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Student Needs
Are the Culturally Diverse Needs of Children Being Met in Special Education?
A mail survey was conducted of 149 students (grades 4-8) with special needs in 19 school systems in inner city, suburban, and rural settings to determine their knowledge of cultural diversity and to identify their educational needs in this area.
Enhancing the Reading Engagement of African-American and Hispanic Learners in Inner-City Schools: A Curriculum Guide for Teacher Training. Instructional Resource No. 21
There is a mandate for teachers who are trained to meet the needs of the increasingly more culturally diverse populations, particularly in urban schools. General competencies which all teachers of urban learners should develop include respect for cultural differences and a belief in the abilities of culturally different learners.
Evaluation of Supplemental Instruction at the College Level
Describes a new method of evaluating the Supplemental Instruction (SI) model as implemented in a high-risk biology course at an urban multicultural university campus. Examination grades indicated that the average grade of participants in classes that had SI sessions was significantly higher than that of participants in classes where SI sessions were not offered.
Fostering the Exchange of Ideas about Diversity in the Higher Education Classroom
A solution to the problem of preparing teacher education students to develop curricula that focus on multiculturalism is to help them develop the ability to infuse multicultural children's literature and young adult literature into the elementary and secondary school curriculum. Teacher educators must do more than expose their pre-service and in-service teachers to multicultural literature: they must structure their classes so that students see their own and other cultures present in the classroom.
Incorporating Global/Multicultural Perspectives in Public Relations Education: An Ethnographic Account
This paper points out that in public relations (PR) the global network approach is fast catching on along with the trend of opening subsidiary offices and entering joint ventures and affiliations with PR agencies in various parts of the world. The paper discusses the need to build theory in the area of international public relations so that educators can teach their students about practicing PR in a global sense and offers several models that hold potential for elucidating an epistemology.
Intake Concerns of Racial and Ethnic Minority Students at a University Counseling Center: Implications for Developmental Programming and Outreach
Examined the presenting concerns of racial and ethnic minority students (N=157) at a university counseling center. Results indicate that family and romantic relationship issues, academic concerns, and depression were among their primary concerns.
Multicultural Education: Common Problems Experienced by Various Cultures
The United States today is a pluralistic society, and a multicultural curriculum is a necessary component of the overall school curriculum. Multicultural education should address the culturally and the linguistically diverse student.
Promoting the Development of Graduate Students of Color
Argues that multicultural coursework, pedagogy, and support services, which honor diverse needs and voices, can enhance the environment for graduate students of color. Examines problems faced by students of color; ways to bolster recruitment, retention, and support programs; faculty-student interaction; classroom interaction; professional development opportunities; and curriculum.
Re-establishing Antiracist Education: A Response to Short and Carrington
Responds to the article "Reconstructing Multicultural Education: a Response to Mike Cole" in which Cole defends his views of antiracist education and the role of cultural racism, the teaching of controversial aspects of other cultures, reconstructed multiculturalism as opposed to student misconceptions, and nationalism within the context of Britishness. (CMK).
Reconstructing Multicultural Education: A Response to Mike Cole
Refutes Mike Cole's article "Racism, Reconstructed Multiculturalism and Antiracist Education" by addressing five main topics: (1) the new racism as a means to changing multicultural education; (2) representation of antiracist educators; (3) advice to teachers of controversial aspects of other cultures; (4) identifying students' misconceptions before imparting new knowledge; and (5) nationalism. (CMK).
Teachers' Views of the Nature of Multicultural Literacy and Implications for Preservice Teacher Preparation
Describes a study to investigate teachers' views of multicultural literacy and how it relates to teacher preparation. Analyzes data from three focus groups.
The Vocational Situation and Country of Orientation of International Students
A culturally relevant career development needs assessment survey was administered to 227 international college students. Factor analysis indicates that the participants' vocational needs centered on obtaining work experience, overcoming interview barriers, and developing job search skills.
Towards a Consciousness of Language: A Language Pedagogy for Multi-Cultural Classrooms
Describes a language pedagogy which can help basic writers to understand language's potential to shape, not just to convey information about, social experience. States that students from diverse backgrounds can then more effectively critique the relationships of language's uses in a variety of social contexts.
Voices in English Classrooms: Honoring Diversity and Change. Classroom Practices in Teaching English, Vol. 28
This book presents a collection of classroom practices that view the personal experiences of diverse student populations as valuable resources for instruction. It offers teachers various responses to the challenges posed by students' cultural, linguistic, and social group affiliations.