



part of the Education Reform Networks
Applying a Cognitive-Behavioral Approach to the Training of Culturally Competent Mental Health Counselors
Claims that a cognitive-behavioral approach can help train culturally competent mental health professionals. Following the stages of intervention in cognitive therapy, culturally diverse counselors in training confront their own and others' cognitive distortions and develop a genuine sensitivity to other cultural perspectives.
Multicultural Identity Development: Preparing To Work with Diverse Populations
Working effectively within a multicultural society requires that counselors and educators become multicultural in context. This study was designed to determine whether a three-part cultural training diversity program would enable participants to become multicultural in context through structured learning experiences.
Distinctive Members: The Effects of Solo Arrangements on Evaluations of Solos and Similar Others
Investigates the effect of group composition on judgments of African Americans. White male and female college students (N=84) responded to photographic slides of female work groups containing altered racial compositions.
The Journal for the Professional Counselor, 1998
An official refereed branch journal of the American Counseling Association, this journal covers current professional issues, theory, research, and innovative practices or programs in all branches of counseling.
Racism Attitudes, White Racial Identity Attitudes, and Multicultural Counseling Competence in School Counselor Trainees
Investigates the contributions of prior multicultural training, racism attitudes, and White racial identity attitudes to self-reported multicultural counseling competence in 99 school counselor trainees. Results revealed that racism attitudes and White racial identity attitudes together contributed to significant variance in self-perceived multicultural counseling competence.
Multicultural Counseling Training and Ratings of "Culturally Sensitive" and "Culturally Insensitive" White Counselors by White Counselor-trainees
This research in multicultural literature addresses the dynamics among Whites that have primarily addressed counselor-client dyads. This study examines how training in multicultural awareness, knowledge, and skills influences the evaluation of White counselors' multicultural counseling competence.
Multicultural Counseling Training: A Preliminary Study
Given the increasingly diverse makeup of the United States, the probability is high that counselors in all settings will work with clients of differing cultural backgrounds. Accrediting associations, including the Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP), have recently included cultural and/or diversity content in their training standards.
Arab American Students in Public Schools. ERIC Digest, Number 142
This digest reviews ways to provide Arab Americans with a supportive school environment and all students with an accurate and unbiased education about the Middle East. The school climate will make Arab American students feel more welcome if Arab culture is included in multicultural courses and activities, and if the staff works to eliminate prejudice and discrimination.
School Counseling: New Perspectives & Practices
School counselors need new ideas to initiate change in school counseling programs. This book presents a collection of innovative paradigms and approaches.
Mental Health Counselors as Consultants for Diversity Training
Argues that mental health counselors need to devote more attention to minority group issues. In light of a society that is rapidly becoming even more diverse in its make-up, a rationale and specific techniques enabling a mental health counselor to serve in the capacity of a consultant are presented.
Perceptions of Chicano/Latino Students Who Have Dropped Out of School
Reports on qualitative study of focus group interviews with Chicano/Latinos who had dropped out of school. Responses revealed themes of alienation and discrimination in the school setting.
Assessing the Issues of Multiracial Students on College Campuses
This preliminary study focuses on multiracial college students' attitudes regarding the challenges they experience on campus. Results highlight counseling issues that affect multiracial college students and how college counselors' perceptions of diversity need to be broadened to accommodate the rapidly growing multiracial and multiethnic student population.
A Critical Analysis of the Multicultural Counseling Competencies: Implications for the Practice of Mental Health Counseling
Discusses the implications of adopting the Multicultural Counseling Competencies created by the Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development for members of the American Mental Health Counseling Association and other counseling practitioners. Suggests that more empirical data need to be collected before the Competencies are required of practicing counselors or implemented in counselor education programs.
Hickory High School
High School .
Maximizing School Guidance Program Effectiveness: A Guide for School Administrators & Program Directors
Twenty-three brief chapters provide administrators a comprehensive guide to school counseling that describes practices, problems, and processes for which school counselors' expertise may be relied on.
The Future Direction of Multicultural Counseling: An Assessment of Preservice School Counselors' Thoughts
Reviews issues with regard to multicultural training for counselors. An open-ended questionnaire designed to assess conceptions of multicultural counseling was administered to 85 master's level students in the internship phase of school counseling programs.
