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Service Learning
A Deans' Grant Initiative for the Twenty-First Century?
This article poses three scenarios for national personnel preparation initiatives that would parallel the structure of the former Deans' Grants: a national initiative on the intersection of disability and diversity, a national initiative on school-university partnerships and disability, and a national initiative on service learning and disability. (Contains one reference.) (Author/CR).
Border Pedagogy: A Critical Framework for Service Learning
The general focus of a course on adult literacy and community service at a large state university was to increase students' understanding of adult literacy as a societal issue and to support their involvement as tutors in local adult literacy programs. To understand what students learned from their experience in the course, the instructors began collecting and analyzing various source material.
Building Citizenship Skills in Students
An action research project implemented a program for the development of citizenship, cultural awareness, and positive character attributes. Targeted population consisted of middle and high school students in several growing, middle class communities located in northern Illinois.
Building Citizenship Skills in Students
An action research project implemented a program for the development of citizenship, cultural awareness, and positive character attributes. Targeted population consisted of middle and high school students in several growing, middle class communities located in northern Illinois.
Community Service in a Multicultural Nation
Examines human qualities that undergird citizens' commitment to the common good in diverse societies, suggesting that community service fosters such qualities. Planned interactions across social barriers are necessary to develop qualities of citizenship for pluralistic nations.
Community-based Service Learning for Multicultural Teacher Education
Creates a topology of preservice teachers' responses to community-based service learning within several courses, investigating meanings they made from their community experiences. Data came from interviews and student essays and papers.
Constructing the Other through Community Service Learning
This is an exploratory study of the reactions that 65 European American preservice teachers had to the community service learning (CSL) component of a multicultural education course. The CSL project was intended to facilitate the development of intercultural competence and to foster the idea of teachers as agents of social justice.
Constructing the Other through Community Service Learning
This is an exploratory study of the reactions that 65 European American preservice teachers had to the community service learning (CSL) component of a multicultural education course. The CSL project was intended to facilitate the development of intercultural competence and to foster the idea of teachers as agents of social justice.
Creating Reciprocal Learning Relationships across Socially-Constructed Borders
Evaluated a service learning course that matched preservice teachers and older adult literacy learners and aimed to address widespread attrition in adult education programs and the need for multicultural education for preservice teachers. Data revealed two essential elements of successful, reciprocal learning relationships: connecting across differences through caring relationships and ability to reflect in ways that transformed previous assumptions.
Cross-Cultural Field Placements: Student Teachers Learning from Schools and Communities
Presents two cultural immersion projects where student teaching and community involvement interact synergistically. Also discusses learning outcomes of the projects, examines the importance of service learning, and explains how traditional student teaching assignments can incorporate many of the design principles that characterize cultural learning and preparation for diversity.
Cultivating the Sociological Imagination: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Sociology. AAHE's Series on Service-Learning in the Disciplines
The articles in this volume, seventh in a series of monographs on service learning and the academic disciplines, discuss service learning in sociology or students engaging in sociological analysis through projects designed to make a positive impact on communities. The discussions consider ways that service learning projects can be adapted in most undergraduate curricula in sociology.
Maurice R. Robinson National Mini-Grant Program for K-12 Service Learning
Briefly describes a service-learning grant program and provides examples of elementary, middle, and high school projects awarded grants in 1996. Projects included efforts to educate the community about river pollution, multicultural murals, and a school activities news show.
Multicultural Service Learning: Educating Teachers in Diverse Communities
This book explains the complex interplay of service learning, multicultural education, and teacher preparation. It shows how the author collaborated with community partners and preservice teachers to jointly construct the service learning supplement to a multicultural education course, from the bottom up.
Multicultural Service Learning: Educating Teachers in Diverse Communities
This book explains the complex interplay of service learning, multicultural education, and teacher preparation. It shows how the author collaborated with community partners and preservice teachers to jointly construct the service learning supplement to a multicultural education course, from the bottom up.
Peer Consultant Initiative Handbook. 1st Edition
This handbook was developed for those selected as part of the Kellogg Peer Consultant Initiative which seeks to promote the inclusion of service-learning into core academic curricula. Consultants provide teacher education programs and technical support to those educators developing new programs or strengthening existing programs.
Preparing Science Teachers for Diversity through Service Learning
Discusses challenges teachers face with learners from different backgrounds. Presents service learning as an alternative framework for teacher education with the potential for engaging teachers in an active construction of knowledge and development of connections between community and multicultural teaching practices.
Promoting Community Renewal through Civic Literacy and Service Learning. New Directions for Community Colleges, Number 93
Based on the idea that community colleges have a critical role in enhancing civic literacy through community-based programming and service learning, this volume provides descriptions of theoretical frameworks and practical models for incorporating community renewal into the college mission.
Reflections on Leonard Covello: Teacher with a Heart
Leonard Covello was an Italian immigrant who taught in East Harlem (New York City) from 1911 to 1956. This article, composed of excerpts from other works about or by him, illustrates his dedication to reciprocal relationships between school and community that are relevant today for both urban and rural communities.
School Community Partnerships that Work
Profiles a number of working partnerships between schools and community organizations that involve service learning. The various projects include neighborhood mapping, study of local ecology, environmental testing, recording local ethnographies, and letter-writing campaigns.
