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part of the Education Reform Networks

Preparing Counselors and Therapists: Creating Constructivist and Developmental Programs

Written for those who will educate future counselors and psychotherapists, this book marks out a vision for counselor and psychotherapist training for the postmodern era. The book details specific practices that are grounded in constructivist and developmental principles including approaches to classroom instruction, field supervision, curriculum, admissions, student evaluation, and multicultural awareness.

  • Author/Creator: McAuliffe, Garrett, Eriksen, Karen Corp Author Association for Counselor Education, Supervision, Washington D. C.
  • Author's address: ACES, 5999 Stevenson Ave., Alexandria, VA 22304 ($36.95). Tel: 800-347-6647 (Toll Free); Tel: 703-823-6862 (TDD); Fax: 800-473-2329 (Toll Free).
  • Date Published: 00-00
  • Notes: Search the catalog at the library of the University of Colorado at Boulder. English ISBN: 1-57864-100-4 Audience: Practitioners/ Teachers/ Students Document (RIE) 010 Books; 055 Guides--Nonclassroom EDRS: EDRS Price MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available from EDRS.
  • Year: 2000

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