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Reading Instruction
"Speaking Up" and "Speaking Out": Examining "Voice" in a Reading/Writing Program with Adolescent African-Caribbean Girls
Examines three significant moments in a weekly reading and writing workshop to reflect on the problematic notion of "coming to voice" for African Caribbean girls aged 14 to 15. Concludes by sharing how the inquiry taught the author some salient lessons in listening to research participants' voices and on the politics and ethics of participatory literacy inquiries.
A Successful Program for Struggling Readers
Notes that a "staggering number" of struggling readers in the United States are African American children and other students of color. Outlines characteristics of successful schools for struggling readers, and details effective teaching techniques.
Accelerated Reader Impact on Feelings about Reading and Library Use: A Survey of Fifth Grade Students in Lee County, Florida, To Determine How a Computerized Reading Management Program Affects Attitudes toward Reading and the Media Center and Frequency of Library Use
A study examined how Accelerated Reader Program (a computerized reading management program used in elementary education) affected attitudes toward reading and use of the media center. Fifth-grade students in three Lee County, Florida schools were surveyed.
Already Reading Texts and Contexts: Multicultural Literature in a Predominantly White Rural Community
Examines how the inclusion of multicultural texts played out in one predominantly white rural community, focusing on repercussions of a key event that set off conflict in the community and describing how various interpretations of this event haped teachers' and community members' beliefs about the selection, interpretation, and teaching of multicultural literature. (SM).
Background Knowledge, Linguistic Complexity, and Second-Language Reading Comprehension
Examines the role of cultural background knowledge on the reading comprehension of third graders acquiring literacy in Dutch as a first and second language while reading noncontrived texts from the reading curricula. Finds a facilitating effect of cultural familiarity for both reading comprehension and reading efficiency.
Building on the Best, Learning from What Works: Seven Promising Reading and English Language Arts Programs.
Part of a series about research-based programs that show promise for raising student achievement (especially in low-performing schools), this paper describes seven promising reading and language arts programs. Each program shows evidence of high standards, effectiveness, replicability, and support structures.
Creating Opportunities for Emerging Biliteracy
Outlines instructional principles upon which classroom practices in a fourth grade and in a kindergarten class are based that contribute to students' success, love of literacy, and emerging biliteracy.
Global Perspectives for Young Readers: Easy Readers and Picture Book Read-Alouds from around the World
Discusses how early childhood educators can use reading lessons as part of a global curriculum and help children develop an understanding of other peoples and their customs. Includes criteria for choosing international books as early reader selections, and annotated lists of picture books for beginning readers, chapter books for young readers, and translated books for read-aloud sessions.
Guide to Books on Literacy Published during 1996
This 173-item annotated bibliography contains books on literacy primarily published in 1996 in the United Kingdom, although some books are included which were omitted from the guide for the previous year. In addition to an annotation, each entry provides author's name, full title, number of pages, place of publication and publisher, and ISBN number and price for both hardback and paperback editions when applicable.
Handbook of Reading Research. Volume III
A comprehensive overview of important contemporary issues in the field of reading research, this book presents 47 essays that examine literacy through a variety of lenses--some permitting microscopic views and others panoramic views. Essays in the book cover current methodology as well as cumulative research-based knowledge.
Help A Child Learn To Read
Intended for people who are willing to expend the effort to help children become independent readers and writers, this book presents professionally accepted approaches and techniques with step-by-step instructions for tutoring on a one-on-one basis in the language of the lay person.
Issues and Trends in Literacy Education. Second Edition
Noting the field of literacy education is vast and complicated, this book identifies the most significant issues and trends facing literacy educators today and to locate sources that explain principal viewpoints on these issues. Each chapter is made up of four parts: a brief introduction to the topic, the articles themselves, an annotated bibliography, and suggestions for further involvement.
Lectura y Vida: Revista Latinoamericana de Lectura. (Reading and Life: Latin American Reading Magazine). 1998. Corp Author(s): International Reading Association, Newark, DE
The four 1998 issues of the journal on literacy education, entirely in Spanish, include these articles: "The Inevitable Radical Weakness of Language: Some Reflections about Forming Readers and Citizens" (Daniel Goldin); "Relationships among Reading and Writing, Thematic Units, Learning Through Research...In Search of Effective Instruction for Whole Language" (Timothy Shanahan); Comprehension and Textual.
Lectura y Vida: Revista Latinoamericana de Lectura. (Reading and Life: Latin American Reading Magazine). 1998. Corp Author(s): International Reading Association, Newark, DE
The four 1998 issues of the journal on literacy education, entirely in Spanish, include articles on:- Bilingual Education, Language Processing, Learning Processes, Literacy Education, Reading Instruction, Writing Instruction, Classroom Techniques.
Literacy and Bilingualism: A Handbook for ALL Teachers
This handbook provides background information, ideas for classroom instruction, and suggestions for reflective practice for teachers of literacy and bilingual students. All approaches described here encourage the integration of all language skills in teaching literacy.
Multicultural Education for Literacy in the Year 2000: Traversing Comfort Zones and Transforming Knowledge and Action
Addresses multicultural issues surrounding literacy for the future (demographics and cultural histories and philosophical movements), discussing societal forces that impact multicultural education in homogeneous and diverse enclaves of U.S. society; analyzing current U.S.
Multicultural Illiteracy
Schools' treatment of diversity categorizes students and applies ineffectual learning methods to resulting stereotypes. The author's study of basal readers showed that today's multiculturalism suppresses most white immigrant groups' stories, omits references to first discoveries and inventions, and substitutes foreign expressions for literate English vocabulary.