Service Learning and Multiculturalism: Integrating Cultural Knowledge of Native Elders into the Writing Classroom
Service-learning experiences can introduce students to locations they typically might not encounter in the composition classroom. This paper discusses a unique program at the University of Alaska Fairbanks that provides a rich and productive contact zone for students.
Service Learning for a Diverse Society: Research on Children, Youth, and Prejudice
Reviews psychological and educational research on prejudice and intergroup relations to produce suggestions and guidelines for improving the combined educational goals of service learning and multicultural education. Recommends starting early, emphasizing critical thinking, connecting activities to appropriate stages of cognitive development, and employing role playing and cooperative learning.
Service-Learning and Multicultural/Multiethnic Perspectives: From Diversity to Equity
The "missionary ideology" underlying much of the service- learning movement results from decisions to "do good things" for others. However, this movement sometimes ignores recipients' voices and what they, particularly communities of color, might have to offer.
Service-Learning and Multicultural/Multiethnic Perspectives: From Diversity to Equity
The "missionary ideology" underlies much of the service- learning movement results from decisions to "do good things" for others. However, this movement sometimes ignores recipients' voices and what they, particularly communities of color, might have to offer.
Service-Learning for Multicultural Teaching Competency: Insights from the Literature for Teacher Educators
Examined the literature to answer: (1) "What outcomes have resulted from preservice teachers' involvement in service-learning activities in diverse community settings?" and (2) "What challenges exist to enhance their multicultural teaching competencies through service-learning?" Summarizes three challenges (e.g., the resiliency of preservice teachers' negative attitudes toward children and families of color; service-learning activities that emphasize charity, not social change); and offers recommendations for addressing them. (EV).
Service-Learning in Teacher Education: Enhancing the Growth of New Teachers, Their Students, and Communities
This book provides teacher educators, administrators, practicing teachers who work with preservice teachers, policymakers, and researchers with information on the conceptual, research, and application areas of service-learning in preservice teacher education.
Service-Learning in Teacher Education: Enhancing the Growth of New Teachers, Their Students, and Communities
This book provides teacher educators, administrators, practicing teachers who work with preservice teachers, policymakers, and researchers with information on the conceptual, research, and application areas of service-learning in preservice teacher education. The collection of papers offers teacher educators' thoughts about ways to enhance the usefulness of service-learning in preservice teacher preparation.
Service-Learning in Teacher Education: Enhancing the Growth of New Teachers, Their Students, and Communities
This book provides teacher educators, administrators, practicing teachers who work with preservice teachers, policymakers, and researchers with information on the conceptual, research, and application areas of service-learning in preservice teacher education. The collection of papers offers teacher educators' thoughts about ways to enhance the usefulness of service-learning in preservice teacher preparation.
Shared Control: Community Voices in Multicultural Service Learning
A field experience involving community service learning was linked to multicultural education for preservice teachers. Results suggest that community service learning motivated, engaged, and gratified community leaders, tapping into local community associations.
Teaching and Learning with the Seventh Generation: The "Inward Bound" Experience
Pre-health freshmen from a New York university worked at a traditional Mohawk community in return for lessons in Iroquois spirituality, healing, and ecology. Reciprocity between community members and students alleviated problems related to appropriation of Native American traditions and "great white hope" philanthropy, and deepened students' recognition of compassion and understanding of healing.
The Construction of Meaning: Learning from Service Learning
Preservice teachers' constructions of meaning within a multicultural education course are explored in this study. The study considers whether prior expectations have an impact on service learning, what meanings preservice teachers make from service learning, and whether reflection has an influence on meaning making.
The National Conversation on Youth Development in the 21st Century. Final Report.
To commemorate 2002 as the centennial year of America's 4-H Movement, the National 4-H Council held a national conversation to identify ways of improving youth development programs. The conversation process included the following activities: 1,577 local conversations that yielded more than 10,000 specific action items; a review of those items at 63 state conversations; and a national conversation at which 1,200 youths and adults representing 600 organizations developed specific national strategies and action steps based on the findings of the local and state conversations.
The Politics of Multiculturalism and Bilingual Education: Students and Teachers Caught in the Crossfire
This article contains essays on political issues in multicultural and bilingual education.
Voices of Students in Multicultural Service-Learning Settings
Journals of 30 college students of child development engaged in community-based service learning in multicultural settings revealed three themes.
Voices of Students in Multicultural Service-Learning Settings
Journals of 30 college students of child development engaged in community-based service learning in multicultural settings revealed three themes. Students: (1) articulated their own approaches or philosophies regarding racial issues; (2) expressed concerns about specific multicultural or race-related incidents; and (3) discussed the resources they relied on to put their experiences into a larger perspective.
What Really Happens? Community Service Learning for Multicultural Teacher Education
A qualitative, interpretive case study utilized ethnographic techniques to discover what happens, and what preservice teachers think about what happens, within a credited community service learning component for a multicultural education course. Subjects were 24 preservice teachers studied as one case.
Youth Works Final Report. Youth Works-Americorps Final Report. Report to the Legislature.
This document consists of a 1996-97 final report of Youth Works*AmeriCorps (YW*AC) and a supplemental report with information collected by the Minnesota Department of Children, Families, and Learning.
Youth Works Final Report. Youth Works-Americorps Final Report. Report to the Legislature.
This document consists of a 1996-97 final report of Youth Works*AmeriCorps (YW*AC) and a supplemental report with information collected by the Minnesota Department of Children, Families, and Learning.