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Professional Education and Development
A mentoring program for beginning and veteran teachers of students with severe disabilities.
A graduate program component that assigned mentors to preservice special education teachers of students with severe disabilities is described. Characteristics of effective mentoring programs, the mentoring needs of preservice teachers of students with severe disabilities, and the mentorship program components are discussed.
A professional development school partnership: Conflict and collaboration
The Professional Development School (PDS) is one of the most prominent, compelling, and recent models of teacher education reform. For decades efforts have been made to reform the U.S.
Appropriating conceptual and pedagogical tools for teaching English: A conceptual framework for studying professional development
This paper proposes that activity theory provides a useful framework for studying the conceptual development of teachers, particularly English/language arts teachers. Activity theory shifts attention to the social and cultural factors that mediate development in particular contexts, thus allowing an understanding of how particular preservice and inservice environments guide early-career teachers toward particular beliefs and practices about teaching and learning.
Attrition/retention of urban special education teachers: Multi-faceted research and strategic action planning.
This paper reports on a study investigating the issues that most significantly influence urban special education teachers' decisions to leave the field voluntarily or transfer to a different type of educational position. First, it presents the results of post-attrition interviews with 17 special educators who left their positions during or immediately following the 1991-92 school year and then reports results of a survey of 868 special educators in three urban areas.
Becoming a teacher in a professional development school
Interviewed graduates from two Professional Development Schools to determine the impact of that experience on subsequent teaching practices. Graduates reported that student teaching had the greatest impact because of the extended time and depth of experience in the classroom, the quality of mentoring they received, the connections they drew between theory and practice, and the emphasis on collaboration and reflection.
Collaborative reform and other improbable dreams: The challenges of professional development schools
This book discusses a 10-year process of teacher education reform at a major public research university (The Ohio State University) and the challenges that ensued.
Developing Practice, Developing Practitioners: Toward a Practice-Based Theory of Professional Education
The 13 papers in this collection, which served as the basis for policy recommendations in "What Matters Most," a major report of the National Commission on Teaching and America's Future, synthesize important research in the fields of teaching and teacher education. Emphasized throughout is the importance of a significant and sustained investment in well-educated professional teachers.
Educating teachers for restructured schools
In this book, leading scholars address a range of issues, ideas, and research findings in the field of teacher education, examining specific disciplines, social foundations, and program structures, as well as school reform and diversity.
Effective Professional Development Schools. Agenda for Education in a Democracy Series. Volume 3
This book presents a theoretical basis for Professional Development Schools (PDSs) as well as practical guidance for establishing, funding, and evaluating them. It offers a comprehensive view of the role that PDSs play in today's educational renewal efforts and insights about the potential that a quality PDS can bring to learning at many levels.
Energizing Teacher Education and Professional Development with Problem-Based Learning
This collection of papers presents a variety of field-tested examples that use problem-based learning (PBL) for teacher education in many professional development settings. It describes PBL activities for preservice, novice, and experienced educators at all levels.
Graduates of professional development school programs: Perceptions of the teacher as change agent
Investigated whether graduates of Professional Development Schools perceived themselves as change agents, implemented practices supporting change, and chose schools supportive of change. Teacher surveys indicated that most respondents believed they were change agents, that they were viewed as change agents, and that they practiced behaviors indicative of change.
Making professional development schools work:
This book has 11 chapters organized into 3 parts. The chapters are based on following key ideas:College School Cooperation, Partnerships in Education, Professional Development Schools,Teacher Education Programs, Professional Education and Development.
Mathematics, teaching, and multimedia: Investigations of real practice
This book describes efforts to develop an approach to teaching and teacher education that is deeply rooted in the study of practice. Drawing on video, graphic, and textual records of a year's worth of mathematics lessons in two elementary classrooms, research was conducted on curriculum and instruction, children's learning, and the culture of the classroom across the school year.
Organizing Schools for Teacher Learning
The 13 papers in this collection, which served as the basis for policy recommendations in "What Matters Most," a major report of the National Commission on Teaching and America's Future, synthesize important research in the fields of teaching and teacher education.
Philosophical and structural perspectives in teacher education
In this book, leading scholars address a range of issues, ideas, and research findings in the field of teacher education, examining specific disciplines, social foundations, and program structures, as well as school reform and diversity.
Professional development school partnerships: Reflections and perspectives
Reflects on the roles and responsibilities of four key educators involved in a Professional Development School (PDS): a university faculty member, a middle school principal, a middle school teacher who is also an adjunct professor, and another middle school teacher. The paper reflects on the Holmes Group concept at work.
Professional development school trade-offs in teacher preparation and renewal
Examined the preparation of student teachers at four Professional Development Schools (PDSs) longitudinally, comparing their experiences with those of traditional student teachers. Data from meetings with administrators; site visits; document analysis; graduation and professional status information; student teacher surveys; and graduate surveys indicated that students appreciated PDSs' camaraderie, support, collaboration, and effectiveness.
Professional development schools
Research-based reform continues to strike a balance between the academic theories and classroom realities. This handbook provides a set of guidelines for the preparation of skilled instructors at all levels and career stages of teaching; establishes a curriculum for teacher education; and offers a forum for discussion in the field among teachers, teacher educators, and administrators.
Professional development schools
Research-based reform continues to strike a balance between the academic theories and classroom realities. This handbook provides a set of guidelines for the preparation of skilled instructors at all levels and career stages of teaching; establishes a curriculum for teacher education; and offers a forum for discussion in the field among teachers, teacher educators, and administrators.