Preservice Teachers Integrate Understandings of Diversity Into Literacy Instruction: An Adaptation of the ABC's Model
Investigated preservice teachers' understandings of their own and their students' cultural backgrounds, examining how they integrated those understandings into literacy instruction. The ABC model (autobiographies, biographies of students, cross-cultural analysis, analysis of cultural differences, and classroom practices) helped stimulate students to continue examining their lives, their cultural/linguistic backgrounds, and the impact of those factors on teaching diverse students.
Reading and the Native American Learner. Research Report
Intended as a resource for mainstream teachers, this document summarizes current research on effective ways for teachers to meet the educational needs of American Indian students in public schools. The first section discusses the history of U.S.
Reading Engaged Readers: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
Describes the importance of understanding that engaged readers can make commitments or promises to understand other readers' perspectives of a text and their interests in using it. Describes how the author's demonstration lesson to a group of Kazakstan educators was transformed into a site for exploring the educators' practices for using a folktale.
Reading Researchers in Search of Common Ground
Investigating what 11 eminent literacy scholars with diverse philosophies could agree to regarding contexts and practices for teaching reading, this book presents comprehensive analyses of these findings, dubbed the "Expert Study," and their implications. It includes a reprint of the 1998 article "Points of Agreement:.
Reading Researchers in Search of Common Ground
Investigating what 11 eminent literacy scholars with diverse philosophies could agree to regarding contexts and practices for teaching reading, this book presents comprehensive analyses of these findings, dubbed the "Expert Study," and their implications.
Reflections on Multicultural Language Practices across a District and within a School
Describes the school climate, the building-level specifics, and some effective teaching strategies that make Western Hills Elementary School an appropriate and successful setting for the development of multicultural language practices. Discusses the partnership between the school district and the University of Colorado at Boulder, and the role this partnership plays in supporting the development of multicultural language practices.
Sharing the Wisdom of Practice: Schools That Optimize Literacy Learning for All Students
The No Child Left Behind Act leaves no doubt about the importance of effective reading instruction, setting a national goal for every child to become a proficient reader by the third grade. With 70% of fourth graders from low income families currently unable to read at even a basic level, teachers face a daunting challenge.
Teaching Reading to American Indian/Alaska Native Students. ERIC Digest
This digest summarizes ways to help young American Indian and Alaska Native children become fluent readers. There are numerous reading intervention programs, each with its own set of claims and counter-claims.
Teaching with Picture Books in the Middle School
Arguing that picture books have much to offer students in the upper grades (including middle school and even high school students), this book discusses using picture books to stimulate students' thinking in a variety of topic areas.
The Harvard Education Letter, 1996
This document is comprised of volume 12 of the Harvard Education Letter, published bimonthly and addressing current issues in elementary-secondary education.
The Language and Literacy Spectrum, 1996. A Journal of the New York State Reading Association
Sharing concerns and interests of New York State educators in the improvement of literacy, this annual journal raises educational issues such as current thoughts about literacy instruction, educators' roles, literacy in its many forms, college-community literacy partnerships, and recommended reading materials.
The National Literacy Trust's 1997 International Annotated Bibliography of Books on Literacy
This 132-item annotated bibliography contains books on literacy primarily published in 1997, in the United Kingdom, although some books are included which were omitted from the guide for the previous year. In addition to an annotation, each entry provides author's name, full title, number of pages, place of publication and publisher, and ISBN number and price for both hardback and paperback editions when applicable.
The National Literacy Trust's Guide to Books on Literacy Published during 1995
This 127-item annotated bibliography contains books on literacy primarily published in the United Kingdom in 1995. In addition to an annotation, each entry provides author's name, full title, number of pages, place of publication and publisher, and ISBN number and price for both hardback and paperback editions when applicable.
The Preliterate Student: A Framework for Developing an Effective Instructional Program. ERIC/AE Digest
A special subgroup of Limited English Speaking students is often referred to as students with limited formal schooling (LFS) or "preliterates" because they have not yet had the opportunity to learn to read. This digest explores important aspects of the LFS student population, defining LFS students and discussing their impact on schools, individualized language development plans, classroom instruction, and the assessment of the LFS student.
The Reading Workshop: Creating Space for Readers
With so many different approaches to teaching reading, how can a teacher make sense of the best paths available? This book, by describing its author/educator's day-to-day schedule and giving an overview of how the workshop operates over time, provides a flexible framework a teacher can adapt and implement to suit his or her needs.
Trends and Issues in English Instruction, 1998 Summaries of Informal Annual Discussions of the Commissions
Information on current trends and issues informally discussed and then delineated by the directors of six National Council of Teachers of English commissions, is presented in this 15th annual report.
Trends and Issues in English Instruction, 1999--Six Summaries. Summaries of Informal Annual Discussions of the Commissions of the National Council of Teachers of English
This 16th annual report presents information on current trends and issues informally discussed by the directors of six National Council of Teachers of English commissions.
Vygotsky in the Classroom: Mediated Literacy Instruction and Assessment
Designed to help teachers think about, analyze, and make decisions on literacy instruction, this book provides the conceptual framework and methodology to put the ideas of Lev Vygotsky into practice for classroom literacy instruction. The book claims that Vygotsky's ideas provide a cohesive framework and an operational model that teachers can use to integrate and apply topics in literacy learning such as whole language, emergent literacy, writing, integrating literature in content areas, collaborative learning, teacher decision making, technology as a tool for literacy development, and dynamic assessment for explaining children's diversity in and potential for literacy development.
Vygotsky in the Classroom: Mediated Literacy Instruction and Assessment
Designed to help teachers think about, analyze, and make decisions on literacy instruction, this book provides the conceptual framework and methodology to put the ideas of Lev Vygotsky into practice for classroom literacy instruction.