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Cross Cultural Training
A Developmental Framework for Cultural Competence Training with Children
Presents a developmental framework for cultural competence training with children. Recommends that social workers synchronize training with children's developmental levels and cultural learning readiness in cognitive, affective, and behavioral areas.
A Licensed Professional Counselor's Professional and Personal Insights and Changes Resulting from a University Course on Cultural Diversity
A personal account is given about counseling people of color in light of the fact that training and information about multicultural counseling was not part of counselor education programs 20 years ago. Recent attendance at a graduate level course on cultural diversity prompted this counselor to consider many issues.
American College Personnel Association Strategic Initiative on Multiculturalism: A Report and Proposal
Details the work of a task force charged with developing initiatives to integrate multicultural concerns into both higher education and a professional association. Outlines historical roots of the effort, lists goals, and proposes initiatives to enhance multiculturalism.
Beyond Heroes and Holidays: A Practical Guide to K-12 Anti-Racist, Multicultural Education and Staff Development
Multicultural education must encourage academic excellence that embraces critical skills for progressive social change. This book is guided by the philosophy of critical pedagogy, pioneered by Brazilian educator, Paulo Freire.
Beyond Multicultural Training: Mentoring Stories from Two White American Doctoral Students
Using a personal self-disclosing format, relates two graduate students' experiences with multicultural training. Narrates each student's story and then offers three points that expand on an article that examines multicultural training for White students in counseling psychology, such as the trainer's need to balance support and confrontation.
Building Cross-Cultural Bridges--Cultural Analysis of Critical Incidents
Culture forms the basis for cross-cultural awareness and understanding. The initial response to a new culture is to find it fascinating, exotic, and thrilling.
Charting a Course for Research in Multicultural Counseling Training
Presents an integrative reaction to three articles on multicultural training. Follows the narrative path set by these pieces, offers a theme analysis, and uses personal experiences to delineate 31 characteristics of positive training environments.
Correlates of Self-Reported Multicultural Competencies: Counselor Multicultural Social Desirability, Race, Social Inadequacy, Locus of Control Racial Ideology, and Multicultural Training
Multicultural counseling competencies of university counseling center staff (N=176) were assessed. A one-model multiple regression analysis using a four-step forced entry method accounted for 34% of the variability.
Counsellor Education for Developing Multicultural Counselling Competencies
The purpose of this study was to conduct an exploratory investigation of a new course initiative in counselor education for working with culturally diverse populations. The study investigated: (1) outcomes of curriculum targeting multicultural competencies; (2) whether prior training experience in multicultural counseling would have an impact on learning outcomes of students in graduate level courses; and (3) students' meaningful experiences during acquisition of multicultural counseling competencies.
Counsellor Education for Diversity: Where Do We Go from Here?
Examines current perspectives in counselor education for diversity. Addresses issues regarding ethnocentrism in counselor education programs, practice, research, and the evaluation of multicultural competencies.
Critical Pedagogy in Deaf Education: Teachers' Reflections on Implementing ASL/English Bilingual Methodology and Language Assessment for Deaf Learners. Year 4 Report (2000-2001). USDLC Star Schools Project Report
The Star School staff of the Engaged Learners project at the New Mexico School for the Deaf in Santa Fe has completed its fourth year of a 5-year federally-funded program. This project aims to improve language-teaching practices of teachers who work with learners who are deaf by providing training in current bilingual theories and pedagogical techniques, including Engaged Learning practices, through a convergence of Internet, Web, and distance learning technologies.
Developing Multicultural Counseling Competence through the Use of Portfolios
This paper investigates the ability of portfolios to stimulate the acquisition of multicultural counseling competence within counselors-in-training. It also compares the efficacy of portfolios to case formulation, another method of competence development.
East Meets West: Using Multi-Cultural Groupwork to Develop the Cross-Cultural Capability of Tomorrow's International Managers
Increasing globalization of business means that those educating tomorrow's managers must prioritize the development of cross-cultural capability. Presents a case study of a British international business program at one university that successfully used multicultural groupwork for this purpose.
Embedded Preservice Teacher Education: Sophomore Multicultural Internship
This paper describes the Sophomore Multicultural Internship for preservice teachers at Moorhead State University, Minnesota. From 1990-95, the program immersed preservice teachers in cross-cultural encounters and K-12 clinical experiences intended to: engender enlightened tolerance; provide an embedded context for making moral choices to pursue careers in teaching; prepare beginning teachers to address increasingly diverse groups of learners in contemporary classrooms; and affirm the connective tissue between professional education coursework and the kinds of decisions that confront teachers in diverse contexts.
