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Primary Education
"I Know English so many, Mrs. Abbott": Reciprocal Discoveries in a Linguistically Diverse Classroom
Describes a first-grade classroom to illustrate a classroom environment that supports second-language learners while drawing on linguistic diversity to enrich the language learning of all students. Discusses resources and routines; as well as risks and rewards both in a rich language arts curriculum as well as in the social environment.
"Why Tell On Yourself?": A Text-Based Moral Dilemma Revisited
Describes how the author incorporated a shared book reading using the multicultural book "Too Many Tamales" (by G. Soto and E.
Chinese New Year Dragons
Presents an art project, used in a culturally diverse curriculum, in which second grade students create Chinese New Year dragons. Describes the process of creating the dragons, from the two-week construction of the head to the accordion-folded bodies.
Global Perspectives for Young Readers: Easy Readers and Picture Book Read-Alouds from around the World
Discusses how early childhood educators can use reading lessons as part of a global curriculum and help children develop an understanding of other peoples and their customs. Includes criteria for choosing international books as early reader selections, and annotated lists of picture books for beginning readers, chapter books for young readers, and translated books for read-aloud sessions.
Many People, Many Places, Other Times: An Annotated Bibliography of Multicultural Books for 3- to 8-Year-Olds
Cites 99 recently published fiction, folklore, and nonfiction books for 3- to 8-year olds that illustrate a broad interpretation of multiculturalism and include positive and accurate portrayals of various ethnic or religious groups. A brief synopsis is given for each book, along with publication information.
Multicultural Conflict Resolution: Development, Implementation and Assessment of a Program for Third Graders
Presents an intervention that outlines the formulation, implementation, and assessment of one counselor's attempt to increase student skills in the area of conflict resolution through a 6-week, curriculum-based, conflict resolution program for third-graders. Program evaluation indicates that it was successful in challenging students' conceptualization of conflict, shifting their associations with the word from negative to positive.
Quinta da Princesa: A School "Reaching Out."
Describes how positive interventionist strategies improved the experiences and educational opportunities of the African-Portuguese and Romany children in Portuguese schools. The background of linguistic diversity in Portugal and the ethnic diversity in Portuguese schools are discussed.
Teaming for Learning Success
Describes how team teaching benefited two first-grade classrooms, one a bilingual instruction classroom and the other an English instruction classroom, by expanding opportunities for language use and transforming the two classrooms into a more inclusive community of learners as these young children used first and second languages to build bridges to each other and their curriculum. (SR).
Using One of the "Standards for the English Language Arts" To Foster a Positive Relationship between Culture and Literacy
Argues that integrating the arts in culture and literacy can help children become proficient users of language and be accepting and empathetic toward others, as advocated in standard nine of the "Standards for the English Language Arts." Describes two ways the author integrated the arts into a language arts unit on Japan, dealing with storytelling/mask making and poetry/illustration. (SR).