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A Dialogue About Race and Ethnicity in Education: Struggling To Understand Issues in Cross-Cultural Leadership
A dialogic approach explores some of the complex issues related to race and ethnicity to identify implications for more effective cross-cultural leadership in diverse schools. Revisited field notes, as well as data from interviews and surveys from various research projects, provide the background about the difficulties of understanding race and ethnicity across different school settings and among educators with different perspectives.
A personal vision of a good school
The author envisions schools as communities of learners. A school's quality, character, and student accomplishments depend heavily on collegiality, or the nature of its adult relationships.
Becoming a teacher in a professional development school
Interviewed graduates from two Professional Development Schools to determine the impact of that experience on subsequent teaching practices. Graduates reported that student teaching had the greatest impact because of the extended time and depth of experience in the classroom, the quality of mentoring they received, the connections they drew between theory and practice, and the emphasis on collaboration and reflection.
Coalescing for Change: The Coalition for Education That Is Multicultural
Describes the situational complexity of the "Coalition for Education That Is Multicultural," a teacher development group of continuous inquiry into practice by reflective practitioners interested in resistance and collective social action. Interviews with and observations of female members over six months provide information on vision, leadership, empowerment, transformation, and social action.
Educating a New Majority: Transforming America's Educational System for Diversity
This book presents 20 papers on the current status and future needs of disadvantaged minority students in the elementary, secondary, and higher education systems. Papers are grouped into four sections: current challenges to minority education; restructuring schools to foster minority student success; reforming higher education; and leadership imperatives.
From Our Readers: Preparing Preservice Teacher Candidates for Leadership in Equity
Describes the importance of moving beyond identity labels like Black, Hispanic, or female to examine how gender intersects with other social memberships like race and class. By considering more inclusive, individualized ways of viewing multiculturalism, educators can forge more meaningful conversations with students about diversity and equity.
Honoring Our Roots and Branches...Our History and Future. Proceedings of the Annual Midwest Research to Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education (19th, Madison, Wisconsin, September 27-29, 2000)
These proceedings consist of 44 presentations in these categories: distance education and evaluation; community issues and research; multicultural issues and research; teaching and learning; research methods; and organizational development.
Immigration, Ethnic Cultures, and Achievement: Working with Communities, Parents, and Teachers
Addresses immigrant advocates who work both inside and outside of schools, calling on them to use comprehensive language; foster U.S. loyalty and citizenship; be proud of individual ethnicity; seek leaders among immigrants themselves; promote parents' roles; and guide the children of immigrants to consider teaching as a career in order to become mediators among cultures and leaders and role models for future generations.
Institutional Support for Diversity in Preservice Teacher Education
Examines how institutions can provide support for diversity in preservice teacher education, focusing on the institutional context in which teacher educators work as they craft multicultural teacher preparation programs. Support includes strong institutional leadership and a campuswide vision for change, recruitment and retention of diverse students and faculty, and curriculum transformation.
Leadership and Teaching in Four Schools with Varied Organizational Structures and Social Contexts
Since educational administrators must study leadership as related to improving classroom instruction, the purpose of this study was to determine if any patterns existed in the relationship between leadership and teaching reform in four previously published case studies.
Professional Development Leadership and the Diverse Learner. Issues in Science Education
This book focuses on the professional development of teachers and discusses issues related to science education reform. The content of the book is divided into two parts.
Professional Development Leadership and the Diverse Learner. Issues in Science Education
This book focuses on the professional development of teachers and discusses issues related to science education reform.
Research Review for School Leaders. Volume III
This volume offers the educational leader reviews of research on five timely educational issues: citizenship education, multicultural education, gifted and talented education, classroom assessment, and scheduling. The chapters treating citizenship education review both the research about and practice of citizenship education in K-12 schooling.
The Normal School and Some of Its Abnormalities: Community Influences on Anti-Racist Multicultural Education Developments
Identifies external communities of interest, among other factors, affecting secondary-level anti-racist multicultural education, analyzing schools' representations of their cultural characteristics to different communities of interest for different purposes. Concludes that schools must adopt more principled, explicit, organizational learning strategies in order to gain support for anti-racist multicultural education school improvements from their communities of interest.