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Minority Group Children
A Faceless Bureaucrat Ponders Special Education, Disability, and White Privilege
The first part of this article critiques categorical approaches to special education, overrepresentation of minority children in special education, inclusion and exclusion, and white privilege. The second part of the article describes the potential of multicultural education, transformation, and participatory leadership approaches to address the issues raised in the critique.
Academic Achievement, Race, and Reform: Six Essays on Understanding Assessment Policy, Standardized Achievement Tests, and Anti-Racist Alternatives
This set of six essays was written as a resource for those working in their schools and communities to promote social justice, combat racism, and encourage quality education for all youth.
An Observational Study of Multicultural Education in Urban Elementary Schools
Presents an observational study of multicultural educational practices within 12 elementary schools in a major metropolitan area of the south central region of the United States. Reveals the use of the Multicultural Teaching Observation Instrument in measuring teacher support of students, classroom equity, and integration of students' culture within a multicultural education setting.
Challenging Old Assumptions: Preparing Teachers for Inner City Schools
Researchers analyzed journals and essays from an elementary teacher education course, examining white prospective teachers' changing views about inner-city schools with minority children as they completed fieldwork and relevant readings. The experiences helped them question old assumptions about urban students and teaching and about the value of multicultural education.
Children and Place: Stories We Have, Stories We Need
Examines the nature of disadvantage for minority students, solutions offered by radical theorists, and roles that stories play in furthering progress with antiracism. The paper examines the centeredness of the white middle class; teachers' perspectives; monocultural curriculum; shortcomings of multicultural education; possibilities from critical theory; learning from students' stories; facilitating stories among students; and teachers sharing stories with each other.
Cultural Concerns in Addressing Barriers to Learning: An Introductory Packet. Corp Author(s): California Univ., Los Angeles. Center for Mental Health in Schools
This introductory packet provides information on cultural concerns that should be considered in addressing barriers to student learning.
Epilogue: Toward an Understanding of Literacy Issues in Multicultural School-Age Populations
This epilogue to a forum on literacy issues in school-age children from culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) backgrounds highlights research findings that address: the importance of home environment in influencing literacy; the relationship between socioeconomic status and literacy; and the use of dynamic assessment and process-dependent measures as alternative assessments.
Helping Gifted Minority Students Reach Their Potential: Recommendations for Change
Describes factors that hold promise for recruiting and retaining minority students in gifted education programs, including having equitable, culturally sensitive screening and identification instruments and procedures; providing minority students with a quality education; addressing problems that interfere with minority students' achievement; and better preparing educators in gifted and urban/multicultural education. (SM).
Language Learning in Social and Cultural Contexts. ERIC Digest
This Digest considers language learning as a socio-cultural process, contending that to fully function in a particular language, one not only needs to understand the mechanics, such as the grammar, but also to apply that language across various contexts, audiences, and purposes. The Digest discusses language learning at home, language learning in communities, and language learning among linguistic minority children.
Life in Schools. An Introduction to Critical Pedagogy in the Foundations of Education
This book describes one individual's reinvention as an educator, from a liberal humanist to an advocate of critical pedogogy. It examines relationships between schooling, the wider social relations that inform it, and historically constructed needs and competencies that students bring to schools, focusing on the social conditions of disaffected students living in public housing units under oppressive circumstances and addressing the needs of inner-city teachers.
Multicultural Aspects in the Education of Children and Youth with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities: Introduction to the Special Issue
This introductory article discusses cultural considerations in the design and delivery of services to families whose children have a moderate to severe disability. It calls attention to the lack of consideration of culturally and linguistically diverse families in the current research and summarizes the following articles.
Multicultural Education. Responding to a Mandate for Equitable Educational Outcomes
Recent statistics suggest that equal educational opportunities for many students (e.g., students who are poor, disabled, or minorities) remain elusive. To handle the growing student diversity, educators must infuse multicultural education, instruction, evaluation, and support services into the school setting.
Multicultural Education: Powerful Tool for Preparing Future General and Special Educators
This article argues that multicultural education is a powerful and necessary tool for preparing future general and special educators to provide services to students with disabilities from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. It presents ideas for educators willing to assist multicultural learners in maximizing their fullest potential in inclusive settings.
