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A Somatic Epistemology for Education
Philosophers of education need a methodology for ensuring that what they teach does not contain cultural evils. What is needed is a criterion by which cultural practices can be evaluated so that educators know what to teach.
An Outsider's View Inside: 21st Century Directions for Multicultural Education
Draws on the work of James A. Banks and adds the perspective of a cultural outsider to consider the future of the discipline of multicultural education, considering politics, technology, educational context, cultural capital, and the nature of culture.
Between the World and the Village: The Role of Education in Sustaining and Developing an Eritrean Cultural Identity
The role of education in the development of an Eritrean cultural identity is explored against the background of a review of relevant educational provisions in pluralist societies. Multicultural education in Eritrea offers access to a common culture and also to a variety of specific cultures.
Critical Multiculturalism, Border Knowledge, and the Canon: Implications for General Education and the Academy
Formulates a vision of general education and academics founded on multiculturalism. Underscores the importance of multiple forms of knowledge and the cultural perspectives that students bring to academic communities.
Cultural Diversity in Catholic Schools: Challenges and Opportunities for Catholic Educators
This book examines sociocultural factors that affect teaching and learning in today's Catholic elementary and secondary schools. The first chapter, "Cultural Diversity: An Important but Problematic Issue," discusses how demographic and societal changes have created a greater need for cultural diversity in education, and stresses the ambiguities inherent in addressing this diversity.
Developmental Outcomes of College Students' Involvement in Leadership Activities
Using longitudinal data from 875 students, assesses whether student participation in leadership education and training programs has an impact on educational and personal development. Results indicate that leadership participants showed growth in civic responsibility, leadership skills, multicultural awareness, understanding of leadership theories, and personal and societal values.
Diversity as a Value in Undergraduate Nursing Education
An associate degree nursing program restructured the curriculum using transcultural nursing theory, including cultural value and cultural care accommodation. Objectives include acknowledging the relevance of diversity to health care, addressing diversity in interventions, and learning how to accommodate diversity in providing care.
Enhancing Multicultural Sensitivity through Teaching Multiculturally in Recreation. Research Update
This paper addresses the utilization of teaching from a multicultural perspective to enhance multicultural sensitivity and awareness, discussing the inclusion of multicultural teaching in the university recreation curriculum and the delivery of leisure services. The concepts of multiculturalism are presented, explaining how to incorporate them into recreation and leisure curricula.
Failing To Marvel: The Nuances, Complexities, and Challenges of Multicultural Education
Reviews the complex nature of multicultural education, which as it advocates recognition of the values of many cultures, is nevertheless grounded in a Western culture and subject to Western deconstruction. Considers the challenge of the multicultural educator to recognize his or her own voice as representative of the dominant culture.
Including African-American Values in Educational Discourse: Toward a Multicultural Public Philosophy
Inspired by W. E.
Integrated classrooms versus resource model: Academic viability and effectiveness
Inclusion remains a controversial concept in education because it relates to educational and social values, as well as to our sense of individual worth. Any discussion about inclusion should address several important questions: Do we value all children equally? Is anyone more or less valuable? What do we mean by "inclusion?" Are there some children for whom "inclusion" is inappropriate?.
Science Teaching, Culture and Religious Values
Examines approaches to science teaching in a multiethnic context as well as contradictions to present models. Seeks to define the parameters of an antiracist approach to science teaching and provides ideas and a list of useful resources for classroom teachers.
Teachers Leading Teachers: Enhancing Multicultural Education through Field-based Partnerships
Argues that partnerships between early childhood teacher preparation programs and public school teachers will strengthen the discourse on multicultural education and its institutionalization. Presents strategies for gaining a personal connection to multicultural education ideals, including developing cultural biographies, examining stereotypes and prejudices, examining the construction of a personal identity, and critically examining the media.
The Complexities of Valuing Cultural Differences without Overemphasizing Them: Taking It to the Next Level
Synthesizes a body of literature that captures the complexities involved when considering the role that culture plays in learning. Concludes that culture is too important to be overlooked or disregarded, but that information about cultural groups should not be overgeneralized since there is great variation within cultures.
The Lives and Values of Researchers: Implications for Educating Citizens in a Multicultural Society
Discusses why it is necessary to uncover the values that underlie social science research and reviews reasons objectivity should be a goal of social science research. Presents a typology of cross-cultural researchers and describes the lives and work of some social scientists who exemplify these categories.