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Reflective Teaching
A Developing Model of Teachers Educating Themselves for Multicultural Pedagogy
This paper reports on the individual student projects of 37 classroom teachers enrolled in a graduate class on multicultural arts education. Identifies points of initial resistance and relates these to patterns of change.
Boal's Mirror: Reflections for Teacher Education
This study investigated the use of Augusto Boal's model of participatory theater to analyze complex social issues within the context of teacher education coursework. Augusto Boal was the originator of the Theatre of the Oppressed.
Case Method in Physical Education Higher Education: A Pedagogy of Change?
Examines the use of the case method to reform physical education teacher education. Reviews research on the use of cases in other professional preparation programs, and on multicultural education and case method, and technology-based cases.
Coalescing for Change: The Coalition for Education That Is Multicultural
Describes the situational complexity of the "Coalition for Education That Is Multicultural," a teacher development group of continuous inquiry into practice by reflective practitioners interested in resistance and collective social action. Interviews with and observations of female members over six months provide information on vision, leadership, empowerment, transformation, and social action.
Cultural Reciprocity: Exploring the Impacts of Cross-Cultural Instruction on Professorial Self-Reflection
Cultural reciprocity refers to the dynamic and material exchange of knowledge, values, and perspectives between two or more individuals of different cultural (e.g., racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, religious) backgrounds. In this paper, cultural reciprocity is discussed as it pertains to professors of education and their students, based on the history of their interactions and diversity of experiences in cross-cultural settings.
Diversity Education for Preservice Teachers: Strategies and Attitude Outcomes
Analyzed the impact of emphasizing diversity in a foundations of education course. Various instructional strategies addressed issues of intolerance and promoted understanding of the importance of multicultural education for teachers.
Multicultural Reflection
This paper examines how people reflect, individually and collaboratively, in different cultural contexts, discussing the consequences for teacher education. The paper suggests that the ways in which people reflect individually are shared across cultures, but the ways in which people reflect together are structured differently by their varied cultures, and this may have important consequences for teacher education since student teachers come from diverse cultures.
Professional development schools: A balanced wheel makes it better for everyone
Discusses the collaborative efforts of a team of elementary school and university educators working within the context of a professional development school (PDS) to foster culturally responsible pedagogy, inspire reflective practice, and enhance student performance. Concludes that the PDS experience increases teacher effectiveness and accountability.
Small-Town College to Big-City School: Preparing Urban Teachers from Liberal Arts Colleges
Describes a model program to prepare teachers from midwestern liberal arts colleges for urban teaching careers. Student teachers come to Chicago and live together, student teaching in local urban schools and completing regular professional development and cultural diversity activities.
Teachers Leading Teachers: Enhancing Multicultural Education through Field-based Partnerships
Argues that partnerships between early childhood teacher preparation programs and public school teachers will strengthen the discourse on multicultural education and its institutionalization. Presents strategies for gaining a personal connection to multicultural education ideals, including developing cultural biographies, examining stereotypes and prejudices, examining the construction of a personal identity, and critically examining the media.
Teaching as an Encounter with the Self: Unraveling the Mix of Personal Beliefs, Education Ideologies, and Pedagogical Practices
By audiotaping and analyzing class discussions with graduate students in education, the teacher confronted her own personal beliefs in the context of cross-cultural perspectives on child rearing and traditional educational ideologies. Examining the intersection of belief and practice resulted in more culturally aware teaching.
The Construction of Meaning: Learning from Service Learning
Preservice teachers' constructions of meaning within a multicultural education course are explored in this study. The study considers whether prior expectations have an impact on service learning, what meanings preservice teachers make from service learning, and whether reflection has an influence on meaning making.
The Culturally Diverse Classroom: A Guide for ESL and Mainstream Teachers
This handbook is for teachers and administrators involved with international students in English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) and mainstream settings. It is intended to raise awareness of the new American classroom.