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Role of Education
Between the World and the Village: The Role of Education in Sustaining and Developing an Eritrean Cultural Identity
The role of education in the development of an Eritrean cultural identity is explored against the background of a review of relevant educational provisions in pluralist societies. Multicultural education in Eritrea offers access to a common culture and also to a variety of specific cultures.
Celebrating Diversity in Our Schools: Education for Responsibility
This paper proposes a conceptual model for celebrating student diversity through altering the roles, rules, and relationships among teachers, pupils, and the community and teaching two components of responsibility: accountability and flexibility. The paper first reviews three historical responses to diversity (marginalization, reform, and tolerance) and suggests that valuing diversity is a better approach.
Citizenship Education and Diversity
The goals of citizenship education can conflict with values of cultural pluralism. The Canadian government's policy is one of official neutrality and tolerance with respect to cultural differences.
Combating Racism and Hate in Canada Today: Lessons of the Holocaust
Maintains that the Holocaust was the catalyst for Canadian antihate legislation. Maintains that, to combat racism and bigotry, it is necessary to use three important tools: (1) the law; (2) community action; and (3) education.
Controlling Curriculum Knowledge: Multicultural Politics and Policymaking
Utilizes New York state's development and attempted implementation of multicultural education as a case study providing a concise yet thorough examination of the principles, objectives, and controversies surrounding this issue. Delineates the people and organizations involved in grass roots organizing and media representation on both sides of the issue.
Cultural Understanding through Geographical Dimensions: A Finnish Perspective
Defines intercultural education and describes the Finnish geography curriculum. Focuses on geography's role in enhancing cultural understanding by discussing the five dimensions of geographical education: (1) spatial; (2) temporal; (3) physical and environmental; (4) methodological; and (5) value.
Dine College Struggles to Synthesize Navajo and Western Knowledge
Discusses the 30-year struggle Navajo Community College leaders faced in developing a Navajo philosophy and education model that combines Navajo principles and values with a Western-based curriculum. Describes the 1995 implementation of Dine College's Philosophy of Education model at the Tsaile campus.
Educating for Social Competence: A Conceptual Approach to Social Studies Teaching
Maintains that the broad arenas of the social sciences bind multiple areas of study together, giving added breadth and depth to each. Identifies the basic tenets of multicultural, global, and civic education.
Empowering the Poor through Early Childhood Education
Meeting children's needs for early childhood education is one of eight strategies identified by the Food and Agricultural Organization as necessary for the eradication of poverty. Explores how early childhood education might be funded in developing nations.
Excellence and Equity Issues in Art Education: Can We Be Excellent and Equal Too?
Asserts that the dialectic between excellence and equity in art education is generally expressed as an "either/or" situation. Argues that curricula and assessments can be designed to challenge artistically talented students and also serve the needs of all students.
Home-School Liaison. Learning To Live in a Multi-Cultural Society. Final Report of a Series of Workshops Sponsored by the European Commission in 1994. Corp Author(s): National Inst. of Adult Continuing Education, Leicester (England). ; German Adult Education Association, Bonn (Germany). Inst. for International Cooperation
This report addresses the interface between school and home and how this relationship needs to be addressed sensitively and effectively.
Indigenous Education: Survival for Our Children
Article explores definitions of indigenous peoples and the meaning of indigenous education. Education has often been a political tool to deny the identities of indigenous people, but it can become a way for indigenous people to reclaim their rights and cultural identities.
Indigenous Peoples, Globalization, and Education: Making Connections
Globalization pushes aside social, cultural, and ethical goals of education in favor of marketplace goals. Two stories of the indigenous Ju/'hoansi tribe in Botswana illustrate how even well-intentioned multicultural education programs can marginalize indigenous people, and how "globalization from below," fueled by communities of sentiment, can redirect globalization toward advancing social justice in a sustainable future.
Multicultural Education in the New Century
Democratic societies require citizens committed to realizing democratic ideals. Multicultural education helps unify a nation deeply divided along racial, ethnic, and class lines.
Multicultural Theorists and the Social Studies
Questions the multiculturalists' vision that an ethnic group's self-esteem and subsequent academic achievement can improve through the study of its culture. Cites the paucity of studies supporting the effectiveness of interventions to improve inter-ethnic group attitudes.
Multiculturalism and Music Re-attached to Music Education
Suggests that the role of music and music education in supporting culture is very powerful. Focuses on students learning about music as opposed to performance.
Multiculturalism and the Community College
Provides an annotated bibliography of nine recent ERIC documents related to multiculturalism in the community college. Presents documents related to multicultural instructional and program strategies in place at colleges and the role of multicultural education.
Multiculturalism vs. Globalism
Addresses the error of treating multiculturalism and globalism as the same concept. Considers the boundaries and shared purposes of multiculturalism and globalism.
Multiculturalism: Intersubjectivity or Particularism in Education?
Educators, theorists, and community leaders must consider which conceptual template is appropriate for a dynamic, diverse, and productive society and school. Intersubjectivity (stressing empathy, justice, and freedom) avoids the conformity espoused by the extreme right and the Balkanization dangers inherent in far-left recommendations.
Religion and Multiculturalism in Education
Provides a concise historical overview of theological thinking concerning fundamentalism, absolutism, and relativism. Considers corresponding responses to issues regarding multiculturalism.
Religious Music and Multicultural Education
Discusses religious music as an extraordinarily rich resource supplementing multicultural education. Considers the divisive and problematic nature of some religious music, exemplified by a trio of Jewish students refusal to sing "St.
Taken to Extremes: Education in the Far North
This book examines the history of education of indigenous peoples in circumpolar countries of the Western world and contemporary issues in schooling there. It offers perspectives on school and society in villages spread across the Arctic and Subarctic regions of Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Norway, Sweden, and Finland.
Teaching What's Dangerous: Ethical Practice in Music Education
Proposes the educational activities in a modern, multicultural society and explains that these aims have strong implications for the ethical import of music education. States that music has a significant role in the personal and social development of students.
The Transformation of the Teachers' Role at the End of the Twentieth Century: New Challenges for the Future
Rapid global changes have transformed education for the elite into mass education, resulting in the following: new teacher responsibilities, less educational activity by families, mass media access to learning, multicultural education models, change in the social worth of education and status of teachers, fewer resources for education, decline of authority and discipline, and teacher overload. (SK).
Transforming Curriculum for a Culturally Diverse Society
This book is primarily designed for graduate courses in curriculum development and theory, and aims to assist practitioners in facilitating the shift in public school curriculum to accommodate large-scale trends toward a more culturally diverse society.
Unity in Diversity: The Enigma of the European Dimension in Education
Maintains that efforts aimed at the development of a European dimension to the general education curriculum offered in individual nations' schooling have increased in recent years. Asserts that the immediate goal is to provide young people with opportunities beyond their national borders.
What the Russian School Ought to Be Like
Asserts that Russian society and Russian schools are going through a profound crisis. Maintains that the best approach to solving social and educational problems is to restore and develop national principles and group cohesion.