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Curriculum Development for Multicultural and Multilingual Students
Addressed the need to train teachers to work with culturally/linguistically diverse students, using a classroom case and online feedback from the case teacher and building a database of adapted lessons. Although cases were useful in promoting application of knowledge and skills, feedback and opportunity for reflection were essential.
Developing a Commitment to Multicultural Education
Investigated the kinds of lived experiences contributing to teachers' commitment to multicultural education and processes by which teachers became committed. Interviews and surveys involving K-12 and college teachers indicated that teachers developed commitment through various developmental life experiences.
Development and Initial Score Validation of the Teacher Multicultural Attitude Survey
Two coordinated studies involving 429 teachers and preservice teachers and 227 education graduate students were designed to develop and validate scores on an efficient self-report measure of multicultural awareness for teachers working in kindergarten through grade 12. The construct and criterion validity and reliability of the developed Teacher Multicultural Attitude Survey are supported.
Excellence through diversity
The need to recruit minority candidates to teaching is too often overlooked amidst growing concern over a looming shortage of qualified teachers for U.S. public schools.
Excellence through diversity
The need to recruit minority candidates to teaching is too often overlooked amidst growing concern over a looming shortage of qualified teachers for U.S. public schools.
Implementing Multicultural and Global Studies: Selected Resources about Materials and Their Uses by Teacher Educators, Inservice Providers, and K-12 Educators
Presents an annotated bibliography that represents the varieties of materials which may be useful for those who plan, develop, and implement multicultural and global studies; infuse them throughout the curriculum; and strive to develop personnel with the attitudes and skills to collaborate and empathize with youth. (SM).
Joining Hands: A Parental Involvement Program
Although teacher and administrators often go to great lengths to involve low-income families in school projects, their attempts often are unsuccessful. In this article, alternatives to traditional concepts of involvement and different behavioral styles are discussed.
Preparing students for diverse student populations.
Argues a need for in-depth consideration of principles and practices to prepare teachers for classrooms they will face in the future. Notes problems created by the disparity between increasing student diversity and their overwhelmingly white, female English/language arts teachers.
Preparing Teachers of Color at a Predominantly White University: A Case Study of Project TEAM
Examined the experiences of preservice teacher participants in Project TEAM, an initiative at a predominantly white university to increase the number of minority students who completed teacher education and became teachers. Case study data highlight three themes: developing a sense of community with minority student peers, developing a stronger ethnic identity, and working for social justice through multicultural education.
State Teacher Policies Tied to Student Results
Provides information on the study conducted by Linda Darling-Hammond, education professor at Stanford University on the ties between state policies on teacher quality and statewide student performance in the United States. Predictors of students' improvement on the National Assessment of Educational Progress, Federal databases of teachers' qualifications and student performance, Comments from Darling-Hammond.
State Teacher Policies Tied to Student Results
Provides information on the study conducted by Linda Darling-Hammond, education professor at Stanford University on the ties between state policies on teacher quality and statewide student performance in the United States. Predictors of students' improvement on the National Assessment of Educational Progress; Federal databases of teachers' qualifications and student performance; Comments from Darling-Hammond.
The next generation of teachers: Changing conceptions of a career in teaching
Based on information from interviews with 50 first- and second-year teachers in Massachusetts, proposes a mixed model for the teaching career: one that would be responsive to the needs of both teachers who envision long-term careers and those who envision short-term stays in teaching. Draws implications for teacher recruitment and retention strategies.
The Quiet Peacemakers. A Tribute to Teachers
This booklet, which is available in English, French, and Spanish, presents articles by eight individuals from around the world which demonstrate how teachers worldwide are finding ways to show children how to respect those who are different from themselves. The teachers' mission is to provide children with the means to overcome centuries-old tensions.
Transformative Teaching for Multicultural Classrooms: Designing Curriculum and Classroom Strategies for Master's Level Teacher Education
Teacher educators have done relatively little to develop multicultural curricula specific to continuing professional education of inservice teachers. Presents one professor's approach to educating for cultural diversity in a master's level course, "Cultural Issues in Classrooms and Curricula," describing experiences that participants had during the class, explaining the instructional framework, and discussing six teachers' approaches to educational diversity.
Virtual Teaching on the Tundra
Describes how a teacher and a distance-learning consultant collaborate in using the Internet and Computer Supported Intentional Learning Environment (CISILE) to connect multicultural students on the harsh Baffin Island (Canada). Discusses the creation of the class's database and future implications.
Voices from the Trenches: Students' Insights Regarding Multicultural Teaching/Learning
Describes a conference presentation on "Multicultural Ways of Thinking: Removing the Blinders," in which a teaching strategy called "anonymous sharing" was modeled. The strategy allows participants to share ideas in a nonthreatening way by reading comments made anonymously by others.
We Can't Teach What We Don't Know: White Teachers, Multiracial Schools. Multicultural Education Series
This book explores what it means to be a culturally competent white teacher in racially diverse schools. Twenty-five years of a multi- cultural educator's experience is presented to show the changes and growth that must take place.
We Can't Teach What We Don't Know: White Teachers, Multiracial Schools. Multicultural Education Series
This book explores what it means to be a culturally competent white teacher in racially diverse schools. Twenty-five years of a multi- cultural educator's experience is presented to show the changes and growth that must take place.
Why Aren't Teachers Using Effective Multicultural Education Practices?
A study involving 113 graduate students, all practicing teachers, identifies five major reasons why teachers are not using effective multicultural education practices in their classrooms. These reasons center on the lack of information about multicultural education and effective practices to promote it.