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Diversity (Faculty)
A Few Words about Diversity and Rigidity: One Director's Perspective. Food for Thought
Discusses implementing multicultural curricula in early childhood settings. Maintains that early childhood educators need to accept and learn to: live with their personal biases while identifying and confronting them to teach tolerance and acceptance; customize work to staff and children in the program, and be aware of the danger of putting theories ahead of serving individual children and families.
Advocating Social Justice and Cultural Affirmation: Ethnically Diverse Preservice Teachers' Perspectives on Multicultural Education
Investigated the attitudes of culturally diverse student teachers regarding multicultural education, social justice, and cultural affirmation. Surveys of preservice teachers before they were exposed to theories of multicultural education indicated that most were committed to teaching students of color and prioritized tasks addressing issues of social justice and curriculum that affirmed the cultures represented in the classroom.
Alternative certification, minority teachers, and urban education
Uses data from the Schools and Staffing Survey 1993-94 to study the link between alternative teacher certification, minority teachers, and urban education and to compare alternatively and traditionally certified minority teachers in urban schools. Alternative certification appears to be effective in recruiting minority teachers to urban schools.
Assembling Pieces in the Diversity Puzzle: A Field Model
Offers a model of social-work education that infuses multicultural content into the field curriculum and enhances faculty diversity. One school's field-practice seminars integrate diversity training by pairing community facilitators with faculty facilitators to increase instructors' awareness of diversity; offering ongoing workshops to train facilitators to address diversity issues; and conscious inclusion of diversity content into seminar curriculum.
Celebrating Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Head Start
Noting that the dramatic demographic changes in the United States in the last 30 years require that Head Start programs learn how to access new populations, encourage their participation, and tailor programs to meet their unique needs, this study was commissioned to better understand the diversity in language and culture of the Head Start population.
Cross-Cultural Partnerships: Acknowledging the "Equal Other" in the Rural/Urban American Indian Teacher Education Program
Describes the Rural/Urban American Indian Teacher Education Program, based on Baber's (1970) notion of the equal other. It featured cross-cultural partnerships at every possible level.
Cross-Cultural Partnerships: Acknowledging the "Equal Other" in the Rural/Urban American Indian Teacher Education Program
Describes the Rural/Urban American Indian Teacher Education Program, based on Baber's (1970) notion of the equal other. It featured cross-cultural partnerships at every possible level.
Discomfort Zones: Learning about Teaching with Care and Discipline in Urban Schools
Multicultural principles, discipline, and curriculum theory should be integrated and revisited across the teacher-education program via case studies, portfolio assessment, and field experiences. Authors deplore prescriptive, procedural approaches to teaching and value ongoing faculty/student conversations, university alliances with "best" teachers and principals, and trust in children's power.
Diversity and Multiculturalism in Higher Education
This paper explored the attitudes of college faculty toward diversity and multiculturalism at the University of Guam, which is characterized by the Department of Education as a minority institution; the faculty, on the other hand, is less diverse (60 percent Caucasian).
Diversity Education in Administrator Training: Preparation for the 21st Century
This article investigates the impact and necessity of multicultural training in administrator-preparation programs, and the extent to which administrators can ensure that teachers honor diversity. The importance of the quality of the administrator's training is emphasized.
Diversity in Practice: Perspectives on Concept, Context, and Policy
Diversity is an idea that merits closer critical analysis. Many efforts to support diversity are framed by discourses grounded in conceptualizations of culture, difference, and identity that further the status quo, not multicultural understanding.
Diversity, Pedagogy and Higher Education: Challenges, Lessons and Accomplishments. Trotter Review, 1998
This publication presents a collection of articles on diversity, pedagogy, and higher education.(SM).
Does Diversity Make a Difference? Three Research Studies on Diversity in College Classrooms
This report contains three studies on diversity in college classrooms.
Encouraging and Recruiting Students of Color To Teach
Examined the impact of the Teaching as a Career Workshop, which stressed the need for minority teachers, on high school students' perceptions about teaching. Participants considered it important for people of color to become teachers and believed the workshop influenced them to select teaching careers.
Excellence through diversity
The need to recruit minority candidates to teaching is too often overlooked amidst growing concern over a looming shortage of qualified teachers for U.S. public schools.
Excellence through diversity
The need to recruit minority candidates to teaching is too often overlooked amidst growing concern over a looming shortage of qualified teachers for U.S. public schools.
Expanding and Diversifying the Teaching Work Force. Building on Local Talent and Community Funds of Knowledge
This paper describes the Model Support System for Paraprofessionals (MSSP), which is designed to diversify and expand the teaching force in one California county by supporting promising bilingual paraprofessionals enrolled in college and university programs leading to bilingual credentials. All participants are currently non-certified staff members who have as their chief responsibility students from diverse linguistic and ethnic backgrounds.
Fostering Multicultural Awareness among Teachers: A Tripartite Model
Describes a group session involving 12 teachers of various ethnicities designed to encourage participants to foster a multicultural environment in their classrooms by increasing their awareness, knowledge, and skills in working with ethnic minority students. Participants' responded positively to the sessions.
Helping Counselor Trainees Get Along: An Issue for Professional Development
This paper presents a programmatic strategy to address unresolved student-student disagreements. The paper examines cultural norms--within training programs in academic settings--that contribute to interpersonal problems among students.
