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Educational Trends
A Review of Community College Curriculum Trends. ERIC Digest
Approximately 50 percent of all students who enter postsecondary education enroll in community colleges. Consequently, reviewing the characteristics of the community college curriculum is paramount to understanding the role these institutions play in shaping students' trajectories.
A Review of Community College Curriculum Trends. ERIC Digest
Approximately 50 percent of all students who enter postsecondary education enroll in community colleges. Consequently, reviewing the characteristics of the community college curriculum is paramount to understanding the role these institutions play in shaping students' trajectories.
Adult Education in Continental Europe: An Annotated Bibliography of English-Language Materials 1992-1994. Monographs on Comparative and Area Studies in Adult Education
This annotated bibliography contains 1,033 entries describing English-language materials regarding adult education (AE) in continental Europe that were identified through a systematic search of 188 periodicals.
American Higher Education in the Twenty-First Century: Social, Political and Economic Challenges
This book presents 17 papers on higher education, organized into four parts, which address the higher education setting, external forces, the academic community, and central issues for the 21st century.
An Exploratory Study of Counselor Judgments in Multicultural Research
Archival data were used to explore intake judgments made by 45 counselors about 344 African American and white clients seen at a counseling center during a 2-year period. Counselor gender was significantly associated with ratings of client severity of current condition.
Bleeding Boundaries or Uncertain Center? A Historical Exploration of Multicultural Education
Explores historical trends in multicultural education related to its definition as a subject discipline. Discusses conceptual elements, common core, and discipline boundaries.
Campus Trends 1996. Adjusting to New Realities. Higher Education Panel Report, Number 86
For the 13th year, a national survey of changes in the academic and administrative practices of American colleges and universities was undertaken. Senior administrators at 403 colleges and universities completed and returned survey questionnaires (80 percent of a sample of 506).
Campus Trends 1996. Adjusting to New Realities. Higher Education Panel Report, Number 86
For the 13th year, a national survey of changes in the academic and administrative practices of American colleges and universities was undertaken. Senior administrators at 403 colleges and universities completed and returned survey questionnaires (80 percent of a sample of 506).
CCCC's Role in the Struggle for Language Rights
Recounts the activist history of the Conference on College Composition and Communication in working toward a more democratic valuing of language diversity by both teachers and the public. Focuses on two organizational policies of CCCC, the "Students' Right" resolution of 1974 and the "National Language Policy" of 1988, incorporating articles and commentaries on language from this journal.
Controlling Curriculum Knowledge: Multicultural Politics and Policymaking
Utilizes New York state's development and attempted implementation of multicultural education as a case study providing a concise yet thorough examination of the principles, objectives, and controversies surrounding this issue. Delineates the people and organizations involved in grass roots organizing and media representation on both sides of the issue.
Dare We Criticize Common Educational Standards?
Offers a critical discussion on the issue of educational standards by (1) clarifying issues surrounding educational standards, (2) critically examining the assumptions underlying popular discourse about standards, and (3) offering and arguing for an alternate perspective based on democratic ideals. Discusses the impact of this on classroom teaching.
DBAE: The Next Generation
Examines the development and evolution of discipline-based art education (DBAE) from its inception in the early 1980s to its current practice. Maintains that the movement's success comes from the support and acceptance of educators in the field.
Diversity and Development: Futures in the Education of Adults. Proceedings of the Annual Conference (26th, Leeds, England, July 2-4, 1996)
Fifty-three papers are included in these proceedings. They include:Adult Education,Adult Learning,Community Education,Educational Objectives Educational Practices,Trends, Adult Educators,Computer Uses in Education.
Diversity and Development: Futures in the Education of Adults. Proceedings of the Annual Conference (26th, Leeds, England, July 2-4, 1996)
Fifty-three papers are included in this proceeding. The papers are on the following topics: Adult Education, Community Education
Objectives, Practices,Trends'Computer Uses in Education, Cultural Differences, Foreign Countries,Futures (of Society), Higher Education
Educating a New Majority: Transforming America's Educational System for Diversity
This book presents 20 papers on the current status and future needs of disadvantaged minority students in the elementary, secondary, and higher education systems. Papers are grouped into four sections: current challenges to minority education; restructuring schools to foster minority student success; reforming higher education; and leadership imperatives.
Ethnic Studies and Multiculturalism: SUNY Series, Frontiers in Education
This book examines ethnic studies and multiculturalism movements at the higher education level. It notes the different viewpoints of these two movements, with ethnic studies usually involving a focus on a single ethnic group at the departmental level, whereas multiculturalism involves infusion of multiethnic themes into the curriculum across departments.
Global Education as a Strategy for School Improvement
Outlines the processes, and some of the obstacles encountered in promoting global education within the schools. Identifies the most prominent obstacle as competing demands for time and resources.
