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College Students
"White Privilege": Discrimination and Miscommunication--How It Affects/Effects Underrepresented Minority [Groups] on College Campuses
Thirty years after the enactment of civil rights legislation, the meaning of race has become a problem in the United States, largely because the legacy of centuries of white supremacy lives on. Monolithic white supremacy is over, but in a more concealed way, white power and privilege linger.
"White Privilege": Discrimination and Miscommunication--How It Affects/Effects Underrepresented Minority [Groups] on College Campuses
Thirty years after the enactment of civil rights legislation, the meaning of race has become a problem in the United States, largely because the legacy of centuries of white supremacy lives on. Monolithic white supremacy is over, but in a more concealed way, white power and privilege linger.
A Path to Social Change: Examining Students' Responsibility, Opportunity, and Emotion toward Social Justice
Investigated college students' beliefs about privileged and oppressed adults' responsibility for the onset/offset of social inequities, emotions linked with their responsibility, and behaviors that should result from responsibility for social equity. Overall, preconceived notions of privilege and oppression can offer an explanation for students' resistance to multicultural discourse.
A Proposal To Improve Retention Rates of Culturally Diverse Students in the College and University Setting Using Interpreters, Go-Betweens, and Models
Dropout rates at the college and university level are much higher for students of minority cultures than for their majority culture peers. This paper suggests that the "revolving door" scenario of minority-culture college students can be stemmed by the proper use of mentoring.
A Qualitative Study of College Social Adjustment of Black Students from Lower Socioeconomic Communities
Uses elements of the Ecological Model as a framework for examining the methods by which students develop social relationships and determining whether these relationships support college retention. An oral composite was constructed from the comments of Black commuter students from lower socioeconomic communities.
Accent Discrimination: Implications for the Multicultural Educational Institution of the 21st Century
Based on litigation patterns, discrimination because of accent occurs most frequently in colleges and universities, particularly in the classroom. Accent discrimination cases are unlike other employment discrimination cases because successful claims generally do not depend on qualifications, but on accent's effect on job performance.
Acculturation of Vietnamese Students Living in or Away from Vietnamese Communities
A t-test comparison of the acculturation levels of Vietnamese students living in or away from Vietnamese communities found higher overall acculturation for the former than for the latter group and no difference in the Value dimension of acculturation. Age and length of residency in the United States predicted acculturation.
Achieving Community on the College Campus
Discusses racism on today's college campuses, and explores the responsibility of the school, its faculty, and its student body in allowing intolerance for minorities to exist. Reasons for this trend are examined, and some thoughts for achieving a greater sense of community on college campuses are discussed.
Alaska Native Personal Leadership Program
Describes the Alaska Native Leadership Program (ANLP), designed to recruit and retain Alaska Native college students. The year-long program includes an orientation, a two-semester class on self-exploration, skill-building, educational and career paths, and social activities.
American College Personnel Association Strategic Initiative on Multiculturalism: A Report and Proposal
Details the work of a task force charged with developing initiatives to integrate multicultural concerns into both higher education and a professional association. Outlines historical roots of the effort, lists goals, and proposes initiatives to enhance multiculturalism.
Anglo-American and Mexican American University Students' Estimation of Value Placed on Higher Educational Attainments by Significant Persons in Their Lives
Determined the degree of value placed on higher educational attainments by academically successful fourth-year university students (N=81) from two cultural populations in American society. Results indicate that participants from both groups received a similar degree of encouragement from parents to pursue and complete university studies.
Assessing Student Opinion toward a Multicultural Student Union
Describes the process by which one university considered the development of a multicultural student union and the research project that was undertaken to gain information from all campus constituencies concerning the interest in such a union. Reports on student responses gathered in telephone interviews and discusses implications for other universities.
Barriers to Effective Mentoring across Racial Lines
Discusses barriers to the effective mentoring of students of color by white faculty members and presents concrete approaches for dealing with sensitive issues that often arise in the course of the mentoring relationship. The main stumbling block is the faculty member's fear of the task.
Bayanihan: Providing Effective Counseling Strategies with Children of Filipino Ancestry
Provides a psychocultural profile for persons of Filipino ancestry so as to increase awareness, understanding, and sensitivity for the mental health needs of these youth, from primary school to college. Discusses the implications of these cultural factors and presents suggestions for counseling this diverse population.
Big Win for Ethnic Studies at Berkeley
University of California, Berkeley students and faculty from the ethnic-studies program protested budget cuts and faculty losses. The resulting agreement includes creation of a new ethnic-studies research center, establishment of a multicultural student center, and creation of eight faculty positions, five of them tenure-track.
