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Social Development
Assessing the Impact of a Prejudice Prevention Project
Reports on the effectiveness of a prejudice prevention intervention that was used among a culturally diverse group of students in Hawaii. Results indicate that teachers observed significant improvement in the students' cooperative social skills as a result of participating in the multicultural guidance activities.
Helping Students Learn to Get Along: Assessing the Effectiveness of a Multicultural Developmental Guidance Project
Tested the effectiveness of a framework that linked developmental and multicultural counseling theories for use among elementary-school-age students (n=117). Designed to help students develop a variety of social and interpersonal skills that would increase their ability to resolve conflicts resulting from negative prejudices, the intervention was successful.
Issues in Educating Students with Disabilities. The LEA Series on Special Education and Disability
This book is designed to reaffirm the value of special instruction and to provide information on current research and practice which shows productive and successful outcomes. It addresses the definition of disabilities, the assessment of disabilities, instruction, special populations, special education legislation and policy, and integration.
Multicultural Education in the Zionist State--The Mizrahi Challenge
Reports that the educational experience of Israeli Jews from Islamic countries (Mizrahi Jews) demonstrates the struggle between egalitarian rhetoric (a critical multiculturalism with a social-democratic character) on one hand and a practice of segregation (an autonomist multiculturalism with fundamentalist features) on the other. (Contains 78 end notes.) (PGS).
Multicultural Literature, Equity Education, and the Social Studies
Considers the value of multicultural literature as a means of promoting social development for the greater good of society. Multicultural literature can be used across grade levels and subject areas to promote substantive social development, and it can improve the social studies curriculum by supplementing traditional materials.
Multilingualism Is Basic
Demographic, economic, and social realities make linguistic and cross-cultural competence essential skills for today's students. This article discusses three innovative program types that build on basic education while enriching it through second languages: second-language immersion for native English-speaking students; developmental bilingual programs for language-minority students and two-way bilingual immersion programs for all students.
Reading Engaged Readers: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
Describes the importance of understanding that engaged readers can make commitments or promises to understand other readers' perspectives of a text and their interests in using it. Describes how the author's demonstration lesson to a group of Kazakstan educators was transformed into a site for exploring the educators' practices for using a folktale.
Teaching What's Dangerous: Ethical Practice in Music Education
Proposes the educational activities in a modern, multicultural society and explains that these aims have strong implications for the ethical import of music education. States that music has a significant role in the personal and social development of students.
The Hakayak's Last Odyssey: A Computer Game with a Difference
A computer game was created to increase student awareness of major philosophical and ethical questions, and to teach them to analyze the history of humanity from a multicultural perspective. Discussion includes objectives, strategy, design, how pedagogical requirements are met, and initiating changes in attitudes.
The View of the Yeti: Bringing up Children in the Spirit of Self-Awareness and Kindredship
Using the mythical creature of the Himalayas, the Yeti, as a symbol for the prejudices and assumptions that people prematurely make about each other, this book discusses bringing up children to accept and cherish diversity and helping them to thrive in an increasingly diverse world. Directed to educators and caregivers of toddlers and preschoolers, the book takes insights from Dutch-, French-, and English-language literature and provides practical examples based on European issues and context.