Connecting the Parts: A Hispanic/Latino Reality for Achieving More Timely Degree Completion. JSRI Working Paper No. 34
This paper examines some of the major problems and barriers faced by Hispanic/Latino youth who, despite high college enrollment rates, do not complete the four-year degree. An examination of five entering classes of Illinois college students found that only 30.2 percent of Hispanic students had completed their degrees at the end of four years, 33.8 percent were still enrolled in college, and 36 percent had dropped out.
Training Urban School Counselors and Psychologists To Work with Culturally, Linguistically, Urban, and Ethnically Diverse Populations
Discusses the need to train urban school counselors and psychologists to address the needs of culturally, linguistically, urban, and ethnically diverse (CLUE) students, proposing a major CLUE philosophy training program to be incorporated into the existing degree sequence. Notes major competencies needed for multicultural training and presents key readings to help students and professionals familiarize themselves with the competencies.
Unity through Diversity: Fostering Cultural Awareness
Describes the program "Unity through Diversity" and outlines the planning procedure used in its implementation. Discusses major program aspects, including the four assembly programs and the supplementary curricular materials.
Master's Level Counselors' Self-Perceived Multicultural Competence: Relation to General Counseling Competence, Conscientiousness, and Openness to Experience
Multicultural counseling competence is of paramount importance. For counselors to be able to better meet the needs of their clients, and for counselor education programs to better prepare their students to meet the needs of a diverse population, it is necessary to uncover and learn to effectively manipulate all the pieces of the puzzle of multicultural counseling competence.
Student Characteristics, School Characteristics, and Educational Aspirations of Six Asian American Ethnic Groups
Looks at differences among six Asian-American ethnic groups in terms of student-level and school-level characteristics and examines factors related to their educational aspirations. Discusses implications for counselors to help Asian-American students achieve academic success in secondary and higher education.
Predictive Characteristics of Multicultural Counselling Competence
This paper looks at multicultural counseling competencies from a national sample of Canadian Guidance and Counseling Association members.
An Introduction to Multicultural Counseling
When client and counselor are from different cultural backgrounds, they tend to view things from disparate perspectives. Though a background in multiculturalism is required for program accreditation, most existing texts limit coverage to ethnicity, without the emphasis of broad concepts such as discrimination and acculturation, or coverage of gender, sexual orientation, or aging issues.
Rethinking Multicultural Counseling: Implications for Counselor Education
Urges a broader definition of the term "multicultural counseling," and explores the potential contribution of multiculturalism to the theory and practice of counseling. Briefly reviews the current status of training in cross-cultural and multicultural counseling, and offers suggestions for upgrading the preparation of multicultural counselors.
Understanding the Relationship between Learning Style and Multiculturalism for School Counselors
A major concern of educators, counselors, and parents in the United States and throughout the world has been the costs and consequences of the high number of at-risk and dropout minority students. The intent of this paper is to explore the hypothesis that school counselors must know the implications of multicultural students' varied learning styles for both counseling and teaching.
A Developmental Framework for Cultural Competence Training with Children
Presents a developmental framework for cultural competence training with children. Recommends that social workers synchronize training with children's developmental levels and cultural learning readiness in cognitive, affective, and behavioral areas.
Counseling in the Rehabilitation Process: Community Services for Mental and Physical Disabilities. Second Edition
This text provides an overview of vocational rehabilitation counseling and services.
Preparing Counselors and Therapists: Creating Constructivist and Developmental Programs
Written for those who will educate future counselors and psychotherapists, this book marks out a vision for counselor and psychotherapist training for the postmodern era. The book details specific practices that are grounded in constructivist and developmental principles including approaches to classroom instruction, field supervision, curriculum, admissions, student evaluation, and multicultural awareness.
Conceptualizing a Case of Indirect Racism Using the White Racial Identity Development Model
Describes how counselors might use a model of White racial identity development to conceptualize and treat a White client who has experienced racism directed toward his ethnic minority friend. Specific attention is paid to both the client's and the counselor's White racial statuses and how these interact within the counseling process.
