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A Multicultural Autobiographies Interdisciplinary Course
Describes an interdisciplinary course on multicultural autobiographies that integrated psychology and literature, requiring students to examine primary texts using analytical tools from both disciplines. Addresses the outcomes and writing assignments, psychological and literary perspectives on autobiographical texts, the students' responses, and teaching observations.
Constructing Multiple Subjectivities in Classroom Literacy Contexts
Demonstrates ways in which three students in a multi-age, literature-based grade 3/4 classroom constructed and reconstructed their subjectivities based on demands of the social setting. Notes that each student's participation was influenced by gender, social class, ethnicity, and the task.
Cultural Stereotypes and Preservice Education: Moving Beyond Our Biases
Examines one teacher's attempt to bring positive changes in students' perceptions about people from cultures other than their own. Highlights an education course that helped students change their stereotyped perceptions of an Asian instructor and her culture and their superficial understanding of multicultural education.
Encouraging Students To Analyze/Articulate Their Beliefs about Cultural Diversity
This paper offers suggestions for teaching high school and college students about cultural diversity and for providing them with multicultural educational experiences. After presenting a background and rationale for such teaching, the paper gives a list of classroom activities, including student reactions to statements regarding racism and affirmative action and a video analysis exercise.
Five Reviews of McLaren's "Revolutionary Multiculturalism"
Presents five reviews of McLaren's 1997 book, with comments on critical pedagogy, multicultural education, capitalism, social justice, and remarks about student responses to "Revolutionary Multiculturalism." (SLD).
Integrating Multimedia Multicultural Materials into an Educational Psychology Course
Reports a case study of students' reactions to a multicultural unit that incorporated computer software, videodiscs, videotape, and print media in an undergraduate educational psychology course. Many students believed the multicultural unit increased their understanding of cultural differences and recognized the need to learn how to deal effectively with cultural diversity in their classrooms.
Multicultural Self-Development in the Preservice Classroom: Equity Education for the Dominant Culture
Examines an approach used to promote multicultural self-development for preservice teachers. The authors describe the developmental process and the teaching and research settings and approaches.
Processing the "Critical" in Literacy Research: Issues of Authority, Ownership, and Representation
Provides one account of a "messy," critical research process, drawn from a dissertation project: a study of students' and teachers' responses within three university writing courses which were focused on "The American Experience" and which fulfilled the institution's diversity requirement. Aims to achieve some degree of methodological metaknowledge about ways the research process failed to be critical.
Service Learning and Multiculturalism: Integrating Cultural Knowledge of Native Elders into the Writing Classroom
Service-learning experiences can introduce students to locations they typically might not encounter in the composition classroom. This paper discusses a unique program at the University of Alaska Fairbanks that provides a rich and productive contact zone for students.
Service-Learning for Multicultural Teaching Competency: Insights from the Literature for Teacher Educators
Examined the literature to answer: (1) "What outcomes have resulted from preservice teachers' involvement in service-learning activities in diverse community settings?" and (2) "What challenges exist to enhance their multicultural teaching competencies through service-learning?" Summarizes three challenges (e.g., the resiliency of preservice teachers' negative attitudes toward children and families of color; service-learning activities that emphasize charity, not social change); and offers recommendations for addressing them. (EV).
Talking about Racism in the Primary School
Examines what effects teaching explicitly about racism for one term to a multiethnic, elementary school class has on the students' attitudes, beliefs, and actions regarding racism. Responses from 23 six graders reveal a need for primary schools to provide more effective and explicit education against racism.
Teaching Community Psychology: A Problem-Solving Approach
Describes a psychology course that implemented a problem-solving approach to provide students with a hands-on experience of community psychology in a multicultural South Africa. Traces the students' reactions to the course from their initial enthusiasm and emergence of frustration to their eventual understanding of other cultures.
Teaching for Social Change--Mission "Possible"? Cultural Studies Approaches to Teaching Popular Culture
It is an open question whether popular culture courses are effective sites in which to instill the kinds of critical media literacies that might contribute to students acting in support of social justice in their everyday lives. A course called "The Uses of Popular Culture" focuses on contemporary multicultural American society to understand the variety of roles that popular culture can play in forming and expressing contemporary identities.
Teaching Multicultural Counseling Prepracticum
Focuses on the value of a multicultural counseling prepracticum course for counselors in training at Virginia Commonwealth University (Richmond). States that the course helps students develop their skills in multicultural counseling.
Teaching to Transform: From Volatility to Solidarity in an Interdisciplinary Family Studies Classroom
Describes a transformative experience in an interdisciplinary course on multicultural families and the xenophobia they experience. The course was created in collaboration with students in order to achieve a more authentic teaching-learning experience.