depend on research-practitioner collaboration.
Implementing Multicultural and Global Studies: Selected Resources about Materials and Their Uses by Teacher Educators, Inservice Providers, and K-12 Educators
Presents an annotated bibliography that represents the varieties of materials which may be useful for those who plan, develop, and implement multicultural and global studies; infuse them throughout the curriculum; and strive to develop personnel with the attitudes and skills to collaborate and empathize with youth. (SM).
An Anthropological Action Model for Training Teachers to Work with Culturally Diverse Student Populations
Describes the Teacher-as-Ethnographer inservice training program, an anthropological model for training Israeli educators to diagnose and cater to the learning needs of culturally diverse students. Participants, including teachers of all levels and other school staff, learned and used ethnographic methods of data collection and analysis to conduct research projects.