Campus Racial Climate Policies: The View from the Bottom Up
Reviews debates over campus multicultural goals from the perspectives of university officials and 433 students. The role of campus experiences and diverse racial/ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds in shaping these opinions was considered.
Community Service in a Multicultural Nation
Examines human qualities that undergird citizens' commitment to the common good in diverse societies, suggesting that community service fosters such qualities. Planned interactions across social barriers are necessary to develop qualities of citizenship for pluralistic nations.
Connecting Employers and Multicultural Student Organizations
Describes how the University of Virginia's Student Career Services built on the successes of a Minority Career Day by incorporating a networking opportunity for student groups into the event. (GCP).
Cultural Orientation, Past Multicultural Experience, and a Sense of Belonging on Campus for Asian American College Students
Examines the effects of cultural orientation and multicultural experience on campus belongingness for Asian American undergraduates, as compared to Anglo-Americans. Results confirm the value of secure cultural orientations, particularly biculturalism, in the college adjustment of Asian Americans.
Dating Violence among Chinese American and White Students: A Sociocultural Context
A survey of 289 Chinese American and 138 White college students examined perceptions of and experiences with dating violence, gender role beliefs, and the influence of gender role beliefs on definitions and contextual justifications of dating violence. The sociocultural context of dating violence and implications for social work practice are discussed.
Delta Pi Epsilon National Research Conference Proceedings (Indianapolis, Indiana, November 14-16, 1996)
It is a collectio of 34 papers.The papers contains articles related to attitude and motivation;teacher student;government university collaboration relationship etc.
Distinctive Members: The Effects of Solo Arrangements on Evaluations of Solos and Similar Others
Investigates the effect of group composition on judgments of African Americans. White male and female college students (N=84) responded to photographic slides of female work groups containing altered racial compositions.
Interethnic Relations on Campus: Can't We All Get Along?
Examines ethnic climate and relationships among ethnic groups at five colleges. Data indicate that White and Latino students were the most comfortable interacting with other ethnic groups, whereas Asian students were the least comfortable.
Learning across Cultures: Appropriateness of Knowledge Transfer
Focuses on transfer of cognitions, motivations, and dispositions related to learning across different cultural-educational contexts, illustrating the discussion with research on learners of Confucian heritage from Singapore and Hong Kong studying in their own countries and in Australia. Discusses implications for educational practice in a multlcultural context.
Multicultural Content and Class Participation: Do Students Self-Censor?
Through survey and focus group data, examined student discomfort in social work courses, reasons for self-censorship, and solutions to self-censorship. Found that general classroom factors (being too shy or being unprepared), not political correctness, were more likely to be reasons for self-censorship.
Multicultural Counseling Competencies as Tools to Address Oppression and Racism
The background, rationale, and framework of the multicultural competencies documents are discussed. Central concepts include development of awareness of personal assumptions, values, and biases; understanding the worldview of the culturally different client; and developing appropriate intervention strategies and techniques.
Politically Correct on Campus.
This digest reviews materials which discuss political correctness and its manifestations on college campuses. First presenting opposing definitions of the term (liberal and conservative), the digest then reports on the topic as seen in the research, and offers several suggestions about incorporating the conflicts themselves into the curriculum.
Poll Confirms That Americans Want Diversity on Campuses
A recent Ford Foundation national survey found that 71% of Americans think diversity education does more to bring Americans together than drive them apart. Two-thirds felt colleges and universities should take explicit steps to ensure student body diversity; three-fourths want to ensure faculty diversity.
Prevalence of Disordered Eating Behaviors and Bulimia Nervosa in a Sample of Mexican American Female College Students
Disordered eating behaviors and bulimia nervosa were examined in a sample of female Mexican Americans. Results showed that 1.45% to 4.3% could be classified with bulimia.
Race and Higher Education: Why Justice Powell's Diversity Rationale for Racial Preferences in Higher Education Must Be Rejected
The assertion of the right of higher education institutions to use racial preferences in their admissions policies has been based on the diversity rationale that U.S. Supreme Court Justice Lewis F.
Racial Identity, African Self-Consciousness, and Career Decision Making in African American College Women
Examines racial identity, African self-consciousness, and career decidedness in 212 African-American college women. Comparisons were made between senior and first-year students at a historically Black and a predominantly White university.
Ratings of Helper Roles by Multicultural Psychologists and Asian American Students: Initial Support for the Three-Dimensional Model of Multicultural Counseling
The results of two surveys investigating support for psychologists' roles advocated by the three-dimensional model of multicultural counseling are reported. Vignettes used varied high/low acculturation and internal/external etiology of problem.