Multicultural Literature and Gifted Black Students: Promoting Self-Understanding, Awareness, and Pride
This article focuses on recommended literature for gifted black and other minority students. The use of bibliotherapy with gifted students is described and recommendations are presented for using multicultural literature, along with guidelines for selecting high quality multicultural literature.
Multicultural Mental Health Training Program: Researcher Projects with Ethnically Diverse Communities
This paper contains summaries of research projects of three graduate students participating in the Multicultural Mental Health Training Program at the University of South Florida's Florida Mental Health Institutes. The students' work involved the development of evaluation or research projects with ethnically diverse minority communities.
Multicultural Mental Health Training Program: Researcher Projects with Ethnically Diverse Communities
This paper contains summaries of research projects of three graduate students participating in the Multicultural Mental Health Training Program at the University of South Florida's Florida Mental Health Institutes. The students' work involved the development of evaluation or research projects with ethnically diverse minority communities.
Multiple Voices for Ethnically Diverse Exceptional Learners, 2002
This issue of "Multiple Voices" contains 7 articles on disabilities and minority group children.
Multiple Voices for Ethnically Diverse Exceptional Learners, 2002
This issue of "Multiple Voices" contains the articles on disabilities, minority group children,Parent participation,Preservice Teacher Education
Reading Strategies,Teacher Attitudes,American Indians,Augmentative and Alternative Communication,Bilingual Education,Blacks,Disability Identification,Diversity,Educational Change,Educational Practices,Elementary Secondary Education,Learning Disabilities,Limited English Speaking,Multicultural Education,Performance Factors,Research Problems,Student Teachers.
Multiple Voices for Ethnically Diverse Exceptional Learners. 1997
This collection of articles focuses on the paradigms, research, policies, and daily school practices that tend either to reduce or perpetuate inequities in educational opportunities for culturally and linguistically diverse individuals with disabilities and/or gifts and talents.
Overrepresentation of Minority Students in Special Education: A Continuing Debate
This article reviews historically the overrepresentation of Latino and African-American students in special education; examines the influence of court cases, debate about systemic issues, demographic and socioeconomic changes, the construction of minority students' school failure, and the fallacy of the cultural diversity-disability analogy; and offers solutions.
Overrepresentation of minority students: The case for greater specificity or reconsideration of the variables examined.
In examining the issue of overrepresentation of minority students in special education, this article distinguishes between the percentage of category or program by group and percentage of group in category or program, which provide very different perspectives. Caution in interpreting data from the Office of Civil Rights relating "race/ethnicity" to "placement in disability category" is also urged.
Preparing All Classroom Teachers To Educate a Linguistically and Culturally Diverse School Population
As the United States school population becomes more linguistically and culturally diverse, teachers are challenged to provide full access, equality of instruction, and appropriate learning environments to all students. It is estimated that more than 20 percent of the 45 million school-age children live in households in which languages other than English are spoken; 6 million are from Spanish speaking households.
Preparing Special Educators To Meet the Needs of Students Who Are Learning English as a Second Language and Are Visually Impaired: A Monograph
This monograph describes a personnel preparation program that prepared 32 Colorado special education graduates to meet the needs of students who are learning English as a second language and are visually impaired. Graduates took a course that was specially designed to expose students to relevant literature on federal mandates for the education of students from linguistically diverse communities, teaching methodology appropriate for students with limited proficiency and academic achievement, working with families from diverse cultures, using translators, and the teaching of the Spanish braille code.
Preparing Special Educators To Meet the Needs of Students Who Are Learning English as a Second Language and Are Visually Impaired: A Monograph
This monograph describes a personnel preparation program that prepared 32 Colorado special education graduates to meet the needs of students who are learning English as a second language and are visually impaired.
Preventing Substance Abuse from Undermining Permanency Planning: Competencies at the Intersection of Culture, Chemical Dependency, and Child Welfare
Understanding the overlap between culture, race, substance misuse, and maltreatment is central to implementing better permanent plans for children and their families. Examines the intersection of these areas and presents a typology of five competency areas for culturally relevant substance abuse knowledge, attitudes, and skills to strengthen permanency planning and family continuity for children of color.
