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Mathematics Education
A Convergence of Transformative Multicultural and Mathematics Instruction? Dilemmas of Group Deliberations for Curriculum Change
Reports on efforts to produce a multicultural mathematics curriculum for grades K-6 that was socially transformative. Describes the perplexity of issues related to the definition of multicultural and mathematics curricula for social transformation, the complexities of group deliberation, and the demands involved in the teacher-research process.
A Teacher-Researcher Perspective on Designing Multicultural Mathematics Experiences for Preservice Teachers
Discusses the appropriateness and impact of some multicultural mathematics-education assignments for future elementary-school teachers, assignments designed to combat the myth that mathematics is pure abstraction. Discusses a teacher-researcher's effort to use the stage theory of J.
Bridges on the I-Way: Multicultural Resources Online
Presents an annotated list of various multicultural education resources that are available free of charge on the World Wide Web. Topics include: multicultural and gender issues in mathematics education; barrier-free education for students with disabilities; women in education; gender and equity reform in math, science, and engineering; and a profile of equitable mathematics and science classroom teachers.
Children's Ways with Words in Science and Mathematics: A Conversation across Disciplines (Durham, New Hampshire, December 4-7, 1999). Special Report
At a time when children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds represent the fastest growing school-age population in the United States, too many of these children are failing in school science and mathematics. This report discusses the events and recommendations of the Children's Ways with Words in Science and Mathematics conference which brought together educators and researchers from diverse backgrounds and disciplines to explore issues related to learning and achievement in science and mathematics for poor and minority students.
Ethnic Minorities and Achievement: The Fog Clears. Part I (Pre-16 Compulsory Education)
Quantified ethnic elementary school student underachievement data in the compulsory subjects of mathematics, science, and English, with a focus on Black and African Caribbean students. Negative influences to academic achievement in the school environment, including student-teacher relationships and lack of parental involvement, are discussed.
Ethnomathematics and Multicultural Mathematics Education
Presents information on ethnomathematics which is defined as the meeting of cultural anthropology with mathematics and education. Emphasizes the importance of multicultural education and ethnomathematics in the mathematics curriculum.
Issues in Mathematics Education with African American Students
To teach mathematics successfully to African Americans, there must be modification of what math is as a knowledge. Recently, a framework was composed which delineated four disparate dimensions of math as a type of knowledge and how assessment varies as a result of the definitions.
Looking for Leverage: Issues of Classroom Research on "Algebra for All."
In the United States, African Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans have lower success rates and higher drop-out rates in mathematics than other racial or ethnic groups. Given that quantitative competency serves increasingly as a vehicle for economic enfranchisement, these differential success rates make mathematics achievement a civil rights issue.
Mathematics and Cultural Diversity in the Curriculum
Examines the place of mathematics in the general discussion of multicultural and international diversity. Discusses the importance of practicing mathematicians taking a positive role in K-12 mathematics education.
Pedagogic Discourse and Equity in Mathematics: When Teachers' Talk Matters
Discusses the role and nature of pedagogic discourse. Suggests that teacher talk plays an important role in the learning of radically, ethnically, and linguistically diverse students.
Promoting Excellence in Teacher Preparation: Undergraduate Reforms in Mathematics and Science
This monograph presents a collection of papers that focus on excellence in teacher education and examine questions which are critical to the reform of curriculum and pedagogy.
Researching Mathematics Education and Language in Multilingual South Africa
Explores policy, practice, and research issues related to teaching and learning mathematics in multilingual classrooms in South Africa. Focuses on code-switching in multilingual mathematics classrooms.
The Harvard Education Letter, 1996
This document is comprised of volume 12 of the Harvard Education Letter, published bimonthly and addressing current issues in elementary-secondary education.
What Counts and How: Mathematics Teaching in Culturally, Linguistically, and Socioeconomically Diverse Urban Settings
Examined urban teachers' efforts to embrace mathematics reform with culturally, linguistically, and socioeconomically diverse student populations, noting teachers' roles in providing accessible and valuable mathematical learning opportunities to diverse students. Data from two third grade teachers indicate that such work is complex.