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Case Studies
Creating a Campus Climate in Which Diversity Is Truly Valued
Highlights the development and implementation of a multifaceted program at Middlesex Community College in Massachusetts. The program, which includes curriculum changes, new student organizations, international student fellowships, and orientation activities, was designed to create a more inclusive campus environment.
Cultivating Hybrid Texts in Multicultural Classrooms: Promise and Challenge
Explores the potential of hybridity for supporting critical pedagogies that seek to transform the knowledge, texts, and identities of the school curriculum. Draws on microanalyses of oral and written texts constructed by a Latina student perceived to be struggling academically.
Cultural Reciprocity: Exploring the Impacts of Cross-Cultural Instruction on Professorial Self-Reflection
Cultural reciprocity refers to the dynamic and material exchange of knowledge, values, and perspectives between two or more individuals of different cultural (e.g., racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, religious) backgrounds. In this paper, cultural reciprocity is discussed as it pertains to professors of education and their students, based on the history of their interactions and diversity of experiences in cross-cultural settings.
Experiencing Literacy In and Out of School: Case Studies of Two American Indian Youths
Focuses on the role of multiple literacies in the lives of Lakota and Dakota (Sioux) young adolescents who lived and attended school in a predominantly White, rural, upper Midwest community. Explores ways they constructed meaning through music, dance, and art.
Fostering the Exchange of Ideas about Diversity in the Higher Education Classroom
A solution to the problem of preparing teacher education students to develop curricula that focus on multiculturalism is to help them develop the ability to infuse multicultural children's literature and young adult literature into the elementary and secondary school curriculum. Teacher educators must do more than expose their pre-service and in-service teachers to multicultural literature: they must structure their classes so that students see their own and other cultures present in the classroom.
Influencing Latino Education: Church-Based Community Programs
This article discusses a case study about the educational projects of two church-based community programs in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The author examines the understanding that five women community workers in these organizations have about community.
Learning to Fail: Case Studies of Students At Risk
This study of students at risk was conducted to determine who is at risk, what puts students at risk, what schools are doing to help those students, and how effective these efforts are. Data were collected on about 49,000 students and almost 10,000 teachers in over 275 schools in 85 U.S.
Multicultural Technology Integration: The Winds of Change Amid the Sands of Time
This case study describes how a high school language arts teacher in a poor border community in southern New Mexico combined technology-based teaching strategies with multicultural elements to ensure learning and equitable access to technology for her minority students. Discusses bilingual and bicultural students, constructivist classrooms, and instructional flexibility.
Preparing Teachers of Color at a Predominantly White University: A Case Study of Project TEAM
Examined the experiences of preservice teacher participants in Project TEAM, an initiative at a predominantly white university to increase the number of minority students who completed teacher education and became teachers. Case study data highlight three themes: developing a sense of community with minority student peers, developing a stronger ethnic identity, and working for social justice through multicultural education.
Preservice Teachers Integrate Understandings of Diversity Into Literacy Instruction: An Adaptation of the ABC's Model
Investigated preservice teachers' understandings of their own and their students' cultural backgrounds, examining how they integrated those understandings into literacy instruction. The ABC model (autobiographies, biographies of students, cross-cultural analysis, analysis of cultural differences, and classroom practices) helped stimulate students to continue examining their lives, their cultural/linguistic backgrounds, and the impact of those factors on teaching diverse students.
Reflective Reading: A Study in (Tele)literacy
Presents a study of reflective reading using visual texts, where 12 adult literacy students begin to develop skills in teleliteracy by "reading" the texts for meaning by discussing characters, plot, setting, and theme in four edited segments. Finds that television can provide a bridge to link oracy and literacy when used as an educational tool in language classrooms.
Revista de Investigacion Educativa, 1998 (Journal of Educational Research, 1998). Corp Author(s): Interuniversity Association for Experimental Pedagogical Investigation, Barcelona (Spain)
Articles in this volume focus on the following: specialized research; methodological challenges; establishment of a categorization system for sociometric analysis and its application in the multicultural classroom.
Revista de Investigacion Educativa, 1998 (Journal of Educational Research, 1998). Corp Author(s): Interuniversity Association for Experimental Pedagogical Investigation, Barcelona (Spain)
Articles in this volume focus on the following: specialized research; methodological challenges; establishment of a categorization system for sociometric analysis and its application in the multicultural classroom.
Service-Learning in Teacher Education: Enhancing the Growth of New Teachers, Their Students, and Communities
This book provides teacher educators, administrators, practicing teachers who work with preservice teachers, policymakers, and researchers with information on the conceptual, research, and application areas of service-learning in preservice teacher education. The collection of papers offers teacher educators' thoughts about ways to enhance the usefulness of service-learning in preservice teacher preparation.
Service-Learning in Teacher Education: Enhancing the Growth of New Teachers, Their Students, and Communities
This book provides teacher educators, administrators, practicing teachers who work with preservice teachers, policymakers, and researchers with information on the conceptual, research, and application areas of service-learning in preservice teacher education. The collection of papers offers teacher educators' thoughts about ways to enhance the usefulness of service-learning in preservice teacher preparation.
Teacher-Researchers Entering into the World of Limited-English-Proficiency (LEP) Students: Three Case Studies
Examines three white teacher researchers' classroom inquiries on their limited English proficiency students. Teachers were investigating students' way of perceiving, learning, and using their native and second language in different circumstances.
Teachers' Perspectives on Their Work with Families in a Bilingual Community
Reviews research on teacher-parent relations, integrating three teachers' perspectives on their work with families in a bilingual community. Describes observations and interviews with teachers and parents over a school year that offer data for an in-depth analysis of teachers' perspectives on teacher-parent interactions in this setting.
The Case of Columbus, New Mexico: Educational Life on the Border. Multicultural Videocase Series
This guide accompanies one of a pair of videocases depicting educational life in Columbus, New Mexico. The videocase includes 23 minutes of unstaged but edited videotape footage of teaching and learning in and around an elementary school.
The Case of Deming, New Mexico: International Public Education. Multicultural Videocase Series
This guide accompanies one of a pair of videocases depicting educational life in Deming, New Mexico. The videocase includes 28 minutes of unstaged but edited videotape footage of teaching and learning in and around junior high and mid-high schools in Deming.
Then the Beauty Emerges: A Longitudinal Case Study of Culturally Relevant Teaching
Explores the classroom curriculum and instructional strategies of a white, second career teacher who created a culturally relevant teaching practice. Longitudinal data chronicled the development of her beliefs, values, and dispositions for meeting diverse student needs.
Waking the Sleeping Giant: Engaging and Capitalizing on the Sociocultural Strengths of the Latino Community
A family literacy program for Salvadoran refugees and other Latinos in Arlington (Virginia) is analyzed from a sociocultural perspective as exemplifying an educational project designed and implemented by grassroots organizations in an increasingly diverse, multicultural/multilingual community. The program addresses the educational needs of poor illiterate families while drawing on parents' culture and extensive life experiences.