Ethnicity, Aging, and Health: An Interdisciplinary Experience
An interdisciplinary team developed an undergraduate course to teach geriatrics students about ethnicity, health, and aging. Two important aspects of such a course were identified: the dynamics of team learning and multicultural education.
Experiential Activities for Intercultural Learning. Volume 1
The need for new approaches, methods, and techniques in cross-cultural training and intercultural education is paramount. This collection of more than 30 exercises and activities aims to help begin a regular flow of materials into the stream of resources available to professionals in the intercultural field.
Experiential Activities for Intercultural Learning. Volume 1
The need for new approaches, methods, and techniques in cross-cultural training and intercultural education is paramount. This collection of more than 30 exercises and activities aims to help begin a regular flow of materials into the stream of resources available to professionals in the intercultural field.
Getting from the Outside In: Teaching Mexican Americans When You Are an "Anglo."
A midwestern university provides cross-cultural student teaching experiences in a southwestern city with a large Mexican-American population. Features include two classroom placements, a course in multicultural education, and bicultural mentors.
Helping Students Learn to Get Along: Assessing the Effectiveness of a Multicultural Developmental Guidance Project
Tested the effectiveness of a framework that linked developmental and multicultural counseling theories for use among elementary-school-age students (n=117). Designed to help students develop a variety of social and interpersonal skills that would increase their ability to resolve conflicts resulting from negative prejudices, the intervention was successful.
Implementing NOVA's Group Crisis Intervention Model in Multicultural School Settings
With the increasing diversity of the United States population, there is a growing awareness of the need for culturally specific responses to help survivors of disasters and violence. When school psychologists are called upon to intervene, they need to be able to link survivors to support systems.
Implementing NOVA's Group Crisis Intervention Model in Multicultural School Settings
With the increasing diversity of the United States population, there is a growing awareness of the need for culturally specific responses to help survivors of disasters and violence. When school psychologists are called upon to intervene, they need to be able to link survivors to support systems.
Integrating Nonminority Instructors into the Minority Environment
Examines the factors facilitating the effectiveness of nonminority faculty members at institutions with a predominantly minority student body. Concludes that self-awareness of one's racial identity and how it informs one's expectations about learning styles and appropriate classroom behavior is vital.
Integrating Nonminority Instructors into the Minority Environment
Examines the factors facilitating the effectiveness of nonminority faculty members at institutions with a predominantly minority student body. Concludes that self-awareness of one's racial identity and how it informs one's expectations about learning styles and appropriate classroom behavior is vital.
Intercultural Sourcebook: Cross-Cultural Training Methods. Volume 2
This comprehensive collection of training methods and exercises used by top trainers in the cross-cultural field contains resources essential for cross-cultural learning. This second volume of the collection includes articles by 34 leading cross-cultural trainers and covers new or divergent training methods for cross-cultural skill development and intercultural learning.
Internationalizing the Public Relations Curriculum
Discusses broadening public relations to an international level by incorporating the topics of culture, international practices, and culturally sensitive theory development. Discusses rationale, design, and execution of an undergraduate course in international public relations.
Making Connections: A Cultural Experience for Preservice Teachers in a Predominately Single-Culture Environment
The University of Idaho (UI) faculty and Lapwai School District (Idaho) personnel engaged in a joint effort to help teacher education students to experience working with students of diverse cultures. The project consisted of two parts: a formal introduction to teaching course and a multicultural field experience.
Making Multicultural Education Effective for Everyone
Responds and elaborates on an article on preparing Anglo graduate students for the journey toward a multicultural perspective. Affirms assertions for a balanced support-challenge model in multicultural training, for the usefulness of self-disclosure in these courses, and for articulation of the rewards of becoming a multiculturalist.
Maximizing Human Capital by Developing Multicultural Competence
Examines the growing demand for multicultural competence in college graduates, describes the course content and academic-advising activities recommended to develop it, and comments on the limits and inherent dangers of providing multicultural exposure universally. Academic advisors are urged to help students maximize their human capital by adding multicultural competence as part of their formal education.
Mental Health Counselors as Consultants for Diversity Training
Argues that mental health counselors need to devote more attention to minority group issues. In light of a society that is rapidly becoming even more diverse in its make-up, a rationale and specific techniques enabling a mental health counselor to serve in the capacity of a consultant are presented.