Prologue: Toward an Understanding of Literacy Issues in Multicultural School-Age Populations
This article introduces a forum that explores issues surrounding literacy in multicultural school-age populations. It discusses sociocultural factors that overshadow traditional literacy-learning objectives, the relationship between low socioeconomic status and low literacy, environmental influences that affect literacy, and culturally biased assessments that challenge educators to find reliable alternative assessments.
Swimming Against the Tide: A Study of Prospective Teachers' Attitudes Regarding Cultural Diversity and Urban Teaching
Assessed 300 prospective teachers to determine their attitudes and beliefs concerning cultural diversity. Results show additional emphasis on multicultural education is needed in teacher education, and a variety of experiences are needed to bring preservice teachers into contact with cultural groups different from their own.
Teachers and Self-Esteem for Minorities
Describes the results of a survey of 32 teachers of children with hearing impairments that found teachers wanted to know ways to help minority students develop self-esteem. A list of multicultural resources is provided, along with a recommending elementary reading list of multicultural readings.
The Academic Achievement of Minority Students: Perspectives, Practices, and Prescriptions
This book presents a collection of papers by educators and researchers who discuss various methods of improving minority student achievement.
The Effects of Special Training and Field Experiences upon Preservice Teachers' Level of Comfort with Multicultural Music Teaching Situations
This paper reports on a study examining preservice teachers' level of comfort in working with students and colleagues of a different race, and exploring the effects of special training and field experience on their level of comfort with multicultural situations. The study involved 55 predominantly white preservice teachers enrolled in 2 different sections of an undergraduate music and related arts methods course at a large southeastern university.
The Effects of Special Training and Field Experiences upon Preservice Teachers' Level of Comfort with Multicultural Music Teaching Situations
This paper reports on a study examining preservice teachers' level of comfort in working with students and colleagues of a different race, and exploring the effects of special training and field experience on their level of comfort with multicultural situations. The study involved 55 predominantly white preservice teachers enrolled in 2 different sections of an undergraduate music and related arts methods course at a large southeastern university.
The State of Students of Color, 2001
This report reviews the educational experiences of students of color in Minnesota schools, colleges, and universities, highlighting students and communities of color; students of color K-12 enrollments; students of color K-12 achievement; students of color college success; early college awareness; and redefining success for students of color.
Tomorrow's Children: Meeting the Needs of Multiracial and Multiethnic Children at Home, in Early Childhood Programs, and at School
This book is designed to assist parents and teachers to sincerely and positively support the healthy development of diverse, biracial and biethnic children. The book's purpose is also to extend the concept of diversity and multicultural education to include the unique needs, histories, and experiences of interracial and interethnic families and their children.
Training Urban School Counselors and Psychologists To Work with Culturally, Linguistically, Urban, and Ethnically Diverse Populations
Discusses the need to train urban school counselors and psychologists to address the needs of culturally, linguistically, urban, and ethnically diverse (CLUE) students, proposing a major CLUE philosophy training program to be incorporated into the existing degree sequence. Notes major competencies needed for multicultural training and presents key readings to help students and professionals familiarize themselves with the competencies.
Two Important New Documents Reviewed: OFSTED and TTA
Reviews the OFSTED document, "Educational Inequality: Mapping Race, Class and Gender. A Synthesis of Research Evidence," (which examines the persistent inequality between the main ethnic populations within English schools) and the Teacher Training Agency document, "Raising the Attainment of Minority Ethnic Pupils: Guidance and Resource Materials for Providers of Initial Teacher Training" (which focuses on racial equality and teacher training).
Understanding the Relationship between Learning Style and Multiculturalism for School Counselors
A major concern of educators, counselors, and parents in the United States and throughout the world has been the costs and consequences of the high number of at-risk and dropout minority students. The intent of this paper is to explore the hypothesis that school counselors must know the implications of multicultural students' varied learning styles for both counseling and teaching.