Multicultural Awareness, Knowledge and Skills: Directions for Adult Education Training Programs
Licensed professional counselors (n=207) completed the Multicultural Awareness, Knowledge, and Skills Survey, revealing insufficient competence in defining culture, understanding pluralism, analyzing culture, and assessing diverse clients. Comparison of those trained before and after 1990 showed the earlier group had additional insufficiencies.
Hispanic-American Students and Learning Style. ERIC Digest
This digest identifies cultural values that may affect the learning processes of Hispanic-American students, reviews research on the learning styles of Hispanic-American students, and discusses the implications of this research for counseling and teaching Hispanic youth. One cultural value that is of paramount importance in most Hispanic cultures is family commitment.
Emotional Intelligence and Empathy: Their Relation to Multicultural Counseling Knowledge and Awareness
Study examines the relationship among school counselors' emotional intelligence, empathy, and self-reported multicultural counseling knowledge and awareness. Findings revealed that school counselors' previous multicultural education, emotional intelligence scores, and personal distress empathy scores accounted for significant variance in their self-perceived multicultural counseling knowledge.(Contains 42 references.) (GCP).
Addressing the Needs of Biracial Children: An Issue for Counselors in a Multicultural School Environment
Focuses on the school counseling concerns of biracial children and the use of developmental school counseling programs as a means of promoting positive self-awareness in biracial students.Also, views developmental counseling programs as a viable vehicle for promoting awareness of and respect for the many factors that differentiate one person from another. (KW).
Counseling Multiracial/Multiethnic Children
There are two central issues that must be addressed when counseling multiracial and multiethnic children in the United States. The first is that, although the United States is fixated on race, only single-race group membership is recognized.
Progress without punishment: Effective approaches for learners with behavior problems.
Recent years have seen dramatic changes in the theory and practice of special education and human service systems. The focus has shifted away from artificial and restrictive environments to deinstitutionalization, community integration, and the development of programs in public schools and vocational and residential settings.
In Search of Empathy within Multicultural Counseling Process
Empathy has been defined as the single most important dimension in establishing a counseling relationship. This paper describes a study that compares counselor trainees' and a general population of African American males' empathy ratings of racially mixed videotaped counseling sessions.
Mentoring: Creating Connected, Empowered Relationships
This book is an effort to explore the ways in which mentoring and counseling are related and can be applied to one another. To meet the needs of a diverse audience, the authors present the advantages of initiating mentoring relationships with people of different genders, age groups, and cultural backgrounds.
Multicultural Infusion in the Counselor Education Curriculum: A Preliminary Analysis
Counselor educators agree on the necessity of preparing counselors in training to work in a diverse society. Traditional training programs have no special accommodations and are characterized by unawareness of the impact of cultural factors in counseling.
Tools for Tapping an Intercultural Gold Mine: Integrating International Staff into Your Camp Program
International camp counselors can enhance the camp environment and improve marketability. Guidelines for achieving a mutually beneficial international camp experience include hiring staff from a variety of countries, establishing a relationship before arrival, actively incorporating international staff into the camp community, incorporating international activities into the routine, including support staff in all-camp activities, and developing a buddy system.
Reliability and Validity of Three Measures of Multicultural Competency
Examines the reliability and validity of three measures of multicultural competency, the Multicultural Counseling Awareness Scale: Form B (MCAS), the Multicultural Awareness-Knowledge-and Skills Survey (MAKSS), and the Survey of Graduate Students' Experiences with Diversity (GSEDS). The findings generally support the psychometric soundness of these surveys, with some important exceptions.
Using Computer Technology to Promote Multicultural Awareness among Elementary School-Age Students
Elementary school teachers, administrators, and counselors need to implement educational strategies that effectively help children develop skills necessary to manage technological demands and interpersonal challenges related to living in a highly diverse modern society. Discusses projects and activities that involve the use of computers among elementary school students.
Career Counseling in Schools: Multicultural and Developmental Perspectives
This handbook is a resource for counselor educators, school counselors, and other helping professionals who have not discovered an appropriate multicultural approach to career development. It is designed to enhance the school counselor's knowledge about cultural diversity and to provide appropriate career development interventions with special population students.