Monocultural versus Multicultural Teaching: How To Practice What We Preach
Although counseling and counseling psychology have experienced a rapid growth of professional preparation courses and have seen a proliferation of literature on multicultural counseling, few changes have been reported on how to teach from a multicultural perspective. Provides personal account of how one professor structures a multicultural counseling course.
Multicultural Education and the Civic Mission of Schools
This paper discusses key elements of current multicultural challenges of the traditional civic mission of schools. It appraises these challenges to suggest their strengths and weaknesses--contributions and pitfalls--with regard to fundamental U.S.
Predictive Characteristics of Multicultural Counselling Competence
This paper looks at multicultural counseling competencies from a national sample of Canadian Guidance and Counseling Association members.
Preparing Anglos for the Challenges and Joys of Multiculturalism
Discusses the multicultural training process with Anglo trainees as it relates to supportively assisting Anglos with the difficult task of confronting White racism, teaching Anglos to respond empathetically to challenges from ethnic-minority colleagues and clients, and introducing Anglos to the joys inherent in multicultural counseling. (RJM).
Process versus Content: Integrating Personal Awareness and Counseling Skills To Meet the Multicultural Challenge of the Twenty-First Century
Describes a study in which there was a strong relationship between personal awareness and multicultural counseling skills during group supervision. Suggests that during supervision, supervisors should help counselors-in-training to attain wisdom.
Promoting Multicultural Competence: A Cross-Cultural Mentorship Project
Describes the Cross-Cultural Mentorship Project (CCMP), designed to increase the multicultural competency of Euro-American graduate counseling students and to serve the needs of Native American students as defined by Native American educators in an urban school district. The CCMP model supports mentors in their multicultural development through cultural consultants, academic coursework, and faculty supervision.
Racism Attitudes, White Racial Identity Attitudes, and Multicultural Counseling Competence in School Counselor Trainees
Investigates the contributions of prior multicultural training, racism attitudes, and White racial identity attitudes to self-reported multicultural counseling competence in 99 school counselor trainees. Results revealed that racism attitudes and White racial identity attitudes together contributed to significant variance in self-perceived multicultural counseling competence.
Relationships among Multicultural Training, Moral Development, and Racial Identity Development of White Counseling Students
Surveys counselor education students (N=68) using Defining Issues Test and White Racial Identity Scale to determine relationships among multicultural training and moral racial identity development. Results indicated that training could help change modes of information processing about racial attitudes, but may not promote cognitive complexity needed for moral development.
Rethinking Multicultural Counseling: Implications for Counselor Education
Urges a broader definition of the term "multicultural counseling," and explores the potential contribution of multiculturalism to the theory and practice of counseling. Briefly reviews the current status of training in cross-cultural and multicultural counseling, and offers suggestions for upgrading the preparation of multicultural counselors.
School Counselors' Universal-Diverse Orientation and Aspects of Their Multicultural Counseling Competence
Explores the relationship between school counselors' universal-diverse orientation (UDO) and their self-reported multicultural counseling knowledge and awareness. It was hypothesized that after accounting for the number of previous multicultural counseling courses taken, school counselors' UDO would contribute significant amounts of the variance to their self-perceived multicultural counseling knowledge and awareness.
Special Services and Capeverdean Children: Establishing Culturally Relevant Connections
Although Capeverdean Americans have been a part of the long multicultural history of the United States, little has been written within the professional literature about the special services needs of this cultural group. This article presents some important features of the culture and history of Capeverdeans that are relevant for the provision of culturally sensitive special needs services.
Strength in Diversity: How Well-Managed Cultural Training Programs Can Turn Conflict into Profits
The number of Hispanics entering the workforce between 1992 and 2005 will increase by 64 percent. Cultural diversity training can help companies produce and market products more effectively.
Strength through Cultural Diversity: Developing and Teaching a Diversity Course
Describes the design of an interdisciplinary course intended to develop college students' skills in functioning both personally and professionally in a multicultural society. Concepts addressed include the systems and characteristics of culture; individual, familial, community, and cross-cultural dimensions of diversity; differences and similarities between cultures; and conflict and negotiation.
Teaching Relationship Skills in Diversity
In-class activities that provide students with intercultural interactions and supplemental lectures that define critical concepts can facilitate the appreciation of diversity in the classroom. One such activity, useful for the beginning of courses, involves the creation of two separate culture codes, or set of instructions, for introducing oneself, and printing them on different colored paper.
Teaching to Transform: From Volatility to Solidarity in an Interdisciplinary Family Studies Classroom
Describes a transformative experience in an interdisciplinary course on multicultural families and the xenophobia they experience. The course was created in collaboration with students in order to achieve a more authentic teaching-learning experience.
