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Social Class
A Dialogue: Culture, Language, and Race
A dialogue between Paulo Freire and Donaldo Macedo addresses current criticisms of Freire along gender and race lines, challenges misinterpretations of his ideas, and discusses what it means to educate for critical citizenry in a multiracial and multicultural world. (SK).
Class, Cultism, and Multiculturalism
Globalization has hurt both developed and developing countries. Capitalism's relations of exploitation can hurt people of color in disabling ways.
Critical Perspectives on Project Head Start: Revisioning the Hope and Challenge. SUNY Series, Youth Social Services, Schooling, and Public Policy
This book offers critical perspective on the complex dynamics of politics, class, gender, power, race, and ethnicity in Project Head Start. Moving beyond the literature on Head Start's effects on children's achievement, the volume considers how the program has operated with families, in communities, and with other institutions.
Depoliticizing Multicultural Education: The Return to Normalcy in a Predominantly White High School
Examines how teachers at a predominantly white, middle-class high school enacted multicultural education into the course, "Cultural Issues." Explores course examples which suggest that micro-political contexts of school and community-shaped curriculum and instruction are important, but in unacknowledged ways. Argues that attention must be paid to the influence of contextual norms.
Extending the Possibilities of Multicultural Professional Development in Public Schools
A 3-year qualitative study documented and critiqued a city school system's efforts to enlighten faculty and staff through multicultural professional development. Examples from the study show how the district attempted to introduce a more inclusive schooling approach and extend the virtues of multicultural professional development.
Making Space: Merging Theory and Practice in Adult Education
This book represents the beginning dialogue and critique of social, political, economic, and historical forms of hegemony operating in the adult education field.
Mediating Boundaries of Race, Class, and Professorial Authority as a Critical Multiculturalist
Presents one college professor's reflections on the challenges of mediating the boundaries of race, class, and professorial authority in an undergraduate multicultural education course. After discussing current debates about multicultural education, the paper examines assumptions underlying a multicultural discourse, poses questions about pedagogy, and discusses the usefulness of theories of critical pedagogy in addressing the questions.
Models of Multiculturalism: Enhancing Immediacy and Relevance When Teaching Cultural Diversity
Considers today's students the "postguilt generation." Proposes that teachers reconsider the way that students are exposed to issues of race, gender, class, and sexuality, creating class activities that allow students to experience the boundaries and definitions of identity. Presents three models of classroom activities.
Multicultural and Disability Agendas in Teacher Education: Preparing Teachers for Diversity
Examines multicultural and introductory special-education textbooks to assess how each set of texts treats the other's issues. Analyzes conversations with teacher-education leaders addressing how their programs treat both issues.
Multicultural Education and the Standards Movement: A Report from the Field
The current obsession with standardizing curricula and measuring output may further reduce teacher agency and marginalize segments of our society that are already cheated by the system. Enormous discrepancies exist among public-school facilities, resources, and teachers.
Reforming Schools in a Democratic Pluralistic Society
Issues related to race, class, and gender diversity have been silenced in most school reform efforts. To meet future national and global needs, reforms must incorporate diversity issues, promote democratic ideas, and help students acquire the knowledge, attitudes, and skills to construct civic, moral, and just communities.
Shifting Identities in Private Education: Reconstructing Race at/in the Cultural Center
Examines social constructs of white racial identity among adolescent girls attending a largely white, elite, private, single-sex high school. Students' voices illustrate how liberal discourses position youth and how white youth actively remake themselves in relation to prevailing meanings and practices institutionalized in private schools.
The Multicultural Movement and Its Euphemisms
Discusses educational implications of the multicultural movement, highlighting: relativism versus anti-relativism; consequences of institutionalizing differences; implications of confusing culture with identity; tensions involved in cultural identification; African Americans as an example of race, class, and education; the neglected variable of social class; black culture versus black identity; subjective culture, self-esteem, and community; and positive approaches to these debates. (SM).
Those People: You Know Who They Are
Describes the ways in which a group of graduate students in a theory of multilingual education class learned to identify groups they had been taught to regard as "those people," others to be distrusted or disliked. Dialogue about who represented "those people" for each student led to considerations of race, class, gender, and religion.