Life & Loss: A Guide To Help Grieving Children. Second Edition
Because children experience grief in a variety of contexts, adults need a guide through the maze of thoughts and feelings that loss evokes for themselves and their children. This guide seeks to empower parents, educators, clergy, and health care professionals to handle children's loss and grief issues in an informed, open, and loving way, reducing the fear and denial often associated with these topics.
culture-specific counseling
Today there is a great awareness among psychologists and postmodern thinkers to move from cross-cultural paradigm to culture-specific in understanding human condition. Phenomenology comes in as a qualitative research method as well as therapeutic modality to facilitate clients to make sense of their life-world.
Effects of Client Race-Ethnicity on Perceptions of Counselor Trainees: Study 1 and Study 2
Investigates the impact that racial stereotypes have on counselor trainees' perceptions of the attributes and behaviors of ethnically diverse male clients. Results reveal that counselor perceptions of client attributes differed across race-ethnicity.
The Identity Development of Multiracial Youth. ERIC/CUE Digest, Number 137
In the past several decades, individuals have been responding more actively to political and personal pressures to identify with a specific group that shares their background. For many people of mixed racial, ethnic, and cultural heritage, making such an identification is complicated.
An Exploratory Study of Counselor Judgments in Multicultural Research
Archival data were used to explore intake judgments made by 45 counselors about 344 African American and white clients seen at a counseling center during a 2-year period. Counselor gender was significantly associated with ratings of client severity of current condition.
Teaching Multicultural Counseling Prepracticum
Focuses on the value of a multicultural counseling prepracticum course for counselors in training at Virginia Commonwealth University (Richmond). States that the course helps students develop their skills in multicultural counseling.
Process versus Content: Integrating Personal Awareness and Counseling Skills To Meet the Multicultural Challenge of the Twenty-First Century
Describes a study in which there was a strong relationship between personal awareness and multicultural counseling skills during group supervision. Suggests that during supervision, supervisors should help counselors-in-training to attain wisdom.
The Care and Education of Young Bilinguals: An Introduction for Professionals
This book is a comprehensive introduction for all professionals working with bilingual children. For speech therapists, physicians, psychologists, counselors, teachers, special needs personnel, and many others, this book addresses the most important issues at a practical level.
Correlates of Self-Reported Multicultural Competencies: Counselor Multicultural Social Desirability, Race, Social Inadequacy, Locus of Control Racial Ideology, and Multicultural Training
Multicultural counseling competencies of university counseling center staff (N=176) were assessed. A one-model multiple regression analysis using a four-step forced entry method accounted for 34% of the variability.
Measuring Counselor Competence with Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Clients: Implications for Multicultural Training
This study attempted to develop psychometric properties of the Sexual Orientation Counselor Competency Scale (SOCCS), an instrument used to assess the awareness, skills, and knowledge of counselors working with the lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) population. A sample of 287 students undergraduates, master-level and doctoral-level students, and counseling psychologists were surveyed.
Multicultural Training Needs for Counselors of Gifted African American Children
Identifies problems related to a counselor's lack of training to assist gifted African American children and proposes steps toward appropriate counselor training. A good multicultural training program has components of consciousness raising, antiracism, and knowledge and skill development.
Training Multiculturally Competent Counselors to Work with Asian Americans. Introduction to the Special Section
Introduces a journal's special theme section on training multiculturally competent counselors. Argues that counselors who engage in multicultural counseling should possess competencies that include counselor awareness of cultural values and biases; awareness of a client's world view; and knowledge of culturally appropriate intervention strategies.
The Relationship between Multicultural Counseling Training and the Evaluation of Culturally Sensitive and Culturally Insensitive Counselors
This study on multicultural counseling training contributed significantly to the variance in ratings of a culturally sensitive counselor. No significant contribution was made to the variance in ratings of the culturally insensitive counselor.
The Future of Career
This book presents many views of the concept of "career," reviewing its past and considering its future in an international context including viewpoints from sociology, psychology, and human resources management.
Counseling Muslim Children in School Settings
Describes basic issues regarding the education and counseling of Muslims. Several issues emerged for concern including home/school relations, family values, peer relations and dating, and curriculum problems.