Teens Working: Turning Earning into Learning. Facilitator Guide [and] Critical Workplace Issues [and] Student Guide.
These guides are part of a toolkit designed to help young people make connections between the jobs they now hold, the classes they are taking, and the goals they may have for the near and distant future. The guides contain a variety of materials and activities appropriate for all skill levels.
The Comprehensive Support Model for Culturally Diverse Exceptional Learners: Intervention in an Age of Change
This article discusses how students, teachers, families, communities, and government can work together using the Comprehensive Support Model (CSM) as an intervention for culturally diverse learners with exceptionalities. Embedded in the discussion are cases that illustrate functions of CSM.
The Critical Incident Interview and Ethnoracial Identity
Describes the critical-incident interview, a cross-cultural training technique that helps social work students assess clients' ethnic- and racial-identity development. Uses examples from student interviews to present the steps involved in teaching the technique.
The Future Direction of Multicultural Counseling: An Assessment of Preservice School Counselors' Thoughts
Reviews issues with regard to multicultural training for counselors. An open-ended questionnaire designed to assess conceptions of multicultural counseling was administered to 85 master's level students in the internship phase of school counseling programs.
The Multiculturally Responsive Versus the Multiculturally Reactive: A Study of Perceptions of Counselor Trainees
Examines the responses of graduate students (N=39) in a counseling psychology program, to required coursework in multicultural counseling, and their perceptions of others' responses. Results indicate that embracing or rejecting the concepts of multiculturalism appears unrelated to demonstrated competence in the curriculum, which raises questions for the profession in regard to achieving its stated goals.
The Relationship between Racial Identity Development and Multicultural Counseling Competency
Incoming doctoral students (n=65 European Americans; n=22 People of Color) completed a battery of tests considering the relationship between racial identity development and multicultural counseling competency. Analysis determined that more advanced levels of racial identity development generally correlated with higher levels of multicultural counseling competency, greater amounts of prior multicultural training, and higher self-reported ratings of overall counseling competency.
The Training and Supervisory Needs of Racial and Ethnic Minority Students
Despite increasing attention given to multicultural training issues in counseling programs, there is a dearth of information on unique training needs of racial and ethnic minority trainees. Reviews literature relevant to training needs, offers examples of training and supervisory issues, and makes recommendations for future research and training.
Theory and Research on Stereotypes and Perceptual Bias: A Didactic Resource for Multicultural Counseling Trainers
Theories and selected research on stereotyping and cognitive automaticity are presented as a resource base for multicultural counselor educators. Three multicultural competencies are identified: (1) personal beliefs/attitudes; (2) cultural knowledge; and (3) multicultural skills.
Theory and Research on Stereotypes and Perceptual Bias: A Didactic Resource for Multicultural Counseling Trainers
Theories and selected research on stereotyping and cognitive automaticity are presented as a resource base for multicultural counselor educators. Three multicultural competencies are identified: (1) personal beliefs/attitudes; (2) cultural knowledge; and (3) multicultural skills.
Training Child Welfare Workers To Meet the Requirements of the Indian Child Welfare Act
Describes a culturally sensitive program developed by the University of Washington School of Social Work, the Washington Department of Social and Health Services, and 26 Indian tribes in Washington State that trained 34 child welfare personnel to better implement the intent of the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978. Contains program evaluation results and 14 references.
Training Multiculturally Competent Counselors to Work with Asian Americans. Introduction to the Special Section
Introduces a journal's special theme section on training multiculturally competent counselors. Argues that counselors who engage in multicultural counseling should possess competencies that include counselor awareness of cultural values and biases; awareness of a client's world view; and knowledge of culturally appropriate intervention strategies.
Understanding the School Community: A Field-Based Experience in Teacher Education
Canadian preservice teachers were sent to volunteer in an inner-city Native American elementary school in order to gain some understanding of other cultures and thus examine their own attitudes toward race and culture. The program helped students understand the role of communication in communities and in teaching.
Using Media To Create Experiential Learning in Multicultural and Diversity Issues
Presents a framework for using media to create experiential learning in multicultural and diversity issues based on cognitive-experiential self-theory. Offers several lessons and a media resource list aimed at training counseling students in multicultural and diversity issues.
Working with Aboriginal Women: Applying Feminist Therapy in a Multicultural Counselling Context
Argues that counselor education for working with Aboriginal women must address both culture and gender issues, and that this may be done by applying feminist theory within a multicultural counseling perspective. Explores these perspectives, their application to these women, and specific counselor education considerations.