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Urban Education
"Survival": A White Teacher's Conception of Drama with Inner-City Hispanic Youth
Profiles how and why a White, upper-middle-class teacher who was trained in aspects of play production and theater education changed her conception of educational drama as she worked in an inner-city magnet school with impoverished, inner-city Hispanic youth. Discusses culture shock, cross-cultural functioning, and survival in terms of ethos, gang subculture, language, and staff authority.
Alternative certification, minority teachers, and urban education
Uses data from the Schools and Staffing Survey 1993-94 to study the link between alternative teacher certification, minority teachers, and urban education and to compare alternatively and traditionally certified minority teachers in urban schools. Alternative certification appears to be effective in recruiting minority teachers to urban schools.
America Reads Challenge: Tutors to Teachers
Investigated how the America Reads Challenge might help recruit tutors to the teaching profession. Focus groups and surveys of college tutors in urban settings indicated that they enjoyed the experience and believed it increased and confirmed their desire to teach.
An Emerging Methodology for Cultural-historical Perspectives on Literacy Learning: Synchronic and Diachronic Dimensions of Social Practice
This paper begins from the premise that, while there is much to be learned from research, it should also be recognized that there is a need for research methodologies and theoretical frames that provide the possibility of more local explanations for the dilemmas and problems facing urban education.
Approaches to Multicultural Education in Preservice Teacher Education: Philosophical Frameworks and Models for Teaching
Connects teacher education to conservative, liberal, and radical theories of multicultural education, particularly preservice education, arguing that a more eclectic theoretical avenue must be encouraged in order to transform schools, particularly in urban environments. Discusses practical avenues to promote such a multilayered interpretive/analytical approach to social change.
Attrition/retention of urban special education teachers: Multi-faceted research and strategic action planning.
This paper reports on a study investigating the issues that most significantly influence urban special education teachers' decisions to leave the field voluntarily or transfer to a different type of educational position. First, it presents the results of post-attrition interviews with 17 special educators who left their positions during or immediately following the 1991-92 school year and then reports results of a survey of 868 special educators in three urban areas.
Challenges of Urban Education: Sociological Perspectives for the Next Century
Challenges of Urban Education includes a range of topics from quantitive analyses of student demographics to the description and analysis of urban high school students' creative writing. The book bridges the dualisms of local and global, theory and practice, and structure and agency.
Challenging Old Assumptions: Preparing Teachers for Inner City Schools
Researchers analyzed journals and essays from an elementary teacher education course, examining white prospective teachers' changing views about inner-city schools with minority children as they completed fieldwork and relevant readings. The experiences helped them question old assumptions about urban students and teaching and about the value of multicultural education.
Desegregation in a Diverse and Competitive Environment: Admissions at Lowell High School
To comply with the district desegregation plan, the San Francisco Unified School District previously required higher scores for Chinese American applicants to its academic magnet high school than for more underrepresented groups. Examines the admissions debate, suggesting that exclusion of Asian and Latino concerns in district policymaking led to a lawsuit by several Chinese parents.
Diverse Learners, Diverse Texts: Exploring Identity and Difference through Literary Encounters
Examines two urban 10th-grade English classes of ethnically diverse students in which the teachers diversified literature selections for newly designed ethnic literature curricula. Reports the texts students found most memorable and meaningful, and analyzes the values students found in their encounters with these literary works.
Editorial. Immigration and Urban Education in the New Millennium: The Diversity and the Challenges
Introduces a special issue that explores new immigration trends and major issues related to K-12 schooling in urban areas. The seven articles fall into three categories: a national and historical overview; examples of two types of educational change; and the acculturation and schooling experiences of various racial/ethnic immigrant groups.
Enhancing the Reading Engagement of African-American and Hispanic Learners in Inner-City Schools: A Curriculum Guide for Teacher Training. Instructional Resource No. 21
There is a mandate for teachers who are trained to meet the needs of the increasingly more culturally diverse populations, particularly in urban schools. General competencies which all teachers of urban learners should develop include respect for cultural differences and a belief in the abilities of culturally different learners.