Inclusive Schooling Practices: Pedagogical and Research Foundations: A Synthesis of the Literature that Informs Best Practice About Inclusive Schools
This monograph summarizes the literature base that informs current understanding of the best approaches to support students with disabilities in inclusive settings.
International Education, Citizenship, and National Standards
Maintains that if students are to make informed and prudent judgments about the international role of the United States and its foreign policy they need to understand the major elements of international relations and how world affairs affect them. Connects this goal to the National Standards for Civics and Government.
Major Trends and Issues in Early Childhood Education: Challenges, Controversies, and Insights. (Second Edition)
Noting that understanding the contexts, continuities, and controversies of early childhood education is especially challenging because of the diversity in the field, this book provides a critical examination of the issues and controversies surrounding early childhood practices, policies, and professional development.
Multicultural Theorists and the Social Studies
Questions the multiculturalists' vision that an ethnic group's self-esteem and subsequent academic achievement can improve through the study of its culture. Cites the paucity of studies supporting the effectiveness of interventions to improve inter-ethnic group attitudes.
Multiple Views: Valuing Diversity
Maintains that in an increasingly multicultural and globally interdependent world, learning to value diversity will become a curriculum imperative. Outlines two activities designed to facilitate this goal.
Our Schools: Frontline for the 21st Century. What Our Schools Must Become. Essays in Education
This book contains a series of essays in education intended for those who teach or plan to teach, and for parents of children in schools. The book argues that educators need to focus on the seminal thinking which developed in the 1940s and 1950s and utilize the insights developed then to focus on critical areas that the teaching profession faces today.
Perspectives of Social Studies over a Quarter of a Century: Reflections from Veteran Social Studies Leaders
A study focused on documenting historical events and personal histories of individuals active in social studies during the last half of the 20th century.
Pioneers of Multicultural Counseling: An Interview with Paul B. Pedersen
This interview with Dr. Pedersen highlights his contributions to the field of counseling and psychology in general and to the field of multicultural counseling in particular.
Resisting the Pendulum Swing: Informed Perspectives on Education Controversies
Designed to offer more than slogans and buzzwords to practitioners who are grappling with an array of education controversies, this book provides classroom teachers with a spectrum of information about current controversies so that they will be better equipped to blend action with reflection. The book deliberately resists extremes and argues for less contentious points of view.
Rival Views of Technology: Leadership Lessons for an Uncertain Future
For more than 20 years, Arizona's Maricopa Community College district has aggressively invested in and experimented with technology to improve teaching, learning, and the management of college and district services. However, Maricopa's leaders have acknowledged the ephemeral nature of its achievements in these areas and the need to keep reassessing their relationship to technology.
School Community Partnerships that Work
Profiles a number of working partnerships between schools and community organizations that involve service learning. The various projects include neighborhood mapping, study of local ecology, environmental testing, recording local ethnographies, and letter-writing campaigns.
The Culture Wars on Two Fronts: Curriculum and Financing
A college professor who sometimes appears as a guest on a local radio call-in program discussing contemporary higher education, talks about the nature of the changes occurring in the college curriculum and student population, multicultural education, teaching styles and objectives, trends in access to a college education, and the financial crisis facing colleges and universities. (MSE).
The Training and Supervisory Needs of Racial and Ethnic Minority Students
Despite increasing attention given to multicultural training issues in counseling programs, there is a dearth of information on unique training needs of racial and ethnic minority trainees. Reviews literature relevant to training needs, offers examples of training and supervisory issues, and makes recommendations for future research and training.
The Universities Today. Scholarship, Self-Interest, and Politics for Concerned Citizens, Students, Parents, Alumni, Officials, Educational Administrators, Academicians
This book examines issues facing higher education today, especially the need to reverse the frequently adversarial relationship between the academy and the larger society.
To Teach Me Is To Know Me
Proposes three solutions to the continuing problem of disproportionate representation of multicultural students in special education programs: (1) training of culturally and linguistically diverse teachers in teacher preparation programs; (2) inclusion of multicultural education perspectives in special education; and (3) the implementation of culturally responsive instruction in classroom settings. (Author/DB).
Trends of Importance to California Community Colleges
Prepared to assist the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges in the development of its "New Basic Agenda" for 1996, this report discusses several major statewide trends with important implications for California's community colleges. Data are reviewed on population growth, labor market and technological changes requiring community colleges to provide the workforce with new skills, economic cycles, educational funding, changing family structures, immigration and multicultural issues, and public policy.
Unequal Resources: A Group Simulation
Presents a lesson plan designed to create an understanding of the concepts of interdependence and cross-cultural communication. Students are divided into groups.