Professional development schools provide effective theory and practice
A description of an innovative Professional Development School program initiated by a midwestern university is described. Successful components of this model are explained.
Professional development schools: A balanced wheel makes it better for everyone
Discusses the collaborative efforts of a team of elementary school and university educators working within the context of a professional development school (PDS) to foster culturally responsible pedagogy, inspire reflective practice, and enhance student performance. Concludes that the PDS experience increases teacher effectiveness and accountability.
Professional Development Schools: Catalysts for Teacher and School Change
Using data from surveys of and interviews with teachers and principals, this study explored the impact of involvement in Professional Development Schools (PDS) on teacher professional growth and school change at seven elementary and secondary PDS sites. Results highlighted the importance of a range of context variables to program success.
Professional development schools: Looking ahead
Speculates on the future of Professional Development Schools (PDSs), examining: the Holmes Group's beginning vision of PDSs; PDS progress; persistent problems; the vision of learning and learning to teach; the role of the university at large; the structures of schools and PDSs; teachers' roles; recent enabling trends; and a primary purpose for PDSs.
Professional development schools: Schools for developing a profession
This book describes a recent trend in the school restructuring movement--the professional-development school. These schools are committed to the acquisition and sharing of knowledge among all members of the educational community and depend on research-practitioner collaboration.
Professional Development Schools: Weighing the Evidence
This book examines U.S. progress in revitalizing teacher education and reforming K-12 education via Professional Development Schools (PDS's).
Standards for professional development schools
This project involved field testing and revising the "Standards for Professional Development Schools" (PDSs) and developing an assessment process for their use. Eighteen PDS partnerships participated.
Strength through diversity: Houston Consortium for professional development and technology centers
The challenges of burgeoning enrollment and the high concentration of lower-income and ethnic minority students, a climate of low expectations, teacher and student mobility, and increasing drop-out rates, led to the formation of the Houston (Texas) Consortium of Urban Professional Development Centers.
Teacher Education in Urban School-Based, Multi-Agency Collaboratives
Content Abstract:
This article suggests that students in teacher education programs can benefit from the experience of working with an urban school-based multi-agency collaborative if presented early in the learning process. This is particularly important because constructing new learning about issues of race and poverty may affect students’ ability to successfully teach in an urban school.
Teacher Learning
Science now offers new conceptions of the learning process and the development of competent performance. This book presents a contemporary account of principles of learning, and calls into question concepts and practices commonly used in schools.
Teacher learning and the acquisition of professional knowledge: An examination of research on contemporary professional development
Teacher quality: A report on the preparation and qualifications of public school teachers
Focuses on teachers' preservice qualifications, continued learning, and workplace support. Examines and provides a context for teachers' feelings of preparedness to meet new challenges posed by education reforms, technological changes, and increased student diversity.
Teacher retention, teacher effectiveness, and professional preparation: A comparison of professional developmnet school and non-professional development school graduates
Compared Professional Development School (PDS) and non-PDS graduates regarding retention in teaching, teaching effectiveness, and perceptions of professional preparation.
Teaching and knowledge:Policy issues posed by alternative certification for teachers
Assesses the design and potential outcomes of alternate route teacher certification programs, noting their perspectives and assumptions about teaching knowledge, teacher preparation, and the relationship to student learning. Alternate routes will be considered successful to the extent that they improve teacher preparation while working in concert with state policies.
The effects of professional development schools: A literature review
This paper reviews research on the impact of Professional Development Schools (PDSs) on K-12 students, preservice teachers, inservice teachers, university faculty, school reform, and research. Section 1 examines what the research says about the impact of PDSs on these groups, using data from the ERIC database, and it discusses external support for PDSs.
The Impact of a professional development school on preservice teacher preparation, inservice teachers' professionalism, and children's achievement: perceptions of inservice teachers
The impact of professional development schools on the education of urban students
Professional development schools (PDSs) were originated a decade ago to provide a new model for teacher education that enables graduate students to have meaningful classroom experiences while they earn their degree. Over 1,000 PDSs exist in nearly every state, operating as partnerships between universities and public schools; most belong to one of many national or regional networks.
Urban Schools Rethink Themselves: Developing Instructional Skills in the Process of Change
Explores aspects of professional development within the Accelerated Schools model and suggests ways to realize teacher's potential for strengthening the mediational skills that are critical to quality education. Additionally, examines examples of the impact on teacher performance and of training that promotes research and inquiry.
Variable definitions of professional development schools: A desire or dilemma?
Discusses when a school-university partnership is mature or collegial enough to be called a Professional Development School (PDS) partnership, challenging those who call what they have always done a PDS. The article defines a PDS, reviews the literature on PDSs, and clarifies the many models that exist across the country.
Voices of change: A report of the clinical schools project
The Ford Foundation Clinical Schools Project was designed to assist higher education institutions, school systems, and teachers' professional organizations to collaborate in creating for teacher education the equivalent of the medical profession's teaching hospitals. Seven sites implemented experimental clinical training programs in six states: Florida, Kentucky, Maine, New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington.
What do first-year special education teachers need?
Analysis of focus groups of beginning special education teachers, teacher mentors, and administrators considers the needs of beginning special education teachers, forms of needed support, content of needed support, and the sense of isolation and need for support. Implications for teacher induction and teacher mentoring programs are drawn, also print and Web resources on mentoring and beginning teachers are identified.
Why invest in professional development schools?
Professional development schools bridge the gap between university and school- between theory and practice- to promote student and teacher learning.