Enhancing the Communication Skills of Newly-Arrived Asian American Students. ERIC/CUE Digest No. 136
This digest focuses on meeting the educational needs of recent Asian Pacific American (APA) immigrants. Newcomers usually have various levels of English proficiency, and many find school rules incomprehensible because they differ so widely from their previous experiences.
Ethical Issues in Professional Counseling, 2001
Volume of 4 and 5 contain lessons that provide expert information on a variety of ethical issues in professional counseling. The lessons included in these volumes may be applied toward continuing education credits.
Enhancing Multicultural Relations: Intervention Strategies for the School Counselor
Inquiries were sent to guidance directors of more than 100 school districts in suburban New York concerning initiatives being taken to enhance multicultural relations in the school. Strategies were then incorporated into a proposed four-phase framework for implementing a comprehensive multicultural relations initiative in school.
Training Counselors To Relate in a Global Community Using the Structured Interview Process
This paper discusses a program designed to assist counseling students to improve cross cultural communication skills that will enable them to use interviewing techniques with individuals from diverse cultures. Research suggests that such a program is needed since many students have not had significant experiences in interacting and communicating with people from different backgrounds.
phenomenological Counseling
Today there is a great awareness among psychologists and postmodern thinkers to move from cross-cultural paradigm to culture-specific in understanding human condition. Phenomenology comes in as a qualitative research method as well as therapeutic modality to facilitate clients to make sense of their life-world.
Counselor Trainee Perceptions of Hispanic, Black, and White Teenage Expectant Mothers and Fathers
Investigates perceptions of counselors-in-training (N=133) of Black, Hispanic, and White male and female adolescents facing a teen pregnancy. After viewing video vignettes, participants indicated that boys would be more encouraged to leave school and work than would girls.
Counseling and Mental Health Services on Campus: A Handbook of Contemporary Practices and Challenges. The Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education Series
The provision of mental health counseling within student affairs in the context of a rapidly changing society, and ever broadening demands as issues such as prevention and diversity are integrated into the scope of counseling are challenged.
Culturally Diverse Beliefs Concerning Dying, Death, and Bereavement: A School Psychologist's Intervention Challenge
School psychologists need to employ a multicultural perspective in the areas of death, dying, and bereavement. To develop multicultural sensitivity and competency requires setting aside one's personal beliefs in an attempt to adopt another's perspective.
Exploring the Self-Perceived Multicultural Counseling Competence of Elementary School Counselors
Counselors (N=76) from an elementary school completed the Multicultural Counseling Competence and Training Survey to assess their perceptions of multicultural competence. The results suggest they perceived themselves to be largely multiculturally competent, except in areas of racial identity development.
Training Counselors To Work with Native American Clients
This paper discusses the history and the impact that current social conditions of Native American people has upon their education, careers, relationships, and physical and mental health, and offers suggestions about how counselors can help Native Americans improve their lives. The structure of the paper includes a brief history of some of the critical incidents in Native American history, current challenges among the Native American population, counseling implications associated with these challenges, and suggestions counselors can use to increase their cross-cultural skills in counseling, consulting, and agency development.
Counseling Interventions for Students Who Have Mild Disabilities
Reviews characteristics, problems, and needs of students with mild disabilities. The role of counselors' attitudes and behaviors, and the need for special training in assisting these students are discussed.
Preparing Students for Success in a Multicultural World: Faculty Advisement and Intercultural Communication
Summarizes key findings from counseling, advisement, and intercultural communication literature that are associated with multicultural competence, including the academic and modeling role of the advisor. Offers a conceptual framework of standards for developing multicultural communication advisement competence.
The Counselor as a Member of a Culturally Proficient School Leadership Team
The paradigm presented in this chapter is predicated on certain assumptions about the future of schools and schooling as well as the role of the school counselor. These assumptions include: the cultural and demographic profile of school counselors will continue to be different from students; the counselor will have an ever-present role on school leadership teams; although the traditional high school will continue, alternative programs will proliferate; and the counselor will have career, personal, and civic functions, and the cultural proficiency model will be inextricably linked with these functions.
