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Educational Philosophy
A Call for a Multicultural Revolution. Challenges & Hopes: Multiculturalism as Revolutionary Praxis. An Interview with Peter McLaren
Discusses Peter McLaren's theories of critical pedagogy, which is underwritten by a Marxist philosophy and a critique of global capitalism. McLaren believes that capitalist exploitation is the driving force for the institutionalized racism that is so prevalent in Western society.
An Outsider's View Inside: 21st Century Directions for Multicultural Education
Draws on the work of James A. Banks and adds the perspective of a cultural outsider to consider the future of the discipline of multicultural education, considering politics, technology, educational context, cultural capital, and the nature of culture.
Approaches to Multicultural Education in Preservice Teacher Education: Philosophical Frameworks and Models for Teaching
Connects teacher education to conservative, liberal, and radical theories of multicultural education, particularly preservice education, arguing that a more eclectic theoretical avenue must be encouraged in order to transform schools, particularly in urban environments. Discusses practical avenues to promote such a multilayered interpretive/analytical approach to social change.
Bilingual Education and Social Change. Bilingual Education and Bilingualism: 14
A case study is provided of dual-language planning and implementation at the Oyster Bilingual School, a successful Spanish-English public elementary school program in the District of Columbia. The first three chapters offer background information for understanding how the program interacts with the larger sociopolitical context of minority education in the United States.
Creating caring school and classroom communities for all students
This collection of papers offers advice on restructuring education to create heterogeneous schools, with the goal of creating happy, comfortable, and successful learning environments for all the children and adults who learn and teach in them.
Curriculum: Toward New Identities. Critical Education Practice, Volume 12. Garland Reference Library of Social Science, Volume 1135
This collection of essays draws upon research in political, feminist, theological, literary, and racial theory to examine research methodologies relating to curriculum studies.
Developing Moral Community in a Pluralist Setting
The author helped St. Andrew's Scots School, in Buenos Aires, formulate a statement of values that did justice to the school's "Scottish" past, its multicultural present, and its future.
Didn't Someone Invite Patty? How Patty Smith Hill's Vision of International Education Has Crossed the Border in a Most Unusual Place!
This paper distills the history of early childhood education in Russia as a backdrop to a discussion of Patty Smith Hills visit to the nursery schools and kindergartens of the Soviet Union in the 1930s. The paper begins with a discussion of the introduction of early childhood education in the late 1800s, the lack of educational advances during the hardships of the period surrounding the revolution, and Russian educator Vera Fediaevskys work and the development of an educational plan emphasizing communistic ideals.
Dine College Struggles to Synthesize Navajo and Western Knowledge
Discusses the 30-year struggle Navajo Community College leaders faced in developing a Navajo philosophy and education model that combines Navajo principles and values with a Western-based curriculum. Describes the 1995 implementation of Dine College's Philosophy of Education model at the Tsaile campus.
Diversity and the Individual in Dewey's Philosophy of Democratic Education
Examines two interpretations of Dewey's philosophy of education, one that requires intolerance and one that requires tolerance of individual differences, arguing that there is much truth to the multicultural interpretation, but that multiculturalism must be qualified to properly capture Dewey's position. The essay emphasizes the consequences of Dewey's social and political concerns for his theory of education.
ERIC/EECE Report: Character Education
Summarizes recent ERIC documents in early childhood education and related areas. Topics include the integrated character education model, conflicts and prospects of character education in multicultural education, and the role of the schools in character education.
Escaping Education: Living as Learning within Grassroots Cultures. Counterpoints: Studies in the Postmodern Theory of Education, Vol. 36
This book challenges the modern certainty that education is a universal good and a human right and celebrates the well-being still enjoyed in the commons and cultures of people living at the grassroots. The first section describes how education is an instrument of acculturation.
Excellence and Equity Issues in Art Education: Can We Be Excellent and Equal Too?
Asserts that the dialectic between excellence and equity in art education is generally expressed as an "either/or" situation. Argues that curricula and assessments can be designed to challenge artistically talented students and also serve the needs of all students.
Experience, Subjectivity and Christian Religious Education: Canadian Catholic Education in the 21st Century
Canadian Catholic education has increasingly been defended from a theological rather than a philosophical position. This article reflects on how the contemporary stress on experience and subjectivity influences Canadian religious education and how these qualities may fashion a distinct, pluralistic Canadian Catholic education for the future.