Research, Writing, and Racial Identity: Cross-Disciplinary Connections for Multicultural Education
Examined how white students in an undergraduate multicultural education course experienced difficult, emotional content about racism. Analysis of samples of students' reflective writing indicated that the coursework influenced students' racial identities.
Service-Learning in Teacher Education: Enhancing the Growth of New Teachers, Their Students, and Communities
This book provides teacher educators, administrators, practicing teachers who work with preservice teachers, policymakers, and researchers with information on the conceptual, research, and application areas of service-learning in preservice teacher education.
Sex-Related HIV/AIDS Prevention among African American College Students: Issues for Preventive Counseling
Examines condom use during oral and anal sex among 1593 African-American college undergraduates. Findings suggest a high level of concordance between men and women on several measures.
Structured Racism, Sexism, and Elitism: A Hound That "Sure Can Hunt" (The Chronicity of Oppression)
The author recounts personal experiences with socio-politically structured racism, especially in education and religion; and the growth gained in confronting this nemesis. A career ranging from pastor to counselor to counselor educator has brought understanding of the link between religion, education, and counseling and a commitment to multicultural counseling.
Student Protest and Multicultural Reform: Making Sense of Campus Unrest in the 1990s
Examines college student activism of the 1990s organized around multicultural issues using case studies of protests at five institutions--Mills College (California), University of California at Los Angeles, Pennsylvania State University, Rutgers University (New Jersey), Michigan State University. Identity politics is highlighted as a key student strategy.
Teaching to Transform: From Volatility to Solidarity in an Interdisciplinary Family Studies Classroom
Describes a transformative experience in an interdisciplinary course on multicultural families and the xenophobia they experience. The course was created in collaboration with students in order to achieve a more authentic teaching-learning experience.
The 21st-Century College Student: Implications for Athletic Training Education Programs
Discusses impending demographic changes in the 21st-century college-student population, addressing implications for athletic training education programs and the profession. The paper discusses multicultural diversification and nontraditional student status, noting that 21st century higher education must offer multicultural training, flexible scheduling, accelerated programs, and practical learning experiences.
The Acceptance of a Multicultural Education among Appalachian College Students
Explored the multicultural predispositions of 437 students in a Central Appalachian university, discovering which sort of multicultural programs garner weaker and stronger support. Tested explanatory models incorporating a mix of 21 independent variables, some drawn from sociological, psychological, and political science studies of reactions to other multicultural programs.
The Adventor Program: Advisement and Mentoring for Students of Color in Higher Education
To promote the academic success of and to retain students of color, the College of Education at Kutztown University, Kutztown, Pennsylvania, has designed and implemented the Adventor Program, an intervention initiative fusing academic advising and mentoring into a proactive model. The program's rationale and the pilot year's findings are presented.
The Diversity Project: Institutionalizing Multiculturalism or Managing Differences?
Institutions embrace diversity in theory, but they do not do much to implement it. Their inadequate support for ethnic studies is a case in point.
The New Spongiform University
The great works of Western civilization, long held up to college students as models of human achievement, are rapidly being replaced by trivia and by multicultural and poststructural studies. With the growth of postmodern studies has come a decline in broad-based core requirements.
The Relationship between Racial Identity Cluster Profiles and Psychological Distress among African American College Students
African American college students (N=182) completed the Racial Identity Attitudes Scale. Results from the multivariate categorization scheme revealed five types of empirically derived racial identity attitude profiles.
The Use of Culturally Relevant Videos To Draw Attention to Cultural Diversity: A Preliminary Study
Videos celebrating Hispanic Heritage and Black History month were presented at two regionally and ethnically distinct college campuses. Students (N=62) were interviewed regarding what attracted them to the video.
The Vocational Situation and Country of Orientation of International Students
A culturally relevant career development needs assessment survey was administered to 227 international college students. Factor analysis indicates that the participants' vocational needs centered on obtaining work experience, overcoming interview barriers, and developing job search skills.
Using Immersion Experiences to Shake Up Preservice Teachers' Views about Cultural Differences
A cultural-immersion project helped preservice teachers at the University of Nevada gain knowledge about other cultures and insight into how it feels to be part of a minority culture. Data from students' writeups of the projects indicate that students gained much from the experience (e.g., new information about specific cultures, challenged beliefs, and enhanced personal and professional skills).
Walking on Eggs: Mastering the Dreaded Diversity Discussion
Nine strategies for opening and sustaining discussion of cultural pluralism in the college classroom are offered, including use of powerful evocative quotations, evocative visuals, student self-identification in cultural terms, pictographic autobiographies, student personal narratives, metaphors for America, concentric identity circles exercise, models for interpreting cultural experience, and paired readings. Guidelines for discussion management are also given.