Multicultural Career Counseling: Ten Essentials for Training
Critical areas in which career counselors need training are as follows: demographics, world of work, career and multicultural counseling competence, career counseling process, multicultural counseling theories, career development models, career assessment, barriers to career development, culturally sensitive career centers, and continuing professional development. (Contains 49 references.) (SK).
Seeing Themselves through Borrowed Eyes: Asian Americans in Ethnic Ambivalence/Evasion
Focuses on the second stage of ethnic identity development, Ethnic Ambivalence/Evasion, experienced by Asian Americans through 39 personal narratives. Ethnic Ambivalence/Evasion, one of four identified stages that culminate with ethnic identity incorporation, typically occurs during the years of childhood and adolescence, and so is a stage particularly relevant for counselors and educators.
A Call for Multicultural Counseling in Middle Schools
Defines multicultural middle school counseling and outlines three main reasons for offering multicultural counseling designed specifically for young adolescents. Outlines problems faced by non-native students and presents guidelines for middle school counselors who work in multicultural settings.
Career and Academic Guidance for American Indian and Alaska Native Youth. ERIC Digest
American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) students strive to maintain their heritage while learning to be successful in the dominant culture. Although academic and career success are worthy goals, AI/AN students can pay a heavy price to achieve them.
The Counselor's Guide to Ohio Independent Colleges and Universities, 2000.
This guide contains information on Ohio's independent colleges and universities, including: (1) a map of the state's private schools; (2) quick facts about independent higher education in Ohio; (3) financial aid; (4) private college visitation days; and (5) college and university profiles. The profiles provide information on 1999-2000 enrollment, admission procedures, advanced credit opportunities, transfer credit policies, housing, Fall 1999 freshman profile, recommended high school curriculum, minority/multicultural programs, learning disabled students, athletics, financial aid, and majors.
Extending Multicultural Counselor Competence to Sexual Orientation
The purpose of this study was to develop and establish psychometric properties of the Sexual Orientation Counselor Scale (SOCS), an instrument assessing the awareness, skills, and knowledge of counselors working with lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) populations. The sample consisted of 287 students (undergraduates, master-level students, doctoral-level students, and counseling psychologists).
Using Counselor Training and Collaborative Programming Strategies in Working with International Students
Provides an overview of the adjustment concerns of international students and explores venues for inclusion of this population in multicultural training and counselor competency development opportunities for graduate students. Highlights a model of programming implemented at a private university that provides training opportunities for counselors-in-training.
African American Women's Self Esteem Workshop: Yalom Meets Karenga
Yalom's group theory and Karenga's Afrocentric paradigm are integrated in a workshop for African American women via the topical themes of each workshop session, the developmental approach from a semistructured group to a process-oriented group, and the process of training a practicum student.
Citizenship Education in Multicultural Society--What Can We Learn from Israel?
Studied the attitudes of 37 Israeli secondary-school counselors towards immigrant students and citizenship education. Most believed that implementation of citizenship education is a school wide enterprise, and most supported an assimilationist perspective for immigrant students.
Culture-Centered Counseling Skills as a Preventive Strategy for College Health Services
Successful counseling is possible if health care providers learn to interpret behaviors within cultural context. The paper describes a culture-centered approach, using a grid that matches same/different behaviors and expectations.
Multicultural Competencies: A Guidebook of Practices
Intended to benefit the entire counseling community, this guidebook demonstrates current multicultural competencies and successful delivery of services across the various professional counseling disciplines. Leading authorities offer concrete direction for effective multicultural counseling and reflect on what they have found to be the best practices in their specialty area.
Journal of the Pennsylvania Counseling Association, 2000-2001
These two journal issues are dedicated to the study and development of the counseling profession. The journal's emphasis on multiculturalism is evident in the article selected for this volume.
Asian Americans' and African Americans' Initial Perceptions of Hispanic Counselors
Study examines the effects of Hispanic counselors' race and speech accent on Asian American and African American students' initial perceptions. Results show that students' gender, race, and level of "universal-diverse" orientation, along with counselors' speech accent, predicted students' initial perceptions of the counselors and of the counseling relationship.