Five Reviews of McLaren's "Revolutionary Multiculturalism"
Presents five reviews of McLaren's 1997 book, with comments on critical pedagogy, multicultural education, capitalism, social justice, and remarks about student responses to "Revolutionary Multiculturalism." (SLD).
Freirean Pedagogy, Praxis, and Possibilities: Projects for the New Millennium. Volume 19, Critical Education Practice. Volume 1417, Garland Reference Library of Social Science
This book contains 15 chapters, each by different authors, commenting and expanding on the educational philosophy and work of Paulo Freire.
From Metaphoric Landscapes to Social Reform: A Case for Holistic Curricula
Discusses two related dilemmas: (1) the tension between the Western view of historical progress and the realities of modern society; and (2) the tension between old and new approaches to teaching and learning about the arts. Argues that the end result of implementing the Goals 2000 program might diminish the teaching of the arts as discrete subjects.
Historical Perspectives on Biographies for Children as Content for Multicultural Education
Booker T. Washington and W.
Imaging Difference: The Politics of Representation in Multicultural Art Education
Examines the notion of "accurate" and "authentic" representations of culture in multicultural art education discourses focusing on two specific areas, museums and aesthetics. Questions the view that by replacing stereotypic representations with purported accurate and authentic representations will fix misunderstandings regarding non-white people and their cultures.
Including African-American Values in Educational Discourse: Toward a Multicultural Public Philosophy
Inspired by W. E.
Incorporating Components of American Pluralism into a Course on the Geography of the USA
Outlines some of the pedagogical and organizational concerns encountered in transforming a traditional college-level U.S. geography course into a course emphasizing pluralism and diversity issues.
Integrating the Arts: Renaissance and Reformation in Arts Education
Asserts that the general educational curriculum tends to be fragmented and compartmentalized and that this situation would be improved by curriculum integration. Argues that an interdisciplinary arts approach would require new teacher attitudes and instructional strategies.
Middle Level Education: An Annotated Bibliography
Developed as a reference tool for teachers, administrators, researchers, parents, and others interested in middle level education, this annotated bibliography of 1,757 entries focuses on practical aspects of middle level education and on research related to adolescence and middle level practices.
Multicultural Education in the Zionist State--The Mizrahi Challenge
Reports that the educational experience of Israeli Jews from Islamic countries (Mizrahi Jews) demonstrates the struggle between egalitarian rhetoric (a critical multiculturalism with a social-democratic character) on one hand and a practice of segregation (an autonomist multiculturalism with fundamentalist features) on the other. (Contains 78 end notes.) (PGS).
Multicultural Environmental Education
Discusses multicultural education and some of the confusion surrounding the philosophy, and explains how multicultural education fits into environmental education. Multicultural education respects diversity of ideas and experiences.
Multicultural Reasoning and the Appreciation of Art
Explicates a multicultural approach to art education that enhances critical thinking. Grounds this approach in the philosophical principles of constructivism that emphasize the student's construction of meaning rather than the passive transmission of knowledge from a teacher.
Multiculturalism and Art Education: Myths, Misconceptions, Misdirections
Maintains that multicultural art education theory and practice have been the subjects of debate and curriculum change in the past decade. Discusses six myths about multiculturalism.
Multiculturalism and Art Education: Myths, Misconceptions, Misdirections
The article maintains that multicultural art education theory and practice have been the subjects of debate and curriculum change in the past decade;discusses six myths about multiculturalism and; Concludes that multicultural education is a reconceptualization of who people are and what kind of people they want to be. (CFR).
New Perspectives on Multiculturalism in Education
Advocates moving multicultural education beyond ethnic awareness into a more theoretical and constructive phase. Argues for incorporating epistemological theories regarding the subjectivity of knowledge with an awareness of the interdependence of different cultures.
Oyster School Stands the Test of Time
Describes Oyster Elementary School's award-winning two-way bilingual (Spanish-English) program. The school's success has been maintained by strong parent and community support, high academic standards, and ongoing professional development efforts.
Re-establishing Antiracist Education: A Response to Short and Carrington
Responds to the article "Reconstructing Multicultural Education: a Response to Mike Cole" in which Cole defends his views of antiracist education and the role of cultural racism, the teaching of controversial aspects of other cultures, reconstructed multiculturalism as opposed to student misconceptions, and nationalism within the context of Britishness. (CMK).
