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A Student Programmer's Guide to Developing Multicultural Activities at Community Colleges
Ten steps to success in multicultural campus-activities programming are outlined: seek new perspectives; learn issues and terminology; learn how the three stages of diversity apply to programming; build alliances with other student groups; co-sponsor events; build bridges with faculty; include educational components in programs; be creative; reach out to the community; and seek help from professionals. (MSE).
Children with Communication Disorders: Update 2001. ERIC Digest
This digest discusses various types of communication disorders, their incidence, the learning difficulties associated with them, the special case of English language learners, and the educational significance of communication disorders. Communication disorders may result from many different conditions such as oral-motor difficulties or language-based learning disabilities.
Community Colleges as Cultural Texts: Qualitative Explorations of Organizational and Student Culture. SUNY Series, Frontiers in Education
This book, part of the Frontiers in Education series from the State University of New York, depicts community colleges as "cultural texts," addressing the question of whether, and how, community colleges confront the challenges of diversity and provide equal opportunities for upward mobility.
Examining the Literacy Practices of Home, School, and Community: When Does Difference Make a Difference?
A mismatch between the intended purpose of a curriculum strategy and the discourse understandings of students that enable them to engage in the activity is a common occurrence when the purposes of the curriculum strategy are not apparent to the students. This is more likely to happen in schools in multicultural societies.
Links between Family Life and Minority Student Achievement: Removing the Blinders
Contends that a range of theories exists in the social science literature about the effects of family processes on the social and academic success of a family's offspring. Identifies major theoretical perspectives that have dominated the literature on families and minority student achievement.
Models of Multiculturalism: Enhancing Immediacy and Relevance When Teaching Cultural Diversity
Considers today's students the "postguilt generation." Proposes that teachers reconsider the way that students are exposed to issues of race, gender, class, and sexuality, creating class activities that allow students to experience the boundaries and definitions of identity. Presents three models of classroom activities.
Pharmacy Students' Perceptions About the Need for Multicultural Education
A study assessed pharmacy students' perceptions about the importance of learning about health beliefs and behaviors of ethnic minority groups, views on the mechanisms by which such cultural information should be conveyed, and differences in perceptions related to student demography. Students believed this information was important but did not make the connection between having knowledge and impacting patient outcomes.
Selecting Computer Programs and Interactive Multimedia for Culturally Diverse Students: Promising Practices
Discusses issues in selecting computer programs and interactive multimedia for culturally diverse students, including the necessity of including diverse cultural referents and acknowledging the cognitive style of students who will be using the programs. (SLD).
Sharing the Responsibility: A Study of a Comprehensive Approach to Teacher Preparation for Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Urban Middle Level Schools
Examined effectiveness of a teacher education program emphasizing skills and knowledge needed in multicultural, multilingual urban middle school settings. Found that candidates were already culturally/linguistically sensitive, and became more so during the program; felt prepared to meet student needs; and still had difficulty envisioning the "practice" of these new teaching methods.
The Culture Wars on Two Fronts: Curriculum and Financing
A college professor who sometimes appears as a guest on a local radio call-in program discussing contemporary higher education, talks about the nature of the changes occurring in the college curriculum and student population, multicultural education, teaching styles and objectives, trends in access to a college education, and the financial crisis facing colleges and universities. (MSE).