The Schooling of Multiracial Students. ERIC/CUE Digest, Number 138
The purpose of this digest is to help educators develop a curriculum for multiracial students that fosters their ability to develop a positive identity and achieve academically. To this end, the digest briefly reviews identity formation in multiracial children and then presents schoolwide and classroom strategies that have been shown to be particularly effective with multiracial students and that also promote all children's understanding of racial issues.
White Counselor Trainees: Is there Multicultural Counseling Competence without Formal Training?
Recent research has produced ambiguous results as to whether traditional training in multicultural development, awareness, knowledge, and skills is necessary to produce counseling competence. To explore this question, a study of multicultural counseling competence prior to multicultural counseling training is reported here.
Counselling Immigrants: School Contexts and Emerging Strategies
Investigates strategies employed by Israeli secondary school counselors working with immigrant students from the former Soviet Union. Findings highlight the importance of counselors attribute to the school context and its organizational culture when working with immigrants.
The Road to Multicultural Education: Potholes of Resistance
Presents data on the extent to which preservice and inservice teachers and preservice school counselors approached acceptance of the tenets reflected in the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education's statement endorsing multiculturalism, multilingualism, multidialectism, empowerment, equity, and cultural and individual uniqueness. Survey data illuminate tensions teacher educators experience as they conduct multicultural training activities.
Reentry Difficulty, Life Satisfaction and Psychological Well-Being of Taiwanese Students Who Have Returned from the United States
This article examines the relationship among 11 selected factors and reentry difficulty, life satisfaction, and psychological well-being of Taiwanese students returning home from the United States. The results of the questionnaire showed that returnees' reentry adjustment was affected by gender, willingness to return home, overall satisfaction with overseas experience, and perceived treatment by home people.
Safe Passage: How Philanthropy Is Working Together to Help All of America's Youth Connect by Age 25
Released in July 2006, Safe Passage is the latest publication of the Youth Transition Funders Group (YTFG), a consortium of major philanthropic foundations dedicated to strategic collaboration to address issues of juvenile justice, foster care system reform, and out-of-school/struggling youth. The publication provides examples of solutions implemented across the country that have proven outcomes for youth.
Building Stronger School Counseling Programs: Bringing Futuristic Approaches into the Present
This publication brings together authors from a variety of fields to speculate about the future of counseling. Some believe that change in the future will be incremental and of a short-term nature, resolving problems as they arise.
School Counselors' Universal-Diverse Orientation and Aspects of Their Multicultural Counseling Competence
Explores the relationship between school counselors' universal-diverse orientation (UDO) and their self-reported multicultural counseling knowledge and awareness. It was hypothesized that after accounting for the number of previous multicultural counseling courses taken, school counselors' UDO would contribute significant amounts of the variance to their self-perceived multicultural counseling knowledge and awareness.
Collaborative Interventions for Assisting Students with Acquired Brain Injuries in School
Brain injury is a leading cause of disability in students. These students will need support throughout their school career.
School Counselors, Teachers, and the Culturally Compatible Classroom: Partnerships in Multicultural Education
School counselors need to advise their teaching colleagues on incorporating diversity within classrooms. Includes various ways counselors can advise and introduce strategies to teachers that will avoid inappropriate pedagogical habits regarding ethnicity, class, gender, and disabling challenges.
Engaging Effectively with Culturally Diverse Families and Children
Describes a practice model that school social workers can use when helping culturally diverse families. Model emphasizes the importance of building a perspective for understanding culture and presents a framework for cross-cultural practice that includes some basic skills for effective transactions.
Parental Influences on Career Development Perceived by African American and Mexican American College Students
Study examines parental factors that influence career development among African American and Mexican American college students. Analysis of student interviews reveals that parents are influential in the following career domains: encouragement, educational expectations, critical life events, vicarious learning, and work identity.
Phenomenological Approach to Counseling
Today there is a great awareness among psychologists and postmodern thinkers to move from cross-cultural paradigm to culture-specific in understanding human condition. Phenomenology comes in as a qualitative research method as well as therapeutic modality to facilitate clients to make sense of their life-world.
