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Culture and Professional Education: The Experiences of Native American Social Workers
A qualitative survey explored the professional educational experiences of 63 Native American social workers and social work students. Most respondents identified the need for more cultural content in the curriculum, personal struggles experienced in pursuing an education grounded in Anglo cultural norms, but also available supports, especially other Native Americans.
Development and Initial Score Validation of the Teacher Multicultural Attitude Survey
Two coordinated studies involving 429 teachers and preservice teachers and 227 education graduate students were designed to develop and validate scores on an efficient self-report measure of multicultural awareness for teachers working in kindergarten through grade 12. The construct and criterion validity and reliability of the developed Teacher Multicultural Attitude Survey are supported.
Exploring the Self-Perceived Multicultural Counseling Competence of Elementary School Counselors
Counselors (N=76) from an elementary school completed the Multicultural Counseling Competence and Training Survey to assess their perceptions of multicultural competence. The results suggest they perceived themselves to be largely multiculturally competent, except in areas of racial identity development.
Language Policy: Vancouver's Multicultural Mosaic
Focuses on how recent immigration factors in the urban environment of Vancouver, British Columbia affect language education and policies at the local and provincial levels. Statistical analyses and surveys among teachers and administrators were used to get an overview of these factors to gain insight on language programs and impressions of teacher training programs.
Multicultural Education Program Evaluation, 1995-96. Assessment/Accountability Report
In 1993-94, the Board of Education of the City of New York distributed more than $1 million to augment existing multicultural initiatives in professional or curriculum development. Districts and superintendencies in the city also designed a 3-year program to facilitate the planning and scope of these initiatives.
Questionnaire Surveys: Four Survey Instruments in Educational Research
This paper presents four questionnaire surveys administered in educational research. Each of the questionnaires is followed by a brief research report with an abstract and summary statistics.
Relationships among Multicultural Training, Moral Development, and Racial Identity Development of White Counseling Students
Surveys counselor education students (N=68) using Defining Issues Test and White Racial Identity Scale to determine relationships among multicultural training and moral racial identity development. Results indicated that training could help change modes of information processing about racial attitudes, but may not promote cognitive complexity needed for moral development.
Superintendents' Multicultural Competencies
Examines the competencies required by superintendents to lead schools in diverse cultural settings. Methodology included interviews with 12 multicultural education experts, participation of 14 "expert" superintendents, and written responses.
Teacher Preparation in E/BD: A National Survey
A survey of 101 directors of teacher training programs for working with students with emotional and behavioral disorders (E/BD) found encouraging practices such as offering E/BD programming at the graduate level; however, there were some areas such as special education law and multicultural issues that received little attention. (Author/CR).
Teachers' Perspectives on Their Work with Families in a Bilingual Community
Reviews research on teacher-parent relations, integrating three teachers' perspectives on their work with families in a bilingual community. Describes observations and interviews with teachers and parents over a school year that offer data for an in-depth analysis of teachers' perspectives on teacher-parent interactions in this setting.
The Color of Teachers, the Color of Students: The Multicultural Classroom Experience
Examines the experiences of students taking a one-semester race and ethnic relations course taught in three sections, each with a different instructor, one African American, one Mexican American, and one white. Finds that approximately 25 to 40 percent of students expected instructor's race/ethnicity to influence everything but grading.
The Status of Multicultural Counseling Training at Counseling Center Internship Sites
The current status of multicultural-counseling training at university counseling-center predoctoral internship sites was evaluated. Fifty training directors completed a mailed survey, and the results contribute to an understanding of graduate training programs.
Toward a Multicultural Imagination: Infusing Ethnicity into the Teaching of Social Psychology
Explores the utility of a multicultural approach to teaching an undergraduate social psychology course. Discusses institutional context and the transformation of the course by infusing multicultural content.