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Student Recruitment
Alaska Native Personal Leadership Program
Describes the Alaska Native Leadership Program (ANLP), designed to recruit and retain Alaska Native college students. The year-long program includes an orientation, a two-semester class on self-exploration, skill-building, educational and career paths, and social activities.
Connecting Preservice Teacher Education to Diverse Communities: A Focus on Family Literacy
Describes a teacher education program at the New College of California as an example of efforts to empower new teachers to meet the challenges of educating diverse students. Discusses the candidate intake process, the preprogram reading effort, community building, instructional strategies, and the family literacy program, which is integral to teacher education at the college.
Encouraging and Recruiting Students of Color To Teach
Examined the impact of the Teaching as a Career Workshop, which stressed the need for minority teachers, on high school students' perceptions about teaching. Participants considered it important for people of color to become teachers and believed the workshop influenced them to select teaching careers.
Engaging Black Learners in Adult and Community Education. NIACE Lifelines in Adult Learning
This guide explains how adult and community education (ACE) providers across Great Britain can engage black learners in ACE by making their learning programs relevant, challenging, and appropriate to adult learners from black and minority groups.
Helping Gifted Minority Students Reach Their Potential: Recommendations for Change
Describes factors that hold promise for recruiting and retaining minority students in gifted education programs, including having equitable, culturally sensitive screening and identification instruments and procedures; providing minority students with a quality education; addressing problems that interfere with minority students' achievement; and better preparing educators in gifted and urban/multicultural education. (SM).
Increasing Teacher Diversity by Tapping the Paraprofessional Pool
To increase the representation of people of color in teaching, the potential candidate pool must expand beyond those who are likely to attend college. Paraprofessional school personnel, who typically are from minority groups, constitute a ready source for increasing the supply of diverse teachers.
Institutional Support for Diversity in Preservice Teacher Education
Examines how institutions can provide support for diversity in preservice teacher education, focusing on the institutional context in which teacher educators work as they craft multicultural teacher preparation programs. Support includes strong institutional leadership and a campuswide vision for change, recruitment and retention of diverse students and faculty, and curriculum transformation.
Library and Information Science Education: Preparing Librarians for a Multicultural Society
Discusses issues of diversity in library and information science-education programs and how these efforts can be addressed positively to better serve students and their future users. Topics include a historical background, attracting people of diversity for doctoral programs and faculty positions, curriculum issues, and recruiting.
Preparing Teachers of Color at a Predominantly White University: A Case Study of Project TEAM
Examined the experiences of preservice teacher participants in Project TEAM, an initiative at a predominantly white university to increase the number of minority students who completed teacher education and became teachers. Case study data highlight three themes: developing a sense of community with minority student peers, developing a stronger ethnic identity, and working for social justice through multicultural education.
Serving a Diverse Population: The Role of Speech-Language Pathology Professional Preparation Programs
Program directors (91 of 228) provided information on efforts to increase diversity in speech language pathology preparation. Minority enrollment has grown slowly, and there are active efforts to recruit and retain diverse students.
The Role of Teachers in a Cross-cultural Drama
Examines why there are so few Native American teachers in this country, specifically in the upper Midwest. Describes how one institution has increased the number of native teachers and notes student reactions to assimilation at a traditional, largely white university.
University of New Orleans Millennial Multicultural Recruitment Plan: Case Studies/Model Programs
This paper discusses the Multicultural Recruitment Plan that was instituted at the University of New Orleans during the fall of 1999. The historical prospectus, which necessitated this plan, and some of the initial obstacles to success are reviewed extensively.