How Will Diversity Affect Literacy in the Next Millennium?
Presents four brief essays discussing how diversity will affect literacy in the next millennium. Notes competing goals and practices in education that will shape what happens in the next 25 years; discusses tensions in teaching and learning that accompany diversity and literacy; discusses the role of literacy researchers; and offers anecdotes highlighting critical questions regarding diversity and literacy.
Infusing Diversity in Teacher Education: A Blossoming Grass Roots Movement in South Mississippi
This paper describes a teacher education program at the University of Southern Mississippi, Long Beach designed to prepare future teachers for diversity so they can successfully meet the challenges of educating all students in the 21st century. The program provides significant and varied opportunities for education majors to develop appreciation for diversity, cultural pluralism, and social equality through alternative experiences that will help them build meaningful relationships between curriculum and life.
Integrating Nonminority Instructors into the Minority Environment
Examines the factors facilitating the effectiveness of nonminority faculty members at institutions with a predominantly minority student body. Concludes that self-awareness of one's racial identity and how it informs one's expectations about learning styles and appropriate classroom behavior is vital.
Integrating Nonminority Instructors into the Minority Environment
Examines the factors facilitating the effectiveness of nonminority faculty members at institutions with a predominantly minority student body. Concludes that self-awareness of one's racial identity and how it informs one's expectations about learning styles and appropriate classroom behavior is vital.
Library and Information Science Education: Preparing Librarians for a Multicultural Society
Discusses issues of diversity in library and information science-education programs and how these efforts can be addressed positively to better serve students and their future users. Topics include a historical background, attracting people of diversity for doctoral programs and faculty positions, curriculum issues, and recruiting.
Mexican-American Preservice Teachers and the Intransigency of the Elementary School Curriculum
Investigated how Mexican-American student teachers expressed their cultural knowledge in lesson planning and implementation. Semistructured interviews with Mexican-American student teachers working in elementary Professional Development Schools revealed little ethnic expression, even when teaching Mexican-American children.
Monocultural Teachers and Ethnoculturally Diverse Students
Argues that a primarily monocultural, monolingual Canadian teaching force must be prepared to work with an increasingly ethnoculturally diverse student population. Addresses issues related to misusing the terms "multicultural," "cross-cultural," and "intercultural." Suggests the alternative term "ethnocultural," identifies three dimensions (cultural, pedagogical, and sociolinguistic) of ethnocultural knowledge integral to teacher preparation, and discusses implementation strategies.
Multicultural Concerns: A Foundations Perspective and Discussion for Teacher Educators
Old educational paradigms may not be the best approach to reconfiguring educational programs for the 21st century. Demographic projections for school-age children for the 21st century reveal an ethnically and linguistically rich population of students.
Multicultural Education. Responding to a Mandate for Equitable Educational Outcomes
Recent statistics suggest that equal educational opportunities for many students (e.g., students who are poor, disabled, or minorities) remain elusive. To handle the growing student diversity, educators must infuse multicultural education, instruction, evaluation, and support services into the school setting.
Multicultural Strategies for Community Colleges: Expanding Faculty Diversity. ERIC Digest
This digest explores the community college's mission to increase student attendance and performance by improving faculty diversity. Community colleges are filled with multicultural, diverse students who bring different knowledge and skills to educational institutions.
Multicultural Strategies for Community Colleges: Expanding Faculty Diversity. ERIC Digest
This digest explores the community college's mission to increase student attendance and performance by improving faculty diversity. Community colleges are filled with multicultural, diverse students who bring different knowledge and skills to educational institutions.
Multicultural Strategies for Community Colleges: Expanding Faculty Diversity. ERIC Digest
This digest explores the community college's mission to increase student attendance and performance by improving faculty diversity. Community colleges are filled with multicultural, diverse students who bring different knowledge and skills to educational institutions.
Multicultural Strategies for Community Colleges: Expanding Faculty Diversity. ERIC Digest
This digest explores the community college's mission to increase student attendance and performance by improving faculty diversity. Community colleges are filled with multicultural, diverse students who bring different knowledge and skills to educational institutions.
Pre-Creating the HyperNews Classroom Community: (Not)Speaking, (Not)Writing the Subtext
As two groups of teachers met to set up a HyperNews network for a grant project, it became clear that politics cannot be kept out of the classroom. In creating a community of diverse writers via HyperNews, six composition classes were linked for online discourse among departments: Asian American Studies, Chicano Studies, Pan African Studies, and English participated in each group.
The Effectiveness of Minority Teachers on Minority Student Success
This paper examines the shortage of minority teachers and explores the high priority that exists among parents, teachers, and the business community to work toward a diversified teaching force, focusing on the U.S. Hispanic population and investigating whether minority teachers in the classroom can result in minority student success in school.
The New Academic Generation: A Profession in Transformation
This book suggests that radical changes are occurring in academe as more women, foreign-born, and minority scholars enter the professorate and as alternatives to full-time tenure track appointments take hold. It is based on an analysis of data from the 1993 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty on new faculty and senior faculty.
Wanted: Minority Educators for U.S. Schools
Although necessary for a diversified student body, minority teachers are underrepresented due to a lingering resistance to integration efforts, unappealing classroom conditions, salary issues, and culturally biased professional exams. Equitable placement procedures, incentives, competitive salaries, mentoring programs, subject-area recruitment, and multicultural training are partial remedies.