Reconstructing Multicultural Education: A Response to Mike Cole
Refutes Mike Cole's article "Racism, Reconstructed Multiculturalism and Antiracist Education" by addressing five main topics: (1) the new racism as a means to changing multicultural education; (2) representation of antiracist educators; (3) advice to teachers of controversial aspects of other cultures; (4) identifying students' misconceptions before imparting new knowledge; and (5) nationalism. (CMK).
Restructuring public schools: Strategies for organizational change and programs.
This collection of papers offers advice on restructuring education to create heterogeneous schools, with the goal of creating happy, comfortable, and successful learning environments for all the children and adults who learn and teach in them.
The Academic Language Gap
Discusses reasons for the deep resistance students feel about assuming the role of self-conscious intellectualizer and contentious argument-maker that is demanded by academic courses. Argues that educators will miss the point if, in their dwelling on texts, canons, and political philosophies, they ignore or romanticize this resistance.
The Imagination of Early Childhood Education
This book examines historical features from antiquity through present times that are important to early childhood scholars. Chapter 1 presents the history of education, including discussions of educational practices from the seventeenth through the twentieth centuries in Europe and the United States, recent efforts to merge preschool and elementary curricula, and the impact of the civil rights movement.
The Nostalgia of Art Education: Reinscribing the Master's Narrative
Presents a psychoanalytic critique of an advertisement for the Getty Center for Education in the Arts multicultural program. Applying principles derived from Lacan, Foucault, and Derrida, reveals basic racist, sexist, and elitist assumptions embedded in the advertisement.
The Quick Reference Guide to Educational Innovations: Practices, Programs, Policies, and Philosophies
In their struggle to identify successful solutions for their schools, teachers, administrators, board members, and parents must wade through reams of educational rhetoric and sales hype. This resource is designed to serve a broad audience of practicing teachers, preservice teachers, administrators, resource teachers, college professors, parents, and others who would like to stay abreast of new education programs and innovations.).
The Quick Reference Guide to Educational Innovations: Practices, Programs, Policies, and Philosophies
In their struggle to identify successful solutions for their schools, teachers, administrators, board members, and parents must wade through reams of educational rhetoric and sales hype. This resource is designed to serve a broad audience of practicing teachers, preservice teachers, administrators, resource teachers, college professors, parents, and others who would like to stay abreast of new education programs and innovations.
The Search for the Great Community: The Multicultural Community and Its Problems. Draft
This paper addresses issues surrounding the ideal of community in American undergraduate education and the challenge of multiculturalism in the context of a feminist interpretation of the pragmatism of John Dewey. A contradictory relationship is seen to exist between higher education's definition of community and multiculturalism; and this paper's interpretation of Dewey is thought to resolve these contradictions.
The Universities Today. Scholarship, Self-Interest, and Politics for Concerned Citizens, Students, Parents, Alumni, Officials, Educational Administrators, Academicians
This book examines issues facing higher education today, especially the need to reverse the frequently adversarial relationship between the academy and the larger society.
Towards a Multicultural Society: Bringing Postmodernism into the Classroom
Asserts that western civilization's belief in the differentiation between object and subject impedes a true multicultural discourse. Praises the postmodernist approach, that self-evident reality is actually a politically constructed text, as being useful in identifying subjectivity.
Universitas: The Social Restructuring of American Undergraduate Education
This book offers a reflective examination of the purposes of undergraduate education and argues for an integrated pedagogy that is intersubjective, interdisciplinary, and intercultural. The book is divided into three general parts.
Unpacking Adventure
Anecdotes are used to illustrate how White, male, European values are embedded in adventure education. Traditional European assumptions about risk, challenge, and individual accomplishment may not be relevant to other cultures, women, or disadvantaged people.
Voices of Cultural Harmony. Spotlight: Montessori--Multilingual, Multicultural
Asserts the importance of viewing the world as an interrelated system in which each culture and person has important gifts to share. Examines how prejudicial attitudes can be changed through teaching tolerance.
What are schools for
Problems of schooling in the United States are explored in the monograph. Major educational problems are grouped in two categories--confusion over educational objectives and a rush to solve vaguely understood educational problems with ill-conceived action.