Developing Multicultural Counseling Competence through the Use of Portfolios
This paper investigates the ability of portfolios to stimulate the acquisition of multicultural counseling competence within counselors-in-training. It also compares the efficacy of portfolios to case formulation, another method of competence development.
A Review of Spirituality in Counselor Education
This paper presents a literature review of studies that address spirituality and religion specifically within counseling and counselor education. Results indicate that few studies examine the topic of spirituality outside of the clinical aspect of counseling, indicating that counselor education needs to consider how to educate students about spirituality.
A Study of the Gender Role Orientations of Beginning Counselors
Counseling literature and the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs' (1994) accreditation standards advocate gender-sensitive counseling practices. However, the effects of socialization processes on counselor education students concerning gender role orientation may interfere with that mandate.
Multicultural Conflict Resolution: Development, Implementation and Assessment of a Program for Third Graders
Presents an intervention that outlines the formulation, implementation, and assessment of one counselor's attempt to increase student skills in the area of conflict resolution through a 6-week, curriculum-based, conflict resolution program for third-graders. Program evaluation indicates that it was successful in challenging students' conceptualization of conflict, shifting their associations with the word from negative to positive.
Teaching Career Counseling Skills and Cultural Sensitivity
Describes the effectiveness of four innovative techniques for developing cultural sensitivity in career counselors: newsgroups to promote class discussion, supervised practice in multicultural career counseling, Culture Day in which students play the role of a person from a different culture and/or gender, and a noncompetitive grading system. (SK).
Counselors, Students of Color, and College: Student-Centered and Systemic Multicultural Interventions
Student demographics on campuses increasingly reflect diversity. A counselor's ability to help this emerging campus population requires the use of multicultural interventions that affect the student and the system.
Spiritual Issues in Counseling: A New Course
Describes a course designed to explore spiritual issues that occur in counseling. Using a multicultural framework, discusses topics such as understanding spirituality, assessing clients' spiritual needs, and identifying spiritual issues in counseling.
The Counseling Primer
This volume seeks to answer the basic question "What does a counselor or therapist need to know in order to become a Licensed Professional Counselor?" Containing all the basic information that is taught in the counseling and therapy classes in major universities across the United States, this book places a special emphasis on those courses which, contain content found on the National Counselor Exam.
CACD Journal, 1998-1999
This publication of the California Association for Counseling and Development for 1998-1999 supports the organizational goals of leadership, inquiry, discovery, excellence, and innovation. It attempts to identify the current issues of concern in the counseling field and to share research to help improve the professional learning community.
Promoting Optimum Mental Health through Counseling: An Overview
A broad selection of topics representing important aspects of mental health counseling are presented in 56 brief articles.
Working with Aboriginal Women: Applying Feminist Therapy in a Multicultural Counselling Context
Argues that counselor education for working with Aboriginal women must address both culture and gender issues, and that this may be done by applying feminist theory within a multicultural counseling perspective. Explores these perspectives, their application to these women, and specific counselor education considerations.
Relating Authentically in a Global Community: A Process of Personal Transformation
This paper examines the process of change, which includes internal affective and cognitive elements, leading to new perspectives, cognitions, and behaviors in regard to attitudes towards and relationships with others who are ethnically and culturally different from themselves.
Brief Counseling with Hispanic American College Students
Hispanic-American college students (N=16) met with a Puerto-Rican counselor for two brief counseling sessions. Brief counseling was a viable and effective approach in helping the students reach their goals.
Helping Students Learn to Get Along: Assessing the Effectiveness of a Multicultural Developmental Guidance Project
Tested the effectiveness of a framework that linked developmental and multicultural counseling theories for use among elementary-school-age students (n=117). Designed to help students develop a variety of social and interpersonal skills that would increase their ability to resolve conflicts resulting from negative prejudices, the intervention was successful.
School Counseling in the Twenty-First Century: A Systemic Multicultural Approach
School counseling educators and practitioners frequently find themselves so focused on the daily activities of serving their schools that rarely do they have the luxury of considering a long-term and large-scale vision for the profession. Yet a vision that anticipates the future needs of school counseling in a proactive manner is just what the profession must develop in order to survive, prosper, and be truly effective.