Life in Schools. An Introduction to Critical Pedagogy in the Foundations of Education
This book describes one individual's reinvention as an educator, from a liberal humanist to an advocate of critical pedogogy. It examines relationships between schooling, the wider social relations that inform it, and historically constructed needs and competencies that students bring to schools, focusing on the social conditions of disaffected students living in public housing units under oppressive circumstances and addressing the needs of inner-city teachers.
Like Stone Soup: The Role of the Professional Development School in the Renewal of Urban Schools
This monograph critiques professional development schools (PDSs) and their role in the renewal of urban schools.
Like Stone Soup: The Role of the Professional Development School in the Renewal of Urban Schools
This monograph critiques professional development schools (PDSs) and their role in the renewal of urban schools.College School Cooperation
Diversity, Professional Development Schools,Urban Education, Elementary Secondary Education, Equal Education, Higher Education
Multicultural Education, Politics of Education, Preservice Teacher Education, Teacher Attitudes, Teachers.
Looking Back: Teachers' Reflections on an Innovative Teacher Preparation Program
Discusses an evaluation of the Comprehensive Teacher Institute, an innovative, multicultural, urban teacher preparation program. Reflections by teachers who completed the program indicated that one of the most important contributions to their professional development was fostering a network of colleagues and university faculty who continued to provide support and guidance.
Sharing the Responsibility: A Study of a Comprehensive Approach to Teacher Preparation for Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Urban Middle Level Schools
Examined effectiveness of a teacher education program emphasizing skills and knowledge needed in multicultural, multilingual urban middle school settings. Found that candidates were already culturally/linguistically sensitive, and became more so during the program; felt prepared to meet student needs; and still had difficulty envisioning the "practice" of these new teaching methods.
Small-Town College to Big-City School: Preparing Urban Teachers from Liberal Arts Colleges
Describes a model program to prepare teachers from midwestern liberal arts colleges for urban teaching careers. Student teachers come to Chicago and live together, student teaching in local urban schools and completing regular professional development and cultural diversity activities.
Teacher Education and Race Equality: A Focus on an Induction Course for Primary BEd Students
Evaluated a two-week induction course focusing on antiracist and antisexist practices in education for all first-year primary undergraduate education (BEd) students. Evaluations from 120 education students indicate that the course was seen as a positive way of preparing them for the challenge of teaching in the inner city.
Teacher Education's Responsibility to Address Diversity Issues: Enhancing Institutional Capacity
Preservice teachers must be prepared to address substantial student diversity and to educate all students to higher levels of understanding and competence. Many teacher educators are not competent to prepare new teachers in this area.
Teaching Other People's Ideas to Other People's Children: Integrating Messages from Education, Psychology, and Critical Pedagogy
Educational endeavors are enriched by diverse forms of knowledge and experience, and, particularly in urban schools,by diverse children and teachers. An important educational task is teaching other people's ideas to other people's children.
Technology-Transformed Dictionary Compilation: Drudgery into Desired Desktop Lexicographer Enchantment
Describes how grade 3-8 inner-city students created multimedia, multicultural dictionaries. Highlights student reflections on the project using Kid Pix software, and their ideas for future uses for the dictionaries.
Text Design Patterns in the Writing of Urban African American Students: Teaching to the Cultural Strengths of Students in Multicultural Settings
Detailed text analysis was used to examine the expository writing patterns of four academically successful African American high school students. These bidialectic students brought culturally influenced text design patterns into the classroom.
Uprooting and Replacing Positivism, the Melting Pot, Multiculturalism, and Other Impotent Notions in Educational Leadership through an African American Perspective
Examines traditional notions of positivism and rational-linear thinking that have guided public school practice, interrogating modernist concepts of the melting pot and multiculturalism through an African American and critical theoretical voice. Offers a postmodernist perspective grounded in spirituality that welcomes involving the whole self in school leadership and encourages constructing schools that celebrate democracy, equity, and social justice.